unlimited by capgemini: foundation of digital business

UNLIMITED by Capgemini HPE Discover, London, Detlev Sandel November 29 th , 2016 Foundation for Digital Business

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by Capgemini

HPE Discover, London, Detlev Sandel

November 29th, 2016

Foundation for

Digital Business

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Today you will learn how to

This session is about

achieving more

with less

Overcome one of the main inhibitors to digital

transformation in existing system landscapes

Boost the performance of the landscape out-of-the-box

Improve data quality to an unprecedented level of

accuracy and detail

Shorten time-to-market by at least 30%

Lower cost of development and operations by at least

25% at the same time

Achieve all this with one simple measure


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

We cannot solve a

problem with the same

kind of thinking we used

when we created it.

Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955

Before we start let‘s (re-)calibrate our minds for the session


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Digital Business is a huge opportunity for all companies:

Innovative technologies enable new business models


Big Data

Artificial intelligence,

Machine learning

Internet of Things IoT

Mobile devices




Industry 4.0


Products to Services

Data-driven Processes

Digital Business


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

When we in IT think about “solving business problems”, we commonly

follow one standard approach


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

We add more applications


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Need to do Big Data?

No worries, there are plenty of solutions


Big Data Landscape 2016

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Interested in the Internet-of-Things?

Here we go


Internet of Things Landscape 2016

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None of these tools will solve

the main problem

in transforming into

a digital business

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Can you guess what this is?


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Main challenge: hundreds of data copies With every copy, extract or aggregate of data, information gets irretrievably lost!


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Data quality matters (a lot)

IDC 1)

Organizations with

more than 1.000 employees

have 516 extra copies of data

on average.

Forrester 2)

Poor data quality is the

main issue in improving

customer experience.

Capgemini/MIT 3)

Digital leaders are

26% more profitable, have

9% higher revenue and a

12% higher market valuation.

1) IDC #259143: “Common gaps in data control” (Sept. 2015)

2) Forrester: “Data Quality Solution, Q4 2015” (Dec. 2015)

3) Capgemini Consulting, MIT Sloan: “The digital advantage” (2014)


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Data copies and, even worse, copies from copies are the main

inhibitor to succeed in digital business, because they are:

(very) expensive



incorrect imprecise


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Today‘s Client-Server world

Why are we doing so many copies?

Because we follow a 30-year old IT architecture paradigm

Typical characteristics of complex

client-server landscapes

High response times

Long-running batch jobs

Bad data quality

Complex and heterogeneous data


High costs for development and


Low flexibility in regard to process


Long feature request lists from

business which cannot be implemented LEGEND

Application Server Reporting Server Database Server Interface/Data Flow


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From now on

we don’t do data copies

any more

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Seven requirements for a central data

management platform

Our approach: Consolidation of data management on one central

platform and shutdown of dedicated reporting systems

1. Redundant-free data storage

2. Low response times independent from

use case/application

3. Transactions & Analytics in one single


4. Structured & unstructured data in one

single database

5. Ready for mission-critical usage

6. Capacity for future data growth

7. Protection of investments into existing



Target picture: All transactional systems work on the same data management platform

No more dedicated reporting system

Limited number of data copies for HA and DR



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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

To answer this question Capgemini did extended research on available data management solutions


Requirement Solution A Solution B Solution X

1. No Redundancy

2. Low Response Times


4. Structured + Unstructured n.a

5. Mission-critical ready

6. Capacity

7. Protection of Investments Only with

same Vendor

The one-billion dollar question: is there a technology existing which

meets all of the seven requirements?


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

At least one gets very close: SAP HANA®

Requirement Solution A Solution B Solution X

1. No Redundancy

2. Low Response Times


4. Structured + Unstructured n.a

5. Mission-critical ready

6. Capacity

7. Protection of Investments Only with

same Vendor

Important to know:

HANA works with non-SAP systems as well


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Real-life case study:

After sales

transformation at

large car manufacturer

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

How many IT systems does it take to repair cars?


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Answer: 22



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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

With up to 80.000 transactions per day „Repair24“ is one of the most

critical systems in after sales and causes some headaches

Business IT













Unplanned extended stays at service stations

Very limited reporting

features (short history, on ad-

hoc reporting, low granularity)

Multiple parallel systems for


System availability does not

match SLAs

Performance requirements restrain

processable data volume

Data provisioning over batch

interfaces not reliable

Complex and expensive system landscape

Reporting on at least one year of

repair history in real-time

Detection of hacking attempts of car control units in real-time

Shorter repair times in service


Individual services for

customers in the service stations

Improvement of data quality (concurrency and level of detail)

Cope with data growth resulting from the infotainment

systems in the cars

Shorter release cycles




on HANA”

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Most important results from project “Repair24-on-HANA” C






Parallelism 300 parallel inquiries at high performance –

more possible

Data volume 14x more “hot data” at minimal response times

(400ms) – more possible

Data footprint 70% less space for same amount of data

Protection of


Application continues to run on HANA with only

minimal adaptations

Out-of-the-box All of this is possible out-of-the-box with no effort

for optimization or tuning



Operate HANA as “sidecar” to production and leverage

benefits without influencing productive systems

Customer: “Now we can do more with less - less technology, less complexity, less effort, less budget”

New options

1. Reduction of interfaces/

massive simplification

2. Real-time reporting, new

functionality out-of-the-box

with less (!) technology

3. Cost savings

4. Higher availability/reliability

of processes

5. Offer new services

to customers

6. …


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Vision: Using SAP HANA as central data pool leads to many

business benefits at significantly lower costs

Business Benefits



Information in real-time, better support

No replication of data between systems

High availability of processes

Higher service quality

Reduction of maintenance durations

Higher customer satisfaction and -retention

New, innovative offerings possible

Less soft- and hardware

No efforts for data handling

Lower cost of operations

No maintenance of interfaces between


Lower cost of development

Synergies with SAP systems

Real-time after sales platform

Consistent & accurate information in real-time

Out-of-the-box with no extra effort

Transactions & analytics in one database

Proven technology


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Market-leading offering

for digital transformation

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The good news_

There is a

non-disruptive transition path

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UNLIMITED offers an end-to-end implementation out of one hand

delivered by three strong partners – on premise and in cloud

Services Software Hardware


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Transition in two iterative steps with immediate benefits and

without interruption of production UNLIMITED

powered by HANA


Step 1

Single application on HANA

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Transition in two iterative steps with immediate benefits and

without interruption of production



powered by HANA

Optimized data model

Step 2 Step 1

for application 2…n

Single application on HANA

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business


Transition in two iterative steps with immediate benefits and

without interruption of production


Step 2 Step 1

for application 2…n


powered by HANA

Digital Enterprise Platform

Single application on HANA Optimized data model

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Getting started: UNLIMITED pilot for one productive system

Low invest, minimal effort, quick results

Our standardized approach helps minimizing risks and maximizing customer benefits

1. Run benchmark test on

productive application

2. Import data into HANA

3. Run performance test on HANA

4. Generate report

Customer a) Data export

b) SQL trace from production

c) (HANA server

on premise - opt.)

Procedure Input Customer gets


This is all we need from customers Potential report

Technical feasibility statement

Performance results

Compatibility analysis

Potential estimation

Basic knowledge transfer

Recommendations for further


Reusable HANA In-memory database

Plus 4-8 weeks

Capgemini a) HANA test licenses

b) Test application

c) HANA-Server in

secure data center



powered by HANA

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take-aways 1. Shift paradigm to “Data-centric computing”:

centralize data, decentralize logic

2. Consolidate and harmonize legacy


3. Move existing applications to central data

pool step-by-step

4. Challenge every new solution that will

implement more data copies

5. The result will be real-time information in an

unmatched level of accuracy and detail with

much less resources and complexity


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

For more information


SAPinsider publication

Landing page UNLIMITED http://www.de.capgemini.com/customer-experience-management/realtime-applications

(currently only available in German)

HANA central landing page

Blog on different in-memory implementations

Prof. Plattner’s online course

UNLIMITED video on YouTube

In-memory data management: watch at least introductory session (45 minutes)

SAP HANA, Oracle 12c in-memory, IBM DB2 BLU – a comparison

(with comments from Prof. Plattner)

Capture the Unlimited Potential of SAP HANA in Non-SAP Environments

Unlock the true potential of custom applications


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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Thank you for your attention


Think big !

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UNLIMITED by Capgemini – Foundation for Digital Business

Contact information

Detlev Sandel Innovation Management

Digital Services

Berliner Strasse 76

63065 Offenbach (Germany)

Phone: +49 69 9515-1067

Mobile: +49 151 4025-1237

E-Mail: [email protected]



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The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. Copyright © 2016 Capgemini and Sogeti. All rights reserved. Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini.


About Capgemini

With more than 180,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini

is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing

services. The Group reported 2015 global revenues of EUR 11.9

billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers

business, technology and digital solutions that fit their needs,

enabling them to achieve innovation and competitiveness. A deeply

multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way

of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws

on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model.

Sogeti is a leading provider of technology and software testing, specializing in

Application, Infrastructure and Engineering Services. Sogeti offers cutting-edge

solutions around Testing, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Mobile, Cloud and

Cyber Security. Sogeti brings together more than 20,000 professionals in 15

countries and has a strong local presence in over 100 locations in Europe, USA

and India. Sogeti is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cap Gemini S.A., listed on the

Paris Stock Exchange.
