university of hawaiʻi...4 . .a - ll iilli iji.v '.r n v." viii.-n-o. 129. honolulu,...

. ? .a - 4 ll I i ll I iJi .V '.r n V." PKICE 5 CENTS VIII.-N- O. 129. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 188S. (lit Business Grants. Poor Students at Yale. Tht f.ivnrito method of payinff for ll DAILY 1 UrAlticfW oard is to organize an eating club. Tho , i0 rtiai AutwiMw G. P. CASTLE. oroeess is simple. At the beginning ot a fear a man goes around among his class- - J. B. ArilERTON. Walker & Redward, s. n. castle. nates and secures eight or ten who agroo to take their meals together. He thou justness awards LEWIS & CO., PORT STREET, Importers, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. ;L, ixcept Suudays. iN CASTLE & COOKE, rfv rn some landlady and agrees to tur- - nisli hor with an eating: club of students. St a- - ...fCOO tie agrees furthermore to relieve her Contractors & Builders Shipping and Commission Merchants, from all pecuniary responsibility by col- lecting at the end of each week from the men the monev for their board and liand- - jX it over to her. In return for this she -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX- - m,-pp- ? tr furnish him with his board. It r iu Advance. Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STPtEET. ft s beneficial to the student, because the members of the club, knowing that he is .tTlce House Uootls u Specially "SI 181-t- f General Merchandise ;UIU Uouolalu, II. I. in straightened circumstances, are always billing to help him by paying regularly Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - ?ll tf md promptly. F.vprv class has in it four or live mou- - - Grove Ranch Plantation, tors, whose duty it is to record the ab Eohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papalkou Sugar Co. R. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Park Beach Hotel B. LEVY & SON, Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and Commissson Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. iEES & COOKE, Union Tire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Opposite Kaplolanl Park, AVaiklki. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. K-- r 1 lumber ud ..joltuiUin Materials. Ml The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. ltf - .F.ET. Honolulu. .ft" Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. sence or tardiness of students at reeua-lion- s or morning prayers. A monitor receives $35 a year from tho faculty, rhe same amount is paid each year to :.he man who rings tho college bell. Of. ate years the college press has been a fruitful source of revenue to its editors. The Literarv Magazine pays to each ed- itor from $140 to $150 a year. The Snancial editor receives from $180 to $190. The News pays to each senior ed-,t- or from $250 to $275, and the financial editor receives from $325 to $350. Tho Record and Courant ought to pay to each senior editor $150 yearly, but often, ;hrough poor management, barely covers jxpenses. The Yale Banner clears to tho publisher from $200 to $250, and Tho ot Pourri somewhat less than this sum. New Haven News. 3S0LULU MARKET. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line, and make a specialty in packing all kind3 of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. f28 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742, E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 11 m Agent for Hawaiian Islands. w William McCandless.) Mutton, Etc., , u el, Elegant Rooms, gas and water in each. Extensive Grounds, well shaded; SEWING MACHINES. tf The Table is supplied with the best enS.eet.Fisb Market. the market affords. orders carefully attended '"'I'l.lhM to ebdela at short of all "ud. supplied to .one .'U- - Billiard Room and Bowling Alley Or. "W EST & CJO-- , No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu. Attached. Steam My Factory J, ALFRED MAG00N, T - TTT Tfnll Infnrmstlii;! r. tr tnuriata as to the New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets, kerne v -- ai -- xjvy, best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities; AND also current rates ior norse nire ana guides ou "t. Honolulu. ltf i llri 1STEW TABLES, tne otner islands. 1 A j;T YAILLANCOUItT ASUFORD, JL E IR "Y . lnincrrnnm Furniture. ew Uearoom t'urnnure, RnssfiR and carriages will be furnished at spe ' " ' " - ' , . T- - XT TJr,.l-t- a cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage riew Picture MOUiuings and rra.iuc, cib, uia) vciU meet everv steamer. Sneclal rates solicitor, Aisent to TaKO for permanent boarders. A wagonette will be provided for the use ot guests at special raies. firdt-rlfia- .s Uoholsterer iust from the States, who adding 1 thoroughly understands all of the latest fashions in his hue of work. C. N. ARNOLD, Prop. 30-l- m Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made Ly Steam. 71 Hotel Street. ISo tli Telephones 74. K T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in Lambrequins a, Specialty- - Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did woik We have in our employ as good a FILTER PRESSES. SlUli HELCHANDISE. of this kind here. :o : Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins Quetn street, nonolulu. It . Origin of the Lockjaw. Science is gradually alienating us from :he animals who had been our friends. M. Pasteur's theories, iTwedingly inter- esting and valuable, nevertheless created v line of cleavage between man and dog, md now M. Verneuii is trying to do tho jame thing between man and horse. M. Verneuii is a firm believer in the microbe iheorv, and if you show hiua the diseasu he will do his best to show you the mi- crobe. Latterly ho has taken up lockjaw is a subject, and what he has to say upon t will strike the unlearned with surprise certainly, perhaps also with consterna- tion. It 6eems the disease is at onca virulent and contagious, and that it ;omes to man almost entirely from horses. M. Verneuii has his facts and his statis- tics to hand. Coachmen and stable boy?-- grooms and helpers these are the class, s iraong whom the disease is most com- mon. A bite of a horse is a Tery general ;ause, but something less than a bite will rive lockjaw to a likely subject. Ancn:; horses themselves it rages like an epi-lemi- c. All horse proprietors who have in their stables a patient from tetanus are warned to isolate him from man and beast, and if ho dies to bury him with jcrupulous care. If only the microbe -- ould be discovered, M. Verneuii would jtarap out the disease. lie has not found it yet, but he is full of hope and full of enthusiasm. Pall Mall Budget. Military Education In Germany. Military education is very thorough. There aro nine military schools in the em- - PiACHiC Plantation, ) Hawaii, March , 1888. ( Cornices and Cornice Poles and Ficture Frames made to order. JAPANESE GOODS! S. EACKFELD & CO., Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran cisco. rtpiitlfimpn We have used two of your 30- - We h vp. the. exclusive Asrencv for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in this )atniir0ii Kilter Presses this season. They are convenient, easily handled and are working country, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin ! aal Commission Agents Cor. Fort s Queen Sts., Honolulu. ltf entirely to our satisiaction. l can recuuimcuu We have Just Received an Assortment of Fine Japanese ITaiicy - Goods SUCH as no improvement on tnem. Very respectfully yours. (signed) A. Mooee, Manager Paauhau Plantation. All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan. BEAVER SALOON, G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. ti,. T)rDooi9 nrp Veine carried in stock in iireet, Opposite Wilder A Co. s, E. J, NoLTE, VUOI'lUETOR. 'jJ Lunches Served with Tea, Coilte, Jci Witr, Ginger Ale or Milk. ? Irom 3 a. m. till lO p. m. Japanese Green Tea, put up in fancy straw-covere- d boxes; just the thing for Honolulu and are sold at the very low price of 8S05O.OO in Honolulu to meet me ucmu.n, FOR SALE I Taper, Silk, Satin Screen and Hanging A consignment is now on tne way. Risdon Iron & Loco. Works, San Francisco. 82 12342m 'i:te:' lUquisiteH a Specialty. ltf Pictures. Handkerchiefs of Japanese Silk. Blinds madn of Split BamDoo. Variety of Bamboo Articles. t."1 . f I'orv lppri ntioil. E. W. FRAZER, EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, m TAILOR, Boxes and Jars covered with beautiful Kiigand Alakea Sts., Honolulu. -- And Just Landed In Fine Ortler. '. charge, good workmanship and a Tape for hats, etc., made of colored straw. Fancv Hardware of all kinds. Silk Crepe and Satin Cloth, for cover- ing chairs, tables, doors and windows. Different kinds of Porcelain and Lac Galvanized Barb Wire, METROPOLITAN GERMANIA MARKET. Barrel Shooks and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Canal Baarows," Nests Trunk3. Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Naiis, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. 1 fort Street, Honolulu. quered ware, etc., etc. SAKURAI & Co., Next door to Castle & Cooke, 108-- 1 m King St., Honolulu. pire, at Potsdam, ikuim, vvanKwui, Bensberg, Ploen, Oranienstcin, Lichter-fel- d, Dresden and Munich. Seven, it will be seen, are in Prussia, Six of these re-2ei- ve pupils at 10 to 15 years of age, who terminate their studies at the last three, riieir experience after examination ia raricd according to their standing. The best are admitted to the corps of officers svithout further formality. The rest have to pursue their studies further, and anally have to be examined by ths offi- cers of the regiment as to character, jocial position, etc. There i3 a higher school at Berlin, called the War academy, to which are admitted only lieutenants md captains who have served three year3. There are other schools for artillery, marksmanship (rifle and artillery), rid-- , ing, gymnastics, medicine and surgery as relates to war, and veterinary practices. Railroads and railroad stations arc in ;harge of commissions, which are ex- pected to keep them in condition for mobilization at any moment. Berlin Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Second-han- d Iron Safes. S MUTTON AND VEALi. Jfh SausnK, Pork, Etc., Z jonhand. Slilrring ser-ve- on short ltf Meat Company, Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, "White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust. fLU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, 66 ftl KING STREET, Electric" Kerosene Oil. SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effected every description of property at current rates of premium. Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,"00 "Kl 0f every description made to "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland Cement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. t ob exocuted on the shortest ltf ROYAL SALOON, Snnnu auu Merehnnt Ktreets rt3er the Management of City Tatrons of the Oculist. Into an oculist's shop on Union square i score or more of prominent men aro lometinies seen to enter on a sinsle Local Agents, and paid Claims arranged by the G. J. WALLER, I norning. Preachers, lawyers, doctors aim ww. J " - with promptuuae tlon of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20xS0in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black. Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. lm K"r JT Stock a . , . . MANAGE Jtr-- , . . " '"uu ice col.i THOMAS LINDSAY -- !HJ Vs.-- i ltf . A- - H. RASEMAN, ! Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top Hand Carts. Baby Carnages, Carriages the best ever consigned to ns-- and a First-clas- s Carriage. BINDEE, Has Removed His Manufacturing Jewelry Establishment ft WHOLESALE AM ,,.. r.-nn- U Book C. BREWER&CO. SI. 4 P stairs) ltf md writers make up by tar tne larger proportion of the number. Few of them reach 50 without feeling the need of arti-5ci- al eyes. Actors preserve their sight remarkably well. Leading men are rarely seen to wear eyeglasses. Merchants whose bookkeeping is done for them by employes get along well enough to 50 and CO years of age with their own eyes, rhe bookkeepers buy the spectacles. The oculist says it is the haste of modern life, worry, disease and carelessness that build up and maintain his trade. "When from my of these reasons the human eye fails lo accommodate itself to distances, its Tocus has to be lengthened or shortened, like that of an opera glass. New YorlT World. Thought Better of It. The father thought he would appeal to his young manhood. One morning when he made his usual demand he said: Don't you think you're most too old to beg for a nickel?" 'That's so," said the boy thoughtfully, 4That's so. Give me two biU." Sag Francisco Chronicle. j H. U 1 BUTCB .i JLi) J H. E. jVIdntyre & Bro., IMPORTERS AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. Say . 0 IAIN Street to From Nnnaua Thomas Block, King Street. Particular attention paid to repairing. 66 ti . JAMES CARTY "door to the P. 0. A. next Cau be found Office, Merchant Street. Hacks Nos. 18, 37,66,75,180 AND WAGONETTE 110. S3- - Bell Telephone 04, Mutual 500. 203-t- f ANP feu Sr- - n.. LULU, caw Hnnds received by every paevtet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California bv everv steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tbe ;Sr?rVe of chaise Islan orders solicited. SaUgf action guaranteed. PoatoQce Box No. 416 Eavy Contractors, lepnoae No. 83 , Pp.t S2-li- n

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Page 1: University of Hawaiʻi...4 . .a - ll IillI iJi.V '.r n V." VIII.-N-O. 129. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 188S. PKICE 5 CENTS (lit Business Grants. Poor Students

. ? .a -4

ll I i ll I iJi

.V '.r



Business Grants. Poor Students at Yale.Tht f.ivnrito method of payinff forll DAILY

1 UrAlticfW oard is to organize an eating club. Tho, i0 rtiai AutwiMw

G. P. CASTLE. oroeess is simple. At the beginning ot afear a man goes around among his class- -J. B. ArilERTON.Walker & Redward, s. n. castle.nates and secures eight or ten who agrooto take their meals together. He thou

justness awards


Importers, "Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.

;L, ixcept Suudays.iN CASTLE & COOKE, rfv rn some landlady and agrees to tur--

nisli hor with an eating: club of students.Sta- - ...fCOO tie agrees furthermore to relieve herContractors & Builders Shipping and Commission Merchants, from all pecuniary responsibility by col-

lecting at the end of each week from themen the monev for their board and liand- -

jX it over to her. In return for this she--IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX- -

m,-pp- ? tr furnish him with his board. Itr iu Advance.

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to.76 KING STPtEET.

ft s beneficial to the student, because themembers of the club, knowing that he is.tTlce House Uootls u Specially "SI

181-t- f General Merchandise;UIU Uouolalu, II. I. in straightened circumstances, are always

billing to help him by paying regularlyBell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423.--ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -

?ll tf md promptly.F.vprv class has in it four or live mou- --

Grove Ranch Plantation,tors, whose duty it is to record the ab

Eohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papalkou Sugar Co.

R. Halstead's Plantation.A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,

G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Park Beach Hotel

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and

Commissson MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic



Union Tire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Opposite Kaplolanl Park, AVaiklki. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

K--r 1 lumberud

..joltuiUin Materials. MlThe New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.

D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.The New York and Honolulu Packet Line

The Merchants Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

ltf- .F.ET. Honolulu..ft" Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.

sence or tardiness of students at reeua-lion- s

or morning prayers. A monitorreceives $35 a year from tho faculty,rhe same amount is paid each year to:.he man who rings tho college bell. Of.ate years the college press has been afruitful source of revenue to its editors.The Literarv Magazine pays to each ed-

itor from $140 to $150 a year. TheSnancial editor receives from $180 to$190. The News pays to each senior ed-,t- or

from $250 to $275, and the financialeditor receives from $325 to $350. ThoRecord and Courant ought to pay to eachsenior editor $150 yearly, but often,;hrough poor management, barely coversjxpenses. The Yale Banner clears to thopublisher from $200 to $250, and Thoot Pourri somewhat less than this sum.New Haven News.


Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkind3 of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

f28 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,11 m Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

w William McCandless.)

Mutton, Etc.,, u el,

Elegant Rooms, gas and water in each.Extensive Grounds, well shaded; SEWING MACHINES.

tfThe Table is supplied with the bestenS.eet.Fisb Market.

the market affords.orders carefully attended'"'I'l.lhM to ebdela at short

of all "ud. supplied .'U- - Billiard Room and Bowling Alley Or. "W EST & CJO-- ,

No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu.Attached.Steam My FactoryJ, ALFRED MAG00N,

T - TTT Tfnll Infnrmstlii;! r. tr tnuriata as to the New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,kerne v -- ai -- xjvy, best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;AND also current rates ior norse nire ana guides ou"t. Honolulu. ltf

i llri 1STEW TABLES,tne otner islands.1 A

j;T YAILLANCOUItT ASUFORD, JL E IR "Y . lnincrrnnm Furniture. ew Uearoom t'urnnure,RnssfiR and carriages will be furnished at spe' " ' " - ', . T- - XT TJr,.l-t- acial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage riew Picture MOUiuings and rra.iuc, cib, uia)vciU meet everv steamer. Sneclal ratessolicitor, Aisent to TaKO

for permanent boarders. A wagonette will beprovided for the use ot guests at special raies.

firdt-rlfia- .s Uoholsterer iust from the States, whoadding 1

thoroughly understands all of the latest fashions in his hue of work.C. N. ARNOLD, Prop.30-l- m

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made Ly Steam.

71 Hotel Street.ISo tli Telephones 74.


Importer and Dealer in

Lambrequins a, Specialty- -

Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did woikWe have in our employ as good aFILTER PRESSES.SlUli HELCHANDISE. of this kind here.:o :

Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. LambrequinsQuetn street, nonolulu. It .

Origin of the Lockjaw.Science is gradually alienating us from

:he animals who had been our friends.M. Pasteur's theories, iTwedingly inter-esting and valuable, nevertheless createdv line of cleavage between man and dog,md now M. Verneuii is trying to do thojame thing between man and horse. M.

Verneuii is a firm believer in the microbeiheorv, and if you show hiua the diseasuhe will do his best to show you the mi-

crobe. Latterly ho has taken up lockjawis a subject, and what he has to say upont will strike the unlearned with surprisecertainly, perhaps also with consterna-tion. It 6eems the disease is at oncavirulent and contagious, and that it;omes to man almost entirely from horses.

M. Verneuii has his facts and his statis-tics to hand. Coachmen and stable boy?--

grooms and helpers these are the class, s

iraong whom the disease is most com-

mon. A bite of a horse is a Tery general;ause, but something less than a bite willrive lockjaw to a likely subject. Ancn:;horses themselves it rages like an epi-lemi- c.

All horse proprietors who havein their stables a patient from tetanus arewarned to isolate him from man andbeast, and if ho dies to bury him withjcrupulous care. If only the microbe--ould be discovered, M. Verneuii wouldjtarap out the disease. lie has not foundit yet, but he is full of hope and full ofenthusiasm. Pall Mall Budget.

Military Education In Germany.Military education is very thorough.

There aro nine military schools in the em- -

PiACHiC Plantation, )

Hawaii, March , 1888. ( Cornices and Cornice Poles and Ficture Frames made to order.JAPANESE GOODS!S. EACKFELD & CO.,

Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Francisco.

rtpiitlfimpn We have used two of your 30- -

We h vp. the. exclusive Asrencv for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in this)atniir0ii Kilter Presses this season. They

are convenient, easily handled and are working country, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin !aal Commission Agents

Cor. Fort s Queen Sts., Honolulu. ltfentirely to our satisiaction. l can recuuimcuu

We have Just Received an Assortmentof Fine Japanese

ITaiicy - GoodsSUCH as

no improvement on tnem.Very respectfully yours.

(signed) A. Mooee,Manager Paauhau Plantation. All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.

BEAVER SALOON,G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.

ti,. T)rDooi9 nrp Veine carried in stock in

iireet, Opposite Wilder A Co. s,E. J, NoLTE, VUOI'lUETOR.

'jJ Lunches Served with Tea, Coilte,Jci Witr, Ginger Ale or Milk.

? Irom 3 a. m. till lO p. m.

Japanese Green Tea, put up in fancystraw-covere- d boxes; just the thing for Honolulu and are sold at the very low price

of 8S05O.OO in Honolulu to meet me ucmu.n, FOR SALE ITaper, Silk, Satin Screen and Hanging A consignment is now on tne way.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.82 12342m

'i:te:' lUquisiteH a Specialty. ltf Pictures.Handkerchiefs of Japanese Silk.Blinds madn of Split BamDoo.Variety of Bamboo Articles.t."1 . f I'orv lppri ntioil.


EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,m TAILOR,Boxes and Jars covered with beautiful

Kiigand Alakea Sts., Honolulu.--And Just Landed In Fine Ortler.

'. charge, good workmanship and aTape for hats, etc., made of colored

straw.Fancv Hardware of all kinds.Silk Crepe and Satin Cloth, for cover-

ing chairs, tables, doors and windows.Different kinds of Porcelain and Lac


Barrel Shooks and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Canal Baarows,"Nests Trunk3.

Galvanized Cut Nails,Galvanized Cut Spikes,

Galv. Clinch Boat Naiis,Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)

Horse Shoe Nails.1 fort Street, Honolulu.quered ware, etc., etc.


Next door to Castle & Cooke,108--1 m King St., Honolulu.

pire, at Potsdam, ikuim, vvanKwui,Bensberg, Ploen, Oranienstcin, Lichter-fel- d,

Dresden and Munich. Seven, it willbe seen, are in Prussia, Six of these re-2ei- ve

pupils at 10 to 15 years of age, whoterminate their studies at the last three,riieir experience after examination iararicd according to their standing. Thebest are admitted to the corps of officerssvithout further formality. The rest haveto pursue their studies further, andanally have to be examined by ths offi-

cers of the regiment as to character,jocial position, etc. There i3 a higherschool at Berlin, called the War academy,to which are admitted only lieutenantsmd captains who have served three year3.There are other schools for artillery,marksmanship (rifle and artillery), rid--,ing, gymnastics, medicine and surgery asrelates to war, and veterinary practices.Railroads and railroad stations arc in;harge of commissions, which are ex-

pected to keep them in condition formobilization at any moment. Berlin Cor.San Francisco Chronicle.

Second-han- d Iron Safes.S MUTTON AND VEALi.Jfh SausnK, Pork, Etc., Z

jonhand. Slilrring ser-ve- on shortltf Meat Company, Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, "White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.fLU IRON WORKS CO.,

Steam Engines,66ftl KING STREET, Electric" Kerosene Oil.


Established 1710.

Insurance effected every description of

property at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,"00

"Kl 0f every description made to"Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.

tob exocuted on the shortest


ROYAL SALOON,Snnnu auu Merehnnt Ktreets

rt3er the Management of

City Tatrons of the Oculist.Into an oculist's shop on Union square

i score or more of prominent men arolometinies seen to enter on a sinsle

Local Agents, and paidClaims arranged by the

G. J. WALLER,I norning. Preachers, lawyers, doctors

aim ww. J " -with promptuuaetlon of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20xS0in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black.Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

lmK"r JT Stock a . , . . MANAGEJtr-- , . .

" '"uu ice col.i

THOMAS LINDSAY-- !HJ Vs.-- i ltf



!Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Hand Carts. Baby Carnages,Carriages the best ever consigned to ns--and a First-clas- s Carriage.BINDEE,

Has Removed His Manufacturing

Jewelry Establishmentft WHOLESALE AM,,..r.-nn- U



P stairs) ltf

md writers make up by tar tne largerproportion of the number. Few of themreach 50 without feeling the need of arti-5ci- al

eyes. Actors preserve their sightremarkably well. Leading men arerarely seen to wear eyeglasses. Merchantswhose bookkeeping is done for them byemployes get along well enough to 50and CO years of age with their own eyes,rhe bookkeepers buy the spectacles. Theoculist says it is the haste of modern life,worry, disease and carelessness that buildup and maintain his trade. "When frommy of these reasons the human eye failslo accommodate itself to distances, itsTocus has to be lengthened or shortened,like that of an opera glass. New YorlTWorld.

Thought Better of It.The father thought he would appeal to

his young manhood. One morning whenhe made his usual demand he said:

Don't you think you're most too oldto beg for a nickel?"

'That's so," said the boy thoughtfully,4That's so. Give me two biU." Sag

Francisco Chronicle. j


1BUTCB .i JLi) JH. E. jVIdntyre & Bro.,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Say. 0 IAIN

Street toFrom Nnnaua

Thomas Block, King Street.

Particular attention paid to repairing.66ti .

JAMES CARTY"door to the P. 0. A.nextCau be found

Office, Merchant Street.

Hacks Nos. 18, 37,66,75,180AND WAGONETTE 110.

S3-- Bell Telephone 04, Mutual 500.203-t- f

ANPfeu Sr-- n..

LULU, caw Hnnds received by every paevtet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh Californiabv everv steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tbe

;Sr?rVe of chaise Islan orders solicited. SaUgf action guaranteed. PoatoQce Box No. 416

Eavy Contractors, lepnoae No. 83 ,Pp.t

S2-li- n

Page 2: University of Hawaiʻi...4 . .a - ll IillI iJi.V '.r n V." VIII.-N-O. 129. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 188S. PKICE 5 CENTS (lit Business Grants. Poor Students



Memoir of KeverenUtWlliIam I. Alex-ander.

Onr Hawaiian literature has been en-

riched by this brief memorial of one of

the honored fathers of the HawaiianMission. It is an unpretending littlevolume of 19G pages, and in appearanceand style a fitting testimonial to the

ififiitlKeport of the Select Committee to the

Kegular Session.Hon. W. It. Castle, President Legisla-

tive Assembly.Sik : Your select committee to whom

was referred the item from the Appro-priation Bill Pay of Government Physi

pome cases, but we are glad to believefiat generally the Government physicianis self-sacriiici- ng and devoted to hisnoble calling. The public health coststhe country an enormous figure whencontrasted with other lines of expense.It is an expense which ought to be cur-tailed wherever possible. What othernation gives medical service to the peo-ple, gratis? In some senses it is thetruth that we have pauperized the Ha-waiian people.


cians, report that they have given thequiet worth and lovable geniality of one same much and careful consideration;


FLORIDAof the most active and useful members


having also consulted with the Board of

Health in the matter.It is the opinion of your Committee

that the public treasury has been calledupon to a greater extent for this purposethan is proper.

The system of subsidies lojihysicianshas grown from one physician on eachisland, until there are now 18 doctors inthe employ of the Government drawing

Sale of (iovernnient Land.On WEDNESDAY, October 24, 1888, at

12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance ofAliiolnni Hale, will be sold at public auc-

tion, a certain Piece of Land situate atKaumakani, Kipahulu, Maui, containingan area of (io-10- 0 acres.

Upset price, $o0.L. A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Sept. 17, 1S88.

JS-5- t t or w

of the whole missionary band. Theportrait of the venerable patriarch doesnot reproduce the brightness of the eye,that was so quickly suffused with sym-pathetic emotion, as the soul respondedinstantaneously to the changing moodsof thought. How quickly the lips wouldbring out some playful sentiment, nostranger could imagine as he looks atthe strong, deep lines of the featureshere portrayed. But in the book the

Col. Asiiford will exclaim by and by," Deliver me from my friends ! " If thiswas not his exclamation on reading lastnight's Bulletin, we mistake the man.The column and a half article on " TheCommand of the Volunteers" will dohim no good, and judging from thecourse of our evening contemporary wasnot intended to do him any good. His

salaries ranging from $000 to $3,500 perannum.

This wholesale supplj'ing of free medi- - FOR THEearnest, gentle, helpful, winsome soul eal attendance is something wnicn isTax Collectors, 1888. services for the people are still too freshThe following persons are appointed Tax in the public mind to require any re- - speaks for itself in the autobiographical ,ione in no other "countrv. and is a svsr.i i . i.. i . ..sKetcn, ana me letters ana addresses, tern which this countrv cannot aflord. Handkerchief,minding. But he probably understands which make up a volume of tender and Your Committee are of opinion that



the Government should adopt the follow-ing policy in this matter, viz :

In districts where there is sufficientpopulation to support a physician, theGovernment should pay the residentphysician only for the work which it ac-tually needs done, i. e.

1. Examination of persons alleged tobe lepers.

2. A semi-annu- al examination of

Absolutely Pure.For quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder is

superior to all other leavening aeents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makelight, sweet, most palatable and mitritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Baking Towder may be eaten hoi without

Collectors for 1888:Honolulu Chas. T. GulickEwa and Waianae John D. Holt"Waialua J. I'aukealaniKoolauloa S. KaheleKoolaupoko E. P. AikueLahaina D. TaylorWailuku A. McKayMakawao H. II. BaileyHana J. P. SylvaMolokai and Lanai I). KalauokalaniHilo Daniel PorterNorth Hilo W. II. ShipmanHamakua 11. A. LymanNorth Kohala Keoloewafcjouth Kohala Z. Paukiki

inspiriting reminiscences. It is a bookto make better any one who reads it,more kindly disposed to ins fellows,with deeper admiration for the divinemodel on which this loving, earnest,useful life was shaped."He was humble, kind, forgiving meek.Easy to be entreated, gracious, mild,And with all patience and affection taught,Rebuked, persuaded, solaced, consoled,

warned,In fervent .style and manner. AllSaw in las face contentment, in his lifeThe path to glory and perpetual joy."

When after thirteen years of labor inthe Hawaiian Islands the number ofconverts was less than 1,000, and half of

as fully as anyone that the country hasother interests besides the military ques-tion and that it is not necessary to thepublic peace to stir up ill-feelin- g. Yetthis is the effect and purpose of said ar-

ticle. We have not had the advantageof statements from members of the Min-istry on the matter of the colonelcy, butwe challenge the truth of some state-ments as to what Ministers did and said.It is false that the present military billwas introduced after Col. Ashford's re-

signation to bolster up anyone. The billwas prepared long before the session. It

T TROPICAL COUNTRIESJ-- a greater rr Hi JPrejaration. and

popularityis looked

tLaU ?'4have once experienced the lh?T Ma necessity of elegant and comf.schools for purposes of vaccination and distressing results to the most delicate digestive

organs. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. H. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist.

ascertaining the health of the scholars.3. Treatment of such poor people as

are unable to pay for medical treat-ment.

In districts where there is not a suffi For Salethe small population had not even heard

was introduced June 7th, and went to a the Gospel, the American Board inquired BYof the missionaries here, how may the ALL DKUggi

after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the coiAitry, reported:

"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the publfb.

"Dr. HENRY A. MOTT, Pn. D.,"5 1221-l- y TJ. S. Government Chemist.

cient population to support a physicianwithout Government assistance, andthere is sufficient population to justifythe expense, it is proper that the Gov-ernment should in addition to such pay-ment for actual services, pay an amountof subsidy sufficient to retain a physicianin the district.

After carefully considering the popula-tion and requirements of the respectivedistricts, in conjunction with the Board

And Dealers in Fancy Go

111) 1240-l- v

North Kona ). KaeleniakuleSouth Kona S. KekumanoKau J. JI. S. .MartinTuna J. N. KamokuLihue Harry V. DimondKawaihau R. PuukiKoloa S. NaauaoWaimea (i. V. MalamaHanalei J. KakinaNiihau Kaika

W. L. GREEN,Minister of Finance.

committee where it was carefully revisedin the interest of the public as opposedto the control by any one person of theestablishment. This is as it ought to be.It is as it is in Great Britain and in theUnited States in elFeet. If this is whatthe Bulletin means wo must respectfullydissent. It is not true that a single of--

Gospel be brought to bear more success-fully on the Hawaiian people? The replywas that at lea-- t 41 more preachersand teachers should be sent at once.Without delay the Board sent out a re-inforcement of thirty-tw- o persons, thelargest missionary force that had everbeen sent out from the United States.Nineteen sailed from New Bedford in

S. FOSTER & (3Notice to Creditors.of Health, your Committee recommend

WHOLESALE GlUHfr HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN DULYappointed and qualified as Administrators

ficewas made ami given to anv person as the whaleship Averiek, November 20, "at the sum of $42 000 be inserted in. . . . 1831. Thev were liev. Messrs. Alex- - the Appropriation Bill under tins head,stated, and it is surprising that any jour- - This includesa Jer ArmstroIlf?f j m Emewoll the salary of the physician

nal with any desire for a proper reputa- - Forbes, Hitchcock, Lyons, SpauMin", at the Leper Settlement.Finance Department, Oct. 0, 1888.

L. A. Tjiitrston,tion should make such statements. In


Purchasing Agents

Solo Agents for

(Circular.)Finance Dkpaktment, )

Honolulu, II. I., Oct. U, 1SSS.)Geo. II. Dole,JOS. U. IvAWAINl'f.

Honolulu, August 30, 1888.

and their wives, Dr. Chapin and hiswife, and Mr. Rogers, a printer. Mr.Alexander went lirst to the Maiquesaswith the idea of beginning missionarywork there. But as the London Mis- -

fact, the article appears to be a tissue ofmisstatements from beginning to end.No doubt there are correct statements of

Tax Collector District of.

with the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner WTilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen-ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Kaq , at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of the

Estatejof S. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 1888. 1240--- U 120-l- m


.iujjbuh 8 lop-o-Ca- u BratKA1. KUIlllg "V ll III'IWIHHU 1IU V-- I t A ' A 1 1 A. At 1 At I ' f 1 ' A. 1 1

unicic, kkiia imj uuiu may uz I oiwuij .jui,ivkji iiavi ma.' iij anaiig;uii;iiial6C'tor for tllG District Of Ito occupy the islands, Mr. Alexander reworked overso as to be very untrue.

We very much doubt the statementabout the Kifles being so disgusted anddissatisfied as to be on the venje of fall


turned to Honolulu, and was stationedat Waioli, Kauai. There it was his pri-vilege to engage in the incessant laborsof those years of wonderful religious in-terest, 18:6-S- . Here he shared in thelabors that transformed a heathen sav-age people into a Christian communit3Twith homes and schools and chapels andorderly industries. But the failure ofhealth through a perilous misadventure,in which he and his horse hardly es-caped from being engulfed in some


of the finest oualitv. ma.w

You are hereby requested to hie with theMinister of Finance a bond, conditionedwith the faithful performance of your du-

ties according to law, with two or moresureties to be approved of by the Ministerof Finance, in the penal sum equal to theamount of taxes to be collected by 3'ou, asshown by the Tax List, which the Assessorof your district has been requested to handover to you, sending at same time a certi-fied copy to the Finance Department. Onthe approval of your bond, your commis-sion as Tax Collector will be forwardedwith the Tax Receipt books.


IMPORTEESGrocers & Provision IXmler.

Danish and American svstvms ccri


anese preferred if he can speak English.Apply to J. T. aud H. Waterhouae, Queen street,wharf.

Oct. 22, 1888. 128

Situation Wanted.3Y A YOUNG GERMAN GIRL, IN A PRIVATEJ family as chambermaid. Can spw and dn

ing to pieces. They are men of too muchgood sense to fall into childish rage andtumble to pieces because that ColonelAsh ford was not promptly commissioned.We would be glad to know if a singlemember of the force would admit thattheir military existence is for Col. Ash-for- d,

and that it depends on him. Cer-tainly this was not so represented to thecommunity when a short time ago sev--

in Hermetically sealed t:

warranted to keep in hot climattT

quicksand in a swollen stream, necessi-tated his leaving that station in 1843. 26 and 38 California St,

AFRESH GOODS BY EVERY STEAMR.!iGood references. AddressHe was put in charge of LahainahmaSeminary, and there made his influencefftlt throiiyb tfip vrinntr mpn trni'iiud 1,v

some cooking,vertiser office.

1C8 1206-l- y

SignedYours truly,

W. L. GHKEN,Minister of Finance. Boat For Sale.

im:i y

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe

eral thousand dollars were given them to hini, and the text books prepared Tor gen-p- ut

their armory in good order and help eral use. In 1S56 the sedentary naturetheir equipment. We believe that to a thi? work had so impaired his health

eTust --Arrived.(Circular.)

Finance Dkpaktment,Honolulu, II. I., Oct. 9, 1883. f

man they joined the organization, first, clmrK0 ot the native church there, and Ex Bark ;- - C. E.THE BOAT SAVED FROMthe wreck of the "DunnotarCastle," and sold at auctionto the Ki

to be of assistance to the countrv if thji ax .assessor district ol i n. ..... utuvu, ttiiu nuuuui y , utrnuav7 many jl

Sir: On the completion of vour T:ix ESTABLISHED 1836.

remaining twenty-seve- n yfears of his life.It is with this Wailuku home that the

memories of the present generation willassociate Father Alexander, and his

them enjoy the exercise aud occupation.As for the private conferences of the

Cabinet on the subject we know nothingTwo of those well-know- n

fitted, coppered and decked over by Mr. Hollandand is for sale cheap for cash by '92'tf E. R. RYAN. Coat Builder.

Corporation Noticenospitaoie, moineriy wile, whose por--

List for 1S8S, you will please hand it overto the duly appointed Tax Collector ofyour District, sending certified cop- - to thisDepartment. Yours truly,

Signed W.L.GREEN,123-1- 0t 1240-- 3t Minister of Finance.

Weniii' Piiii

set8 S 40,000,000Net Income 0,079,000Claims Paid 113.569,000Takes Risks against Losr, or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Srgar Mills, Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.1188 firn m

and doubt whether the public have a trait is also given in the latter part of theright to know of them, and as no mem- - book a speaking likeness of one of the

best of mothers, and kindest of friends,berof the Cabinet ould themgive Pictures of both the Waioli and the Wai- -away," doubt the statements made. The luku homes are given, and so we have inevident intent of the Bulletin article is this liitle book what the printer's artto discredit the Ministry, and as that is can do in a fitting way to preserve the

remembrance of these beloved and hon- -its regular habit, perhaps nothing else nrPi I ,hristi:in wnrL-pr- a anil tlin nlnoc.

T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-J- :holders of the Grove Ranch Plantation Co.held this day, the following named officers wereelected to serve for the coming year:A S. Hartwell PresidentT. H. Hobron Vice PresidentJ. B. Atherfon TreasurerW. O. Smith SecretaryT. W. Hobron Auditor

THE DAILYFor Sale by


Kin;; and Bethel strt

Pacific Commercial Advertiser. could be expected. ant surroimdincra which thnv ?rUtfd. ;i For Hoiiftoi & Yokohama Jtlx 6 CorannaAll of whom reside at Honolulu. Oahu.W. O, SMITH, Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1888. 128 1242 bt



Christian home with the sunlight andgladness of heaven about it and in it, aswell as the sweetness and brightnessof eaith. They will live for ever inundying influences for good in the cher-ished memories of manv hearts. II.

Be Just anil fear not:Let all the ends thon aiin'st at bo

TLy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.From Liverpool,

A Fresh Supply ofFrom my reading of the Bulletin intimes past I have understood that paperto consider it one of the rules of sound

WEDNESDAY, : OCTOBER 24, 18SS. GUINNESS' stof:The book noticed above, was prepar-ed by Rev. J. M. Alexander, and printed,rrf" nn 111 i cl w1 j f flr Ti.i.Jfi. 'P..-ri- -.journalism, that the editorial opinions

4 T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Hilea Sugar Co.. heldin Honolulu. Oct. 15, 1888, the following officerswere re-elec- ted to serve during the ensuingyear: "

Wm. G. Irwin fJ PresidentJohn A. Buck Vice-Preside- nt

falter M. Giffard.. Secretary & TreasurerH. M. Whitney, Jr Auditor, WALTER M. GIFFARD,

The Nippon Yusen Ivaisha's AlSteamship

"Takasago Maru"BROWN, Commander,

Will be due here from Yokohama on or aboutthe 13th of November, and will leave for

The evening oracle shows its vacuity of a newspaper were to be discussed on Office, Oakland. A few copies came to Bottled by M. B. Foster & Rons, London. 4

by W. E. Johnson & Co., Liverpool;of resource by usinj for ammunitionthe missiles thrown at it.

their merits, without dragging the per- - Honolulu by the last steamer for dis-sonalitv- of

the editor into the contro- - Ration to friends Mr S. T. Alex-rj- M

i . , Prof. W. D. Alexander have CHAMPAGNEvery. xms ruie appears 10 oe very assisted in preparing the book . Secretary H. S. Co.widely departed irom in an article in last above on

Of Benj. and Eng. Perrler, Chalons-sa- r IOf Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., Chalons;Of Veuve Amiot, Chalons,

iTor Sale by

The Bulletin intellect would commanda fortune in clairvoyancy, if its achieve-ments came up to its attempts at divin-ing the thoughts and intents of others.


Hie Blf. il. Hacirfcld November 17, 1888.Fa. ffoffsfJilaftffer A'f

evening's Bulletin headed "An An-

omaly." In this article an opinion ex-pressed editorially in your journal issniffed at quite contemptuously, solelyon the ground that the supposed writerwas bred to the law and not to agricul-ture. By its own journalistic canonsthe Bulletin' is supposed to know no--


The Court opens at 10 a. m., foreignjurors in attendance. Noon recess 12m. to 1 :15 p. m.


150 1203-t- f

Chinese passengers for Hongkong will betransferred at Yokohama by first steamer leav-iu-gthat port.

vriuiuiai mvision. xne ivllliT VS

The Bulletin can have its becloudedmind clarified in the little matter thatdistresses it, as to whether the Kingmade the remark reported in this paper,by application to Col. Ashford himself,who by leave of the authority in ques-tion was furnished with the hitter'sname.

G-ran- dManuel Gomez Comacho. Attorneything about who writes any particular General C. W. Ashford for the Crown;

Has Just Arrived with aCargo of


H. HACKFELD & CO.129-l-

W For Freight or Passage, havingaccommodations, apply toarticle in the Advertiser and as a mnt- - A- - b- - Haftwell for the detendant. Man- -

slaughter, second degree, in killing Johntor of fact onir Qf un EXHIBIT!ARTWm. G. Irwin & Co.,T Vi J?'Iennellyt a marine of the U. S. of this one. Its remarks on the Omaha on Julv 21, 1888. Arraigned on127-t- fsnoject may not De an anomaly,, but 1st inst. and pleaded not guilty. TheThe dissentim: opinion of Mr. .Tush' AGENTS.

tollowing jurors are sworn at 10 :'oO a.m k Co. bt MiBole in the habeas corpus case has not they are nevertl,eless an impertinence,

been written. The Advertiser was misin- - The 1lllletin Inan who takes the troubleW. U. Atwater, G. W. Jordan, John A nounce a grand exhibition of origin1Spear, Ira A. Burgett, J. W. Gibbs, J.H.

formed as to the grounds of that opinion Auction 0alcs.iiare, w.r. Jates, (Jhas. Lucas, Her PAINTIPACIFIC

Hardware Company, LImann Focke, Harrv Armitage, George


10 iniorm ine puuuc mat lie was bred toagriculture, has not hesitated within thelast year to express very decided opin-ions on questions of constitutional law,and to differ therein from a majority ofour lawyers. It seems to an outsider

Ha,, nowe and jb. Kistler.The Attorney-Gener- al calls Drs. Mc-Kibb- in

and Brodie, several natives andPolice Captain Larsen, then rests.

"Water Colors,

Ileliotypes, EnraviDgrMr. llartwell calls Mrs. Comacho. wife 3I1d ttCfli"


tC?-- Have Just Openedwho was bred to neither hninp tw o oi defendant, M. J. de Freitas (notes ex Gravures

K AlV I A,! X . 1 II 1 .

It is not, as intimated yesterday morn-ing, that the fifty dollars fine for landingwithout a permit condones the offense ;

but that, on the constitutional provision,that no person shall be deprived of life,liberty or property without due processof law, in the case at bar it was notshown that such detention was upon dueprocess of law. The opinion will proba-bly be published shortly and doubtlessWill, in connection with the majorityopinion, prove of great interest in view ofthe effect upon the Chinese question.



Queen St, in Honolulu, '

lawyer is. quite as fit to discuss agricul-tural matters as a farmer is to dogma-tize about questions of law.

Which will be ofifereJ iorat their Salesrooms ,np-itoi-

t;epuous 10 not Deing auowed to rovethat other houses had been attempted tobe entered in the neighborhood in ques-tion), Jose Lopez and the defendant,then rests.

At 2:25 Mr. Hartwell addresses thejury, followed at 2:37 p.m. by the A t--On Friday, October U

New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay inspection.

iriJh. R,ale8roto8 on the second floor aremany ie entirely new to this market.

Death of an Old Captain.Captain Gleadell, master of the White torney-uenera- l. At 2:oo the Court ,i

Star steamer Germanic, is dead from livers its charge to the iurv. wl.i. hOu Wednesday, Oct. 24

At V-- o'clock noon of said dv thpfollowing pieces of laud, viz:

The above comprise canrafiea from

artist ofapoplexy. His body was found dead in tires at 3 :15 to consider its Verdict. Athe chart-roo- m Sentemher 2Stli -- TT verdict of not fnilfv. tun TI r ' w a i, 0 "7 '.1I.7.-1L.I- M IMi VT unich, Pr'Wd:iLondon, 31111 that Certain Piece of Land ! Art centre

I'aris, and othernit owuicnnui uinuvoraDie naa one ui me DL'si Known transatlantic reiurneu uy me jury at 4 :io p. m. The

comments which have been made upon comma,ulers. He assisted in laying the foreign jurors were then dismissed untilthe Government physician service, we ? re in the Ch!na.lSe hd silied nine- - 10!cl to-morr- morning. Special Goods atSpecial Prices!feunateat Panlena, Manoa, Oahu,

are wiAnd taten a3 a wUole,publish elsewhere the report of the select mandinz the Germanic. savl Rixtvlivp- - out in the manslanbt.-- r o iul l kr.;vnasthe Akana K.ilauki Premises This

luillllllfr thrnnnl, .when on board the Celtic, and that ves- - resumed the trial of the divorce case ofsel breaking her stern nost. he navigated Mrs. Kahananui against her lnuhnna nd an i The Finest Collectinfailm supply of water. Thern iJtaro paten now-- on it. and six rone largeaces mofrom Saturday's session. Still on when re or the land can hp nt . "

Household! Goods in large varietyComplete Lines

Hardware, AgriculturalImplements, Etc.

H I Ia1 thp rptt ia mitih o fni- - ' .tne uourt adjourned at 4 ri'l p. m. I

ner i,-- uu nines in that condition. Healso carried the same vessel across theAtlantic under sail when she broke hermain shaft.

to theser hrouffhtEveAT C LI AMBERS BEFORE

committee of the Legislature recom-mending a reduction of the salary list.It could hardly be expected that mennot overpaid in any case should increasetheir devotion when their salaries arecut down. But it appears to be thecomplaint of the fault-finder- s, that thephysicians do not do enough. Perhaps


pasture Utid. The land has a fronfaSf gV?,

fet on fhe road, and a fine view ofand the sea. "uikikiDeeds at expense of the purchasers.Ej" For further particular, apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,. Auctioneer,

T v. M

10 a m to 4 P m. daily- -



Probate Division. Guardianship Saml.Moakeawe. W. C. Achi fur petitioner.Ordered that the account of I). F. Sand-for- d,

guardian, be approved and that hebe discharged and his bond cancelled.

The British Columbia schooner Aru-na- h,

has been seized by a Russian vesselin the North Pacific Ocean while

Supplies, Kerosenebest quality.

G.W.MACrAKLANEthere may be grounds for complaint in t iu o ji .nousarrni, io. zi .Merchant Kt1240-- 2t 124-6- t

60 1238 Pacific Hardware Co., L'd., Honolulu

Page 3: University of Hawaiʻi...4 . .a - ll IillI iJi.V '.r n V." VIII.-N-O. 129. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 188S. PKICE 5 CENTS (lit Business Grants. Poor Students

i )

m Jltgpni"


Large Crowd and Much Music A Del l tmi,AY- -

. (1 from Waianaelaying Episode.

There was the usual large crowd on This CELEBRATED BEER

Church services this evening.

Government land sale at noon.

Foreign jurors attend at 10 o'clock.

A steward is still wanted. Con oli v io

HEALTH110 daysWriters, the Oceanic wharf to see the steamerAustralia off. Manv esteem d

WiiuHn?, 12a' days Is Comes all the way on ICEfrouiSt. is.

Nourishingestablished. Best .Maintained bvFOOD.

were going away ; also some strangers,who had tarried here long enough tomake numbers of friends, or at least toMr. Morgan holds several morf era (moo '

sales of land at noon. aexcite a certain degree of interest in their

for Sanjloudlette,3.

Comacho is acquitted of m fin si n 1 1 rrli f a. .welfare. There were lots of little incidents

big enough, however, to tickle the averby a verdict of ten to two jurors.Kauai, atm. for

In this Climate something more than Food is required.

W YETHS'Highest Premium

--5) Awarded Wherever Exhibited.age crowd while the band played thesteamer off, as the saying is. The localNot unwelcome light showers of in(.ainl,bell, for Kilauea

prevailed in town most of Tuesday. custom of decorating departing friendsMueaulav, for Ka- -

with leis burdened some of the recipientsMessrs. II. Ilackfeld & Co. annaim apparently almost beyond their strength. EXTRACTa fresh supply of goods per bark llenrv LIQUID .-

-. MALT.ti.fft,r Hamakua, via

,i4 .ilon. for Koolau, liackieid. riugety passengers who had to be goingdown and up the gangway until the last

A1--- moment dudes with awfully imnressiveThe Elite furnished the cake for theeye-gla- ss or other mark of distinction aBrown-Olipha- nt weddintr. and it was a STJiPJPLlES THIS WANT,steerage passenger, whom it would nothandsome article.

"' V., ,i ;it noon.Haiuakua.

u,rKo..Iau. be libellous to call notorious, putting hiscur off the shipall helped to fill in the with the Least PossibleThe streets were deserted at 10 o'clock Contains ALL the Nutrient Properties of MALT

Amount of Alcoliol.last night, the moist weather keeping time, lhe chief incident, however, wasone that delayed the vessel's departure.lea Kuhului, 5io r mosi peopie inuoors. three-quarte- rs of an hour. --:o:-

lhe majority decision of the Supremeoron, for llama- -

lam Messrs. Geo AV. Macfarlane & Co. Court, in the case of the two Chinese Agents.BENSON, SMITH & CO.,have received sundry lines of new goods passengers brought on a former trip ofthe Australia, ordered their remandmentrrts.1 . ..... i rrl

125-- 3t

per bark li. liackteld.

Mr. Fishers new advertisement willto the custody of the Marshal. This orDue.der threw Marshal Soper back upon theappear to-morro- and command atten- - order ol tne Chief Justice appealed from.? NiaFraiHivo. hl

"! -- t r:ui.u

.lllh:: (,tteution by its important contents. to the full Court, which was to remand THE PUBLIC.TOthe two Chinamen back to the custody

The second steward of the AustraliaNov of Captain Houdlette. The Marshal did,,Lnlianiaso, but, somehow or other, when the ofwas given tm tne steamer returns to

answer the charge of opium in posses





ficers ot the law sought tor the men tosion. see if they were on board, they could not

r.i t'ram-U'u.Oc-t

ltonl't T.viist'nd .t'ctHutI1l,Mt .Novl't T,vni.'!Kl..o-- in Fram'i-o.No-

mii FniiH'i.-e-o.No- v

n FraiH'ico.Nitv

be found, lo sustain ttie majesty of thelaw a warrant was sworn out for Capt.native ana two uninamen were

caught at ditlerent hours last niirht!


Houdlette's arrest, which was servedupon him a few moments before the adsmoking opium, and taken along with

On account of the extreme dull times, which hasnow lasted for several months,


Has accumulated so that it is too large for the Storethat I keep: I have therefore come to the conclusionto sell all my

the utensils to the Station.10i i if r vertised hour ot sailing. What's thec .mill ' " "l.i27i Nov. . Another combined concert bv the band

matter?" was the query that buzzedthrough the crowd as the Captain, ac-

companied by Hon. W. G. Irwin, postedit; of the U. S. S. Brooklyn and the Rovall'.rvnu-- . .

YorkVw Yrk.

.NovSept Hawaiian Rand will be given at the Ha30

'JOwaiian Hotel on Thursday evening.';in Frandoo.Seit Kellegore SaddlesSydney Stock and30KurtKa iri'v

through the crowd and up town to give abond in $500 before Police Justice Day-ton for his appearance in obedience tothe warrant, that had been made return-able on the 15th of November. It was aquarter to 1 o'clock before the party re

Four deserters of contract service, oneloOctN.tnaimo. .

man charged' with assault and battery,Sept30 and a pair with a social oflense, besides.tVce Sin Francisco.

1;,,: Mm Fmneiseoept"

Livt ri""l !)ccYork l'-'-

31 the three opium "hends" elsewhere menAT SYDNEY PRICES. AND ALSO, MY

READY-MAD- E HARNESSAt Reduced Prices for 60 days only.

tioned, were registered yesterday.:"MjtfVin'l' li''C 31

The Derking-Perd- y pair were releasedh lua ivu of Produce. from a long-pendin- g charge and immedi-

ately deported by the steamer for San. . . i

siiL'-.r- life's noe. .mis. pya.I iV.--

turned to the deck, ana tne steamerswung out amid the usual interchange offarewell salutations between deck anddock.

The band was kept busy by Prof. Ber-ge-r

during all the delay, only taking afew seconds for breathing between eachnumber. A number of native swimmersattended the steamer as she turned intothe stream, to dive for coins that werethrown from the ship in liberal number.

,W .... 70 trancisco. Perhaps their hard labor in I'.

Hiit is of no use to me to.r, m TTamticGoa havft stood trial here for ten years,prison was estimated as likely to be tooworthless to pay for their keep. make any comments on my class of work. Only, I will say, they are made out

of the very best of material, and by the best workmen in the Kingdom, andsuperintended by myself.

A KK IV U.S. One side of the Bulletin madeout to be Monday, and the otherkirk Forest The mail bv the Australia amounted toFrmi'iM'o. ler With this guarantee, I will give you a chance to buy Saddles, Saddle. . . . , Bags,

. . . - a t . I'l i r j ji i r r n i i,--Ml woriuiiigtoi . p recortiea tne iaci mat it was luesuaj. Oo.2 letters and 981 papers not baa tor . , T. ij:3jn uruUo and Martinis, and Kidins Lectins of all kinds, ana

.jijieviiis, V T Koh, O NY Sane, I rn crossing the line to inspect our head- - Willi- - tx . 't 1.,,1 All norf ma Princ from tlie lSlariUS Will Iiave 111C. . , - i i4 1 1 i n rTlHSHa Ul ICUUUCU LFllvtiO. v..0same benefit as those here.our contemporary's staff has evidently

lost its reckoning and its head. EXT "With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.

For Sale on Draught, at

THE "PANTHEON."no-- tf

Tlie RisclonIron anil Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. II. TAYLOR .PresidentR. S. MOORE Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery


;v.'oi. per hip H Ihickfeld,Vane. ti U;ile, and 3 stowaways.


Oct 23ir Waialeale,wivts, and about 'Si others,

.k.a an-- Lahaina, ier stmrVli- -J Marsik-n- , W II llickard,d ill utht-rs- .

'i, pt-- t:iir Mikahala, Oct 23

Old Corner Harness Shop.

A gentleman failed when he tried toextract information from a reporter withthe following question : " How is it thatthis is such a temperance town and allthe fountains are dry when they shouldbe running?" "with filters attached,"the query was completed for him.

118-2- m

Remember that you can get those deli-

cious Boston Crollers to-da- y at the Elite.Drink Moxie at the Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.

Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) forcoughs.

Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 106 Fortstreet.

Shoes atglace trim CottonLadies'

Any young men who would like tojoin a class in singing under a competentinstructor, are invited to meet at the Y.M. O. A. next Thursday evening, at half-pa- st

7 o'clock. The invitation is ex-

tended to all above fifteen years oldwhether members of the association or


(.): Judge J Kala, Mr Smith.KriALuvrll. Mr Katsura, C W3BMwp, I'M Kaalua. Hon 5 Ni arid hride, 4 Chinese and;e;k;i-H'i)iri'r-

:FM!icio. J'it tmr Australia,:hki:, (' V Macfarlane, wife;.WJ Ilrolrick. wife and child,Me. Mrs Ltcey, Captain D TJ'WD.inn's Mrs J Parnsworth

; I'.r.vtrt, O 1 Downing, Miss, M M Tompkins,

V;:.:. W'A llowtMi, Miss A Paris,Moh.-a- , li Stoovcr,u'i 1 wi;V. J Ci Spencer, wife

'inWi'WiMi r. Miss J Cameron,

Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricatorfor the throat.

Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,lOfi Fort street.

Milk Shakes at Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.


In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,

High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference t.i the trade in whichthey are to be emiloyed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade afte. the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, mxde in suitable lengths for connectingtosethr, or Sheets rolled, punched and packed

The manager of a (temperance) placeof recreation on Port street complainedbitterly of the haste with which the novels, bv the most popular au- -Newelectric lights are doused on a cloudy thors. at (5 raenhaigh's, 106" Port street!i Wi Uinaim. II Snibley, 11 A

Lti;o. Mi Charlotte Parine--I-?.r.r- v.

linn W ti Irwin, wife,niirht before the moon gets over theroofs: "It spoils our business com-pletely and when the public pay taxesto support street lighting they should

Hallidav, II M Pergu- -

-:!, Mm K McDonald, Mrs CI t. I' J Filifl. .Streratre: W

Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairsevery Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.

Pon't forget the new sample Hats andBonnets now open at Sachs' store, 104 Fortstreet.

Just opened, a fine line of French KidShoes for ladies, misses and children, atFishel's.


It having come to our notice, that an inferior

quality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melchers'" Elephant " Brand, is being offered for sale in

this market, we have to

Ca-ation- . tlie PublicThat we are the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Isl-

ands, for the said Brand, and that every genuine

bottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

W. C. PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. MelchersSchiedam, W. Z.

Mis L Perrins, J Hl'ris'i'll, Mrs P li Wilcox,

tl'luni and wife. II Morgan,- I'll T 4 i

have it when requireu. l.ook at mestreet now ; you cannot cross it withoutgetting over your ankles in mud, becausethere is not light enough to show thepuddles."

Folice Court.Tuesday, Oct. 23d.

tu;;i.irfn, A M Jieweit, v,

V'-'- anl daughter, L Perking,r UhUr, U K Savior, 11 Pavis,

Henry liege

for shipment, ready to ue nveieu u imground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beins far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches. Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purt oses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

J. X. S. "Williams Honolulu.

suiPrixc; NOTES. Peter Davis, Fiji Tom, Win. Lawrence,drunk, $G each.

Aikaki, $41, Minnie Kekua, $10,

Subscribers to the Paily Advertiser orWeekly Gazette, who do not receive theirpapers promptly by the carriers, are re-nuest- ed

to give immediate notice by telec' U. Piishon is due this

(;:" a rirruit of this island.Irs Kilanea Hon and Likelike

-- this afternoon for windwardRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckj' Block.

41-3- m A gent for the Hawn. Ulanda.




phone or otherwise to the Gazette office,

telephone number 8S.



Win. Perking and Louisa Perdy, dis-orderly house, released at request otprosecution.

Kalauau and Kamiki, bad language,one hour's imprisonment and pay costs,$2.75 each.

Frederick Ward, opium smuggling, re-

manded till November 15th at defend-

ant's request.Gustave Tangelsen, insane, committed

94 1236-6- m

i.: V II Dimond has beenl'- - 't'unte Steamship Com-"''M-oinple- te

unloading freight.";i arrived on TuesdayV;u:'' Waianae and Waialua.;-- f ul sail attain to-morr-

Forest Queen, Capt.... :n,1:njr. arrived on Tucsdav.


Importer and l)?alera in

Chinese & Japanese Goods

Mr. W. M. Giffard will act lor our mmpover of attorney. Q

The Equitable Life Assurance Society128-3- WHonrlulu, Oct. 23. the Asylum on the eviaence 91 ir.Tucker. NOTICE.

-- 1VS from San Francisco,01 ''Tid merchandise

;T1 rs- - & Co.,'i', ( mules, and 1 cow for

...T::?t"n-- , Ibid favorable windsthe entire passage.-- H.tiMs docked at Brewer's

OF THE TJISriTED STATES.Ms First Among: fbe Mm Life Assurance Companies of tie Worli,A AVedding.

42 NUUANU STREET,iphantMr. Andrew Brown and Mrs. Ol

In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus and

Assets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,and in all other Important Respects.

i::V?stea.miI"P Australia, Capt. Have constantly on band Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass Cloth, Knibroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass Cloth

TDE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFDIiniXG W. U. Irwin from this Kingdom,Mt Frank P. Hastings will act for our Bank inall matters of business. spBECKELS & co.

Uonolnln, Oct. 2't, 1888. 1J8-3-W


, 7 auea at noon Tuesday,

were married by Rev. Dr. Beckwith, at

the house of Mr. McMillan, Kukui street,

on Tuesday afternoon. The happy pair

departed by the steamer Mikahala to

spend their honeymoon on Kauai, at-A,w- i,i

Lv thft congratulations and good

an Francisco, with a C'l.81,478,901 85. Handkerchiefs, Silk and Crape

Assets. Dec. 31, 1887,... igo valued at $G4,33S 5(5.-- ;,,!re:n W- - Irwin & Co.,11'";,T J1.vm" Bros. 39 bags

l ri(,e, A. J. Campbell, wishes of large circles of friends. L.ic- -1 t

A great variety of Chinese andnese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze an-qu- e

red Wares.Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortois

r.arA Cases. Paier Cutters, Fa

presented Capt. Freeman anathe above steamer, also Capt. Campbell Leave

128-t- f

Outstanding Assurance......New Business of 1887Surplus (4 per cent. Standard)Increase in Surplus during the Year.Increase in Assets during the Year...Total IncomePremium Income

Will receive a few pupils on the Banjo,orders with E. Lycan at West & Co s.


. 138,023,10518,104,255



. 127 1-- 2

'U2Mt a,nas- - Sundries: 2,535lwbundles sugar, . l.m.anas, 43 barrels

c)vn-,.1'--lhi- 510 emptvV ,:1;'11- -' $1,104 gold, lbo'x

waiiiieaie anu an. 1Ul lilt? DIVUUiv--i

DRESSMAKING". Jewelrv Cases.Gold" and Silver Jewelry, settir. U-- i l Oil Percentage of Assets to LiabilitiesPuckiiEres sundries.

Webster, clerk of the i. i. o. "- -

each with a silver badge in the form of aScotch thistle, as a souvenir of the event.This device was struck for and presentedto all the wedding guests.

Careful Study of the aboye Proyes Conclusively that the Equitable Society Tiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and r,is the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance fiUch as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,

'':Urk-lckfeUi,C;ipt- .

irr.v.V'fj'v the bark C. 11.' Uxi f. n'iay morning, Oct.r:ie:,, with aboutv

v l"m'.hadise, '.X tons ofJ

flt ';,r Francisco.

- v 1 aA T I H SSI M I Hit 111, IJI I 111 111 DC ailUi.. v a w r w m m. - w wiv w r m i

ATr. V. J. Fa-- j GENERAL AGENT HAWAIIAN ISLANDSm , ,i' uus I'ort are 50 tons 90-- tf

M B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDMRS business of Dressmaking. Cutting andFitting! at residence, No. 73 Beretama .street

Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesLPPrespectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaran-tee- d.



Ti,,.,,,lI. ir lion. II. A.

nese Nick-Nac- ks and Curiosities t

merous to specify.Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in s

Tables, "Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Pots,

ficial Flower Bankets, Lacquered

started a repeat, that uVV1!1 rel),,rte,i havingfvUr tl)e Kreuter part

-- "l't!n- wlu-- off Cape irti- -1 1 For Rent or For Sale.l : i ( 'face last even"'iiierot a soinpu-hit- t

was the shooter i a 1,

d at thisrson hasti in histhat he

) shot onte wishestie mali-- V

enemywarn allthat by


4'"H.H'f1V''H,t'rio"ced for snmeHactf I.V .t'oiifineit. King street the r.?inf-v- j

nli.inntOH7''1 til1 ft'' t l ' i"t. . .vv V i. Mill w if.wL-o.- l

Bamboo Goods, Etc.New Goods received by every sfc-:inv-r- .

The public are respectfully in vi l toinspect our goods

.in; she is unloading .v. r

.VOiii-.- icious slander t

unknown to hi:n.A PLEASANT COTTAGE

In Perfect Orler.H Ugers for this port a'Hi B. Hackfekl, from London


Matches! Matches!Extra Long,

In Tin-line- d Casest3T FOR SALE BY

M. W. McCliesney & Sons

i tl A few minutes' walk from the Post Office.persons incliiU'.doing so they vHliable to prose- - utJ i

nnlrtxtnraiTA Cold StorApply toVUIU rJLUlllHUGO 8TANGENWALD. M.D158 tfSlif?rniSePtem.

5.fcr 0f Hon r W,l2l, Kauai Fence Wire,A farmer in T.;air countyears of age, inl - 1

vtl. w ns a farm :iva jirres. wi.icii ho T111VIsizedI to ;i nicii um QUEEN STREET.125-l- wHe hasfhe chiKiren.

lie is man:woman and h.;been a Justin

s tan, lve" avvy fromfrom t' families



Broiled Steaks and Chopsilor&ing and evening. Also,

Hot Dinner from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.

And btit Coffee, Tea and Chocolate in town.124-- tf

ICE AND REFRIGER VTO:.PEOPLES' lately built two large Rfifrif i

at the Ice Factory, are now prepared iMeats, Fruits, Vegetables, etc. in Baiue at i

sonable rates.The rates will be given to parties desirin

Cold Storage Accommodations by the M mageat the factory.

"Both telephones at the Works No. 163.

J. K. WELDER,126-l- w President


Galvanized Buckets,

Best Coir Matting

Sale at Lowest Prices bylSl

a. W. Macfarlane & Co,

u illl1n a rueA NOTICE,veil oK;i i Weoec.

;d to have.Saltan,!,,., i

for nineGilmore.

ive beenparish of


years and hisSeveral pre

inKiltearn, Ko

l; '.ou..-.t- v.hirh

sTS LST) AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1888, CHU GEMlu? i'.r Jiiiarv. lie


,'i tl.rand.was

'.ct acc'

Is alone authorized to sign tne nrm Dme,14-l- m QUOKQ SAM KEE CO.

"forn.1"-- ' 129 tfj covering her .

Page 4: University of Hawaiʻi...4 . .a - ll IillI iJi.V '.r n V." VIII.-N-O. 129. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 188S. PKICE 5 CENTS (lit Business Grants. Poor Students


nurd SlbDfrtiscmcnte

Australian Mail Service. B.REHLER8LEWIS & CO.Hare Just Keceived ex S. S.


N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

New Zealand Potatoes3-- tf

Just Keceived a Full Li neCome and See Our Choice


The new and fine Al steel steamship MILLINEEY GOODS!1"" --Bathing"MARIPOSA" --A J

Ladies' Black P itrOf th Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or aboutt2S"ln future Mrs. K. G. Small V'

'ttinc ana :.


Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday,

October 6tb, 8th and 9th, a few Choice Sample



174 Telephone 65. Nov. 18th, 1888,Pioneer SIh:n factory, of Hoik

3S 1 7 K?: .ma Street.1STHATS ANDSugar Plant For Sale. O- -

And will leave for the abve port with malls andpassengers on or abou t that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (j. Irwin & Co.,AOENT8.

The undersigned bees to r th ' r -- iic of these islands that het will h d. Js m.measurement. Directions .

HV M if r n .

The Entire Plant of the . In the Latest Shades and Newest Designs, at White Shirts, (hr Shirts and ,1(iSTAR MILL CO. For Sydney and Auckland. A fit guaranteed by mating a sample Shirt to every order. . t

OKohala, Is offered for tale. The machinery Is The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort St.tT Bell Telephone 14

Prop.1ST. S. SACHS,60-2- W

The new and fine Al steel steamship

"ZEALANDIA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

Oct. 27, 1888.WING WO CHAN & Co., NUUIJ

la periect worEing oruer, ana consists of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

to., complete.One pair of boilers, Cx20.One Double Effect, G and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weaton Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the nsual assortment of Clarifiei'Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machinetusually found in a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California ami Island Mules,Cane Carta and General Plantation Implements.

Delivery will be given after next orop hasbeen harvested, say about July 1. 1889.

For further particulars apply to

Joliri Hind,

And will have prompi dtepatcn with malls anasaengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-




Of the Latest and Prettiest Designs.



Suitable for Christmas and tfew Yeats ft


Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

DIAMONDS! solitaires and clusters. DIAMONDS'Manager Star Mill,Kohala, Hawaii. THE FAMOUS GORHAM SOLID SILVER WARE iND FINEST


FOOK LOT & CO,,113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


Chinese & Japanese Goods,


Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc.At Exceedingly Low Prices.


JOS. TINKER,Family & Shipping Butcher Something new in Honolulu;

Extension Veranda ChairA Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.Fire Crackers, New Designs in Cups and

Saucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

At Greatly Red need Prices.

Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets,Matting in all variety and colors,

Silks, Satins and Pongee,Silk Crepe, in all shades:

Mantel aod Hed

ogXZT These Goods have all been personally selected in the States, guaran-

teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facility requisite for a first-clas- s Jewelry Manufacturing Estab-

lishment, we feel confident that we can manufacture anything that may berequired in the Jewelry and Silverware Line.o

Watch Repairing and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.

City MarketNuuanu St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


Regular shipments by every steamer. Best Oolong Tea, Choice Manila fi116-l- yPOST OFFICE BOX NO. 255.

GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.P. O. Box 342. 106

BTJHACH !X7"N. B. All meats delivered every

morning within a radius of three mile'sof the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to with


--o- THEG BREWER & COMPANY, B of Mtatfo leading Millinery House

G-O-O EIMWill REMOVE his Business from-th- e Store corner of Fort and Hotel StreetsTHIS COMING WEEK, TO HIS

Which are being put upon the market.(Limited).



orTHE GENUINE BUHACH New and Elegant Store on Nuuanu Street,

COMMISSION AGENTS. eold onlj by, Where can be Bought at GREATLY REDUCED RATES,

Smith (ft fin DlTGoOCls.CrOpWvmifl Gla.sswprABensonLIST OF OFFICERS:

P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter. Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor KJJill 111 X JVi I J ? J v-- N I t li yj

sole Agents m the Teas, Matting, Tovs.HAWAIIAN ISLANDS CHINESE SILKS, and READY-MAD- E r,i ott- V



Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. Waterhouse



-- ALSO-

Buhacli Producing custom-mad- e clothingUnder the direction of a Fashionable Tailor. For call onGOO KIM. AT HTS "NfTTTT A "NTTTyTt? tttt (7?,i"Band Mfg. Co. J - w UIUJjIjI JL J

61-t- f



Where you will find Silver, Gold andDiamonds,

Mad up In a neat, artistic fashion. J3

105-l- m

Claus Spreckels Wna. Q. Irwin.


'......- J8KttpMBANKEE8.All goods are warranted to be all that la

for them, viz; the very best goods made. j The Manhattan Life Insurance CompanyHONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDW

lie has also received, of 3Sew Tork.V.iKnnn n . 1 1,. . ..




AiTT &.uuc me yk lijuiiui parts o tneA New Invoice ot Clocks worli- -I3T Assets over 811,000,000. 13" Net Surplus over 82,000,000.

Will receive deposits on onen arrnnnt. mob--

Whloh are very ornamental as well as useful.I 0cUecUon8 and conduct a general banking and POSITIVE RESULTS

iuf a Policy in the Manhattan Life on the New Plan,I3T Price all adjusted to suit the times.41

Deposits bearing interest received in their SavInjrs Department subject to published rule andreirnlatloas. 17oc3tf

Stoves, Banges and BousckcepiiiS dis'LOVE'S BAKERY HONOLULU MARKET.





Age, 30; amount of Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.The Annual Premium will be ; s 3Q1 gQThe 20 payments will amount to.At the end of that time the Company will return to the holder'ln 'cash '.".l

n"So OO

xo. 73 Xuunnu Street.(Successor to Yfm. MoCandless.)

MRS. ROUT. LOVE, ProprletreBi, Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Irou(77

Thus the 110,000 Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20years of only" " " " ..or SI R? fiy 1 finn ..I 336 OO

No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Houolnlti, II. I. lusurautc jjcr Year.or li tne Cash be not drunn tr, rn,. ,. n i ,

iu"w' uci.uuic yaiui u y iur 10,050 OOEvery Description of Plain and Fancy

Vfiad and (racWs. fi;esults aren,otv e?tiniated, but are fixed in a Positive Contract the fullof ... .. . iacep n r,n,.i,u : i A it.v t auiK in mc cvciil ui me aeain oi Thorois no lorfeitura of payments on discontinuance of policy after three yearly a 1876. GEO W. LINCOLNf bes n Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish

a Crackersveoetablss. etc.,


Cash or Paid up Talue behig Guaranteed by tbe Terms ofthe New York Law.

Saloon Bread AlwaJs Kept on Hand XJAlways on Hand.

agCS' Bnd &U n the 10 and 15 years'thOffieFtheAgent.1at or apply

1l?T?;"'?he Manjattan's is the simplest form of policyow Oyelll Ho' thlS fCatUre haVins been ori8inated adoptedt&i

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyI Attended to.

75 and 77 Kinp Street, "Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at ehortnotice.A SPECIJLT7.

Miami Orders Promptly AUenc!edto. J.JOHN H. PATY, jrt. . ,RR-- tf fOtK ' '


wntnslBell Tlepbo uo jyo. 275. 63