unlock-15-report writing and presentation.ppt compatibility mode

Report Writing and Report Writing and Presentation for Work Place Presentation for Work Place Assignment Assignment Report Writing and Report Writing and Presentation for Work Place Presentation for Work Place Assignment Assignment SYSTOOLS DEMO

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Page 1: Unlock-15-Report Writing and Presentation.ppt Compatibility Mode

Report Writing and Report Writing and

Presentation for Work Place Presentation for Work Place


Report Writing and Report Writing and

Presentation for Work Place Presentation for Work Place



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What is report writing?What is report writing?

• A report is a structured written presentation directed to interested readers in response to some specific purpose, aim or request.

• Requests?: many varieties of requests but generally their function is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to offer a solution to a problem.


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Report StructureReport Structure

• Report has a standardized format (compared to other written communication) to enable readers to find and focus on specific pieces of information.

• General structure of report is as follows;– Transmittal document

– Title page– Title page

– Table of contents

– Abstract/executive summary

– Introduction

– Methods

– Results and Discussions

– Conclusions

– Recommendations

– Bibliography


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Stage 1: PlanningStage 1: Planning

1. Define the purpose1.1. read the brief carefully

1.2. identify key words

1.3. understand what is being asked

2. Define the audience2.1. determine the audience’s level of understanding2.1. determine the audience’s level of understanding

2.2. determine what is needed by audience

3. Establish parameters3.1. determine the scope and level of detail required

3.2.determine the length of report and what can be covered in that length

4. Gather information4.1. gather relevant, contemporary and factually correct information

4.2. transcribe facts and figures correctly


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a. Writing the bodya. Writing the body4 components of the of the body

i. Introduction� Introduction leads into the main subject matter by giving the necessary

background of the report, its aims, premises, scope, limitations, and any information useful for the reader.

� Introduction explains why the report is necessary

ii. Main body� Consists of different headings and sub-headings

� Where applicable consists of methods, results and discussion, and conclusions

� This section basically describes, analyses, interpret and evaluates the procedures, data, findings, relationships, results etc

iii. Conclusion� Conclusions drawn from the evidence, analysis, interpretation and

evaluation presented in the main body

� Should give key points and main findings

iv. Recommendation� When used should present your informed opinions, suggestions, possible

actions to be taken

� Recommendation should be exact, and unambiguous, perceptive, imaginative and rationaleSYSTOOLS DEMO

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c. Writing the supplementary c. Writing the supplementary

materialsmaterialsi. Transmittal document

� Not part of the report, but accompanies it

� It personalizes the report for specific reader and calls attention to items/sections in the report of interest to that person

ii. Title pageii. Title page� Identifies the report with the following information:

Title, author’s name (& position), authority for report, place of origin, date

iii. Table of contents

iv. Bibliography


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Report WritingReport Writing(Case Study: Work place assignment)(Case Study: Work place assignment)

• Instructions to candidate on preparation of

workplace assignment report

– Workplace assignment– Workplace assignment

– Report Format


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Report Format Report Format --11

• Abstract (10 marks)

• Introduction (12 marks)

– Must include organizational chart, activities,

work processes, work environment, jobs and work processes, work environment, jobs and

tasks that explain the work place activities

and the associated hazards

• Objectives (5 marks)

– State the objectives


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Report Format Report Format --33

• Results & Discussions

- List at least 5 hazards ID (including 1 health


- Determine 1 critical safety and 1 health - Determine 1 critical safety and 1 health

hazards (based on the highest risk level)

- Explain how these safety and health hazards

affects the workers


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Report Format Report Format --55

• Title page (front cover)

Identifies the report with the following

information: Title, author’s name (&

position), authority for report, place of origin, position), authority for report, place of origin,



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Oral PresentationOral Presentation

• Prepare at least 4 topics on 4 transparencies

(Introduction, Method, Results and Discussions,

Recommendations for reviews). Make sure

legible fonts size

• 10 min presentation (practice)

• Arrange presentation to ensure nice flow

• Look at audience (practice)

• Speak clearly and confidently (practice)

• Care in displaying body language


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