upper hunter shire council delivery program · actions, including development of a corporate...

Upper Hunter Shire Council DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017/2018 - 2020/2021 OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020/2021 DRAFT

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Page 1: Upper Hunter Shire Council DELIVERY PROGRAM · actions, including development of a corporate greenhouse gas inventory and a climate change response strategy and action plan. I thank

Upper Hunter Shire Council

DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017/2018 - 2020/2021



Page 2: Upper Hunter Shire Council DELIVERY PROGRAM · actions, including development of a corporate greenhouse gas inventory and a climate change response strategy and action plan. I thank

COVER: Jodie Telfer, Brian Nicholls and Craig Drury from Parks and Gardens Merriwa at Apex Park.

Page 3: Upper Hunter Shire Council DELIVERY PROGRAM · actions, including development of a corporate greenhouse gas inventory and a climate change response strategy and action plan. I thank


Part 1COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY...................................................................................5What is the Upper Hunter Shire Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2020/2021? .........................................................................................6

Coronavirus (COVID-19) ....................................................................................................6

Message from the Mayor ................................................................................................. 7

Introduction from General Manager ..............................................................................9

Our Vision, Values and Commitments ......................................................................... 11

Our Shire ............................................................................................................................ 12

Our Community Profile ....................................................................................................13

Our Councillors ..................................................................................................................14

Our Organisation .............................................................................................................. 15

Part 2CREATING OUR DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017/2018-2020/2021 AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020/2021 .......................................................................... 16Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework ........................................................17

Our Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework – Colour Codes ............... 18

Putting the Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2020/2021 into Practice ................................................................................................. 19

Community Priorities ..................................................................................................... 20

Strategic Directions for Upper Hunter Shire ............................................................. 21

How to Read the Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2020/2021 ....................................................................................................................... 24

Part 3 REVENUE POLICY ....................................................................................................25Rating and Annual Charges .......................................................................................... 26

Proposed Borrowings .................................................................................................... 40

Budget Summary and Income Statement Forecast ................................................43

Part 4 PRESENT AND BEYOND 2020/2021 TO 2024/2025........................................49

OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIONS .............................................................................52Administration .................................................................................................................. 52

Community Services and Education ......................................................................... 59

Economic Affairs .............................................................................................................. 61

Environment ...................................................................................................................... 64

General Purpose Revenue ............................................................................................ 65

Governance ...................................................................................................................... 66

Health ..................................................................................................................................67

Housing and Community Amenities ........................................................................... 68

Mining, Manufacturing and Construction ...................................................................70

Public Order and Safety ..................................................................................................71

Recreation and Culture ...................................................................................................72

Transport and Communication .....................................................................................75

Water Services ..................................................................................................................78

Sewage Services ..............................................................................................................79

THIS IS HOW WE MEASURE IT ............................................................................. 80Administration .................................................................................................................. 80

Community Services and Education .......................................................................... 85

Economic Affairs ...............................................................................................................87

Environment ...................................................................................................................... 89

General Purpose Revenues .......................................................................................... 90

Governance ...................................................................................................................... 90

Health .................................................................................................................................. 91

Housing and Community Amenities ............................................................................ 91

Mining, Manufacturing and Construction .................................................................. 93

Public Order and Safety ................................................................................................ 94

Recreation and Culture .................................................................................................. 95

Transport and Communication .....................................................................................97

Page 4: Upper Hunter Shire Council DELIVERY PROGRAM · actions, including development of a corporate greenhouse gas inventory and a climate change response strategy and action plan. I thank

Water Services ................................................................................................................100

Sewage Services ............................................................................................................100

Part 5 DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017/2018-2020/2021 AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020/2021 ...............................................................101Budget Overview and Changes .................................................................................102

Key Community Service Costs ....................................................................................104

Climate Change ..............................................................................................................104

Ongoing Commitments and Projects - Operational Plan 2020/2021 .............105

Drought Communities Program 2020 – Operational Plan 2020/2021 ...........109

Service Summaries and Activity Budgets - Operational Plan 2020/2021 ........110

Administration ............................................................................................................. 111

Community Services & Education ....................................................................... 144

Economic Affairs .......................................................................................................168

Environment ..............................................................................................................189

General Purpose Revenues .................................................................................200

Governance ..............................................................................................................203

Health .........................................................................................................................206

Housing & Community Amenities .......................................................................209

Mining, Manufacturing & Construction ..............................................................225

Public Order & Safety .............................................................................................230

Recreation & Culture ..............................................................................................239

Transport & Communication .................................................................................262

Water Services .........................................................................................................284

Sewage Services .....................................................................................................294

Capital Projects - Operational Plan 2020/2021 ....................................................304

Restricted Assets Report Forecast 2021 .................................................................. 317

Net Current Assets Before and After Restrictions - 2020/21 - 2023/24 .........326

Part 6FEES AND CHARGES 2020/2021....................................................................... 329Fees and Charges 2020/2021 ...................................................................................330

ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................................................... 385Rate Category Maps .....................................................................................................386

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Part 1 - Council and Community

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Upper Hunter Shire Council

Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 / Operational Plan 2020/2021



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Part 1 - Council and Community

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DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017/2018-2020/2021 AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020/2021?Council has a suite of documents that work together to set the direction to move the Upper Hunter Shire forward and to communicate how this will be achieved.

The highest level Plan is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2027 which identifies the Community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and details Community Strategies to achieve them.

The Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 is where the community’s priorities and strategies are translated into actions. All projects, activities and funding allocations are outlined in the four year Delivery Program.

The Operational Plan 2020/2021 is a stand-alone ‘pull-out’ Plan that is contained in Part 5 of the Delivery Program. The Operational Plan supports the Delivery Program and provides a detailed summary of the projects and activities to be undertaken in the financial year to achieve the commitments outlined in the four year program.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)In response to the evolving situation with COVID-19, Council is continuing to take measured precautions to ensure we keep our Community and staff safe. We are monitoring information supplied by NSW Health and the Australian government daily and will provide regular updates to our Community.

The majority of the Operational Plan and its associated actions and budget were prepared prior to the recent events relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. These documents provide a detailed summary of the services, activities and budget for 2020/2021, however it is impossible to determine at this stage the level and capacity this could potentially be impacted by COVID-19.

Updates on the performance of Council against the Operational Plan and the expected impacts on budget and service delivery as a result of the pandemic will be reported to Council in update reports and will be made available to the Community to ensure transparency.

While many of our buildings have been closed to the public, Council is operating ‘business as usual’ as much as is possible and will do our best to continue the provision of essential services for our communities. This will include keeping the public informed of any shire-related impacts of government decisions. We have a dedicated team of staff keeping abreast of the latest updates and information provided by the government through the purposefully created Pandemic Preparation Committee (PPC).

To keep you informed we have developed a webpage upperhunter.nsw.gov.au/our-shire/coronavirus.aspx which we keep updated with the latest developments and we encourage you to follow us on Facebook.

Council also recommends individuals refer to NSW Health as a trusted source of information. The webpage is updated daily and contains the official and most up to date information, resources and advice.

Cameron Bridge is scheduled for replacement. L-R: Deputy Mayor Maurice Collison, Michael Johnsen MP and General Manager Steve McDonald pictured during the

funding announcement.

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Part 1 - Council and Community

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Welcome to the fourth year of Upper Hunter Shire Council’s Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2020/2021, which provides details of Council’s plan to achieve the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2027 and how we plan to fund it. This is Council’s budget!

Upper Hunter Shire Council is responsible for delivering a wide range of services and facilities to residents, businesses and visitors. The challenge we face, is how to prioritise those services to gain maximum benefits for our community. As always we find ourselves subject to many competing expectations and community priorities that must be constantly managed according to greatest need and availability of resources. I am proud of the way that Council is continuing to move ahead, trying new and innovative approaches and continuing to strive for the best possible outcomes for the Upper Hunter Shire.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan is Council’s working guide and we encourage you to read it through (or at least the activities and services you are interested in).

Council is continually working to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of all our services and practices. To achieve this we need your feedback.

Council’s planned program of improvements continues to build on past achievements with approximately $61 million allocated to capital works in 2020/2021. This includes the delivery of essential infrastructure while reducing the renewal backlog for existing assets.

Some of the key projects that will be delivered or progressed in the coming year include:

• Cameron Bridge Replacement;

• Omadale Brook Bridge Replacement;

• Main Road 62;

• Cassilis Sewerage Scheme;

• Scone Regional Airport Upgrades including creation of an Aviation Visitor Centre; and

• Bill Rose Sports Complex Project.

Please be assured the safety and wellbeing of our shire and our staff is of the upmost priority for Council as we navigate through an unprecedented and difficult time locally, nationally and internationally.

COVID-19 presents many challenges and with it changes to the way in which we live, work and interact with one another. Most of you are aware we have had to cancel many events and community gatherings that have been planned over the coming months, some having been an annual event for as long as we can remember. Tough measures have needed to be taken to reduce the spread of the virus and maintain the health of our Shire. Council is committed to delivering the services and projects outlined in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, however we have and will continue to adjust as needed to the changing situation. We will keep the Community engaged throughout this situation to ensure any impacts are communicated.

We ask you to respect the decisions made by governments at the local, state and federal levels, many of which are made with a greater knowledge and understanding of the full impact of the virus.

We ask you to be understanding, patient and kind to each other and remember that our community is made up of our family, friends and colleagues with varying levels of health and immunity. We need to come together, support each other and proactively

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T 1 think about how our actions can impact on others.

Council continues to recognise that we are in a state of climate emergency which requires urgent action by all levels of government and as local Councillors we have a great opportunity to play a key role in building a state and national response to global warming.

Councils across Australia (and the world) are now playing a leading role in responding to global warming by setting safe climate goals and targets, by implementing local sustainable programmes and by advocating to state and federal governments. With this in mind we have progressed further with a number of additional operational actions, including development of a corporate greenhouse gas inventory and a climate change response strategy and action plan.

I thank my fellow Councillors and Council staff for their commitment and hard work in serving the residents of the Upper Hunter Shire and look forward to more achievements in this Council term. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the NSW Government has delayed the next local government elections from September 2020 to September 2021.

Council does not work in isolation and I extend Council’s sincere appreciation to the many Community organisations and other stakeholders who work to ensure the Upper Hunter Shire remains such a great place to live today and in the years ahead.

The next year will bring many new opportunities and challenges for our community in these challenging times. I have every confidence that our community will continue to work together to overcome these obstacles and further cement the Upper Hunter Shire as one of the most desirable places to live, work and play.

Cr Wayne Bedggood


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Upper Hunter Shire Council is continuing to prepare for the impacts of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. During this challenging time our priority remains the safety and well-being of our community and staff.

To respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have temporarily changed the way we are delivering services to the community to support the Federal and State Government measures to reduce the spread of the virus in the community.

As this situation unfolds, it is still difficult to predict the level of impacts to our Delivery Program and Operational Plan. We are committed to ensuring the vital services we all rely on continue, and look forward to being able to return our face-to-face services to the community as soon as it is responsible to do so.

Council’s Delivery Program 2017/2018-2020/2021 and Operational Plan 2020/2021 is structured around the four Key Focus areas, nine Goals and 42 Community Strategies outlined in the Community Strategic Plan 2027. The Operational Plan includes our budget for 2020/2021, and details the projects and services that we will deliver, our capital works program and how we will measure our performance to ensure we’re delivering services the best way we can.

I am pleased to confirm Council is tracking well with its delivery of the program so far, as we enter our fourth year. The revisions in the Delivery Program, reflect changes incorporated through a business improvement which further increase the transparency of these documents for the community.

Council committed to a new engagement approach during the development of our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2027 and developed a set of Community Priorities and Community Strategies which have been incorporated throughout the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. The 11 Community Priorities represent what the Community believes to be the 10 most important priorities for the future and the final priority is to highlight the importance for Council to be Fit for the Future.

Council is proud to provide a vast range of services and facilities focused on the things you’ve told us are most important. The Delivery Program shows our commitment to improving community infrastructure. In 2020/2021 we have budgeted $61 million in works designed to build and renew local roads, footpaths, cycleways, parks and playgrounds, pools, sportsgrounds, stormwater system, water and sewer systems, libraries, children’s centres and community buildings.

Council is committed to delivering quality services and programs in a cost effective manner while working within our financial means to maintain assets and infrastructure. This would not be possible without the ongoing commitment of a dedicated team.

I would like to thank our Mayor Wayne Bedggood and councillors for their strategic guidance and leadership to the organisation and for the positive manner in which they partner with staff to ensure the provision of quality services to the community.

I would also like to acknowledge my Senior Management Team and the more than 250 staff for their ongoing commitment to our community, the

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T 1 organisation, and their significant contribution to enhancing the lives of residents.

I extend Council’s sincere appreciation to the many community members who are assisting Council as volunteers, on committees and in their own neighbourhoods working towards the shared vision for the Shire of a quality rural lifestyle in a vibrant, caring and sustainable community.

As always we recognise that Community priorities and expectations are evolving. I encourage the community to consider the projects and programs outlined in the document. This will keep Council informed of the things that are important to them and the wider community.

We are following the advice of the Australian Government, World Health Organisation (WHO) and NSW Health in the implementation of measures to help minimise any possible infections with a number of our services closed to face-to-face contact, however we are open for business via phone, email and online and value your feedback and engagement.

Steve McDonald

General Manager

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A Quality Rural Lifestyle – in a vibrant, caring and sustainable community.

Our Values• Honest, open and accountable.

• Mutual respect for all people and cultures.

• Deliver on our Commitments.

• Efficient, effective and reliable service.

• Ensure staff and community safety.

• Improved Environmental Responsibility.

Mutual respect for all people and culture

Ensure sta� and community safety

E�cient, e�ective and reliable service

Deliver on our commitments

Improved environmental responsibility

Honest, open and accountable












Our commitment to the Community• We will deliver high quality, innovative,

consistent and responsive services to the community.

• We respect the rights of everyone to be treated fairly.

• We will keep our community informed about Council services and financial position.

• We will continually strive to improve our services to the community and encourage community engagement.

• We will deliver increased effort in the protection of the environment.

Our commitment to each other• We will conduct a safe, fair and open workplace

where achievements are recognised and people are encouraged to develop personally.

• We will communicate openly and in clear and consistent language.

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Barrington TopsNational Park

North Westto Coolah

West toDunedooDubbo

South West toUlan and Mudgee

North East toWillow Tree

North toNundle

East toGloucester

South East along the New England Highwayto Muswellbrook, Singleton, Maitland,Newcastle and SydneyEast along the Golden Highway

to Denman, Singleton and Maitland

North toWillow TreeTamworth

Goulburn RiverNational Park

TowarriNational Park

Cedar BrushNature Reserve

Coolah TopsNational Park

Camerons GorgeNature Reserve

Burning MountainNature Reserve


Wingen MaldNature Reserve


Ben Halls GapNational Park

0 10 20


30 40

















OUR SHIREThe Upper Hunter Shire is located in the Hunter Region of NSW and has a total land area of 8,100 square kilometres.

The population in the Upper Hunter Shire is around 2% of the Hunter Region population but covers 28% of its total land area.

Core Business FunctionsCouncil’s core business continues to be:

• The provision and maintenance of the roads system throughout the Shire.

• The provision of water, sewer and waste services for its residents.

• The provision of planning, building and regulatory services.

• The development and maintenance of recreation, sporting and cultural facilities, libraries, saleyards and airport.

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Environment Economy



Key Economic & Employment SectorsPrimary production (beef cattle), horse farming (equine), coal mining, meat processing local government administration


Upper Hunter Shire supports a diverse range of native flora and fauna species and ecosystems as a result of its

topography, geology and climate. Includes parts of the following bioregions: Sydney Basin, Brigalow Belt South,

NSW North Coast, Nandewar and New England.

686 km2 National ParksPrinciple River Systems:Pages River Isis River Hunter RiverGoulburn River

Other important water sources:Dart Brook, Middle Brook, Wybong Creek, Merriwa River, Krui River, Moonan Brook and Stewarts Brook

Waste Management Facilities

5 6,615 Labour force

60% full-time

29.9% part-time

4.8% unemployed

ABS, census 2016


industry 482,703m




selling centre



3 Youth Centres

17 Independent Living Units

1 Aged Care Hostel

2 Low Income Units

3 Approved Children’s and Care ServicesThe Early Learning Centre Family Day CareScone Out of School Hours/Vacation Care

3 Council Branch O�ces

9 Local Councillors

1 State Member

1 Federal Representative

8 Community Halls

1 Theatre

5 Public Library Branches

119 hectares Sports Ground

3 Public Swimming Pools

22 Playgrounds


(ABS, Census 2016)

4,758Council Facebook Followers

111,344Council website pageviews



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Back Row: Cr Ron Campbell, Cr James Burns, Cr Kiwa Fisher, Cr Sue Abbott, Cr Josh Brown, General Manager Steve McDonaldFront Row: Cr Lee Watts, Mayor Wayne Bedggood, Deputy Mayor Maurice Collison, Cr Lorna Driscoll.

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DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICESKristian Enevoldson - Director




WATER & SEWERAGE• Construction & Maintenance• Infrastructure Planning

STRATEGIC ASSETS• Asset Management Strategy and Plans• Survey & Design• Development• Engineering• Tra�c

WORKS DELIVERY• Operational Management • Recreational Facilities Maintenance• Road & Bridge Maintenance• Capital Works• Property Maintenance

COMMUNICATIONS• Internal and External Communication (incl media)• Website Management• Community Engagement• Corporate Branding

CORPORATE PLANNING• Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R)• Council-wide Service Improvement

BUSINESS SERVICES• Tourism & Events • Economic Development • Saleyards • Airport • Property (Strategic) • Business Development • Caravan Parks • Grants

FINANCE• Management Accounting • Financial Accounting• Treasury Management • Rates and Revenue • Payroll • Stores & Purchasing • Plant Services

INFORMATION SERVICES• Management & Support • Records• GIS Services

HUMAN RESOURCES• Workforce Planning • WH&S • Return to Work


PLANNING, BUILDING & REGULATORY SERVICES• Building Services• Environmental Health• Landuse Planning• Compliance

COMMUNITY SERVICES• Library • Childcare • Youth Services • Aged Care Services • Sport Participation• Community Development

SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT• Sustainable Living Promotion & Management• Waste Services• Landfill

GOVERNANCE & RISK• Risk and Insurance • Governance Management• Internal Audit• Business Continuity