university of bologna the jews in italy

World Zionist Organization Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora International Conference Monday-Friday, 6-10 Ellul 5771 5-9 September 2011 University of Bologna (Ravenna) & University of Florence, Italy The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Spread of Jewish Heritage University of Florence University of Bologna Faculty of Jewish Studies Ashkelon Academic College The Ministry Of Religious Services

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Page 1: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

World Zionist Organization Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora

International Conference

Monday-Friday, 6-10 Ellul 5771 5-9 September 2011

University of Bologna (Ravenna) & University of Florence, Italy

The Jewsin Italy:

Their Contributionto the Development

and Spread of Jewish Heritage

University of Florence

University of Bologna

Faculty of Jewish Studies

Ashkelon Academic College

The Ministry Of Religious Services

Page 2: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy


Conference Academic Committee:Prof. Yaron Harel, Co-Chairman, Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Mauro Perani, Co-Chairman, University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus

Prof. Shimon Sharvit, Vice-President, Ashkelon Academic College

Prof. Silvia Guetta, University of Florence

Prof. Michael Ryzhik, Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Yaakov Andrea Lattes, Bar-Ilan University, President of ASSEI

Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Conference Director:Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Organization and Production:

Ms. Ora Kobelkowsky, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Information and Registration:The Dahan Center for Culture, Society and Education

in the Sephardic Heritage

Bar-Ilan University

Ramat Gan 52900 ISRAEL

Tel: +972-3-5317959 Fax: +972-3-5342621E-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

Conference Program



Gala Opening SessionChair: Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Greetings:Prof. Ivano Dionigi, Rector, Bologna UniversityH.E. Mr. Gideon Meir, The Ambassador of Israel in ItalyMK Yaakov Margi, Minister for Religious Services, State of IsraelProf. Yaron Harel, (Chair), Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Mauro Perani, (Chair), University of BolognaAdv. Pinhas Haliwa, Chief Executive Officer, Ashkelon Academic College Mr. Avraham Duvdevani, Chairman of the Executive, World Zionist OrganizationMr. Effie Stenzler, Chairman, Keren Kayemet LeyisraelDr. Zvi Zameret, Chairman, Pedagogical Secretariat, Ministry of Education

Opening Lecture:Prof. Bernard Cooperman, University of MarylandReorganizing Jewish Knowledge: Book Printing as a Business and as an Intellectual Challenge

Gala DinnerGreetings:Rabbi Alberto Sermoneta, Chief Rabbi of Bologna

Songs performed by the Synagogue Children’s Choir

Monday, 6 Elul 5771, 5 September, 2011Bologna, Synagogue, Via Gombruti, 9 - 40123 Bologna

Conference Academic Committee:Prof. Yaron Harel, Co-Chairman, Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Mauro Perani, Co-Chairman, University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus

Prof. Shimon Sharvit, Vice-President, Ashkelon Academic College

Prof. Silvia Guetta, University of Florence

Prof. Michael Ryzhik, Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Yaakov Andrea Lattes, Bar-Ilan University, President of ASSEI

Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Conference Director:Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Organization and Production:

Ms. Ora Kobelkowsky, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University

Information and Registration:The Dahan Center for Culture, Society and Education

in the Sephardic Heritage

Bar-Ilan University

Ramat Gan 52900 ISRAEL

Tel: +972-3-5317959 Fax: +972-3-5342621E-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

Arrival and Registration

SESSION 1: POETRY AND LITERATUREChair: Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Director, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Tova Cohen, Bar-Ilan University“This poem is a memento of love” – Rachel Morpurgo and her Friends

Prof. Nurit Govrin, Tel-Aviv UniversityThe Impact and Presence of Italy in Hebrew Literature over the Years

Dr. Carmela Saranga, Ashkelon Academic College On the Uniqueness of the Second Version of Sefer Josippon from Italy and its Influence on Sefer Hayashar (Book of Hayashar)

Dr. Smadar Shiffman, Tel Aviv UniversityPrimo Levi – Writer/Chemist, Italian/Jew

Dr. Yedidya Itzhaki, Zefat Academic CollegeSacred and Profane Poetry by Emanuel of Rome

Coffee Break


Chair: Prof. Eliezer Don-Yehiya, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. David Malkiel, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Hebrew Tombstones of Padua and the Acculturation of Ashkenazic Jewry in Renaissance Italy

Prof. Bracha Yaniv, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Influence of Italian Jewish Ceremonial Objects on the Design of Ceremonial Objects in Europe and North Africa

Tuesday, 7 Elul 5771, 6 September, 2011University of Bologna, Faculty Building Via Mariani 5, Ravenna

University of Bologna, Ravenna – Palazzo Verdi



12:00-14:00Parallel Session


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Prof. David Cassuto, Ariel University Center in SamariaResonance of Redemption Appearing on Sacred Objects in Piedmont Eighteenth-Century Synagogues

Dr. Ilia M. Rodov, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Pope’s Emblem on the Torah Ark: Adaptation of the Renaissance in a Roman Synagogue


Chair: Prof. Shmuel Vargon, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Moshe Hallamish, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Contribution of Italian Liturgy to the Kabbalistic World

Prof. Noemi Vogelmann, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Priestly Blessing, La Beracha, in the presence of Gentiles, as reflected in M.S. Ghirondi's Opinion

Dr. Amira Meir, Beit Berl CollegeThe Ketubbot of Provençal Jews from the Town of Alghero in Sardinia

Ms. Maria Portmann, University of Fribourg, SwitzerlandCircumcision in the Early Modern Period in Venice


Chair: Prof. Mauro Perani, University of BolognaDr. Mariuccia Kresner, ASSEIThe House-Bank and the First Real Estate Property of the Jews in Padua in the Second Half of the 14th Century

Dr. Andrea Yaakov Lattes, Bar Ilan University The genre of Community minute books in Italy during the 16th-17th centuries

12:00-14:00Parallel Session

12:00-14:00Parallel Session

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15:00-16:30Parallel Session

15:00-16:30Parallel Session


Ms. Esperança Valls i Pujol, University of Girona The subjects contained in the Hebrew fragments of the Historical Archive in Gerona, with particular reference to economic texts

Mr. Elisa Tizzoni, University of PisaThe application of racial laws by the Prefecture in Lucca Province: economical and social consideration


SESSION 5: RABBINICAL WRITERS AND BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION Chair: Prof. David Cassuto, Ariel University Center in SamariaProf. Moshe Yitzhaki, Bar-Ilan University The Biblical Commentary of Rabbi Isaiah di Trani in Light of his Era and Sources

Ms. Naomi Artom-Goldenberg, JerusalemRabbi Prof. Elia Samuele Artom and his son Rabbi Dr. Menachem Emanuele Artom – their Writings and Influence on Italian Jewish Culture in Recent Generations

Mr. Menachem Ben-Yashar, Bar-Ilan University Rabbi Prof. M.D. Cassuto's Contribution to Exegesis and Source Criticism of the Bible, and to the Study of the Ancient Near East

Dr. Ayala Mishaly, Bar-Ilan UniversityParent-Child Relations in the Writings of R. Abraham ibn Ezra

SESSION 6: HISTORY - THE MODERN PERIODChair: Prof. David Henshke, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Nissim Dana, Ariel University Center in SamariaA Comparison of Sheikh Yosef Kara Qardawi and Sheikh Abdul al-Hadi Palazzi

Dr. Gabriel Cavaglion, Ashkelon Academic College Cesare Lombroso and the Question of the Jewish race

Page 7: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

Dr. Yitzhak Mualem, Ashkelon Academic CollegeJewish Solidarity: The Activities and Contribution of the Jewish Communities Union in Italy for the Jews of Libya and Ethiopia in the 1930s

Dr. Filippo Petrucci, University of CagliariPreservation of Italian Identity in an African Context: The Case of the Grana in Tunisia between 1938 and 1948

SESSION 7: WRITINGS AND TRANSLATIONSChair: Prof. David Malkiel, Bar-Ilan University Prof. Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, Bar-Ilan UniversityLadino Translations from Italy: The Bible, Pirke Avot, the Passover Haggada, and the Siddur

Prof. Michael Ryzhik, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Anonymous Hebrew Translation of the “De medicina equorum” by Jordanus Rufus and its Language

Dr. Jill Fields, California State University, Fresno, U.S.A.The Writing of Peggy Guggenheim: Narrating Gender, Jewish Identity, and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Venice

Ms. Ruth Winkler, Wiener Gesellschaft für Jüdische Studien, AustriaThree Pentateuch Translations illustrating the Western-Oriental Encounter in 19th Century Jewish Italy

Coffee Break

SESSION 8: HISTORYChair: Dr. Ayelet Seidler, Bar-Ilan University Prof. Leah Bornstein-Makovetsky, Ariel University Center in SamariaRelations between the Rabbis of Italy and the Rabbis of Aleppo during the 18th Century

15:00-16:30Parallel Session

17:00-18:30Parallel Session


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17:00-18:30Parallel Session

17:00-18:30Parallel Session

Prof. Miriam Ben Zeev, Ben Gurion University of the NegevHow did the Romans view the Jews?

Dr. Avi Sasson. Ashkelon Academic CollegeThe Contribution of the Italian Traveler Moshe Haim Cafsuto to the Study of the Sacred Tombs in the Land of Israel

Prof. Yitzchak Kerem, Aristotle University, GreeceThe Descendants of the Grana in Thessaloniki

SESSION 9: LANGUAGE AND INTERPRETION Chair: Dr. Zvi Zameret, Ministry of Education Dr. Yehudit Henshke, University of Haifa The Tradition of Rabbinic Hebrew – Between Italy and Byzantium

Dr. Dror Ben-Arié, Bar-Ilan University Abraham de Balmes' Miqneh Abram: An Adaptation of Modistic Concepts by a Hebrew Grammarian of the Renaissance

Dr. Temima Davidovitch, Bar-Ilan UniversityA Review of the Exegetical Works of Abraham Ibn Ezra (1089-1164), written in Italy in the Years 1140-1145

Prof. Daniel Stein Kokin, University of Greifswald, GermanyA Hebrew Language Introduction to Arabic from Early Quattrocento Italy: Isaac Cohen’s Letter to Marco Lippomano

SESSION 10: ART AND CULTUREChair: Prof. Bracha Yaniv, Bar-Ilan University Prof. Aaron Demsky, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Significance of Italian Jewish Names

Dr. Liya Chechik, Lomonosov Moscow State University, RussiaThe Iconographic Context of Hebrew Inscriptions in the Religious Paintings of the Italian Renaissance

Page 9: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy



Dr. Maddalena Schiavo, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome The Contribution of the Italian Renaissance to the Development of the Hebrew Theater

Dr. Elizabeth Mendes da’Costa, England Projecting the Silenced Voice: Samuel Usque’s Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel

DinnerGreetings:Rav Luciano Caro, Chief Rabbi of Ferrara

Wednesday, 8 Elul 5771, 7 September, 2011

Arrival and Registration

SESSION 11: RABBINICAL LITERATUREChair: Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman, Head of the Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora, World Zionist OrganizationRabbi Prof. Moshe Amar, Bar-Ilan University and Ashkelon Academic CollegeCritiques by the Sages of Morocco on Rabbi Leone (Yehudah Aryeh) Modena and Samuel David Luzzatto

Prof. Shimon Sharvit, Bar-Ilan University and Ashkelon Academic College The Influence of the Christian Censorship on Rabbinic Literature and Language

Prof. Shaul Regev, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Sermon as Art: Studies of the Sermons of R. Yehudah Aryeh of Modena

Prof. Avinoam Cohen, Bar-Ilan University Some Talmudic Rules Absent from R. Malachi ha-Cohen's Book Yad Malachi

Adv. Dr. Ben Zion Barbi, Ashkelon Academic College and Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Italian Rabbinical Authorities and their Rulings on Halakhic Issues involving Divergent Views


Page 10: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

12:00-13:30Parallel Session

12:00-13:30Parallel Session

11:30-12:00 Coffee Break

SESSION 12: INTERPRETATION AND PHILOSOPHY Chair: Ms. Rachel Hacohen, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Moshe A. Zipor, Bar-Ilan UniversityShadal's Place in the History of Jewish Biblical Resesearch

Dr. Jeffrey R. Woolf, Bar-Ilan UniversityMerging Worlds: The Encounter Between French, German and Italian Halakhic Traditions in Quattrocento Italy

Dr. Meir Seidler, Ariel University Center in SamariaJudaism as an " Integrative Religion" in the Teachings of Rabbi Eliyahu Benamozegh

Dr. Yaron Silverstein, Zefat Academic CollegeTorat Eretz-Israel in Italy of the Early Middle Ages: The Jerusalem Talmud and its Interpretation in the Work of Rabbi Isaiah Di Trani (Ha-Rid)

SESSION 13: PHILOSOPHY AND KABBALAHChair: Prof. Moshe Hallamish, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Eliezer Don-Yehiya, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Political Thought of Isaac Abravanel: Its Origins in Jewish Tradition and the Political Realities of his Era, and its Influence on Jewish and General Philosophy

Dr. Yoram Jacobson, Tel Aviv UniversityThe Doctrine of Tsimtsum according to R. Joseph Ergas

Dr. Doron Danino, Bar-Ilan University Rabbi Leone Modena’s Treatise Ben David: The Contribution of Rabbi Leone Modena to the 17th Century Debate among Western European Sephardi Communities on the Status of the Belief in Metempsychosis in Judaism

Page 11: University of Bologna The Jews in Italy

12:00-13:30Parallel Session

14:30-16:00Parallel Session


Dr. Yossef Charvit, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Influence of Rabbi Eliyahu Benamozegh of Livorno on Rabbi Yehouda-Léon Askénazi (Manitou)’s Aspiration towards the Construction of an Optimal Jewish Wisdom

SESSION 14: ITALY AND LIBYA: CULTURAL INFLUENCESChair: Prof. Joseph Schwarzwald, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Maurice Roumani, Ben Gurion University of the NegevItalian Colonialism as an Agent of Change for the Libyan Jewish Community

Dr. Rachel Simon, Princeton University, U.S.A.Jews as Promoters of Italian Civilization in Libya

Dr. Michal Ben Ya'akov, Efrata College of Education, JerusalemR. Itzhak Guetta - From Tripoli via Livorno and Trieste to Safed

Dr. Samuela Marconcini, University of FlorenceItalian Jewry as the Bearers of European Culture to the Communities of the Middle East

Lunch Break

SESSION 15: THE MODERN PERIOD: HISTORY AND CULTURAL INFLUENCESChair: Dr. Gabriel Cavaglion, Ashkelon Academic College Dr. Eliav Taub, Ashkelon Academic College The Attitude of the Holy See toward the Jewish People following the 1993 Fundamental Agreement with the State of Israel: Separation between Interfaith Dialogue with the Jews of Rome and Diplomatic Dialogue with the State of Israel

Dr. Yaniv Goldberg, Ashkelon Academic College Dybbuk Exorcism in Rabbinic Documents from 18th Century Italy

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14:30-16:00Parallel Session

14:30-16:00Parallel Session

Dr. Yoel Shiloh, Ashkelon Academic College Regulations and Financial Agreements Embedded into Ketubot in Italy

Dr. Alessandro Grazi, University of Groningen, The NetherlandsThe Role of Italian Jews in Freemasonry and Secret Societies during the Risorgimento

SESSION 16: MANUSCRIPTS, BOOKS AND THE HEBREW PRESSChair: Dr. Carmela Saranga, Ashkelon Academic CollegeProf. Shlomo Z. Havlin, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Beginning of Hebrew Printing - Nine Hebrew Books that were Printed in Rome

Dr. Natascia Danieli, VeniceJewish Community Archives in Mantua: A New Recording and Digitalization Project

Dr. Gila Prebor, Bar-Ilan UniversityA Database of Censored Hebrew Books and Manuscripts

Dr. Miguel Antonio Beltran Munar, Universitat de les Illes Balears, SpainTeva’ and Teva’ Mutba’ in the Writings of some Italian Jewish Thinkers of the Renaissance

SESSION 17: KABBALAH, JEWISH THOUGHT AND ETHICSChair: Dr. Yoram Jacobson, Tel Aviv UniversityProf. Meir Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Geographic and Chronologic Provenance of Sefer Ha-Yashar

Dr. Ovanes Akopyan, Moscow State University, RussiaKabbalistic and Hebrew Sources in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Biblical Exegesis

Dr. Matt Goldish, Ohio State University, U.S.A.The Prophetic Laboratory of Rabbi Abraham Rovigo:Some Social and Cultural Aspects

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Dr. Claudia Gori, European University Institute of FlorenceA Jewish Couple in the Italian Intellectual Debate (19th-20th Centuries)

Coffee Break

SESSION 18: COMMUNITY, SOCIETY AND ECONOMYChair: Prof. Yaacov Weisberg, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Mauro Perani, University of BolognaRecords of Jewish Bankers from the 14th-17th Centuries in Italy: A Historical Overview of the Beginning of Money Lending in the Western World

Prof. Shimon Shwarzfuchs, Bar-Ilan University Ties between the Jewish Communities of Italy and of Southern France

Rabbi Moshe Alberto Somekh, TurinCommunal Leadership and Ritual Customs in the Teachings of the Venetian Sages

Mr. Irving Markus, Touro College, Jerusalem Philanthropic Activities in the Jewish Community of Padua in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Rabbi Dr. Joseph Levi, Chief Rabbi of Florence The Rabbinical College in Florence, 1900-1935


Thursday, 9 Elul 5771, 8 September, 2011University of Florence, via Laura, 48, Firenze

SESSION 19: EDUCATION AND ALIYAChair: Prof. Shimon Sharvit, Ashkelon Academic CollegeGreetings:Prof. Simonetta Ulivieri, Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Florence

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17:30-19:00Parallel Session


Prof. Enzo Catarsi, Director of the Department of Education, Sciences, and Cultural and Training Processes, University of Florence

Lectures:Prof. Shmuel Vargon, Bar-Ilan UniversitySamuel David Luzzatto - An Italian Jewish Educator Propagating his Philosophy

Dr. Zvi Zameret, Chairman, Pedagogical Secretariat, Ministry of Education The Jews of Italy: Their Contribution to the Formation of Jewish Culture and the Education System in Israel

Prof. Silvia Guetta, University of FlorenceJewish Schools and Jewish Educational Institutions in the Emancipation Period

Dr. Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe “Contessa in Black”: The Unique Story of Ada Sereni, the head of Mossad Le-Aliya Bet in Italy

Dr. Maria Grazia Enardu, University of FlorenceThe Aliya Bet in Italy, 1945-1948

Coffee Break

SESSION 20: JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN ITALYChair: Prof. Meir Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan UniversityProf. Dvora Hacohen, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe Establishment of the Community of Livorno, its Organization and its Uniqueness among Italian Jewish Communities

Dr. Sharon Reichel, University of TurinJewish Marriage in Fossano

Dr. Amos Geula, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Herzog CollegeMourners of Zion in Southern Italy Between the 8th and 10th Centuries

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SESSION 21: JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN ITALYChair: Prof. Maurice Roumani, Ben Gurion University of the NegevDr. Shulamit Furstenberg-Levi, Lorenzo de’Medici School of ArtThe Ghetto of Florence: Internal and External Perspectives

Dr. Dora Liscia, University of FlorenceThe Tuscan Enterprises of Maggino Gabriello

Dr. Maria Luciana Buseghin, ItalyAnalysis of the Textile Industry among the Jewish Communities of Umbria

Dr. Andrea Yaakov Lattes, Bar-Ilan University The Attitude of Halakha in Italy toward Modern Life

Dinner Jewish Community Center, via Farini, 4Greetings:Mr. Guidobaldo Passigli, President of the Jewish Community of FlorenceRabbi Dr. Joseph Levi, Chief Rabbi of FlorenceLecture:Rabbi Elia Richetti, President of the Association of Italian Rabbis The Character and Activity of Rabbi Yitzhak Raphael Ashkenazi of Ancona

Friday, 10 Ellul 5771, 9 September, 2011Florence

SESSION 22: CLOSING SESSIONChair: Prof. Yaron Harel, Bar-Ilan UniversityLectures:Dr. Naomi Cassuto, David Yellin CollegeRenaissance Florence and its Ghetto

Closing Remarks:Prof. Mauro Perani, University of BolognaProf. Silvia Guetta, University of FlorenceProf. Shimon Sharvit, Ashkelon Academic CollegeDr. Shimon Ohayon, Bar-Ilan University

17:30-19:00Parallel Session

