universitatea babeş-bolyai competiţia excelenţei...

ROMÂNIA UNIVERSITATEA BABEŞ-BOLYAI CLUJ-NAPOCA Str. Mihail Kogãlniceanu, nr. 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca Tel. (00) 40 - 264 - 40.53.00*; 40.53.01; 40.53.02 ; 40.53.22 Fax: 40 - 264 - 59.19.06 E-mail: [email protected] RECTORATUL Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010 Dosar individual Notă: Toate datele se referă la perioada 2005-2009 Nume, prenume, grad did. ASTILEAN SIMION, PROFESOR Facultatea, Catedra Fizica / Spectroscopie Moleculara Domeniul ştiinţific Fizica Adresa paginii web personale www.phys.ubbcluj.ro/~simion.astilean Adresa e-mail [email protected] Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la total punctaj Criteriul I – Output ) TOTAL PUNCTAJ : 7018.15 + 13.33+28.55+7.5+71.33 =7139 1. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate ISI (cu menţionare factorului de impact în cazul celor cotate) 43 articole ISI Punctaj realizat: 7018.15 (conform listei atasate) 2. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în ISI proceedings in cazul in care nu are Factor de impact ISI 4 articole ISI fara factor de impact Punctaj realizat: 13.33 (conform listei atasate) 3. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate în BDI (din lista CNCSIS) si în reviste româneşti recunoscute de CNCSIS tip B şi B + 9 articole Punctaj realizat: 28.5 (conform listei atasate) 4. Alte articole ştiinţifice/capitole publicate în reviste/volume cu referenţi (peer-reviewed) 5 articole Punctaj realizat: 7.5 (conform listei atasate) 5. Cărţi ştiinţifice publicate în edituri internaţionale 1 carte Punctaj realizat: 71.33 (conform listei atasate) Criteriul II – Prestigiu profesional 30% (aplicat la total punctaj Criteriul II ) Total punctaj: 1070 + 2620 +30+237+14+10+15+17.5+410.2+140+5+140+160 = 4868 1. Citări ale articolelor ISI listate la Criteriul I 107 citari Punctaj: 1070 (cf listei atasate) 3. Citări în perioada 2005-2009 ale articolelor anterioare anului 2005 262 citari Punctaj: 2620 (cf listei atasate) 4.Distincţii, premii şi alte recunoaşteri naţionale şi internaţionale 3 premii Punctaj: 30 (cf listei atasate) 5. Studenţi naţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj : 237 (cf listei atasate) 6. Studenţi internaţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj: 14 (cf listei atasate): 7. Membru in comitetul de redacţie la reviste ISI

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UNIVERSITATEA BABEŞ-BOLYAI CLUJ-NAPOCA Str. Mihail Kogãlniceanu, nr. 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca

Tel. (00) 40 - 264 - 40.53.00*; 40.53.01; 40.53.02 ; 40.53.22 Fax: 40 - 264 - 59.19.06

E-mail: [email protected]

RECTORATUL Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010

Dosar individual

Notă: Toate datele se referă la perioada 2005-2009 Nume, prenume, grad did. ASTILEAN SIMION, PROFESOR Facultatea, Catedra Fizica / Spectroscopie Moleculara Domeniul ştiinţific Fizica Adresa paginii web personale www.phys.ubbcluj.ro/~simion.astilean Adresa e-mail [email protected] Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la total punctaj Criteriul I – Output)

TOTAL PUNCTAJ : 7018.15 + 13.33+28.55+7.5+71.33 =7139 1. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate ISI (cu menţionare factorului de impact în cazul celor cotate) 43 articole ISI Punctaj realizat: 7018.15 (conform listei atasate) 2. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în ISI proceedings in cazul in care nu are Factor de impact ISI 4 articole ISI fara factor de impact Punctaj realizat: 13.33 (conform listei atasate) 3. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate în BDI (din lista CNCSIS) si în reviste româneşti recunoscute de CNCSIS tip B şi B+ 9 articole Punctaj realizat: 28.5 (conform listei atasate) 4. Alte articole ştiinţifice/capitole publicate în reviste/volume cu referenţi (peer-reviewed) 5 articole Punctaj realizat: 7.5 (conform listei atasate) 5. Cărţi ştiinţifice publicate în edituri internaţionale 1 carte Punctaj realizat: 71.33 (conform listei atasate) Criteriul II – Prestigiu profesional 30% (aplicat la total punctaj Criteriul II)

Total punctaj: 1070 + 2620 +30+237+14+10+15+17.5+410.2+140+5+140+160 = 4868

1. Citări ale articolelor ISI listate la Criteriul I 107 citari Punctaj: 1070 (cf listei atasate) 3. Citări în perioada 2005-2009 ale articolelor anterioare anului 2005 262 citari Punctaj: 2620 (cf listei atasate) 4.Distincţii, premii şi alte recunoaşteri naţionale şi internaţionale 3 premii Punctaj: 30 (cf listei atasate) 5. Studenţi naţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj : 237 (cf listei atasate) 6. Studenţi internaţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj: 14 (cf listei atasate): 7. Membru in comitetul de redacţie la reviste ISI

Page 2: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la

1 comitet Punctaj: 10 puncte 8. Membru in comitetul de redacţie la reviste BDI 3 comitete Punctaj: 15 puncte 10. Participări la programe/granturi finanţate din sursă naţională (se menţionează şi valoarea) Punctaj: 17,5 pct (cf listei atasate) 12. Coordonări de programe/granturi finanţate din sursă naţională (se menţionează şi valoarea) Punctaj: 410.2 (cf listei atasate) 13. Profesor invitat la universitati de prestigiu, cu titlu oficial 7 invitatii oficiale Punctaj : 140 (cf listei atasate) 14. Membru în comisii profesionale relevante, cu titlu oficial 1 comisie Punctaj 5= 1*5. 15. Conferinţe invitate internaţionale 7 conferinte invitate Punctaj: 140 (cf listei atasate) 16. Membru în comitete de organizare sau ştiinţifice ale unor conferinţe internaţionale 8 conferinte Punctaj: 160

III. Realizare remarcabilă 10% (aplicat la total punctaj Criteriul III) 1) In cadrul competiei nationale CNCSIS „Proiecte Complexe de Cercetare Exploratorie”

organizate in anul 2008 proiectul NANOPARTICULE BIOFUNCTIONALE PENTRU DEZVOLTAREA UNOR NOI METODE DE IMAGISTICA, SENZORISTICA, DIAGNOSTIC SI TERAPIE MOLECULARA IN MEDII BIOLOGICE, al carui director sunt, s-a numarat printre cele selectat pentru finantare (7 000 000 lei) in urma unui proces de evaluare internationala (vezi http://www.cncsis.ro/articole/1663/Rezultate-proces-de-evaluare-internationala.html).

2) Impreuna cu alti doi colegi, cadre didactice ale catedrei de Spectroscopie Moleculară a Facultatii de Fizica, am publicat in anul 2008 cartea „Raman and SERS investigations of pharmaceuticals” Monica Baia, Simion Astilean si Traian Iliescu, Editura Springer – Verlag. Cartea cuprinde rezultate stiintifice proprii grupului din ultiimi 10 ani obtinute si in studiul spectroscopic al unor molecule medicament si prepararea unor noi substrate nanostructurate pentru SERS care permit atat un control mai bun al factorului de amplificare cat si o reproductibilitate mai bună a masuratorilor SERS - aspecte de actualitate din acest domeniu.

Alte realizari: 3) Expert-evaluator in cadrul competiiilor europene de proiecte FP 7 (2008 si 2009) 4) Referent la teze de doctorat la universitati straine (Grenoble, Lyon, Szeged, Bizerte –

Tunisia) 5) Partener la 4 proiecte europene FP7 calificate in faza I dar necalificate in faza II (rata de

succes a fost de 7 %). 6) Selectat pentru prezentare activitatii de cercetare a grupului in brosura Povesti de Succes a

CNCSIS 2009 . 7) Referent stiintific la 7 reviste internationale cu peste 30 lucrari recenzate in perioada


Total punctaj = 0,6 x (7136) + 0,3 x (4868) + 0,1 x (punctaj Criteriul III)

= Prof dr Simion Astilean

Data: 16 / 03 /2010 Semnătura:

Certific validitatea datelor prezentate

Sef de catedră,


Page 3: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la


1. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate ISI (cu menţionare factorului de impact în cazul celor cotate)


2009 1. Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Multifunctional plasmonic sensors on low-cost subwavelength metallic nanoholes arrays, LAB CHIP 9 (2009) 3574-3579. IF = 6,478 / Punctaj= 971.7 2. Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Silver half-shell arrays with controlled plasmonic response for fluorescence enhancement optimization, APPL PHYS LETT 95 193110 (2009) IF = 3,726 / Punctaj=558.9 3. Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Extending nanosphere lithography for the fabrication of periodic arrays of subwavelength metallic nanoholes, MATER LETT 63 (2009) 2520-2522. IF= 1,748 / Punctaj=262.2 4. Canpean, V; Astilean, S; Petrisor, T; Gabor, M; Ciascai, I, Convective assembly of two-dimensional nanosphere lithographic masks, MATER LETT 63 (2009) 1834-1836. IF=1,748 / Punctaj = 104.88 5. Potara, M; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, The synthesis of biocompatible and SERS-active gold nanoparticles using chitosan, NANOTECHNOLOGY 20 315602 (2009) IF = 3,446 / Punctaj = 344.6 6. Iosin, M; Toderas, F; Baldeck, PL; Astilean, S, Study of protein-gold nanoparticle conjugates by fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering, J MOL STRUCT 924-26 (2009) 196-200. IF = 1,594 / Punctaj = 119.55 7. Baia, M; Toderas, F; Baia, L; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, Multilayer Structures of Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles as a Unique SERS and SEIRA Substrate, CHEMPHYSCHEM 10 (2009) 1106-1111. IF = 3,636 /Punctaj = 216.16 8. Boca, SC; Four, M; Bonne, A; van der Sanden, B; Astilean, S; Baldeck, PL; Lemercier, G, An ethylene-glycol decorated ruthenium(II) complex for two-photon photodynamic therapy, CHEM COMMUN 30 (2009) 4590-4592. IF = 5,34 / Punctaj = 228.85 9. Boca, SC; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, The study of Raman enhancement efficiency as function of nanoparticle size and shape, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 406-411. IF = 0,999 / Punctaj = 99 10. Iosin, M; Baldeck, P; Astilean, S, Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of dye molecules, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 403-405. IF = 0,999 / Punctaj = 99


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11. Vinteler, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Disorder effects in reflectance spectra of colloidal photonic crystals, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 393-396. IF = 0,999 / Punctaj = 99 12. Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Interaction of light with metallic nanohole arrays, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 397-399. IF= 0,999 / Punctaj = 148.5 13. Toderas, F; Losin, M; Astilean, S, Luminescence properties of gold nanorods, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 400-402. IF = 0,999 / Punctaj = 99 2008 14. Pinzaru, SC; Andronie, LM; Domsa, I; Cozar, O; Astilean, S, Bridging biomolecules with nanoparticles: surface-enhanced Raman scattering from colon carcinoma and normal tissue, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 39 (2008) 331-334. IF = 3,526 / Punctaj = 211.56 15. Farcau, C; Canpean, V; Gabor, M; Petrisor, T; Astilean, S, Periodically nanostructured noble-metal thin films with enhanced optical properties, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 809-812. IF = 0,577 / Punctaj =34.62 16. Todica, M; Dinte, E; Pop, CV; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Raman investigation of some polymeric gels of pharmaceutical interest, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 823-825. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =34.62 17. Toderas, F; Baia, M; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, Tuning the plasmon resonances of gold nanoparticles by controlling their size and shape, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2282-2284. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =43.27 18. Iosin, M; Toderas, F; Baldeck, P; Astilean, S, In Vitro biosynthesis of gold nanotriangles for Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2285-2288. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =43.27 19. Vinteler, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Designing the colour of photonic crystals for sensors applications, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2298-2302. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =57.7 20. Tomsa, AR; Popovici, EJ; Cadis, AI; Stefan, M; Barbu-Tudoran, L; Astilean, S, Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of highly disperse zinc sulphide powders, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2342-2345. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =28.85 21. Farcau, C; Vinteler, E; Astilean, S, Experimental and theoretical investigation of optical properties of colloidal photonic crystal films, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 3165-3168.


Page 5: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la

IF = 0,577 Punctaj =57.7 22. Toderas, F; Baia, M; Farcau, V; Astilean, S; Ulinici, S, Tuning of gold nanoparticles plasmon resonances by experiment and simulation, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 3265-3269. IF = 0,577 Punctaj =34.62 2007 23. Astilean, S, Noble-metal nanostructures for controlling surface plasmons and sensing molecules, RADIAT PHYS CHEM 76 (2007) 436-439. IF = 0,882 / Punctaj = 264.6 24. Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Understanding plasmonic properties and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of silver coated colloidal crystals, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 772-775. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 165.9 25. Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Probing the unusual optical transmission of silver films deposited on two-dimensional regular arrays of polystyrene microspheres, J OPT A-PURE APPL OP 9 (2007) S345-S349. IF= 1,742 / Punctaj = 261.3 26. Iosin, M; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Dupperay, A; Baldeck, PL, Microstructuration of protein matrices by laser-induced photochemistry, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 716-720. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 82.95 27. Jarai-Szabo, F; Neda, Z; Astilean, S; Farcau, C; Kuttesch, A, Shake-induced order in nanosphere systems, EUR PHYS J E 23 (2007) 153-159. IF= 1,943 / Punctaj = 116.58 28.. Maniu, D; Chis, V; Baia, M; Toderas, F; Astilean, S, Density functional theory investigation of p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on gold nanoparticles, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 733-736 IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 66.36 29. Maniu, D; Ardelean, I; Iliescu, T; Astilean, S; Muresan, N, Raman structural investigation of manganese doped tellurite glasses, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 737-740. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 66.36 30. Szekrenyes, Z; Nemes-Incze, P; Darabont, A; Daroczi, NS; Koos, AA; Horvath, ZE; Astilean, S; T Zahn, DR; Biro, LP, Synthesis and Raman characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes growth by injection chemical vapour deposition, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 605-609. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 36.86 31. Toderas, F; Boca, S; Baia, M; Baia, L; Maniu, D; Astilean, S; Simon, S, Self-assembled multilayers of gold nanoparticles as versatile platforms for molecular sensing by Fourier


Page 6: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la

transform-surface enhanced scattering (FT-SERS) and surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA), J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 625-628. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 55.3 32. Todica, M; Astilean, S; Pop, CV; Blumich, B, NMR hole burning in magnetic field gradient, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 916-918. IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 82.95 33. Tosa, N; Vitrant, G; Baldeck, PL; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Grosu, I, Two-photon laser deposition of gold nanowires, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 641-645 IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 66.36 34.Vinteler E., Astilean S. Analysis of band structure and electric field in two-dimensional surface plasmon-polariton crystals, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007), 702 - 707 IF= 1.106 / Punctaj = 165.9 35. Toderas, F; Baia, M; Baia, L; Astilean, S, Controlling gold nanoparticle assemblies for efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering and localized surface plasmon resonance sensors, NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 (2007) IF= 3,446 / Punctaj = 258.45 36. Todica, M; Pop, CV; Dinte, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Preliminary investigation by Raman spectroscopy of some polymeric matrix with pharmaceutical applications, MOD. PHYS LETT B 21 (2007) 987-995. IF = 0,471 / Punctaj= 44.46 2006 37. Baia, M; Toderas, F; Baia, L; Popp, J; Astilean, S, Probing the enhancement mechanisms of SERS with p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on self-assembled gold colloidal nanoparticles, CHEM PHYS LETT 422 (2006) 127-132 IF = 2.462 / Punctaj=147.72 38. Baia, M; Baia, L; Astilean, S; Popp, J, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering efficiency of truncated tetrahedral Ag nanoparticle arrays mediated by electromagnetic couplings, APPL PHYS LETT 88 (2006) IF =3.977/ Punctaj=298.28 39. Baia, L; Baia, M; Popp, J; Astilean, S, Gold films deposited over regular arrays of polystyrene nanospheres as highly effective SERS substrates from visible to NIR, J PHYS CHEM B 110 (2006) 23982-23986. IF =4,115/ Punctaj=308.63 40. Jarai-Szabo, F; Kuttesch, A; Astilean, S; Neda, Z; Chakrapami, N; Ajayan, PM; Vajtai, R, Spring-block type models for capillarity-driven self-organized nanostructures, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 8 (2006) 1083-1087. IF =1.003/ Punctaj=42.98 2005


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41. Baia, M; Baia, L; Astilean, S, Gold nanostructured films deposited on polystyrene colloidal crystal templates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Chem Phys. Lett. 404 (2005) IF = 2.438 / Punctaj =243.8 42. Farcau, CA; Astilean, S, Optical and structural characterization of periodic silver-polystyrene nanocomposites, J OPTOELECTRON ADV M 7 (2005) IF = 1.003 / Punctaj =150.45 43. Jarai-Szabo, F; Astilean, S; Neda, Z, Understanding self-assembled nanosphere patterns, Chem Phys Lett. 408 (2005) 241-246 IF = 2.438 / Punctaj =243.8 2. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în ISI proceedings in cazul in care nu are factor de impact ISI TOTAL PUNCTAJ : 13.33 1. Kuttesch A., Farcau C., Neda Z., Astilean S., Controlled deposition of photonic polystyrene-nanosphere films, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol 6785 (2007) Punctaj = 20/ 4=5 2. Farcau C., Kuttesch A., Petrisor T., Barbu-Todoran L., Craciun C., Astilean S, Interplay between photonic and plasmonic modes in optical properties of silver-coated two dimensional colloidal crystals, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol 6785 (2007). Punctaj = 20/ 6=3.33 3. Bosson-Ehoomann J., Mihut A., Tosa N., Astilean S., Pierre M., Rambaud C., Vurth L., Baldeck P.L.,, Two-photon fabrication of metallic nanowires for plasmonics, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, Vol 35 (2006) 1-3. Punctaj = 20/ 8=2.5 4.Tosa, N; Bosson, J; Pierre, M; Rambaud, C; Bouriau, M; Vitrant, G; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Baldeck, PL, Optical properties of metallic nanostructures fabricated by two-photon induced photoreduction - art. no. 61950, NANOPHTOTONICS 6195 (2006) 19501. Punctaj = 20/ 8=2.5


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3. Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate în BDI (din lista CNCSIS) si în reviste româneşti recunoscute de CNCSIS tip B şi B+

(PUNCTAJ REALIZAT: 28.5) 2009 1 M. Giloan, S. Astilean, Theoretical analysis of photonic crystal cavities from core-shell nano-sized elements,

Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, LIV,1 (punctaj 5)

2 Francois K. Guedje, Sanda Boca, Monica Potara, Arina Modrea, Simion Astilean, Finite difference time domain (FDTD) calculations of surface plasmon resonance of different size and shape metallic nanoparticles, Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, pag 39-48 (punctaj 2)

3 Milohum Mikesokpo Dzagli, Sanda Boca, Messanh Agbeko Mohou, Simion Astilean, Formation of gold nanoparticle aggregates by chemical cross-linking:UV-Visible spectroscopy and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies, Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, 15-21 (punctaj 2)

2008 4 D.S. Tira, M. Potara, F. Toderas, S. Ulinici, S. Astilean, Detection Of Zn2+ Ions In Water By Local Surface

Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Sensors, Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, LIII, 1, 93-99 (punctaj 2)

5 Monica Potara, Dana Maniu, Cosmin Farcau, Simion Astilean, A Rapid, Straightforward Method For Synthesis Of Bio-Compatible Gold Nanoparticles, Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, LIII, 1 79-85 (punctaj 2.5)

6 S. Boca, I. Lupan, O. Popescu, S. Astilean, Colorimetric detection of single-and double stranded DNA on gold nanoparticles, Studia Universitas Babes Bolyai, Physica, 87-91 (punctaj 2.5)

2006 7 C. Farcau, S. Astilean, Silver Film Deposited on Colloidal Crystals Template as High Sensitivity SERS Substrate,

Asian Journal of Physics, 15, 159 (BDI SCOPUS de verificat!!!) (punctaj 5)

2005 8 Felicia Toderas, Monica Baia, Dana Maniu and Simion Astilean, Surface plasmon resonance of gold

nanoparticles on glass substrates –Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L, 4a, 421-425 (punctaj 2.5)

9 C. Farcau, S. Astilean, Noble Metal Nanoarticle Array for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, , Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Physica, XLX, 2, 443 (punctaj 5)

4. Alte articole ştiinţifice/capitole publicate în reviste/volume cu referenţi (peer-reviewed)


2009 1 M. Iosin, F. Toderas, P. Baldeck, S Astilean, Investigation of the binding constant of biocompatible gold

nanoparticles to Bovine Serum Albumine using fluorescence and LSPR spectroscopy, Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnologies", Editura Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1803-2, 235-241 (Punctaj: 1.25)

2 V. Canpean, S. Astilean, Fabrication of periodic arrays of metallic naholes and their structural and plasmonic properties, Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnologies, Editura Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1803-


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2, pag 228-234 ( Punctaj: 2.5)


3 V. Canpean, C Farcau, E. Vinteler, S. Astilean, Antireflective properties of polystyrene nanosphere self-assembled films, Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnologies, Editura Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1576-5, 68-77 ( Punctaj: 1.25)

4 F. Toderaş, M. Iosin, M. Baia and S. Aştilean, Probing the interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and gold nanoparticle, Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnologies, Editura Academiei Romane ISBN 978-973-27-1576-5, 215-221 ( Punctaj: 1.25)

5 M. Iosin, S. Astilean, O. Stephan, PL Baldeck, Cross-linked protein nanostructures fabricated by two-photons laser induced photochemistry, Progress in nanoscience and nanotechnologies, Editura Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1576-5, 102-107 ( punctaj: 1.25)

5. Cărţi ştiinţifice publicate în edituri internaţionale


2008 1 Raman and SERS investigation of pharmaceuticals, M. Baia, S. Astilean, T. Iliescu, Springer-Verlag, Berlin

Heidelberg, 2008, 214 pp. (punctaj: 214 pagini/3 = 71.33)


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13. Deng XG, Wang JJ, Wu QH, et al, Microstructures for enhanced light-matter interactions: optical network devices and solar light trapping PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6368 (2006) U150-U161

14. Feng JB, Zhou ZP, Polarization beam splitter using a binary blazed grating coupler OPTICS LETTERS 32 (2007) 1662-1664

15. Lee MSL, Bansropun S, Huet O, et al, Sub-wavelength structures for broadband diffractive optics - art. no. 602919 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6029 (2006) 2919-2919

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26. Vincent G, Billaudeau C, Collin S, et al, Drilled dielectric membranes for highly resonant filtering in the infrared - art. no. 659107 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6591 (2007) 59107-59107

27. Ghazi G, Shahabadi M, Modal analysis of extraordinary transmission through subwavelength slits in a silver plate Prague: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings (2007) 246-249

28. Yuan GH, Wang P, Zhang DG, et al., Extraordinary transmission through elliptical gold nanowire grating under s-polarization excitation Proceedings of International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (2006) 370-372

29. Cai FY, Liu FM, He ZJ, et al, High refractive-index sonic material based on periodic subwavelength structure APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (2007) 203515

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32. Shin YM, So JK, Jang KH, et al., Evanescent tunneling of an effective surface plasmon excited by convection electrons PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 99 (2007) 147402


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33. Fong KY, Hui PM, Controlling enhanced transmission through metallic gratings with subwavelength slits by anisotropic waveguide resonance APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (2007) 171101

34. Flammer PD, Schick IC, Collins RT, et al , Interference and resonant cavity effects explain enhanced transmission through subwavelength apertures in thin metal films OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 7984-7993

35. Yuan GH, Wang P, Zhang DG, et al, Extraordinary transmission through metallic grating with subwavelength slits for s-polarization illumination CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 24 (2007) 1600-1602

36. Chen YG, Wang YH, Zhang Y, et al, Numerical investigation of the transmission enhancement through subwavelength hole array OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 274 (2007) 236-240

37. Zakharian AR, Moloney JV, Mansuripur M, Surface plasmon polaritons on metallic surfaces OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 183-197

38. Veronis G, Fan SH, Theoretical investigation of compact couplers between dielectric slab waveguides and two-dimensional metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 1211-1221

39. Moreau A, Lafarge C, Laurent N, et al, Enhanced transmission of slit arrays in an extremely thin metallic film JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 9 (2007) 165-169

40. Vincent G, Haidar R, Collin S, et al., Complex transmittance gratings based on subwavelength metallic structures - art. no. 61951K PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6195 (2006) K1951-K1951

41. Catrysse PB, Veronis G, Shen JT, et al., Plasmonic films with a periodic arrangement of sub-wavelength slits - art. no. 612818 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6128 (2006) 12818-12818

42. Kirakosyan AS, Shahbazyan TV, Tong M, et al., Ultrafast dynamics of surface electromagnetic waves in subwavelength nanohole array on metallic film - art. no. 63030J PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6323 (2006) J3030-J3030

43. Schick IC, Flammer PD, Yarbrough JM, et al., Experimental study of enhanced transmission through subwavelength linear apertures flanked by periodic corrugations - art. no. 63230L PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6323 (2006) L3230-L3230

44. Flammer PD, Schick IC, Yarbrough JM, et al., Theoretical study of enhanced transmission through subwavelength linear apertures flanked by periodic corrugations - art. no. 63231Z PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6323 (2006) Z3231-Z3231

45. Challener WA, Gage E, Itagi A, et al., Optical transducers for near field recording JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS 45 (2006) 6632-6642


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46. Moreno E, Martin-Moreno L, Garcia-Vidal FJ, Extraordinary optical transmission without plasmons: the s-polarization case JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 8 (2006) S94-S97

47. Catrysse PB, Shin H, Fan SH, Propagating modes in subwavelength cylindrical holes JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 23 (2005) 2675-2678

48. Jiao XJ, Tang L, Wang P, et al., The role of surface plasmon polaritons in the transmission of the light through different periodic structures in the metal film PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE), 5635 (2005) 361-365

49. Halte V, Benabbas A, Guidoni L, et al., Ultrafast dynamics of periodic arrays of holes in a gold film ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIV SPRINGER SERIES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS 79 (2005) 664-666

50. Collin S, Pardo F, Teissier R, et al., Light confinement and absorption in metal-semiconductor-metal nanostructures PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 5734 (2005) 2005

51. Popov E, Neviere M, Fehrembach AL, et al, Enhanced transmission of light through a circularly structured aperture APPLIED OPTICS 44 (2005) 6898-6904

52. Shin H, Catrysse PB, Fan S, Effect of the plasmonic dispersion relation on the transmission properties of subwavelength cylindrical holes PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (2005) 085436

53. Lomakin V, Michielssen E, Enhanced transmission through metallic plates perforated by arrays of subwavelength holes and sandwiched between dielectric slabs PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71 (2005) 235117

54. Xie Y, Zakharian AR, Moloney JV, et al, Transmission of light through a periodic array of slits in a thick metallic film OPTICS EXPRESS 13 (2005) 4485-4491

55. Shen JT, Catrysse PB, Fan SH, Mechanism for designing metallic metamaterials with a high index of refraction PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 94 (2005) 197401

56. Jiao X, Wang P, Tang L, et al, Fabry-Perot-like phenomenon in the surface plasmons resonant transmission of metallic gratings with very narrow slits APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 80 (2005) 301-305

57. Mansuripur M, Xie Y, Zakharian AR, et al., Transmission of light through slit apertures in metallic films IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 41 (2005) 1012-1015

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2. Li C, Zhou YS, Wang HY, et al, Wavelength squeeze of surface plasmon polariton in a subwavelength metal slit JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 27 (2010) 59-63

3. Cho YK, Lee JI, Kim KY, On Electrical Equivalence of Aperture-Body and Transmission-Cavity Resonance Phenomena in Subwavelength Conducting Aperture Systems from an Equivalent Circuit Point of View JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE 6 (2009) 2402-2406 4. Wang YH, Chen YG, Zhang Y, et al, Influence of slit width on the electromagnetic transmission of a periodic metallic grating OPTIK 120 (2009) 1016-1020

5. Gan CH, Gbur GS, Extraordinary optical transmission through multi-layered systems of corrugated metallic thin films OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (2009) 20553-20566

6. Lin YZ, Li K, Kong FM, Light extraction efficiency enhancement by EOT for a single quantum well EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS 48 (2009) 10.1051/epjap/2009129

7. Skigin DC, Transmission through subwavelength slit structures with a double period: a simple model for the prediction of resonances JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 11 (2009) 105102

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9. Lindfors K, Lechner L, Kaivola M, Dependence of resonant light transmission properties of a subwavelength slit on structural parameters OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (2009) 11026-11038

10. Yin HP, Hui P, Controlling enhanced transmission through semiconductor gratings with subwavelength slits by a magnetic field: Numerical and analytical results APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95 (2009)

11. Zhang L, Teng JH, Chua SJ, et al., Fabrication of Tunable Duty Cycle Metal Wire Nanograting by Oblique Sputtering 2008 IEEE PHOTONICSGLOBAL@SINGAPORE (IPGC), VOLS 1 AND 2 (2008) 247-250

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16. Miyazaki HT, Kurokawa Y, How Can a Resonant Nanogap Enhance Optical Fields by Many Orders of Magnitude? IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 14 (2008) 1565-1576

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18. Kukhlevsky SV, Enhanced transmission of light through subwavelength nanoapertures by far-field multiple-beam interference PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (2008) 023826

19. Kukhlevsky SV, Interference-induced enhancement of intensity and energy of a quantum optical field by a subwavelength array of coherent light sources APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 93 (2008) 145-150

20. Hu X, Zhan L, Xia YX, Color filters based on enhanced optical transmission of subwavelength-structured metallic film for multicolor organic light-emitting diode display, APPLIED OPTICS 47 (2008) 4275-4279

21. Sun ZJ, Zeng DY, Modeling optical transmission spectra of periodic narrow slit arrays in thick metal films and their correlation with those of individual slits JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 55 (2008) 1639-1647

22. Chen YB, Lee BJ, Zhang ZM, Infrared radiative properties of submicron metallic slit arrays JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 130 (2008) 082404

23. Guo HC, Meyrath TP, Zentgraf T, et al, Optical resonances of bowtie slot antennas and their geometry and material dependence OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (2008) 7756-7766

24. Cho YK, Park JE , Aperture-body resonance(ABR) and transmission-cavity resonance(TCR) conditions in aperture coupling problems 2007 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-4 (2007) 424-427

25. Johnson L, Shao X, Papadopoulos K, Particle-in-cell simulation of resonant-cavity-enhanced extraordinary transmission through sub-wavelength plasmonic structure 2007 INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1 AND 2 (2007) 595-596

26. Chen YB, Lee BJ, Zhang ZM, Infrared radiative properties of submicron metallic slit arrays PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION 2007, VOL 8, PTS A AND B - HEAT TRANSFER, FLUID FLOWS, AND THERMAL SYSTEMS (2008) 1255-1264

27. Park DJ, Choi SB, Ahn KJ, et al, Experimental verification of surface plasmon amplification on a metallic transmission grating PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 (2008) 115451

28. Lee BJ, Chen YB, Zhang ZM, Transmission enhancement through nanoscale metallic slit arrays from the visible to mid-infrared JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE 5 (2008) 201-213


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29. Le Perchec J, Quemerais P, Barbara A, et al , Why metallic surfaces with grooves a few nanometers deep and wide may strongly absorb visible light PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (2008) 066408

30. Hibbins AP, Lockyear MJ, Sambles JR, Coupled surface-plasmon-like modes between metamaterial PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76 (2007) 165431

31. Veronis G, Fan SH, Compact couplers between dielectric and plasmonic slot waveguides - art. no. 64750S PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6475 (2007) S4750-S4750

32. Wu B, Wang QK, Discussion of the mechanism of extraordinary optical transmission in metallic gratings Proceedings of International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (2006) 292-295

33. Lee JW, Seo MA, Jeong SC, et al Multifunctional terahertz filters designed by shape resonance PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6351 (2006) U826-U834

34. Pang Y, Genet C, Ebbesen TW, Optical transmission through subwavelength slit apertures in metallic films OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 280 (2007) 10-15

35. Li Z, Zhang JS, Yan HF, et al, Complex modulation in plasmon-assisted transmission spectra of a two-slit structure CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 24 (2007) 3233-3236

36. Fong KY, Hui PM, Controlling enhanced transmission through metallic gratings with subwavelength slits by anisotropic waveguide resonance APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (2007) 171101

37. Ouyang M, Cao Y, Gao H, et al , Analysis on polarization dependence of Fraunhofer diffraction by metallic grating with short period OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 40 (2008) 201-207

38. Battula A, Chen S, Lu Y, et al., Tuning the extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength hole array by applying a magnetic field OPTICS LETTERS 32 (2007) 2692-2694

39. Antosiewicz TJ, Szoplik t, Corrugated metal-coated tapered tip for scanning near-field optical microscope OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 10920-10928

40. Antosiewicz TJ, Szoplik T, Description of near- and far-field light emitted from a metal-coated tapered fiber tip: OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 7845-7852

41. Kelly RJ, Lockyear MJ, Suckling JR, et al, Enhanced microwave transmission through a patterned metal film APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007) 223506

42. Veronis G, Fan SH, Theoretical investigation of compact couplers between dielectric slab waveguides and two-dimensional metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (2007) 1211-1221

43. Kurokawa Y, Miyazaki HT, Metal-insulator-metal plasmon nanocavities: Analysis of optical properties PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (2007) 035411

44. Suckling JR, Sambles JR, Slow waves caused by cuts perpendicular to a single subwavelength slit in metal NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 9 (2007) 1


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45. Lester M, Skigin DC, Coupling of evanescent s-polarized waves to the far field by waveguide modes in metallic arrays JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 9 (2007) 81-87

46. Vincent G, Haidar R, Collin S, et al. Complex transmittance gratings based on subwavelength metallic structures - art. no. 61951K PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6195 (2006) K1951-K1951

47. Mechler M, Kukhlevsky SV, Anomalous backward scattering of light by a two-side-open subwavelength metallic slit - art. no. 60370C PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6037 (2006) C370-C370

48. Miyazaki HT, Kurokawa Y, Controlled plasmon resonance in closed metal/insulator/metal nanocavities APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89 (2006) 211126

49. Wuenschell J, Kim HK, Surface plasmon dynamics in an isolated metallic nanoslit OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (2006) 10000-10013

50. Kang JH, Park QH, Lee JW, et al, Perfect transmission of THz waves in structured metals JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 49 (2006) 881-884

51. Fong KY, Hui PM, Coupling of waveguide and surface modes in enhanced transmission through stacking gratings APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89 (2006) 091101

52. Hibbins AP, Hooper IR, Lockyear MJ, et al. Microwave transmission of a compound metal grating PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96 (2006) 257402

53. Hibbins AP, Lockyear MJ, Sambles JR, The resonant electromagnetic fields of an array of metallic slits acting as Fabry-Perot cavities JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 99 (2006) 124903

54. Skigin DC, Lester M, Study of resonant modes of a periodic metallic array near a dielectric interface: evanescent-to-propagating coupling via surface plasmon excitation JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 8 (2006) 259-267

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59. Lee JW, Seo MA, Park DJ, et al, Shape resonance omni-directional terahertz filters with near-unity transmittance OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (2006) 1253-1259

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61. Catrysse PB, Shin H, Fan SH, Propagating modes in subwavelength cylindrical holes JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 23 (2005) 2675-2678

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63. Lee JW, Seo MA, Sohn JY, et al, Invisible plasmonic meta-materials through impedance matching to vacuum OPTICS EXPRESS 13 (2005) 10681-10687

64. Jia WL, Liu XH, Mechanism of the superenhanced light transmission through 2D subwavelength coaxial hole arrays PHYSICS LETTERS A 344 (2005) 451-456

65. Kim KY, Cho YK, Tae HS, et al, Guided dispersions and single-mode operations of surface plasmon polaritons through subwavelength plasmonic holes JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 47 (2005) 997-1001

66. Jiao XJ, Tang L, Wang P, et al., The role of surface plasmon polaritons in the transmission of the light through different periodic structures in the metal film PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 5635 (2005) 361-365

67. Suckling JR, Hibbins AP, Sambles JR, et al , Resonant transmission of microwaves through a finite length subwavelength metallic slit NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 7 (2005) 250

68. Kukhlevsky SV, Mechler M, Csapo L, et al, Resonant backward scattering of light by a subwavelength metallic slit with two open sides PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (2005) 165421

69. Suckling JR, Sambles JR, Lawrence CR, Remarkable zeroth-order resonant transmission of microwaves through a single subwavelength metal slit PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95 (2005) 187407

70. Jia WL, Liu XH, Origin of superenhanced light transmission through two-dimensional subwavelength rectangular hole arrays EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 46 (2005) 343-347

71. Shin H, Catrysse PB, Fan S, Effect of the plasmonic dispersion relation on the transmission properties of subwavelength cylindrical holes PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (2005) 085436

72. Liu C, Yan CC, Liu Y, et al., Resonant transmission of narrow metallic slit with imperfect inner face CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 22 (2005) 1784-1786

73. Lomakin V, Michielssen e, Enhanced transmission through metallic plates perforated by arrays of subwavelength holes and sandwiched between dielectric slabs PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71 (2005) 235117

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76. Jin EX, Xu XF, Obtaining super resolution light spot using surface plasmon assisted sharp ridge nanoaperture APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86 (2005) 111106

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28. Astilean, S; Garrett, S; Andrew, P, et al., Controlling the fluorescence lifetime of dyes in nanostructured geometries JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 651 (2003) 277-283

Citari dupa 2005: 1 Impact Factor: 1.594 Citari dupa 2005 :


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1. Cesa Y, Blum C, van den Broek JM, et al, Manipulation of the local density of photonic states to elucidate fluorescent protein emission rates PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 11 (2009) 2525-2531

29. Murray, WA; Astilean, S; Barnes, WL, Transition from localized surface plasmon resonance to extended surface plasmon-polariton as metallic nanoparticles merge to form a periodic hole array PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69 (2004) 165407

Citari dupa 2005: 27 Impact Factor: 3.322


Citari dupa 2005 :

1. Cao Z, Zeng MX, Zhang L, et al. Novel Optical Nanobiosensor Assembled with Silver Nanoparticles on Gold Surface: 2009 4TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANO/MICRO ENGINEERED AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, VOLS 1 AND 2 (2009) 987-990 2. Andreev AV, Konovko AA, Prudnikov IR, Numerical simulation of the optical reflection and transmission coefficients of a periodic surface of metallic nanowire grating JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION-X-RAY SYNCHROTRON AND NEUTRON TECHNIQUES 3 (2009) 857-864 2. Cao Z, Gong FC, Tu M, et al, Preliminary Recognition of c-Myc Gene Protein Using an Optical Biosensor with Gold Colloid Nanoparticles Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance ANALYTICAL LETTERS 42 (2009) 2820-2837 3. Wu LY, Ross BM, Lee LP, Optical Properties of the Crescent-Shaped Nanohole Antenna NANO LETTERS 9 (2009) 1956-1961

4. Live LS, Murray-Methot MP, Masson, Localized and Propagating Surface Plasmons in Gold Particles of Near-Micron Size JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 113 (2009) 40-44

5. Murray-Methot MP, Menegazzo N, Masson JF, Analytical and physical optimization of nanohole-array sensors prepared by modified nanosphere lithography ANALYST 133 (2008) 1714-1721

6. Feng YY, Willatzen M , Plasmonic effects in dynamic tunable metal-dielectric composites Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008) 301-305

7. Cao Z, Huang XX, Yan F, et al, Preliminary investigation on an optical nanobiosensor based on Au cap-shaped polystyrene nanospheres 2008 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANO/MICRO ENGINEERED AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3 (2008) 1111-1114

8. Coe JV, Heer JM, Teeters-Kennedy S, et al Extraordinary transmission of metal films with arrays of subwavelength holes ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 59 (2008) 179-202

9. Lee SK, Park SG, Moon JH, et al Holographic fabrication of photonic nanostructures for optofluidic integration LAB ON A CHIP 8 (2008) 388-391

10. Heltzel A, Theppakuttai S, Chen SC, et al , Surface plasmon-based nanopatterning assisted by gold nanospheres NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 (2008) 025305


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11. Herzer N, Hoeppener S, Schubert US, et al Chemical nanostructures of multifunctional self-assembled monolayers ADVANCED MATERIALS 20 (2008) 346

12. Ruan WD, Lu ZC, Ji N, et al, Facile fabrication of large area polystyrene colloidal crystal monolayer via surfactant-free Langmuir-Blodgett technique CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES 23 (2007) 712-714

13. Coe JV, Rodriguez KR, Teeters-Kennedy S, et al. Metal films with Arrays of tiny holes: Spectroscopy with infrared plasmonic scaffolding JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 111 (2007) 17459-17472

14. Granqvist CG, Transparent conductors as solar energy materials: A panoramic review SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 91 (2007) 1529-1598

15. Kats AV, Nesterov ML, Nikitin AY, Excitation of surface plasmon-polaritons in metal films with double periodic modulation: Anomalous optical effects PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76 (2007) 045413

16. Shen H, Lu GW, Ou MG, et al, How the morphology of biochips roughness increases surface-enhanced chemiluminescence CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 439 (2007) 105-109

17. Wang ZY, Chen ZJ, Lan ZH, et al., Enhancement of Alq(3) fluorescence by nanotextured silver films deposited on porous alumina substrates APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007) 151119

18. Pitarke JM, Silkin VM, Chulkov EV, et al, Theory of surface plasmons and surface-plasmon polaritons REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS 70 (2007) 1-87

19. Stewart ME, Mack NH, Malyarchuk V, et al , Quantitative multispectral biosensing and 1D imaging using quasi-3D plasmonic crystals PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 103 (2006) 17143-17148

20. Buil S, Aubineau J, Laverdant J, et al, Local field intensity enhancements on gold semicontinuous films investigated with an aperture nearfield optical microscope in collection mode JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100 (2006) 063530

21. Zhan P, Wang ZL, Dong H, et al , The anomalous infrared transmission of gold films on two-dimensional colloidal crystals ADVANCED MATERIALS 18 (2006) 1612

22. Chern RL, Chang CC, Chang CC, Analysis of surface plasmon modes and band structures for plasmonic crystals in one and two dimensions PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73 (2006) 036605

23. Hicks EM, Zhang XY, Zou SL, et al, Plasmonic properties of film over nanowell surfaces fabricated by nanosphere lithography JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (2005) 22351-22358

24. Maier SA, Atwater HA, Plasmonics: Localization and guiding of electromagnetic energy in metal/dielectric structures JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 98 (2005) 011101

25. Gordon R, Hughes M, Leathem B, et al, Basis and lattice polarization mechanisms for light transmission through nanohole arrays in a metal film NANO LETTERS 5 (2005) 1243-1246


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26. Tan BJY, Sow CH, Koh TS, et al Fabrication of size-tunable gold nanoparticles array with nanosphere lithography, reactive ion etching, and thermal annealing JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (2005) 11100-11109

27. Genet C, van Exter MR, Woerdman JP, Huygens description of resonance phenomena in subwavelength hole arrays JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION 22 (2005) 998-1002

Total citari in articole ISI 249 / Total punctaj: 2490 Citari în monografii de specialitate (carti sau volume) aparute in edituri internaţionale, dupa cum urmeaza: 1. ADVANCES IN PHOTOCHEMISTRY, Eds. Douglas C. Neckers, David H Volman, Gunther von Bunau Vol. 24; 147-203; J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1998). citează următoarele 5 lucrări:

1. Singlet - triplet level crossing in matrix isolated pentacene, S. Astilean, V. Chitta, A. Corval, R.J.D. Miller, and H.P. Trommsdorff, Chem. Phys. Lett., 219, 95-100, (1994).

2. Photoinduced proton disorder in pentacene doped benzoic acid crystals: A model system for holeburning in glasses, S. Astilean, A. Corval, R. Casalegno and, H.P. Trommsdorff, J. Luminescence, 62, 245 (1994).

3. S. Astilean, PhD Thesis Univ Joseph Fourier Grenoble, (1993).

4. Deuteration of pentacene in benzoic acid: monitoring the reaction kinetics via low temperature optical spectroscopy, A. Corval, R. Casalegno, S. Astilean, and H.P. Trommsdorff, J. Phys. Chem. 96, 5393 - 5395 (1992).

5. Resonant intersystem crossing in pentacene, A. Corval, C. Kryschi, S. Astilean, and H.P. Trommsdorff, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 7376-81 (1994 ).

2. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Eds. R. Barrz Johnson şi Ronald G Driggers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New-York, (2000) în capitolul Subwavelength Diffractive Optical Elements citează următoarele 2 lucrări:

1. Blazed-binary subwavelength gratings with efficiencies larger than those of conventional blazed gratings, Ph. Lalanne, S. Astilean, P. Chavel, E. Cambril. and H. Launois, Optics. Letters. 23, 1081-1083 (1998).


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2. Design and fabrication of blazed-binary diffractive elements with sampling periods smaller than the structural cutoff, Ph. Lalanne, S. Astilean, P. Chavel, E. Cambril and H. Launois, J. Opt Soc Am. A, 16, 1143-1156, (1999).

3. OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY OF SINGLE MOLECULES IN SOLIDS Orrit-M, Bernard-J Brown-R Lounis , PROGRESS IN OPTICS, Vol 35, 61-144 (1996), citează următoarele 2 lucrări:

1. Singlet - triplet level crossing in matrix isolated pentacene, S. Astilean, V. Chitta, A. Corval, R.J.D. Miller, and H.P. Trommsdorff, Chem. Phys. Lett., 219, 95-100, (1994).

2. Resonant intersystem crossing in pentacene, A. Corval, C. Kryschi, S. Astilean, and H.P. Trommsdorff, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 7376-81 (1994 ).

4. MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF A SINGLE MOLECULAR SPIN, Kohler J, PHYSICS REPORTS, Vol 310: (5-6) 262-339 (1999) citează următoarele 2 lucrări:

1. Singlet - triplet level crossing in matrix isolated pentacene, S. Astilean, V. Chitta, A. Corval, R.J.D. Miller, and H.P. Trommsdorff, Chem. Phys. Lett., 219, 95-100, (1994).

2. Resonant intersystem crossing in pentacene, A. Corval, C. Kryschi, S. Astilean, and H.P. Trommsdorff, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 7376-81 (1994).


Turunen J, Kuittinen M, Wyrowski F, PROGRESS IN OPTICS, Vol 40, 343-388 (2000)

citează următoarele 2 lucrări:

1. High efficiency subwavelength diffractive element patterned in a high-refractive-index mazterial for 633 nm operation, S. Astilean, Ph. Lalanne, P. Chavel, E. Cambril. and H. Launois, Optics Letters 23, 552 -554 (1998) .

2. Blazed-binary subwavelength gratings with efficiencies larger than those of conventional blazed gratings, Ph. Lalanne, S. Astilean, P. Chavel, E. Cambril. and H. Launois, Optics. Letters. 23, 1081-1083 (1998).

Total citari in carti de specialitate 13 / Total punctaj: 130


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4.Distincţii, premii şi alte recunoaşteri naţionale şi internaţionale 3 premii Punctaj realizat: 30 - premiul Academiei Romane pe anul 1990

- 2 premii de excelenta stiintifica a Universitatii Babes –Bolyai (2004, 2008)

5. Studenţi naţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj total realizat: 237 a) Punctaj realizat 105 puncte: Licenta = 3 x 3 lucrari anual x 5 ani =45 (minim) Masterat = 4 x 3 lucrari anual x 5 ani=60 (minim) b) Punctaj realizat 132 puncte: 6x 12 doctoranzi inmatriculati =72 10x 3 teze sustinute= 30 15x 2 teze in cotutela = 30

Teze de doctorat finalizate

1. Preparation and Characterization of Some Metallic and Semiconductor Nanoparticles for Biomedical and Technological Applications (2009) Autor: Valentin Canpean Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 2. Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Fabrication of Protein Microstructures for Biological Applications (2009) Autor: Monica Iosin Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 3. Ordered Plasmonic Nanostrctures: From Fabrication to Relevant Applications in Optical Spectroscopy and Sensing (2008) Autor: Cosmin Farcau Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean

Teze de doctorat in curs 1. Studiul spectroscopic al proprietăţilor fizice ale unor polimeri şi compozite polimerice (2010) Autor: Viorel Pop Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean / Prof dr Mihai Todica/ 2. Using Gold Nanoparticles and Photoactive Molecules in Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy (2010) Autor: Sanda Boca Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean


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3. The Study of Interaction between Nanostructures and Biomolecules by Optical Spectroscopy and AFM (2010). Autor: Monica Potara Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 4. Metamateriale plasmonice cu aplicatii in tehnologia informatiei si nanomedicina (2011) Autor: Giloan Mircea Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 5. Garabagiu Sorina: Dezvoltarea unor sisteme de biosenzori pe baza de nanoparticule si nanostructuri de aur Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 6. Gabudean Ana –Maria: Nanoparticule multifunctionale pentru detectie si imagistica optica in medii biomedicale Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 7. Tira Daniela Simona: Studiul teoretic si experimetal al senzorilor plasmonici nanostructurati cu aplicatii in biomedicina si mediu Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 8. Ulinici Sorin: Studiu teoretic si experimental asupra proprietatilor antibacteriale ale unor materiale nanostructurate si posibilitatii utilizarii lor in procese de purificare a apei Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 9. Demea Horea: Tomografia de Coerenta Optica cu Aplicatii in Oftalmologie Conducator stiintific: Prof dr Simion Astilean 6. Studenţi internaţionali atraşi (activităţi de coordonare ştiinţifică şi didactică) Punctaj 14, calculat astfel:

6 puncte (Milohum DZAGLI, student strain doctorand din Togo, stagiu de 9 luni in anul 2009)

8 puncte ( Dr François K. GUEDJE din Benin, stagiu de 9 luni in 2009)

7. Membru in comitetul de redacţie la reviste ISI Punctaj realizat: 10 puncte: Membru in comitetul de redactie al revistei Romanian Reports in Physics http://www.infim.ro/rrp/editorial.html (ISI) 8. Membru in comitetul de redacţie la reviste BDI Membru in 3 comitete Punctaj realizat: 15 puncte 1) Annals of the University of Craiova Physics AUC http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/pauc/editorial_board.html 2) Journal of Advanced Research in Physics, Universitea Al I Cuza Iasi, http://stoner.phys.uaic.ro/jarp/index.php/jarp 3. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Physica http://www.studia.ubbcluj.ro/serii/physica/index_en.html 10. Participări la programe/granturi finanţate din sursă naţională (se menţionează şi valoarea) Punctaj realizat: 17,5


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1. Membru in proiectul CNCSIS IDEI Nr cod 2606 /2008 (director Dr Stiufiuc Rares) Studiul interactiunilor intermoleculare la scara nanometrica prin utilizarea tehnicilor de spectroscopie de forta atomica si nanolitografie moleculara (suma intrata UBB in 175 000 lei) 12. Coordonări de programe/granturi finanţate din sursă naţională (se menţionează şi valoarea) Punctaj realizat: 410.2 1. Proiect CEEX 71: suma intrata UBB 1.021.333 lei / punctaj 102.1 Nanostructuri si nanoparticule de metale nobile cu proprietati plasmonice multifunctionale pentru aplicatii relevante in nanofotonica, biodetectie si spectroscopie laser Contract nr. 71 / 28.07.2006 (2006-2008) 2. Proiect CEEX 54 : suma intrata UBB 259.000 lei /punctaj 25.9 Cercetari privind masurarea deplasarilor micrometrice ale structurii unei centrale electrice subterane (CESTRUCT) Contract 54/2006 (2006-2008) 3. Proiect IDEI 477 /2007: suma intrata UBB 571.133,72 lei / punctaj 57.1 Nanostructuri plasmonice cu aplicatii in biofotonica Contract 477 /2007 (2007 - 2009) 4. Proiect PNII, Parteneriate: suma intrata UBB 128.510 lei punctaj 12.8 Materiale oxidice micro si nanostructurate cu cromatica luminescenta controlata pentru dispozitive de iluminat Contract nr. 71-122/2007 (2008- 2009) 5. Proiect PNII INOVARE : suma intrata UBB 18.400 lei punctaj 1.8 Instalatie de obtinere a apei ultrapure din surse primare Contract nr. 177 /19.08.2008 (2008- 2009) 6. Contract CNCSIS tip A: suma intrata UBB 54 000 lei punctaj 5.4 Nanostructuri metalo-polimerice si bionanostructuri cu proprietati spectroscopice multifunctionale obtinute prin metode de autoasamblare coloidala, moleculara si nanolitografie neconventionala. Contract nr cod 341 / 2005 Faza 2005: 30 000 lei Faza 2006: 24 000 lei 13. Profesor invitat la universitati de prestigiu, cu titlu oficial 7 invitatii oficiale Punctaj realizat: 140 1. Universitatea Joseph Fourier Grenoble, noiembrie 2005 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata). 2. Universitatea din Pecs, Institutul de Fizica, Ungaria, decembrie 2005 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata) . 3. CNRS, Laboratorul de studii asupra properitatilor electronice ale solidului (LEPES), laborator atasat Univ Joseph Fourier si Scolii Politehnice din Grenoble, iunie –iulie 2006 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata). 4. Universitatea Joseph Fourier Grenoble, mai 2007 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata). 5. Universitatea Denis Diderot Paris VII, iunie 2007 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata).


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6. Universitatea din Szeged, Ungaria, iulie 2008 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata). 7. Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, octombrie 2008 (vezi invitatia oficiala atasata). 14. Membru în comisii profesionale relevante, cu titlu oficial 1 comisie Punctaj realizat 5= 1*5. 1) membru al Comisiei Europene ECSBM (Conferintele Europene de Spectroscopie Biomoleculara, vezi http://www.ecsbm.eu/node/3. 15. Conferinţe invitate internaţionale 7 conferinte invitate Punctaj realizat 140 1. S. Astilean , Noble-metal nanostructures for controlling photons and sensing molecules, Conferinta Invitata, 3rd Conference on the Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2005 University of Miskolc, Hungary

(vezi http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/cepas2005/) si documentele atasate.

2. S. Astilean , Nanosphere Lithography and Self-Assembling – Two Versatile Routes for Fabrication of Noble-Metal Nanostructures, Conferinta Invitata la Workshop International Computational Materials Science and Nanostructures, Technische Universitat Vienna, October 5-7, 2005

(vezi invitatia atasata) 3. S. Astilean , Noble-Metal Nanoparticles: Fabrication, Optical Properties, and Applications toward Biology and Nanotechnology, Conferinta Invitata la 3rd International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanocomposite Magnetic Materials (ANMM’2005) Iasi, Romania, September 19 – 21, 2005. ( vezi http://www.phys-iasi.ro/anmm2005/invited%20talks.htm si invitatia atasata) 4. S. Astilean, Designing Plasmonic Nanostructures as Multifunctional Optical Sensors for Molecular Detection, Conferinta Invitata, NanoBiotechnology: Bio-interfaces International Workshop 5-7 December 2007 EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy,

(vezi invitatia atasata) 5. S. Astilean, Plasmonic nanostructures for molecular sensing with surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy, Conferinta Invitata, The IXth ICFPAM (International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Cracow, Poland , 8-12 July. 2007

(vezi http://www.9icfpam.pk.edu.pl/Speakers.htm si documente atasate) 6. S. Astilean, Plasmonic Nanostructures Characterization by Combining Confocal Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Atomic Force Microscopy, Conferinta Invitata Introduction to Confocal Raman Microscopy 7 - 8 October 2008 Ulm, Germany (vezi http://www.witec.de/en/eventsseminars/files/FlyerRamanIntro08.pdf invitatia atasata) 7. Simion Astilean, Plasmonics – a new paradigm of photonics for guiding light and enabling novel biomedical applications at nanoscale, IInd EURYIAS 2008 International symposium on Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution of Matter, Molecules and Life April 29-May 3, 2008, Bucuresti. (vezi http://www.biodyn.ro/robios/progEURYIAS2008.pdf si invitatia atasata) 16. Membru în comitete de organizare sau ştiinţifice ale unor conferinţe internaţionale 37

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8 conferinte punctaj realizat 160 Membru in comitetele de organizare a urmatoarelor conferintei internationale:

1) Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems 2004 2) Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems 2006 3) Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems 2008 4) PIM 2007 5) International Workshop Introduction to Confocal Raman and Scanning Probe Microscopy Cluj-Napoca, 5-6 Martie, 2008 6) PIM 2009 7) Micro- to Nano-Photonics II - ROMOPTO 2006, Sibiu 31 august- 3 sept 2009

8) Micro- to Nano-Photonics II - ROMOPTO 2006

Page 39: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la

Criteriul II 1. Citări in perioada 2005-2009 ale articolelor ISI listate la Criteriul I (TOTAL CITARI: 107 / TOTAL PUNCTAJ: 1070) Articol Nr.

Citari Citari

2009 1 Vinteler, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Disorder effects in

reflectance spectra of colloidal photonic crystals, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 393-396.


2 Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Interaction of light with metallic nanohole arrays, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 397-399.


3 Toderas, F; Losin, M; Astilean, S, Luminescence properties of gold nanorods, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 400-402.


4 Iosin, M; Baldeck, P; Astilean, S, Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of dye molecules, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 403-405.


5 Boca, SC; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, The study of Raman enhancement efficiency as function of nanoparticle size and shape, NUCL INSTRUM METH B 267 (2009) 406-411.


6 Baia, M; Toderas, F; Baia, L; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, Multilayer Structures of Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticles as a Unique SERS and SEIRA Substrate, CHEMPHYSCHEM 10 (2009) 1106-1111.


7 Iosin, M; Toderas, F; Baldeck, PL; Astilean, S, Study of protein-gold nanoparticle conjugates by fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering, J MOL STRUCT 924-26 (2009) 196-200.


8 Potara, M; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, The synthesis of biocompatible and SERS-active gold nanoparticles using chitosan, NANOTECHNOLOGY 20 (2009)


9 Boca, SC; Four, M; Bonne, A; van der Sanden, B; Astilean, S; Baldeck, PL; Lemercier, G, An ethylene-glycol decorated ruthenium(II) complex for two-photon photodynamic therapy, CHEM COMMUN 30 (2009) 4590-4592.


10 Canpean, V; Astilean, S; Petrisor, T; Gabor, M; Ciascai, I, Convective assembly of two-dimensional nanosphere lithographic masks, MATER LETT 63 (2009) 1834-1836.


11 Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Extending nanosphere lithography for the fabrication of periodic arrays of subwavelength metallic nanoholes, MATER LETT 63 (2009) 2520-2522.


12 Canpean, V; Astilean, S, Multifunctional plasmonic sensors on low-cost subwavelength metallic nanoholes arrays, LAB CHIP 9 (2009) 3574-3579.


13 Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Silver half-shell arrays with controlled plasmonic response for fluorescence enhancement


Page 40: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Competiţia Excelenţei 2010qa.ubbcluj.ro/.../2_fizica/gt_smn/Astilean_Simion.pdfsimion.astilean@phys.ubbcluj.ro Criteriul I – Output 60% (aplicat la

optimization, APPL PHYS LETT 95 (2009)

2008 14 Pinzaru, SC; Andronie, LM; Domsa, I; Cozar, O; Astilean, S,

Bridging biomolecules with nanoparticles: surface-enhanced Raman scattering from colon carcinoma and normal tissue, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 39 (2008) 331-334.


1. Feng SY, Lin JQ, Cheng M, et a, Gold Nanoparticle Based Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy of Cancerous and Normal Nasopharyngeal Tissues Under Near-Infrared Laser Excitation, APPL SPECTROSC 63 (2009) 1089-1094. 2. Kiefer W, Recent advances in linear and non-linear Raman spectroscopy. Part III, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 40 (2009) 1766-1779. 3. Aydin O, Kahraman M, Kilic E, et al, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Rat Tissues, APPL SPECTROSC 63 (2009) 662-668. 4. Willets KASource, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for probing internal cellular structure and dynamics, ANAL BIOANAL CHEM 394 (2009) 85-94. 5. Kazanci M, Schulte JP, Douglas C, et al, Tuning the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Effect to Different Molecular Groups by Switching the Silver Colloid Solution pH, APPL SPECTROSC 63 (2009) 214-223.

15 Farcau, C; Canpean, V; Gabor, M; Petrisor, T; Astilean, S, Periodically nanostructured noble-metal thin films with enhanced optical properties, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 809-812.


Ciupina V, Vladoiu R, Mandes A, et al., TEM investigation of the C-Me multilayer nanocomposites deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method, J OPTOEL ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2958-2962.

16 Todica, M; Dinte, E; Pop, CV; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Raman investigation of some polymeric gels of pharmaceutical interest, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 823-825.


17 Toderas, F; Baia, M; Maniu, D; Astilean, S, Tuning the plasmon resonances of gold nanoparticles by controlling their size and shape, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2282-2284.


Stanciu L, Won YH, Ganesana M, et a, Magnetic Particle-Based Hybrid Platforms for Bioanalytical Sensors, SENSORS 9 (2009) 2976-2999.

18 Iosin, M; Toderas, F; Baldeck, P; Astilean, S, In Vitro biosynthesis of gold nanotriangles for Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2285-2288.


19 Vinteler, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Designing the colour of photonic crystals for sensors applications, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2298-2302.


20 Tomsa, AR; Popovici, EJ; Cadis, AI; Stefan, M; Barbu-Tudoran, L; Astilean, S, Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of highly disperse zinc sulphide powders, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2342-2345.


21 Farcau, C; Vinteler, E; Astilean, S, Experimental and theoretical investigation of optical properties of colloidal photonic crystal films, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 3165-3168.


22 Toderas, F; Baia, M; Farcau, V; Astilean, S; Ulinici, S, Tuning of gold nanoparticles plasmon resonances by experiment and simulation, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 10 (2008) 3265-3269.


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23 M. Baia, S. Astilean, T. Iliescu, Raman and SERS investigation of pharmaceuticals, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008


1. S. Pinzaru-Cinta, Book Review, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, vol. 40, issue 6, pp. 709-709, 2009 . 2. R.A. Lodder, Journal American Chemical Society, , 131 (11), pp 4168-4169, 2009 (Book review)

2007 24 Astilean, S, Noble-metal nanostructures for controlling

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Grigorenko I, Efimov A, Control of the temporal profile of the local electromagnetic field near metallic nanostructures, NEW J PHYS 11 (2009) 105042.

25 Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Understanding plasmonic properties and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of silver coated colloidal crystals, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 772-775.


26 Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Probing the unusual optical transmission of silver films deposited on two-dimensional regular arrays of polystyrene microspheres, J OPT A-PURE APPL OP 9 (2007) S345-S349.


1. Maaroof AL, Cortie MB, Harris N, et al, Mie and Bragg Plasmons in Subwavelength Silver Semi-Shells, SMALL 4 (2008) 2292-2299. 2. Li YY, Sun J, Wang L, et al, Surface plasmon sensor with gold film deposited on a two-dimensional colloidal crystal, APPL PHYS A-MATER 92 (2008) 291-294.

27 Iosin, M; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Dupperay, A; Baldeck, PL, Microstructuration of protein matrices by laser-induced photochemistry, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 716-720.


28 Jarai-Szabo, F; Neda, Z; Astilean, S; Farcau, C; Kuttesch, A, Shake-induced order in nanosphere systems, EUR PHYS J E 23 (2007) 153-159.


29 Maniu, D; Chis, V; Baia, M; Toderas, F; Astilean, S, Density functional theory investigation of p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on gold nanoparticles, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 733-736.


1. Wu DY, Liu XM, Huang YF, et a, Surface Catalytic Coupling Reaction of p-Mercaptoaniline Linking to Silver Nanostructures Responsible for Abnormal SERS Enhancement: A DFT Study, J PHYS CHEM C 113 (2009) 18212-18222. 2. Petean I, Tomoaia G, Horovitz O, et al., Cysteine mediated assembly of gold nanoparticles, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 2289-2292. 3. Barbu-Tudoran L, Tomoaia G, Horovitz O, et al., Self-assembly characteristics of gold nanoparticles in the presence of arginine, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 2293-2297. 4. Sun ZH, Wang CX, Yang JX, et al, Nanoparticle metal - Semiconductor charge transfer in ZnO/PATP/Ag assemblies by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, J PHYS CHEM C 112 (2008) 6093-6098.

30 Maniu, D; Ardelean, I; Iliescu, T; Astilean, S; Muresan, N, Raman structural investigation of manganese doped tellurite glasses, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 737-740.


1. Kubliha M, Trnovcova V, Furar I, et al., Structural peculiarities, and electrical and optical properties of 70TeO(2)center dot 30PbCl(2) glasses doped with Pr3+, prepared in Pt or Au crucibles, J NON-CRYST SOLIDS 355 (2009) Issue: 37-42. 2. Trnovcova V, Furar I, Kadlecikova M, et al., Influence of preparation technique and Pr3+ doping on the absorption edge, photoluminescence, and Raman spectra of 70TeO(2)center dot 30PbCl(2) glasses, J OPTOEL ADV MATER 9 (2007) 3223-3228.

31 Szekrenyes, Z; Nemes-Incze, P; Darabont, A; Daroczi, NS; Koos, AA; Horvath, ZE; Astilean, S; T Zahn, DR; Biro, LP, Synthesis and Raman characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes growth by injection chemical vapour deposition, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 605-609.


Sarkozi Z, Kertesz K, Koos AA, et al., Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from liquid hydrocarbons using a spray-pyrolysis method, J OPTOEL ADV MATER 10 (2008) 2307-2310.

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32 Toderas, F; Boca, S; Baia, M; Baia, L; Maniu, D; Astilean, S; Simon, S, Self-assembled multilayers of gold nanoparticles as versatile platforms for molecular sensing by Fourier transform-surface enhanced scattering (FT-SERS) and surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA), J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 625-628.


33 Todica, M; Astilean, S; Pop, CV; Blumich, B, NMR hole burning in magnetic field gradient, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 916-918.


34 Tosa, N; Vitrant, G; Baldeck, PL; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Grosu, I, Two-photon laser deposition of gold nanowires, J OPTOELECTRON ADV MATER 9 (2007) 641-645.


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35 Vitrant G, Bosson J, Tosa N, et al., Observation of optical dispersion effects in metallic nanostructures fabricated by laser illumination of an organic polymer matrix doped with metallic salts, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6470 (2007) O4700-O4700.


36 Toderas, F; Baia, M; Baia, L; Astilean, S, Controlling gold nanoparticle assemblies for efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering and localized surface plasmon resonance sensors, NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 (2007)


1. Kim K, Ryoo H, Lee YM, et al, Adsorption characteristics of Au nanoparticles onto poly(4-vinylpyridine) surface revealed by QCM, AFM, UV/vis, and Raman scattering spectroscopy, J COLLOID INTERF SCI 342 (2010) 479-484. 2. Hsu CY, Huang JW, Gwo S, et al, The facile fabrication of tunable plasmonic gold nanostructure arrays using microwave plasma, NANOTECHNOLOGY 21 (2010) 035302. 3. Korotcenkov G, Cho BK, Gulina L, et al, SnO2 thin films modified by the SnO2-Au nanocomposites: Response to reducing gases, SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM 141 (2009) 610-616. 4. Ashkarran AA, Zad AI, Mahdavi SM, et al, Rapid and efficient synthesis of colloidal gold nanoparticles by arc discharge method, APPL PHYS A-MATER 96 (2009) 423-428. 5. Sun MT, Xu HX, Direct Visualization of the Chemical Mechanism in SERRS of 4-Aminothiophenol/Metal Complexes and Metal/4-Aminothiophenol/Metal Junctions, CHEMPHYSCHEM 10 (2009) 392-399. 6. Zhang JZ, Noguez C, Plasmonic Optical Properties and Applications of Metal Nanostructures, PLASMONICS 3 (2008) 127-150. 7. Zhou J, Xu SP, Xu WQ, et al., In situ nucleation and growth of silver nanoparticles in membrane materials: a controllable roughened SERS substrate with high reproducibility, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 40 (2009) 31-37. 8. De M, Ghosh PS, Rotello VM, Applications of Nanoparticles in Biology, ADV MATER 20 (2008) 4225-4241. 9. Li YY, Sun J, Wang L, et al., Surface plasmon sensor with gold film deposited on a two-dimensional colloidal crystal, APPL PHYS A-MATER 92 (2008) 291-294. 10. Jung HY, Park YK, Park S, et al., Surface enhanced Raman scattering from layered assemblies of close-packed gold nanopardicles, ANAL CHIM ACTA 602 (2007) 236-243.

37 Kuttesch, A; Farcau, C; Neda, Z; Astilean, S, Controlled deposition of photonic polystyrene-nano sphere films, ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics, 6785 (2007) O7850


38 Todica, M; Pop, CV; Dinte, E; Farcau, C; Astilean, S, Preliminary investigation by Raman spectroscopy of some


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polymeric matrix with pharmaceutical applications, MOD PHYS LETT B 21 (2007) 987-995.

39 Farcau, C; Kuttesch, A; Petrisor, T; Barbu-Todoran, L; Craciun, C; Astilean, S, Interplay between photonic and plasmonic modes in optical properties of silver-coated two dimensional colloidal crystals, ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics, 6785 (2007) 78518.


2006 40 Baia, M; Toderas, F; Baia, L; Popp, J; Astilean, S, Probing

the enhancement mechanisms of SERS with p-aminothiophenol molecules adsorbed on self-assembled gold colloidal nanoparticles, CHEM PHYS LETT 422 (2006) 127-132.


1. Kim K, Ryoo H, Lee YM, et al., Adsorption characteristics of Au nanoparticles onto poly(4-vinylpyridine) surface revealed by QCM, AFM, UV/vis, and Raman scattering spectroscopy, J COLLOID INTERF SCI 342 (2010) 479-484. 2. Harpster MH, Zhang H, Sankara-Warrier AK, et al, SERS detection of indirect viral DNA capture using colloidal gold and methylene blue as a Raman label, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 25 (2009) 674-681. 3. Bohme R, Richter M, Cialla D, et al., Towards a specific characterisation of components on a cell surface - combined TERS-investigations of lipids and human cells, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 40 (2009) 1452-1457. 4. Wu DY, Liu XM, Huang YF, et al., Surface Catalytic Coupling Reaction of p-Mercaptoaniline Linking to Silver Nanostructures Responsible for Abnormal SERS Enhancement: A DFT Study, J PHYS CHEM C 113 (2009) 18212-18222. 5. Merlen A, Gadenne V, Romann J, et al., Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of organic molecules deposited on gold sputtered substrates, NANOTECHNOLOGY 20 (2009) 215705. 6. Kim K, Lee HB, Lee YM, et al., Rhodamine B isothiocyanate-modified Ag nanoaggregates on dielectric beads: A novel surface-enhanced Raman scattering and fluorescent imaging material, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 24 (2009) 1864-1869. 7. Hutchison JA, Centeno SP, Odaka H, et al., Subdiffraction Limited, Remote Excitation of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, NANO LETT 3 (2009) 995-1001. 8. Shin KS, Laser-Induced Photoreaction of Bis(4-nitrophenyl) Disulfide on Copper Revealed by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 30 (2009) 242-244. 9. Sun MT, Xu HX, Direct Visualization of the Chemical Mechanism in SERRS of 4-Aminothiophenol/Metal Complexes and Metal/4-Aminothiophenol/Metal Junctions, CHEMPHYSCHEM 10 (2009) 392-399. 10. Brown RJC, Milton MJT, Nanostructures and nanostructured substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), J RAMAN SPECTROSC 39 (2008) 1313-1326. 11. Shin KS, Effect of surface morphology on surface-enhanced Raman scattering of 4-aminobenzenethiol adsorbed on gold substrates, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 39 (2008) 468-473. 12. Kim K, Lee HB, Park HK, et al., Easy deposition of Ag onto polystyrene beads for developing surface-enhanced-Raman-scattering-based molecular sensors, J COLLOID INTERF SCI 318 (2008) 195-201. 13. Hering K, Cialla D, Ackermann K, et al., SERS: a versatile tool in chemical and biochemical diagnostics, ANAL BIOANAL CHEM 390 (2008) 113-124. 14. Ghosh SK, Pal T, Interparticle coupling effect on the surface plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles: From theory to applications, CHEM REV 107 (2007): 4797-4862. 15. Hu XG, Wang T, Dong SJ, Thermal annealing of Au nanorod self-assembled nanostructured materials: Morphology and optical properties, J COLLOID INTERF SCI 316 (2007) 947-953. 16. Xiao GN, Man SQ, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of methylene blue adsorbed on cap-shaped

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Silver nanoparticles, CHEM PHYS LETT 447 (2007) 305-309. 17. Soliman UA, Hassan AM, Mohamed TA, Conformational stability, vibrational assignmenents, barriers to internal rotations and ab initio calculations of 2-aminophenol (d(o) and d(3)), SPECTROCHIM ACTA A 68 (2007) 688-700. 18. Shin KS, Lee HS, Joo SW, et al., Surface-induced photoreduction of 4-nitrobenzenethiol on Cu revealed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering Spectroscopy, J PHYS CHEM C 111 (2007) 15223-15227. 19. Mucalo MR, Babu KM, Wu KSW, In situ characterisation of the aqueous gold colloid interface using CO as a surface probe: IR spectroscopic studies, J COLLOID INTERF SCI 310 (2007) 184-189. 20. Zhou Q, Zhao H, Pang FZ, et al., Formation of two-dimensional silver cavity array and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of adsorbed molecules, J PHYS CHEM C 111 (2007) 514-518. 21. Vogel F, Hubenthal F, Trager F, Tailoring the shape of colloidal gold particles with nanosecond-pulsed laser light, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6324 (2006) G3240-G3240.

41 Baia, M; Baia, L; Astilean, S; Popp, J, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering efficiency of truncated tetrahedral Ag nanoparticle arrays mediated by electromagnetic couplings, APPL PHYS LETT 88 (2006)


1. Han YK, Lan XW, Wei T, et al., Surface enhanced Raman scattering silica substrate fast fabrication by femtosecond laser pulses, APPL PHYS A-MATER 97 (2009) 721-724. 2. Vater E, Bergner G, Akimov D, et al, Tunable light source for narrowband laser excitation: application to Raman spectroscopy, LASER PHYS LETT 6 (2009) 639-643. 3. Kang YP, Liu RM, Si MZ, Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering on Self-assembled Nano Silver Film Prepared by Electrolysis Method, CHINESE J CHEM PHYS 22 (2009) 435-439. 4. Feng F, Zhi G, Jia HS, et al.,SERS detection of low-concentration adenine by a patterned silver structure immersion plated on a silicon nanoporous pillar array, NANOTECHNOLOGY 20 (2009) 295501. 5. Zhou J, An J, Tang B, et al., Growth of tetrahedral silver nanocrystals in aqueous solution and their SERS enhancement, LANGMUIR 24 (2008) 10407-10413. 6. Kelley AM, A molecular spectroscopic view of surface plasmon enhanced resonance Raman scattering, J CHEM PHYS 128 (2008) 224702. 7. Qiu T, Wu XL, Shen JC, et al.,Silver fractal networks for surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, APPL SURF SCI 254 (2008) 5399-5402. 8. Fang JX, Yi Y, Ding BJ, et al., A route to increase the enhancement factor of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) via a high density Ag flower-like pattern, APPL PHYS LETT 92 (2008) 131115. 9. Laurent G, Felidj N, Grand J, et al., Probing surface plasmon fields by far-field Raman imaging, J MICROSC-OXFORD 229 (2008) 189-196. 10. Yang Y, Kimura K, Surface charge driven size evolution during the formation of self-assembled nanostructures from discrete hydrophilic silver nanoparticles, NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 (2007) 465603. 11. Zhu JJ, Kan CX, Zhu XGG, et al, Synthesis of perfect silver nanocubes by a simple polyol process, J MATER RES 22 (2007) 1479-1485. 12. Qiu T, Wu XL, Shen JC, et al., Surface-enhanced Raman characteristics of Ag cap aggregates on silicon nanowire arrays, NANOTECHNOLOGY 17 (2006) 5769-5772 . 13. Qiu T, Wu XL, Shen JC, et al., Silver nanocrystal superlattice coating for molecular sensing by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, APPL PHYS LETT 89 (2006) 131914

42 Baia, L; Baia, M; Popp, J; Astilean, S, Gold films deposited over regular arrays of polystyrene nanospheres as highly effective SERS substrates from visible to NIR, J PHYS CHEM B 110 (2006) 23982-23986.


1. Bohme R, Richter M, Cialla D, et al., Towards a specific characterisation of components on a cell surface - combined TERS-investigations of lipids and human cells, J RAMAN SPECTROSC 40 (2009) 1452-1457. 2. Geissler M, Li KB, Cui B, et al., Plastic Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, J PHYS CHEM C 113 (2009) 17296-17300.

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3. Vater E, Bergner G, Akimov D, et al., Tunable light source for narrowband laser excitation: application to Raman spectroscopy, LASER PHYS LETT 6 (2009) 639-643. 4. Man SQ, Xiao GN, Preparation and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activities of Cap-shaped Copper Nanoparticles, CHINESE J INOTG CHEM 25 (2009) 1279-1283. 5. Xiao GN, Man SQ, Preparation, Characterization and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Activities of Cap-shaped Gold Nanostructures CHEM J CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 30 (2009) 849-854. 6. Lin WC, Jen HC, Chen CL, et al., SERS Study of Tetrodotoxin (TTX) by Using Silver Nanoparticle Arrays, PLASMONICS 4 (2009) 187-192. 7. Yuen C, Zheng W, Huang ZW, Improving surface-enhanced Raman scattering effect using gold-coated hierarchical polystyrene bead substrates modified with postgrowth microwave treatment, J BIOMED OPT 13 (2008) 064040. 8. Ning TY, Chen CC, Zhou YL, et al., Third-order optical nonlinearity of gold nanoparticle arrays embedded in a BaTiO3 matrix, APPL OPT 48 (2009) 375-379. 9. Yuen C, Zheng W, Huang ZW,: A specially modified surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate for biomedical applications - art. no. 686905, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6869 (2008) 86905-86905. 10. Kahraman M, Tokman N, Culha M, Silver nanoparticle thin films with nanocavities for surface-enhanced Raman scattering, CHEMPHYSCHEM 9 (2008) 902-910. 11. Yuen C, Zheng W, Huang ZW, Saliva analysis using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6826 (2008) U191-U194. 12. Agrawal VV, Varghese N, Kulkami GU, et al., Effects of changes in the interparticle separation induced by alkanethiols on the surface plasmon band and other properties of nanocrystalline gold films, LANGMUIR 24 (2008) 2494-2500. 13. Hering K, Cialla D, Ackermann K, et al., SERS: a versatile tool in chemical and biochemical diagnostics, ANAL BIOANAL CHEM 390 (2008) 113-124. 14. Xiao GN, Man SQ, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of methylene blue adsorbed on cap-shaped Silver nanoparticles, CHEM PHYS LETT 447 (2007) 305-309. 15. Xiao GN, Man SQ, Liu YL, et al., Cap-shaped silver nanoparticles: Preparation and surface-enhanced Raman scattering activities, CHINESE J INORG CHEM 23 (2007) 1738-1742

43 Jarai-Szabo, F; Kuttesch, A; Astilean, S; Neda, Z; Chakrapami, N; Ajayan, PM; Vajtai, R, Spring-block type models for capillarity-driven self-organized nanostructures, 8 (2006) 1083-1087.


44 Tosa, N; Bosson, J; Pierre, M; Rambaud, C; Bouriau, M; Vitrant, G; Stephan, O; Astilean, S; Baldeck, PL, Optical properties of metallic nanostructures fabricated by two-photon induced photoreduction - art. no. 61950, NANOPHTOTONICS 6195 (2006) 19501.


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4. Misra AK, Sharma SK, Kamemoto L, et al Novel Micro-Cavity Substrates for Improving the Raman Signal from Submicrometer Size Materials APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 63 (2009) 373-377 5. Duan GT, Cai WP, Luo YY, et al Design and Electrochemical Fabrication of Gold Binary Ordered Micro/Nanostructured Porous Arrays via Step-by-Step Colloidal Lithography, LANGMUIR 25 (2009) 2558-2562 6. Yuen C, Zheng W, Huang ZW, Improving surface-enhanced Raman scattering effect using gold-coated hierarchical polystyrene bead substrates modified with postgrowth microwave treatment, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 13 (2008) 064040 7. Baia M, Danciu V, Cosoveanu V, et al, Porous nanoarchitectures based on TiO2 aerogels and Au particles as potential SERS sensor for monitoring of water quality, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 48 (2008) 206-209 8. Brown RJC, Milton MJT, Nanostructures and nanostructured substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 39 (2008) 1313-1326 9. Tantra R, Brown RJC, Milton MJT, et al, A practical method to fabricate gold substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 62 (2008) 992-1000 10. Hur J, Won, Fabrication of high-quality non-close-packed 2D colloid crystals by template-guided Langmuir-Blodgett particle deposition, SOFT MATTER 4 (2008) 1261-1269 11. Rozenberg BA, Polymer-assisted fabrication of nanoparticles and nanocomposites, PROGRESS IN POLYMER SCIENCE 33 (2008) 40-112 12. Djaoued Y, Badilescu S, Balaji S, et al, Micro-raman spectroscopy study of colloidal crystal films of polystyrene-gold composites, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 61 (2007) 1202-1210 13. Wilson R, Monaghan P, Bowden SA, et al, Surface. enhanced Raman signatures of pigmentation of cyanobacteria from within geological samples in a spectroscopic-microfluidic flow cell, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 79 (2007) 7036-7041 14. Kudelski, Raman studies of rhodamine 6G and crystal violet sub-monolayers on electrochemically roughened silver substrates: Do dye molecules adsorb preferentially on highly SERS-active sites? CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 414 (2005) 271-275

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1. Bhuvana T, Subramaniam C, Pradeep T, et al, Conducting Nanocrystal Patterns Using a Silver Organic Complex Blended with Polystyrene as e-Beam Resist, J CHEM PHYS C 113 (2009) 7038-7043. 2. Balan L, Schneider R, Lougnot DJ, A new and convenient route to polyacrylate/silver nanocomposites by light-induced cross-linking polymerization, PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS 62 (2008) 351-357 3. Balan L, Schneider R, Soppera O, et al. Synthesis of polymer nanocomposites by UV-curing of silver nano particles-acrylic resins, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6647 (2007) 6470-F6470 4. Djaoued Y, Badilescu S, Balaji S, et al, Micro-raman spectroscopy study of colloidal crystal films of polystyrene-gold composites, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 61 (2007) 1202-1210

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47 Jarai-Szabo, F; Astilean, S; Neda, Z, Understanding self-assembled nanosphere patterns, Chem Phys Lett. 408 (2005) 241-246


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Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 16:37:31 +0200 Subject: FW: Workshop JRC Ispra 5-7 December 2007 From: "Francois Rossi" <[email protected]> To: [email protected]

CC: "CALDEIRA GUIMARAES Maria (JRC)" <[email protected]>

Dear Prof. Astilean, In the frame of the Enlargement activities, the European Commission Joint Research Centre is organising a Workshop on 5-7 December 2007 in Ispra (Italy) on NanoBiotechnology- Bio interfaces (preliminary announcement attached). The aim of the workshop is to give an overview on the nanobiotechnology developments and applications as well as create contacts between EU scientists and researchers from the new member states and candidate countries. I would like to know if you would agree to give a talk of 25 min approximately on your activities. Naturally, the JRC would cover the cost of your travel and accomodation. In case of a positive answer, could you please send me the tentative title of your talk? Thank you in advance Francois Rossi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Francois ROSSI Nanotechnology and Molecular Imaging Unit Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Joint Research Centre TP 203 21020 ISPRA (VA) Italy Tel: +39 0332 78 5443 Fax: +39 0332 78 5787 Mobile: +39 348 130 9856 mail: [email protected] web: http://ihcp.jrc.cec.eu.int -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Conferinta Invitata la IX ICFPAM Polonia, 2007

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Conferinta Invitata 2005 CEPAS S. Astilean , Noble-metal nanostructures for controlling photons and sensing molecules, invited speaker, 3rd Conference on the Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2005 University of Miskolc, Hungary (http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/cepas2005/)

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Introduction to Confocal Raman Microscopy7. - 8. October 2008 Ulm, Germany

The workshop will give a detailed introductionto the operational principles and instrumentalconfigurations relevant to confocal Ramanmicroscopy. Speakers from universities andindustry will cover several aspects of modernRaman imaging and its fields of applications.An extensive hands-on session gives the

imaging are pharmaceutics and cosmetics,materials and polymer sciences, archaeologyand geology, forensics, coatings, thin filmsand all fields where a clear identification ofthe distribution of chemical compounds is anecessity.

Fig. 2: Color Coded Raman Image of a Living CellFig. 1: WITec alpha300 Microscope System Fig. 3: Raman Image of a a 7.1 nm PMMA layer (red) and a4.2 nm alkane layer (green) on glass (blue)

participants the opportunity to apply thisknowledge and to evaluate their individualsamples. Scientists interested in how tochemically identify and image thecompounds of a sample at the highestspatial resolution are invited to participate.Typical research fields for confocal Raman

Preliminary Program

Tuesday, October 7, 200809.00 - 09.3009.30 - 10.30 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp10.30 - 11.15 Dr. Olaf Hollricher11.00 - 11.30 Coffee11.30 - 12.00 Dr. Ute Schmidt12.00 - 12.15 Andrea Jauss12.15 - 13.00 Lunch Break13.00 - 13.30 Prof. Astilean

13.30 - 14.00 Mr. Thomas Wermelinger14.00 - 14.30 Mr. Thomas Kaltenbach14.30 - 15.00 Dr. Thomas Häfele15.00 - 15.30 Coffee15.30 - 16.00 Prof. Dr. Max Diem

16.00 - 16.30 Dr. Sebastian Schlücker16.30 - 17.00 Dr. Notburga Gierlinger19.00 Dinner

Registration & CoffeeThe Principle of Raman Spectroscopy and its Application in MicroscopyConfocal Raman Microscopy: Instrumentation, Configurations and Accessories

Combining Confocal Raman & Atomic Force Microscopy: Instrumentation and ApplicationsVarious Application Examples of Confocal Raman Imaging

Plasmonic Nanostructures Characterization by Combining Confocal Surface-EnhancedRaman Scattering and Atomic Force MicroscopyMeasuring Stress in Small DimensionsConfocal Raman Microscopy in Photovoltaic ResearchAnalytical Raman Imaging of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Visualizing Sub-cellular Organization, and Uptake of Drugs Into Cells, by Confocal RamanImaging and Multivariate AnalysisSERS Microscopy: Selective Protein Localization in Cells and TissuesRaman Imaging of Plant Cell Walls

Wednesday, October 8, 200809.00 - 09.3009.30 - 12.0012.00 - 12.30

CoffeeEquipment Demonstration & Hands-On SessionLunch Snack & Wrap Up

Hoervelsinger Weg 6, D-89081 Ulm, GermanyTel. +49 (0) 731 140 700, Fax. +49 (0) 731 140 7020www.witec.de, [email protected]

10 µm10 µm

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Hoervelsinger Weg 6, D-89081 Ulm, GermanyTel. +49 (0) 731 140 700, Fax. +49 (0) 731 140 7020www.witec.de, [email protected]

General Information / Workshop Fee

In order to register, please fill in the formbelow and mail or fax it to WITec(Fax: +49 (0)731 140 7020) or send yourcontact information to [email protected] number of participants is limited, sobook early to save your place. The fee of250.00 Euro (+VAT) for industrial and190.00 Euro (+VAT) for academic

participants includes training materialand meals. Hotel arrangements must bemade by the participants themselves.The first day of the workshop will takeplace at "Sparkasse Neue Mitte, Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl Platz 2", the secondday at the WITec Headquarters, bothlocated in Ulm, Germany.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen PoppProf. Popp is head of the Physical-ChemistryInstitute at the University of Jena and Directorof the Institute for Physical High TechnologyJena.

Dipl. Phys., Thomas KaltenbachMr. Thomas Kaltenbach is Research Fellowat the Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar EnergySystems (ISE), Freiburg, Germany.

Dipl. Biol., Andrea JaußAndrea Jauß is an Application Scientist atWITec.

Dr. Olaf HollricherDr. Hollricher is managing director at WITecand head of Research & Development.

An invoice for the participation fee will beissued upon confirmation.Any cancellations prior to September 26.2008 are free of charge. For cancellationsafter this date, we charge 30% of the initialfee. The language of the workshop isEnglish.



For a hotel list and tourist informationplease visit: http://www.tourismus.ulm.de

Hotel Information




I would like to register for the Workshop.

Prof. Simion AstileanProf. Astilean is head of the MolecularSpectroscopy Department of Babes-BolayiUniversity, Romania.


Name and Title:


Dr. Ute SchmidtDr. Schmidt is an Application Scientist atWITec.

Dr. Thomas HäfeleDr. Häfele is head of laboratory withinAnalytical Imaging at Novartis Pharma AGin Basel, Switzerland.

Prof. Dr. Max DiemProf. Diem is head of the "Laboratory forSpectral Diagnosis", Department ofChemistry and Chemical Biology atNortheastern University, Boston, USA.

Dr. Sebastian SchlückerDr. Schlücker is head of the biophotonicsand nanobiotechnology group at theInstitute of Physical Chemistry, University ofWürzburg, Germany.

Dr. Nothburga GierlingerDr. Gierlinger is Research Associate at theDepartment of Biomaterials at the Max-Planck-Institute for Colloids and Interfacesin Potsdam, Germany.

Mr. Thomas WermelingerMr. Thomas Wermelinger is ResearchAssociate at the Department of MaterialsScience (Metallurgy), ETH Zurich,Switzerland.

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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena · Postfach · D-07740 Jena

Prof. Dr. Simion Astilean Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Physics M. Kogalniceanu 1 400084 Cluj-Napoca Romania Letter of Invitation Dear Prof. Astilean, It is my pleasure to invite you to visit our laboratories at the Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and at the Institute of Photonic Technology of Jena to discuss future collaborative projects from the 8th-12th of October 2008. Furthermore I shall be happy to invite you to give a talk entitled:

“Plasmonic Nanostructures: Methods of Fabrication and Applications in Molecular Spectroscopy and Sensing”

while you are here in Jena. We are looking forward to seeing you in Jena soon. Best regards,

Prof. Dr. J. Popp

Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät

Institut für Physikalische Chemie Lehrstuhl II Universitätsprofessor Dr. Jürgen Popp

Helmholtzweg 4 D-07743 Jena Telefon: 0 36 41 · 94 8320 Telefax: 0 36 41 · 94 8302 E-Mail: [email protected]

Institutsdirektor Jena, 25. September 2008

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Domnului Prof.Dr. Simion ASTILEAN Univesitatea Babes-Boylai, Institutul de Cercetare Experimentala si Interdisciplinara Stimate Domnule Prof.Dr. ASTILEAN,

Sub înaltul patronaj al Primului Ministru, Autoritatea Naţională pentru Cercetare Știinţifică în parteneriat cu Academia Română are deosebita onoare de a vă invita la evenimentul

"Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică Românească"

ce va avea loc în perioada 17-19 Septembrie 2008, în România, la Bucureşti.

Primele două zile vor fi dedicate unei serii de Workshop-uri Exploratorii în zone de deschidere în care există potenţial şi expertiză românească.

Cea de a treia zi a evenimentului va fi dedicată sesiunilor în plen ale Conferinţei şi se va desfăşura la Palatul Parlamentului.

Participarea dumneavoastră în calitate de invitat la Workshop-ul Exploratoriu "Biodinamica si domeniile aferente", organizat de către CS I Eugen GHEORGHIU, Centrul International de Biodinamica, va contribui la dezvoltarea capacităţii echipelor româneşti de cercetare de a iniţia, accesa şi desfăşura proiecte/programe din domenii avansate ale ştiinţei, cu finanţare naţională/internaţională, inclusiv din fonduri structurale şi de a crea premizele necesare extinderii dialogului şi cooperării între cercetătorii din România şi cercetătorii din diaspora.

Cunoscând preocupările dumneavostră în acest domeniu, ne face o deosebită plăcere să ne fiţi alături în demersul nostru de a reuni personalităţi marcante ale cercetării ştiinţifice româneşti.

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Universitatea Joseph Fourier Grenoble, noiembrie 2005

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Universitatea Denis Diderot Paris VII, iunie 2007

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Universitatea din Pecs, Institutul de Fizica, Ungaria, decembrie 2005 (vezi invitatia atasata) .

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Universitatea din Szeged, Ungaria, iulie 2008

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Universitatea Joseph Fourier Grenoble, mai 2007

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Universitatea Joseph Fourier Grenoble, iulie 2006 (vezi invitatia atasata).