unstoppable confidence transcript

Copyright © 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved. This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission from the author. by Ross Jeffries The creator of Speed Seduction®, the world-renowned seduction system that has helped thousands of men worldwide successfully seduce hot women! Website: http://www.seduction.com

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Page 1: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Copyright © 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved. This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.


Ross Jeffries

The creator of Speed Seduction®, the world-renowned seduction system that has helped thousands of men worldwide successfully seduce hot women!

Website: http://www.seduction.com

Page 2: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Disclaimer I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or Seduction.com (or any of our other websites or entities) cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for your actions, and will not be held liable for any and all claims from you or any other third party. You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact on others. This information is meant for "entertainment" purposes only. While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are recommended by us and, in most cases, have succeeded when applied by others, this product and its contents carry no warranty or guarantee (either explicit or implied) that the purchaser or reader will achieve success with women, or in any other endeavor for which they may be used.

Page 3: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript


Track 1: Power Attitudes and Affirmations 1

Track 2: Power of Internal Representation 13

Track 3: Build a Filmstrip 18

Track 4: Giant Movie Theater game (clean up your past) 23

Track 5: Swish Pattern 29

Track 6: Bonus: Find Your Ideal Dream Lover 38

Page 4: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Track 1:

Welcome to the “Power of Women” tape series. I‟m Ross Jeffries, and I want to

congratulate you on your decision and commitment to get these tapes and make some

incredible changes in your ability to be successful with women.

I‟m very excited and proud to be bringing you the technologies in these tapes. I

honestly believe that they are the very best in the world, and that there‟s nothing that

can even come close to touching them.

Let‟s get started right away by making a few distinctions. First, I want you to

know that these are not passive listening tapes. They‟re designed for your active


If you‟re listening to these tapes in your car, that‟s okay, but at some point you‟re

going to have to sit down and listen again — this time with a pen and some paper in

hand. You‟re going to have to do the exercises. Let me repeat that last phrase: Do the


If you‟ll do these exercises and practice them for about 10 to 15 minutes a day

for the next two to three weeks, you‟ll start to see the kinds of results with women that

will make your wildest dreams look like a joke.

I have to ask you a question. Is having unlimited success with women for the rest

of your life worth taking 10 to 15 minutes for the next two to three weeks? If the answer

is no, please put these tapes back in the box they came in and send them back for your

full refund. If the answer is yes, get ready for the adventure of your lifetime.

What‟s the real key to power and success and confidence with women? I know

this is what you‟ve been waiting for. It‟s your frame of mind. That‟s it. In the right frame

of mind, you can do anything.

Page 5: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


You‟ve probably already experienced that yourself in some area of your life.

Suddenly something just kicks in and you find yourself doing something amazing that

you normally never could do. Maybe even look back at it afterward and say, “Was that

me who did that?” Does that ever happen to you?

Maybe it‟s even happened once in a while with women but you just couldn‟t ever

seem to repeat it, or you‟re only able to do it haphazardly once in a while.

I would like to show you how to be in the most powerful, juicy, sexy and exciting

frame of mind all the time, whenever you‟re dealing with women, considering dealing

with women or reviewing your dealings with women. That‟s when you start getting into

some real fun, when your life becomes the kind of stuff they write movies about.

Here‟s Power Principle 1. I want you to write it down at the top of that piece of

paper in huge letters. Better still, write it in the inside of your mind. “If I want a frame of

mind, I must rehearse it. If I want a result, I must rehearse it.”

The basic principle here is that if you don‟t give your brain something to do in a

situation, it‟s going to pick something. What it picks usually isn‟t what serves you best.

In fact, what it‟s almost always going to do is just pick what you‟ve been doing all along.

Doesn‟t that make sense? That‟s how people stay stuck for years.

The challenge is that most of us spend our time rehearsing things that don‟t

make us feel too good. We‟re not even aware that we‟re doing it.

Let me give you an example of that. I had a client come to me, and I have clients

coming to see me from all over the country. This guy said, “Ross, I do okay getting

myself into a bar, but as soon as I spot a woman I‟m attracted to I get totally scared and

have to run out of there.”

He wasn‟t kidding. He literally had to run out of the bar. Needless to say, this guy

wasn‟t enjoying himself too well!

Page 6: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


I said to him, “Look, I want to punish myself a little bit. I want to be you for a

weekend. I need to know how to have this problem, because I don‟t know how to scare

myself when I want to meet women. When I see a woman I want to meet, it‟s just

thinking, ‟Hey, go for it!‟ Can you tell me how to do it your way? What do I have to do on

the inside of my mind to make myself scared?”

Here‟s what he told me. You may have some trouble believing this. He‟d walk

into a bar and look around until he spotted the best-looking woman there. Then he‟d say

to himself, “God, she‟s cute!” So far, so good, right? There is nothing scary in that.

Here‟s what he‟d do next. He‟d make a great big movie in his head of her

humiliating him, just rejecting him with the most vicious look on her face. Then he‟d see

in his mind a picture of everyone in the bar pointing their fingers and laughing at him.

Then he‟d see himself walking out of the bar with his head down.

Dig this part: As he got closer to the door, that picture of him would get smaller

and smaller until he shrunk down to nothing. Can you see how this might have caused

this guy a little bit of a problem? He was rehearsing all right, but it wasn‟t exactly the

most useful thing to rehearse.

I‟m wondering if any of this maybe sounds a little bit familiar to you. Is this maybe

something you‟ve been doing?

What we‟re going to do with these tapes is show you how to take control of what

you‟re running through your brain so you can build some enormously powerful frames of

mind, stuff that‟s just incredibly juicy. It makes meeting and seducing women fun. I want

to take you beyond confidence and make it into the realm of fun.

It just makes sense. If you‟re going to be on autopilot, why not build an autopilot

that flies the plane smoothly, instead of one that crashes into the ground? Doesn‟t that

just makes sense?

Page 7: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Let‟s get started by looking at the attitudes and the beliefs you need to be

incredibly successful with women. That‟s a big part of your frame of mind.

By the way, I got these from studying guys who were incredibly successful with

women, but didn‟t have looks or money or any of those other things that most people

think you need. That‟s a good way to learn to do anything. Just look at someone who‟s

already getting the result that you would like to have and find out what they‟re doing.

Here‟s Power Attitude 1: “Being with me is the best possible choice that any

woman could make.” Does that seem a little bit arrogant?

One of the major challenges you‟re going to face with women is that they‟re

uncertain. They‟re ambivalent. They don‟t know what the heck they want. That could be

for a million reasons. Maybe you‟re not her type physically, which if you‟re not the best-

looking guy, you‟re going to run into a lot. Maybe she just got burned by a guy. Maybe

there‟s some guy she‟s in love with, but he doesn‟t even know she exists. It could be


If you haven‟t encountered this, trust me, you will. Here‟s a major rule in human

behavior. Write this one down. “You don‟t overcome another person‟s uncertainty by

being uncertain about yourself. You overcome it by being totally certain that being with

you is the best possible choice that they can make.”

Here‟s the funny thing. If you start believing it, or at least acting like you believe

it, other people will too. People are kind of like sheep. They‟ll go right along with you if

you believe in yourself.

Can you prove that it‟s true that being with you is the best possible choice that

any woman could make? Of course you can‟t. This is not about whether these beliefs

are true. They‟re about useful positions to approach people from. It‟s not a description of

the way the world really is. It‟s a perceived position.

Page 8: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


If you don‟t want to get into understanding that distinction, that‟s okay. You don‟t

need to. Just realize that holding this belief and acting as if you believe that way is going

to get you some powerful results.

Here‟s Power Attitude 2. Put this one in big letters. “I never get rejected. I only

discover if a woman has good taste.” Now we‟re really getting arrogant, aren‟t we?

Are you starting to feel better? Can you imagine if you went to a party with just

these two attitudes floating around in your head? Do you think maybe you‟d approach

women a little bit differently? Heck, yes, you would.

The reality is that in the real world, you‟re not always going to be desired by

every woman you want. You‟re going to miss a few. The thing is that once you accept

that and turn it into something funny, it loses its power to hurt you or stop you.

Write this down as a side rule. “What I resist persists. What I accept, I gain power

to use.” It‟s a paradox, but I‟m here to tell you there‟s an enormous power in paradox.

Always look for it. The best way that I know to accept something is to use your sense of

humor and turn it around and look at it in a different way.

Notice something here. What happens if you combine this attitude with the first

attitude, that being with you is the best choice she could make? Maybe if she rejects

you or says no, not only will you not get upset, maybe you‟ll decide that she‟s deserves

a lot better than to have someone terrific like you walk away from her. You‟ll change

your approach and try another way to get her to wake up to the wonder that‟s about to

come into her life.

Next is Power Attitude 3. “You never know what physical type a woman will go

for, so you always go for it congruently and powerfully.” I know so many guys who‟ve

talked themselves out of taking action because they assumed they know what type a

woman likes and that they‟re not it.

Page 9: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


By the way, have you ever noticed that usually these assumptions are all in the

negative? Very few people walk around assuming that they are a woman‟s type. Listen

to me. Open your ears on this one. You can‟t tell.

I know women who are bodybuilders who could snap me in two like a dried twig

—- by the way, I‟d probably enjoy that — and these women can‟t stand big muscular

guys. Thank goodness they like tall, skinny guys like me.

I know women who wouldn‟t go near a blonde surfer types, and other women

who only date blonde surfer types. Some women don‟t care what you look like, but they

do care an awful lot about what shape your bank account is in.

Rather than talk yourself out of something great, just assume the truth which is

that you don‟t know and that you‟re going to go for it anyway.

Next is Power Attitude 4. “Never attach excess meaning to being accepted or

rejected.” You‟re probably scratching your head right about now and saying, “Ross, you

were making some sense up to now, but you‟ve just lost me.”

Have you ever been in a situation where you were in a slump? Maybe you

haven‟t had a date in quite a long time and suddenly some woman appears to show

some interest in you. What happens? Do you stay calm and collected and determined to

do what will work? Heck no! You‟re probably chomping at the bit. You can‟t wait to go

out with her.

Probably what happened is you were so eager that you wound up pushing her

away by being so needy and dropping even deeper into your slump. Does this sound a

little familiar? Has this maybe happened to you over and over again?

This is how slumps tend to stay around for a long time. They‟re self-perpetuating

because of this. What‟s going on is that the meaning you attached to being successful

with a girl who showed that interest isn‟t, “I might get some pleasure here. Great, let‟s

relax and enjoy it.”

Page 10: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


The meaning you attached to it is, “God, someone finally likes me! If I get this

girl, it proves I‟m attractive after all and all those other girls were wrong. It means my

luck has finally changed and this horrible slump is over with.”

You can‟t do that and be successful with anything. Why? It screws up your

judgment. It screws up your timing and generally makes you someone no one wants to

be around.

If I‟m being a little strong here, I‟m not trying to pick on you, although picking on

people can be fun. I‟m trying to get you to see what your pattern has been so you can

break it and do something else and get a much better result.

Don‟t attach excess meaning, particularly if you‟re in a slump. The way out of a

slump is to get to that place inside of yourself of being determined to practice the

fundamentals and to do what works. Come from that place of being consistently

powerful with the knowledge that consistency is going to pay off sooner or later. It will

probably be sooner, and in a very major way.

Of course, there are other ways to attach excess meaning besides the slump

example. There are a lot of ways to screw yourself up. Here‟s one. Have you ever been

at a party and you found yourself relaxed and having a good time, being friendly and

having no problem meeting people? Maybe you even had no trouble introducing

yourself to some of the women who were there when suddenly a marvelously attractive,

incredibly gorgeous woman walks into the room.

What happens to your ability to just walk right up and introduce yourself? Does it

maybe go right out the window? Whoosh! In addition to having some internal

representations that aren‟t too helpful, probably what you were doing was attaching

some excess meaning to being accepted or rejected to that goddess across the room.

You didn‟t just think, “Wow, she‟s gorgeous! Let‟s go meet her, and we‟ll either

get what we want or we won‟t.” I‟m willing to bet that if you found yourself hesitating,

Page 11: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


what you were thinking, at least at some level, was, “Wow, look at her! If I get her, that

proves I‟m a real man. That proves I can be successful with any woman, anytime,

anywhere. That will mean that from then on any other woman will be a piece of cake for


In other words, you assumed because she‟s a beautiful woman, she‟s an expert

on what‟s beautiful or attractive for every woman. No wonder you‟re having problems! If

you make another person that important, you‟re just asking to get in your own way. It‟s

probably going to make the other person pretty uncomfortable, too.

The best attitude to take is to not attach any excess meaning to it. Just think, “I‟m

either going to get what I want from this particular person, at this particular moment,

with this particular approach, or I won‟t.” That doesn‟t rule out changing your approach

and trying out another way another time.

There‟s a tremendous power in being persistent without being pushy. People just

aren‟t used to that. They‟re used to someone either pushing them or giving up and

going away. It‟s very appealing and a massive interruption as to what they‟re actually


Here‟s Power Attitude 5. It‟s basically just a realization that applies to all people.

“If a woman wants me a little bit, she‟ll want me a lot more if she has to work to get me.”

This is simply the old idea that if you‟re too available, you‟re going to get taken for


It‟s not true that people want what they can‟t have. I can‟t have an elephant come

over to my house and crush my head, but I don‟t want it either. I hope none of you do,

either. If they want something a little bit, they‟ll drive themselves into wanting it like

crazy if they have to work to get it.

Page 12: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


This is why you always seem to do so well when you‟re not interested in a

woman but she is interested in you. You‟re not working to get her and she has to do the

work. It makes her more interested.

Use this principle of selective reinforcement to your advantage. You don‟t have to

necessarily like that this is the way it is, but it‟s to your advantage to accept it and use it.

Remember, what you resist, persists. What you accept, you gain power to utilize.

Part of this is also the willingness to walk away. It‟s the attitude that says, “You

want to be with me, honey? Great! If not, get the heck out of the way, because there‟s a

lovely young lady standing right behind you who does.”

Sometimes the only thing that‟s going to work in any situation in life is just to

walk. What often happens is the person really doesn‟t realize how much you meant to

them until after they‟ve thought they‟ve lost you. The trick is to do this without being

punishing or nasty because then you close the door on them forever. They can‟t come

crawling back to you. You can learn to walk away calmly and matter-of-factly. It has

enormous impact.

A friend of mine who fixes computers was working on my Macintosh. He said

something to me that really hit home. He said that about half the time when there‟s

something wrong with a computer, the way to fix it is to just turn it off for a few minutes,

then turn it back on and it will work again.

Sometimes women will be like computers. You just have to shut them down to

get them working again. The other thing is that confidence really is a two-way street.

The ability to walk away from someone who‟s wasting your time dramatically increases

your ability to approach someone who you‟d like to meet and take out. They‟re both part

of believing that you can get what you want. Does that make sense?

That‟s why I always say to guys who call me with a question about a woman

who‟s giving them problems, “Would you be so willing to stick with this girl if you knew

Page 13: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


you could go out tomorrow and meet 10 new women?” Of course, the answer is always,

“No way.”

Here‟s the final Power Attitude. It‟s basically recognizing that you don‟t need to

win all the time.

Someone once asked a question of one of these famous multibillionaires, I don‟t

know whether it was Rockefeller or J.P. Morgan, but it was one of those super-rich

guys. They said, “What was your secret to being so successful in business?” The

multibillionaire answered, “I was wrong more often than I was right, but I was wrong

small and I was right tremendous.” That‟s the attitude that you want to take with women.

You‟re going to be wrong far more often than you‟re right, but you‟re going to be

wrong tiny and you‟re going to be right tremendous.

Now that we‟ve given you the six power attitudes, we‟re going to wrap this up.

We‟re going to be giving you a practical tool that you can use to start installing

these and other attitudes in yourself so you find yourself living them and using them

automatically. It‟s not enough just to know what to do. You‟ve got to wire it up so it‟s

available immediately, right when you need it without having to think about it. This is not

positive thinking. The problem with positive thinking is that usually by the time you stop

to think positively, the opportunity has already passed you by.

Let me introduce you to a tool called “affirmations.” This is a tool that‟s extremely

powerful if you know how to use it properly. Otherwise, the problem with affirmations is

they don‟t work. Let‟s show you how to do affirmations the right way in a few steps.

Step 1: Get yourself into a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths. Close your

eyes. Make sure you‟re in a posture and breathing pattern that will help you to absorb

all of this.

Page 14: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Step 2: You‟re going to say to yourself — inside of your head, not out load —

three times, “My mind will keep these commands in my memory permanently and all the

time and make everything necessary for them to happen.”

Step 3: Say each affirmation out loud three times making sure you use the right

tonality. That‟s critically important.

I get calls all the time from fans all over the country. I had a guy call me up and

say, “Gee, Ross, I‟m saying the affirmations, but they don‟t seem to be having any

affect.” Well, duh! You have to use the right tonality.

The last step is to repeat to yourself on the inside of your head three times, “Let

these commands be fulfilled.”

Here come the affirmations.

Affirmation 1: You are aggressive, direct and powerful with the women you

desire. You radiate a confidence, self-control and charm that women find irresistibly


Affirmation 2: Your mind is focused on what you desire. You go for what you

want congruently and powerfully.

Affirmation 3: You never know what physical type a woman will go for, so you

always go for it congruently and powerfully.

Affirmation 4: You take immediate advantage of your opportunities with women.

You swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information that you need, then close

with aggression, power and finesse.

Affirmation 5: You radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that women find

irresistibly attractive.

Page 15: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Affirmation 6: You safeguard your morale and self-esteem at all times. You

swiftly size up a woman‟s potential and eliminate those who are wasting your time.

Affirmation 7: You‟re mastering the responses, attitudes, behaviors, insights and

timing that are bringing you irresistible power with the women you desire.

Here are a couple more things to make this work. Don‟t tell anyone what you‟re

doing. People may tend to give you some funny looks. Make sure you can do this

uninterrupted. Finally, don‟t try to help the affirmations along by forcing your behavior to

change. You‟ll find yourself just automatically doing the right thing.

That concludes Side 1. Your homework for Day 1, today, is to review the Power

Attitudes and do the affirmations. Get ready to listen to Side 2 tomorrow. See you then!

Page 16: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Track 2:

Welcome to Day 2. Let‟s get to the “The Power of Internal Representation.”

Internal representations are just the way you picture things and talk to yourself on the

inside of your head. Most of the time, we‟re not even aware of what we‟re doing

between our ears. This stuff runs on autopilot, like the client I was telling you about on

the first side of the tape.

I want to show you a better autopilot. If you're going to have an autopilot, you

might as well have one that flies the plane smoothly where you want it to go instead of

crashing it into the ground. Doesn‟t that just make a lot of sense?

Let me show you something you can do right away to take control of your internal

representations immediately. I want you to close your eyes. Obviously, if you're in a car,

pull over somewhere first and stop. Close your eyes and see yourself looking powerful

and confident.

For those of you that have a problem with visualizing, just imagine you're

visualizing. I once had a client who told me he had imaginary anxiety. I told him, “Stop

imagining it.” Just imagine you're visualizing. Everyone can visualize. For some of us,

it‟s more out of our subconscious awareness.

If you don‟t believe me, let me ask you a question. What color is your car? If you

don‟t have a car, what color is your front door? Good. How do you know that the answer

is correct? Did you see a picture in your mind?

Close your eyes, and let‟s go back to that image of you looking powerful and

confident. Just make that image of yourself powerful, confident and in control. This is

the you that has all those power attitudes we discussed earlier. It‟s the you who believes

and knows that being with you is the best possible choice that any woman can make.

This is the you that doesn‟t attach excess meaning and whose attitude is, “Hey,

do you want to be with me, honey? Great. If not, get the heck out of the way because

Page 17: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


there's someone standing right behind you who‟s even better looking than you and

wants to be with me.”

This is the you whose mind is focused on what you desire and who goes for what

you want congruently and powerfully. Just keep looking at that image. It feels better

already, doesn‟t it?

As you just keep looking at that image, watch what happens if you make it 40

feet tall, like you're looking at a drive-in movie screen. Notice that changes how you feel

even better about it.

As you're still seeing that image, I want you to tilt it back about 20 to 30 degrees

away from your face. When the picture in your head gets laid back, notice how you start

to feel laid back. Being laid back in your mind is a key to being laid in other ways. Isn‟t

that weird?

Look again at that image that‟s 40 feet tall, powerful, confident and laid back 20

to 30 degrees. Ask yourself, “Could you even imagine that one getting upset if some

silly girl didn‟t return his phone call?” How would he react to that? “It‟s no big deal.

There are plenty of fish in the bar.”

How would he react if some girl didn‟t want to dance with him? “Oh, well. It‟s her

loss.” How long would he hesitate if he saw some woman he wanted to meet? I'll bet

you not even for one second.

I don‟t want to suggest that if you pictured this kind of thing to yourself whenever

you went out to meet women, it might change how you felt and acted. That‟s not

possible, or is it? You really wouldn‟t want to feel that way all of the time, would you? Of

course, you would.

You don‟t have to lie on a couch for years, cry about your childhood and look for

reasons why you're broken. That‟s just going to keep you broken. Just take control of

Page 18: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


what you're doing in your head and change it. It‟s that fast, so watch. We‟re going to

make this even better because I like to deliver bang for the buck.

Look at that image again. Allow yourself to see it now. It‟s 40 feet tall, powerful,

confident and laid back 20 to 30 degrees. Throw in some lightening and thunder and

listen to that 40-foot-tall thunderous voice you use when you speak from that place.

Enjoy the power of having that incredible control over the tone and tempo of your

voice. I‟ll bet you're starting to feel really great. Change can be fun and feel great. Not

only can you do it fast, but it doesn‟t have to hurt.

Allow yourself to see that powerful, confident and 40-foot-tall image again. I want

you to take that image and, just for a second, turn it around so that you see it from the

back. You see the back of your head.

Allow yourself to take a moment to do that. Take that image and raise it above

your head. Drop it down on top of yourself. Look down at the world with those 40-foot

eyes and that thunderous voice.

See in front of you some hot, sexy girl that you want to meet. You can see her

now. Over one of her shoulders, see that image again of that powerful and confident

you, 40 feet tall and laid back 20 to 30 degrees.

Over the other shoulder I want you to see an image of you and her later on in the

evening or maybe the next night, really getting it on like crazy. I want you see a big,

bright color movie of that over her other shoulder. Now hear that powerful, thunderous

voice in your head saying, “Look at that. Let‟s go give her a chance to get to know me.

Let‟s be nice and give her a chance to meet me.”

As you're doing that, I want you to zoom in on some part of her body that you

really like. Pick out that body part and zoom in on it. Try in vain to hesitate or feel

nervous as you hear that voice in your head saying, “How much pleasure can I stand

with this woman tonight? Let‟s go for it.”

Page 19: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Go ahead. Try to feel shy as long as you keep seeing all that. You just can't do it.

The only thing you can feel is powerful, aggressive, sexy and confident.

Now wait a minute. I just proved to you that you can make it impossible to ever

have your problem again. If we can do that by just listening to a dumb tape one time,

how are you going to be after you‟ve been practicing visualizing this for a few weeks?

Listen. You're going to be unstoppable. Do you think that maybe women are

going to respond to you differently if you're walking around with this kind of thing in your

head? “Gosh, I kind of think so.”

We‟re just getting started. I do want to bring up one point. Some of you might

have still felt a little hesitation. Was it fear or just a legitimate request for more

information or a legitimate desire to know what to say and do next?

I‟ve been doing this for a while. We're going to totally cover that so you're

prepared with exactly what to say. I‟ll bet that you just felt what small hesitation there

was leave completely, didn‟t it?

Here‟s your rehearsal homework for Day 2. By the way, you may be thinking to

yourself, “This side of the tape is a little bit short.” It may be short in duration, but in

terms of the importance of what I'm showing you, it‟s critical. I don‟t want to overload

you, which is why I want you to do this little bit for this day.

Step 1: Close your eyes and see that powerful, confident self-image that‟s 40 feet

tall and leaning back 20 to 30 degrees.

Step 2: Turn him around so you can see him from the back. Raise him up above

yourself, right above your head and drop him down on top of yourself.

Step 3: Look out through those 40-foot-tall eyes and that thunderous 40-foot-tall

voice that you use.

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Step 4: See through those 40-foot-tall eyes a gorgeous girl that you‟d like to


Step 5: Over one of her shoulders, see that powerful 40-foot-tall you again. Over

the other, picture a movie of you and her getting it on later on in the evening.

Step 6: As you keep seeing all this, I want you to keep that 40-foot-tall voice in

your head saying, “Look at that. I'm going to have that tonight. Let‟s give her a chance

to get to know me.”

Step 7: Zoom in on that part of her body that you really like and hear that voice in

your head say, “Go for it.”

Step 8: Notice how totally empowered and motivated you feel.

Your homework for Day 2 is to do the first day‟s homework again. Do the

Affirmations, and then do this new homework, the Associated State Rehearsal. That

concludes this tape. We‟ll join you on the next tape.

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Track 3:

Welcome to Day 3. Are we starting to feel different? Maybe you even went out

into the real world and tested this stuff out.

Let‟s show you how to do more rehearsing in a slightly different way. We‟re going

to show you how to rehearse being totally comfortable and absolutely at ease meeting

women anywhere you want to, any time.

There are just a couple of points to bear in mind. First, if you're going to

rehearse, do it with enough detail so that your brain has a plan to follow, but with

enough room to improvise in case something you didn‟t plan on comes up. That just

makes sense. Things don‟t always go the way we expect.

Sometimes it‟s more fun to throw in a few unplanned twists, just to see what

happens. It also adds a lot more power to any current relationship you're in when you‟re

meeting a lot of women and you know you can go out any night of the week and attract

some dynamite females.

A woman who knows that you can walk away from her is always going to want

you a heck of a lot more than a woman who knows she‟s your only option. It‟s not that I

think I have to sell you on the ability to instantly attract women wherever you find

yourself, but it helps to know the purpose of an exercise. I call this “Building a Filmstrip.”

If you own a camera and you take your film to be developed, they give you back

the developed film and a strip of negatives. It‟s on very flexible film. If you wanted to,

you could fold it around and form a circle.

I‟d like you to pick a location or a context where you‟d like to meet women easily

and powerfully. Maybe it‟s the supermarket, driving your car, the beach, the bar or

wherever it is. The first step is to pick out a location or a context. That‟s easy enough.

For the first slide in this filmstrip, I want you to see in your mind the very first

thing that would let you know you‟re in that location or situation about to meet a woman.

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For example, if you picked a bar, maybe what you‟d see in your mind is yourself walking

in the door, and across the room is a woman you‟d like to meet.

Make sure these are all slides. They're still pictures, not movies. In every one of

them, you see that powerful, confident you from the last exercise. See that first slide

and push it aside.

In the next slide, I want you to see the next logical step in the sequence of

meeting and seducing that woman. Maybe it‟s you and her talking face to face. Make

sure you see that you're both smiling and really enjoying each other‟s company. We

want to make these pleasant.

If I was a therapist, I‟d help you make painful pictures so you could feel really

lousy, keep coming back to me and pay me money. All the while, I‟d be blaming you for

not changing. I'm a Neuro-Linguistic programmer and everything we do is fun. Push that

picture aside.

For the next picture, see the next logical step. Maybe it‟s you and her sitting at a

table over dinner, or whatever you picture being your first date. If you're really bold, you

could see a picture of the two of you as you're walking out the door together to go home

with each other that night. It‟s up to you. It‟s your life. Make it as exciting as you want it.

Push that picture aside and go to the next step. Maybe it‟s you and her making

out on the couch like crazy. This is starting to get really fun.

Push that aside and go to the next step. It‟s you and her getting it on in your

favorite position. I want you to be able to see both of your faces expressing all that

ecstasy. Make it so you're seeing both of you really enjoying yourselves.

The last slide I want you to see is the two of you getting it on in another position.

That‟s it. How much pleasure can you feel as you look at that slide again and that look

of ecstasy on both of your faces? This is fun. Change can be fun.

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Next, I want you to take the first slide and imagine that you actually have it in one

hand. In the other hand, I want you to take that last slide that you just made. Fold them

around so that the last slide is right next to the first slide.

Now you can see the first slide next to the last one. You have a circular filmstrip.

You can imagine that you‟ve just stapled or glued them together. Just see the juicy last

one next to the first one.

Turn the filmstrip on its side. Rotate it so all you see is the edge of the filmstrip.

You can't see any of the pictures, just the circle that the edges form. Take a moment to

do that.

Start the whole thing rotating around. As it rotates, raise it up above your head.

When I snap my fingers, turn it around again, just for a moment, so you can see those

pictures for just the briefest instant. Then drop the whole thing down inside your head.

Raise it up there. I snapped my fingers. Turn it around and drop it down inside of your


We‟re almost done. Take that filmstrip back out of your head again. Lay it out flat

so you can see all the slides. I want you to look at that first slide. I want you to step into

it so you're actually seeing what you‟d see from your own eyes if you were there. You're

not seeing yourself, but you're seeing what you would actually see if you were in the

picture. Take a moment to enjoy that. Step out of it again.

I want you to look at the third slide and step into that one. See what you‟d see,

hear what you‟d hear, and feel just how good it feels to feel so confident. Step out of it.

Look at the last slide. Step, lie or sit into it, depending on what position you're in.

See what you‟d see, hear what you‟d hear, and feel that you‟d feel so good now. Step

out of it. I know you like being there, but step on out.

Look at that first slide again. Step into it. This time when you step into it and see

that girl, I want you to see that image of the 40-foot-tall powerful you. Over her other

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Website – http://www.seduction.com


shoulder, I want you to see the last slide from the filmstrip. Do that now. Doesn‟t it make

it seem like you know you're going to have her, like somehow it‟s already happened?

Isn‟t that strange?

Think for a minute about meeting and seducing a woman in that location you‟ve

just rehearsed. Is there any doubt at all that you‟d know exactly what to do and how to

handle it? No way.

What if you picked a different location or context to rehearse every day for the

next two to three weeks? What do you think that would do for your love life? You don‟t

really want that now, do you?

You may be asking yourself, “Wait a minute. Could I maybe use these tools to

make myself powerful, confident and successful in every area of my life?” No. This stuff

is only limited to women, and you could never, ever use it for everything the rest of your

life. Of course you can.

If you take these tools and just use them to be incredibly “succsexful” with

women, you're a fool. The beauty is that you can use them for anything. For some of

you, that might actually be a little threatening.

I had a client I was working with recently. Toward the end of the session, he said,

“I‟m a little scared by all of this. There's a part of me that feels threatened because there

has always been a part of me that‟s believed that things just happen to you in life and

that you're at the mercy of your feelings. If I take control like this with women, I'm not

going to have any excuse anymore for not controlling myself with every area of my life.”

I looked at him and said, “That‟s right. The price you pay for being successful

with women is that you're going to get to be successful with everything. I know it‟s a

lousy deal I'm giving you. Sorry. I tried my best.”

Let‟s review the steps for building a filmstrip. Of course, this is going to be your

additional piece of homework for today.

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Step 1: Pick a location or context where you‟d like to be able to meet women

comfortably, powerfully and effectively.

Step 2: For the first slide, see yourself in the first logical step of meeting and

seducing a woman from that location or context. Always make sure that you see that

powerful, confident you and that these are slides, not movies.

Steps 3, 4, 5 and 6: However many slides you make, continue to construct them

from each logical step in the sequence of meeting and seducing her. Make the last two

slides you and her really getting it on. You‟d better make it good, juicy and fun, or I'm

going to come after you, find you and inflict some real pain.

Next, once you‟ve constructed all the slides, take the first slide and fold it around

so it meets the last side. You can see them next to each other. Turn the whole filmstrip

on its side so you can just see the edge of the circle it makes. Start rotating it around as

you raise it up above your head.

Next, turn it back around so you can see the pictures just for a split second. Then

drop it down inside your head. Next, pull all the slides back out again. Look at the first

slide and step into it so you experience what it would be like to actually be there. See

what you‟d see, hear what you‟d hear, and feel how good you‟d feel.

Step back out of it and do that for Slide 3 and the last slide. Finally, step back

into the first slide. As you look over the woman‟s shoulder on one side, see the

powerful, confident you. Over the other shoulder, see the last slide in the filmstrip.

Realize how totally prepared you feel.

Do the homework from Day 1 and 2. Do your Affirmations and Associated State

Rehearsal, and then you're going to Build a Filmstrip. That concludes this side of the

tape. Turn the tape over and rewind it. We‟ll see you on the next side for Day 4.

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Track 4:

Welcome to Day 4. We‟ve shown you some pretty powerful tools so far for

building up your self-image in the present and future. We‟ve shown you Affirmations,

Associated State Rehearsal, and Building Filmstrips. By the way, Building Filmstrips

seems to be the favorite among my clients. They really like doing that one.

Now let me show you about handling your past. I‟m not a big believer in

archaeology and digging into what has kept you stuck. I do know, however, that if you

just correct your present and future, you could run into some major challenges. There

are still going to be those times when you look into your past and see all those images

of the times you‟ve screwed it up.

My belief is that it‟s tough enough to succeed in life without having to fight

yourself. You already have to fight circumstances and bad luck, so why not rig it up so

all your images, past, present and future, are working together to support you getting

what you want?

Here‟s how to clean up your past. What I want you to do is think of a recent time

when you blew it with a woman. Think of some flub, screw-up or mistake that kept you

from getting what you wanted or led you to getting what you didn‟t want. Maybe you

didn‟t ask her out aggressively or go for it physically when you had the opportunity.

I‟m going to give you about 10 seconds to think about that mistake. Some of you

will have that mistake leap to mind right away. I want you think of the most recent time

you made this boo-boo.

Here‟s what I want you to do. It‟s the Giant Movie Theater game. I want you to

see a powerful, confident, 40-foot-tall image of yourself sitting in a movie theater. This is

a special movie theater that can accommodate 40-foot-tall people.

Up on the movie screen, I want you to run a small, black-and-white movie of

yourself making this flub-up. Watch as the 40-foot-tall you watches this black-and-white

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movie. Notice how, when he watches it, he can spot where you first started to go wrong

and even come up with ideas of how he would have done it differently. Just run it to the

end, and when you get to the end of the movie, freeze it as a freeze-frame still picture.

Now what I want you to do is back the movie up to an hour before you ever made

the flub. Now watch as that 40-foot-tall you steps into the screen. From an hour before it

ever happened, watch him go through it and see him doing it right, having it turn out the

way you would have wanted it to. We‟ll give you about 10 or 15 seconds to finish that.

Here‟s the next piece of this. I want you to take a break from the movie theater

for a minute. We‟re going to do something very interesting that you‟ll find very useful.

Step outside of that movie theater and come back into wherever you are. I hope you‟re

not listening in your car driving because you‟re going to be in big trouble closing your


I want you to think of something you did two or three years ago. It could be

anything. It doesn‟t have to be related to women. It could be the most mundane, trivial

thing. Just think of something you were doing two to three years ago.

As you‟re doing that, what I‟d like you to do is take your finger and point to what

direction those pictures seem to be coming from. Actually do this. Another way to think

about this is if you were to imagine your mind to be a mental movie screen, just point to

where on the screen you see those images of yourself doing that thing two to three

years ago.

Where were you pointing? What‟s that? I can‟t hear you. Speak up a little bit.

Now I want you to think about something you were doing about an hour before

you started listening to this tape today. Notice again where that picture or pictures seem

to be. Take your finger and point to where you see those.

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Website – http://www.seduction.com


Finally, I want you to think of yourself doing something next month, or even six

months from now, and notice where you see those images. If it helps, take your finger

and point.

If you were to imagine a line stretching from your past to your present and into

your future, that would be your timeline. Everyone is different, and some people have

their past to the left or right. Some people have their past behind them, so they never

learn from their mistakes. Everyone is organized differently.

If you‟re experiencing a challenge in different locations for past, present and

future, you might try just sticking your past to the left, present in front of you, and future

off to the right. See how that feels. Don‟t do this if you already know the location of your

past, present and future. Keep what you have naturally. If you don‟t know how you

organize things, try this and see how it feels.

Here‟s the next piece of this. You‟re doing very well following me. This is a little

bit intricate but very important. What I want you to do is remember the very first time you

ever made this flub-up or mistake or a flub-up of a similar nature to the mistake you just


Just allow yourself to go back into your past, float up above wherever your past

is, and remember the very first time you ever did it. It doesn‟t have to be the exact

occurrence but a mistake of the same or similar nature.

Go back an hour before you ever made this flub for the very first time. From an

hour before, notice what happens as you turn, look toward the present, and see the

most recent time when you did it right. Remember, we‟ve corrected it.

From an hour before you first ever made this flub, watch that powerful, confident

you as he goes through it, doing what he would have done, and watch it coming out

right, the way you would have wanted it to. We‟ll wait another three or four seconds to

give you a little bit more time to complete that.

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Now what I want you to do is think of a time somewhere between the first time

and the most recent time when you made that mistake. I‟m willing to bet that you made

it more than twice. If you can find a time between the most recent and that time way off

in your past, move to an hour before that time.

Now turn, look into the past, and see the very first time when you did it right,

because we‟ve corrected it. Now turn and look toward the present and see the most

recent time when you did it right.

Now, with a sense that you‟ve already done it right in your past and that you will

do it right in your future, go through this middle time doing it right and seeing it come out

the way you would have wanted it to. We‟ll wait just a few moments for you to complete

that now.

Now what I want you to do is move on into your future, wherever that is.

Remember, the important thing is to step outside what you did and move on into what

could be. Look wherever your future might be. If it‟s off to your right, then move out on

that timeline to the right. Go out into your future about a month or so from now.

Imagine it being an hour before being faced with a similar situation in your future.

Now turn and look into your past and see these three examples of having done it right in

the past. Now, from an hour before, turn and look to your future and watch yourself

doing it right and seeing it turn out the way you want it to.

As you‟re completing that, ask yourself this question. If you stop a minute and

think again about being in the future, faced with a similar situation, is there any doubt in

your mind that you‟ll get it right and know exactly what to do? There‟s none whatsoever.

Isn‟t that great, to feel that total certainty that you now know what to do? It‟s a little

strange, but that‟s fine.

Something that you always used to flub has now become a source of

tremendous power, ability and confidence. The ancient alchemists spent all their time

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trying to change lead into gold. You‟ve just learned to do the same thing on the inside of

your mind.

It‟s not enough just to have a belief that you can learn from your mistakes.

You‟ve probably heard before that there are no failures, only feedback, and you need to

learn from things, but it‟s not enough to have a belief. You also need to have a tool to

help you do the learning. Beliefs without the tools to execute them are powerless.

Beliefs plus tools plus putting in a little effort yields miraculous results.

You might need to go back into your past and correct a few more examples.

Usually, three is all it takes to establish a new pattern, but sometimes not. Sometimes

there is a series of mistakes around the same subject that you have to go back and


Let me give you the steps again for cleaning up your past.

Step 1: Think of a recent flub-up, screw-up, mistake or Jack Fu. There are all

sorts of different means of saying it.

Step 2: Watch the 40-foot-tall you sitting in a movie theatre. Up on the screen,

watch a small black-and-white movie of the flub from beginning to end. As you do so,

notice how the 40-foot-tall you can notice where you first started to go wrong and think

of how he would have done it differently.

Step 3: Back the movie up to an hour before the flub ever happened and watch

as the 40-foot-tall you goes through it, doing it right and seeing it come out the way you

would have wanted it to.

Step 4: Go back into your past to an hour before you ever made this kind of flub.

Turn and look toward the present. See the most recent time when you did it right,

because you‟ve corrected it.

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Step 5: From an hour before the first time you ever did it, watch the 40-foot-tall

you running through it doing it right, with it turning out the way you wanted it to.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5, but with an experience that‟s between the first

time and the most recent time. You go to an hour before the middle experience, turn

and look to the past and see the first time you did it right, because remember, you‟ve

corrected it.

Then turn and look to the present and see the most recent time you did it right.

Now, with the sense that you‟ve already done it right in the past and will do it right in the

future, go through this time, the middle time, doing it right, seeing it come out the way

you‟d want it to.

Step 7: Move on out into your future to an hour before a time in your future when

you‟ll be faced with a similar situation. Turn and look to your past and see those three

examples of your having done it right. Then turn back to the future, and from an hour

before, go through it doing it right and seeing it come out the way you‟d want it to.

Let me give you a couple of useful hints. Flub-ups can be anything. Sometimes

the flub-up was just not recognizing the woman was a total waste of time. What you

should have done was just walk away.

I want to encourage you to apply this very powerful exercise to virtually every

area of dealing with women.

I‟m going to give you your homework for today. Homework is such a nasty word.

Let‟s try to think of something else. It could be your exercises or doorway into power for

today. It‟s Affirmations, Associated State Rehearsal, Build a Filmstrip and Pick One Flub

and Correct It.

That‟s the end of this tape. You‟ve been good. You‟re doing your homework. We

appreciate it. Day 5 is going to be a lot of fun. We‟ll see you tomorrow.

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Track 5:

Welcome to Day 5. We‟re almost finished. Today, I want to wrap up by giving you

a few more tricks. They are pretty simple compared to what you‟ve been learning. The

exercises I've been giving you are actually pretty intricate in terms of the amount of

concentration they require. I'm glad you‟ve been sticking with it.

I want to show you a couple of good techniques. First, I want to show you a good

technique to use if you're stuck on what move to make with a particular woman. Let‟s

say you have her phone number and she‟s resisting you. You're not sure what move to

make. What you should do in that situation is just close your eyes and see that 40-foot-

tall you. Lean back 30 degrees and ask, “What would he do in this situation?” I promise

you‟ll get the answer you need.

You‟ll find that as you do the exercises more and more, those answers will

almost always be the ones you start to come up with naturally, on your own, without

having to even consider it. When you get really good at designing and installing the

programming you want, then it becomes easier and easier to figure out new ways to get

it running.

Let me talk about actually going out and using this stuff in the field at a bar or

party. I want to show you some ways to dress up your attitude so that when you hit that

bar or party, you are absolutely ready. You're going to absolutely clean up on everyone

there and leave your competition in the dust.

This is a pattern called the Swish Pattern. I would like you to see an image in

your mind of an absolutely, totally gorgeous, completely beautiful woman. It‟s someone

you really want right now. Can you see her? Make sure you just see her. You don‟t see

yourself. You just see her.

Over in the right-hand corner of that picture, I‟d like you to see a small, still black-

and-white picture of that powerful, confident you. Very quickly, when I snap my fingers,

make that picture, the powerful, confident, sexy, aggressive you grow really big and

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bright instantaneously and totally cover up that picture of her. It‟s just going to sound

like, “Swish.” Are you ready? See that image of her, and in the lower right-hand corner

you see that little image of you. Swish.

Now open your eyes. Close them again. Start with that picture of her again. In

the lower right-hand corner you see that image of you. Swish. Open your eyes and

close them again. Start with that picture of her. In the lower right-hand corner you see

that image of you. Swish. It‟s that fast. Make it really fast. Do that one more time. Open

your eyes and close them. Start again with that picture of her and you in the lower right-

hand corner. Do it really fast. Swish.

Notice that now when you look at that image of the powerful, confident, sexy,

aggressive you it just seems natural that whenever you see a woman who turns you on,

that image of you being powerful and confident will be instantly called to your mind. Isn't

that neat?

Let me show you some more things about dressing up your attitude. It doesn‟t

make any sense to get dressed up in nice clothes, put on the cologne, clean up your

car, polish your shoes and do all that stuff if you have a lousy attitude. A superior

attitude is going to carry you really far.

Let me show you something about developing that kind of attitude. What I would

like you to do as you're listening to this tape is put your head back to your shoulders and

say, “Ahh, ooh, eeh, ahh.” Actually do that. I know it sounds silly, but do it. I‟m going to

make the engineer here do it in his head. He‟s doing it as he‟s recording this. Just say,


When you go out to a bar or party, imagine you're right there and you see a

woman in front of you. I want you to notice as that voice in your head says, “Ooh, ahh.

That girl needs me!” I want you to literally say that, but not out loud. Do this inside your

head. Say, “Mmm, that girl needs me.”

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I want you to try to feel nervous or frightened when you're doing that on the

inside of your head. This is such a simple little thing. It is going to supercharge you.

You're going to be uncontrollable. In fact, you'll probably have to build a gearshift in your

mind. I don‟t know if you drive a manual transmission. If you drive an automatic, you

probably still have seen a manual transmission.

Close your eyes right now, and imagine you have a gearshift in your mind. It has

four gears, first, second, third and fourth. First is slow gear. In second, you're speeding

up. Third and fourth are like full-tilt boogie. Put the pedal to the metal!

As you image that gearshift in your mind, it will help you know what speed to use

when you approach a woman. When you do all this stuff, even when you're confident,

aggressive and sexy with a “she needs me” attitude, you want to make sure you do it

with the proper degree of intensity. You want to make sure that the sexy, confident and

powerful attitude doesn‟t come at her at 70 miles per hour.

Image that gearshift. Your hand is on the gearshift, right now, in first gear. You're

approaching her. As she starts to respond to you more and more, you shift into second.

You're speeding up the intensity of your sexiness. Then you shift to third gear, and she‟s

really turned on. Fourth gear is close it, and go for it. Just having that metaphor of the

gearshift in your mind can really help you. Sometimes in this game, you really need to

learn to shift down and lay back a little bit.

What I finally want to do is get into some actual scenarios for picking up women.

A lot of guys have said to me, “This is very good. I have my attitude down. Sometimes I

still don‟t know exactly what to say.” I want to get into giving you a few really good pick-

up lines that work really well.

I actually am indebted to one of my students who I saw for a couple of private

sessions for this first line I'm going to give you. He dreamed this line, and it‟s worked for

him fabulously. Here‟s what you do. Walk up to a woman in any situation. I don‟t care if

it‟s at a bar, party or restaurant.

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Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


You just walk up and say, “Excuse me. I just wanted to ask you a question if I

could.” She‟ll say, “Okay.” You say to her, “Would you ever go out with a guy you met in

a place like this?” Her answer is always going to be “It depends.” That‟s when you say,

“Great, my name is _____.” Then introduce yourself.

Another really great one is to walk up to a woman and say, “Excuse me. Can I

ask you a question? Have you ever felt totally comfortable talking to someone you just


They‟re going to say, “Of course I have.” You say, “Great. As you think about

that, I‟d like to introduce myself. My name is _____.” You're going to get a big laugh,

plus you're going to put her in that frame of mind where she does feel comfortable.

Any time you ask someone the question “have you ever,” it‟s not a question at all.

It‟s a command to go inside and think of a time when you did experience the state that

you mentioned. That‟s a very powerful technique.

If you want, you can get really corny when you walk up to a woman. This is a

favorite of mine. I don‟t know about you, but out here in Los Angeles, these women love

to wear tight black mini dresses. I think they are probably made from 2 square feet of

cloth. I don‟t know where they get these things. They‟re not even made of cloth. They‟re

made of some super, spandex, plastic, polymer that shows every curve of their body.

When I see a woman dressed like that, I‟ll walk up to her and say, “That is a

great dress you're almost wearing.” That always gets a laugh. They really like that.

Another thing I‟ll do is walk up to a woman who is dressed really hot and say,

“Excuse me. Have you ever heard the phrase „a body that won‟t quit‟?” She says, “Yes.”

I say, “Yours doesn‟t even take a coffee break.” That always gets a laugh.

What I start my first gear out with is laughter. It‟s getting them laughing. In

second gear, I start talking to them in a comfortable way about themselves. Third gear

Page 36: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


is to get them really turned on, and fourth gear is to close it. I close the sale. A good

metaphor is to have that little gearshift in your mind.

Sometimes I think people must question what I say. I don‟t blame you. This is all

a model. This is all a recipe. There is more than one recipe for making brownies. There

are various different recipes. You need to discard what doesn‟t work and keep what


Another great line I use that actually gets a laugh and has worked for me is,

“Excuse me. Has anyone ever told you you're a shining example of genetic perfection?”

I always laugh when I say it like I don‟t really believe it myself. That always gets a laugh.

Invariably, they want to meet me.

This is also something of a numbers game. Not every woman you approach is

going to want to be around you. You have to understand that basically it‟s an 80% “no”

world we live in. This brings up my famous 80/20 rule.

Do you know the old rule in business that says 80% of your business is going to

come from 20% of your customers? With women, I think it‟s more like a 90/10 rule.

Ninety percent of your pleasure will come from 10% of the women you meet.

Remember that when you're out picking women up, you just have to enjoy the

process. Part of what I'm doing by being funny and getting laughs is making the process

so enjoyable that I just want to keep doing it. I'm making sure I attract the kind of women

I want to be with. That‟s someone with a sense of humor.

Let me back up here a little bit and do the sequence of picking up a woman. The

first step is getting her attention by making her laugh. Deliver some kind of line. The

second step is you introduce yourself. It‟s very important. That brings the conversation

to a personal level. You make her laugh. You walk up and say, “That‟s a great dress

you're almost wearing!” After she finishes laughing you say, “Hi, my name is _____.”

Then you start talking to her about her favorite person, herself.

Page 37: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


One of the things I recommend, if you feel so inclined, is to analyze your

handwriting. We have the Grapho-Deck handwriting analysis cards that will make you

an instant expert.

As you're talking to her, start titillating her a little bit and get her a little bit turned

on. One of the questions I like to ask a woman is, “When you think about how wonderful

it feels to be loved by someone you truly care for, doesn‟t it make you really want to be

with someone special again?”

When I throw that question in after I've talked to her casually, that always gets

her to remember a time when she really felt loved. As she remembers that time and

looks at me, she begins to associate those feelings with me.

Try that the next time you're at a party or bar, in the appropriate place in the

conversation. Remember to do it in the appropriate place. You have to start out with the

preliminaries. Throw that question in and watch her eyes light up and her state change.

The final thing is to close the deal. You always want to close the deal. One of the

things I‟ll say when I want to close the deal is, “I think you're a really great lady. I think

you deserve a chance to go out with me and discover how much fun you can have. Can

you be ready Monday night at 8:00 p.m.?”

Notice how I'm doing that. I'm not saying, “I would like to take you out.” I'm

making it a positive benefit for her. I'm saying that it‟s to her advantage to do this. That‟s

a good way to close it.

As you go out there with these sexy attitudes, some of you may find that she‟s so

turned on that she doesn‟t want to wait for a date. She wants to get it on right there at

the party or the bar. Learn to take advantage of that.

Imagine this just for a moment. Look down and imagine there‟s a crisp, brand-

new $100 bill right there at your feet. Notice what you do on the inside of your head to

make yourself reach down and grab it. Imagine the wind is about to come and blow it

Page 38: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


away forever if you don‟t grab it right now. I want you to actually hear a voice in your

head saying, “Go for it! Grab it! Close it!”

Now I would like you to imagine that sexy woman in front of you. She‟s all over

you and wants you right then and there. I want you to hear that same voice in your head

saying, “Grab it! Close it! This chick is toast! Go for it!” Doesn‟t it make it seem that you

absolutely will not hesitate at all? You will close it.

Part of this game is to know when to lay back, make her feel comfortable and

close it when the moment is right. You need both skills. If you're not sufficiently laid

back, you‟ll scare her off. You never get to the close. If you don‟t know how to close it,

then you wind up being the big brother, the buddy, the friend or the counselor or

therapist. You wind up dating your hand, which is not something you want.

I want to emphasize how important the attitude is. It‟s such a powerful, sexy thing

when you have that attitude of, “This girl needs me. She doesn‟t know what she‟s

missing.” When you come at it what that attitude, the attitude is no longer “Oh, please, I

want you.” The attitude is, “I have something you want, and we both know it.” You want

to temper that with a sense of humor. When you come at the world with that attitude, the

world is your oyster. That‟s if you like oysters.

Finally, what I would like to do is leave you with some questions. The kind of

questions you ask yourself can determine a lot of the ways you think about things.

One question I would like you to ask yourself is, “How can I enjoy the challenges

that living this adventure will bring me?” Once you start to get control over your brain

and start to choose what you're going to experience and with whom, that‟s when you get

to step into the realm of the extraordinary.

Even though I don‟t know you and we have probably never met, I believe you

deserve that. I believe that‟s the birthright of every human being. I'm immensely grateful

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Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


to get to share that with you and thousands of people just like you all around the world

every single day of my life.

I want to wish you that same satisfaction as you take the learning you have and

move boldly into the world with them. Let me leave you with one final thing.

The Ojibwa Indians believed that dreams always have meaning. One of their

traditions is that the night air is filled with dreams both bad and good. They have

something called the dream catcher. It looks like a little fishing net. When hung, it

moves freely in the air and catches the dreams as they float by.

The good dreams know the way and slip through the center hole. They slide off

the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper doesn‟t even know that he‟s

dreaming. The bad dreams don‟t know the way. They get entangled in the webbing and

perish with the first light of the new day.

Begin to build a dream catcher in your mind. A dream catcher allows you to have

dreams and dream dreams where you integrate all this learning. It‟s where you dream

dreams of having power, confidence and success with the kind of women you‟ve always


As you do that, I want you to know that those dreams, and making those dreams

a reality, are what you're entitled to. That‟s what you're born to enjoy. Your unconscious

now takes responsibility for dreaming those dreams at night to reinforce this learning.

I‟d like to remind you that when you were a little child, the business of learning

the alphabet was difficult. You learned to print the capital “A,” the small “a,” the capital

“B” and the small “b.” Then script and print were so different. The cursive script “A”

looked different from the printed “A.” When you printed a small “b,” it could be confused

with the small “d.” was the “d” the “b” turned sideways? Was the “b” the “d” turned


Page 40: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


As you learned to form mental images of those letters, you didn't realize it at the

time. It became the foundation for adult learning and understanding. The ability to write

a letter to a friend, read a sign and enter into agreements with other people all occurred

based on that foundation of new learning.

As your unconscious integrates all this new learning you're having, you can look

forward with a sense of curiosity and excitement to see them manifest in your waking


I‟d like to say to your conscious mind, thanks for getting this tape series. Please

do the exercises. You‟ll begin to see miraculous results over the next two to three

weeks. After about three weeks have gone by, you can just pick maybe one day out of

the week to do a refresher.

Thanks a lot. I really do appreciate your faith in me. I know you're going to get

wonderful results. I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye.

Page 41: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Track 6:

Welcome to the bonus side. This is called “How to Reach Through Time and

Space to Find Your Ideal Dream Lover.”

First, I have to tell you that I don‟t believe in magic or any of those other cult

things, per se. I have had enough strange experiences to come to the belief that people

really are connected with each other all the time in ways that the material model just

doesn‟t account for.

We‟re going to show you the way to put yourself in a state of mind where you are

already connected to everyone anyway, and then reach out and make special contact

with that special person.

You might be wondering how quickly this message can work. I'm here to tell you

that I‟ve met the person I visualized in less than 24 hours. I'm not kidding. This is

extraordinarily powerful. It really is mind-blowing stuff.

I can‟t promise it will be that way for you the first time you try it, but the exercises

on the other tapes in this series will help you a lot. They tend to remove any limiting

beliefs that would slow down your results. Your beliefs are what are really going to

determine how quickly and powerfully you can do that.

This is the perfect complement and completion to the work you‟ve already done

and to what you‟ve already learned with this tape series. By the way, if you‟re cheating

and skipping to this bonus side before doing the other sides, that‟s very naughty. Go

back and do to the other stuff first. This new stuff will work infinitely better.

Here‟s the method. It‟s really quite simple. The first step is to get yourself in a

relaxed state. Preferably, you should do this before going to sleep at night. Just lay in

bed quietly with your eyes closed and the lights off, unless you‟re afraid of the dark, in

which case you have other problems.

Page 42: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Then I want you to begin to think of the values you‟d like to share with this special

person. By that, I mean the qualities to the relationship, like adventure and a sense that

you see the world in the same way, mutual enjoyment of each other‟s personalities,

admiration and passion.

Remember, these aren‟t qualities about her. We‟re not thinking about that. It‟s not,

“She has a sense of humor. She‟s this, or she‟s that.” These are the qualities that you‟d

like the relationship to have.

It may help you if you want to sit down, take a piece of paper and a pen and write

these out. Spend some time thinking about that before you actually do the exercise.

That‟s fine, too.

Then I want you to think about the qualities she will need to have in order for the

relationship to bring you all the things you‟ve just listed. List them by saying, “She is.”

Don‟t think, “She will be, or she has to be.” Remember, this person is already out there

waiting to be drawn to you.

Make sure you get into great detail. You might want to list the fact that she‟s

physically attractive. You can even think about the way you want her to look. As you get

into more detail, you‟ll see that it‟s like dialing a person‟s phone number. You have to

get the specific digits in the right sequence to make the connection.

As you‟re doing that, you may actually begin to visualize her. You may get a pretty

clear picture of what she looks like, but that‟s not necessary. You may just get a general

outline of what she looks like.

The next step is to focus on actually feeling her presence there. You may or may

not start to see an image of what she looks like as you‟re thinking about the qualities

you want her to have. Again, you don‟t have to see that image clearly. You do want to

get a sense that you can feel her presence. You‟re feeling the way you‟d feel if she was

already in your life.

Page 43: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Then start to focus on that feeling of being connected to this special person. You

might feel it first in the area of your solar plexus, your forehead, or maybe even your

groin. Generally speaking, you‟ll feel the connection first in the area of your solar plexus.

Some people refer to it as your heart area. Technically, your heart is over to the left, so I

like to call it to the solar plexus area. If you want to think of it as your heart, that‟s fine


As you feel that connection in whichever of these three areas it is, imagine that

there is a cord of light going from that area on your body to the area on her body.

Sometimes you‟ll even feel a click to let you know that the connection has been made in

one of these areas. In almost every case, the heart or solar plexus area is first.

Then focus on making the connection in all three areas and connecting with her

simultaneously. This is going to give you a very strong, powerful sense of connection

with her like she‟s right there in the room with you.

Take a minute to really focus on how good that feels. Feel a sense of real

gratitude for having made the contact. You might even find yourself saying out loud,

“Thank you.” That‟s not necessary, but you may feel moved to do that.

Then turn up the juice by visualizing a spiral or coil spinning in your solar plexus

area. As you visualize sending out more energy through that area, you‟ll find that th is

increases, and sometimes even doubles, the feeling of being connected with this


Here‟s the next step. Imagine that you‟re inside her body looking out through her

eyes at you. Notice as she names the qualities she loves the most about you and feel

the love she has for you.

Finally, come back to your body. Feel that connection again of heart, or solar

plexus as you might want to call it, head and groin. Then thank her in advance for

coming into your life.

Page 44: Unstoppable Confidence Transcript

Unstoppable Confidence transcript Copyright 1994, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Website – http://www.seduction.com


Don‟t overdo this process. Once per week will be enough. You‟ll find that you get

sudden urges to go to places that you normally wouldn‟t, or to go to places that you

would normally go to but at times you normally wouldn‟t.

You may see this as a sudden image flashing into your mind. You may hear a

voice saying, “Go here.” Follow these urges without hesitation, and you will be shocked

at how that woman just happens to be at that place you were led to. This is really mind-

blowing stuff.

If the person you meet isn‟t exactly right, that‟s not a sign that it‟s a failure. That‟s

a sign that you have to go back to the drawing board and add in new qualities to the


For example, the first time I did this, I met a girl the next day who was just like I

had visualized. I forgot to add into my visualizing and the qualities I named that she

would be available for a relationship. It turned out she already had a boyfriend, but she

had every other quality I was looking for. I had to go back to the drawing board and

name that quality of her being available.

Depending on your personal power and beliefs, etc., you should meet the ideal

person within five tries, especially in light of the fact that the other exercises in this

series will have stripped away your limiting beliefs and self-image.

Things should manifest quickly for you. Just be sure to build the belief that if she‟s

not exactly right the first time, you just have to add in new qualities.

That‟s it for the bonus side. See you in the real world.