uno strategic planning advance may 12, 2003. our plan: unveiling uno’s strategic plan for...

UNO Strategic Planning UNO Strategic Planning Advance Advance May 12, 2003 May 12, 2003

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UNO Strategic Planning AdvanceUNO Strategic Planning AdvanceMay 12, 2003May 12, 2003

Our Plan: Unveiling UNO’s Our Plan: Unveiling UNO’s Strategic Plan for 2003-2008Strategic Plan for 2003-2008

Student FocusStudent FocusTask ForceTask Force

David CicotelloDavid Cicotello

Strategic Planning AdvanceStrategic Planning AdvanceMay 12, 2003May 12, 2003

Goal 1: Student FocusUNO places students at the center

of the educational enterprise.

Goal 1: Student FocusGoal 1: Student Focus

• Considerations for Proposed Changes:

1. Is the focus on “students”?

2. Is there an alignment with Quality Indicators?

3. Is the content edited sufficiently for clarity and specificity?

Goal 1: Student FocusGoal 1: Student Focus

• Considerations for Proposed Changes:

1. Is each Sub-Goal congruent with Goal 1?

2. Are the Objectives listed congruent with the intention of the Sub-Goal?

3. Is a Sub-Goal or an Objective better aligned with another Goal?

Academic Excellence Academic Excellence Task ForceTask Force

Lanyce KeelLanyce Keel

Refinement of the Academic Refinement of the Academic

Excellence (AE) objectivesExcellence (AE) objectives • Parameters with potential influence on Academic

Excellence objectives include:– New budget related challenges

– Impact of academic prioritization process

– Emergence of new interdisciplinary fields

– Success of various campus-wide academic activities such as teaching circles and research triangles

– Progress in developing an Electronic Portfolio and availability of some assessment outcomes

– Renewed focus on having a strong and diverse student population

Recommendations of the AE Recommendations of the AE Task Force Task Force

Emphasize the continuous development of a rich environment that supports various research and teaching activities such as TABS, teaching circles, research triangles, integration of technology and instruction, etc.

Emphasize the activities that deal with increasing participation of under-represented student groups in scholarly activities.

Establish an on-going effective, efficient assessment process in order to balance expansion and quality of programs

Recommendations of the AE Recommendations of the AE Task Force (cont)Task Force (cont)

• Emphasize the importance of involving staff and students in various research and creative activities.

• Promote activities that increase the visibility of our academic achievements.

• Encourage and foster new interdisciplinary programs

• Increase incentives for stimulating competitive and/or potentially funded research and creative activities

The Refinement ProcessThe Refinement Process

• Based on the recommendations of the AE Task Force, refinements of the objectives for Goal 2 of the strategic plan have been suggested (see your packet)

• Your input on the suggested refinements (and the objectives in general) will be collected in the Advance

• Based on your input, a modified set of refinements will be incorporated in a draft of the strategic plan by early Fall

Community Engagement Community Engagement Task ForceTask Force

Sara WoodsSara Woods

Goal 3 Task ForceGoal 3 Task ForceBob Graham

Denise Maybank

B. J. Reed

Sajda Qureshi

Jim Saker

Bill Swanson

Sharon Ulmar

Jim Veiga

Sara Woods

Goal 3 ModificationsGoal 3 Modifications

UNO will actively engage with the urban, regional, national, and global community.

Modifications to Modifications to Goal 3 ObjectivesGoal 3 Objectives

• Underscore UNO’s need to be open, responsive, and respectful of the diverse community it serves

• Broaden the concept of outreach to incorporate the full range of activities at UNO

• Include the role that students play in university outreach

Modifications to Goal 3 Modifications to Goal 3 ObjectivesObjectives

• Emphasize the value and importance of internal and external partnerships in providing and sustaining university outreach

• Underscore role of outreach in individual life-long engagement with university

• Recognize the need to nurture a climate that recognizes and rewards professional and community service

Gearing Up for UNO’s Second Gearing Up for UNO’s Second CenturyCentury

Table DiscussionsTable Discussions

• Reviewing the revised strategic plan

• Developing university-wide action steps

• Prioritizing action steps

Top Priorities for UNO’s FutureTop Priorities for UNO’s Future

Feedback of the Morning’s Feedback of the Morning’s Prioritization ProcessPrioritization Process

Highest Ranked Highest Ranked Action StepsAction Steps

What’s Next?What’s Next?Planning Activities for FallPlanning Activities for Fall

• Incorporate suggestions obtained today into the plan

• Conduct strategic planning forums with students and community leaders

• Ensure that all representations of the mission/plan are consistent

• Focus on implementation and assessment