up survey : abolish or reform congressional pork #scrappork

GRILL THE PORK PROJECT SURVEY  The League of College Councils (LCC) is convened by the Office of the Vice Chairperson of the University Student Council of the University of the Philippines - Diliman. The LCC is an alliance of all 19 student councils in UP Diliman. It serves as an avenue to forward concrete and sustainable actions to all challenges that hinder genuine development in the education sector and all other sectors in society. Being a young institution, the LCC’s potential is aimed to be a bastion of the current student movement that will push for max imum stu dent par tic ipatio n by mai nstreami ng all poss ibl e means to integrate the Iskolar ng Bayan in the challenge of serving the nation.  The LCC launched the GRILL THE PORK pr oj ect to gaug e th e knowledge of UP Diliman with regard to the grilling issue of the pork barrel. In its launch, the LCC released the GRILL THE PORK PRIMER [See this link: http://tinyurl.com/GRILLthePORKPRIMER ] to provide sufficien t knowledge and pertinent infor mation regar ding the Priority Development Assis tance Fund (PDAF). On August 27-30, 2013 all 19 local college councils conducted the GRILL THE PORK SURVEY . The survey covered the issue on the PDAF (Congressional Pork), and not on the whole pork barrel system. We would like to reiterate that the results of this sur vey do not re pr esent the whol e of UP Di li man communit y but only of our survey respondents.  The LCC plans to conduct another survey that will cover the who le pork barrel system this September. For more information or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Jules Guiang (University Student Council-UP Diliman Vice -Chairperson and LCC Convenor) at 0905-4502488. League of College Councils – Grill the Pork Survey | Page 1

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7/29/2019 UP Survey : Abolish or Reform Congressional pork #scrapPork

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 The League of College Councils (LCC) is convened by the Office of the

Vice Chairperson of the University Student Council of the University of the

Philippines - Diliman. The LCC is an alliance of all 19 student councils in UP

Diliman. It serves as an avenue to forward concrete and sustainable actions

to all challenges that hinder genuine development in the education sector

and all other sectors in society. Being a young institution, the LCC’s potential

is aimed to be a bastion of the current student movement that will push for

maximum student participation by mainstreaming all possible means tointegrate the Iskolar ng Bayan in the challenge of serving the nation.

 The LCC launched the GRILL THE PORK  project to gauge the

knowledge of UP Diliman with regard to the grilling issue of the pork barrel.

In its launch, the LCC released the GRILL THE PORK PRIMER [See this link:

http://tinyurl.com/GRILLthePORKPRIMER ]  to provide sufficient knowledge and

pertinent information regarding the Priority Development Assistance Fund


On August 27-30, 2013 all 19 local college councils conducted theGRILL THE PORK SURVEY . The survey covered the issue on the PDAF

(Congressional Pork), and not on the whole pork barrel system.

We would like to reiterate that the results of this survey do not

represent the whole of UP Diliman community but only of our survey


 The LCC plans to conduct another survey that will cover the whole pork

barrel system this September.

For more information or queries, please do not hesitate to contact JulesGuiang (University Student Council-UP Diliman Vice-Chairperson and LCC

Convenor) at 0905-4502488.

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 This survey is entitled the “Grill the Pork Project” survey. This survey is

sponsored by the League of College Councils, University of the Philippines


 The target population are the bona fide undergraduate and graduate

students of the University of the Philippines Diliman for the first semester

2013-2014. The sampling method used was convenience sampling and was

done through site survey on respective schools and colleges. Data gathering

was done from August 27 to August 30 of the year 2013.

 The objectives of the survey are the following: to gauge the knowledgeof the respondent on the Priority Development Assistance Fund or Pork

Barrel (based on a self-assessment rating); to see if the respondent is aware

of projects of his/her district representative that may have been funded by

PDAF; For the respondent to determine the value of the projects of their

district representatives; to see if the respondent is aware of projects of the

senators that may have been funded by PDAF; to determine the stand of the

respondents on the issue of the Pork Barrel; to gauge the perception of 

effectiveness on the respondent’s part; to see if the respondent is aware of 

projects of the senators that may have been funded by PDAF; and to see if 

there is a possible bias from the respondent as a result of gaining from the


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Out of 1678 respondents, 787 of them want to abolish PDAF, 700 of them want to reform PDAF. 168 of the respondents are undecided on PDAF

while only 23 of the respondents believe that PDAF should be maintained.

From 50 respondents of College of Fine Arts, 31 would like to abolish PDAF

while 13 want to reform it. 5 respondents are still undecided while only onewants to maintain PDAF.

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From 174 respondents of Virata School of Business, 90 of them want toabolish PDAF while 65 suggest reforming PDAF. 19 of the respondents are

still undecided.

Among 61 respondents from College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 36

wanted to abolish PDAF, 21 want to reform it, while only 4 of the respondentsare still undecided.

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Among 133 respondents from National College of Public Administration andGovernance, 77 respondents want to reform PDAF. 46 respondents want to

abolish it while 9 are still undecided. Only one wants to maintain PDAF.

Majority of the respondents of School of Library and Information Studies want

to abolish PDAF since 20 of them are pro-abolition. 6 respondents want toreform PDAF while only 3 are still undecided.

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Among 28 respondents from College of Architecture, 13 of them want toreform PDAF while 9 suggest abolishing it. Only 4 respondents are still

undecided while 2 wished to maintain it.

Among 47 respondents from School of Economics, 22 wants to abolish PDAF

while 20 suggest to reform PDAF. There are 5 respondents who areundecided in this issue.

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Among 33 respondents of College of Human Kinetics, 17 wishes to reformPDAF while 11 wanted to abolish PDAF. There are 5 respondents who are


Of those 19 responses from CSWCD, majority consider abolishing PDAF as

there are 16 respondents who want to abolish it. Only 3 respondents want

reforming PDAF.

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Among 26 respondents, 17 wishes to abolish PDAF while 9 suggest reformingit.

From 53 respondents of College of Law, 26 of them want to reform PDAF

while 22 are pro-abolition. Only 4 are still undecided while there is only one

who wants to maintain PDAF.

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A great number of College Mass Communication students are pro-abolition.Among 65 respondents, 50 of them want to abolish PDAF. 12 respondents

want reforming it while only 3 are still undecided in this issue.

Among 610 respondents from College of Engineering, 239 of them want to

abolish PDAF while 282 want to reform PDAF. 77 respondents are stillundecided while only 12 respondents suggest to maintain PDAF.

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Among 42 respondents of School of Statistics, 20 respondents suggest toreform PDAF while 14 wanted to abolish PDAF. Only 6 respondents are

undecided while there are 2 who wish to maintain PDAF.

Among 142 respondents of College of Home Economics, 68 of them want to

abolish PDAF while 60 respondents want the PDAF to be reformed. Only 12respondents are still undecided while there are 2 who wish to maintain PDAF.

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Among 2 respondents of Asian Institute of Tourism, there is one respondentwho wishes the PDAF to be reformed while the other is still undecided.

Among 97 respondents of College of Arts and Letters, 67 respondents

consider abolishing PDAF while only 29 respondents wish the PDAF to be

reformed. There are 6 respondents who are undecided and one who wants tomaintain PDAF.

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Among 40 respondents of College of Science, majority (22) are pro-abolitionof PDAF while 16 respondents are pro-reform. Only 2 respondents are


Among 26 respondents of College of Music, 13 respondents consider

abolishing PDAF while 9 respondents consider reforming it. There are 3respondents who are undecided while only one who wish PDAF to be


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MAINTAIN There are lawmakers that make good use of the pork barrel. Medyounintelligent suggestion is to make tanggal na lang the lawmakers that are


Maintain pero tanggalan na lang 'yung sa Congress. Law makers naman kasidapat gumagawa na lang sila ng batas. =___=

How the funds are used is the problem, not the project/program itself.

It is important

I have read the opinions of some professors from NCPAG and they too, don'tsupport the abolition of the PDAF.

It is true that "Pork Barrel" have been used inefficiently by a handful of people who are given it. However, there are those people who have beenusing their Pork Barrel in a good way. I think its use should just be a lot moretransparent to us citizens; I sincerely hope that it's a lesson learned and alesson remembered.


Some of the legislators really use their PB for the benefit of theirconstituents. I guess it's not really a question of abolishing or maintainingthe pork barrel but it will always boil down to transparency andaccountability.

At some point, I personally benefited from it. But if it is not used properly bygovernment officials, it should be abolished once and for all.

because it can be beneficial or not depending on how it is used

I really don't have the idea about the issue. I think I should research moreabout it before making a stand.

I think it should be the departments and the local government units who getthe funds because they (supposedly) know their people better and so theycan decide on the most effective projects. The senators and congressmenare the lawmakers. But since the congressmen and senators are moreimportant on a national level, they're supposed to be the bridge between thenational and local governments. The reason why I'm unsure is because Idon't really understand the boundaries of their jurisdiction. If done properly, I

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think it's a relatively good system but of course there are issues that stand inthe way of that

 To be honest I know nothing about Pork Barrel, I had to ask a friend toexplain to me WHAT a Pork Barrel was as I was taking this survey.


Pork barrel is beneficial, but only if it is used by our officials wisely and

surely. Officials should make sure that our taxes are utilized well. I am so

frustrated about the current issue the country is facing. I really do hope that

there are no more issues like this in the future. The president should not only

focus on eradicating corrupt officials, but he should also monitor where the

money from the common people go.

I think the pork barrel of the president should not be abolished because he isthe president. he should have funds for executing projects. he is in theexecutive branch! but the lawmakers (congressmen, senators) should nothave pork barrel because they are in the legislative. their work is to makelaws for the people, not to execute some projects or so. :)))

I only want PDAF to be reformed because it can actually help people. Theamount of money given to each lawmaker should just be lessened so thatthe money taken from their pork would be given to other more importantprojects. We have managed to do this in the past in the sense that

lawmakers from way back had a much smaller pork barrel.

Lawmakers are not using it properly.

It can be beneficial to the country if directed properly

Best if it's allocated in a better way... Or allot the fund to the social servicesthat needs fund such as education in Philippines

 The Pork Barrel could be very useful if there are concrete parameters on itsuse and withdrawal.

because it can still benefit the people

this would help the Filipino people if used properly, with the lawmakerstransparent with their transactions

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 The concept and intention of PDAF is right, It's just human nature to begreedy. If there is a way for check and balance to happen in a proper way

then thats what we should aim for.

the representatives of the districts should know what their districts need. These funds can be used for the benefit of the people.

I don't think it's the allotment that is the problem. I think the people in officeshould be transparent in the way they spend their funds. But the moneyshould not be the same for all officers.

they are called lawmakers and not spenders. the pork barrel should undergoreform with transparency and accountability but should be used properly for

the benefit of the GENERAL community. the fund could be used to allot otherprojects such general education and medication.

Funds must be reallocated to local government units and to the differentdepartments and social services of the government.

It could be beneficial to us as long as the fund that goes into it will be usedto support developments or projects and civil or public services. AND WESHOULD BE INFORMED ABOUT IT.:)

prof. reform because there are still legitimate projects that benefit from it.

It has its benefits but its process is lacking

pork barrel is needed and provided for social services. we need it as citizensbut since we are not the one who is holding the money, there should be astrong governance on the holders. i cant see anything wrong with pdaf, thereal problem are the officials

Can be beneficial if used properly

it is helpful if used properly The PDAF or Pork Barrell can be very beneficial to the people if used in theright way,

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No need to give money to the government officials. Just give directly to therespective departments that need funds for project development.

I think it will be more beneficial and effective if the pork barrel funds given tothe members of the congress are appropriated instead to the differentdepartments of the government. The different departments of thegovernment have projects that are specific but wider in scope in that theseprojects apply to the whole population and not just in a specific district.

It is just a mechanism for corruption

It seemed that most government officials use the pork barrel not really forprojects that could result to the country's progress and development, butrather for their own, personal benefit.

Kung yung pinagkopyahan nga natin ng concept ng PDAF inalis na sa sarilinilang bansa yun dahil nakita nila na flawed, dapat alisin narin natin. Ibigayang pera diretso sa nangangailangan.

Educate voters that legislators make laws and not fund projects in theircorresponding districts

Lack of transparency exhibited by those government officials that receive apork barrel fund; other projects are in greater need of funding

Reforms done to the Priority Development Assistance Fund may not befollowed, so it is better to abolish the Pork Barrel.

PDAF fund should be given directly to the mayor (municipality/city level) ORto the concerned agency

 The pork barrel system has components that ensure misuse.

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Corruption in the country.

cause of corruption

 The Pork Barrel System should be abolished because there are more basic

social services in need of fundings aside from these. /funds for projectsshould instead be centralized to ensure that proper and appropriate fundswill be allocated to the right projects.

Every project or service provided by the government will be moretransparent when it is not funded by the official's pork barrel. Also, it wouldlessen the chance of misuse of the taxpayers' money.

Only government officials benefit from it

the reasons have always been obvious but people never stood out for it.

Nagbibigay lamang ito ng daan para sa kurapsyon

Misuse and widespread corruption

 They don't use the fund properly.

Pork barrel can be used for corrruption and government officials are notutilizing the PDAF in funding basic social services

It's just abused by the politicians

Law-making bodies such as senators, congressmen should not have anyaccess to the budget of the people. It should done by a different set of people. The president on the other hand should also forgo his own "fund".All the budget for the pork should go directly to public services (i.e.education, health service, housing projects, military).

It should be abolished since the PDAF is not well-used by the governmentofficials. The money allotted for this should just be used in other projectsthat will help a lot of Filipinos and not the government officials.

Our public servants should not be motivated mainly because of the fundsa.k.a. "Pork Barrel" that they shall be receiving but by a heart for service tothe Filipino nation.

it does not serve its purpose due to corruption.

no proper way of monitoring how it is spentanother cause of corruption

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therevare better ways of spending the large amount of money allotted forthe PDAF

-The legislators must concentrate on what they really need to do.-There is a lack in transparency on how the officials spend their pork barrel.

-it would be best to allot the billion/trillion peso pork barrel of legislators tobasic social services, education, and other projects that will really bebeneficial and can be seen/felt by the people. :)

napakasusceptible sa pangungupit.

Government officials spend Pork Barrel on their personal intentions and noton public.

Sobra na ang katiwaliang bumabalot sa PDAF. Tama na ang mahabangpagkunsinti natin sa mga baboy.

It provides too many opportunities for corruption.

Napupunta lamang sa mga bulsa at sa mga bogus ng NGO ng mga senadorat congressman ang pera na dapat ay para sa taong bayan, pera na dapatsana inilalaan para makapagpatayo ng mga silid-aralan, hospital at mgabarangay health centers, dagdag sweldo ng mga manggagawa, at iba pa.Galit ang iyong mararamdaman dahil nagbabayad ng tamang buwis angiyong mga magulang habang malalaman mo nalang na napupunta lang anghirap at pawis ng iyong mga magulang sa pandaraya at pandarambong ng

mga nasa posisyon. Hindi na ito makatarungan! Pagbabago ang aming nais...

I understand the convenience of having funds at your liberty; however, theremust be transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. Theremust be strict verification on the submitted audits. Also, there is a questionon allocation. A congressman usually represents several provinces becauserepresentation is by number of constituents. P70M may not be enough toprovide the best service to all those provinces, thus the funds go to small,short-term projects instead of significant, long-term projects. Besides, if youshift the money into health and education, there would be no need forcongressmen to sponsor medical programs and scholarships because

education and medical aid should be free for everyone.

Reform could be a logical solution but our lawmakers have lost the publictrust. Sacrifices must be made so they can regain it. Also I believe true publicservants will emerge when access to our national coffers is reduced.

"Kung hindi tayo kikibo, sino ang kikibo? Kung hindi tayo kikilos, sino angkikilos? Kung hindi ngayon, kailan pa?" - Ditto Sarmiento

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Panahon pa lang ng mga Amerikano, naging pugad na ng katiwalian angPork Barrel. Ilang dekada na ang nagdaan. Ilang pinuno na ang nagsabinglilinisin nila ang gobyerno. Ngunit lalong lumala lamang ang paggamit sapondong ito.

Simula't sapul pa lamang, dahil diskresyon ito ng mambabatas, nagagamitna ang pondong ito upang mas patatagin lamang ang pangalan ng pulitikosa kanyang distrito. Maaari pa ngang sabihin na isa ito sa mga dahilan kungbakit lalong tumitibay ang mga dinastiyang pulitikal.

Sa pagsabog ng P10 billion scam na inuugnay sa Pork Barrel, nagulantangang bayan. Ngunit bakit tila si Napoles lang ang kontra-bida? At ang lalongnakatatakot dito ay maaaring mawala na naman ang interes ng bayan dahilnais i-'abolish' umano ni PNoy ang PDAF sa Kongreso. Ngunit naisip ba natinna halos kalahati, kung 'di man sobra sa kalahati ng pondo para sa Fiscal

 Year 2014 ay maituturing na Presidential Pork Barrrel? Parehong konspetolamang 'yan, iibahin lang ang pangalan.

'Wag sanang mamatay ang init ng baga ng ating galit dahil sa isyung ito.Kumibo na ang dapat kumibo. Ikaw na isang manggagawa na nagbabayadng buwis, ikaw na estudyanteng kapos sa baon na binabadyet nang mabutiang pera sa pagbili ng mga pangangailangan, ikaw na bumibili ng kahitanong gamit, IKAW AY ISANG TAXPAYER. Ang buwis mo na nasa gobyerno ayhawak ng mga mambabatas na pawang nakukurap.

Kung ikaw man ay isang UP student, P1.43 billion ang budget cut para sa

2014. At malalaman lamang natin na bilyun-bilyong piso ang ginagamitlamang para sa interes ng mga tiwaling opisyal? Ilang kagamitan ang hindimabibili at magagamit? Ilang buildings ang walang pondo para samaintenance? Ilang lupa na naman ang ipaparenta sa Ayala upang umani ngkita? Ilang laboratory fee increases pa ang madadagdag?



 The PDAF breeds the system of corruption in the government. Most corruptgovernment officials are legislators, meaning they know the law. Because of this, however, these legislators can also find a way to go around the law andcreate loopholes to serve their personal interests.

untrustworthy hands for Pork Barrel

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