unix lab file

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  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    1. Write a Shell Script which creates the following menu and prompts for choicefrom user and runs the chosen command.

    a. Today's date

    b. Process of user

    c. List of files

    d. Quit to UNIX

    echo Enter your Choiceecho 1. Dateecho 2. Process of Userecho 3. List of Files

    echo 4. Exitread chcase "$ch" in1)date ;;2)PS ;;3)LS ;;4)exit ;;*) echo invalid Choiceesac

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    2. Write a Shell Script which will redirect the output of the date commandwithout the time into a file.

    echo Enter the file nameread filea= `date|cut -b1-11, 25-28`echo $ a|tee -a $fileecho "\n" $file successfully created

    echo "\n" "content of file is:" `cat $file`

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    3. Write a Shell Script that accepts a filename as a command line argumentand finds out if its a regular file or a directory. If its a regular file, thenperforms various tests to see if it is readable, writeable, executable etc.

    if [ -d $1 ] ; thenecho "It is a Directory"fiif [ -f $1 ] ; thenecho "It is a File"fi

    if [ ! -r $1 ] ; thenecho "File is not readable"elseecho "File is Readable"fi

    if [ -w $1 ] ; thenecho "File is Writable"elseecho "File is not Writable"


    if [ -x $1 ] ; thenecho "File is Executable"elseecho "File Is not Executable"fi

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    4. Write a Shell Script that computes the factorial of a given number

    echo "Enter any no for Factorial"read noa=$noi=1;while test $no -ge 1doi=`expr $i \* $no`no=`expr $no - 1`doneecho "Factorial of " $a " is "$i

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    5. Write a Shell Script that works like a calendar reminding the user ofcertain things depending on the day of the week.

    a=`date +%A`echo "\n" Today is $aecho Your tasks for today is as followscase $a inMonday) echo Come late in class;;Tuesday) echo Just two lectures and then masti;;Wednesday) echo Boring Lectures;;Thursday) echo Yupiiieeee Foriegn Language Lecture

    ;;Friday) echo Last Working Day;;Saturday) echo Movie;;Sunday) echo Sleeping;;Esac

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    6. Write a Shell Script which takes a command line argument of Kms and bydefault converts that number into meters. Also provide options to convertkm to dm and km to cm.

    echo "Enter kms"read noa=$noi=1p=1000i=`expr $a \* $p`echo "In meters = " $iecho "Enter choice for operation 1 for dm or 2 for cm"read op

    case $op in

    1)c=`expr $a \* 10000`echo "In dm" $c;;

    2)d=`expr $a \* 100000`echo "In cm" $d;;


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    7. Write a Shell Script that performs a count-down either from 10 (default) orfrom the value that is entered by the user.

    a=10while test $a -ge 1doecho $asleep 5a=`expr $a - 1`done

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    8. If a number is input through the keyboard, WASS to calculate sum of itsdigits.

    echo "Enter the number ="read noa=$noe=0while test $a -ge 1dor=`expr $a \% 10`a=`expr $a \/ 10`e=`expr $e + $r`doneecho $e

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    9. Write a Shell Script using for loop, which displays the message "Welcometo the UNIX System"

    Echo displayin a messageFor((i=0;i

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    10.WAP to calculate and print the first m Fibonacci numbers.

    echo "Enter any no"read no

    n1=-1n2=1i=1echo "The fibonacci series is"while test $i -le $nodon3=`expr $n1 + $n2`echo $n3n1=$n2n2=$n3i=`expr $i + 1`


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    11.WASS to compute the GCD and LCM of two numbers.

    echo "Enter the first number :"read a

    echo "Enter the second number : "read b

    if [ $a -gt $b ]thennum=$aden=$belsenum=$bden=$afi

    r=`expr $num % $den`

    while [ $r -ne 0 ]donum=$denden=$rr=`expr $num % $den`done

    gcd=$denlcm=`expr $a \* $b / $gcd`

    echo " The LCM of $a and $b is : $lcm"echo " The GCD of $a and $b is : $gcd"

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    12.Two numbers are entered through the keyboard. WAP to find the value ofone number raised to the power of another.

    Echo "Enter the no."read no

    echo "Enter it's power"read pwi=1c=1while test $i -le $pwdoc=`expr $c \* $no`i=`expr $i + 1`doneecho "the power "$pw" of "$no" is "$c

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    13.WAP to generate all combinations of 1, 2 and 3 using for loop.

    for i in 1 2 3dofor j in 1 2 3

    dofor k in 1 2 3doecho $i$j$kdonedonedone

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    14.WASS that repeatedly asks the user repeatedly for the Name of theInstitution until the user gives the correct answer.

    echo "Name of the Instituition"read str

    if test $str = aiitthenecho "Name of instituition is aiit"elseecho "Wrong name"fi

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    15.Write a Shell Script that changes the extension of a group of files from txtto doc

    for file in *.txtdoleftname=`basename $file txt`mv $file ${leftname}docdone

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    16. Write a Shell Script that receives two filenames as arguments. It shouldcheck whether content of the two files is same or not. If they are same,second file should be deleted

    if [ -f $1 -a -f $2 ]thenif diff $1 $2thencat $1echo "\n"cat $2echo contents are same, second file is being deletedrm $2elseecho contents are different

    fielseecho "file does not exist"fi

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    17.Write a Shell Script (using while loop) to execute endlessly (untilterminated by user) a loop which displays contents of current directory,disk space status, sleep for 30 seconds and display the users currentlylogged in on the screen.

    char=ywhile [ $char="y" ]dolsdf -hsleep 2echo "want to continue ?"read chardone

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    18.Write a Shell Script to change the filename of all files in a directory fromlower-case to upper-case.

    for i in *domv $i `echo $i|tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"`done

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    19.Write a Shell Script that examines each file in the current directory. Fileswhose names end in old are moved to a directory named old files and fileswhose names end in .c are moved to directory named cprograms.

    for i in *.olddomv $i oldfilesdone

    for i in *.cdomv $i cprogramsdone

    Ques: Write a Shell Script which searches all files in the given directory (to be taken as

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    command line argument) for the file having the title (to be taken as command line

    argument), as the first line in the file and display the contents of the searched file and

    then, print the size, where

    File is small-sized if total no. of lines is

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a shell script which reports names and sizes of all files in a directory

    (directory would be supplied as an argument to the shell script) whose size is exceeding

    1000 bytes. The filenames should be printed in descending order of their sizes. The

    total number of such files should also be reported

    Code:if [ ! -d $1 ]thenecho "'$1' is not a directory..."

    elif [ `expr $#` -eq 0 ]thenecho "ERROR...! (no arguements passed)"

    elseecho ":::::FILES (exceeding 1000):::::"

    echo " "cd $1ls -l|grep [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].|cut -d " " -f 5,9|sort -g -r

    echo "----- ------------"echo "TOTAL= `ls -l|grep -c [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]. "


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a Shell Script for renaming each file in the directory such that it will have

    the current shell PID as an extension. The shell script should ensure that the

    directories do not get renamed...


    echo "Enter Directory- "read DIR

    if [ ! -d $DIR ]thenecho "$DIR is not a directory..."

    elsecd $DIR

    echo ":::::CONTENTS OF $DIR:::::"

    ls -l

    for i in *doif [ -f $i ]thenmv $i $i.`echo $$`fidone

    echo ":::::CONTENTS OF $DIR (new):::::"ls -l


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a Shell Script that will receive any number of filenames as arguments.

    The shell script should check whether such files already exist. If they do, then it should

    be reported. The files that do not exist should be created in a sub-directory called

    mydir. The shell script should first check whether the sub-directory mydir exists in the

    current directory. If it doesnt exist, then it should be created. If mydir already exists,then it should be reported along with the number of files that are currently present in



    for i in $*doif [ -e $i ]then

    if [ -f $i ]

    thenecho "'$i' exists...(file)"elif [ -d $i ]thenecho "'$i' exists...(directory)"fi

    elseecho "'$i' doesnot exists..."echo File created: `date| cut -c 1-10,20-28` > $iecho "'$i' created..."

    if [ ! -e MYDIR ]thenecho 'MYDIR' doesnot exist...mkdir MYDIRecho Created 'MYDIR'...fimv $i /home/aman/MYDIR/$iecho "'$i' moved to MYDIR..."fi


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a shell script receives even number of filenames. Suppose four filenames

    are supplied, then the first file should get copied into second file, the third file should

    get copied into fourth and so on. If odd number of filenames is supplied then no

    copying should take place and an error message should be displayed

    Code:if [ `expr $# % 2` -ne 0 ]thenecho "ERROR...! (odd number of files passed)"

    elif [ `expr $#` -eq 0 ]thenecho "ERROR...! (no files passed)"


    for i in $*docount=`expr $count + 1`

    if [ $count -eq 1 ]thenfile1=$ifi

    if [ $count -eq 2 ]thenfile2=$iecho $file1 copied to $file2cp $file1 $file2count=0fi


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a shell script to identify all zero-byte files in the current directory and

    delete them. Before proceeding with deletion, the shell script should get a confirmation

    from the user

    Code:echo ALL FILESls

    for i in *doif [ -f $i -a ! -s $i ]thenrm -i $ifi


    echo "ALL FILES (empty files removed)"l


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a shell script that prompts the user for the password. The user has

    maximum of 3 attempts. If the user enters the correct password, the message Correct

    Password is displayed else the message Wrong Password



    while [ $count -le 3 ]doecho Enter Password-read pass

    if [ $pass == "ak727" ]thenecho CORRECT PASSWORD...exit

    elseif [ `expr 3 - $count` == 0 ]thenecho "WRONG PASSWORD (No more attempt available)..."exitfi

    echo "WRONG PASSWORD (`expr 3 - $count` attemp(s) left)..."count=`expr $count + 1`fi


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a Shell Script that takes a search string and filename from the terminal &

    displays the results


    echo "Enter file- "read FILE

    echo "Enter Pattern (to search)- "read ch

    if [ ! -f $FILE ]thenecho "'$FILE' is not a file..."

    elseif [ `grep -c $ch $FILE` -gt 0 ]then

    echo "Pattern '$ch' is found in '$FILE' '`grep -c $ch $FILE` time(s) ' "fifi

  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a Shell Script that takes pattern and filename as command line arguments

    and displays the results appropriately i.e. pattern found/pattern not found


    if [ `expr $#` -eq 0 ]then

    echo "ERROR...! (no arguments passed)"

    elif [ `expr $#` -eq 1 ]thenecho "ERROR...! (file no passed)"


    if [ ! -f $2 ]thenecho "'$2' is not a file..."

    elseif [ `grep -c $1 $2` -gt 0 ]thenecho "Pattern '$1' is found in '$2' '`grep -c $1 $2` time(s)' "fifi


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File


    Ques: Write a Shell Script that accepts only three arguments from the command line.

    The first argument is the pattern string, the second argument is the filename in which

    the pattern is to be searches and the third argument is the filename in which the resultis to be stored. Write a Shell Script that accepts both filename and a set of patterns as

    positional parameters to a script...


    if [ `expr $#` -gt 3 ]thenecho "ERROR...! (extra arguments passed)"

    elif [ `expr $#` -lt 3 ]then

    echo "ERROR...! (Required argument(s) not passed)"

    elseif [ ! -f $2 ]thenecho "'$2' is not a file..."if [ ! -f $3 ]thenecho "'$3' is also not a file..."fi

    elif [ ! -f $3 ]thenecho "'$3' is not a file..."

    elseif [ `grep -c $1 $2` -gt 0 ]thenecho "Pattern '$1' is found in '$2' '`grep -c $1 $2` time(s)'" > $3elseecho "Pattern '$1' is not found in '$2'" > $3fifi


  • 7/27/2019 Unix Lab File
