university street

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  • 8/22/2019 University Street


    University Way: A Viable Pedestrian Zone

    (Taking Green Streets One Step Farther)

    Project Statement

    The purpose of this report is to introduce and advocate for the transformation of University Way (the

    Ave) into a Pedestrian Zone. The proposed stretch of street would be the first of its kind, combining the

    economically viable characteristics of an outdoor mall with the ascetics, activities, and atmosphere of a

    central park.

    The undertaking of this project would positively influence the University District and the rest of greater

    Seattle. Derived from innate human affirmation for nature the Ave will be redesigned for the 99%,

    consciously addressing the isolation promoted by present American design as well as illuminating

    Seattle as a sustainable and livable city.

    The transformation of University Street into a pedestrian zone is not meant to over shadow or replace

    any of the unique and positive character of the University District in which it lies. On the contrary it is a

    means of amplifying the positive qualities and ideas of the area. It will act as a focal point to bring

    people together so that they can experience the wonders the district has to offer.

    The University District is one of Seattles most populous and important neighborhoods, located north of

    Lake Union and Portage Bay and immediately east of Interstate 5. The district is home to the University

    of Washington the States largest university. With over 50,000 students, faculty, and staff, and an

    annually budget of over five billion dollars (2010) the university is the single biggest influencer of the

    area. In addition the University District is Seattles second largest commercial district and one of 5 majorurban centers with two major urban villages, the Ave and University Village. The district also serves as a

    large residential area, housing about 35,000 people, ranging from permanent residence to homeless

    street kids. The northern portion of the district like University Park area is dedicated to older homes

    while to the south there is a mix of older single-family houses and apartments with newer apartment

    buildings to the in the Brooklyn Neighborhood.

    University Within the University district The area of interest for this project is West of 15th

    refers to the

    area that occupies the western portion of the University District. The expanse is cradled by three

    distinct edges: Portage Bay to the south, the University of Washington campus to the east, and I-90 to

    the west. To the north the boarder becomes more ambiguous but ultimately ends at Ravenna

    Boulevard, a major east-west pathway.

    The West of 15th

    is an area of immense change and hoped innovation. In conjunction with the University

    of Washington, Seattle Municipalities such as SDPD and SDOT, and dedicated community organization

    West of 15th

    is designated to be a beacon for bicycle urbanism, pedestrian accessibility, public

    transportation, and community engagement.
  • 8/22/2019 University Street



    The project we propose is the transformation of University Way into a pedestrian zone from 45th to

    Campus Park Way. The street would be redesigned to enhance economic prosperity along the Ave while

    giving pedestrians safe passage and places to congregate in a park like atmosphere. The project is

    driven by two overarching goals: sustainable economic prosperity and community engagement.

    Sustainable economic prosperity is the conscious application of business practices and infrastructural

    design techniques to enhance the University District as a flouring business district. This possess would

    be developed through a holistic approach of improving the appeal of existing business, encouraging

    business to adopted sustainable and community oriented practices, the implementation of sustainable

    street infrastructure, and the proactive advertising of the street unique characteristics.

    Business Enhancement

    Business enchantment is the notion of working with what you got. On the Ave it would be implemented

    by getting business on the same page as to formulate an uniting community identification. It would also

    entail promoting the local and unique quince characteristic of each business.

    Business Practices

    The idea behind business practices is to promote business to operate in a way that represents the values

    of the street and the greater neighborhood. This manifest in businesses selling local goods, using

    compostable packaging and takeout containers, having outdoor seating, and utilizing storefront garden


    Street Infrastructure

    The infrastructure of the street would be themed around sustainability. The street lamps would be solar

    powered and boast high efficiency bulbs. Rooftops would be retrofitted to fit solar panels and green

    roofs. Swales would be implemented in the design of the street as deal with storm water and to act as

    holding takes for water systems that would utilize gray water for toilets and plant watering. Also allsurfaces would be pervious from the pavement to the grassed areas.


    A big promotional advantage would be created by the newly developed Ave. It would instantly become

    a huge eco-tourism attraction, both inspiring more developments like it, while boosting economic

    resilience thought out the city.

    Community Engagement

    This is perhaps the most important aspect of the project and the catalyst that will drive all other

    perceived benefits. The Ave will be designed to be a priority gathering place for all people. It will offer

    many different reason come and activities to do. To this will be achievable not only by producing afunctional and aesthetically pleasing physical design, but a social infrastructure involving the University

    District Chambers of Commerce, University of Washington, and other organization who want to

    proactively create a civil society.

  • 8/22/2019 University Street


    The physical design of the project will combine the aspects of an outdoor mall with the pa

  • 8/22/2019 University Street


    While the community features a few excellent parks and the nearby UW includes attractive

    passive open space, the University Districts 2.86 acres of open space falls 2.97 acres below the

    Comprehensive Plans open space goals. The projected increases of 2,000 new households and2,640 jobs by 2024 mean that this deficit will grow to 5.27 acres unless additional parks and

    open space can be provided.

    A Pedestrian Zone also is an area of a city or town designated for pedestrian use in which some or all

    automobile traffic is prohibited.

    NE 45th St. is a key east-west connector in the City; in the Like the whole of the University District West

    of 15th

    is chiefly influenced by the University of Washington. With only around 6,000 residence (Census,

    2010) mostly students the area boasts a daily influx of around 80,000 people (SDPD,).

    to the north and In addition to the hustle and bustle of the Ave, over 40,000 students attend the UW

    and 38,000 people work on campus and in local businesses. The University District is home to over

    6,000 residents, many of whom are students at this time. The neighborhood is also known for its year-round farmers market and the annual Street Fair, and is the location of agencies and churches that serve

    a diversity of social needs. The University District is also changing. Today, several new developments are

    planned, as are investments in University properties, and new parks spaces. Importantly, the Brooklyn

    light rail station is planned for NE 43rd and Brooklyn Avenue NE. The station will open in 2021.

    The West of 15th

    neighborhood University District it functions primarily as a four-lane

    urban arterial. It provides access to I-5 and functions as the key electric trolley transit route from the

    University District to Wallingford, Fremont and Ballard. The street experiences severe traffic congestion,

    with vehicular queues and slow transit speed most of the day. Especially between I-5 and Brooklyn Ave.

    NE, NE 45th St. is not an appealing street for pedestrians. Reasons for this may include high car traffic,

    sidewalk environments unbuffered from traffic and grade changes from 12th Ave. NE to Brooklyn Ave.

    NE. The character of the street changes along its length, but in the study area the street largely has

    banks, small offices and gas stations as ground-level uses. The typical right-of-way width of the street is

    70 though widths vary along the length of the street.

    The importance of this project is multifaceted addressing on both the micro and macro aspects of the

    values addressed in Seattles Comprehensive Plan. Which is the promotion of community,

    environmental stewardship, economic opportunity/security, and social equality (SDPD, 2005).

    Using these four key concepts as a catalyst this project will addresse takes in consideration the

    University District Livability Partnership and aims to work in tandem with the already planned

    infrastructure associated with the Brooklyn light-rail station.


    As of now University Way is a major bus lane. With multiple stops running down the street. route as

    well as housing many parking spots. To remedy this problem operating

  • 8/22/2019 University Street


    In tandem with Seattles green street imitative in which streets are oretained more for pedestrian access

    like downtown or neighborhood streets

    in a holistic and the context of the veracities of the 21st

    century. In conjunction with the University

    District Livability Partnership, Seattles bike master plan, and SDOTs Brooklyn Station the District will be

    a hub for sustainable, livable,


    Environmental Stewardship

    Economic Opportunity and Security

    Social Equity

    For far too long has urban planning and development been centered on private property and the

    nostalgia of the car. The time is now to let go of our unquestioned individualized American identity, to

    investigate our ideals and see if the root of our motivations hold prevalence today. and of the car

    holds with freedom (see Niebuhr and Weber for philosophic references). and The time is now The

    idolized fantasy of ultimate freedom of the 50s road trip and lead to the nightmarish realities of rush

    hour traffic. route 66 iconic boost that the City of Seattle needs toUrban centers are larger dkricts

    that sometimes encompass seveisd urban villages.There are five urban centers in Seattle (1) First Hill/Capitol Hill, (2) Downtown

    Seattle, (3) Seattle Center, (4) University Community, and (5) Northgate. TheComp Plan calls for urban centers to develop as the densest areas of the city. Itproposes growth targets for urban centers in the areas of housing, employment, andopen space. Urban centers are intended to be pedestrian-oriented communities with

    direct access to regional high-capacity transit.

    As of now the University district is to much integrated into urban spaces that have heavy car traffic and

    are not well suited to walking, cycling, or gathering outdoors (Gantt, 2010). This problem is especially

    noticeable and experienced on the Ave, where car parking beats out almost other activities. walking up

    or down the street become uncomfterable because of narrow sidewalks and in the way tree planters

    and light posts. As of now the potential of the street is being wasted

    The space envisioned follows University Way from 45th to Campus Parkway. (green space, swales, new

    technology, plaza/ open space, store front gardens, seating, public/student art)

    The University District is

    With a population of 22,704 (2010 Census) University Way is of the most important economic and

    pedestrian hubs in the University District. Seattles Department of Planning has already stated a need to

    promote a unique and vital commercial district that will adapt to change over time (DPD).

    West of 15th

    West of 15th neighborhood is mostly transaint neighborhood serving the Univeristy of Washington. It

    consists of a wide range of living accommodations from is a portion of the University District that morass

  • 8/22/2019 University Street


    Purpose: to transform the Ave to a green business park.

    West of 15th


    Case Studies Denmark, New York, sana monica 3rd street promenade

    Economic Viability

    Icon for West of 15th Eco Tourism

    Implementation of Sustainable infrastructure

    Bike Urbanism amenities

    Viability of Project

    The Ave and The UW

    East West connection (Brooklyn Station)

    City Reports of U-District