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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Class : BsCS 4th -B

Subject : Operating System

Muhammad Shakeeb ( IS/17122-Aut -FO7 M )Syed Zeeshan Nasir ( IS/17133-Aut F 07 M )Faisal Muhammad ( IS/17122-Aut F07 M)Group Members :

Unix Memory Management


Handling Memory


Process A's virtual address space Physical memory Process B's virtual address space


Memory ManagementThe initial memory management schemes were constrained in size by the relatively small memory resources of UNIX was developed on the PDP machines Pre 3BSD system use swapping exclusively to handle memory contention among processes If there is too much contention, processes are swapped out until enough memory is availableAllocation of both main memory and swap space is done first-fit


Paging Berkeley UNIX systems depend primarily on paging for memory-contention management, and depend only secondarily on swapping Demand paging When a process needs a page and the page is not there, a page fault tot he kernel occurs, a frame of main memory is allocated, and the proper disk page is read into the frame A page daemon process uses a modified second-chance page-replacement algorithm to keep enough free frames to support the executing processes If the scheduler decides that the paging system is overloaded, processes will be swapped out whole until the overload is relieved


PagingPage table entry

Disk block descriptors

Page frame data table

Swap use table


Page Table Entry and Disk Block Descriptor

Disk Block DescriptorPage Table Entry

RegionPage Table EntryPage Table Disk Block DescriptorSwap Device Block NumberType

Page AddressAgeCp/WrtModRefValProt

Contains the physical address of page and the following bits:Valid: whether the page content legalReference: whether the page is referenced recentlyModify: whether the page content is modifiedcopy on write: kernel must create a new copy when a process modifies its content (required for fork)Age: Age of the pageProtection: Read/ write permissionPage Table Entry

Disk Block DescriptorSwap Device number as there may be several swap devicesBlock number that contains pageSwap Device Block NumberType

Page Frame Data Table EntryPage StateReference countLogical DeviceBlock NumberPfdata Pointer

Reference CountPage/Storage Unit Number

Swap use Table entry


11 Page Frame Data Table EntryPage State : Indicate whether this frame is available or has an associated age. In the latter case, the status of the page is specified on swap device, in executable fill, or DMA in progress.Reference count: Number of process that referncesthe page.Block Number: Bock location of the page copy on the logical devices. Logical Devices: Logical devices that contains a copy of the page.

Swap use table EntryReferences count: Number of page table entries that point to page on the swap device.Page/storage unit number: Page identifier on storage unit.

Replacement policy