universities may need more data storage under expansion plan

Universities May Need More Data Storage Under Expansion Plan Facebook.com/storetec Storetec Services Limited @StoretecHull www.storetec.ne t Universities in England may need a large increase in their data storage capacity if they expand by as much as universities minister David Willets has suggested.

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Page 1: Universities may need more data storage under expansion plan

Universities May Need More Data Storage Under Expansion Plan


Storetec Services Limited

@StoretecHull www.storetec.net

Universities in England may need a large increase in their data storage capacity if they expand by as much as universities minister David Willets has suggested.

Page 2: Universities may need more data storage under expansion plan

Writing a paper for the Social Market Foundation thinktank, Mr Willets noted that the principles of expanding university education should follow those outlined by Lord Lionel Robbins in 1963, at which time just five per cent of young people went to university. The key issue then was the number of suitably qualified young people – not the contemporary job market – and Mr Willets has said this should still be the case now.

He argued that the number of places available each year needs to rise from 368,000 to 460,000, with the current regime needing to be subjected to systemic change to alter the way people get university places.

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The minister stated: "The English system is quite unusual amongst advanced countries for having such selective systems of entry to university.

"Other countries allow virtually automatic progression to your local university if you have the requisite qualifications."

Another difference between 1963 and now is that back then, data and records relating to students were kept on paper. As time went on, more universities were established and more people went into higher education, while at the same time advances in technology meant information ranging from admissions to the course details and exam results could be stored electronically.

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If future expansion follows the route envisaged by Mr Willetts, the amount of data storage will need to increase, be it that used by existing universities as they enlarge, by new institutions or by the central clearing authorities like Ucas. Indeed, it may require more information to be available at short notice if Ucas is to change from operating a clearing system in which the luckier candidates manage to grab the remaining places to one where almost everyone can find a place somewhere, but needs matching.

Page 5: Universities may need more data storage under expansion plan

The 20th century saw three major periods of university and higher education expansion: the 1900s, when several 'red brick' universities emerged, the 1960s and the 1990s. In an increasingly high-tech, data-saturated age, the capacity to hold and use information may need to be much greater to deal with future increases in places.

Storetec News/Blogs. "http://www.storetec.net/news-blog/universities-may-need-more-data-storage-under-expansion-plan/

". Universities May Need More Data Storage Under Expansion Plan. October 21,2013. Storetec.