untold stories: digital stories, final conferece

The final conference of the Untold Stories project will be held in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany on 26 September 2009. Europe’s i2010 iniave emphasises the enhanced use of ICTs for lifelong learning and social inclusion, making Europe’s rich literary and audiovisual heritage available to as many people as possible by combining individual creavity with the opportu- nies offered by new technologies. Libraries, museums and other cultural organisaons can play a vital role in deliv- ering new learning agendas using techniques such as Digital Storytelling, building on their strong roots in local communies, by developing partnerships with local organisaons and seeing themselves as part of the lifelong learning and social inclu- sion landscapes. Untold Stories has set out to provide informal learning opportunies for migrant communies across Europe by carrying out, tesng and evaluang innovave Dig- ital Storytelling methodologies, helping to develop on a praccal basis the learning dimension of cultural organisaons. A major praccal dimension of this work is to establish and implement a process for the creaon of ‘libraries’ of Digital Stories. The inial results can be seen at: hp://www.untoldstories.eu/ Migrant communies based in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany and Greece have been enabled to record and share their personal experiences in a digital envi- ronment, using the potenal of Web 2.0 technologies. The conference will demonstrate and discuss the outcomes of Untold Stories and look forward to ways in which its scope and that of other key Digital Storytelling iniaves can be taken forward. Cultural sector representaves from all over Europe are invited to share their expe- riences, good pracces and exchange their views on ways in which they can contrib- ute to learning, creavity, mutual understanding and social development through Digital Storytelling. The Conference is free but places are limited. Registraon is essenal. Register for the conference at: hp://www.untoldstories.eu/eng/About-the-Project/Events/Final-Conference UNTOLD STORIES Final Conference www.untoldstories.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publicaon reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informaon contained therein Venue: Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld Fürstenfeld 8 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck (nr .Munich), Germany Date 26 September 2009 MDR Partners Project Co-ordinator Czech Republic Cross Czech a.s. Denmark Gellerup Bibliotek Germany Agency for Educaon of Fürstenfeldbruck city Greece Veria Central Public Library Switzerland SVEB

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Untold Stores - Digital Story Telling Final Conference Fürstenfeldbruck (Near Munich), Germany 26 September 2009


The final conference of the Untold Stories project will be held in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany on 26 September 2009.

Europe’s i2010 initiative emphasises the enhanced use of ICTs for lifelong learning and social inclusion, making Europe’s rich literary and audiovisual heritage available to as many people as possible by combining individual creativity with the opportu-nities offered by new technologies.

Libraries, museums and other cultural organisations can play a vital role in deliv-ering new learning agendas using techniques such as Digital Storytelling, building on their strong roots in local communities, by developing partnerships with local organisations and seeing themselves as part of the lifelong learning and social inclu-sion landscapes.

Untold Stories has set out to provide informal learning opportunities for migrant communities across Europe by carrying out, testing and evaluating innovative Dig-ital Storytelling methodologies, helping to develop on a practical basis the learning dimension of cultural organisations. A major practical dimension of this work is to establish and implement a process for the creation of ‘libraries’ of Digital Stories. The initial results can be seen at: http://www.untoldstories.eu/

Migrant communities based in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany and Greece have been enabled to record and share their personal experiences in a digital envi-ronment, using the potential of Web 2.0 technologies.

The conference will demonstrate and discuss the outcomes of Untold Stories and look forward to ways in which its scope and that of other key Digital Storytelling initiatives can be taken forward.

Cultural sector representatives from all over Europe are invited to share their expe-riences, good practices and exchange their views on ways in which they can contrib-ute to learning, creativity, mutual understanding and social development through Digital Storytelling.

The Conference is free but places are limited. Registration is essential.

Register for the conference at:http://www.untoldstories.eu/eng/About-the-Project/Events/Final-Conference

UNTOLD STORIES Final Conference

www.untoldstories.euThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Venue:Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany


26 September 2009

� MDR Partners Project Co-ordinator

� Czech Republic Cross Czech a.s.

� Denmark Gellerup Bibliotek

� Germany Agency for Education of

Fürstenfeldbruck city

� Greece Veria Central Public Library

�Switzerland SVEB

26 September 2009Plenary Session: Robert Davies / Olga McHenry

9.30 Welcome. Mayor of City of Fürstenfeldbruck

9.40 Introduction of the conference programme and Untold Stories Project including Library of Digital Stories Project Coordinator, MDR Partners. Robert Davies / Olga McHenry

10.05 Welcome Agency for Education of City of Fuerstenfeldbruck inclusively Presentation of the Untold Stories ToolkitDr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel

10.15 Digital Stories: New Emerging Area in the Work Programme for Cultural Institutions. Norwegian National MLA Authority ABM-Utvikling, NorwayGunnar Urtegaard

10.35 Learning with Digital Stories: Digital Storytelling for Migrant Communities. Digi-Tales Department of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths University, London, UKMark Dunford

10.55 Digital Storytelling: Global Prospective. Centre for Digital Storytelling, USA Joe Lambert

11.15 Discussion

11.30 Coffee and networking

Panel: Representatives of Migrant Communities from 4 Regions Participating in the Untold Stories Project Moderator: Ruth Jerman, Switzerland

11.50 Telling immigrant’s true stories. Reality and Memory Gazmend Kapllani, Albania

12.05 “Verein Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch”: Bavarian organisation working on migrant integration Creating Digital Stories: innovative integration-methodology Sadija Klepo, Bosnia

12.20 “Soziale Stadt Fürstenfeldbruck”: Municipal organisation working on migrant integration : Creating Digital Stories: good-practice-examples for creating new learning processesNursen Gencer, Kazakhstan

12.35 Discussion

13.00 Lunch continued...

UNTOLD STORIES Final Conference Programme


Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Ver: Draft Date: 8.9.2009

14.30 Innovative Services for Libraries, Museums and Other Cultural Institutions: Informal Learning Opportunities through Digital Storytelling and how to engage Migrant CommunitiesModerators: Ioannis Trohopoulos, Veria Public Library and Lone Hedelund, Gellerup Public Library

14.30 Induction and Experiences of Veria Public Library, Greece Director, Ioannis Trochopoulos and Gellerup Public Library, Denmark Branch Librarian, Lone Hedelund

14.40 20 children - 20 countries – 20 stories - (Journey for Justice) CEO Digital StoryLab (associated with CDS, Berkeley), CopenhagenAnne Hvejsel, Denmark

14.50 Getting migrants integrated through museums, Lisbon President of the Manuel Carmo Foundation Margarida Ruas, Portugal

15.00 Cooperation and experiences of migrant community and international organization for migrationBohdan Rajcinec, Marie Rihova, Czech Republic

15.10 Activate integration through reality of Open-Air MuseumsRumsikes Estate Museum Inga Levickaite, Lithuania

15.20 Facilitating integration through digital storytelling Municipality of ZadarIvana Dadic, Croatia

15.30 Discussion

16.05 Coffee and networking

16.30 “Go public” – Short presentation of Untold Stories to interested visitors of the Bildungsfest with intro by the “streetkid” – young people with migrant-background from “Soziale Stadt” Moderator, Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Agency for Education of City of Fuerstenfeldbruck

17.15 Short visit of the area of the monastery of Fürstenfeldbruck

17.30 End of the conference


Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

External programme

Streetkids are producing small movies from the Bildungsfest by interviewing people and taking pictures which will be presented at 16.30 in the sec-tor “Go Public”

Reception of the lord-mayor of Fürstenfeldbruck (start at 18:00, invitation only)

Münchner Octoberfest (frequent S-Bahn to Munich)


UNTOLD STORIES continued...Final Conference Programme

26. September 2009Moderation: Robert Davies / Olga McHenry

9.30 Willkommensgruß Oberbürgermeister Sepp Kellerer der Großen Kreisstadt Fürstenfeldbruck

9.40 Einführung in das Konferenzprogramm und das Projekt „Untold Stories“ und Vorstellung der „digitalen Bibliothek“ von „Untold Stories“Projektkoordinator, MDR Partners, Robert Davies/Olga McHenry

10.05 Willkommensgruß Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeldbruck inklusive Präsentation des Instruments „Kochbuch“ der Untold StoriesLeiterin Bildungsagentur/ Verbundprojekte, Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel

10.15 Digitale Geschichten: Neue Entwicklungsgebiete im Arbeitsprogramm für kulturelle Institutionen Norwegian National MLA Authority ABM-Utvikling, Norway Gunnar Urtegaard

10.35 Lernen mit Digitalen Geschichten: Digitales Geschichtenerzählen für Migrantengemeinschaften Digi-Tales Department of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths University, London, UKMark Dunford

10.55 Digitales Geschichtenerzählen: Globale Aus- und EinsichtenZentrum für Digitales Geschichtenerzählen, USA Joe Lambert

11.15 Diskussion

11.30 Kaffee und Austausch

Forum: Vertreter der Migrantengemeinschaften aus den 4 teilnehmenden Regionen am Projekt „Untold Stories“ Moderation: Ruth Jermann, Schweiz

11.50 Erzählen wahrer Geschichten der Immigranten. Realität und ErinnerungenGazmend Kapllani, Albanien

12.05 „Verein Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch“: Bayernweit agierende Migrantenorganisation Sadija Klepo, Bosnien

12.20 „Soziale Stadt Fürstenfeldbruck“: Migranten-Organisation in Fürstenfeldbruck Erstellen digitaler Geschichten: gute Praxis-Beispiele zum Initiieren neuer LernprozesseNursen Gencer, Kasachstan

12.35 Diskussion

13.00 Mittagspause Fortsetzung...

UNTOLD STORIES Abschlusskonferenz Programm


Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert.

Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (Mitteilung) trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben

Ver: DraftDate: 8.9.2009

14.30 Innovativer Service für Büchereien, Museen und andere kulturelle Institutionen: Informelle Lernmöglichkeiten durch Digitales Geschichtenerzählen und wie man Migranten dafür gewinnen kann Moderatoren: Ioannis Trohopoulos, Veria Bibliothek und Lone Hedelund, Öffentliche Bibliothek von Gellerup

14.30 Einfluss und Erfahrungen der Bibliothek in Veria, Griechenland und in der Bibliothek von Gellerup Ioannis Trochopoulos und Lone Hedelund

14.40 20 Kinder – 20 Länder – 20 Geschichten – (Reise für Gerechtigkeit)CEO Digitales Geschichtenlaboratorium (verbunden mit CDS, Berkely), Kopenhagen Anne Hvejsel, Dänemark

14.50 Integration von Migranten durch Museen.Manuel Carmo-StiftungMargarida Ruas, Portugal

15.00 Zusammenarbeit und Erfahrungen mit Migrantengemeinschaften und internationalen Organisationen für Migration Bohdan Rajcinc, Marie Rihova, Czech Republik

15.10 Aktive Integration von Migranten durch die Realität von Open-Air Museen Rumsikes Estate Estate MuseumInga Levickaite, Litauen

15.20 Fördern von Integration durch Digitales GeschichtenerzählenStadtverwaltung von Zadar Ivana Dadic, Kroatien

15.30 Diskussion

16.05 Kaffee und Austausch

16.30 „Go Public“ – Kurze Präsentation von Untold Stories vor interessierten Besuchern des Bildungsfestes mit kleiner Animation der „streetkids“ von Fürstenfeldbruck (Breakdance) – Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund , Soziale Stadt FürstenfeldbruckModeration: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel, Bildungsagentur Fürstenfeld

17.15 Kurzbesichtigung des Klosterareals von Fürstenfeldbruck

17.30 Ende der Konferenz


Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert.

Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (Mitteilung) trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben


Die Streetkids werden am Bil-dungsfest Leute interviewen und Fotos machen. Diese wer-den zu kleinen Film-Stories ver-arbeitet und um 16.30 im Sektor „Go Public“ vorgeführt.

Um 18.00 Uhr (nur auf Einla-dung) findet ein Empfang beim Oberbürgermeister statt.

Traditionelles Oktoberfest in München (s. Fahrplan S-Bahn)


UNTOLD STORIES Fortsetzung...Abschlusskonferenz Programm

14.30 Innovative Services for Libraries, Museums and Other Cultural Institutions: Informal Learning Opportunities through Digital Storytelling and how to engage Migrant CommunitiesModerators: Ioannis Trohopoulos, Veria Public Library and Lone Hedelund, Gellerup Public Library

14.30 Induction and Experiences of Veria Public Library, Greece Director, Ioannis Trochopoulos and Gellerup Public Library, Denmark Branch Librarian, Lone Hedelund

14.40 20 children - 20 countries – 20 stories - (Journey for Justice) CEO Digital StoryLab (associated with CDS, Berkeley), CopenhagenAnne Hvejsel, Denmark

14.50 Getting migrants integrated through museums, Lisbon President of the Manuel Carmo Foundation Margarida Ruas, Portugal

15.00 Cooperation and experiences of migrant community and international organization for migrationBohdan Rajcinec, Marie Rihova, Czech Republic

15.10 Activate integration through reality of Open-Air MuseumsRumsikes Estate Museum Inga Levickaite, Lithuania

15.20 Facilitating integration through digital storytelling Municipality of ZadarIvana Dadic, Croatia

15.30 Discussion

16.05 Coffee and networking

16.30 “Go public” – Short presentation of Untold Stories to interested visitors of the Bildungsfest with intro by the “streetkid” – young people with migrant-background from “Soziale Stadt” Moderator, Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Agency for Education of City of Fuerstenfeldbruck

17.15 Short visit of the area of the monastery of Fürstenfeldbruck

17.30 End of the conference


Seminar Hall 1 Bildungsagentur FürstenfeldFürstenfeld 882256 Fürstenfeldbruck(nr .Munich), Germany

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

External programme

Streetkids are producing small movies from the Bildungsfest by interviewing people and taking pictures which will be presented at 16.30 in the sec-tor “Go Public”

Reception of the lord-mayor of Fürstenfeldbruck (start at 18:00, invitation only)

Münchner Octoberfest (frequent S-Bahn to Munich)


UNTOLD STORIES continued...Final Conference Programme