unlocking emotional intelligence for excellence in life

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  • 7/29/2019 Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for excellence in LIfe


    Aum Sri Sai Ram

    II MSc. Physics Presentation

    Sri Sathya Sai Institute for Higher Learning

  • 7/29/2019 Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for excellence in LIfe


    A True Story

    Jason H., a student at a Coral Springs, Florida, high school, waskeen on getting into medical school. Not just any medicalschool--he dreamt of Harvard.

    But Pologruto, his physics teacher, had given Jason an 50 on aquiz. Getting a mere B grade--put his dream in jeopardy.

    Jason took a butcher knife to school and, in a confrontationwith Pologruto in the physics lab, stabbed his teacher in thecollarbone before being subdued in a struggle !

    This is a story that brings up the question,

    How could someone of such obvious intelligence dosomething so irrational?

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    What made him take such a


    More trouble

    Foolish action

    Outburst of negative emotions.

    No control over his mind

    Dreams getting shattered

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  • 7/29/2019 Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for excellence in LIfe



    Happiness, fear, anger, affection, shame, disgust,

    surprise, lust, sadness, elation, love, frustration,anxiety, failure, achievement etc.

    The above are the emotions which directly affect our day-to-daylife. There are TWO dimensions of emotions:

    Physiological side: Emotion is a complex state of human mind,involving bodily changes of widespread character such as breathing,pounding heart, flushed face, sweating palms, pulse rate, glandsecretions, etc.

    Psychological side, a state of excitement or perturbation marked bystrong feelings.

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    Emotions And Their Blends

    Anger: fury, outrage, resentment, annoyance,

    hostility. Shame: guilt, remorse, humiliation, regret.

    Fear: anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, terror.

    Enjoyment:happiness, joy, relief, contentment,

    pleasure. Sadness: Grief, sorrow, cheerlessness, gloom.

    Surprise: Shock, astonishment, amazement wonder.

    Love: acceptance, friendliness, trust, kindness,infatuation.

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    What isEmotional Intelligence ?

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    Emotional Intelligence is the capacity forrecognizing our own feelings and those ofothers, for motivating ourselves, and formanaging emotions well in ourselves and inour relationships. Emotional intelligence

    describes abilities distinct from, butcomplementaryto, academic intelligence.Daniel Goleman (1998)

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  • 7/29/2019 Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for excellence in LIfe


    This EQ test is thought- provoking

    (and offensive to some)

    I do not get angry whenverbally attacked.

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    I am comfortable with others

    grief, even those in close

    relationship to me.

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    I get angry or fearful when

    physically threatened.

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    I am able to love whomsoever I

    choose .

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    I am comfortable with others'

    anger and hate.

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    I worry regularly in somecircumstances.

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    At times and in somecircumstances I feel shame.

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    My anger keeps coming back incertain situations or with Specific


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    For some things I have done inthe past, I feel guilty.

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    At times I feel degraded andhumiliated.

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    Regularly I get anxious aboutsome situations.

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    Sadness keeps recurring for meover specific issues.

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    Jealousy is sometimes a part ofmy life.

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    I get depressed regularly.

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    In my life stress never ends.

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    I regularly allow my own wracking

    sobs and tears.

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    Once my sobs and tears have

    been released, I feel great.

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    I am comfortable saying thewords "I love you" to men,

    women and children in a feeling


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    Are we giving EQ education in

    schools/colleges?? NO. Our educational system gives stress on IQ and not on

    EQ. We are taught History, Hindi, English, Geography,Physics, anthropology, Botany, Computers, Medicine,Engineering etc.

    We are NOT TAUGHT how to handle frustration,

    anxieties, stress, failure, depression, burnout, inferioritycomplexes, ego problems.

    We are not told to learn how to manage emotions i.e.;interaction, coordination, Adjustment, communication

    We are expected to learn all these from our parents, peergroup of other role models.

    At the later stages of our lives we are told to masteremotional competencies to be successful.

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    What is the difference between EQ and

    IQ?Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a measure of a person'sintelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a

    person's mental age to their chronological age.

    Emotional quotient (EQ) is a term used to measure how muchyou understand your inner self and the tasks you can performsatisfactorily without getting stressed or depressed.

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    IQ v/s EQ(Intelligence Quotient v/s Emotional Quotient)

    The research shows

    that IQ can help you

    to be successful to theextent of 20 percent

    only in life. The rest of

    80 percent success

    depends on your EQ





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    Is it your IQ: Exams passed, competitions cleared,percentage of marks in schools and colleges,academic qualifications etc.

    Or is it :Earning fat salary, top positions inworkplace, being rich and wealthy, powerful,dominating, being influential etc.

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    The word "success" is a relative term

    Living a healthy and happy married life may be an indicatorof success for some.

    Reaching a top position in carrier may be an indicator ofsuccess for others

    For some having a satisfying job life or personal satisfactionmay be an indicator of success

    Only the tangible achievements may not be indicators ofsuccess in life. Many a times non-tangible performance orachievements may be termed as successful.

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    IQ EQ

    Gets you hiredGets you


    Success in

    Professional Life

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    If only I had a different job

    If only I had finished graduation

    If only I had been handsome

    If only I had been born rich andfamous

    If only I had good contacts

    If only I had better friends

    If only I was intelligent

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    Traditionalists High performersSay that emotions

    Distract us

    Increase our vulnerability

    Clouds our judgment

    Must be Controlled

    Say that emotions

    Motivate us

    Increase our confidence

    Speed up our analysis

    Must be Managed

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    The Ability Based Model

    Perceiving emotions

    Understanding emotions

    Using emotions

    Managing emotions

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  • 7/29/2019 Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for excellence in LIfe


    Here is a situation..

    You are eating breakfast with your family. Your

    daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your

    business shirt. You have no control over what

    just happened.

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    What happens next will be determined

    by how you react.

    You curse and harshly scold your daughterfor knocking the cup over.

    She breaks down in tears.

    After scolding her, you turn to your spouse

    and criticize her for placing the cup tooclose to the edge of the table.

    A short verbal battle follows.

    You storm upstairs and change your shirt.

    Back downstairs, you find your daughterhas been too busy crying to finish breakfastand get ready for school.

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    And then Your daughter misses the bus.

    Your spouse must leave immediately for work.

    You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school.

    Because you are late, you drive 90 Kms an hour in a 40

    Km speed limit. After a 15-minute delay and throwing Rs500/- traffic fine away, you arrive at school.

    Your daughter runs into the buildingwithout even saying goodbye.

    After arriving at the office 20 minutes late,you find you forgot your briefcase.

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    And then...

    Your day has started terrible.

    As it continues, it seems to get worseand worse.

    You look forward to coming home.

    When you arrive home, you find smallwedge in your relationship with yourspouse and daughter.

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    Why did you have such a bad day ?

    A) Did the coffee cause it?

    B) Did your daughter cause it?

    C) Did the policeman cause it?

    D) Did you cause it?

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    The answer is

    You had no control over what happenedwith the coffee. How you reacted in those 5

    seconds is what caused your bad day.

    D) You caused it.

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    What could have happened?

    Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry.

    You gently say, "Its ok dear, you just need to be morecareful next time".

    After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, youcome back down in time to look through the windowand see your child getting on the bus.

    She turns and waves.

    You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet thestaff.

    Your boss comments on how cheerful you always are.

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    You really do not have any control over 10%

    of what happens to you.

    The other 90% of what happens is

    determined by your reaction.

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    How to improve EQ?

    Anyone can be angrythat is easy. But to be

    angry with the right person, to the right degree,

    at the right time, for the right purpose, and inthe right way that is not easy.

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    People are Talking about it NOW in the

    corporate world.


    What has swami told about this.??

    What does our scriptures say about this ..?

    Is there any relation..?

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    www.eqindia.com 49






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    How Hostel Life helps us unlock EI?

    Community living Adjustment

    Self reliance Interdependence

    Organising programs Practical Platform

    Team Games Cooperation


    Sense of service

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    How Mandir helps us develop EI?


    Reduce anxiety

    Peace of mind

    Increases Positive attitude toward life


    Self introspection

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    How to develop EI in Swamis words

    When Tukaaraam was asked how man can keep the

    monkey mind from running after sensuous pleasures,

    he replied to the enquirer, "Let the monkey run; youkeep quiet where you are; do not let the body go

    along with the monkey-mind." Tell the mind, "I shall

    not give you the body as your servant." Then, the

    mind will desist and it can be defeated.Sathya Sai Baba

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    Swamis Solution

    The ancient Indian sages practised self-control, entertained

    good thoughts and led a blissful life. When a man's inner self

    is filled with love, his life becomes full of bliss and he is

    always hale and hearty Today man suffers from numerous

    ailments the root cause of which is a diseased mind. Thereis no death for the mind, though when the body is facing

    death the mind thinks it is dying. The mind, it has been said, is

    the cause of one's bondage or liberation. Bad thoughts beget

    bondage. Good thoughts lead to liberation. Hence, everyone

    should develop good thoughts and perform good deeds. Such

    good feelings can arise only out of love.

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