universal principles - collection

Universal Principles: The hidden things shall be revealed when you know what to look for. Below is the name and a brief description. I would like to expand on the description and discuss how they apply to human beings and nature. I would like to discuss the following for each of these: 1. How these manifest in nature by looking at specific examples? 2. How they impact us as human beings: what happens when we align our choices and actions with them and against them; how they correspond to the chakras, sephiras? 3. Which laws are the core foundational laws through which all other laws are based on? 4. How these laws work within the framework of male / female integration to neutrality? 5. The 3-D / illusion perspective of the Universal Principles to get the contrast between the illusion and Truth? 6. Universal Principles are useless unless they are in a form that can be applied practically in life. Seeking Truth : Is it enough to just feel like you’re doing the right thing based on what you hear and feel? I don’t think so, for if you act out of ignorance of the truth, of what’s real, then you’re acting out of lies. Out in the world it shows up identical to someone who knew they were acting out of lies. It is like having a map of San Francisco thinking you’re in New York but not knowing it. You want to go north to find your home, but the map is wrong. You’ll never find your home. Sooner or later reality hits you right smack in your face and you know you’re lost. You assume that what you think, feel, believe is what’s so. When in reality it’s not. Essentially, you collapse your thoughts, feelings and emotions of how it is with how it actually is. Any time you collapse what’s so with your interpretation of what’s so then you can’t deal powerfully with reality, with truth. You’re reacting to your thoughts, feelings and emotions instead of reality. Lies are not sustainable in the long-run. It takes a lot of energy to keep them alive, and in the end the truth prevails. We all have a responsibility to seek out the truth for ourselves. For that is the only way we can know that not only is our heart in the right place, but that we are acting in integrity with reality and what we have created in our heart and mind. Any other way we are merely pawns in someone else’s game of manipulation, lies, fear, and control. In addition, without being connected to reality we are merely in our heads living out a fantasy hoping, thinking that it’s real. No amount of wishful thinking can make a fantasy (C) Jaime Alvarez, 2013 1

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Page 1: Universal Principles - Collection

Universal Principles:The hidden things shall be revealed when you know what to look for.

Below is the name and a brief description. I would like to expand on the description and discuss how they apply to human beings and nature. I would like to discuss the following for each of these:1. How these manifest in nature by looking at specific examples?2. How they impact us as human beings: what happens when we align our choices and actions with them and against them; how they correspond to the chakras, sephiras?3. Which laws are the core foundational laws through which all other laws are based on?4. How these laws work within the framework of male / female integration to neutrality?5. The 3-D / illusion perspective of the Universal Principles to get the contrast between the illusion and Truth?6. Universal Principles are useless unless they are in a form that can be applied practically in life.

Seeking Truth:

Is it enough to just feel like you’re doing the right thing based on what you hear and feel?

I don’t think so, for if you act out of ignorance of the truth, of what’s real, then you’re acting out of lies. Out in the world it shows up identical to someone who knew they were acting out of lies. It is like having a map of San Francisco thinking you’re in New York but not knowing it. You want to go north to find your home, but the map is wrong. You’ll never find your home. Sooner or later reality hits you right smack in your face and you know you’re lost. You assume that what you think, feel, believe is what’s so. When in reality it’s not. Essentially, you collapse your thoughts, feelings and emotions of how it is with how it actually is. Any time you collapse what’s so with your interpretation of what’s so then you can’t deal powerfully with reality, with truth. You’re reacting to your thoughts, feelings and emotions instead of reality. Lies are not sustainable in the long-run. It takes a lot of energy to keep them alive, and in the end the truth prevails. We all have a responsibility to seek out the truth for ourselves. For that is the only way we can know that not only is our heart in the right place, but that we are acting in integrity with reality and what we have created in our heart and mind. Any other way we are merely pawns in someone else’s game of manipulation, lies, fear, and control. In addition, without being connected to reality we are merely in our heads living out a fantasy hoping, thinking that it’s real. No amount of wishful thinking can make a fantasy into reality. Reality just is. Your feelings, emotions, and beliefs can never change that. That is the nature of truth. We sometimes do not want to face the truth because it hurts, and it forces us to look inward and take responsibility for what we have created. Sometimes it’s just easier to just go with the lies, the façade because we do not know how to seek the truth. We rely on the media and so-called “experts” to tell us their opinions and how we should think. We are too lazy or too afraid to ask the tough questions, afraid of what’s on the other side. We rely on entertainment media companies to bring us the news and opinions of world events. The media comes in different forms such as newspaper, magazines, radio, internet, and television. Most notable of these media companies in the U.S. are the U.S. government, NBC, MSNBC[JA1] , CBS[JA2] , ABC[JA3] , AOL/Time Warner[JA4] , CNN, and Fox[JA5] . These are all owned by large, powerful corporations looking to make a profit from the general public and promote their selfish interests. They promote agreement within society that benefits their cause and bottom line. Like all corporations, these media companies are accountable only to their shareholders looking for short-term profits. There is no accountability to the general public and environment. Believing in these sources for direct facts and information is like having a map that has been skewed to reflect only what these corporations want us to see. Believing in these sources of information is like giving up your power and self-determination to the

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games of manipulation and control being played by these media companies driven primarily by politics, power, and greed. How can we put faith on such institutions? Yet this is what the mass consciousness reflects.

Global corporations hire specialist public relations companies to generate marketing propaganda as if it were factual; as demonstrated by the boast of one such firm, Davies Communications, who have stated on their website, " At Davies, we don't believe in fate. We make fate happen. We've been crafting the opinions and perceptions that our clients need for 20 years".

The sinister 'mind set' of some of these specialist PR companies is illustrated by the words of Edward Bernays, who is considered by many to be the father of PR, "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who pull the wirse which control the public mind."

[JA1]General Electric, also owns Newsweek [JA2]Viacom and King World Productions [JA3] Parent company: Walt Disney [JA4]Owns CNN, also owns Time Magazine [JA5]News Corp.

How do you seek the truth?By asking questions, engaging in open, honest dialogue, and really listening to what others are saying. It also takes courage to face your fear and act in integrity with the truth. When you blindly accept someone else's perspective or opinion without question, then you are open to manipulation and control. You give into the agreement of what someone else thinks of as true. He who seeks truth must have zeal. He must be in fiery rebellion against the limitations and bondage of ignorance. Take as a guiding principle that nine times out of ten what the mass consciousness believes as true, and what is propagated by mainstream media, is the exact reverse of what is true. Through all our daily experience, truth reverses appearances and gives the lie to popular opinions based on the looks of things. Nowhere in the truth formula does one find:

● Belief in what one intellectually accepts as true, or right.● Sincerity in the internal degree to which one accepts something as true.● Feeling in one's emotional application to a particular truth.● Passion in how one explains and expresses to others one's idea of truth.● Experience in the events in one's life that seem to reveal truth.

Absolute truth is true aside from these internal issues; this is the nature of truth. Simply put, we do not determine what is true, nor do we determine what is not true. We can only choose to look at it square in the face and:

● Sincerely believe it, or deny it● Feel it at our very core, or dismiss it● Passionately embrace it in our daily life, or ignore it● Experience it in an encounter with God, or try and look for it where it does not exist

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Regardless of how you react to the above, truth will always be true. This is what makes seeking truth worth all the effort. I can't change it and it's always there to be found.

Another interesting way to look at this is: “A truth believed is just a belief. A truth experienced is a truth”.

From the words of George Burnell: “Truth is that which is; there cannot be that which is not. Therefore that which is, or Truth, must be all there is.”

As when we learn a new foreign language, so it is with the speech of the wise. At first the words are meaningless noises. Then we apprehend some of the meanings. If we persist in our study, a day arrives when not only the dictionary definitions of the words, but also the subtle connotations and implications no lexicographer may hope to capture, are conveyed to us in the very same words which meant nothing in the beginning.

“The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and Heaven and Earth and infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinion for or against anything. The struggle of what one likes and what one dislikes is the disease of the mind.” - Sin Sing Mihng (from Let Yourself Go - disk 3, track 2)

RealityHaving a profound relationship to what’s real is required to live a powerful life. There are guardians inside you that keep you from seeing the truth. Here are some examples:

● The drive to certainty that keeps you the same● A paradox: opposites that are both true● Confusion: complicating things to the point where you cannot see what’s real● Yourself, your ACT, your filter, your context, all the drama you add to life

How do you determine what is real?There are 3 levels of reality testing that we do as humans. These are:

1. Personal, identity: based on the past, it makes sense, your belief system, your senses, hunches, intuition, and thoughts

2. Interim: other people’s opinions, consistent with how other people think, an authority says it is this way, by consensus

3. Ultimate: the test for physicalness. It must have the measurable qualities of dimensionality, form and time. If it’s measurable, then it’s REAL.

Access to truth:● Experiment● Being humble● Let go of your POV, ACT, Ego, preconceived notions, standards, ideals, and stories of what’s


Truth is only partially revealed by the senses. Comprehension of Truth is limited if we rely solely upon sensory evidence, as does materialistic science. To get to the spiritual truths we must go beyond sensation.

The difficulty is that most persons believe there are no other aspects of truth than those we learn through physical sensation. By limiting themselves to sensation, they build an artificial barrier which halts their further progress. This is not to say the sense-experience is false. Sense experience are aspects of truth or reality. Even though our senses do not give us a full report, the report is true so far as it goes.

To seek truth:

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I make a hard wall between what I want and what I expect.I make a hard wall between what I feel and what I think.I make a hard wall between what I advocate and what I foresee.Most folks blend all of those things.If they say they ‘expect’ something, it has an air of wanting it.If they say they ‘think’ something it has an air of emotion attached.If they say they ‘foresee’ something, it has advocacy in it.

From a scientific perspective the access to truth requires that we give up all mathematical contrivances and return to the solid ground of observation, deduction, and interdisciplinary synthesis.

Knowledge vs. Wisdom:It’s impossible to preserve all knowledge. Knowledge itself, without the wisdom and understanding that created it, can be misinterpreted and misapplied. The most common example of this is the Bible and other religious text. How much blood has been shed in the name of religion by ignorant masses that are easily manipulated and deceived for lack of wisdom? Another example is our school systems that produce an extremely large number of educated idiots. They have the knowledge, but they lack the wisdom.

What’s really needed is to preserve the problem solving, reasoning and observation skills and processes, coupled with the universal principles that are true across all disciplines no matter what direction we look at them from. This is the wisdom that will allow future generations to discern for themselves what is a truth and what is a lie or illusion, and how to uncover truth through proper application of wisdom. No amount of knowledge can truly help someone unless they know how to discern for themselves what is truth and what is illusion.

Consolidate all knowledge into wisdom. That will be much easier to preserve and pass down.

IgnoranceThe veils which hide truth from us are of our own weaving, even as is the Veil of Isis. Our ignorance is the veil rather than anything to which the Masters resort themselves.

Knowing The TruthBefore one may arrive at the ability to shape conditions round him by practical use of occult forces, he must change his viewpoint about the Life-Power and about himself. To attain any degree of illumination, he must turn away from the materialistic concept of life. He must realize that he does not depend on money in the bank, on lands or personal possessions, or on “lucky breaks” of circumstance for his happiness and success. He must train himself to rely on invisible Spirit for his sole support. This takes assiduous daily practice until this mental attitude becomes subconscious second nature.

Central in every human personality is this pure, divine Essence. It is the God spark in man. A practical occultist is one who has trained himself to live from and by this hidden inner principle of perfection. Trained himself to attribute all action to That, and to That alone. Trained himself to deny every appearance to the contrary. This training begins in the conscious mind as rational understanding of the truth that the omnipresence of Spirit means the actual, real presence of First Cause at the heart of every human personality. Then comes the practice of reversing common interpretations.

A practical occultist can work “miracles” because he has established himself in knowledge that the real Worker within him is Omnipotence - not his limited personality. His training does not give him powers. It enables him to become an unobstructed channel for the One Power that accomplishes everything. Because this training includes practice in rational thinking, an adept never attempts what is really impossible (i.e., goes against the natural laws, against nature). Nor does he try to “work magic” to further selfish personal ends. He has learned that there are not, nor can there ever be, any purely personal objectives or actions. For every personality is organically bound up with all

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other personalities and with the whole cosmic activity. The training of a practical occultist establishes his confidence in the adequacy of the cosmic support. Of that he depends utterly. Depends on it for his thoughts, as well as for things. Seeks earnestly to find the Kingdom at work within him and yields utterly to that. Imagination is subordinate to reason. Most persons permit reason to be dominated by imagination. A few have discovered that reason can determine what mental images shall occupy the field of attention. These few imagine creatively, and their imagery is governed by their mental vision of the place of human personality in the cosmic order. Most persons merely rationalize their uncontrolled imaginations, which are at the mercy of race thought and of suggestions engendered by external appearances. Not so the adept. His subconsciousness is always under the direction of the reasoning self-consciousness. He is not the slave of moods, nor swayed by race-thought.

Integral Theory:The process of integrating knowledge to create U.P.s is similar to the process used by Integral Theory:Briefly stated, integral means a bringing together and strategically linking of apparently contradictory or seemingly divergent worldviews, concepts, and practices in the attempt to create a realistic, workable, fluid, and dynamic "meta-vision."[1] This is a "grand unifying theory" as opposed to a "grand unified theory," the latter of which suggests a summation of all knowledge, an absolute, an end, which is absurd and unrealistic. The general idea is to arrange as much information as possible from as many fields and traditions as possible and for argument's sake assume that all the views proposed are true but partial. From here it is then possible to try to devise a system of understanding whereby as many of these truths are intentionally incorporated into this meta-system, this integral understanding. Systasis is "the conjoining or fitting together of parts into integrality."[46]It is the actual process of merging partials into a whole.[47]Synairesis, on the other hand, is "an integral understanding, or perception, of reality."

I don't believe that any human mind is capable of 100 percent error. So instead of asking which approach is right and which is wrong, we assume each approach is true but partial, and then try to figure out how to fit these partial truths

together, how to integrate them--not how to pick one and get rid of the others.-Ken Wilber (from the foreword to The Eye of Spirit)

Definition of a Principle: A principle causes that which it is a principle of. Principles are at the beginning or origin or the cause of something. Principles are the simplicity on the far side of complexity. A Principle is the cause behind the physical effect. It can express in an infinite number of ways. The principles itself is universal. Knowledge shrinks while wisdom grows, for details are swallowed up by principles.

"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade,But do not be disheartened,The source they come from is eternal, growing,Branching out, giving new life and new joy.Why do you weep?The source is within youAnd this whole world is springing up from it."-- Jelaluddin Rumi

All the atoms in the Universe exist not as static constructs, but as intelligently arranged dynamic organizations that reflect quite a large array of harmonizing principles, each of which is essential for the functioning of the whole. If a single one of these harmonizing principles did not exist, or would be contrary in nature to the whole, then not a single atom could exist, and consequently we would have no Universe.

It's all about mastering Energy (how it moves, flows, transforms, changes) in all it's infinitely many forms (inner and outer): BEing, IDentity / Personality, Emotional, Mental Electrical, Mechanical, Fluids, Quantum. Energy, no matter what form it takes on is all the same substance. The actual substance of the physical plane, from which all forms perceptible to human senses are built, is mental energy working at the subconscious level.

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We are pure consciousness (BE). That consciousness guides and directs the energy flow. Energy is in the physical. Consciousness and principles are in the invisible. Consciousness has free choice. There are two sets of laws to govern energy flow: U.P.s and consciousness.

To master energy flow we must master our consciousness (BE), be sensitive and aware of energy flow so that we can consciously direct and guide the energy as a co-creator. This document is dedicated to helping you become a master of energy flow: to become more sensitive to energy flow and to learn how it operates through Universal Principles to direct and guide it as a co-creator. For Man can only co-create from the Principles that are already there. We don't have to do anything, but to agree with them and learn to work with them. The only way that energy can flow is through connecting male and female: the understanding of who I am, and the understanding of Universal Principles.

All energy in the physical is guided and directed by the non-physical consciousness, whether that be human consciousness or God consciousness. So what ever shows up in the physical is merely an expression of the non-physical principle in operation. That's why I say that humans (at the foundational level) are pure principle in operation. Through our consciousness we guide and direct the energy in the physical to produce / co-create the infinite array of products and art that we see around us. That is why we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. The macrocosm (God) expresses through Universal Principles: all the natural laws, etc. to create the physical universe around us: the light, electrons, atoms, molecules, cells, plants, animals, and humans. We, the microcosm, express in the physical through consciousness. We are special in that we have the ability to understand the macrocosmic laws (the U.P.s) and align to them to become one with the Universe (God). In doing so we become the I AM THAT I AM. This is why it's so important to learn the Universal Principles and apply them in our lives.

For energy to flow there must be a polarity (+/-, Male/Female), a conduit, a connection / integration of the two polarities so that they become neutralized. 

From an Electric Universe perspective, electricity connects us directly to the cosmos, the integration of the micro with the macro.

● Electrical patterns repeat at all scales from the subatomic, quantum level, to the electric grid of our human body, to the earth, to the sun, and the far reaches of the cosmos.

● Frequencies and resonances in biological systems and our own subtle connections to invisible electric currents threading throughout our solar system, linking us to farthest reaches of the cosmos.

The Triumphant and Eternal Intelligence:Triumphant because the U.P.s always help us overcome obstacles, avoid danger, or transform seemingly adverse circumstances into friendly cooperation with our efforts. Eternal because the U.P.s are based on eternal principles. Never are they merely a thing of the moment. With U.P.s you transcend space and time. You can “see” into the future and the past because you know how the universe unfolds. You become a genuine prophet. Not one who makes predictions like any politician, fortune teller. A genuine prophet is one who knows his vision of the future is true because it is founded on accurate understanding of principles. Living in alignment to the U.P.s there is no fear of the unknown. This is true 5-D living. Like an eagle flying overhead that can see the danger of a waterfall up ahead, while the person in the boat can only see a short distance ahead in the windy river not knowing that they are just about to hit a waterfall.

Ascension is the ability to move beyond the duality of the Third Dimension and into the Miraculous flow of Love and Miracles at the Higher Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension.

It's not about me, it's not about you; it's about natural law.Universal Principles are the simplicity behind the seaming complexity of natural phenomena. They are at the root of the causal sequence of all natural phenomena. No matter what the application may be or what field of study we look at natural phenomena the Universal Principles will always be applicable and will be validated by the conclusions of that specific field of study. They are always constant, consistent, they don't change, are applicable to any field of study, and are further confirmed and reinforced by that field of study. These laws are space, time and observer / viewpoint (POV) independent, i.e., the laws remain the same at all coordinates of space, at all times

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irrespective of the method of observation and the properties of the observers. Universal Principles allows us to open up to the Universal, cosmic perspective (as humble servants of the Universe), rather than the separate, small, 'superior', judgmental view of our egos / personalities. Universal Principles are the dictates of nature. When adhered to, they produce harmony. Human laws ideally ought to reflect laws of nature. When they don’t, then disharmony is created. Truth is reality - what is. Truth is universal, but our experience of it is invariably relative. Truth can also be considered stability, as it integrates and connects. Universal truth means that it is present everywhere and always. Truth is a perception of depth in which we perceive more of what is there, while illusion is a superficial perception of reality. Truth is what is real at a deeper level than the form or appearance level of anything. This is why in Eastern philosophies the form world is called the world of illusion. The form is but the outer expression of truth. To put it philosophically, truth is therefore the essence of something or the existence of something, rather than the appearance of something. The essence and existence of anything or anyone are unique in the sense that they each contain both the universal dimension and the individual dimension. It is the universal dimension that links all life and all beings together. Truth is therefore always unifying in its effects. And when we speak the truth we are integrating our inner (soul) and outer (personality) selves.

Most often we use the words truth and lie as value judgments, implying that we agree (truth) or do not agree (lie). What we think we are doing when using these words is making a factual statement, but that is seldom the case.

Universal Principles are not, at its core, a set of doctrines, beliefs, teachings, or ideas, for all of those are of the world of form, of space and time and ceaseless change, whereas the very Truth is radically formless, spaceless, and timeless, encompassing all space and time, and thus it could never be enunciated in formal or doctrinal fashion.

We may not get to absolute Truth with these principles since we are physical beings and there is no absolute perfection in the physical plane. However, we can get very close. So our pursuit should always be absolute Truth knowing that it is impossible to reach. In the process we may reach 6 sigma (99.9999999% of Truth) or closer to the Truth. Our pursuit should include all disciplines of physical sciences, technology, engineering, art, music, healing, religion, theology, mythology, philosophy, spirituality as pieces of the one whole. For in all these areas the same truth shall be validated no matter which direction it is looked at. These are the principles that we adopt as our personal values and standards to live our lives by. Note that in all these areas there may be a nugget of truth in them in that their "laws" may be applicable under certain conditions and perspectives. These "laws" may be useful under those circumstances, and we can use them to support our lives here on Earth. However, they do no represent Universal Principles, since these laws are only applicable under relative conditions.

To be able to know what is true and what is not we must develop two mental senses: discernment and discrimination. We must first of all develop discrimination - the mental ability to make a distinction between things and know the definitions of things. Then we must develop discernment to be able to relate to the inherent quality of things.

Discrimination:More precisely, discrimination is the ability (innate and/or developed) to discriminate between truth and lies, fact and fiction, genuine or fake, and Bushite or otherwise . It’s being able to:

perceive underlying motives and hidden agendas (aren’t they all?),question authoritative pronouncements (the more authoritative, the more likely they’re pure barn-carpeting),be able to follow the money (aka power/status) in rationally investigating alleged axioms, maxims, gospels, and/or Paradigms, and

to be open to the possibility that some conspiracies are very long term and thus easily misconstrued as being established truth.

It’s being aware of the assumptions made, the paradigm in which we operate, and what is being taken for granted. Discrimination is, in essence, the ability to decide if the material on this (or any other) web site, advertisement, politically motivated news announcement -- and most anything that comes across the table or airways -- is factual, logical, or rationale... Or just so much horse hockey pucks.One critical distinction is that the discriminating reader (one who does not necessarily read the supermarket tabloids) needs to know the difference between an interpretation and the event. If a guy says to a gal, “Hey,

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babe, you’re looking good.” That is an event. The interpretation is one of several: e.g., a compliment, a playful flirtation, or a sexual proposition (or even other possibilities). To call the event an example of male chauvinism is also an interpretation. Even what is perceived in the so-called body language is an interpretation by the observer.Importantly, whether or not you believe someone when they have made an allegedly factual statement, is also an interpretation. Belief is interpretation. Only what they say constitutes the event. Discriminating between the two, between events and interpretations is absolutely essential if one is even remotely curious about the truth!

There is no fear of the unknown. Everything is known through Universal Principles which govern the universe. You're able to discern illusion from truth using the higher mind through the knowingness of the heart. We are able to raise above our senses. Our senses and emotions no longer drive and lead us. They provide information, but they don't drive and lead our life. Instead we use Universal Principles and reasoning capacity to discern illusion from truth. A good example is physiological changes feedback and impact into our emotions through the amygdala and therefore directly affects and creates emotional reactions which then impact our body physiology and behavior. This is how our physical body, senses, and emotions can deceive us, and why we need Universal Principles to raise above our animalistic nature.

Faith and U.P.s:Imagination builds faith. True imagination - not merely fantasy - rests on the firm foundation of Universal Principles, whether this be by science, engineering or spirituality. The Arabian Nights, in their talk of the Magic Carpet, give us a fanciful notion of flying; but from Leonardo Da Vinci to the designers of jet planes, true creative imagination has justified man’s faith in his power to fly. With every advance in exact knowledge, in exact weighing and measuring, creative imagination grows clearer and sees farther. Leonardo had his faith, though he never flew, and he made valuable contributions to the science of aviation. The Arabian story-teller was content with flights of fancy. He rendered no service to the cause of the conquest of air because he had no real faith in the possibility that man might master that element. Faith is a prime prerequisite for the accomplishment of the Great Work. Without faith you can do nothing. You must have confidence in the principles whereby you operate. You must have faith in yourself.

Universal Principles are the principles that govern Energy flow. Natural energy flow will always find the most efficient, effective, effortless, coordinated, synchronistic approach to flow. In other words, all energy follows the path of least resistance. The fact that the PHI ratio shows up everywhere in nature is proof that nature finds the most efficient, effective, effortless approach to energy flow. Anything that impedes, blocks this effortless, efficient, effective, coordinated, synchronistic flow of energy creates disharmony. For example, judging what is as BAD, duality, forcing, pushing, controlling, working hard to get somewhere, making it happen are all pushing against the natural flow of energy. In all things, use the Universal Principles to flow with nature, energy, rather than fight against it. You loose lots of energy by resisting and going against the flow, versus flowing with nature which you actually gain energy. Energy flows from one polarity to another only when there is neutrality (integration of the poles as one continuum of the same thing; male - female integration). If there is a disconnect between U.P.s and our actions, this will create tension, which then forces the Universe to create chaos in order to create order. The entire purpose of Universe is to create order through U.P.s. The farther away we are from U.P.s the greater the tension to create order.

The Universal Principles are always in operation whether we know it or not. Their operation is perfect for the choices we make. Therefore no matter what we choose, the outcome is always perfect. When we resist the outcomes of our choices, we resist the flow of the Universal Principles (i.e., natural energy flow) we use up much more energy than we need to and experience suffering. It's like walking or swimming upstream and going against the natural flow of the river or energy.

When we're in the flow aligned with the Universal Principles we have a natural love for everything around us because there is no fear, no prejudice, no disconnection, no judgment of the people and conditions around us. We are part of the grand orchestration of universal energy flow that comes around and through us, flowing freely and openly bridging Heaven and Earth. 

Universal Principles open our field of consciousness, and open us to receiving from the infinite.

Universal Principles are aperspectival: a "perspective" that seeks to favor no one perspective as being dominate over another. It is a fluid understanding of the multiplicity of perspectives available

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and seeking to honor each of them in the context of the whole. Thus, the aperspectival, by not choosing favorites, seeks to honor each of them in the context of the every-increasing understanding of the whole. The aperspectival, by doing this, seeks to establish a new holistic and more complete understanding.

Two terms proposed by Jean Gebser in "The Ever Present Origin" that help in this understanding: Systasis is "the conjoining or fitting together of parts into integrality."[46]It is the actual process of merging partials into a whole.[47] Synairesis, on the other hand, is "an integral understanding, or perception, of reality."

Connecting to Spirit is connecting Male and Female. The Universal Laws are the Male component. The Female component is knowingness of who you are. Connecting the two brings neutrality and harmony, peace, love, power, and understanding.

Two opposing items (illusion and truth) cannot exist in the same space and time. Illusion must be purged before Truth can be integrated in.

We are not God; we are microcosms of God. We cannot change God's Laws at will. We can only align to them and be co-creators with God; subordinate to God's Will. It is an illusion to believe that we are God. We are in and of God, but we are not God. In God we live, move, and have our being. The illusion that we are God and above his Laws is what creates egomaniacs, especially amongst the new age spiritual community who feel they can create "miracles", or counter God's laws, for their benefit. This is not possible for we are not God and therefore must abide with God's laws. As it is so beautifully described in the Kybalion:"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.

The Scientific Method vs. Direct Experience:The modern so-called scientific method is a combination of (1) speculative but logical reasoning based on analysis of the elements composing man’s environment, and (2) empirical observation of the results of repeated and repeatable experiments. This method has certainly helped man kind reach higher levels of Truth and Fact. However, Truth and Fact can be reached through another method of direct experience.

A blind man, for instance, can laboriously learn the intricate and complex theories concerning say, the electro-magnetic spectrum. He can compare by elaborate mathematical analysis the relationships between, say, the different colors of the visible spectrum. Thus in his own way he can reach his own particular apprehension and comprehension of the meaning of, and difference between, red and green.

But a seeing child or sage dispensing with these laborious procedures of which he has no need, directly perceives these colors and the differences between them. This type of direct experience is possible for all but known to relatively few. For this we must have seen into something rather than just look at it.

Primal Substance or First Matter: the foundational substance of ALL matter in the physical universe. In our solar system this comes from the Sun.

Illusions and Lies:Illusions are beliefs that are not in alignment with Truth (Universal Principles, Natural Law). Illusions include beliefs made up of dogma, morality, doctrine, man made / legal laws, rules, so called authorities, ethics, creed, ideology, gospel, standards, ideals, values, points of view, designed to control and manipulate our environment or people. Most of the mass media is designed to propagate lies and illusions to keep people in fear, conflict (duality), confusion (i.e., Hell) to create

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dependency (giving away innate power and look externally to be rescued) so that they are more easily controlled and dominated. Illusions are not universal among humans nor among nature, therefore we generally create chaos because we are not seeing with clear glasses and go against 'what is'. We're all seeing with different colored glasses. Illusion is an incomplete perception of truth. When we do not perceive with soul consciousness we do not know the universal dimensions of what we are seeing or experiencing. We are then able to perceive or experience only the form or appearance of something 3-D. The fundamental lie is based on the error that we are living our lives in perpetual antagonism to the universe and to the lives of our neighbors. This lie is behind every murder. Truth is a perception of depth in which we perceive more of what is there, while illusion is a superficial perception of reality. Truth is what is real at a deeper level (a universal level, 5-D) than the form or appearance level of anything. The fundamental truth is the is the understanding of the fundamental unity of all that exists. Illusion is rigid, fixed and somewhat static. It is limited and held in place by its form. Truth on the other hand is very flexible as it can express itself in endless ways and still be itself. Seeking truth requires we utilize critical thinking skills. Wherever we are most afraid, powerless and dependent is where the illusion is strongest and where we must heal with the light of Truth.

All illusions are psychological and therefore inhibit expansion of consciousness. Illusions always involve distorted perceptions of who we are, and consciousness development proceeds through increasing awareness of who we are. Illusions block us from experiencing the essence or soul of things and people. They block us from knowing something as it is or knowing someone as they are. When we perceive another through an illusion we perceive them as we are in our personality with all our limitations and weaknesses. In short, when we relate to others from our personality identification we colour our perceptions by our limitations, we project our limiting belief systems onto others. When we relate to them from our soul identification we colour our perceptions with understanding, compassion and support (a Universal perspective beyond our limiting beliefs).

An illusion is a misinterpretation which we project when we perceive something. We draw conclusions or react emotionally on the basis of the projected illusion (false belief system). Illusion is created when we make false assumptions about the nature of life and about our own nature. These false assumptions are basic illusions behind all other illusions.

Egoic, prideful mind: Such a mind, or a person with such a mind, believes as right and true what it decides to be right and true. Such a pride enables us to invent and defend our own limiting reality as the ultimate reality.

Personality as Projection Machine:So long as we ascribe power, wisdom, supply, or anything else of worth to external conditions, just so long are we dreaming. The sources of life and power are within us. Human personality is like a projection machine. Human environment is like a screen. Our mental imagery (inside us) make the pictures, and the words of our mouth incite the reactions we experience. But the light which projects the pictures is an inner light . . the light of the One Self.

Our “speech”, that is our mental definitions of ourselves and of our relations to circumstances , never return to us void. If our definitions be wrong, because we are deluded by appearances, the appearances grow worse and worse. When we awake and come to ourselves, a new set of pictures is projected on the screen of our environment.

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The Devil represents the bondage and beastialization of humans when they believe in lies and illusion. In the New Testament the Devil is called the “father of lies”, that is, the progenitor, source, or principle of falsehood, confusion, error, and mental disorder. Everything in the Tarot card of the Devil represents the twisting and convolution of Truth into lies and illusions that keep humans in bondage, fear, and in their animalistic nature.

The Devil represents the fundamental fallacy whence all other falsehoods proceed. This is the error of supposing that a reality called “matter” is opposed to another reality called “Spirit”. Said another way, “What is visible, the outward show, the way things look, what can be grasped by the senses, is all there is.” Or the error that matter is the only reality and that whatever man designates by the noun “Spirit” is no more than an intellectual abstraction. This is the basic fallacy of materialism, which leads to misinterpretation of experience.

The inverted pentagram represents mental inversion, rooted in the belief that the Self of man is dominated by the elements composing his physical environment alone. Thus the inverted pentagram is a symbol of falsehood because it is never true that Spirit can be dominated by matter. The bondage of delusion is a consequences of man’s erroneous interpretation of the nature of the physical universe.

The truth is what we call “matter” is actually the “appearance” of what we call “Spirit” as it enters the field of name and form. Both are real. Hence we should not try to separate the reality of the appearance from the reality of the One Identity which makes the appearance.

Appearances deceive when we are so ignorant as to take them at face value. When we do this they slander us to ourselves and to others. If we accept the way things look as being reality, then it is inevitable that the grinning masks of terror shall frighten us. Whenever our comfortable assurance that we live in an orderly universe is tested by some apparent exception to the rule, it is natural to be frightened, natural to “view with alarm”, natural to get on the defensive, natural to hate.

Wherever we look in the world of appearances, there we find duality. M / F, + / -, Good and Evil. This is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The troubles we have are due largely to our mistaken belief that the way things look is the way reality actually is. The world of appearances is necessarily full of contrast, necessarily full of incongruities. We shall always find appearances which seem to at first sight to contradict our comfortable assurance that there is order and pattern, rightness and reason, behind all things.

Yet these appearances which deceive us are necessary for the full and glorious manifestation of the Life-power within us. We could not attain our greatest potentials as Soul manifested in physical form were it not for these tests and trials of our faith. These trials are imposed on us by appearances in the physical plane. This is the trial of duality. Our objective is to transmute all semblances of evil into manifestations of positive good if we are to be released from bondage.

Until we experience the higher order of knowing, we may have difficulty with the various appearances of evil. We may wonder why our surroundings are so full of misery; but even without the higher knowledge, reason will take us far.

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To eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is natural. But we are engaged in a work that takes us beyond the limitations of natural man. Man, who is God incarnate, is able to take his own personality and the circumstances of his environment beyond these limitations. In order that this may be brought about, he has, first of all, to see the apparent contradictions presented by his environment to his inner feeling of power. So long as nothing incongruous appears, just so long will man do nothing to improve his situation. But when he seems to be hemmed in, when his limitations appear to be galling chains, when he feels his bondage, then he will find a way to release. And he will find it the quicker if he learns how to laugh.

Key 15 is a symbolic representation of power which both binds and liberates. Form necessitates limitation, and in our experience limitation is bondage. Yet our very limitations which gall us may become spurs to actions which set us free.

Key 15 is associated with the idea of Mirth. Laughter is caused by perception of the incongruous. One has only to look at Key 15 to see that this assemblage of incongruities is ridiculous. When things look like the Devil, laughter puts us more quickly in the right mood to find a correct solution than any amount of seriousness. It is but a step from this to the truth that joy results from recognizing the incongruity between appearances of limitation and the fact that man is the immediate agent of the One Identity.

There’s an old saying: “The Devil is God as He is misunderstood by the wicked.” This means the monstrous figure in Key 15 is a symbol of man’s ignorant notions of the true nature of Reality and more especially of man’s false opinions concerning his own place in the scheme of things. This ignorance is the real Devil, and because it may be overcome, they who set their feet upon the ancient way of liberation learn how to banish the Devil and destroy his works.

Lastly, notice the hideous figure in Key 15 is an impossible combination of incongruities. Never did this nightmare shape exist outside the realm of distorted fancy, and it never can.

Voltaire tells us that when men believe in absurdities, they inevitably commit atrocities. The truth of this statement is far reaching. You can trace the disastrous effects of our past and current beliefs in absurdities through virtually every field of our activities. The Devil and all he stands for is an absurdity. The only antidote to absurdity is reality.

The secret of release and liberation is to get the pentagram right side up. Man’s monstrous, imaginary creation, the Devil, is really none other than God as God seems to men who have an upside-down conception of the I AM. To know what the Self of man really is dispels the delusion that Spirit is dominated by the elements. When this delusion is overcome, the powerlessness of evil becomes self-evident and the works of the Devil are destroyed.

One of the oldest Hindu scriptures says the manifested universe is no more than the cosmic play. The idea is that God creates, as do all artists, from the exuberance of his inner feeling. That He, like all artists, creates not only the pretty, but also the ugly, not only the heroes, but also the clowns and villains. An that he enjoys his cosmic play.

But the wisdom doctrine tells us that this author of the cosmic comedy drama lives in and through all the actors. Not a far-away God, but an indwelling Presence, is the “Author and Finisher” of our faith. Of our confidence, that is, in the ultimate beautiful outcome of the play. Never are we closer to the heart of God than when we play and laugh.

Learn to laugh at appearances. To laugh at your own strutting and rantings on the stage of human life. To laugh at the comic spectacle of external manifestation. Laugh at the notion of a Devil. The most effective resistance to error is ridicule. Laugh at the Devil, and he, with all his angels, will flee. When we laugh at our fears they vanish like mist before the morning sun.

He who loves God, laughs with God at the comic spectacle presented by appearances. He who loves man, laughs at the ineptitudes common to us all, and laughing, rises after he tumbles, as do players in a game.

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Aligning to TruthGetting rid of delusions rooted in the ordinary human being’s space-time concepts rids us of all reliance on things or circumstances. Money in the bank may be swept away. The “soundest” stocks may turn out to be worthless paper. Things always fail when you make them the foundation of your life. Things are ephemeral. They continually pass away. Change is their established order.

There is only one constant, unchanging Reality, and that is Pure Spirit. It was in the beginning, is now - concealed by myriad forms, both visible and as yet unknown to us - and ever shall be the only Sure Foundation on which we may with utter confidence rest our lives from day to day.

Belief in things, and in the efficacy of arrangement of things, has created the chaos of our present “civilization”. Belief in things leads to cut-throat competition, to unrest, to misery, disease and failure.

Interpreting your environment from Truth (Soul) vs. Illusion (Personality)

"As our consciousness awakens to the understanding of these laws the darkness recedes as the light shines more brightly until at last we find ourselves upon the heights to which we now aspire." Tarot Hermit (Key 9)

Illusion / Lies Truth / U.P.s● Based on the

physical, what the senses tell us

● Looks externally to the physical for all answers (EEQ)

● It's temporal: valid only for short period, but is not true for any other time

● Valid only under certain conditions

● Finite● Separates● Disconnects● Dualistic, X vs.

Y, but not both● Leads to

judgment as BAD

● Eternal● Universal● Expansive● Holistic● Whole,

Integrative, ONE

● Unifies● Connects● Integrates the

finite with the infinite, micro to the macro

● Present moment

● Valid under any and all conditions regardless of time, space, POV

Levels of Truth:There are different levels of Truth. The highest level of truth is at the Universal Principles level. At the Universal Principles level it is no longer relative. It is infinite, eternal, independent of time and space. The levels are: the personal experience (i.e., true to me and my experience), the mass consciousness (i.e., everyone around me agrees, therefore it must be true), relative in this time and space (i.e., mathematical physics), and finally the universal.

From 'Truth' Soul Perspective:

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Truth is reality - what is. Truth is universal, but our experience of it is invariably relative. Universal truth means that it is present everywhere and always. There is truth on form levels as well, but here truth is relative - i.e., relative to the level or dimension in which it exists. Gravity is a relative truth on the physical level (on Earth at this time), which means that we live in a world where gravity affects us as a fact of life. Anger is a truth on the emotional level; it exists in our earthly reality. A thought is a truth on the mental level; we have minds, and we have the ability to reason and think. And since these form levels are experienced by individuals with these bodies, the experience of truth on these levels is not only relative, but also subjective. We do have what are called ‘objective’ truths, but these are probably more accurately described as ‘consensual’ truths - things that we collectively, or in large numbers, agree upon.Truths are formulations of universal realities. All relative truths are expressions of universal truth, as they are particulars of the universal.Most of us have been conditioned to rely on external authorities to tell us what is true and what is not true. These authorities were originally parents, then society and culture, and perhaps also religion. We tend to believe as true whatever is reported by the media because the media says it is true. Most people have not developed trust within themselves to detect truth, and so they call truth whatever they want to believe. Thus truth becomes relative to one’s beliefs, having abandoned the quest for universal Truth.

"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.

"The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower. They obey the laws coming from above them, but on their own plane, and those below them, they rule and give orders. And, yet, in so doing, they form a part of the Principle, instead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the Law, and by understanding its movements he operates it instead of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled swimmer turn this war and that way, going and coming as he will, instead of being as the log which is carried here and there — so is the wise man as compared to the ordinary man — and yet both swimmer and log; wise man and fool, are subject to Law. He who understands this is well on the road to Mastery." —The Kybalion.

From TF L46 (Key 21):The mechanistic appearance assumed by natural phenomena (Kaph, the Wheel of Fortune)veils their true character. The cosmos seems to be a system of wheels within wheels. It presents itself to our rational consciousness as a vast machine. Cause and effect seem to be rigidly and unalterably connected.

This is only relatively true. The Life-power is the author, and therefore the master, of the Law of Cause and Consequence. All "laws" are part and parcel of the drama of manifestation. No law binds the SELF.

An illusion is typically a literal or limited fact, perception or reality without reference to the larger reality it is part of. It is therefore a limitation of perception. Illusions are often perpetuated by belief systems and by what or whom people accept as authorities that claim to know the truth.

All true growth must involve knowing who we are (soul) and follow universal laws. If it does not, it is a temporary illusion. Without knowledge of who we are and universal laws that govern every single aspect of our lives it is not possible to change anything or step out of an illusion – and certainly not the illusion of being our personalities.

In today’s stressful world people often want safety and security rather than something as noble as truth. They don’t believe that the truth will set them free. When the primitive brain is activated through the stresses and challenges of life, we revert to its primary objective: assure personal security above all else. Often we feel more secure if we simply align ourselves with the collective

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thinking, and adopt what society or others believe and hold to be true. The pursuit of truth often puts one at odds with this social security. In the pursuit of Truth we must go beyond concerns of safety and security. Most of us have been conditioned to rely on external authorities to tell us what is true and what is not true.

Everyone is where they need to be to have the experience and learn the truth...seeking truth sometimes means we have to be illusioned because we don't really know the truth and have not developed discernment or discrimination so we can make a choice as to compare it to truth and where it fits in or does it fit in.  Truth sets people free and out of bondage and suffering with the lies and illusion.  Everyone's journey or quest should be to seek truth and allow discernment to guide us and lead us. Remember, there are no wrong decisions! Whatever we might choose in life will bring valuable experiences if we are open to receive them.

Universal Principles, on the other hand, are validated by nature and stand on their own independent of whatever viewpoint one has.

These Universal Principles are standards, guidelines and value system to live your more in alignment to nature.

Web sources for further research:Description of the Intelligence of the Universe through it harmonizing principles in operation by Rolf Witzsche:http://alternate-healing-science-christian.ca/picture_god_man.htmlSummary if several laws, most of which are already listed here:http://indotalisman.com/laws2.htmlhttp://libertyzone.com/MKS-SOBR-7-laws.html

"The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals — a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces." —The Kybalion.Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its possessor, or to the race. Beware of Mental Miserliness, and express into Action that which you have learned. Study the Axioms and Aphorisms, but practice them also.

Hierarchy of the LawsSome laws are at a higher level than others. Some laws encompass and govern others. Or maybe it's just one law that modifies depending on how it's applied. It's one, then splits to two and three. Just something to think about.

From the Void comes the All or Law of Oneness. From the One comes the two or Law of Polarity, Male and Female Principles. From the three (Male, Female, One) comes everything else (Law of Love, Law of Balance, Law of Abundance, Law of Justice, etc...).

Table of Laws:Name Other Names / Description

The Law of One

The Principle of Mentalism (Tarot Key 9)

The Law of Suggestion (Tarot Key 8)The Principle of Correspondence (Tarot Key 10)The Principle of Vibration

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The Principle of Polarity

The Law of Three

The Law of SevenThe Law of the Center (Equilibrium) (Tarot Key 14)The Principle of Gender (male / female)

The Principle of Rhythm and Cycles (Tarot Key 10)The Principle of Entrainment

The Tipping Point

The Law of Harmony

The Principle of Cause and Effect

Law of the Circle / Upward Spiral

The Law of Karma (Tarot Key 11)

The Law of Transformation (Tarot Key 13)

The Law of Reversal (Tarot Key 12)

The Law of Verification (Tarot Key 14)Resistance Causes Persistence

The Law of Assimilation

The Law of Individualization

Like attracts Like

The Law of the Dominant

The Fundamental Forces and Tachyons

The Law of Identity

The Law of Justice

Out of Chaos Order

The Scientific Laws of Nature

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Quantum Mechanics

The Principle of Light

Law of Love

Law of Emotation

Law of Free Choice

Law of Divine Will

Law of Abundance

Law of Co-Creation

Law of Form follows Function

Feminine Principle

Male Principle

Law of Neutrality

The Truth About the Self

Name Description

The Law of One Everything That Is in the Universe is included in It. Nothing can exist outside God, intending as God the Absolute or the Absolute Reality.  So the Material, Mental and Spiritual infinite planes are all within the energy of God as an Absolute Principle.

EVERYTHING IS SPIRITThere is only one power, which is also the one substance, and that this power, in all its myriad forms, is pure SPIRIT. Spirit beats your heart. Spirit drives the flaming sun. Spirit is all there is. In some forms more visible in disguise! In other aspects, formless and invisible, as when the Bible says, “The earth was without form and void.” The earth materials existed before creation, but these materials had not been compressed and congealed by the force of cosmic thought. There are no unspiritual activities. Spirit is the only intelligence, wisdom, power, glory, love, and the sum-total of everything in the everything in the beginning, even as it is now and ever will be. No new element has ever been added. Neither has anything foreign been introduced into the scheme of things. SPIRIT IS ALL.When Spirit operates on the physical plane we call it matter.

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The human mind invented this label to account for certain human experiences and had made the mistake of supposing this mere label to be an independent entity. In truth, matter is really the ONE SPIRIT acting within the range of human sensation.There is but One Identity in the Universe. This One Identity is the single source of all forms of existence, here, or anywhere. Its presence is the substance of everything. The mental quality of the One Identity is what is manifested in any particular expression of consciousness. The energy of the One Identity is what is released through any particular form of activity. All mental activity is derived from the essential Will of the One Identity.

The one Life-power is the basis of all manifestation whatsoever, physical (condition or force) or otherwise. Instead of life being supported by the conditions of the physical manifestation, these conditions, per contra, are cause and manifested by life. The conditions are the effects, not the causes, of manifestation.

There are no different things, but just different names for the same things. We take the One Thing and apply different transformations to it to create an infinite array of appearances of the One Thing.

Life and DeathPeace and StrifeWisdom and Folly (Knowledge and Ignorance)Fertility and SterilityBeauty and Ugliness (or Grace and Sin)Wealth and PovertyDominion and Slaver

These pairs must in some sense be complementary, as well as antagonists, just as the North and South magnetic poles are complementary. If we grasp all that this means we shall be sages. But long before we understand it completely, we may profit from the knowledge that the pairs of opposites really complete each other. It is this same knowledge that is hinted at in the Qabalistic teaching which discovers an identity between the names Nachash, the serpent-tempter in the allegory of Adam and Eve and Messiah, the Anointed One, that is, the Christos or Redeemer. This, too, it is which prompted Jesus' practical doctrine, "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him." And to the same effect is the doctrine of the Bhagavad-Gita, when it says: "Children only and not the wise speak of renunciation of action and of right performance of action as being different ... Be thou free from the influence of the pairs of opposites."

“What He gave as the whole law? To love thy God with all thy mind, thy body, thy purpose; and thy neighbor as thyself! This is the whole law. What then is the purpose of the entity’s activity in the consciousness of mind, matter, spirit in the present? That it, the entity, may know itself as itself and part of the Whole; not the Whole, but one with the Whole; and thus retaining its individuality, knowing itself to be itself, yet one with the purpose of the First Cause that called it, the

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entity, into being, into awareness, into the consciousness of itself. That is the purpose, that is the cause of being.” Edgar Cayce(see also: TheSoulJourney/SJ Library/universallaws.pdf - The Law of One)"As I am lifted up in consciousness, all of life is lifted up with me." We cannot raise ourselves without raising the potential of all others as well. The reverse of this is also true. However, the Law of free Choice still applies, and the individual still needs to make the choice and yearn to raise their consciousness. It's not automatic that everyone is lifted up. They still need to go through their process to be transformed into gold. It just makes it easier for people to raise in consciousness if there are Avatars. I am either adding to the collective Light of the world or I'm adding to the collective darkness of the world. However, Light always transmutes darkness and therefore an act of Light will transmute orders of magnitude more darkness.Law of One is the Unity of all in the universe. God is all, God is energy. All is ONE. We are ONE with that Divine Intelligence. That everything is Divinely orchestrated so precisely that it's impossible not to notice that everything is at once united. Consciousness and matter are connected (BE -> HAVE). Out of the zero came the One; out of the One came the two; out of the two came the three; out of the three came everything else.The no thing existed before the Universe.

Soul consciousness arises when we stand facing in opposite directions at the same time - toward eternity and toward time, toward infinity and toward space, toward unity and toward complexity. We stand in that dualism without being dualistic, for in consciousness we can accommodate the opposites. We do this by identifying with both. This identification results in the experience of being an individual while at the same time being the whole, and finding no contradiction in this experience.

Seeing Through Appearances:The most valuable lesson you can learn is that of seeing through appearances and the consequent discovery of the One Reality veiled by them. Whenever you have anything to do with another person, try to keep in mind that it is not the appearance, not the external details of the personality, that you speak or write to, or that you are in any way concerned with. Remember that his inner nature identical twith yours, and try to see, with the mind’s eye, the real man behind the mask of personality.Do this with the members of your family, friends and business associates, even strangers you pass on the street. It’s even more important to do this with people that are unpleasant and repulsive to you. You will find greater practical value under such circumstances than in your dealings with people you like. Look deliberately for the good and the beautiful in every one. Don’t just affirm it. Don’t pretend it’s there. LOOK! You’ll find it when you develop eyes to see.Watch your tounge. Don’t gossip. Do not discuss unlovable qualities of any other person. Make an effort to see the Self of all men and women you meet as perfect. Thus will you help yourself by telling yourself the truth about all men, and the

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power of your thought will bless those on whom you turn it.

“In him we live and move and have our being.”From the Kaivalya Upanishad:“Within me the universe came into being;Within me the universe is established;Within me the universe passes away;This Brahman, without a second, I myself am It.”

I AM THAT I AM: the totality of everything that is, was and will be. I AM the microcosm of the macrocosm.“Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.”The relationship between different objects in the Universe and the universe is the same as the relationship between parts of our body and our body itself. The parts must function as one unit for the body to function effectively. In addition, information anywhere in the universe is near instantaneously knowable everywhere else in the universe; i.e., information is transferred at faster than the speed of light. This explains the coherency of the universe (see Wallace Thornhill explanation of a Coherent Universe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFKfZNqtxT8&feature=relmfu, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o76SMQ34A94&feature=relmfu)This infers that we can receive information at faster than the speed of light (in fact, instantaneously) regardless of where in the universe originates from. Everything in the universe is instantaneously balanced and conserved. Every action has an equal, opposite and simultaneous reaction.

See Tarot Fundamentals: 18 (The Chariot, Key 7) pg 5-7:The true body of man is the physical universe. By no means is it merely the localized structure of flesh and blood and bones we use during a single incarnation. Mechanical inventions, like all other inventions, are simply adaptations of natural powers of the human organism. To bring our actual omnipresence within range of physical sensation, we have devised these tools, but the human body itself is a far better instrument for the same purpose. In a sense every atom and electron is omnipresent, because it gives off radiations which ultimately travel to the utmost limits of space. Every atom and electron are likewise a receiving station into which flow influences from every other point. To realize our omnipresence, we must stop identifying ourselves with our flesh-and-blood bodies. Before we may act magically, we must learn the art of being more receptive to the influx of power from higher and more interior levels. If we persist in this, the time will come when we shall know that our body id the whole universe, and that our One Self (pictured as the Charioteer) is no other that the Living Mind which eternally creates and sustains the universe. (see mediation on pg. 7 of lesson 18)

"Rabbi Zusya said that on the Day of Judgment, God would ask him, not why he had not been Moses, but why he had not been Zusya."Ultimately, we are all equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. Moreover, we are all essential to the unfolding plan of which we are each one small, but important,

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part. There are no replacements who can take over and live our lives for us, no other person who has had the experiences we have had, who has access to the same resources and relationships, who carries the same message to share with the world. Our purpose may be large or small, and in most cases it is multi-leveled, with important actions taking place on the interpersonal level, as well as in terms of the work we do in the world. Each and every human being is a unique puzzle piece in the Universal puzzle (or a unique frequency in the Universal orchestra). Without every piece playing its unique frequency the Universe would be out of balance and in disharmony. I am no more special and unique than anyone else in the world. Even someone who has a so-called 'disorder' is neither better or worse than everyone else. Everyone is unique and special in their own way. Without them the whole would not be complete. So everyone is absolutely needed to complete the whole puzzle / orchestra. I don't have to be the entire orchestra and do it all myself, or try to be special, unique or better than anyone else. I'm already inherently special and unique as I am. I don't need others to validate that for me, and shower me with accolades, approval, and love for me to feel special and unique. So I'm totally free to just BE without the need to be popular or special in other people's eyes (see the Law of Love). At the same time, if I don't express myself in my unique, authentic way, then the Universal orchestra / puzzle is not complete.

Note that whether someone has a disorder (such as Asperger syndrome) or not, we all have a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses, which is why when we come together as ONE we are greater than the sum of the parts. There are a few methods that help people identify their strengths and weaknesses. One of the best is a combination of systems that includes Human Design: http://www.humandesignsystem.com/

Universal energy requires everyone to be universal in understanding and tolerance. It also places great emphasis on sublimating self interest in favour of the greater good.

This is similar to trying to understand a subject by leaving out an important piece to obtain the full understanding. In this case we only get a partial, incomplete understanding of the Truth, and cannot therefore make sound choices since it would be based on incomplete information.

As souls we strive for wholeness, not for perfection.

When we are basically unconscious, we live according to social roles. We perform as sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, employers and employees, as society expects us to.As we grow in awareness, we gain the freedom to bring our own unique perspectives to these roles. We can express ourselves authentically and creatively, without letting our roles dictate how we should behave."Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth."

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Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. This implies change.

Visualization Exercise:Visualize yourself as the entire Universe (macro); then see your individual self (micro) and all other people and things within yourself as the entire Universe. Think of this as your body as the entire Universe and your individual cells as all other people and things in your body. They are one whole, as you are one whole with the Universe. There is no separation. Our ultimate purpose is to align with the Universal energy flow (not my will, but thy will) as our individual self.

Grand Unified Field Theory (GUT) is just another name for the Law of One. The macro integrates with the micro.The only way for God to express itself is to create a seeming separation (the male and the female) in the physical plane. But ultimately we all end up seeking that ONEness from this seeming separation. We heal this seeming separation by integrating the male and female principles within ourselves.

The Universal Perspective: every communication, message, experience is a message from the Divine (God) when we see/perceive it from the Universal (U.P.s) and bring it to the personal in your life now, this present moment. From this perspective we embrace all (Universal) from the All (U.P.s) and relate it to the microcosm (personal). This is what is meant to have an open heart. The Universal, the All, God is everywhere when we see it from the U.P.s. We must open (Universal) our heart to receive the message.

This Oneness or Unity is what is meant by sacredness. It implies the presence of the opposites in perfect harmony, each doing what is needed to contribute to the whole. It is our judgment of a situation that makes things positive or negative for us. Our inability to see the bigger picture beyond the surface appearance, to see the meaning and purpose in all events, contributes to our judgments of good and bad.

The relationship between different objects in the Universe and the universe is the same as the relationship between parts of our body and our body itself. The parts must function as one unit for the body to function effectively. You can see this in nature as all living creatures such as ants, bees, fish, bacteria, etc., all operate as if they were part of the body of the planet as one living organism. Much the same, the human body is a combination of trillions of unique cells that have all come together to work together in a symbiotic relationship to co-create the one human. When humans finally live in harmony with nature, then we will no longer be a cancer on the planet. We will be symbiotic co-creators with all of nature, and nature will thrive. Much like the slime mold that comes together as one entity in times of crisis to overcome and survive, the time is coming that we as humans must come together to evolve to the next level of consciousness, Unity Consciousness.

We must come together: integrate, communicate, build

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bridges, to truly evolve to that next level of Unity consciousness. We can no longer isolate ourselves and simply evolve ourselves. We must now integrate, get in dialogue talk with others to evolve to the next level of superconsciousness. We can no longer ignore, Rxx and shut others out.

The illusion of separation is the most basic of all human illusions, and is shared by everyone who uses the physical senses and the mind to know things. This illusion is the basis of fear. This illusion is the fundamental cause of war, hatred, racism, conflicts, and manipulation, as well as disregard for nature and the environment. It is also responsible for the alienation we have from our soul.On a form level, where our senses function in order to be able to perceive and experience particulars, we experience how things are separate from one another. This includes experiencing ourselves as separate from others and from the whole. We need to honor the separateness of reality, including our own, in order to come to appreciate and understand uniqueness. It is the uniqueness of each being, and our own uniqueness, that is the reason for being; it is the purpose of our existence.When we are conscious of both our personal uniqueness and our universal nature – which is essentially the oneness that connects us all – we then express ourselves creatively. In this way we fulfill our dreams and our life purpose. To attempt to be creative by only seeing our personal uniqueness, and not connected to our universality or oneness, results in a sham, a false creativity, and most often a self-serving expression.The universal side of every reality is the wholeness that it is part of. This wholeness then gives a context for our uniqueness and purpose, because it is the wholeness that our purpose is to serve. We need to cultivate an awareness of both our uniqueness and wholeness if we are to relate truthfully to ourselves and to life, and avoid the illusion that separation is all that exists.

Soul Perspectives:'The Illusion of Separation'

For societies to truly thrive the one principle that societies must follow is the principle of non-violation. That means that no one is allowed to violate anyone else, except in self-defense.

Example application (see gmail 'update from Mike on ICCC' reply from Hunt Henion for background):The universe is interconnected. Nature (the motion of the stars, planets, cycles of the Earth) are dominant to human activities. In other words, humans are subordinate to these dominant patterns and cycles of nature. At best what we can do is simply align to the changes and integrate with them to become one with them. We cannot change them, we can only change how we react and respond to them. To think that by meditating and shifting our consciousness we can change the cycles of the universe, we are deluding ourselves. God does not play favorites, all follows Natural Law. If we somehow could change these dominant patterns and cycles with our consciousness, that would mean that the entire order of the

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universe would have to change to accommodate that since everything is interconnected and the Sun is not separate from the universe. The Sun is powered by the universe and is therefore subordinate to the dominant cycles of the universe. It cannot change that. We cannot change the cycles of nature. We must subordinate to them and become as ONE with the Universal energy flow governing these cycles.

See the following for elements of spiritual partnerships:https://sites.google.com/site/essenceprinciples/Home/universal-principles-introduction/spiritual-partnerships

The Principle of Mentalism(Energy Follows Thought)Related to Law of Co-Creation

The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental. Idea/Word into action. Divine Mind inspiration into action. Higher Mind bringing it to manifest here on Earth; not my will, but Thy Will as a Co-Creator. When you work knowingly with God you work as One Mind and One Thinker. When we are One with God we are geniuses, because we know who we are and know the Universal Principles. We are true Co-Creators. So it is not us, it is God working through us that brings out the genius. All desire must be followed by action in accordance with U.P.s (Natural Law). Natural Law is always perfect. It's up to you to apply it properly to get your desired effect. For example, if we desire apples we can plant an apple seed, nurture it and after some time the fruit will come. The quality of the fruit will depend on your desire and your application of the Natural Laws related to growing an apple tree. This is where you need to gather information and learn to apply in the fulfillment on your desire. The same applies to our bodies or any other purely material mechanism.(great resource on this principle is: BOTA 'Seven Steps lessons 1, 2, & 3 + Initiation.pdf', lesson 1)"Every intention which does not assert itself by deeds is vain intention, and the speech which expresses it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes will. Hence it is said in the sacred and symbolic books that men will be judged, not according to their thoughts and their ideas, but according to their works. We must act in order to be...". "In order to do a thing, we must believe in the possibility of our doing, and this faith must forthwith be translated into acts. When a child says: 'I cannot', his mother answers: 'Try'. Faith does not even try; it begins with the certitude of completing, and it proceeds calmly, as if omnipotence were at its disposal and eternity before it." Eliphas LeviFaith is working knowingly with God in the present moment. It's knowing in your heart that when you operate through U.P. and the truth of who you are that the entire Universe is behind you 100%. With Faith anything is possible with God. There's nothing to be concerned or worried about, nothing to fear for God is there with you 100%. For it's not about you. You are merely the microcosm expressing God's Will. Not my will, but Thy Will. It's not your power. You're power comes from the infinite Universe. You are merely a conduit through which Universe expresses that power to express in the finite.From “The God Theory”, pg 67:Consciousness is the primary stuff of reality. Consciousness is able to shape and direct matter. Consciousness, in fact, has created the universe... This is accomplished by infinite intelligence dreaming up an infinite variety of laws and values

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(see “Just 6 Numbers”) for physical constants, and then letting those laws and values evolve into the stars, planets and life forms. The universe and its conscious life forms become actualized in open-ended, novel, creative ways, not by detailed design (see Law of Free Choice).Concentration is basically limitation, for concentration eliminates every distraction away from the work you have in mind. Limitation makes possible the manifestation of specific forms.

Without vision my people perish: when people are not inspired to live or have a vision they are souless. They will fill their time with mindless activities and stay busy in pure frivolous materialistic activities. They will fill their space with lots of busy work as they have no vision. Their soul will perish and soon the body follows suit.Statements of truth do not work unless they are linked to specific imagery. The images must be concrete. They must prepare mind and body for action. Intellectual statements of truth alone must be supplemented by concrete imagery before the mighty forces of the inner life can emerge as actual forms and conditions in the physical plane. In your mind pictures, be specific and work in a lot of detail. Always see the desired vision as a present reality. See colors. Hear sounds. Smell odors. Note movements. If you are in the picture, get into action yourself. Do this and the seed you plant with your imagery will sprout in the warm and fertile soil of subconsciousness. The wheat of your image will leap up into the sunlight and rear golden heads of fulfilled desire.

A Law of Mentalism statement is written as a being and doing something, with the specific purpose of effecting a change in your circumstances, such that there is a clear, definitive of what to do in your life here and now to take the next step. Clarity and focus are critical for things to move more quickly with ease. We must liberate ourselves from distractions and confusion that disharmonizing to the Soul / Spirit operating through us.The mere selection of some definite aim, with determination to realize it, starts the operation of hidden activities which provide us with the necessary materials, and puts us in contact with those persons whom we need to meet in order to attain our goal.Subconscious / Intuitive powers employ forces which enable you:1. To keep your body functioning efficiently;2. To develop your intuitive knowledge of the laws of nature you must employ to achieve your Aim;3. To get in touch with the persons and things you need in order to reach your chose goal.

Applied to Belief Systems:The mind will always create belief systems. It cannot have a void. Any void will be filled. In the absence of truth, the mind will adopt an illusion as the belief system. In addition, you cannot replace an existing belief system as it is already taking up space in the mind. You cannot fill a space that is already full. You must release the belief system by neutralizing it, then replace it with a higher truth.

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Law:Subconsciousness is always amenable to control by suggestion.

In human personality the creative process is begun by self-consciousness, sometimes called objective mind. Self-consciousness is the distinctively human aspect of mental activity. Objective mind is the waking mind you are using to read these words.Self-consciousness initiates the creative process by formulating premises or seed-ideas. Subconsciousness accepts these as suggestions, which it elaborates by the process of deduction, and carries out in modifications of mental and emotional attitudes, and in definite changes of bodily function and structure.The two sentences you have just read outline a process of utmost importance. You use it continually, whether or not you know you do, because it is the basis of your intellectual knowledge, and the determinant of the state of your physical health.All your physical and mental states are results of your mental imagery. When you thoroughly understand what is implied by the statement that any mental image tends to materialize itself as an actual condition or event, you have the clue to success in occult practice.

Personality as Projection Machine (TF L36):Our “speech”, that is our mental definitions of ourselves and of our relations to circumstances , never return to us void. If our definitions be wrong, because we are deluded by appearances, the appearances grow worse and worse. When we awake and come to ourselves, a new set of pictures is projected on the screen of our environment.

All creation starts with a spark, an idea, an urge, inspiration. The inspiration is like the seed that contains the entire concept of a tree. To think is to take your idea apart and project it into sequential moving events in an imagined three-dimensional universe of sight, sound, and smells - just as the seed is projected three dimensionally into the imaged form of the concept which is enfolded in it (such as an oak tree). You then put the idea into action by developing it in the Mind before you put it on paper or form it in the physical reality. You might read some books, talk to someone else, and put it on paper to continue to develop it (draw picture, diagrams, elaborate on the idea). Your Mind at this point is connecting to the principles that govern that which you are creating so as to connect the idea (heaven) to the physical form (Earth). However, at this stage you still don't know whether it will work in physical reality until you begin to shape/form it in physicality. At the physical level you can start to test your original idea to see if it will work. If you formed it in accordance to Universal / Natural Law, then it will generally work in the physical manifestation. However, this is where the learning opportunities are created. The more open you are open to receiving, the more you will learn. The more you

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learn, the closer you get to God (Universal Law).

All knowledge to be manifested must be followed by action. Knowledge is something which is still in Mind. It is the fulcrum from which the lever of action takes place. Knowledge without action expressed will not create anything.

Anytime you start something new (like stock trading), keep it simple. Master the technique on one representative example before you move on to anything else. KISS. Understand the principles first and apply them to something simple until you master the principles. From there applying the principles to anything else will be straight forward.

In Mind the idea is perfect. For example, "God made man perfect" means that God made the idea of man perfect. It's eternal, unchanging, undivided. It never will change. However, the physical body of man is the idea made manifest. Man's body is perfect in the sense that it is a perfect manifestation of the Law - God's laws which builds perfect bodies for a purpose, then disposes with them, because they served their purpose.

Creation is merely the expressed effect of the Creative thought put into action. Matter is purely an electric record of thought. What we think, so we are. Whatever ideas we think become substantial realities in matter only through action following thought in alignment to Natural Law. If we think in accordance with U.P.s, and act accordingly, our creative expression in matter is as perfect as our intelligence and actions have made it to be. Conversely, if we think unintelligently and act contrary to U.P.s, our creative expressions are unbalanced and imperfect. According to Law we alone must restore balance to our unbalanced thinking and actions. God does not perform "miracles" by putting aside Universal Law for anyone. We cannot "wish" anything into manifestation. We must take action ourselves in alignment with Universal Law, and be open to infinite possibilities and receptive to guidance from Universe/Spirit as a co-creator.

In Divine Mind the idea is already formed. Our job is to know that it's already done, and connect the original idea to the physical through Natural Law, the laws that govern the Universe. We don't have to do the whole thing. We just have to do our part as a unique frequency in that Universal orchestra. We are present, in the moment and grateful that it's already done. Integrate heaven and earth. Co-creation open to infinite possibilities.Action is guided and the unfoldment is from thy will of spirit unfolding it and not from Ego controlling...my will. Not my will but thy will be done in that idea into action...takes it from 3D into 5D of letting ego out or letting it be subservient to spirit...we are the conduit which forces us to be present in the moment of what is going on and how spirit is leading instead of what we expect, which allows us to be focused in our direction and flexible in the moment, listening to spirit always. Never an expectation, that is 3D and control...whenever you put an expectation out there that is

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controlling so you limit it, constrict it and won't let it flow and can't be present with what is happening and connected and at peace with the unfoldment and flow because you are worrying about what you have to do from an ego perspective.Without vision my people perish. Despair, hopelessness and disgust. With vision, we have purpose, mission, and direction which bring inspiration, joy, and excitement.You have complete power and dominion over your thoughts and emotions. However, once a pattern has manifested itself in the physical plane, then at that point your only choice is to accept it and be open to receiving the lesson.The law operating here is one with that great law of the universe, that like attracts like, so that one continually attracts to himself forces and influences most akin to those of his own life. And his own life is determined by the thoughts and emotions he habitually entertains, for each is building his world from within. As within, so without; cause, effect.Mind/Body Problem:We are pure principle in operation. Who we are is cause at the BEing level just as a principle is cause for all physical phenomena. Our BEing is cause of all our internal and physical states and experiences. Our thoughts are cause of all our internal and external physical experience. At the same time our physical experience feeds back into our BEing and through that it impacts our thoughts since our internal and external physical experience is still subject to our BEing.From Walter Russell "The Electric Nature of the Universe":Matter is not pure thought; it is the measurable record of immeasurable thought. The created universe is but a record of a thinking universe. It is made up of the thought forms of the One Intelligence flowing through its many material thought forms, such as we are, and all engaged in the creative act of thinking. The thought itself is never created. It is only the form of the thought which assumes a measurable shape. Any material creation is a meaningless and useless thing to those incapable of reinterpreting the thought inherent in it. The reality of any creation is in the inspired thought of its creator, and the creation itself is but a message to those who can comprehend its meaning. The whole of Creation is meaningless in itself, being meaningful only to the thinking mind of any being capable of conscious thinking, and then only to the extent of hir individual capacity to think.Likewise, bodies do not live; they but express the thought of life. Bodies are but a material record of the thoughts of life which flow through them. When the thoughts of life cease to flow through the body, the material of which it is composed of returns to the planet. Material bodies do not really live; they merely express the eternal life which flows through them for a time. The intelligence within the material body is the real life which is eternal.

From SVP Wiki Mission Statement:The purpose of this work is to awaken the latent and Creative Genius of mankind. The Mind of man has been bound and crippled and made to focus on the Effects of natural forces such that humanity believes what it sees with its physical eyes and interpreted through ego instead of knowing the Causative elements which can only be known in

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Consciousness. Genius is evidence of a greater knowing and awareness of the Causative Forces at work in life - which is the Wisdom of Deity operating through the Wisdom and Mind of man.

Mankind cannot co-create through ego or intellect. These disconnected segments of Consciousness can only duplicate or fabricate facsimile of that which is real. The Creative Genius, working with Cause, can invent new solutions, determine clear direction and expand the achievements and future of a more abundant, free and happier society.Our mission then is to render the veil of false materiality and beliefs pulled over humanity's egoic eyes.

The Principle of Correspondence(As Above So Below, Micro / Macro, Fractilation)

As Above, so Below; As Below, so Above. The basis of Astrology. Bring Heaven to Earth; 5-D inspiration to 3-D manifestation. Macro into micro. Everything is connected. The universe is a hologram where every part contains the whole. Outside echoes the inside. The lower is a reflection of the higher. The other is a reflection of you. We are all a microcosm of each other. The big picture is within us and even our cells.Law of recursion, fractilation, self-similar at multiple scales.

Reality, genesis repeats itself in EACH DIMENSION (Size), following the same laws in its development: the “law of three” (of the parallelogram of forces, two of which are always at 90º:electricity and magnetism) and the “law of seven”, generated by the movement itself against an already existing “exterior” field.

We co-create in our image and likeness through integration of male and female. Holographic universe: everything is connected; every part reflects the whole. To recur, to return upon the start of itself; to be cyclical.Self-recognition, whereby the mind looks at itself.Humans are the microcosm of the macrocosm (God); made in the image and likeness of God. Cycles in nature are fractal in time. The Zodiac is fractal.This principle states that our true nature and the principles at the micro level reflects the true nature and principles at the macro level. It doesn't mean that if there's chaos here on Earth, then there's chaos in the macro. We humans can create chaos by going against our true nature to create belief systems of illusion and lies and manifest the results of these miscreations. But the Universe operates perfectly in its operation and order.With the fractilation factor you can get the infinite in the finite / 3-D realm. You can draw a finite geometry with an infinite circumference. All life fractalates; it does not divide. Fractals are self-similar patterns that repeat at the micro and macro levels. Fractal designs in biological systems have been shown to produce the most efficient energy flow structures (see Universal Scaling Laws in biology). In some ways, it makes sense to model the macro to produce the most efficient energy flows within ourselves and the environment. In addition, the autonomic nervous system and the heart rate pattern of a healthy person displays a fractal pattern in the time domain at large and short period scales (viewing from 300 min to 30 min to 3 min). This fractal pattern allows the

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nervous system / heart to be more adaptive, flexible, and responsive to changes in the environment. Versus a nervous system that is always the same period that is rigid and inflexible. One of the key signatures of Chaotic systems (from a Chaos Theory perspective) is that they contain patterns that repeat at different scales, whether that be in time or space. Another signature of Chaotic systems is the sensitivity to initial conditions, which makes them very responsive. There is an exponential divergence due to small differences in initial conditions (i.e., the Butterfly Effect).

The concept of Emergence in complex systems arises from this principle (fractalation). Emergence refers to the spontaneous creation of macro-level order / patterns and functionality out of a multiplicity of relatively simple micro-level interactions (rule-based behavior) of diverse, interdependent, adaptive agents through the use of recursion (feedback loops) or fractalation (i.e., slime mold, mass consciousness, culture). It is a bottoms-up order rather than a top-down, authoritative order. Out of emergence arises a functionality and order that wouldn't otherwise be predictable from the individual components that make up the whole. Emergence gives rise to robustness, scalability, novelty, and phase transitions (tipping points). In addition, synchronicity is also a property of emergence since diverse, interactive, adaptive agents may synchronize their micro-level behaviors to produce a macro-level pattern that operates as one whole unit. The individual, separate microcosms emerge as a more complex, higher-order macrocosm operating as a whole unit through simplistic, adaptive, interconnected, recursive instructions (i.e., the 'coordination game' in game theory). Humans are a result of emergence of natural principles in operation that integrated individualized cells to create a microcosm of God in form. Our mission and purpose is to coordinate with Universe to emerge a greater pattern of co-creation. For this to happen we must learn the rules of the Universe (i.e., Universal Principles), and apply them as co-creators in a community of like-minded people.

Chaos Theory:“self-organization out of chaos” - occurs when chaotic activity suddenly branches off into order, such as vortices in rivers and streams. The “bifurcation point” refers to the point where chaotic activity suddenly branches off into order. Systems that self-organize out of chaos survive only by staying open to a constant flow-through of energy and material. The self-organized patterns remain stable as long as the conditions out of which they were created are kept within certain limits. Chaos is nature’s creativity.

The holographic nature of the universe is such that each individual piece of the universe contains information about the entire universe.(Def of Information: Information is not data in a computer. Information is any form of radiation that communicates one or more properties of a physical entity to another physical entity. The communication happens instantaneously.)The Universe, like our body, is nothing but a unified whole system the constituents of which function as one unit.Biology:

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Cells are the basic unit of life on earth, and they require nourishment and the ability to communicate, reproduce, digest, and remove waste. People, organisms that are collections of trillions of cells, need the same things. Every function in the human body is replicated in every cell. Cells are miniature people. People have organs, cells have organelles. Cells move toward environments that support them and move away from environments that threaten them. There's a movement forward or a movement backwards based on perception /  interpretation.The same holds true for the collection of humans called humanity, a super-organism whose collective interpretations / perceptions can move toward a higher level of evolution or towards destruction.

Cosmology:Electric Universe / Plasma Cosmology.The Grand Unified Field Theory (GUT) attempts to unify the micro forces within the atom (strong and weak forces) with the macro forces (gravity and electromagnetic). See more on GUT at http://theresonanceproject.org/.GUT also is the representation of the male / female integration where the Love component of the female (micro) integrates with the Universal Principles component of the male (macro) as one heartbeat, thus unifying the micro with the macro. When that integration occurs you have Spirit guiding and leading. Synchronicity, Synergy.We can also see the torus in operation here as it expands to the macro and contracts to the micro.(Ref. "Quantum entanglement and holographic universe", Sunil Thakur)

The Sun:(from Tarot Fundamentals Lesson 41, Key 19)The radiant energy of the sun is truly considered to be the First Matter of the Great Work. The sun is also the symbol for the alchemical gold. All terrestrial power is derived from the sun. Every tree, plant, and flower, grows and flourishes by the grace and bounty of the sun. The whole animal creation, culminating in man, is the physical offspring of solar energy developed in the womb of Mother Earth. Back to its source in the solar radiance runs the current of human life through the chain of earthly embodiments. There is no break in the chain, or we should not be here.

Leaving out of account the eruption of volcanoes, and the ebb and flow of tides, every manifestation of power, organic or inorganic, vital and physical, is produced by the sun. Thunder and lightning are also from the sun. Every fire that burns, every flame that glows dispenses light and heat that originally belonged to the sun. The sun builds the forest and hews it down, the power which raised the tree, and which wields the axe, being one and the same. The clover sprouts and blossoms and the scythe of the mower swings by the operation of the same force.

The entire physical aspect of all activities is really a series of transformations of the solar radiance into all the multiform events and things of our daily experience. In this way both

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sun and humans are lights on the same circuit of spiritual energy.

According to ancient occult doctrine the sun is a living, conscious intelligence. The sun is a living power, not merely a physical energy. In fact, all celestial bodies are vehicles of intelligence. See interesting video of Sun giving birth (or something) to mini-sun:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bQ7RaOMHb5I

Astrology:Astrology is based on the understanding that the large heavenly bodies in our solar system have a measurable impact on life here on Earth due to their proximity and size. As the planets orbit the Sun and Earth they change their rhythm. Changes in rhythm then impact our moods, emotions and decisions just any any music from a march to a symphony can affect our attitudes and actions despite anything we do to prevent it. At the birth moment where a person has taken material form they are imprinted with a rhythm unique to themselves based on the rhythm of the celestial bodies at the time of birth just as a mechanical body has resonant frequencies, such that when it's exposed to that resonant frequency it vibrates automatically amplifying the effects of the frequency.Astrology is good to understand our imprinted patterns of behavior. However, it does not define who we are. Once we have transcended the 3-D to the 5-D where God and Man are one, we are no longer victims of the astrological patterns because we have reached that state of awareness and understanding where we can discern the illusion from the Truth. We have become free of the illusion and therefore use the positive or growth side of the astrology to propel us forward. Instead of being trampled by the energy waves, we ride the energy waves like a master surfer. We align to and use the energy support us in fulfilling M&P (Thy Will).

The Principle of Vibration Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. Everything has a frequency and a resonance point. All vibration is a pattern in physical space (see images that different sounds make). All physical objects are vibrations in frequency.  Everything in the physical can be represented as a vibration. Frequency changes form; Form changes frequency. The word is creative: change your voice and you change your form. This can be seen through the electromagnetic spectrum and sound spectrum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrumhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_spectrumThe electromagnetic spectrum extends from below frequencies used for modern radio through to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength end, covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometers down to a fraction of the size of an atom. The long wavelength limit is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length, although in principle the spectrum is infinite and continuous.

See also quantum mechanics for additional detail on how the

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quantum wave guides and directs the "particle" in space.In addition, the Japanese have found a way to print letters on water using vibration with the AMOEBA (Advanced Multiple Organized Experimental Basin).Also see the sound and sand experiments used to make various structures using a thin metal plate and sand sprinkled on them to create a pattern.

See also experiments on vorticular, interactive torsion fields. These experiments using torsion pendulums tie in vibration, or rotation to changes in gravity and spin of bodies:http://www.enterprisemission.com/Hyperdimensional-Eclipse.htm

Every vibration has three components in 3-D (see Dale Pond video):

●If you're not modeling wave motion with these three components, then you're over simplifying and missing some very important pieces.

Peristalsis Motion has three components:● Pitch angle (rate of change of diameter of spiral in 2-D

plane)● Vortal angle (rate of vertical expansion in 3rd

dimension)● Peristalsis angle (the 3-D volume envelope boundary

around the vortex. Expansion and contraction of the vortex.)

Peristalsis motion is found in biological, living systems.

Part of the Law of Vibration is that exposure to even the most minute amount of a negative vibrational pattern, over time, will build up and impact the body or person, etc. in a negative way. It’s impossible to avoid all negative vibrations (i.e., exposure to toxins such as chlorine in the water, smog, EMF, etc.), but nevertheless you can take appropriate steps to limit your exposure. The real issue comes when you intentionally expose yourself to minute amounts of negative vibrations when you can very easily avoid it. The very pattern you are creating with this behavior is the primary issue. The message is that you are not worthy enough to avoid the toxin at the small minute amount. When you intentionally avoid it you will raise your vibratory frequency because it’s an act of love for yourself, that you are worthy to receive the very best care.

The Principle of Polarity Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. The difference between things diametrically opposed to each other is merely a matter of degree. The pairs of opposites may be reconciled and the thesis and anti-thesis are identical in nature, but different in degree. Positive and negative are two poles of the same thing with countless degrees between them. All opposites are effects of a single cause, and that balanced, reciprocal action and reaction between opposites results in harmony. To get neutrality you must integrate all seeming opposites. Paradoxes exist out of this law. By

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connecting the opposites in balance you get energy flow. Energy flow is life producing. We are both individual and universal.Thinking creates sexed pairs of opposites. The desire to express action, the desire to be separated from Oneness, God's Oneness desiring to be manifested as many ones. Separation and action to One where it returns to rest and repeats the cycle.Instead of polarities / dualities there is a dance between the polarities to create balance.

Life and DeathPeace and StrifeWisdom and Folly (Knowledge and Ignorance)Fertility and SterilityBeauty and Ugliness (or Grace and Sin)Wealth and PovertyDominion and Slaver

These pairs must in some sense be complementary, as well as antagonists, just as the North and South magnetic poles are complementary. If we grasp all that this means we shall be sages. But long before we understand it completely, we may profit from the knowledge that the pairs of opposites really complete each other. It is this same knowledge that is hinted at in the Qabalistic teaching which discovers an identity between the names Nachash, the serpent-tempter in the allegory of Adam and Eve and Messiah, the Anointed One, that is, the Christos or Redeemer. This, too, it is which prompted Jesus' practical doctrine, "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him." And to the same effect is the doctrine of the Bhagavad-Gita, when it says: "Children only and not the wise speak of renunciation of action and of right performance of action as being different ... Be thou free from the influence of the pairs of opposites."

How does it a particular phenomenon start, how does a flow originate? From one active force, a charge, to a passive emptiness, a void, to be filled.In the beginning we have nothing else but a force, say=1, and the void around=0. Let us say that such a force is a “charge” and the void is something deprived of such a charge, an empty vessel, say a “capacitor”, from that moment on it begins movement and phenomena. Why does a capacitor work as such?, btw in the same way that a “thermos” flask, reflecting IR light on its reflecting inner surfaces….and, if you follow the analogy, take a “ramp pump” where the “capacitor” is a tank where water is saved once and again, until it reaches a certain “pressure”. See?, the analogy is perfect: There is one point where it “feeds”, accumulates, and a point where a part of the energy is relieved, as there are two “check valves”. In the case of the “ramp pump” what is sought is to increase pressure, to increase the energy level, to climb up the “pitch” of the octave, as when we grow up, the negentropic way up, feeding ourselves like the ramp pump…There is the other way, of course, the way of entropy, the way of spending energy.

Lifting of Consciousness:If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto God. The light draws and connects to the darkness and raises it up. We just need to BE and we shall lift all of mankind up in consciousness.

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You cannot fully experience one extreme without having experienced the other extreme at least once. For that matter you wouldn't be able to experience the gradations in between the two extremes. Polarity is critical to experience life fully. Polarity is necessary to have a world of form; the experience of creation; the raising of consciousness; the experience of love and joy. Otherwise, there would be no 'I' or 'you'; we wouldn't know the difference between 'good' and 'evil'; there would be no colors; there would be no personalities. Just a fathomless sea of nothingness and everything; no form, no identities, no discernment; no experience.You need the two sides to produce balance / oneness. How else are you going to experience love without hate, "good" without "evil". If we were unconscious animals then we would be incapable of feeling guilt and shame, and therefore unable to learn and grow in consciousness.  Life is full of dualities, opposites. Despite their apparent opposition, each extreme in a duality is necessary to fully actualize the other. Each depends on the existence of the other. For example, we cannot know honesty if we don’t know deception. The key is to not resist or suppress the negative. We need to acknowledge its existence, though we may choose not to express it. When we embrace wholeness, we move to a higher perspective.

It’s important to know that you cannot eliminate the negative by focusing exclusively on the positive. Energetically, both opposites must remain in balance. Increase one and its opposite will also increase. Try to be only positive and the negative within you will raise its ugly head.We work with dualities by remembering that each is part of the whole. We must acknowledge and accept all aspects of life, because they all exist within us. And so, if we seek to be honest, we do so by acknowledging our potential to be dishonest. We can also bring in love and compassion when we catch ourselves acting out the negative.Power arises out of integrating the positive and negatives within us. From the tension that exists between the two, we develop awareness and become more conscious and compassionate.

Energy flows from one polarity to another only when there is neutrality, integration of the two poles as one. Otherwise, the energy is blocked and it is in duality. Male and Female do not connect, then there is no energy flow. Energy needs polarity to flow; i.e., without polarity there is no motion. The two extremes are seen as opposite ends of the same thing, or two sides of the same coin.The Law of Polarity is related to Genesis 3 in the Bible that discusses the tree of Knowledge of "Good" and "Evil". Eating from the tree of Knowledge was necessary for our growth in consciousness as Gods. We cannot know the difference between 'good' and 'evil' unless we experience 'evil'. Children and animals don't know until they have grown in consciousness and can discern truth from illusion. However, the distortion of the Law of Polarity creates the separation where instead of seeing things as discrete parts of a continuum, we see things as opposing and dualistic. When we see things from the duality perspective we get into fear,

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separation, me vs. you, judgment, right / wrong, good / bad. This distortion closes us from receiving and experiencing wholeness. It is this distortion of the Law of Polarity that led to humanity's "Fall from Grace". Once we started seeing things from this dualistic perspective we began to judge things, which trapped us into the shame cycle, fear, and separation. No longer could we learn and grow in neutrality, which led to the disconnection from source. This led to a downward spiral of shame and lower energies that ultimately led to complete disconnection from Spirit and instead bondage to the material (EEQ).You generally learn your greatest lessons with the greatest challenges in life. From the greatest tragedy you tend to get the greatest growth. This is how we grow in consciousness.What holds a duality together to create a unity is tension.Tension is the bond of opposites. It is because of tension that growth takes place and evolution is possible. There are always forces operating against each other, and it is this which makes life interesting, exciting, challenging, frustrating and fulfilling. All healthy and growing relationships embody this tension. Two people who are very similar might have a pleasant relationship but they are unlikely to be catalysts for each other’s growth. Tension would cease if either of the opposites was repressed or avoided.Tension arises through our experience of opposites. These opposites fight each other as each one struggles for dominance. Tension is transformed when two opposite dimensions of reality are brought together in balance and in wholeness.Know that tension is an integral part of growth. Instead of avoiding or resisting tension when it arises, identify the opposing forces at play. Make space for each of them to be there together and the tension will transform. This creates neutrality and allows the energy to flow.Conflict is natural in life. It is present to teach us how to resolve the extremes of duality. It’s a learning experience that sets up the tension for soul-personality dialogue and integration. It is intended to take us inward to find the place of unity from which the duality can be viewed and understood. Conflict is a psychological reality that is frequently externalized when one makes oneself a victim. The conflict reveals an enemy that must be overcome as strongly as possible. When a person is in a sate of heightened anxiety, rational and moral decisions cannot easily be made and the more primitive violent reactions cannot be curtailed. Violence is used as an inappropriate way of attempting to re-establish one’s own sense of power over whatever or whomever is perceived as a threat. However, violence not only can destroy the enemy, but it also destroys the Self. This is true whether the violence is individual or collective.Feelings of separation are caused by some kind of fear. To overcome such feelings, the fears must be faced. Fear is inevitable in a dualistic reality. It is necessary in the human condition so that we can experience the opposites and gain consciousness through them. This is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion working within our bodies and our relationships to bring us into mastery. Mastery is gained through reconciliation and unity of opposites. This is love – the pathway to experiencing the oneness of life we are all part of.

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When we do not recognize a universal sacredness, then there is no unity or equality that must be respected as a basis of morality. We are left with the inequality of duality where the opposites are seen to fight each other for dominance.With fear, we tend to see the world as ugly, unsafe, unpleasant and full of dangers. Our challenge is to become conscious that every experience of fear has meaning and purpose. When fear arises, our souls invite us to discover the spiritual energies that are present in the situation. When we open to those energies, we will uncover beauty and we will experience a direct connection with the soul.

When we do not recognize a universal sacredness, then there is no unity or equality that must be respected as a basis of morality. We are left with the inequality of duality where the opposites are seen to fight each other for dominance.On the other hand, when there is a recognized sacredness, duality is seen as a necessary tension to enhance, complete and empower the whole of which the duality is a part. This we see, for example, in a healthy relationship between two people who respect each other as equals. Their differences enrich the relationship.We learn to embrace pain which often accompanies destruction as a necessary condition of life, but begin to experience joy and fulfillment along side or within that pain. Previously we experienced only one of those opposites. In soul life we can experience the pain of the personality with its attachments and necessity of letting go along with the joy of the presence of Spirit within ourselves.

Duality, Me vs. You:Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.Speaking and framing things in absolute terms and language (right / wrong, good / bad, black / white) creates separation and duality.

Integrating Your Dark Side:You don’t get rid of your dark side (lies and illusion). Instead you experience it fully in order to experience the opposite polarity of truth fully. It is still a part of you since it was a factor in illuminating the truth in you. You expose it to the light of Truth. You neutralize the dark with the light. You shine the light of truth on it and transform the experience. You use the experience for compassion and to form your personality.

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Your dark side is part of who you are. You just don’t allow it to rule and drive you. You instead use it to inform you and build your discernment and compassion for others that experience the same lies and illusion.To become ourselves in the truest and deepest sense, we must face our own duality, which of course includes facing our darkness. As souls we strive for wholeness, not for perfection.(see email to Beverly 9/20/09 related to this paradox and breakthrough) The greatest gift to your higher self will generally be the greatest curse to your ego / dark side as it will generally push the boundaries of the ego (belief system) to the limit and the ego will do anything to survive and eliminate the threat. Meanwhile, your higher self will embrace it and there will be a battle until this paradox is reconciled and the ego let's go as it is exposed to the Light of Truth.(Soul Perspectives: 'The Way of the Cross,From a scientific perspective, whenever you get a differential in pressure / density you get vortation. A wave in water causes vortation, a temperature differential causes vortation. The vortation is due to the coriolis acceleration. This is equivalent to positive and negative. I.e., whenever there's a positive and negative there is motion to balance out: male and female. Also, the greater the polarity, the greater the vortation, energy and growth opportunity.Vortex:vortex action is induced by differential conflict between the low and high tensionsAll corpuscular (a discrete particle) action in Nature is vortex motion.See Russell Periodic Chart of the Elements to apply polarity from that perspective

Duality and TriplicityFrom the personality perspective life is a duality. Virtually all approaches to health, therapy and life are based on this idea of the mutual exclusivity of opposites. With this perspective you are either well or not well, good or not good. If something exists in yourlife which contradicts what you want, according to this perspective, it should then be eliminated.Duality follows linear processes. The past has created the present. From this perspective, there need not be any meaning in the present except as an effect from past causes. In this kind of thinking, if we don’t like what is present we can change it or eliminate it.From our philosophical perspective life is a triplicity or trinity. Triplicity allows for transcendence. The third point is the place where the opposites come together and coexist in tension, without eliminating either one. This is a level of synthesis which involves a new creation which is a transcendence. This triplicity enables us to experience another dimension. Cause, therefore, is not seen to be in the past but at a higher level of our being that operates intelligently and purposefully. The cause at the higher level is an archetype that actually enables the duality to exist. So when we transcend the duality we are returning to the archetypal, causal level.This is a more inclusive perspective that both sees the purpose of duality, and makes space between the opposites.

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This is the soul space where opposites co-exist in a unity. So, for example, to be in pain can be useful. Nothing has to be eradicated or eliminated. Everything exists for a reason, and that reason within us has to do with broadening our experiences and deepening our consciousness.When we see the meaning and purpose in something, and learn what we need to learn from it, its existence is no longer required. There will be no necessity to sustain it, so it will naturally be transformed. If it persists, it means that we have not learned sufficiently from it.

The Law of Three All the sacred trimurtis from all religions correspond to the three primary forces of the universe. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit constitute a Trinity within the unity of life, an omniscient and omni-merciful whole. All the cosmic phenomena, all creation, are based on the three primary forces.Every mode of the Life-power has three kinds of expression: 1. Integrative; 2. Disintegrative; 3. Equilibrating. The third balances the other two. It’s a three-fold manifestation of Spirit in every plane.According to this threefold scheme, the First Principle of the Matrix-Seed is generative, active and willful. The Second Principle is material, receptive and formative. The Third Principle is harmonizing, rational and integrative. Many metaphors have been used to describe these abstract forces: fire/water/air, father/mother/son, energy/mass/mind, etc.

In its self-expression the One Thing presents itself under 3 aspects. Thus we find triads, or trinities, in every religion. For example, Father, Mother, So; will, love and mind of God; life, love and light; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma...

Subconsciousness, Self-consciousness, Super-consciousness.(See “Case-Paul-Foster-Occult-Fundamentals-Spiritual-Unfoldment-Volume-1.pdf”, Section A: Lesson 2 for detailed description of each consciousness)

Belief Systems: 3-D Polarity, 3-D Polar Opposite, 5-D emergent Universal Truth. Personality trio: programmed emotional addictions, rational mind, ego.

Contemporary scientists recognize force and resistance, the positive force and the negative force, the positive and negative cells—that is to say, the masculine and feminine cells, etc.—but they ignore that any phenomenon, any creation, is impossible without a third, neutral force. It is entirely true, certain, that one or two forces cannot produce any phenomenon, yet scientists think that the positive-negative forces can produce all phenomena. Electricity is not only positive or negative; electricity also exists in its neutral form. One or two forces can never produce any phenomenon. Thus, whenever we observe a halt in the development of anything, we can state with absolute certainty that the third force is missing there.

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The three primary forces separate and unite anew; they are divided and cosmically multiplied. Within the Unmanifested Absolute, the three primary forces constitute in an integral manner an indivisible and self-cognizant unity. During cosmic manifestation, the three primary forces separate and unite; phenomena, worlds, universes, etc. are created in those points where the three unite.

In any phenomena in the physical plane there are always three forces, principles or three components. They include the convergent, divergent, and emergent components. It consists of the fact that every phenomenon, on whatever scale and in whatever world it may take place, from molecular to cosmic phenomena, is the result of the combination or the meeting of three different and opposing forces. Examples include: 3 primary colors (by varying the intensity of RGB lights the human being can perceive the entire range of color spectrum),The emergent component is an integration of the convergent and divergent components. The emergent component is the unseen force that emerges from the interplay of the convergent and divergent forces when they are in harmony, synergy, sympathy. It’s the neutrality that creates the flow, the movements of life. The emergent component is always sympathetic and synergistic: greater than that sum of the parts.Emergence cannot come pressure, forcing, control, expectations. It must come from the void or unknown.

BioAmy Method (by Leonardo Wild):Three sides to every problem: convergent, divergent, emergent. Three types of problems: existence (system, structure, content); change/process (input, output, in-between); transfer (start, end, in-between).Start with the basic 3 sides. Each side (convergent, divergent, emergent) then becomes the fractal of itself. i.e., each side then gets analyzed with the same convergent, divergent, emergent breakdown. You keep doing this until you get to the root of the problem and find a solution.

From “In Search of the Miraculous - Fragments of an Unknown Teaching”The teaching of the three forces is at the root of all ancient systems. The first force may be called active or positive; the second, passive or negative; the third, neutralizing. But these are merely names, for in reality all three forces are equally active and appear as active, passive, and neutralizing, only at their meeting points, that is to say, only in relation to one another at a given moment. The first two forces are more or less comprehensible to man and the third may sometimes be discovered either at the point of application of the forces, or in the 'medium,' or in the 'result.' But, speaking in general, the third force is not easily accessible to direct observation and understanding. The reason for this is to be found in the functional limitations of man's ordinary psychological activity and in the fundamental categories of our perception of the phenomenal world, that is, in our sensation of space and time resulting from these limitations. People cannot

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perceive and observe the third force directly any more than they can spatially perceive the 'fourth dimension.Every phenomenon, of whatever magnitude it may be, is inevitably the manifestation of three forces; one or two forces cannot produce a phenomenon, and if we observe a stoppage in anything, or an endless hesitation at the same place, we can say that, at the given place, the third force is lacking. Only it must here be remembered that a phenomenon which appears to be simple may actually be very complicated, that is, it may be a very complex combination of trinities.Returning to the world in which we live we may now say that in the Absolute, as well as in everything else, three forces are active: the active, the passive, and the neutralizing. But since by its very nature everything in the Absolute constitutes one whole the three forces also constitute one whole. Moreover in forming one independent whole the three forces possess a full and independent will, full consciousness, full understanding of themselves and of everything they do.The three forces of the Absolute, constituting one whole, separate and unite by their own will and by their own decision, and at the points of junction they create phenomena, or 'worlds.' These worlds, created by the will of the Absolute, depend entirely upon this will in everything that concerns their own existence. In each of these worlds the three forces again act. Since, however, each of these worlds is now not the whole, but only a part, then the three forces in them do not form a single whole. It is now a case of three wills, three consciousnesses, three unities. Each of the three forces contains within it the possibility of all three forces, but at the meeting point of the three forces each of them manifests only one principle—the active, the passive, or the neutralizing. The three forces together form a trinity which produces new phenomena. But this trinity is different, it is not that which was in the Absolute, where the three forces formed an indivisible whole and possessed one single will and one single consciousness. In the worlds of the second order the three forces are now divided and their meeting points are now of a different nature. In the Absolute the moment and the point of their meeting is determined by their single will. In the worlds of the second order, where there is no longer a single will but three wills, the points of issue are each determined by a separate will, independent of the others, and therefore the meeting point becomes accidental or mechanical. The will of the Absolute creates the worlds of the second order and governs them, but it does not govern their creative work, in which a mechanical element makes its appearance.Let us imagine the Absolute as a circle and in it a number of other circles, worlds of the second order. Let us take one of these circles. The Absolute is designated by the number 1, because the three forces constitute one whole in the Absolute, and the small circles we will designate by the number 3, because in a world of the second order the three forces are already divided.The three divided forces in the worlds of the second order, meeting together in each of these worlds, create new worlds of the third order. Let us take one of these worlds.

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The worlds of the third order, created by the three forces which act semi-mechanically, no longer depend upon the single will of the Absolute but upon three mechanical laws. These worlds are created by the three forces. And having been created they manifest three new forces of their own. Thus the number of forces acting in the worlds of the third order will be six. In the diagram the circle of the third order is designated by the number 6 (3 plus 3). In these worlds are created worlds of a new order, the fourth order. In the worlds of the fourth order there act three forces of the world of the second order, six forces of the world of the third order, and three of their own, twelve forces altogether. Let us take one of these worlds and designate it by the number 12 (3 plus 6 plus 3). Being subject to a greater number of laws these worlds stand still further away from the single will of the Absolute and are still more mechanical. The worlds created within these worlds will be governed by twenty-four forces (3 plus 6 plus 12 plus 3). The worlds created within these worlds will be governed by forty-eight forces, the number 48 being made up as follows: three forces of the world immediately following the Absolute, six of the next one, twelve of the next, twenty-four of the one after, and three of its own (3 plus 6 plus 12 plus 24 plus 3), forty-eight in all. Worlds created within worlds 48 will be governed by ninety-six forces (3 plus 6 plus 12 plus 24 plus 48 plus 3). The worlds of the next order, if there are any, will be governed by 192 forces, and so on.(Continue on Ch. 5)

The Law of Seven The law of Seven is a law of vibrations. Just as in modern physics, this ancient idea considers the world to consist of vibrations, and this is a general law to help understand this, for practice use.

(See “Case-Paul-Foster-Occult-Fundamentals-Spiritual-Unfoldment-Volume-1.pdf”, Section A: Lesson 4 for additional info on the Law of 7)

To increase the rate of vibrations of a material, we need to apply energy to it. E.g, to raise the temperature, you need to apply heat to a substance. In popular physics not much attention is given to the fact that the increase in the rate of vibrations is not always directly related to the rate of application of energy, i.e. applying energy at a constant rate does not always give a constant increase in the rate of vibrations. A very simple example is in heating water from ice to steam - there are two points, the point when the ice is at 0 degrees C, but not yet melted, and the point when the water is at 100 degrees C, but not yet steam. At these two points, one has to keep applying heat for a longer period of time for the temperature to rise.Now, the theory is that this pattern will occur for vibrations in any kind of material, and here we are talking about a wider category of material than physics usually deals with, for instance, one's own psychology.The points of slowing down in the rate of increase of the rate of vibrations are called intervals.Thus a process can be broken into three stages, that before

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the first interval, that between the first and second interval, and that after the second interval, just like the stages ice, water, steam.We go a step further in this theory, and break a process up into 7 steps, or 8, with the last step in some way considered equivalent to the first. In Western music, there are 7 notes, DO, RE, ME, FA, SO, LA, SI, forming an octave. This terminology is used in the work to refer to any process taken from what would be called Do to Do, the start and the end.It is very useful to have an understanding of octaves, as activities will follow octaves.An idea from physics which may be related:In an atom, electrons orbit a nucleus in various "electron shells", i.e., only certain (discrete) levels are allowed, they can't orbit just anywhere. A quantum leap is when an electron, excited by a greater input of energy, suddenly jumps to the next assigned orbit. There is no "in between" orbit allowed; it's like they disappear from one orbit, and reappear in another. Like crossing an interval between two notes of an octave.The law of octaves involves the complete process of the note "do" going through a succession of tones until it reaches the "do" of the next octave. The "do" must pass through 7 tones which represent the Law of Seven. The final "do" is the eighth step, which is a repetition of the first tone but in another octave, and which acts as the end of the first process and the beginning of the next.There are two intervals in the octave, called by Gurdjieff "shock points", which, when added to the eight mentioned above, gives ten steps. Thus, the law of octaves, and the process of development which it expresses, actually involves the numbers 1-10.According to Gurdjieff, in order to understand this law, it is first necessary to regard the universe as consisting of vibrations."These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, densities of the matter which constitutes the universe, from the finest to the coarsest; they issue from various sources and proceed in various directions, crossing one another, colliding, strengthening, weakening, arresting one another, and so on." (ISOM 122)Traditionally in the West, vibrations are regarded as continuous, proceeding uninterruptedly, either ascending or descending, until the force of the original impulse naturally weakens.Ancient knowledge, however, places at the base of the understanding of vibrations the principle of the Discontinuity of Vibrations. This means that the force of the original impulse in vibrations does not act uniformly, but becomes alternately stronger and weaker, leading to periodic accelerations and retardations.Vibrations develop in a regular way according to the nature of the original impulse, but at a certain moment they slow down and no longer "obey" the original impulse: they begin to change their nature and direction. After this temporary retardation, the vibrations again proceed uniformly until another check in their development takes place. The periods of uniform action of the momentum are not equal

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and the periods or retardation are not symmetrical.The laws which govern the deflection of vibrations from their primary direction were known to ancient science and were incorporated into a formula which has been preserved up to our times, known as "the octave."The ideas of the octave have been handed down from teacher to pupil, from school to school. One of these schools found that it was possible to apply this formula to music. This resulted in the development of the seven-tone musical scale, which was known in ancient times, then forgotten, and then discovered again.According to G., "The seven-tone musical scale is the formula of a cosmic law which was worked out by ancient schools and applied to music." (ISOM 124)However, the law of octaves can also be found in light, heat, chemical, magnetic and other vibrations.By studying the seven-tone scale, one can gain a foundation for understanding the cosmic law of octaves.A musical octave is the period between one do and the next, and is divided into seven unequal parts. The differences in the notes or the pitch of the notes are called "intervals". The smallest intervals occur between mi-fa and si-do, and these are the precise places of retardation in the octave. When octaves are spoken of in a "cosmic" sense, only those intervals between mi-fa and si-do are called "intervals".This law explains why there are no straight lines in nature, and why ordinary human beings can neither "think" nor "do" and why everything happens in a way opposed to what is desired or expected. All this is the clear and direct effect of the intervals-- retardations in the development of vibrations. At these moments, deviations from the original direction take place.Deviation after deviation can eventually result in the line of the octaves turning completely around and proceeding in a direction opposite to the original direction. If this continues, it may even return to the original direction, making a complete circle.The law of octaves explains many phenomena in our lives which seem incomprehensible:First, there is the principle of the deviation of forces.Second is the fact that nothing stays in the same place or remains what it was; everything is moving, going somewhere, changing, and inevitably either develops/ascends or degenerates/ descends.Third, fluctuations are constantly taking place in the rising and falling, ascending and descending.The right development of octaves-- that is, octaves which develop in a consecutive and orderly way--is based on what looks like an accident.Octaves intersect and meet, and in some way or another one octave will fill up the interval of the other, making it possible for the vibrations of the receptive octave to develop freely and without checks. Observations of this have established that if, at the moment when an octave is passing through an interval, there enters into it "additional shock" which corresponds in force and character, the original direction will be maintained without a loss or change in its nature.

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Shocks occur accidentally. However, those lines of development which are straightened by accident can give people the impression that these straight lines exist naturally and are the rule rather than the exception. People then live under the illusion that it is possible for them "to do", that is, to attain a projected aim.In reality, according to Gurdjieff, people can do nothing, and if they do attain anything, it is usually either by accident or only a superficial resemblance to actual attainment. But people then convince themselves that they have achieved their aim and give the impression to others that anyone else can also attain their aim. In reality, this is all an illusion. A person can easily deceive themselves and take the result "obtained" as the result desired.Control over things begins with control over ourselves. Most people have no control over things within themselves. However, this control can be attained by understanding the law of octaves.By recognizing the moments of the intervals in one's activities, a person can learn to create the additional shocks that are necessary.

The Law of the Center (Equilibrium)

Every system has a center point or optimum point that it operates efficiently and effortlessly. It is a dynamic equilibrium point that requires a dance of various systems to adjust in order to maintain it. For example, bee hives need to stay at roughly 86 degrees at all times to ensure the pupa develop properly. The bees huddle up in the cold and flap their wings in the heat. So they are constantly adjusting to keep the hive at the equilibrium point. When the external conditions of the system is off center (or out of equilibrium) it takes more energy for the system to maintain equilibrium, and therefore must have additional energy or support to maintain that equilibrium point. If the system is off center for too long a period, or the external conditions are way too off center, it will go into chaos and the system will shut down or collapse. This critical point is called the "tipping point". Examples of this law at work include:

● Physical body: homeostasis, temperature, nutrients, alpha/beta brain activity, rest and activity

● Nervous System: the proper operation of the nervous system is based on a delicate balance of excitation and inhibition in which the neurons are in a neutral state until another neuron excites it, which is then balanced by an inhibitor neuron.  When this delicate balance is disturbed that is when nervous system disorders occur.

● The poison is in the dose: In other words, anything in too great a quantity is poison.

○ However, in small doses certain things can be very beneficial (i.e., homeopathics)

○ In addition, our physical bodies are designed to handle extremes for short periods of time. It's the prolonged, consistent exposure to a stressor that is the problem.

○ It's a delicate balance to maintain the center of the whole.

● Emotional: Neutral, non-judgment, stress, fight/flight● Feedback control systems operate in a linear range

around a center. If the system goes off the center the  (C) Jaime Alvarez, 2013 45

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system goes into chaos, or goes into a safe mode of operation where it can operate with limited functionality.

● Honey hive temperature: the bees can maintain a constant hive temperature of 86 deg for a fairly wide range of outside temperature. However, an outside temperate of about 120 deg the bees can no longer maintain the 86 deg internal temperature. At this point, the temperature of the hive goes from 86 deg to 120 deg instantaneously.

● In Chaos Theory: The state-space view of strange attractors, such as the Lorenz attractor that makes a butterfly figure is a sort of homeostasis at a state-space level.

In Tarot equilibrium is best represented by Key 11, Justice. From TF L25: The idea of equilibrium implies that of duality. Balance is the result of equalizing opposing activities or forces. Equilibrium is the result of 2 forces, but if these were absolutely and permanently equal, equilibrium would be immobility and consequently the negation of life. Movement is the result of alternated preponderance: warmth after cold, mildness after severity - this is the secret to perpetual motion and the prolongation of power. To operate always on the same side and in the same manner is to overload one side of a balance, and the complete destruction of equilibrium will soon result.

The physical body is a conductor of electricity and flow and connection and therefore has various frequencies that operate throughout the body.  As you know certain things vibrate at different energetic frequencies.  The body in order to connect and flow has to maintain those frequencies in order to be in neutrality.  Anything that pulls the immune system down, any outside factor whether it be chemicals, radiation, too much sun, to hot, too cold, wrong food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes begins to create an imbalance and the body is out of harmony and the Homitoxicology begins to reveal this as to where the body is vibrating at.

"The toxemia of unbalance is man's only ailment." The Divine Iliad

"A center of introductory action is necessary in all operations of Nature. All structures require a foundation. This neutral center is the foundation.

"Every molecule, every mass, every moving body in space, every solar system, every stellar system, EVERY ROTATORY SYSTEM, is built about a NEUTRAL CENTER. It is the indestructible unit around which all that we recognize as matter is built. Immovable itself, it moves all things. Indestructible itself throughout infinity of time, it creates all things. It produced and preserves the incalculable energy of motion of the entire Universe. It bears the unthinkable burden of the mass of the Universe. It is the most wonderful thing Man has discovered in the Universe since he discovered fire.

"If we should take a planet of say 20,000 miles diameter and

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should displace a portion of the interior so as to have a crust of say 5,000 miles thickness, and at the center of the planet, place a billiard ball, that small mass, immeasurably smaller than the bulk of the earth, would bear the entire burden of the mass of the crust 5,000 miles thick and would keep it equidistant from itself. No power, however great, could possibly displace this central mass so as to bring it into contact with the crust. Furthermore, to move this central mass in any direction, would require a force sufficient to move the entire mass of the planet, and in propagating or continuing any such motion the neutral center, this billiard ball, will at all time periods remain still in the exact center, bearing the same equidistant relation to its hollow shell. The mind staggers in contemplating the burden borne by this neutral center, where weight ceases."Russell - "God begins each electric thought-wave? at a point of His White Light at the intersection of the three inner planes of the cube, which are at right angles to each other. This point of beginning is the wave fulcrum. It is also the point of idea-conception in Mind. It is the centering eye of the inert gas of the elements which spring from that plane. It is, likewise, the cathode? center of man's electric current and the beginning of the wave-shaft? which extends two ways to divide the red half of the spectrum from the blue, to create separated father and mother bodies. Here also is where time and all other dimensions begin, as well as all other effects, such as life, compression, polarization and heat. Here also is where all depolarizing dimensions and effects end and disappear into invisibility, silence, and cold? stillness of space.God creates three pairs of disunited male and female bodies upon His extending octave wave shaft - and then a united fourth pair at His thought-wave? amplitude. This united, balanced pair is an incandescent sphere. At that point in the wave, and that only, the disunited father and mother unite as ONE at its white center. One of its hemispheres, however, is still the red light of the father and the other one is the blue light of the mother; for each is still extended from its centering Oneness?." Atomic Suicide?, page 111-114

The Principle of Gender Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. See Masculine and Feminine Principles. Male and Female attract to form the oneness and co-create in their image and likeness (fractalate through recursion).

The Principle of Rhythm (Law of Cycles) -Synchronicity

Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. The law of compensation states: the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates; the one balances or counter-balances the other. Balanced Oscillators are examples of cycles where it oscillates from positive and negative extremes. There is a time and a season for every purpose. Everything cycles. If you go with the rhythm and flow of the Universe you work less. If you go against the rhythm and flow of the Universe

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you will work hard. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Cycles are like fractals. They repeat the same patterns at different time scales. You can also see cycles in the state - space diagrams used in modeling chaotic systems.Cycles are an imperfect two-dimensional manifestation of multi-dimensional causal energies made measurable. CYCLES ARE CAUSE MADE VISIBLE"B.T. Anklesaria, a great Zarthusti scholar explained ... that Zarathustra for devoting his whole life ... is asking for a very superior type of reward. The prophet was asking for the complete knowledge of the stars and planets and their influence on mankind. It is noted in the ancient Iranian history that Zarathustra was very proficient in Astronomy and Astrology."“Under the circumstances, logic drives up to a choice of alternatives. Either these cycles are  purely coincidental – a matter of straight chance - or they're what we call secondary, or forced, cycles, produced by some outside agency. Now, the number of cycles involved would appear to rule out pure coincidence, so we go to the forced cycle, which is the kind of cycle the Foundation is interested in. The Foundation’s hypothesis -and it's only a hypothesis- is that there is Something Out There that is somehow forcing all those cycles. 'Out There' could mean in the sky, in the atmosphere, or even inside the earth. Obviously, it would be a boon to mankind if we could prophesy the precise dates when various cycles would reach specified stages. It would help the farmer plant his crops, help the weatherman make his forecasts, help the doctor ward off epidemics, and, of course, help the stock speculator make profits."

"And yet evidence is mounting that there is "something out there" - some force, or forces, that affect every living thing on earth, and it does so with rhythms that have taken man through cycles of war and peace, prosperity and depression, optimism and despair, discovery and isolation, morality and degradation, creativity and ignorance, famine and plenty." - CYCLES - The Mysterious Forces That Trigger Events (1971) - Edward R. Dewey

Cycles synchronyWhile conducting some research at the Stamford library, Dewey encountered a report on biological cycles. As he read the report, he realized that the cycles biologists had identified in nature, were in fact, identical in both length and timing to those he had described in business and stocks. The implications of this discovery were to change his life, along with the lives of many others who would follow him.Even the least of your personal activities is a particular expression of some more extensive cycle of cosmic activity. Every detail of your personal life expression is adjusted to the sweep of currents of universal energy. Whatever we do is part of the cosmic ebb and flow.

An example of impact of planetary alignments to spin of objects on earth:http://www.enterprisemission.com/Hyperdimensional-Eclipse.htmThis experiment is also related to the law of vibration.

Cycles in nature and the Universe are fractal: patterns repeat at different time scales. (time domain to frequency domain)

Cycles: expansion / contraction; birth -> growth -> maturity / fulfillment -> decay -> death -> rebirth / reborn -> ...

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Rest and Activity; expansion and contraction; ebb and flow.

What surrounds us now is the culmination of a stream of events coming out of the past. Thus the present represents the end of a cycle of preceding activities.

Because things happen in cycles and time and season, you need to approach the initial stages of a new endeavor/belief system with FAITH. You can't see it in manifestation yet because the initial seed planting process does not bear fruit. So you need to walk in faith knowing that the fruit will come.

To change a belief you need to repeat the new belief system several times and consistency of the message. Repetition and consistency creates new habits.

To comprehend the Law of Cycles / Rotation is to secure the satisfaction of every desire.

Structural Changes:In general, cycles dominate the landscape. Things ebb and flow, rise and fall, until there’s a structural change. Structural change is when the fundamental structure of the system changes, ie, key features of a system change: basic cultural values, goals. When this type of change occurs the previous (shorter-term) cycles may no longer apply: new cycles kick in.

Cycles Alignment:There's a time and a season for everything. Work with the cycles of nature and your work will be easy. Work against the cycles of nature and your work will be difficult and painful. That means that when you are co-creating an inspiration you need to take the opportunities when they present themselves. You need to walk through the open door before it closes. Think of stock timing cycles and natural planting cycles. If you don’t act at the right time you can waste time and energy waiting for the next cycle opportunity. What stops us from aligning with the cycles? Procrastination, fear of the unknown, cognitive dissonance. So we must be aware and receptive to what’s going on around us for the open door in the cycle.

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. Astrology is the study of cosmic cycles and the impact to humans and the earth. So it integrates the Law of Correspondence (as above, so below; micro is reflected in the macro) with the Law of Cycles. Energy and matter (synonymous terms) can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed, cycled.

Related to recursion (returning to the start of itself).1) To recur, to return upon the start of itself; to be cyclical.2) "Ricorsi" is the pure form of reflection; the turning or bending back of mind upon itself.

Key 10 and Manifestation / Co-Creation:The center of the wheel represents the First Unity whence all motion originates. It is the world in which all the potencies of manifestation, however extensive that manifestation may be, are concentrated into a single POINT.

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Surrounding this center, the smallest circle stands for the Creative World or mental plane.In the next circle are the alchemical symbols of the forces active in the Formative World.The outer circle contains letters which suggest the manifestation of the WORD, or the Logos, stands for the Material World, or World of Action.

Economic & Political Events:Bad times can lead to major political changes. But what they don't realize is that the reverse is not necessarily true: Political changes are usually not enough to reverse the bad times! No matter who controls Congress and no matter who is in the White House, they still must deal with the same powerful, real-life problems and historical forces — massive build-ups of debts, deficits, and entitlements ... huge inventories of unsold assets (such as empty, foreclosed homes) ... and more. See the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/how-to-time-the-market%E2%80%99s-biggest-moves-40284?FIELD9=1http://www.foundationforthestudyofcycles.org/Per the research of FSC they have found the  true cause of cycles can be found and validated in planetary orbital elements. The microcosm is truly connected to the macrocosm. See "Cycles Synchronies" by Edward R. Dewey for more details. Cycles synchronies are that wide ranging phenomena occur with the same frequency, such as population changes, sun spots, economic cycles, planetary cycles. No matter what discipline they all occur at the same frequency. Something has to be the root of the phenomena that causes all cycles. There is a unifying connectedness amongst all cycles. In addition, there are harmonics existed in the cycles of different fields of study simultaneously. These cycles are most often separated by a factor of two or three. Dewey believed that there was an external force, probably emanating from the sun that affected the electromagnetic field of the earth that altered the chemistry of all life on earth in regular, predictable patterns.

A major lesson of cycles is that Mother Nature is way too powerful. If we try to resist the natural cycles with control and manipulation we will suffer significantly. Case in point: the Fed expansion of the money supply from 1990 - today. It will lead to a complete collapse of the monetary system. Same goes with our false belief systems. Sometimes these are hidden from us until an event occurs in our life that triggers that false belief system and we are forced to deal with it then. We can either wait till that crisis event occurs, or we can clear the false belief systems now. This way when the energy does hit we are able to flow with the energy rather than resist it.

Example application (see gmail 'update from Mike on ICCC' reply from Hunt Henion for background):The universe is interconnected. Nature (the motion of the stars, planets, cycles of the Earth) are dominant to human activities. In other words, humans are subordinate to these dominant patterns and cycles of nature. At best what we can do is simply align to the changes and integrate with them to

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become one with them. We cannot change them, we can only change how we react and respond to them. To think that by meditating and shifting our consciousness we can change the cycles of the universe, we are deluding ourselves. God does not play favorites, all follows Natural Law. If we somehow could change these dominant patterns and cycles with our consciousness, that would mean that the entire order of the universe would have to change to accommodate that since everything is interconnected and the Sun is no separate from the universe. The Sun is powered by the universe and is therefore subordinate to the dominant cycles of the universe. It cannot change that. We cannot change the cycles of nature. We must subordinate to them and become as ONE with the Universal energy flow governing these cycles. With knowledge of cycles one can be several steps ahead in preparation, anticipation of what’s to come. We can anticipate the open door so we can prepare to walk through it at the right timing.

Some of the fundamental empirical laws of cycles:■ Certain common cycle periods appear in many

seemingly unrelated disciplines.■ Cycles Synchrony is the observation that cycles of

the same period often have the same phase.■ Cycles harmonic ratios is the observation that the

common cycle periods are often related by ratios of 1:2 and 1:3 and their products.

■ Cycles outside the earth are related to cycles on earth. This was a conclusion that he came to reluctantly because at first it sounds like astrology.

Cycles may also related to the mathematical discipline of Statistics. Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, and interpretation of data. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics

Cycle endings, such as a death of a loved one or some material object that we are very attached to, force us to change in some way whether we want it or not. When we lose something near and dear to us that we feel we cannot live without, we either let go and embrace the new, or we live in great pain and suffering. During these times the more we try to hang on and control the situation, the worse things become. These times are usually times when our subconscious dark side comes up to be healed. However, they are never easy. These are always the most challenging times. But with challenging times comes the possibility of great transformation. Pluto cycles in astrology is an example of these times.

The true nature of time is synchronicity. The Mayan calendar system was designed to synchronize the micro with the macro, the personal with the Universal. A true understanding of cycles leads to a complete synchronization with nature, the universal, the infinite.

If you start something that is in the flow you must complete the cycle. If you start on a project then you either complete it or clean up the mess if you choose not to complete to the

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ending point. Both are completing the cycle.

In nature and in human affairs there are never just one cycle that impacts one area of life. All cycles interact to affect other areas of life. For example, the sun cycles impact the business cycle since the sun output impacts the food production output. Cycles can add up or cancel out impacts of other cycles. In the case when they add up where you have the peaks of cycles upon cycles upon cycles all converging at the same period of time, there can be massive change and transition in a very short period of time. A 'perfect storm' scenario. In addition, one cycle can trigger another cycle, which together may lead to triggering another cycle or chain of events that leads into the chaos before the order. This may explain the apparent acceleration of experience during certain periods in history, including the 2012 convergence as prophesied by the Mayans and many other ancient civilizations. The Shift of the Ages is in fact a confluence of various macrocosmic cycles all converging at the same time to create a huge shift. It happens to be around the start of the 21st century.

Resonant frequencies (or natural mode of vibration) are another concept related to cycles that can explain this acceleration of experience. At the resonant frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude vibrations, because the system stores vibrational energy.

Does life really start at conception, or is it just a continuum of the other side of the pendulum? Science has in fact found that life really started way back when the first cells started replicating many hundreds of millions of years ago. A new human life started way back when the first cell replicated for the first human in existence. The cycle repeats itself in a continuum. The DNA telomeres reset the biological clock.

Consciousness and the Brain: apparently when neurons in the brain fire synchronistically at 40 Hz that is when the overall awareness starts. Synchronistic firing of neurons.

Probability and Statistics: reflects our imperfect knowledge of nature. They are not fundamental laws of nature in themselves. Instead, they offer a way to understand cycles of processes.

The Principle of Entrainment(coupled oscillators)

Rhythmic Entrainment - "The process of many unsynchronized vibrations coming into synchronized motion, first one with another, then at an ever quickening rate, the others fall into synchronous action with the first unit."Entrainment is the process whereby two or more interacting oscillating systems, which have different periods when they function independently, spontaneously assume the same period.  The oscillators may fall into synchrony, but other phase relationships are also possible. The only requirements are the oscillators have some form of coupling or interaction / communication with each other, and are similar enough. This is found in mechanical systems and biological systems.The system with the greater frequency slows down, and the other accelerates. This is also known as oscillator coupling.

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The accepted explanation for this is that small amounts of energy are transferred between the two systems when they are out of phase in such a way as to produce negative feedback. As they assume a more stable phase relationship, the amounts of energy gradually reduce to zero. In the realm of physics, entrainment appears to be related to resonance. An example of this is two large pendulum clocks in the same room. The dominant clock (or larger of the two) will gradually entrain the subservient clock to match its frequency. This happens because the vibrations from the dominant clock transfer through the floor and space around it to the subordinate clock, and over time the forces balance out.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EntrainmentThis law may also be applicable to the concept in spirituality that: "As I AM lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me."This principle also works the other way: people will generally fall in line with the mass consciousness, or the dominant belief system at that time.

The Tipping Point(‘hundredth monkey effect.’)(related to Out of Chaos Order, Principle of Correspondence, Leverage)

Small events trigger large cascade events when you have connected, interdependent, adaptive agents all operating from a threshold-based behavior. The threshold here is key as that is what creates the sudden tipping point. This shows up in how large conflicts arise (WWI), avalanches, traffic jams, natural disasters, bee hive temperature, and other natural systems that have a point at which nature can no longer sustain the external influence and completely shuts down. In addition, phase changes in natural systems are also tipping point events. You can also tie in the cycles upon cycles impact. Maybe they are dependent and one triggers the other and so one, causing large cascade event.Another way to say this is that natural systems  include diverse, interacting, adaptive entities who's micro-level behavior produce macro level patterns, to which they in turn adapt to creating new patterns.In neurology when all parts of the brain synchronize.Tipping points also follow the power law distribution, as opposed to the central limit theorem with bell curve distribution. The reason is that power laws are based on connected, interdependent events or entities that adapt when something changes around them and thus create new patterns, which in turn are adapted with the potential to cause various positive and negative feedback loops. It's a dancing landscape that is both robust and prone to large events and phase transitions. Whereas bell curves are created from independent, separated, random events (with probability curve distributions) that all follow the Law of Large Numbers. In fact, most models of this type do not consider space at all. Instead everything happens on a pin needle based on probability curves, which is not quite reality. Tipping points are also related to self-organized criticality. Feedback loops and diversity in the behavior thresholds among the agents creates these tipping points. Positive feedback loops = more begets more, causes instability and tipping points. Negative feedback loops = more begets less, leads to stability.We cannot control complex systems through intervention. At best, we might be able to learn to harness complexity to tame the lion. At the same time learn to respect complexity.

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An actor in a complex system controls almost nothing, but influences almost everything. So attempts to intervene may be akin to poking the tiger with a stick.Law of Leverage: wherein a small amount of energy exerted to change the course of events at a present time (at the right moment) can move mountains in the future. Subtle nudges produces large changes.The Tyranny of Small Decisions: The basic idea is that a series of small decisions, each one rational in its limited scope from a limited POV, can lead to poor or even very bad outcomes when taken all together applied over a more general or universal scope. "Peer Reviewed Literature” usually becomes authoritarian and thus subject to tyrannical use. Each decision has a significant flaw or limitation that is ignored in their application. Can also include the Law of Unintended Consequences as a corollary to this.How to best deal with complex systems:1. Recognize when a situation / problem is complex (see definition)2. Identify the levers and dials you have control over.2.a) Cognitive Diversity: enhances exploration, avoids 'group think', dominant logic or paradigm where everyone thinks the same way. This can lead to missing important information or ideas if those ideas do not fit into the dominant logic.2.b) Selection Mechanism: includes goals and incentives for promoting people and for generating solutions makes a huge impact on the overall solution that gets generated.2.c) Build in slack: due to interdependence of multiple moving parts any uncertainty gets absorbed in the slack. You don't want to have too much optimization (or so obsessed with small efficiency gains) as that may create a cascade reaction that leads to a large scale failure.2.d) Build in links, agents, actors that are synergistic with your goals.2.e) Cut out links that limit innovation, creativity.2.f) Keep an eye on the tail. A small scale item can create a large scale cascade due to the complicated feedback if not careful.

The Law of Harmony When we think of harmony we typically think of music, as this is a clearly seen, or heard, expression of harmony. When sounds are harmonious they are pleasing to us. When notes are combined in different ways they can produce chords, which are used to produce pieces of music we can enjoy together. What is interesting about this example is that for a chord to be produced from a combination of notes, each note must contribute to that formation. Otherwise, discord results from the disharmony.When a note ‘disregards’ the whole of which it is a part and does its own thing, discord results. When an individual disregards others and is focused just on doing his or her own thing, disharmony is often created. Just as the note finds its true value in relation to what it contributes, so too humans find their personal value and deeper satisfaction in their contribution to others.This contribution does not imply conformity, however. When we conform we lose our individuality and our personal uniqueness and value. It is this unique value which is our most precious contribution to others.

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Symbiotic relationships are about integrating with nature to benefit both, living in harmony.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; every action has a reaction; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for a Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. Nothing happens by chance. Chance is merely a term indicating cause existing but not recognized or perceived. Phenomena is continuous, without break or exception.  A little consideration will show anyone that there is in reality no such thing as pure Chance. Webster defines the word "Chance" as follows: "A supposed agent or mode of activity other than a force, law or purpose; the operation or activity of such agent; the supposed effect of such an agent; a happening; fortuity; casualty, etc." But a little consideration will show you that there can be no such agent as "Chance," in the sense of something outside of Law — something outside of Cause and Effect. How could there be a something acting in the phenomenal universe, independent of the laws, order, and continuity of the latter? Such a something would be entirely independent of the orderly trend of the universe, and therefore superior to it. We can imagine nothing outside of THE ALL being outside of the Law, and that only because THE ALL is the LAW in itself. There is no room in the universe for a something outside of and independent of Law. The existence of such a Something would render all Natural Laws ineffective, and would plunge the universe into chaotic disorder and lawlessness."Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower." — The Kybalion."In the spiritual life, every cause is also an effect, and every effect is at the same time a cause."-Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

What came first? We don't know what came first because there is no beginning, and there is no end. What is real is eternal, and timeless. And even though there is no timeline, there is perfect order, perfect organization, definite purpose. So here we are, a part of it all, a cause and also an effect.

Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. This law has to do with choices and consequences. Awareness allows someone to make a different choice and sow different consequences. We can change our patterns when they no longer serve us. We are given free choice to take whatever actions we choose. However, the consequences of those actions are governed by Natural Law.Cause and effect from an information theory perspective has to do with information transfer from one time and space to another.Universal Principles are the root cause of all effects. Consciousness is principle in operation. Principles are what direct and guide energy flow. We are holograms of the macrocosm; therefore, we have the same powers of creation as the macrocosm, God.

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The centuries old idea of a strict separation between body and mind suggested by René Descartes is false. Our thoughts and feelings are not limited to our bodily internal experiences of reality but have a measurable and provable effect on the outer world. Science can no longer claim that consciousness is solely the domain of spirituality and that there is a strict borderline that should not be crossed.It has brought quantum physicist Amit Goswami to believe that we have held the world upside down. It’s not that consciousness is an effect of the materialistic world; no it’s the very cause of it. But if this is true, if consciousness creates the physical world, what does it create it from? Consciousness is pure principle in operation, like the laws of nature are pure principle in operation that guide and direct energy flow. THe principle is beyond the physical. Energy IS. Principle guides and directs it.

Law of Karma is a corollary of this law. However, Law of Karma can be broken through grace. By letting go of old belief systems and adopting new belief systems the Karma of the past will no longer propagate to the future.Cause -> [Field and Flow] -> Effect. Where [Field and Flow] is the medium. So the same Universal Principles are governing the outcome, but are being applied in a different medium.Cascade reactions, chain reactions where one cause leads to an effect, which triggers another cause which leads to another effect, and so on...Simultaneity of cause: What happens first? Sometimes events happen simultaneously rather than linearly. For example, cycles upon cycles occurring at the same time.The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. We need to work with cause that directly deals with the result we are looking for. Otherwise, we get the same results as before.Linear Cause and Effect:A simple proportionality between cause and effect, where the whole is equal to the sum of its parts. Centralized, top-down linear chains of command. Linear cause - effect chains, and straightforward logic. Reduce the whole into its parts and isolate the parts to understand how they work, then put them all together to understand the whole (i.e., reductionism). Static, no motion, dead. This is how most people are trained to think. However, most things in nature cannot be analyzed and understood in this way as nature is intrinsically non-linear. Examples include: any step-by-step cook book methods, blueprints: building a house, any assembly line manufacturing process.Non-linear Cause and Effect:Parts are interconnected, interdependent, adaptive, diverse, changing state moment by moment, looping back on each other. Every part affects every other part. The whole is not the sum of its individual parts. Look at things from a holistic, integrated perspective. Decentralized, bottom-up structure. Complex feedback loops. Dynamic, Life. All the beauty, variety, creativity, and miracles in nature and Life are only possible in this realm. Examples include practically anything in nature. Neurons are non-linear: stimulate them twice as much and they do not respond with twice the effect. The vast

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network of genes, proteins and enzyme reactions that controls how every cell in the body grows and divides. One very interesting example is the genetics. Traditionally genes have been thought of as blueprints of life. This is not the case. Genomes are in fact alive and very complex. It turns out that some regulatory genes code for proteins that can turn other genes on and off forming complex circuits and feedback loops. It is this non-linearity that creates the dynamic, complex, beauty, variety and adaptation we see in nature.

Law of the Circle / Upward Spiral

This law states that what we experience in life, anything in manifestation, is a direct result is simply a result of what BE we have projected at some point in the past. Our experiences may take several years, or even lifetimes to manifest themselves. In any case, regardless of the timeframe, they are our creations or miscreations from our BE. This includes all positive and negative experiences in our life. They come back to us to reflect and learn and grow from. We have consequences for who we're BEing, our thoughts and choices we have made.If we are conscious and aware, this is an upward spiral of exponential growth, where we learn from our consequences and grow, and heal our past by identifying the false BElief system and integrating Truth. However, if we are not open to receiving then this is simply a circle where we continually experience the same things over and over again without any growth. Obviously, this state cannot continue for too long, for our true nature is to reflect and grow.Whatever we experience in our life has nothing to do with the person or physical object/situation that is at the forefront of the current physical experience. In fact, we would have experienced what we're experiencing by some other person or thing anyway, because if we're being triggered by a situation, then we are tied energetically to it to heal something. So it's never about the other person or thing that is bringing this to our awareness. It's always about us and what we must learn from the experience. They're just the vehicle Universe is using to deliver the message at this present moment. If it wasn't them, it would have been someone else. If we become victims of the vehicle, then we never learn the lesson. To be open to receiving you must not judge the person or situation. They are where they are and at their core, they have the seed of a perfected pattern of Divine blueprint. Thank Universe for the lesson and focus on that and on the lesson that you need to learn from the experience. Recognize the illusion and lie of your BElief system and transmute it with the Truth of who you are and the U.P.s.

In life you are either growing in upward vortational spiral (synergy), or your are decaying in downward vortational spiral (entropy). There is no in between as everything is always in motion. "Without vision my people perish". Without the seed, the inspiration to nurture and propel you forward you decay and die. For we are ultimately co-creators.

The Hebrew letter Kaph printed on the Tarot Key 10 represents a hand in the act of grasping, or a closed fist. Close your fist and turn it with the thumb toward you. See how the forefingers and thumb form a spiral. The activity of

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the One Force is not simply circular in form. It is spiral. Thus, and only thus, is growth possible, does evolution come about. The motion appears to return to its starting point, but at each revolution it begins at a higher level.

The Law of Karma Corollary of Law of Cause and Effect, action and reaction. The Law of Karma says that the past determines the future. The Law of Karma is the consequence of the rotation of the cosmic cycles. We are trapped by our past and cannot change our future because our past has already defined what our future will be. This interpretation of Karma operates when there is only an unconscious operation and no choice or power.

What is Karma:Karma is not Fate, nor is it what the Greeks personified as Nemesis. Neither is it Kismet of the Mohammedans. Primarily, Karma means simply “action”, but it has also the additional connotation of “work”. Many suppose that the Law of Karma is exactly expressed by the scientific truth, “action and reaction are equal”. Others, rightly, say the Biblical text, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”, sums up the Law of Karma.Yet the analogy suggested by “action and reaction are equal” is false if the working of Karma be supposed to be exactly the same as that of action and reaction in physics. Throw a ball against a wall and the distance of its rebound will be slightly less than that of the original throw, the difference being accounted for by the energy absorbed by the wall and by the ball at the point of impact between them. But if he who throws the ball runs forward toward the wall, and is able to catch the ball half-way between the wall and the place where the ball was thrown, a new element enters. That is, though action and reaction are always equal, the consequences of past action may be considerably modified by subsequent action.Again, though what is sown must be reaped, the Bible does not say, "What you sow you must eat." If tares be mixed with the wheat, they may be separated when the crop is harvested and gathered into bundles to serve as fuel for the ovens where the bread made from the grain is baked. We do not escape the results of past action, but we may change the results by what we do now.This is the outstanding lesson of Key 11. We weigh the meaning of present conditions. We strike a balance by exerting ourselves positively to overcome the negative consequences of past errors. We use the sword of discrimination to eliminate mistaken thought and action, and to separate the wheat from the tares. We overcome evil with Truth, and we begin in our minds by seeing to it every day that we sow and cultivate a crop of positive thinking, and carry out our thinking with corresponding action.Many Occidental students of Oriental Philosophy have interpreted the teaching on Karma to mean that each individual is a law unto himself and that he will reap exactly as he has sown in this or former lives. However, there is another aspect which requires deep consideration. Ageless Wisdom teaches that each individual is a particularized unit in the One Self. When the liver is ill, the entire body is affected.

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When the liver is healthy the entire body benefits. In like manner, every individual affects, and is affected by Humanity in general.As a social unit, we reap the benefits of science, technology, electronics, etc., enjoying a host of the "good" things in life, contributed by a few individuals. This can be thought of as our participation in the group karma on the positive side. But likewise, the unevolved expressions of individuals will also affect the Whole. There is no justice or pain which we do not partake of in some measure. We share the One Life together, in all its aspects. Let us then, work unceasingly to transmute our thinking, feeling, and doing. Let us modify our individual Karma and thus help to modify the Karma of the world. Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32)

Cause & Effect:The mistake which enslaves us consists in getting cause and effect inverted in our consciousness. Causes are never external. Effects are never internal. Nothing that is outside can change your inner life no matter how much you may seem to be affected by what happens, by what people say and do, by stellar influence, or by anything else in your environment. All these things modify your vehicles, your physical and etheric bodies; but those bodies are just as much part of your environment as houses and tress, tables and chairs.So long, however, as you impute to these externals a power they do not really possess, your subconscious will accept the suggestion and it will exercise its control over your vital functions so as to make your personality play the part of bond-slave to circumstance.

Karma Can be Modified:It is true that action and reaction are equal, and that today brings us into situations which are consequences of our past actions. We have to work with these situations as they arise; but it makes a deal of difference whether we approach them ignorantly or intelligently as a conscious co-creator. If we know the law, we may produce results not spontaneously provided by natural reactions to stimuli originating at some period in the past. It is by bringing about the situation pictured as the taming of the Red Lion (Key 8) that the Cosmic Reason may be brought to bear for the adjustment of Karmic reactions. The modification of Karma by right discrimination and right judgment, applied to work or action, is the outcome of processes typified by Keys 8 & 9.The Law of Karma is a natural law of consequences inherent in life in order to teach us to be conscious and to become responsible in order to balance our life. Responsibility is an aspect of love. So when we are responsible love is present and it prevails over karma - that is, karma has served its purpose and then ceases in that aspect of life. Responsibility and love are soul expressions - expressions of consciousness which balance karma.When the person is able to change their past belief systems with grace, they change their future. Grace is based on the truth that there are no mistakes. Life is an experience to learn and grow from. Jesus Christ brought in the principle of

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grace through forgiveness of 'sin' (missing the mark).  We are not trapped by our past. We are open to receiving through the female principle so we can learn the U.P.s and align with Universe.

What keeps us in stuck in destructive patterns is the shame cycle. The shame cycle does not acknowledge grace and instead we will be in denial, defending, attacking, and withdrawing from life. Grace allows us to learn from our mistakes and forgive others for their mistakes. We acknowledge that we are not perfect, nor do we seek perfection. We instead seek to be whole (integrating the dark side with the light of truth).BTW: Grace does not need an in between, such as Jesus in Christianity. Each and every human being is endowed with grace and with the ability to change our belief systems, patterns as we learn from our mistakes. We learn from our mistakes intentionally when looking at improving a process (i.e., bug tracking system, etc.).

Forgiveness:How do we forgive when we’re angry and hurt?As a first step, we can be willing to truly feel our anger and hurt. Honoring our feelings by being fully present with them helps to release the feelings themselves.And it helps to remember that people only hurt others when they themselves are in pain. When we can recognize the other person’s suffering, our heart can open in compassion. We can also remember that at some time or another, we too have hurt someone through our own unskillful action.Only love can heal the rifts caused by a hurtful deed. Forgiveness holds immense power because it mends separation. It moves us towards the unity and love that lie at the core of our being. It is a fundamental part of the healing process.The law of karma is the law of cause and effect. It works unavoidably when there is no consciousness -- when we are not present in the moment and self aware. When there is no consciousness, the past creates the future. The consequences from karma are accelerated when one person is acting out of a false belief system (lie) and projecting this to another who is self aware and can see the lie immediately. The self aware person will not accept the lie and false illusion of the other and reflect it right back so the person can experience their karma immediately. If we extrapolate this to an entire community living in truth an U.P.s, any lie or false illusion will not be tolerated at all and therefore the karma of a person in a lie will experience their karma immediately when in such a group. Anything that is out of integrity with truth will be called on immediately to shine the light of truth on it. And through this process thus transmute lies to truth. When this is done at a critical mass level that is when mass consciousness begins to shift at an accelerated level.The law of Love or Grace supersedes the law of karma. It intervenes in the process by focusing in the present. In fact, one could say that Love is being fully present. When anything is initiated in Love in the present, the future of that reality will be purposeful, meaningful, loving and powerful.

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the Law of Karma demonstrates the existence of a duality that needs to be harmonized and transcended. In order to do that the Law of Love needs to be activated. The implication then is that any relationship where there is anger, resentment, conflict, obligation or unfulfilled desire there needs to be resolution. That resolution can only be reached when we are ready and able to accept, forgive, let go and love. This is responding to the Law of Love, and thereby balancing karma. Karma involves specific learning that will enable us to love in a particular situation.

Man can make a full and complete conquest of his future. He can make whatever Karma he chooses. Some persons are so afraid of "making bad Karma" that they do nothing whatever to improve the conditions in which they live, or they simply take no action to deal with their present conditions. Yet this very inaction to improve our current conditions is action in the wrong direction. "Inaction in a deed of mercy is action in a deadly sin." Others are afraid of "interfering" with Karma. It can't be done.You can generate fresh Karma, but you cannot change the immutable law nor interfere with it. You must reap what you sow, but you may select your seeds and so determine the nature of tomorrow's harvest. We cannot escape Karma. As for today's tares among the wheat, use your discrimination. You can put even bad Karma to good use if you are ingenious.There is also the type of person who "invites his Karma", and immediately begins to have all sorts of unpleasant experiences which he "bears" with a proper facial expression of uncomplaining martyrdom! What has really occurred is that he has had the silly notion that Karma is identical with sorrow and disaster. Thus he has more or less definitely imagined evil forms of experience, and subconsciousness has faithfully reproduced his mental pictures in the materials constituting his environment. These self-deluded martyrs have not let loose their Karma from a Pandora's box of afflictions in the custody of the Lords of Destiny. They have simply indulged their imaginations in making patterns of evil, and what they get is what they have made.

The Law of Transformation

The Law of Transformation is about dissolution and change. This change is often felt to be adverse because its outcome is unknown. Yet without continual change life could not exist, and that even if it could, its monotony would be unbearable.Dissolution of form is imperative for growth. When forms break down, energy is released to be utilized for further development. Stone disintegrates to form soil and from soil springs the vegetable kingdom. Animals eat vegetables and incorporate their essence into a higher type of organization. Man eats both animals and vegetables and builds the chemical energy of their cells into his own body.Man is immortal and can never die. Though his bodies change and disintegrate a thousand times, he remains.Learn to welcome change, and overcome fear of it. The future holds what you have earned, in conformity with past action and with patterns you are now making. Welcome it with a smile. Willingly let go of the past and attachments to allow something greater to take its place.

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Resistance Causes PersistenceRxx -> Prxx, Rigidity -> Pain and Suffering(related to Law of Polarity)(see also Ch 8 in Psycanics, You Are the Creator)

The Law of Resistance says that the more you push against and deny something the more it persists and grows. When we Rxx something we give it energy. In other words, if we resist something, then we stop the natural energy flow and exchange. Therefore, it stays the same and persists and grows as we add resistance energy to it. This is related to duality, me vs. you, judgment, not open to receiving from life lessons (i.e., mistakes are BAD). Don't go after and fight against an evil directly (i.e., a vengeance to control things). This is not the same as a boundary and limit, which is a safety and self-love based. That which you fight and push against will grow and persist.

Rxx is about control: an effort to protect ourselves from what we judge as “bad” and keep ourselves in what we judge as “good”. Judgment of “bad” and “wrong” is what keeps us in Rxx.

The emotions work the same way. Anytime we make our emotions wrong we push against them and they grow and become more persistent and intense.

Law of Change: the only constant in life is change. Life is change. Nothing is permanent. “This too shall pass.” The paradox to change is: when you try to change, you can’t, because you are Rxx what is. When you stop Rxx and give SPACE to what is, things will change naturally in the flow of life. You cannot stop change, but you can control its direction.If you want something to disappear from your reality, give it no energy (Rxx). If you want something to stay and persist, cultivate it (give it energy).

In fact, all forms of cognitive biases are a form of attachment to a particular POV, and a Rxx to all other POVs. Whenever we have an attachment you have a simultaneous Rxx to anything that is not the attachment. (see how the subconscious works to see why this is so) How do you combat these cognitive biases? By cultivating dissention of pet POVs, and be open to a larger perspective. A commitment to seeking Truth. Note that every 3-D POV is a partial truth. These always have a polar opposite that will be in duality.

With stress there is always something that needs to be accommodated or integrated or detached from. With stress there is always some resistance happening - sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious. Identifying the resistance can begin the process of letting go and accepting.The shame cycle is the cycle that keeps the emotions in place. The shame cycle gets in place when we judge something as BAD or wrong, like when we make a mistake or we don't get what we want. If we judge the mistake as BAD, then we're not open to receiving the lesson, and ultimately, the blessing behind the lesson. We don't admit a mistake because of the feelings of shame and guilt associated with it. Admitting a mistake means we have to feel the shame and guilt. So to avoid feeling the shame and guilt we deny the mistake and close our hearts from feeling anything. So we're stuck. When we're stuck we can't feel any joy or love. Instead we're in defensive mode, fight / flight, shrinking mode. This of

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course impacts our health, because our entire body stops growing, and when it's not growing and repairing and nurturing itself, it starts decaying and dying. Not only that, over time this denial becomes a pattern that keeps us from truly experiencing life fully, and keeps us in total fear of making a mistake or fear of not getting what we want. So, we stop living for fear of making a mistake, and instead we try to use force to control our environment. But that fear kills us slowly. To live life you must open your heart to receiving everything: the mistakes and the triumphs. The mistakes and triumphs are just judgments anyway, illusions. The key is to be open to receiving so that you can immediately make a correction towards hitting the mark. The faster you admit a mistake, the faster you're able to recover and make a new choice. Think of feedback control systems. They are always making corrections after measuring the "mistake/error" so that it eventually hits the target. That's why we have time. So embrace your mistakes. It's always okay to make them, but then be open to correct them and learn for next time. Live life fully, embrace it all. Mistakes is how we grow and learn. Perfection is death, denying mistakes is death. Open your heart to all for yourself and humanity, especially those loved ones around you.We need to make friends with what we reject, what we see as "bad" in ourselves and in other people. We must not only tolerate what we find painful, but actually approach it more deeply, more whole heartedly rather than trying to escape from it. The only way to do this successfully is with an open heart, letting it soften you. This way you are not attacking it or seeking to eradicate it, but instead embracing it. For only then will it serve the purpose for which it exists and can reveal to you the gift hidden within it.There are different ways in which we resist. They include, but are not limited to: suppression, avoidance, cover up, push against, fight against, controlling, forcing.In neutrality there is no me vs. you, duality. There is no rescuing or BAD. There is only flow and connection with Universal Law. Instead of pushing against something you allow it to Be; you give it SPACE. You allow the drama to unfold and put up limits and boundaries for your safety. However, you don't need to get involved with the drama.With emotions you allow the energy to express its itself so that it completes its cycle and a new BElief system can be established.Resistance also expresses itself when our thinking suppresses our natural BEing expression. This stops us from expressing who we are.

Chaos:Control - The predicament of all life is uncertainty and contingency. Chaos theory demonstrates that being in control is and illusion. Chaotic systems lie beyond all our attempts to predict, manipulate and control them. Chaos suggests that instead of resisting life’s uncertainties, we should embrace them.Creativity is lost in our obsessions with control and power; in our fear of mistakes; in the constricted grip of our egos; in our fetish of remaining within comfort zones; in our continuous pursuit of repetitive or merely stimulating pleasure; in our restricting our lives to the containers of what other people think; in our adherence to the apparent safety of closed orders; and in our

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deep-seated belief that the individual exists in an irreducible opposition to others and the world outside the self.

In Communication / Coaching:When others are bitching and moaning to you about their life circumstances, don't make them right or wrong for that. That just creates resistance to their communication to you. Instead, reflect back to them what they are feeling. Let them recognize their emotions around their situation so that they are empowered to do something about it. Once they are able to express their emotions, then you can empower them to see their situation from a more empowered perspective.

NIsGOB & CarPriCon: It is not BAD to create BAD, and there are many and strong CONsequences for doing so. The CONsequence of creating BAD is suffering. It is impossible to suffer without first having created an opinion of BAD.What Is, Is, as It Is.Your unhappiness is never What Is = Reality.You unhappiness is your Resistance to Reality.Your suffering is your negative emotional energy, your resistance to What Is as It Is. Your suffering is your resistance to the events. That resistance can exist only in the presence of BAD—and you are the only creator of BAD.BAD is the trigger for all your negative emotions = suffering. You are the sole Creator of BAD. Who, then, is the Creator of all your suffering? That’s right: you! You are the Cause, the Creator of all your suffering, and you do it by creating BAD.What Is (reality) -> BAD (perception / hallucination) -> Rxx Experience / What Is -> (psychological) Pain & Suffering (Shame and Guilt) -> Prxx (energize) of BAD -> (greater) Rxx. You lose all cause over and become the Effect of what you Rxx. What you Rxx begins to control you as you focus your actions on controlling and attacking it with your energy. It appears that the thing or event you are Rxx causes your pain, but this is just another illusion. Another way to look at this is: What is / Something happens -> perception of threat (judge it as BAD) -> triggers amygdala (survival organ of brain) -> fight / flight / Rxx of experience (what is) -> control situation, event to avoid the worst case scenario of pain, suffering, misery, hunger, etc. Over time this condition becomes chronic. The same trigger creates resentment, anger, distress, brooding, cynicism, depression, anxiety over the future, indifference.The perception of BAD (that which should not be as it is) lives in the brain: BAD is not real. BAD is always an opinion, POV, a subjective reality. For anything we judge as BAD we can find a POV from which it is good (law of polarity). There is no objective reality of good or BAD. It is always a personal opinion, POV, a particular, individual creation of the human mind. BAD is a falsehood, a lie, an illusion, a hallucination, delusion, a distortion of reality.LAW: NIsGOB & CarPriCon: Nothing is Good or BAD - and everything, every action, every entity, has Characteristics, Prices, and Consequences.

To avoid shame and guilt we go into forms of Rxx such as denial and avoid taking responsibility for our actions, because taking responsibility means that we take on the shame and

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guilt. This all comes from the creation of BAD. When we stay neutral we're able to simply see that there was a consequence to our action and learn from that consequence. We don't have to take on the BAD label and feel the shame or guilt. Instead, we take responsibility for our actions and the consequences and clean up the mess and learn from our experience for next time.Stop the battles"When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever. As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power."What are you fighting?Resistance always brings pain. Examine your struggle. What does your personality want from the situation? What does your soul want? What can you learn from this?Always strive to mend separation and achieve unity. Always choose love over fear. If you can embrace whatever you are struggling against, the struggle will disappear."What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear. You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it."

You cannot create what you want by resisting what you have:One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”  This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in the Causal Body of God.The key is that we need to face these challenges and co-create new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.In addition, changing the external system alone can never provide true love, power and freedom. True freedom, love and power from inner conscious knowing, not from an outside institution, law, or system (EEQ). We must transform and heal our inner illusions before we can make truly transformational changes in the external.Life is to be fluid, and you are to be fluid. You are not to be rigid, nor are you to bind yourself to one position from which you cannot move. Let your heart flow.Integrate with Nature, Your Environment: go with the flow, minimize energy expenditure. If you try to control your environment and other your will use lots of energy. When you use lots of energy you get sick, tired, cranky, rigid, and exhausted. Let go of the need to control. When you integrate with nature you actually grow in power.

Make a list of everything you think is imperfect in your life. Don't be judgmental or critical, just write down everything

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you think is wrong with your life and how it is or isn't working. Then, when you have written it all down, next to each one write down how you can change it, starting each sentence with "It is perfect that I now am/have _________ and I now move it into a new state of perfection by ______." For example, if you wrote that you love life is imperfect, write down "The love life I now have is perfect and I can change it by being willing to give and receive love now." Do this exercise thoughtfully and take your time because as you claim perfection in your life, you also acknowledge your power to create something different.

Revolution: The idea is not to overwhelm with force and violence, but to undermine with truth and ideas.It is true that the State has the guns, but we have the information and, with the advent of the Internet, the means to distribute it.

The Law of Assimilation(Synergy, Symbiosis, Attraction, Resonance, Emotation)

Every individualized object assimilates itself to all other objects in successive moments. This is the first aspect of the Law of One. It is related to the centropic energy inside the particles looking for unbound and true liberation, which is the liberation of matter since matter is but condensed energy. The particles try to individualize (i.e., entropy), but the attractive forces force them to assimilate.Synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Wholeness is more effective than the separate parts.See also Principle of Correspondence, Fractalation and Emergence in complex systems.Symbiotic relationships are an example of this law.This law is also related to Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection and Evolution of Species. How nature evolves is through symbiotic relationships with other organisms. It’s not about competition and survival of the fittest. It’s about which organisms are most symbiotic and synergistic with its environment. Those are the organisms that survive and thrive. In fact, human beings have 100 trillion cells in their body. Of those, 90% are not human cells. Instead they are fungi, bacteria, and micro-organisms that have a symbiotic relationship with the human energy.Life is nature’s trick to overcome entropy.

The Law of Individualization(Entropy)

Every such individualized object tends to assimilate itself to itself in successive moments. This is the second aspect of the law of One. This is how entropy is manifested. The particles want to be free as individuals. Application of Entropy: when we eat food we eat a higher frequency food and we extract the energy and order in the food. Then we poop it out as low energy, disordered substance.Ultimate fulfillment of entropy: The return to the womb, to the unmanifested. Life is “against the wind” and that´s the purpose of the existence of life: To increase energy, the way of negentropy.

Like attracts Like Like attracts like: draws into itself what it is (to build collective consciousness). I.e., if you want to manifest abundance you must have a belief system of abundance.Why do opposites in relationships seem to attract? On the surface opposites seem to attract. However, what is really the attraction is to fill an empty void inside to make up for a weakness in who the person is BEing. This is still looking

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external to fill the internal, which is a victim belief system. So at the belief system level, like attracts like, victim attracts victim and there's attachment.In belief system work a specific belief system will attract to it its like kind, and will filter its environment for its like kind (i.e., we project out who we're BEing). In addition, you will also be confronted with its polarity since you will be more aware of the opposite polarity as you work on integrating the new belief system.

The Law of the Dominant(There is no free will)

Every such individualized object is such by virtue of the higher or dominant force which controls the above two tendencies. In other words, there is a principle cause behind every effect that is independent of time, space, or observer. This is the third aspect of the law of One.There is no free will. There is only free choice (or volition or Ego will), but we cannot choose the outcome of that choice. The outcome is left to God, Universal Principles. Not my will (Ego will), but Thy Will. There is an innate intelligence in operation in its unfoldment. Things will come into your life in the grand unfoldment process that is in control whether you choose it or not. This is the realm on synchronicities. We may not always be open to this guidance, but when we are we experience total freedom, joy and love as we integrate with the Universal Energy flow. When we don't listen we end up experiencing fear, stress, pain and suffering because we try to control from the Ego limited perspective. There's a higher intelligence in operation and control that governs what we  end up experiencing. This is why everyone will eventually wake up to the Truth of who we are. God's law (Universal Principles) is in operation always, and through that law we will be guided back to Him.Free will and control are illusions. The only choice is to align to Universe. Control is an illusion as everything is in Divine Order. The Universe is a complex system of interconnected, adaptive, diverse agents that together create a dancing landscape, emergence from the micro to the macro, etc. It's impossible to try to control a dancing landscape.The need to control comes from the 3-D paradigm of scarcity, fear of the unknown, insecurity and disconnection from Source. This is why our 3-D science isolates things and simplifies nature to try to control it and harness it. But this disconnects it from its true source and blocks energy flow.“Above all else, rid yourself of the delusion of self-will. Learn to be receptive to the inner guidance of the only Will-power there is. Obey the true Will which is above you and behind you. Remember always that the true Will is never your own.” Your personality is an instrument or vehicle for expression of the same limitless Will-power which manifests itself throughout the universe as the power which marks out specific fields of concrete expression for the One Life.

The Fundamental Forces and Tachyons

The Fundamental Forces consist of the Strong Force, the Electromagnetic Force, the Weak Force and Gravity. The strong and weak forces can also be related to the law of polarity, neutrality.There are subatomic particles that are not bound to a nucleus and instead travel from higher dimensions in the cosmic rays at speeds higher than the speed of light.  These particles are

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called tachyons.  The electromagnetic and weak forces cannot stop tachyons, except the strong force.  Gluons in the atomic nucleus can stop tachyons.  Gluons are subatomic particles that glue quarks together in atomic nuclei.  The gluons trap matter at the subatomic level keeping matter densified in 3D.Tachyons are the components of the Spiritual Light as photons are the components of the physical light. Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that infuse physical matter with spiritual light.See also the discussion on Electric Universe and the unification of the forces to the electromagnetic force (E-EOG.pdf)

The Law of Identity There is a fundamental unity among all manifested things; the differences that we observe in the universe are due solely to time and space. If we're not in time and space we have no form; we're not limited. We all originated from the same thing when time and space did not exist. We need to have an identity to be in the physical and co-create Heaven on Earth. An identity can be created and uncreated. We are the creators of our identity. We can choose to create false identities (victim), or essence identities (co-creator).Until essence recognizes itself in reflection of something other than itself, it essentially has no being of its own.At the singularity of the white (big bang) and black holes (the center of the torus) time and space cease to exist. At that point we find the four fundamental forces become one, the zero point. There is no identity. We are at the void of creation.

The Law of Justice We experience pain and suffering when we are out of alignment with Universal Principles. That pain and suffering we experience is a signal that tells us we are out of alignment with Universal Law. This law in truth presents a learning opportunity to reconnect to Universal Law. The Law of Justice is a corollary to the Law of Cause and Effect; What You Sow, So Shall You Reap. It may take some time for the full consequence to manifest in the physical plane, but it eventually will. This message can be better summarized as "shift or shaft".We are given free choice (volition) of our actions. However, God (Universal Law) reserves the right to determine the consequences of those choices.For those that are open to learning the Law of Justice is an opportunity to identify when we miss the mark so we can learn a higher truth and evolve to higher levels of consciousness and connect to nature. For those that are operating from the animalistic nature and are unconscious of their behavior the Law of Justice will eventually crumble all structures and systems of control, force, illusion and lies. At that point the person will either get to a point of complete surrender to a higher power and truth, or will perish physically through the overwhelming pain and suffering. There is always a choice.(see 'The Way of the Cross' Soul Perspectives)The Book of Job in the Bible (see BOTA audio on Job):The book of Job relates to the process by which human beings raise in consciousness when they attach to whatever it is in

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the physical plane they may have and lose it. Job had it all: the women, the money, lots of children, morality, everything. He was righteous and physically had everything he could ever want. His spirituality was tested to see how deep his spirituality went. In the testing he consequently lost it all and he suffered significant pain and suffering. He suffered because he was attached to what he had. Once he realized his suffering was due to his attachment to his stuff and the attachment came from his Ego (that which is separate from God) he was able to get to peace and therefore reach a higher level of consciousness. The lesson here is that life brings us opportunities to grow. If we're afraid of losing something, then we are attached and stuck in our Ego. By losing it, we either suffer significantly or we transcend the Ego and raise ourself to the next level of consciousness. Any so-called "loss" is an opportunity for growth. That is the true gift. For if we indeed judge it as a "loss", then we will suffer and not learn the lesson. When we see from the perspective of Truth, then we limit the suffering and open ourselves to receive. However, if we get stuck in the attachment and illusion (guilt, shame, doubt, unworthiness), then we suffer significantly. If we apply the Law of Justice properly we will grow tremendously. As an aside, the "Devil" in the story represents the forces that test our faith and spirituality. It serves a purpose.

Out of Chaos Order The entire purpose of Universe is to create order. The farther we are away from U.P.s the greater the chaos created and the greater the tension or pull to create order and balance.Things that appear in chaos have an underlying order that is not apparent at first. Chaos is sometimes necessary to create a new order. The old structures must be destroyed in order to rebuild on a stronger foundation. The process of destruction and change creates great uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Our tendency will be to try to control and resist the process. However, when chaos first starts if you try to control it there will be greater chaos. If you allow the chaos to unfold you will see the order on the other side of chaos. Don't try to rescue others who create chaos. Instead give them back their power and responsibility to clean up their messes. You will see order arise out of the chaos as others take back their responsibility and power. This requires that you step into the chaos in Faith the order will arise out of this chaos. This is a co-creation process. Co-creation requires you to let go of control and surrender to the process.Tarot Key 16: Unless we have been shocked into wakefulness by some crisis in our lives, we may never enter into the enlightened state. So long as we remain isolated in our false creations.The world is not to be put in order; the world is order, incarnate. It is for us to harmonize with this order. When we don't harmonize with this order we experience great chaos, eventually.The Peace amongst the chaos. You are peaceful within yourself as the chaos unfolds all around you knowing that it is unfolding in accordance to Universal Law, and through the co-creation process you have a say in how it unfolds. Remaining focused and centered within in the midst of the chaos and stress in the external. The external is merely a reflection of

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the mass consciousness.Chaos is also necessary for change and transformation into a new order. When something is in disarray for a long enough period of time the natural laws kick in to create order. When a caterpillar makes its transformation inside the cocoon, its structure falls into chaos, virtually disintegrating. The chaos is part of the transformation.Behind all our fears is the fear of losing control, and behind that is the fear of death. In fact, loss of ego control is equated with death in the personality. To overcome fear and stop the controlling behaviors, one must face death with equanimity.Fear not only keeps us in chaos, but increases the chaos. We then try to control, force, and resist (working against nature) out of fear (OCD), which only adds greater fuel to the fire. Faith in the principles and in the knowingness of who we are gets us out of chaos. To get out of the chaos we must connect male and female to create neutrality and flow.Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results also increases the chaos is there to put things back in alignment with the natural order.(see also "Seven Life Lessons of Chaos")Out of Chaos OrderAll that is necessary for non-equilibrium systems to create order out of chaos is the influx of energy.  The simplest and most elegant example of this is when he put a thick, viscous fluid in a beaker and put it over a source of low heat. As expected, after a while the fluid at the bottom rose to the top, cooled, and sunk to the bottom, at first in a haphazard way. But with time, if the beaker and heat distribution was symmetrical, the rising and falling fluid would create convection cells, with a smooth laminar flow. Eventually you could look at the top of the beaker and see a dozen perfectly polygonal columns surfacing at the top where the rising fluid turned around. Symmetry and order had been created out of a chaotic fluid.Entropy:The concept of entropy can also be related to this law. In a closed system, entropy is the tendency for systems to break up and degrade over time (create greater disorder) unless there is creative energy input into the system to keep it in place. This is because entropy is irreversible and therefore requires creative energy (morphogenetic fields, consciousness) input to reverse entropy. If the creative energy is taken away, the system disintegrates and goes back into the nothingness that it came from until a creative energy utilizes the same raw material for another cause. Life, or creative energy, can also be described as the entropy reduction, or syntropy. Higher consciousness is the reduction of entropy.Entropy is generated when we go against the nature. It is chaos in action to bring things back into balance and order. Entropy is really just a judgment by humans that somehow nature is messy and "bad" because, from our limited perspective, the entropy is causing something wrong to occur. Yet it's just doing what it needs to do to blend things back into the universal order. If we were working with Universe then we would continuously work with Nature to co-create heaven on earth.See the following for additional information:

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The Scientific Laws of Nature

The human race has progressed significantly in developing the rational mind and knowledge of the material world to the extent that we now have the capability of creating technology that can be very destructive and toxic to the Earth and humans. However, human beings have not developed the understanding of the Universal Laws and the knowingness of who we are to develop and employ technology that is beneficial to all.In many cases the scientific laws of nature are more mathematical models of how nature reacts. We create "laws" that are really simply hypotheses that have so far shown to be consistent in our experience so far. The problem with this approach is that the mathematical models are merely a shadow of the truth, or the principle behind its operation. The math model itself is not truth. We get into trouble when we accept the equations (math models) as truth and use them to build up new models to explain new phenomena. It's almost like taking the old and incrementally adjusting it with "fudge" factors so that the old models fits the new phenomena. This process is a clear indication that the scientists have no clue what they are doing. They are merely mathematical masturbators.

From Chiefio blog: http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2012/01/13/fundamental-laws-of-nature/#comment-28954“Hawking is effectively saying that the law of gravity applies when there is ‘nothing’; that X creates X; and that ‘nothing’ becomes something. But a physical law is not a physical thing, it is merely a description of properties and behaviors of something that already exists. Laws have no power over anything, they do not control, regulate, create, explain or cause. They produce no events, they merely describe patterns to which events conform; they have no causative or sustaining power. t\There can be no laws of motion without motion, no laws of gravity without gravity etc because the laws are merely the descriptions of the properties of the things themselves. ‘Laws of nature’ do not have any real and independent existence apart from the properties and phenomena they describe” except perhaps in the mind of the infinite.”

Adolfogiurfa appears to approach it here with his “In the beginning we have nothing else but a force, say=1, and the void around=0, and, and, just to establish a way, a route, of reasoning, like being in the ancient Greek “Agora” : I actually developed this along three field or concepts. Zero is one field, one through any number is another construct, and infinity is a separate field, containing one through any number, but forever beyond it. Forgive the length, but it takes a little to articulate.


Field one = 0Zero is neither cause nor effect in an absolute sense. “Nothing can come from nothing. Zero is, in a sense, the ultimate atheist and believes in nothing, being wholly negative, the absence of anything. It is useful in exploring the “first cause dilemma of duality”, or things relative.

Field two is 1 through any number.Field two is the domain of science, and can be both an effect and a

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cause. Two plus two equals four. Four is the effect, two and two are the cause. (Duh)

Everything in this field (1 through any number) demands both cause and effect. Everything in this field is relative. It must be able to be measured and quantified. It is subject to time, which runs in one direction, and space.

Classical mechanical theory and quantum physics still require relativity, and to be quantified. A photon is something, and quantifiable. The Higgs field, if found will be quantifiable. The Singularity must be described in other then absolute terms. Every effect is preceded by a prior cause. There can be no effect without a prior cause. All causes are themselves an effect. Cause and effect is a chain and it, with the arrow of time, moves in one direction. In this sense science is the study of how all things in the cosmos interact, and the laws that govern those interactions. Science is constrained to time and space and relativity. Science cannot contain absolutes. I maintain that science is, in its essence, “cause and effect” as quantified by relative numbers.

Field two is incapable of giving one hypothetical “first cause” no matter how right or wrong, which is not relative and in turn demands another prior cause. And this is the dilemma of field two. It cannot explain itself. It is perfectly suited to examine and explain how it operates. However it cannot logically explain how it came to be, yet it cannot always have been. To state that everything came from nothing (Field one) is not science. To state that “everything” always was, is an assertion of ignorance, not a scientific explanation. Steady state theory, brane theory, cyclic big bang theory, all in essence, state that everything in field two is a complete mystery, and always will be, because everything inclusive, (quantifiable by one through any number) themselves have no cause, having always been.

Any attempt, via field two tools to explain “one“, the “first caused” will invariable lead scientist to infinite energy beyond time and space explanations. When a scientist says something is beyond time and space he is not saying what it is, he is saying what it is not. He is making a confession of the limitation of his tools. A confession of inability, is not an answer. Logically and mathematically Field two cannot explain or deny field three, or itself, it can only explain things within itself, and due to the arrow of time, every number but one. Any adjective used which can be quantified by a number, can in turn be an effect, or resulting sum from a proceeding cause. Marconi stated, “The inability of science to solve life’s mystery is absolute.” Field two cannot explain absolutes.

Science can eventually explain everything in field two, “One through any number” except for “one”, the first caused. “One” is unique in this field, in that it can never be explained without relating to field three. One is the “first caused” anything that is measurable and quantifiable. Field two is the perfect agnostic and logically states, I cannot know. All scientist who hold science as the sole means of knowing anything should logically be agnostic.

Field three is infinity. It is not a number. It cannot be measured. Nothing on its own or combined inclusive ever done in field two can equal field three. One trillion times one trillion, is no closer to measuring field

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three then one plus one. It is not subject to time or relativity. It is a concept that cannot be denied, yet cannot defined by field two. The human brain, being a field two construct, cannot explain yet cannot deny the existence of field three. Any attempt to imagine the end of space or the beginning of time for instance, is forever met by the inevitable question, “What is beyond that? What came before that? When talking of the expansion of space the human brain says expansion into what?

Field three is undeniable, yet forever immeasurable, and forever beyond the scope of field two, “one through any number“. Science can only deal with things which can be measured. Field three is transcendent, and beyond field two.

Any attempt, via field two tools to explain “one“, the “first caused” will invariable lead scientist to infinite energy beyond time and space explanations. Given that field two cannot explain itself, the only logical answer to what caused the “first caused” is in field three. Field three is the “first cause:, beyond the laws of “cause and effect” saying to field two, I exist, you cannot deny me, and you cannot measure me, I can cause you, you can never cause me. I can live without you, you cannot live without me, I am transcendent. You can only know me by transcending field two.

The 6 universal constants that determine the nature of the universe (see “Just Six Numbers”, or “The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega--the Numbers That Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe”). Two of them relate to the basic forces; two fix the size and overall 'texture' of our Universe and determine whether it will continue forever; and two more fix the properties of space itself. These numbers which specify the strengths of physical constants define the very fabric of our material reality. If their values were only slightly different life would not be possible in this universe.

In nature energy cannot be destroyed, as the conservation of energy law states, instead it changes state. For example, when electricity powers a motor and spins a shaft, the electromagnetic force is converted to kinetic energy through angular momentum. Natural processes depend on energy input of some kind that then changes from one form to another: chemical energy is released by fire, which is then changed into heat energy that can boil water and drive pistons with kinetic energy. Likewise, all human action results from a series of transformations of the One Energy.

The Laws of Thermodynamics (describe the transport of heat and work in thermodynamic processes): 0) thermal equilibrium 1) conservation of energy (absolute law), 2) entropy (statistical law), 3) it's impossible to cool a system to absolute 0.The Law of Thermo-Dynamics states that a body of higher heat or energy can transfer heat or energy to a lower body of heat or energy, but the lower body of heat or energy cannot transfer heat or energy to the higher body of heat or energy unless the lower body exerts enough energy to do so.The Conservation of Momentum: a body in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an external force.A consequence of the law of energy conservation is that perpetual motion machines can only work perpetually if they deliver no energy (work) to their surroundings.

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Conservation of Electric Charge: charge can neither be created nor destroyed. The net  charge of a system must always stay the same. The net charge in the universe is zero. Electrons and protons are stable because they keep their charge.

Symmetry = invariance under transformation. I.e., the it's impossible to tell is a shape has shifted in any way from its original place. Transformations include: translation, rotation, swap / exchange. Symmetry can be both geometric and of the laws of nature. I.e., all electrons are exactly identical; the Newtonian mechanics are symmetric in translation and rotation. In addition, symmetry also is related to conservation laws. Per Noether's theorem: Every symmetry in the laws of physics leads to a conservation law, and vice-versa. Time shift symmetry leads to the conversation of energy; the laws of physics are eternal and energy is the same for all time. A mirror or symmetry in charge, parity (change left from right), and time reversal (C, P, T mirror) is an exact symmetry of nature. It's impossible to tell the difference at the micro level. You can have a parallel universe that is exactly the same with this symmetry.

Electromagnetism: moving charged particles constitute an electric current, and that current is wrapped in a magnetic field. When more charged particles accelerate in the same direction, the field gets stronger. For charged particles to move, they must move in a circuit. Energetic events cannot be explained by local conditions, alone. The effects of an entire circuit must be considered. Connectivity with an electrically active network of "transmission lines" composed of Birkeland current filaments.See Maxwell's Field Equations for details on the dynamic equations that govern electro-magnetic fields.

Entropy comes from the Greek word meaning "transformation". One type of entropy is a measure of a system's ability to do work, or moving from disequilibrium to equilibrium. For a system to do work there must be a differential of potential as energy flows from high potential to low potential. That's the attractive force. The greater the differential the greater the potential for the system to produce work. If a system has no difference in potential, then the system is in equilibrium and therefore cannot produce work. This is how entropy is related to the Law of Polarity. A system always increases in entropy, left on its own. However, if external energy is pumped into a system then the differential can be restored and the system can once again perform work. For example, a refrigerator makes cold things colder by moving heat from a cold object to a hotter object. Life cannot exist, work cannot be performed as entropy increases. There must always be a mechanism whereby entropy decreases and order is restored for life to continue. High entropy means less delta polarity, means less energy flow, means death. Low entropy means greater delta polarity, means greater energy flow, means greater life. Neutrality means bringing the + and - together so that energy can flow. Energy can only flow if there's a connection and a delta polarity.

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One implication of entropy is that a system can only increase in entropy. In fact, entropy drives the direction of time. Time can never reverse as entropy can never reverse. So eventually the entire universe will eventually balance in equilibrium and therefore there will be no delta potential. When this occurs all life, and any form of energy transformation will cease to exist as entropy will be infinite and there will be no delta potential of any kind left in the universe. So it's a slow, cold death.Entropy can also be thought of as a measure of information we have at the microscopic detail. The more information we have of the molecular motion, the less entropy. That's why when we heat a gas we increase entropy, because the gas molecules are moving faster and more randomly. When we compress a gas the entropy decreases because there is less space for the gas molecules to go. So they have less space to spread out on.

The Fundamental Forces: There are four basic ways that particles can interact with each other in nature (according to mainstream science)

1. Strong Nuclear Force: this is the strongest of all forces, but has the smallest reach of all of them.

2. Electro-magnetic force: This is about 1000 times smaller than the strong nuclear force, but has a long reach and is the primary driver of the structures found in nature.

3. Weak Nuclear Force: This is one million times weaker than the strong nuclear force and has a very small reach.

4. Gravity: the weakest by far of all the forces, but has a long reach and appears to be the primary force holding the planets in stable orbits.

Steady-State Big-Bang Theory (by EMS):The steady-state big bang theory essentially says that the big bang never ends, it's continuous. So how can it be continuous? The big-bang is a white hole where material and energy are spewing out, and the black holes are where the energy and matter are being sucked in. Just as fast as they are being sucked in by the black hole, they are being spewed out by the white hole. This is like the figure 8 torus, a continuum, a cycle. So there is no death by ever increasing entropy, because entropy is continuously reset at the void between the white and black holes. Time and space cease to exist at the void of the torus, and restarts again at the white hole.

The laws of science and the Natural laws generally don't conflict. What conflicts is the interpretation or implications of the laws from the higher 5-d perspective and the application of the laws.

Relativity Relativity spawned out of an inconsistency between Newton's equations of particle dynamics and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetics. The issue was the speed of electromagnetic waves, or the speed of light. Einstein proposed that Maxwell was right and Newton was wrong. Einstein proposed that the speed of electromagnetic waves in

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empty space, c, is a fundamental constant of nature and independent of the observer or frame of reference. He then worked out all the implications of these assumptions and created the theory of Relativity.Space / TimeRelativity says that measurements of space and time are relative to the observer. Fundamental things, such as c and the fundamental laws of physics, are not relative, are independent of the observer regardless of their relative motion. Those items are the same for all observers regardless of their frame of reference. In other words, the fundamental laws of physics are symmetric regardless of motion. For example, events that are simultaneous for one observer are not simultaneous for another observer.In relativity, space and time are treated together. To visualize this time is included as the 4th dimension with length as unit of measurement. Time is converted to length by multiplying by c, so the length is c*t.Special Relativity applies for flat planes, or small distances as that is what the equations were designed for. For example, 25-50 mile radius on Earth can be considered flat as a good approximation.General Relativity covers curved space and time for large distances where gravity (or magnetism) causes the space-time continuum to distort and curve. Newtonian mechanics breaks down in large G-fields where General Relativity works really well."Black Holes" are postulated based on this curvature of space-time and theorizes that light cannot escape from the black hole so they are therefore not able to be seen.The General Relativity equations do not prevent time travel or "faster than light" travel through worms holes. However, this requires exotic matter to be used to create the worm hole. Of course, the time travel also creates the causal loops and paradoxes that come with that. So, even though the equations allow for this, the reality is not so.

Quantum Mechanics The foundational principle of Quantum mechanics is that every physical object (light, electrons, molecules, large inanimate objects, etc.) all exhibit properties of both a wave and a particle (or discrete energy quanta), no exceptions. In fact, the particle description is really quite misleading as the discrete nature is in reference to energy, not any particular physical particle. Is the particle real or is the standing wave real (used as mere descriptions of probabilities)? For additional explanation on this perspective see:http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Physics-Quantum-Theory-Mechanics.htmCurrent experiments have confirmed this dual nature in objects as large as C60 molecules (Carbon atom arranged along the vertices of a soccer ball). The wave nature of particles is proved by the two slit experiment. (Note: waves exhibit destructive and constructive interference). It not only works for photons, but also all other physical objects. Photons are quantized packets of energy (given by Planck's equation e=h× f =m× c❑

2 for the energy of a photon). The discrete packet of energy is what gives the photon it's particle nature. Photons then interact with other objects as little bundles of energy, but they travel as electro-magnetic waves.

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In addition, "particles" exhibit a quantum sized momentum and energy that is based on Planck's Constant (h = 6.626068 x 10^[-34] m^2*kg/s). In other words, a particle can only have a discrete amount of energy and momentum, but nothing in between, or integer multiples of some base value. This is how atomic structure is explained and the electron orbits. Electrons can only have certain energy levels due to this discrete nature of energy. Each energy level is equivalent to one photon at a different frequency (or color). When an electron changes state it either emits or absorbs a photon at that specific energy level. Only certain standing wave patterns can emerge for a given structure. Just think of a piano string. Piano strings are tuned to specific frequencies by fixing two ends of a string. All other musical instruments work by the same principle. Note that without the quantum or discrete energy levels described above the electrons would collapse into the nucleus and would cease to exist. The quantum energy levels create stability as there is a lowest energy level which the electron cannot go below. This is also why matter takes up space and appears solid, because the electrons cannot squish any further than the lowest energy state.

Multi-dimensionality:The wave nature of particles (or the particle nature of waves) is what brings about the probabilities that are predicted by the Schrodinger Equation (the wave intensity of a particular particle determines it's probability of being at that particular position). The intensity of the wave tells us the probability of finding the particle at that point. (side note: this assumes the particle is real and the probability waves as a substitute for the real standing waves that make up the discrete energy photon/"particle"). Wave intensity is proportional to its amplitude, and is a measure of the amount of energy carried by the wave. The uncertainty (or better yet, indeterminate) nature of particles is due to the wave diffraction property. All waves experience diffraction = λ /w (where w = width of slit). The uncertainty principle says the following: Δ x∗Δp≥ h. Since h is so very small it does not play a role in the macro scale. In the macro scale dx and dp are so small compared to the scale that they are for all practical purposes negligible. This is why classical physics works so well to determine trajectories, etc. of macroscopic objects to a very accurate level. It does play a major role in the micro or subatomic scale. The uncertainty principle basically says you can never accurately know both the position and momentum of a particle together. You can only accurately measure either Δ x or Δ p separately. In other words, the nature of reality is fuzzy. Another form of the uncertainty principle is Δϵ∗Δt ≥ h. In other words, for very small time frames you cannot know the energy of the event. Likewise for very large energy events you cannot know the time. This uncertainty is like transcending time and space. It brings in a higher dimensional aspect to our reality that we can only address through probabilities from our 3-D perspective.

Planck's Constant is very, very, very small compared to our everyday human scale. That's why at the macro scale it

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becomes negligible as it appears like a continuous, smooth signal at our scale. However, at the atomic scale it plays a major role.Formulas for Planck's Law: E = h*f, wavelength = h/(m*v) - The only way for a particle to have a wavelength is for it to be in motion. We are always in motion wrt some reference frame.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelength

Principle of Complementarity (of Niels Bohr): amplification of the micro to the macro (human scale) in order to measure a micro event. This principle says we can't mix the two scales. When we mix them we lose information. Your experiment can either measure a particle characteristic or a wave characteristic of a particle. The two are mutually exclusive. You can't have one experiment measure both. Therefore, the observer by its nature has a say in the outcome of the event. The observer in the process of choosing which measurement to make will influence the outcome of the experiment.

Consciousness & Observation:The wave function is the governing description of the particle at the quantum scale. But, physicists are rolling their eyes everywhere (or would be) on finding out that this means that "matter doesn't exist". Sorry, but that's not what a physicist will tell you. And it's not what Einstein meant when he talked about the governing field of a particle. In a very real sense, the wave function IS the particle, or is a description of the particle. It is not a negation of the notion of matter! I will agree, however, that it IS a negation of the Newtonian conception of matter as a hard billiard ball that is always at a specific place with a specific momentum. But, just because the OBSERVATION affects the particle--collapses the wave function--that DOES NOT prove that it was the CONSCIOUSNESS of the observer that did it! Honestly, I have no idea why physicists have been letting that get smuggled into things for so long now! In the Shrodinger's Cat paradox, for example, the observation IS THE GEIGER COUNTER. That is where the transition from micro to macro realms takes place. There is no need to invoke the consciousness of the cat or of the human who eventually opens the box. Feynman alludes to this in his Lectures when he says that nature doesn't care if we look at the data or not.

So, that simple fact of the observation collapsing the wave function does not prove that the consciousness is a co-creator of reality. However, it does not DISPROVE it either. And, indeed, there are experiments--real valid scientific experiments--that suggest that human intention can and does affect reality. I highly recommend Dean Radin's The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena for more information on this. But, anyway, the point is that without actual experiment you can't make the LEAP from one thing to the other and call it "scientific" just because your leaping off point was vaguely scientific. Clear?

Uniqueness:At the microscopic level of photons, electrons, protons and neutrons, all like particles are exactly alike. In other words,

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every electron is exactly identical in every way. I can swap one electron from a system  with another and it will make no difference what so ever since the two are exactly alike. At the micro level we have reached a fundamental layer of reality in which like particles are exactly identical. The macro level follows the "snow flake principle", which states that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. You can always find something that distinguishes one object from another. This is due to their complex nature made up of hundreds of millions of atoms.

Superposition of States:A particle state not only exists at a distinct state at the time of observation, but also exists in a superposition of states (2 or more) at the same time, based on the uncertainty principle. A particle exists in a superposition of states until it's observed. At the point of observation the particle converges to one state.

Quantum Tunneling is the basis for a scanning, tunneling electron microscope.

Information Transfer is Instantaneous:Quantum Entanglement and John Bell's theorem prove that information travels instantaneously. There is no separation. One particle (or standing wave structure) will have an immediate influence on another several million light years away instantaneously due to this.Quantum Entanglement means that two "particles" that are entangled influence each other instantaneously regardless of distance. However, for two or more particles to have become entangled means that at some point they had to have interacted. However, once the particles are entangled, they can be as far away possible and still be entangled. So if I measure one particle in an entangled state, then I will know the corresponding state in the other particle without measuring it, assuming I know the entangled state of the particles. The entangled particles have a state as if they were one particle. This is similar to how we say "love knows no time or distance", we are connected heart to heart, there's no separation. This in fact proves there's no separation. Quantum mechanics is non-local. However, this does not mean that we can communicate instantaneously across vast distances faster than c, due to the no cloning theorem of quantum mechanics (you cannot clone a quantum particle exactly). This avoids all the paradoxes of faster than light messaging which would allow people to send messages back into time.

In 1982 a little known but epic event occurred at the University of Paris, where a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the Daily Show. In fact, unless you are a physicist you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though increasing numbers of experts believe his discovery may change the face of science.

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance

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separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.

Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein’s long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with increasingly elaborate ways to explain away Aspect’s findings.

Bosons and Fermions:Basically, Bosons are particles that have an identical quantum state if you bring them together and swap them. So if you have two or more particles that are in different states, when you bring them together in the same box, they will be in the same state. In other words, they are indistinguishable from one another from a quantum state perspective (same frequency and direction) when they are together. This brings about a peculiar property in that Bosons have a tendency to "stick together" or align to the dominant state, and therefore follow each other. In other words, Bosons will follow the crowd. Bosons behave perfectly in unison with each other. They don't collide, there is no friction. They act together in concert because they are in the same quantum state. Photons are Bosons. Bosons don't take up any space and are not solid. A laser works because of the Boson Rule. LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission by Radiation. Stimulated Emission, absorption, emission. The Boson Rule is also how you get superconductivity.Fermions are particles that have the inverse of the quantum state when two or more particles are swapped. Electrons, neutrons and protons are examples of Fermions. Fermions follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle: no two fermions can exist in the same quantum state when they are together. They are anti-social. The Pauli Exclusion Principle explains why matter takes up space and is solid; the electron shells in atoms and the chemical properties of atoms. Fermions is the reason there is space and solidity.

Particle Swap Operation Quantum StateBoson Same (360 deg rotation

symmetry)Fermion inverse amplitude of same

quantum state(360 deg rotation is inverse of original; requires 720 deg rotation for it to be symmetric; think of two pencils and ribbon example: swap two pencils is like 360 deg rotation.)

Chemical Properties of Atoms:The chemical properties of atoms depend mostly on the electron configuration of the outer shell. This explains the configuration of the periodic table of the elements. At most,

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only 2 electrons can exist in the same energy level, because the electrons each have opposite spin. This is due to Pauli's Exclusion Principle.

The Principle of Light(or Electromagnetic Radiation)

(see document on the light and Walter Russell discussion on light)http://www.norlabs.org/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LightGamma rays, x-rays, visible light, and radio waves are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. The only difference is the frequency and hence the energy of the photons.Light Intensity is related to the number of photons.Light Energy is based on its frequency as shown by Planck's equation e = h*f.Light travels as an electro-magnetic wave, but interacts (emitted and absorbed) as discrete photons or bundles of energy that act like a particle. A photon is an indivisible quantum of light. Photons are carriers of the electro-magnetic force.Photo-detectors use the photo-electric effect to measure photons.The Observer:Just observing a photon (i.e., having a record of where the photon traveled) is enough to change its behavior. It wipes out the interference effect. For interference to occur there can no observation or record of which way the photon will go. In other words, once you observe a photon it no longer behaves like a wave. It now behaves like a particle with a probability wave.

c = the speed of light in the vacuum of empty space. c is a universal constant = ~300,000 km/s. c is always constant independent of the frame of reference. All observers experience the same speed of light. The theory of special relativity explores the consequences of the existence of such an invariant speed c and the assumption that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. One consequence is that c is the speed at which all massless particles and waves, including light, must travel. Light or electromagnetic waves travel slower in other mediums such as water. In water light waves travel at roughly 0.75 * c. No object can travel faster than c. Faster than c travel, or information transfer faster than c, would imply that one could go back in time or send messages back in time. This includes jumping through "wormholes", or travelling at warp speed.

The instantaneous nature of light - Bell's Theorem (non-local events - all ordinary light-speed-limited forces are called "local"):The observer interaction with the photon implies instantaneity. This is proven in the interferometer experiment with delayed observation. The photon knows instantaneously whether to travel on the top path or both the top and the bottom path instantaneously depending on what the observer chooses to observe at the last possible moment when the light has reached the beam splitter. So the information of which experiment it is has to travel faster than the speed of light. Otherwise, if the photon decided when it left whether to take the lower path vs. the upper path it would not be able to

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adjust. So from a particle perspective the information does travel faster than light. I think that the way to explain this is through the different dimensions, which indirectly transcends time and space.Matter is Nothing but Condensed Light:The evidence from smashing particles to create smaller particles indicates that the photon is the fundamental particle. Smashing particles produces photons at a particular frequency and smaller particles. Eventually you get to Light as the fundamental particle.Spiritual Implications:The observer in the very act of observing makes the energy bundle real and interactive with the 3-D plane. It's almost like the energy lives in a different dimension and through observing the energy shifts into the 3-D; like bridging Heaven (pure, infinite possibilities), to Earth (finite, physical manifestation). The belief system can be thought of as a set of possibilities that the observer is conditioned to see. The belief system limits the possible outcomes that the observer can perceive. From quantum mechanics the observer has a say in how the energy bundle manifests in the 3-D. Until there is a being which recognizes and acknowledges an existence, there is no possible way of conceiving that anything has been manifested or created.

Law of Love Law of Love is a corollary of the Law of One.Definition of Love: Unconditional LoveTo have unconditional love you  must first love yourself unconditionally. Only then can you be true to yourself and love others without expectation of any kind and give freely, because you have all you need within. When you know who you are Really, then you will naturally Love yourself unconditionally.Love attracts love. Love multiplies love. Love is beautiful. Love is a longing to come together. Love is a resonance.Love is Compassion and understanding. Understanding where people are coming from and not judging them because they're in their process of having to learn their experience; we don't need to change them or rescue them in any way. When we have the greatest understanding of the Universal Principles and we know how to apply them in their wisdom that produces love. It's the U.P.s in action doing what they need to do and understanding them. That's love. The only thing that exists is Love because the only thing that exists is the U.P.s in their wisdom and operation and understanding them. That is love. Love is not a feeling.All we need to do is love ourselves. Once we love ourselves deeply we are able to love others unconditionally and open ourselves to receiving. The female principle. Love comes from within to the extent that one knows love within themselves.

From “Case-Paul-Foster-Occult-Fundamentals-Spiritual-Unfoldment-Volume-1.pdf”, Section A: Lesson 4.For the Primal Will from which we live is a Will-to-Love, and the wisdom and understanding which support us are a wisdom rooted in love and an understanding of the law which guides us moment by moment into the perfect realization of love.Love is God, according to the Gospel of John, so that the man

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who knows how to master the Great Magical Agent so as to profit by and direct its currents, in becoming the depositary of the power of God receives the exhaustless treasure of the power of love.Love is only another name for that which scientists call "electricity", for that which Qabalists call the "Limitless Light", for that which we have termed the Life-Power. Love, a word misunderstood and profaned by darkened minds the world over, is at once "the blind force which souls must conquer in order to detach themselves from the chains of earth", and the redeeming force by means of which that liberation is affected.

The false belief system associated with this is that we have to love others and serve others in order to get love, or we need to love others before ourselves. We put others first before ourselves. That's being a 'good' person. If we love ourselves first that's considered selfish and egoistic. This is what the church taught. What this does is have us constantly looking for others for their love, approval and acceptance. We may go out and become popular and look for external accolades to prove how worthy I am, and how much service I've given. We have to sacrifice what we want and do things for others first before ourselves. The life of service. This is where I get myself worth from. I feel guilty and shameful if I put myself first ahead of others.The fundamental error here is that we cannot give love unless we love ourselves first. We cannot give to others what we do not have within ourselves.

Creative Expression (from Walter Russel 'Quest of the Grail'):We are all given inherent genius equally as anyone else. The only difference between those who are considered great geniuses and others is lack of desire for self-expression of their love of, say music or engineering, and their self love. We cannot give from what we don't have, so we must Love ourselves first. In order for that expression to be pure and not come from ego, we must first love ourselves. Otherwise, it will be forced, controlled, manipulated and will quickly turn into evil. When we know who we really are, and our unique talents and gifts, we naturally will love who we are and will want to express that talent and gift. When we love ourselves unconditionally we open ourselves to receive from the infinite power of the Universe. You don't need to start with lots of money to express what you love. You just need that desire. When you give from what you have from that deep love you will be regiven even more. That is the principle of growth. Growth is Love multiplied by Love. Very few geniuses started out with lots of money. They had desire to express their Love for who they are, and desire is far more valuable than money.

If you wanted to be a great concert pianist, you need only start with your first note. With that first note you have given that much Love to the world and the law of Love will regive to you the equal measure of what you have given. What you give your Love to will grow and regive to you.

Jobs are opportunities for Self-Expression as well. You only get what you give to life. If you put no joy into your work, so

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your work will give you no joy. If you give little you will receive the equal of what you give. This is why some people come home from work tired and grumpy, because they put no joy into it. Whatever job you have you are working for yourself, and the job given you was your opportunity for self-expression.

Sales Example:If a sale is to benefit you it must also benefit the other person too. It cannot benefit you or the other person unless you and he/she are one. To know what they want you must love the person your are dealing with.Restaurant Example:If you walk into a restaurant where no one loves what they do and they just do it to survive, then the atmosphere and food will reflect that. On the other hand, when the people that work at the restaurant put love into their work and treat it as a self-expression of who they are, then the atmosphere and food will reflect that. That restaurant will be successful and have many clients who enjoy themselves while they're there.

Law of Emotation(related to Law of Attraction)

A corollary of the Law of Love. Law of Emotation says that we all seek that ONEness by integrating the male and female polarities. The ecstasy of Union as Male and Female. It's the attractive force that brings together the male and female to co-create through recursion in their image and likeness (fractalation).The Principle of Gender in the Kybalion is most related here. The word Gender is derived from the Latin root meaning "to beget; to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce." Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.Until Truth is known we will seek the oneness by looking outside ourselves in the Eternal External Quest (EEQ): looking outside ourselves for power and love. When we know Truth we seek the unity by integrating the polarities to create neutrality.Emotation is related to resonance from an emotional perspective. When we resonate with someone or something we experience feelings of connection and love.Emotation is also related to the foundational force of nature: electro-magnetic force from which all other forces are derived from. See 'Electric Universe' for more info.

Law of Free Choice (Volition, Ego will)

We are all given the free choice to take whatever action we choose, but God (Natural Law) reserves the right to determine the consequences of those actions. Will-power (the notion that ever person has a will of his own separate from the will-power of other persons and from the Cosmic Will which is the ruling power throughout the entire universe) is a false idea. Our free choice is a Divine right (for great explanation on this see “The God Theory” pgs. 43-47). This is how we learn about living in harmony with nature. In the end we either make a choice based on Truth or illusion. Truth will set us free and illusion will keep us in bondage. Choice is ultimately based on who we are BEing. That drives the entire causal sequence. We have a choice in changing our BEing. So no matter what we have choice. If God did not give us free choice, then we would be purely automatons. But we are

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given free choice to manifest God's Law.God has given us everything through the proper use of the Principles and Laws of Nature. We have been given all that we need to thrive when we live in harmony with Nature and God’s laws. At the same time, God can take everything away and cause great pain, destruction, and suffering through our free choice improper use of those very same Laws. So it is all created and destroyed by God, but God loves us enough to let us be truly free to do as we choose, and through that free choice, experience the consequences of those choices to learn to align to God’s Will and Laws.Free choice enhances creation by bringing forth the unplanned, unscripted, random, the “other” that flows naturally from this. The universe is thus invited to participate in its own crafting as self-creative, self-organizing. This ongoing, participatory act of creation is in fact, the ultimate expression of God’s love.“Love by its very nature cannot compel, and so any God whose very essence is love should not be expected to overwhelm the world either with a coercively directive power or an annihilating presence. Indeed, an infinite love must in some ways absent or restrain itself, precisely in order to give the world the space in which to become something distinct from the creative love that constitutes it as other. We should anticipate, therefore, that any universe rooted in an unbounded love would have some features that appear to us as random and undirected.” John HaughtFreedom starts with making a choice freely, whether that be a choice that ends in pain and suffering or a choice that is in alignment to Universal Law which leads to true Love and Power. We either work with God or against God. Choosing freely starts with awareness of choice. Without awareness of the choices we are trapped in our subconscious, automatic patterns and belief systems; essentially automations that react predictively to external stimuli. Whether the choice leads to pain and suffering or bliss and joy the important thing is to choose freely. Choosing freely is the first step in exercising our personal power."When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you." Tin Cup the movie.Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would eventually lead to exhaustion and drowning. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.The great benefit of heightened awareness is that we have more choice in how we live our lives. At any moment, we can purposefully choose a new experience for ourselves. We can choose to pay attention, breathe more deeply, laugh, rest, play, appreciate, do something different - the possibilities are endless.Whenever you remember, TAKE YOURSELF OFF AUTO-PILOT and really examine your situation. Take charge and make a choice that will enrich your experience. At the end of the day, reflect on what happened and how you felt when you chose a new line of thought, feeling or action.

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"We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us -- how we can take it, what we do with it -- and that is what really counts in the end."-- Joseph Fort Newton"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."In either case, a choice will lead to a consequence. It is neither good or bad, just an experience. It is up to us to use the experience to learn and grow to align to Universe. Otherwise, we keep making the same choices that lead to pain and suffering until we finally wake up. We don't have to experience the pain and suffering if we know Universal Principles and align our choices to Universe from the get go. We're all going to end up eventually aligning to Universe one way or the other in our eternal life span since that is God's will.When we try to control others or nature, through our choices: our actions or how we relate in the world, and our thoughts. The results or consequences of those choices are governed by Universal Law. If we try to control anything other than ourselves we will suffer with the illusion that we can. If we do try to control, then we are generally doing it out of the EEQ paradigm, which is an illusion. This is especially prevalent in parents wanting to control their children so that the children can behave as the parents want. The child ultimately has free choice to do whatever they choose and deal with the consequences of those choices. All we can do as parents is teach them the U.P.s, teach them who they are, and place limits and boundaries for their safety, health, safety of others, and living in harmony with the family.Rescuing Others: We cannot take others free choice by trying to rescue them. Everyone has a different path and lessons to learn. We must have compassion and love them where they are. If they're open to receiving they will seek you out and ask for guidance.

Law of Divine Will “There is a destiny which shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will.” Hamlet (Let Yourself Go, Disk 6, Track 4)We all have free choice, but ultimately we do not have free will. Our will is always the will of God (Natural Law). We may not experience it as God's will because we resist God's will. When we resist God's will (Natural Law) we suffer the consequences. Eventually, through the law of Justice we learn and eventually align to God's will (Natural Law). No matter how hard we try, we cannot control all circumstances in our lives. It's an illusion to believe that we can. There are things that come into our lives that are out of our control. Those are Divine Will in action.See the following link for another viewpoint of this: http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Philosophy-Free-Will-Determinism.htmMy will is aligned with Thy will in the flow of Universal energy governed, guided, directed by Universal Principles. I am open to receiving guidance to flow with Universal energy. The conditions under which Thy Will expresses through one include: purity of mind and desire; high aspirations and ideals; utter unselfishness in action.God's plan is perfect. Why then do you allow yourself to become so anxious and worried? Nothing happens by chance;

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all is ordered by divine law. When man sins or breaks spiritual law, the result of his foolishness is always put to good use by divine law. Thus God is always repairing, always healing the nations, always healing souls, and though it may seem to you certain things happen by chance, in fact every thing works together according to the divine will. Always remember this, and having done your best with the material at hand, surrender the rest to the divine love and perfect law. Have no fear or anxiety but surrender your life and affairs into the hands of the Great White Spirit.

Seek first the kingdom of heaven; seek the communion table and be strengthened in your heart for whatever lies before you. If you trust in God without fail His love will flow through all your affairs, and you will know peace of heart.

God is all love and all wisdom. All He asks of His children is love; that they express love in all their ways.Astrology represents the Universal energy flow. We can't control the planetary movements. This is why we have no free will. The Universe determines what weaknesses will be brought up. The energy of the planets impact us by bringing up certain inherent weaknesses that may be dormant. When the energies align to bring these up we are forced to deal with the weakness and heal it. Without the energies of the planets to bring up these weaknesses, then the person will never have to deal with it. So as the weakness comes up it may appear that things are going into chaos. But chaos is what is needed to bring things back into order. If you know the astrology and through that know the energies coming in ahead of time, then you can prepare for the energies and work on those energies before the energies come in. It's like staying ahead of the wave so you ride it, rather than being smashed by the wave. Astrology is the map to help guide us on what to work on to stay ahead of the energy.A weakness represents energy that's in chaos. Anything in chaos must be brought back into order. That means healing the weakness to bring it back into alignment with Truth.How the inherent weaknesses are brought up is similar to the Tacoma Narrows bridge incident. The weakness was always there (it was dormant), but was not on the surface until the energy frequency matched the resonant frequency of the bridge.

Law of Abundance I have all that I need when I need it to fulfill on my Mission & Purpose in life. Mission and Purpose implies 'not my will, but thy will', inspiration. God's will is for us to always operate in Truth and in Love; in alignment with Universal Principles and in Self Love. If you operate in Truth and Love in all that you do, the full power and energy of the Universe will stand and work with and through you. By Truth we mean the highest truths that are eternal and universal. 'Not my will, but thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven'. Universe provides all that I need to fulfill on 'thy will', inspiration. If I am in 'Thy Will', then Universe provides abundance (all that I need to fulfill on my M&P in life). No exceptions."Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3 (not my will, but Thy Will)“I have no will but to do the will of Him that sent me.” John 4:34

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The Energy Economy of Life: Nature utilizes its energy for the highest priority tasks at hand in order to ensure survival and overall wellbeing. If life (a cell, plant, etc.) spends too much energy in one area, then it will simultaneously cut back elsewhere to compensate. Nature can’t take out energy loans when energy reserves start running low; it has to stop some lower priority activities in order to redirect energy to where it is most needed. In some cases, it stops activity altogether (such as hibernation, comatose state, rest)

From Tarot Fundamentals, Lesson 47, p3.1:Life limitless flows through me to complete its perfect work. The power which guides all things finds in me an open channel of expression. Receiving that power freely, I freely give to all things and creatures in the field of existence surrounding me.

From Tarot Fundamentals, Lesson 43:When man comprehends his true nature, he sees that this nature is identical with the One Reality, the One Will, of which the universe is a manifestation. He knows that Will. He knows it as a will to freedom, as a will to joy, as a will to abundance. He knows that it is a will to good, to the impartation of every good and perfect gift. He comprehends it as the Will which has its expression in all activity. Here and now he sees that Will expresses no lack, no disease, no failure, no poverty. He grasps the truth that whatever appearances of evil surround us, they seem as they do because we are not yet seeing the true relations.

“Of myself I can do nothing”. What Jesus means here is the realization of the simple truth that even the least of personal actions is a particular manifestation of universal laws and forces. The true value of the personality is that a person is an agency whereby the limitless power of the One Life may be brought to bear in controlling the conditions in this field of relative existence when the person’s actions are aligned to universal law (Not my will, but Thy Will). When a person knows who he is (a member of the body of God), he knows there is nothing anywhere in the real world which is inimical to man or opposed to man’s welfare. He depends utterly on the perfectly adequate support given by that real work to all his personal activities and interests in fulfilling Thy Will.

Acknowledgement itself is an act of creation from nothing, simply through our words. Acknowledgment is an example sharing our love in the infinite source available from within. Acknowledgement is an expression of appreciation from nothing, for no reason, but relevant to the present moment. Acknowledgement uplifts, supports, expresses gratitude, appreciation, and forgiveness. When we acknowledge others they are created in that moment by that which we acknowledge them for. Gratitude is both an emotional and soul-centered expression of accepting the blessing or gift of someone or something. Everything and everyone that we encounter in our life is actually such a blessing or gift. If we learn to open our heart to it all, positive and negative, we will

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feel and experience its blessings and gifts. If we do not open our heart and extend gratitude, we miss out on the riches seeking to be bestowed on us.Abundance can come in any form (money, land, people's work, ideas, nourishment, love, health). Whatever form it is will be exactly the form needed at that present moment to fulfill on M&P. We're never asked to do something without being given the means to do it. If you are meant to do something or be somewhere, you will be given the means. Your job is to stay open to receiving from infinite possibilities. Don't limit where the abundance will come from.There is no failure when you pursue what you know in your heart is your Mission & Purpose. The failure is in not trying.We are merely the conduits through which Universe expresses thy will. We are the hands, feet, and mouth of God. It is us who co-create Heaven on Earth. We are led and guided to do what we need to do and have what we need. It's an unfoldment process, JIT. We put the idea, inspiration into action. We don't need to work hard to get somewhere. We do our part and Universe does its part in fulfilling the inspiration, thy will. It's a co-creation process. We receive and regive with gratitude in a continuous cycle. It's always about giving and receiving.....it keeps the flow going....infinity to infinite possibilities.Everyone's true M&P in this life is to learn the perfected patterns of creation (Natural Law, U.P.s), and apply these to co-create new forms and patterns that add to Life and the Light of the Universe. This is the only way that Universe expands and grows in creativity and consciousness. God / Universe has provided all that is needed to nurture our physical bodies. We have been given free choice. Our M&P in return is using our physical vehicles to add to the Light and Life of the world. There are an infinite number of forms in which this can take place. No one can fulfill another's M&P since we are all unique and special. No one can tell another what their M&P is. We are the only ones who can fulfill our unique role in the Universe.

For the only way we can be on this earth is in a physical form.  Spirit uses it as a vehicle to accomplish mission and purpose.  That is why it is surrender my will and Thy Will be done.  Let go and let God is the popular saying.  We are only an instrument for his work and that allows ego to no longer drive the vehicle and we flow into infinite possibilities and we don't have to figure everything out.  It says this is the way walk ye in it; the door is open.  That is why at this point there are not any intentions, desires, wants and needs.  If we know how the universe works and the laws and principles there is no fear on the unknown and no fear at all of deprivation.  Look at the cycles of the universe they know what to do.  This is innate intelligence at work.  Use god's infinite mind which is the knowing from the heart and mind together to discriminate which is wisdom.  Allow the I AM THAT I AM to flow and enjoy the journey without any agenda only a vision and inspiration of what you have come here for and that is to elevate mankind's consciousness and just BE.No matter what we have at this present moment, it's not ours anyway. We are simply stewards of the energy for this present moment to fulfill on 'Thy Will', but it all goes back to

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Universe eventually.The Universe is like a Torus, a Continuum, no beginning and no end, only energy in motion in a continuous cycle. The energy is always there, we just need to connect to it by connecting Male and Female Principles. We connect the thought, idea into action.Inside the Torus is the void of creation and outside the Torus is the cycle of creation; idea into action.If we are meant to solve or create something as part of our M&P, no matter how complex it may seem, we will have what we need to do it through our talents and gifts. It's not us anyway that's doing it; it's Divine Mind working through us to co-create it.An example of Abundance as a result of Divine Mind is with the zero point / free energy generators. We have infinite renewable resources for energy as proven by the current technology available that generates endless energy from open systems. There is no scarcity. The reason why these devices are not available is because the Illuminati will not allow it. Thus they propagate the illusion of scarcity and limitation. As soon as the structures that are used to keep the people in illusion break down then this technology will finally be freely available for all to use. The structures must and will break down in order for the new age to come about. Once the structures come down and the technology comes out, the people will transform their consciousness to truth.Scarcity is a learned belief system already embedded in the mass consciousness of the people. The artifacts surrounding the majority of people all relate to scarcity (energy systems, reserve debt-based monetary system, work, taxes, food, water). By changing the artifacts from scarcity to the truth of abundance (zero point energy, working in harmony with nature) the mass consciousness will begin to see the truth in the external and eventually shift the internal. In reality, there is no scarcity, just a lack of creativity and understanding of the laws of nature that provide us with infinite abundance to fulfill on God's Will. Nothing is ever lost; if it’s meant to be to fulfill on M&P it will be returned abundantly in service to God.The true currency is our level of personal love and power, sharing our talents and gifts in community with each other, being of service to Universe, giving and receiving in the flow. Money is a manipulated and 3-D manifestation of abundance. But that's not 5-D abundance. Money has been a trap, a means of control and enslavement. For our society, money is a means of exchange. Therefore, it is one form of abundance. If that is what we need to fulfill our M&P, then we will have it. The root of all evil is not money. It is the worship of money as the source of power and abundance. That is the lie that bonds us to money and creates the scarcity consciousness. For example, Beverly is abundant in personal love and power, but does not manifest external monetary excess or material wealth at this present moment.

For great summary of our money system see video on “The Secret of Oz” on You Tube.http://www.howtobenaturallyhealthy.com/oz.htmRemember: It's not what backs the money, it's who controls its quantity. When govt. allows the banks to control the money supply the govt. is no longer servant to the people; they are now servant to

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the lender. This is what is known as plutocracy. The govt. is no longer sovereign; they are beholden to the bank. What this movie provides as a solution are:1. Governments should be forbidden from borrowing money. Instead they should issue their own money interest free to themselves. Create debt-free money.2. Banks should be forbidden from lending money they don’t have. End the fractional reserve system.

Design of Money:Money is not inherently evil, inasmuch as a shelter is inherently evil. Remember: NIsGoB&CarPriCon. It’s not money that’s the problem, but it’s design. Like any shelter, they all have their use, but with different focus, emphasis, experience level, purpose and function. For example, a prison cell is a shelter to house a criminal, or someone who knows nothing else. Perhaps they think it’s much safer to be in a secure prison cell, than outside as a free person. Versus a home designed for outdoor living in a tropical island. This shelter is designed to protect the person from the elements, but is totally open to nature and the outside world. Both are shelters that give a very different experience of life.There’s no difference with money. It’s a means of exchange to facilitate trade and commerce amongst people. It’s energy flow. But, like designing a shelter, we need to understand the design elements of a monetary system, so we know our options and can design a monetary system that best fits our needs.So the focus is on:

● the design elements of a monetary system● design elements of our current monetary system, and its

implications to our lives, and our environment due to its design● finally go through an exercise to design an entirely new

monetary system that may better serve our needs.

With the five of us (Beverly, Jennifer, Elena, Nathanial and I) when we are in synchronization and resonance with each other (vs. resistance, control and manipulation), we build off each other’s energy to grow our energy together exponentially. That grows our energy in Love and Power to infinity. See the Celestine Prophecy last scene where they connect in resonance, and in synchronicity to grow their energy exponentially.Capitalism itself is by its very nature a form of control and manipulation as it requires growth at all costs. That means you need to sell more and more to the population in order to grow at the goal pace of 8% or so. So it's in the corporate interests to keep people completely powerless and dependent on their products so that they can continue to sell and grow and make more money. It's selling one illusion on top of another built on the backs of the powerless masses."There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed." GandhiIt is not action or effort that we must surrender; it is self-will, and this is terribly difficult. You must do your best constantly, yet never allow yourself to become involved in whether things work out the way you want.(related to my OCD behavior) I don't have to take care of everyone else (Jennifer, Elena, Nathanial, Beverly), and therefore have to control them to deal with my fear that I will have to work harder to take care of them if something "Bad" happens to them. We are all working together in harmony

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and synergy doing our individual parts to contribute to the whole. It is not my responsibility to rescue them. We are all taking our power and shining our light.Message from Beverly on Abundance:Materialism ties us to the finite. It also has mastery over us just like time. I do agree the last ten years of my life as you say were not the most abundant from society' view although these years of trusting the process is not easy and accepting what comes in the moment with gratitude and not feeling my needs or desires weren’t provided for. Just to be in the now with thanksgiving requires total surrender of letting everything go, it is part of the purification process.  At this level we let go of desires, needs, and wants.  It’s like the bible says about the sparrow being provided for daily.  Major lesson is that money is an attachment and we have to learn some day not to keep attached to it.  I think we have been more than blessed in allowing the unfoldment of the process and also seeing fruits.  When you look at where Michael is and trying to hold property so others can't have it and waste his time, energy and effort to build something.  he says he comes to united states for 4 months to fund raise.  A lot of wasted time.  How can universe bless out of greed, he needs to let it go and if it is meant to be he wouldn't need to fund raise and waste a lot of time and effort.When do we stop struggling, when we do we relinquish scarcity and security of a false conception that our lives have been based on.  Even if we had nothing we still would feel joyful and celebrate life and what passes our way so that we can be a light.  Abundance is about knowing that no matter what you have now, it’s always enough to fulfill on M&P. Scarcity says that no matter what you have now it’s never enough. Two movies that i saw this week about 2 girls walking away from the materialistic world of boyfriends one an executive in top company and other congressman and turned to the simple life of not wanting to be adorned by ego rather have love and joy and friendship and not status. Gave up money for love which is secure when we build our foundation on it.  There is no scarcity only attraction.How do you not know that this is not going to benefit the Ecuador project is that a limitation.  Seeds are seeds and can grow and be picked in the right timing.  Guilt says I am taking a chance and don't know.  Face it, what is life,  It is about taking chances when we make a choice.  Idea into action says i am inspired by this and i am allowing it to take me where it needs to with no limitations.

Remember life is a journey. All we can do is see where it takes us and accept it without judgment and expectations.

I AM THAT I AM, the totality of everything that is, was and will be.  If you are the totality of the macrocosm you are a co-creator and have everything within you to create abundance for there is nothing else to create from for it has already been created in the form of the periodic table.  From that table we can arrange molecules and restructure to create infinite possibilities.

The "Camel, Eye of the Needle" analogy in the bible (Matthew 19:24): "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through

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the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."The truth behind this analogy is that back in the times of Jesus the cities were walled in like fortresses. The fortress had a door that was cracked open for people to enter and leave. This small opening was called "the eye of the needle". However, camels needed to kneel and crawl to get through this "eye of the needle" opening. When the merchants went out with their camels and came back with all their goods, the camels needed to be unloaded in order to get through the door. So they could not take their goods in through the eye of the needle. They had to leave it outside to get in. So what this story is really referring to is that you can't take all your "stuff" with you to the afterlife. To enter the kingdom of heaven you must unload your "stuff" and leave it out to get through the "eye of the needle". So it's not about the being in deprivation or not having any material possessions while you're alive. It's about not having the attachment to the material "stuff", because you can't bring it with you anyway, and your attachment to the stuff will actually keep you out of the Kingdom of Heaven.

5-D vs 3-D:I can create it when I need it (JIT). I have everything I need when I need it. Co-creator. Infinite Possibilities. Perceive life through the Universal, the Infinite.Deprivation; Lack. I have to work hard to get somewhere, to get what I want. Storage / hoarding / saving. Attachment, emotions. Disempowered; controlling. In a 3-D paradigm you can learn the ultimate motivation and control mechanism of most any endeavor by following the money trail, since money is the primary means of energy exchange. Those who have it will use it to fund their agenda. Generally in this society that agenda is to gain more control and power. If you want to know why some research is funded and not others, simply follow the money trail to see what the primary motivation is. Everyone wants peace, a disease free society, smaller government, less lawyers, but think about how many people these areas employ. There are hundreds of millions of people employed in the hospitals, drug companies, military industrial complex, armies, army bases, government, and all the periphery services that are there to support these. These people that are employed by these industries want that steady paycheck and wouldn't know what to do if there was no war or disease or smaller government. Subconsciously they are propagating the war and disease in the world. Why, because they have made money their source, instead of Universe. They don't know who they are or why they are here.Money is not the issue; it is not the root of all evil. This is a myth propagated to keep people in poverty consciousness. The issue is when people make money their source, rather than treating it as one of many means of energy exchange. Our true source is Universe through knowing of who we are and understanding and applying U.P.s (Male and Female integration). Universe will provide whatever abundance is necessary to fulfill on our M&P; whatever is needed, which includes money as one possible source of energy exchange.

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See Mike’s postings on this:http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/there-is-no-shortage-of-stuff/http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2009/03/20/there-is-no-energy-shortage/http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/two-rare-earth-stories/And so it goes…Abundance leads to low prices.Low prices lead to complacency.Complacency leads to scarcity.Scarcity leads to higher prices.Higher prices lead to discovery.Discovery leads to Abundance.Repeat.So, repeat after me:“There IS NO SHORTAGE of resources.”“There never has been.”“There never will be.”“There is only the need for imagination.”http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2011/06/09/net-national-wealth/http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/lithium-timing-bolivia-socialist-dreams/http://chiefio.wordpress.com/2011/06/26/coal-tax-post-redux/“And here we again see the use of a tax as an attempt to restrain competition. Never forget that. Whenever congress (or any other Sovereign) proposes a tax, it is partly for the money and power it gives them, and partly to punish someone they do not like. Friends get “charters” and “rights”, enemies get “taxes” and “regulations”. Individuals get BOHICA.The laws of Economics are firmly rooted in human nature and the realities of the physics of production and distribution. They are no more changeable than the laws of physics or chemistry. Yet governments continue to think they can legislate the economic laws. They cannot. All they can do is what has always been done. Distort the markets by imposing taxes and regulations.” Chief IO

Money:"If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master." "If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed." Money has entered so deeply into our lives that it can become our primary reference point. We make so many of our decisions based on how they affect the bottom line. Do you compromise things you really value for money? Has the power of money hurt your relationships, your health, your work or your self-respect?What would it take to achieve financial stability and sufficiency in your life?Look honestly at your life. How could you achieve financial stability and sufficiency? Would you need more income? Would you need to trim back your lifestyle? Would you achieve this by refusing to purchase on credit? What can you do now that would move you one step closer to having control over the money in your life?

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“We can respond creatively to what we experience as life-depriving and become richer in spirit for having met the challenge.”

From Leonardo Wild’s book on money “De-Mythifying Money”

Tithing:So we want to be grateful for the money we have and the nurturing it provided, and bless it as you return it back to Universe. Every check we write, every time we pay for something, we want to thank Universe and bless the money to be used by someone else to add to the Light and Life in the Universe. Money is energy and as you bless that energy it will take on a higher frequency in alignment with a higher purpose of the Universe. Not only should you spend money on your monthly expenses, which are part of your physical nurturing, but also give to your spiritual nurturing, which takes the form of learning and growing spiritually. In addition, give unconditionally to others who are adding to the Light and Life of the Universe. In fact, pay for the Light and Life first, and your spiritual growth, then all your bills related to your physical nurturing. Put it back in circulation to add to the Light and Life of the Universe.Peace and Abundance are intimately intertwined. You cannot have peace without abundance. As a human in a material world, we need money to survive. If we don’t have enough for basics, our lives cannot function. At the same time, with too much emphasis on the material, we lose the spiritual awareness that brings meaning and fulfillment. The key lies in the balance.

Law of Co-Creation(related to Tarot Key 7 which is the synthesis of Keys 1 - 6)

Also known as the Law of Balance. Also related to the well-known Law of Conservation of Energy in physics.For every action there is an equal, opposite and simultaneous reaction. The Universe is perfectly balanced as ONE at every single moment. Any action that moves energy (physical, emotional, mental) will have a reaction somewhere in the Universe to balance it.The Law of Balance also applies to moderation. We can get out of balance for short-term, and then get back into balance over time. Moderation versus the accumulation effect and long-term exposure.  You can eat a little junk food rather than be in deprivation. Remember, the poison is in the dose.

Man's ability to create their desires is not perfect (i.e., man / IDentity / Ego is not perfect due to their limited nature by design). However, the Universal Principles are perfect, and their operation is perfect. So man's effect is always perfect for the original cause of man's choice.

Rhythmic Balanced Interchange - "This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between father - mother lights of gravitation? and radiation is fundamental in all creating things." The Secret of Light, page 150

"God’s universal body is a two-way compensating, continuous and eternal universe of absolute balance in every effect of

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motion. Generation equals radiation, compression equals expansion, the red half of the spectrum equals the blue half, solid matter balances the potential of its surrounding Space in every wave field, and each one of every opposite pair not only balances with its opposite but borns its opposite through sequential interchange." Home Study Course

"The most obvious fact of Nature is its repetition in reverse of every effect of motion in two-way pulsing cycles. It is unaccountably strange that science has never observed this most obvious of all of Nature’s characteristics. Every cycle in Nature is a two-way, equal interchange between pairs of opposite conditions. That interchange between the equally balanced anodes and cathodes of this electric wave universe constitute its pulsing heartbeat, which likewise is cyclic, otherwise it would not continue." Home Study Course

Fulcrum (U.P.s):Point of balance (when in equilibrium), point of rest or point of leverage (when not in equilibrium).

"All expressions of energy spring from rest, seek a point of rest and return to a condition of rest. The power of a moving lever is not in the lever nor in its motion. It is in the stillness of its fulcrum (U.P.s) from which it borrows its ability to manifest the power of the fulcrum." Russell, The Secret of Light, page 114-115.

The principle of rhythmic, balanced interchange, or equal giving for regiving. The measure in which you work knowingly with God (Universal Principles) equals the measure in which God (the Universal Principles) will work with you, but God (the Universal Principles) will not work for you. Working knowingly with God (Universal Principles, in alignment with Universe and the Universal order) multiplies your power. When you work knowingly with God your focus and concentration expands your power. Your awareness of God working with you as you - One Mind and One Thinker (I Am that I Am). Knowing who you are is the first step in knowing God.You must take the the first step in inspiration, faith. God will take the next step equal to your giving and faith. God does not play favorites or provide 'miracles' to favor one over the Natural Laws. God is the Natural Laws in their operation to create energy in motion."Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light."

God helps those who help themselves. In other words, Cosmic Intelligence supplemented by human training in the use of Cosmic Intelligence (U.P.s). God works with people and not for them. Knowledge followed by action. The word spoken and aligned to Truth as a co-creator creates the world.If we simply are out to get mass consciousness on our side it means nothing to Universe. We must align to Truth, to the Universal energy flow for there to be co-creation.

Conscious Participants / Co-creators:We must be conscious participants in any change we wish to

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see. Conscious change doesn't just happen. It happens with our participation to guide and direct the energy to the vision. Even with the planetary and cosmic energies coming in to 2012 era (based on astrological readings), we are still ultimately responsible for the transition into the new age. Without us doing our part, being led and guided, nothing happens. Actually, what happens is we go into chaos until we align to the Universal energies. Because the energies of the Universe are forcing the weaknesses up to the surface. There's nothing we can do about it. We either align and heal the illusions with the light of Truth, or we suffer."Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man or woman could have dreamt would come their way. Whatever you do or dream you can do, begin it now. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."-Johann von Goethe

What surrounds us now is the culmination of a stream of events coming out of the past. Thus the present represents the end of a cycle of preceding activities.

What we are thinking of now is prior to all physical manifestation. It preceded the production of forms. It is the concentration of energy in free space. The free space, furthermore, is mental space. There is nothing but consciousness of itself at this Point where the One Spirit wakens into activity.

Co-creation is a process of being open to receiving and regiving in a dance of ever expanding vortation to co-create something greater than what would have been done with only one. To be open to receiving we must expand our BE "cup" to encompass the new vision / inspiration. We must BElieve without a doubt that it's possible and it's already done. It's about being present in the moment, open to intuition, and the unfoldment of infinite possibilities (think of path-dependent outcomes and dancing landscapes - it's impossible to know the outcome a priori due to feedback loops and externalities in a complex system). It is faith and trusting the process: the infinite, letting the inspiration unfold (going with the flow - using energy principles), open to receiving and being patient and receptive for when the doors open; knowing but not knowing the details of how it will unfold (like a puzzle the whole picture will be revealed to you when you complete the puzzle), the pieces of the puzzle are put together by you and

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Spirit; surrender, guided at each step; you take a step, then are informed by the results of that step to take the next step in conjunction with U.P.s and reasoning (higher mind) to guide and direct you to the next step. The doors will open when you align to Thy Will, Truth.He who seeks truth must have zeal. He must be in fiery rebellion against the limitations and bondage of ignorance. To carry on against odds which seem to be hopeless, he must be filled with intense, one-pointed desire to demonstrate by actual experience that he is really and truly a child of God, an instrument of God, and as such, all things are possible with God.

Tarot Key 7 - The Chariot:Key 7 is the end of the first row of Keys in your tableau and is a synthesis of them all. It tells you that the chain of events leading to your ability to express Will-power starts with the Magician. Acts of attention (Key 1) set going the associative function of subconsciousness (Key 2), and the result is the creation of concrete mental images which externalize as definite environmental conditions (Key 3). The observation and orderly correlation of the images which present themselves to us as facts and circumstances is what we call reason (Key 4). This enables us to test our intuitions (Key 5) with the result that we make discriminations between the real and unreal, and with the further result that we become aware of the differences between self-consciousness and subconsciousness and perceive their relation to superconsciousness (Key 6).

A practical occultist can work “miracles” because he has established himself in knowledge that the real Worker within him is Omnipotence - not his limited personality. His training does not give him powers. It enables him to become an unobstructed channel for the One Power that accomplishes everything. Because this training includes practice in rational thinking, an adept never attempts what is really impossible (i.e., goes against the natural laws, against nature). Nor does he try to “work magic” to further selfish personal ends. He has learned that there are not, nor can there ever be, any purely personal objectives or actions. For every personality is organically bound up with all other personalities and with the whole cosmic activity. The training of a practical occultist establishes his confidence in the adequacy of the cosmic support. Of that he depends utterly. Depends on it for his thoughts, as well as for things. Seeks earnestly to find the Kingdom at work within him and yields utterly to that.

Imagination is subordinate to reason. Most persons permit reason to be dominated by imagination. A few have discovered that reason can determine what mental images shall occupy the field of attention. These few imagine creatively, and their imagery is governed by their mental vision of the place of human personality in the cosmic order. Most persons merely rationalize their uncontrolled imaginations, which are at the mercy of race thought and of suggestions engendered by external appearances. Not so the adept. His subconsciousness is always under the direction of the reasoning self-consciousness. He is not the slave of

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moods, nor swayed by race-thought.

Action Without Effort:Instead of trying to make something happen by the usual efforts of planning, willpower and determination, you go within and see the action accomplished, then something very different happens. The action doesn’t mysteriously become accomplished by non-effort, but you experience a state of flow which enables you to move through the task with ease, grace and incredible efficiency. The easiest way to invoke a state of flow is to go within, attune with your inner being and the intended task, then come out into the world of action and carry out your intuitive guidance every step of the way until the task is completed. With awareness and practice, we can be relaxed no matter what we are doing. In fact, when we work in a relaxed state, our productivity increases as our effort decreases. For true relaxation, we need to connect with our bodies -- to consciously and intentionally become aware of tension and release it. In a state of flow, the action is guided from within and the doer virtually vanishes into the deed.The key to creating the desired state of flow is that, because your inner being is fully attuned with the universe, you can then act in a manner which is perfectly aligned with all other circumstances related to your work. This is how synchronicity happens and coincidences become commonplace in your life. People, ideas and materials all come together at the exact right time and in the right place because flow is an orchestration of the many, not just the one. You can be the main person conducting the work, but the universe responds to your inner connection and brings to you everything that you need with effortless coincidence.

One thing which makes all forms of mental and occult practice seem difficult is the supposition that what we have to do demands on exertion of some intangible mental power which must be pitted against the inertia of a very tangible physical reality. This “matter” surrounding us seems to be so dense, so resistant, so hard to move, that most persons regard as preposterous the notion that mere thinking can have any power over external conditions. A wise man is not deceived by surface appearances. He sees himself surrounded by things which have neither the solidity nor the inertia his unaided senses report. He understands that the densest forms of physical substance, as well as the lightest gases, are really forms of energy. Thus, when he begins to attack the practical problem of changing conditions by changing his thinking, he does not face the difficulty which besets one who believed what his senses report concerning the things in his environment. A practical occultist knows there is no difference between the energy which takes form as thought and the energy which takes form as a diamond, a piece of metal, or any other physical object. He knows, moreover, that thought forms are centers of more intense and more lasting activity that physical things. By reversing our interpretation of our environment we are able to free our minds from the subjection to appearances which prevents most people from using mental imagery to change conditions for the better. This is done through unleashing the powers of

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the subconscious through focused concentration.

Co-Creative Conversations:Co-creative conversations start with an openness to receive, humility that we don't have all the answers (we are merely a piece of the puzzle), and a willingness to discover something completely unexpected and bedazzling. We can always take the truth in whatever anyone says and build on that. We treat that bit of truth like a treasure and a gift. It's a receiving and a re-giving that unfolds without an agenda, without the need to prove right or wrong; it's just a complete unfoldment in the present moment; a beautiful dance of two Spirits co-creating a whole new and more powerful perspective than any one alone. To put this in practice you can use "Yes, And..." and build upon the nugget of truth. There's a nugget of truth in anything someone says. Universalize it! The alternative is: argumentation, duality, "me vs. you".

Think of the causal sequence of human creation: BE -> FEEL -> THINK. The THINK is shaped by the BE, not the other way around. The BE will expand the THINK. Without expanding the BE you cannot expand the THINK. The THINK or Intellect will be limited by what it knows from the past. The THINK will squash the inspiration since it has no past history to encompass it. In addition, the BE will feel inadequate and incapable of handling it. That's why it's so important to condition your BE first, then move forward with the co-creation process.A great example of this is communication. A co-creator listens with neutrality: free of judgment and emotional charges.What kills communication is the perception that someone is trying to control me with a communication. So we resist the communication. All communication is an opportunity to co-create. It's a gift we can use to co-create a solution that works for everyone.

In a state of flow, the action is guided from within and the doer virtually vanishes into the deed.

The key to creating the desired state of flow is that, because your inner being is fully attuned with the universe, you can then act in a manner which is perfectly aligned with all other circumstances related to your work. This is how synchronicity happens and coincidences become commonplace in your life. People, ideas and materials all come together at the exact right time and in the right place because flow is an orchestration of the many, not just the one.

You can be the main person conducting the work, but the universe responds to your inner connection and brings to you everything that you need with effortless coincidence. Since God works through us, then others that are being led and guided in the present moment will be co-creators for each other. We are each other’s God's Angels here on Earth. There are no miracles, just people open to receiving and being led and guided in the present moment with open, compassionate hearts.

The message is that there is a time and a place for

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everything to come together for effortless achievement. By intending a goal and connecting with your inner being, you start the co-creation of that perfect time and place by attracting all the resources you need to achieve the goal. Then, by acting exactly when the energy feels right, you express the flow of ideas and energy which pour forth from your inner being. This requires that you be fully present in the moment.

Co-creation becomes effortless, and the realm of being has become manifest in the world of action. You will have achieved success by alignment with the inner realm of 'not doing.'

When enough humans rise to the 5-D realm and are led and guided in the present moment with open, compassionate hearts, at that point we reach a critical mass where enough of us are operating as co-creators that we experience an exponential acceleration toward the manifestation of Heaven on Earth for all. At this level, manifestation occurs much faster since there are more people contributing to the process. It all starts with You. One person at a time.

The energy of Spirit is always one of giving. That is what creation is about. In order to serve we must give of ourselves. Giving is our purposeful contribution to life. We give by using our talents and gifts, and by sharing our gifts of the Spirit which are our soul attributes and qualities.

Summon the Compassionate Trickster to Transmute, Transform, and Enlighten through Playfulness, Grace, and Love:Take a dire situation and rewrite the script to a totally playful scene that is liberating, expansive, integrative (in alignment with U.P.s). Have fun with what is being said, and playing out. Rather than attack and resist a situation or person, embrace it and play with it. Compost, recycle the situation to a playful embrace and align the script to U.P.s. Composting is like the Torus, the womb of creation, the void / zero point, recycle bin of purification to infinite possibilities.Disobedient, creative, playful trickster. Take something scary or undesirable and embrace it and play with it to a more desirable situation.Transgression (violation of the law, command or duty, going beyond the bounds or limits), Transmutation, Transformation, Enlightenment.You can also think of the playful dolphin energy. Observe how dolphins live: they are playful, joyful creatures. They don't take life too seriously.

See also “Think Like A Genius” (p. 22-35) by Todd Siler:Metaphorm: C.R.E.A.T.E. = Connect, Relate, Explore, Analyze, Transform, Experience. Applied in each of 4 steps: Connection, Discovery, Invention, Application, and back again to the beginning. Leonardo Da Vinci used nature as his inspiration for many of his designs. He metaphormed what he saw in nature with practical applications that can be built to a human scale.Releasing barriers to keep things separate, such as

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categorizations, prejudices, judgments, fear. These self-imposed barriers disable our natural ability to make connections and see beyond our arbitrary discriminations and categorizations.Genius: “Someone who has completely lost his way in a forest, but strives with uncommon energy to get out of it in whatever direction, sometimes discovers a new, unknown way: this is how geniuses come into being, who are then praised for their originality.” Friedrich Nietzsche. “If one style of thought stands out as most potent explanation of genius it is the ability to make juxtapositions that elude mere mortals. Call it a facility with metaphor, the ability to connect the unconnected to see relationships to which others are blind.” Connections mean: analogy, figure of speech, symbol, story, pun, story-writing and story-telling, scenario-making, visualizing, hypothesizing, role-playing, and other means of connecting one thing to other things.Metaphorming involves: posing questions to yourself, writing these Qs down, physically making things such as drawings, writings, models, and discussing the things you make. These give form to your ideas, thoughts, feelings, making them tangible as bricks and mortar.For communication: by connecting some aspect of your world with another person’s world, you can communicate more easily and effectively.Making connections to all aspects of your life gives greater meaning and purpose to your life and work.Creative Seeing: seeing and working with the deepest essence of what is seeing and experienced. Creative seeing leads to the creation or discovery of new meaning. Such as forming new ideas by looking at old ones.

Chaos and Co-Creation:Creativity - Making a pact with chaos gives us the possibility of living not as controllers of nature but as creative participators. Most creativity blossoms when we are participating in chaos, when we lose control and our characters take on lives of their own.Subtlety - To sacrifice control and live creatively requires attention to the subtle nuances and irregular orders going on around us. The categories and abstractions that constitute our human “knowledge” are certainly necessary for practical survival, but our categories can dominate us to the point where we ignore the finer, uncategorizable inner nature of human situations. Chaos shows that beyond our attempts to control and define reality lies the rich, perhaps infinite, realm of subtlety and ambiguity where life is lived. Chaos theory shows us how apparently tiny and insignificant things can end up playing a major role in the way things turn out. By paying attention to subtlety, we open ourselves to creative dimensions that make our lives deeper and more harmonious.Being Creative -

● “self-organization out of chaos” - occurs when chaotic activity suddenly branches off into order, such as vortices in rivers and streams. The “bifurcation point” refers to the point where chaotic activity suddenly branches off into order. Systems that self-organize out of chaos survive only by staying open to a constant flow-

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through of energy and material. The self-organized patterns remain stable as long as the conditions out of which they were created are kept within certain limits. Chaos is nature’s creativity.

● Truth - Creativity is about getting beyond what we know, getting to the “truth” of things. Often, our habits of thought, opinions, and experiences, the supposed certainties of our “knowledge” about the world, produced distortions and deceptions about reality. More important, the opinions and facts that constitute our conditioning may end up obscuring a deeper authenticity and “truth” about our individual experience of being in the world. Truth lies in constantly questioning what we see and think about the world.

● Making the Vortex 1: Turbulence- Open up to doubts and uncertainties to access degrees of freedom that can spur new self-organization. Use the painful experiences of life to lead you to new truths. Step back from the experiences of life, momentarily dissolve all “knowledge” (the left side of the brain) of what you are experiencing, and see them for what they really are, for their truths. Seeing an experience beyond its abstraction in the mind involves entering into doubts and uncertainties and allowing our abstractions and mental constructions to die or be transformed. When this happens, creative insight self-organizes, catching us unaware with the shock or delight of the unexpected “truth”, essence, or being lurking even within the objects of the “ordinary” and “familiar” world around us. For this you must have a high tolerance for ambiguity, ambivalence, and a tendency to think in opposites. To be creative you need to give yourself to sensations of “knowing but not knowing”, inadequacy, uncertainty, awkwardness, awe, joy, horror, being out of control, and appreciating the nonlinear, metamorphosing features of reality and their own thought processes.

● Making the Vortex 2: Bifurcation and Amplification - Bifurcation points are moments of truth that amplify and begin to self-organize the work. Bifurcation points may come about through mistakes, chance, or failure. These can be thought of as “seeds” from which creativity flowers. This is a point at which perception shifts and the chaos begins to self-organize. Some moments of insight occur when we see or hear something that would be meaningless, nonsensical, or trivial to someone else, but which seem to set in motion a significant change in our perception, to get to the “truth” of our perception, the authenticity of our experience of life.

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● Making the Vortex 3: The Open Flow - “Flow” is the period is the period in the creative process when self-consciousness disappears, time vanishes or becomes full, and there is total absorption in the activity. There is an intense clarity about the moment and a clear movement, and there is little or no concern for failure.

● The Vortex and the Paradox of Individuality - A vortex is a distinct and individual entity, and yet it is indivisible from the river that created it. The vortex suggests the paradox that the individual is also universal: Our creative moments - whether it is looking freshly at a tree or coming to a new understanding about our lives - are moments when we are in touch with our own authentic truth, when we experience our unique presence in the world. But paradoxically, the experience of a unique presence is also often coupled with a sensation of ourselves as indivisible from the whole.

● Creativity Means Each of Us - Chaos theory teaches that when our psychological perspective shifts - through moments of amplification and bifurcation - our degrees of freedom expand and we experience being and truth. The key to creative activity lies in the self-organization of available materials. This means we must literally create with our lives. Deep creative appreciation of life comes only when there is enormous uncertainty. In each moment we have the opportunity to die psychologically by letting go of prejudices, mechanical habits, isolation, precious ego, images of self and the world, and conceptions of the past and future. In this way we set in motion the possibility of a creative, self-organizing perception that puts us in touch with the magic that gave us birth. A sense of newness seems an inevitable characteristic of creativity, because when we enter the vital turbulence of life, we realize that, at bottom, everything is always new.

● Creativity is lost in our obsessions with control and power; in our fear of mistakes; in the constricted grip of our egos; in our fetish of remaining within comfort zones; in our continuous pursuit of repetitive or merely stimulating pleasure; in our restricting our lives to the containers of what other people think; in our adherence to the apparent safety of closed orders; and in our deep-seated belief that the individual exists in an irreducible opposition to others and the world outside the self.

The Co-Creation Process:The co-creation process at the superconscious level is one of Faith and Trust, the infinite; being open to receiving and

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working hand-in-hand with Universe to co-create heaven on Earth. Knowing that the working power is the inexhaustible energy of the One Spirit. “I do nothing of myself: the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” So you have a vision, and inspiration that feels open and expansive, integrative, aligned to Truth, and therefore comes from that Superconscious self. Rightly cultivated and combined, desires are the most potent form of suggestion. By definite formulation of the desire in harmony with the real nature of things, we may dominate the mighty forces of nature below the human level of activity. So with that vision and inspiration as the cup from which the energy is molded you put idea into action in Faith and Trust. You intentionally and consciously gather information, learn new skills, talk to people, and take the next step in the present moment towards that inspiring vision. This is how the seed is nurtured. This is not a spontaneous, natural development. It is the result of deliberate intentions and of purposes consciously formulated. It is the consequence of knowledge consciously acquired; the outcome of practice consciously undertaken (see Key 8: TF 20). Take it from the infinite and bring it to the finite. In everything you do, you do it to the very best of your abilities with the resources and skills you have, and leave the results up to God. It's not about being perfect. It's about doing your best and being open to receiving what God gives. God will send the rain, but you must prepare the field to receive it. If you judge the outcome as wrong or bad that will build the doubt, abort the seed. Also, before you can nurture the seed you must nurture yourself by taking time to reflect, journal, and love yourself. You cannot have it any other way. If you do not nurture yourself you will abort the seed. You come first, then everything else flows from there.

Climbing the Mountain Top:A great analogy to consider with the co-creation process is like climbing a completely unknown, new mountain top. The mountain top is a metaphor for any inspiration within, be it reaching a 5-D consciousness, building a retreat center, writing a book. Like climbing a mountain top the path to the top is generally not known. All we know is what we can see in front of us, in that present moment. So to reach the mountain top we look around us and take the first step towards the initial cycle that gets us incrementally closer to the mountain top. Once we complete that cycle, we look around for the next cycle to complete that will get us yet another step incrementally closer to the mountain top. We continue this until we reach the mountain top.

This is like life. Many times we have no clue how to reach our inspiration. But many times we at least know what the first step will be. So once we complete the first step or cycle, we look around for the guidance to the next cycle and complete that. Eventually, if we stay persistent and have faith and trust in the unfoldment we will reach the final inspiration. It’s the journey that ultimately matters. The journey is what is unique and special to each of us. Sometimes in the journey we go backwards, or have to go down in order to find the way up. But if we always keep our eyes and thoughts on achieving the ultimate inspiration we will eventually reach it.

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This approach keeps us in the present moment, focused on the ultimate inspiration (Key 9 the Hermit), while not getting overwhelmed and in fear of completing it, because we focus on what we can do now in the present moment and leave the rest up to God to be led and guided to the next step. This keeps us in motion, inspired, and open to infinite possibilities. The alternative to have a well detailed plan keeps us in limitation and closed to other possibilities. In addition, we may be in overwhelm to complete all the steps that have been pre-figured out for us. However, life is dynamic and seldom do our well laid out plans work out. When they don’t we interpret that as failure and give up.

The key concept here are cycles within cycles that ultimately lead you to your ultimate inspiration or yearning. This approach keeps you in the present moment and out of overwhelm, doubt, fear of the unknown, feeling lost discouraged and inadequate. Always stay focused on the inspiration (Key 9 the Hermit), don’t lose site of it. Stay in the present moment and on the present cycle with infinite possibilities to follow. If it’s in God’s Will you will get there!

Honing Desires:Many desires of the human personality are unimportant, weak, ephemeral. An enlightened man is a man of few desires, but those he has are deep, powerful, one-pointed. Such a man shoots straight at his mark permitting nothing to deflect his aim. His thoughts dwell on what he has decided to BE and DO. His mind pictures it clearly. His activity is directed to its attainment. Select your most important desire. Do not allow less important ones to interfere with it. Yielding to the influence of small desires dissipates energy you should apply to truly important work.

Every physical form is some special shape assumed by electrical energy around us. The circulation of this energy produces whatever there is. A physical form may be thought of as being a condensation of the electro-magnetic “rain” which is the root matter pervading all space and veiling the fiery energy of the Once Force.

Nurturing the Seed:Admit into your consciousness only those things you wish to become manifest in your life. Whatever mental pictures you dwell upon in thought is materialized, sooner or later, because you pump mental power into it to vitalize it. Your judgments of others are included in this. Better not to judge at all. Your personal viewpoint is limited. Go into detail about another’s shortcomings, and you are vitalizing pictures of those very appearances. They will manifest in your life. For this is the law of creation, and you are a creator. Perhaps you may object, “But this is nonsense! I know what I see. I know what I hear. Am I to lie about people and things?” By no means. Just keep your tongue silent and you will avoid lying about yourself and others. Get rid of the negative pictures. How? Simply by looking more deeply and more attentively. Look for the positive. When you see it, speak it, and you will be speaking the truth. Look for the beautiful. He who seeks

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finds. Self- conscious imagery, communicated to subconsciousness, creates what you desire. A constructive, normal desire, packed with vast eagerness, is a very powerful hint to your subconscious.Creation is continuous. It has never been brought to an end. It goes on right now. The key is to make intelligent use of the power you already possess.

You walk in Truth (U.P.s) in everything you say and do. The Ego is the vehicle that is led and guided by Spirit, but Ego is not in control; it is the loyal and humble servant of Spirit. The Ego doesn't have to get involved with figuring out all the pieces and controlling the outcome; this is the inappropriate use of Ego (intellect), for its applicable only when implementing after inspiration to bring Heaven to Earth. It does what it can in the present moment and leaves the results up to God, and to be led and guided to the next step. In the superconscious the Ego is the loyal, humble servant of Spirit. Otherwise, Ego tries to strategize, get certainty (in the physical, 3-D sense), plan in detail, and control all outcomes. When things don't go as 'planned' the Ego then judges, creates doubt and confusion, which then aborts the original seed. All this simply blocks the flow since there is no receiving from the infinite. The Ego tries to create a closed system so that it can control the outcome. In reality you cannot figure things out apriori as life is a dancing landscape. Life is interdependent, diverse and adaptive. If you try to control the outcome you miss out on the possibilities that have emerged as the landscape has changed. So you're no longer dancing with life. Instead, you're trying to control life and therefore block the flow. In complex systems there must be a balance between exploration and exploitation, or take one step, then be open to receiving the guidance for the next step after that.

You're not going to know all the details. It's also not about you (Ego). You are merely a servant doing your part offering your unique talents and gifts in service to God. Nor are you alone. God will introduce to you whoever you need to meet, or whatever you need to know to support you through the next step. You just do your part to prepare the fields, and God will do his part and send the rain. Don't over analyze it. Just take the next step and let it unfold before you. You'll have to stay open, receptive, flexible, with an open heart to Spirit which leads and guides through intuition and synchronicity. You must be in the present moment, open to receiving, receptive, flexible, walking in Truth (U.P.s), trusting the process. Even though you may not understand each step, but you take it anyway in faith and trust and let it unfold. Let Universe put the picture together for you. Its like the spider weaving it's thread. You don't know the whole picture, the whole pattern until it's completed. Don't try to figure it out intellectually. The picture will present itself at the proper timing without you having to do anything.

You are integrating the micro with the macro of Universe, the I Am that I Am; the female receptive, to the male implementation. You take one step and listen for Spirit to give you the next step. You open to receive from the infinite and

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bring it down the finite through practical application. You are pure energy in motion, being led and guided by Universe. You may not know the whole picture, or understand each step, but you take it anyway in faith and trust and let it unfold in infinite possibilities. You don't need to figure it all out. The whole picture will present itself in the proper timing. You know you're walking in the right direction because it's effortless and easeful. You're not forcing it and trying to make it happen. You have Divine appointments, the right doors open at the right time, and it's a total JOY to be here now living your dream.

Some practical ways you can nurture the seed of the vision is to create a collage with images that connect your heart to the vision, gather information to learn new skills or ways to manifest it, share the vision with others that are open and receptive to your vision. Beware of sharing your vision with people that are closed and unsupportive. That negative energy is not needed. Meet people that will support you in your vision. Visualize the vision and its unfolding every day. Feel the energy and emotion of the inspiration.

In the co-creation process we integrate Heaven and Earth by nurturing a seed, a vision, and inspiration. The seed, vision is already created. We are merely co-creators doing our part to bring the vision into manifestation. The love that we feel for the vision, seed is the energy that inspires us to move forward in the direction of the seed. We do our part and the U.P.s do the rest. Sharing the vision inspires others to participate and contribute in their own way. In sharing the vision we are also planting seeds. The seeds may fall on fertile soil or may not. In some way the seed may find its way to who it needs to find so that it begins to germinate and grow. That's God's work to do. We just do our part and plant the seeds.

It's not the visibility of seeing it manifested. It's the heart knowingness that it's there. The "How" is in the finite state, in the future, linear time; you've confined yourself to a limited, constricted sate. You're not supposed to know "How" it's going to unfold. You don't have to have all the facts. You want to get to the inspiration to visualize the beauty, and feel the joy and gratitude that it already is. The I Am says that it's now, it's already there, we just have to agree with it. You can see it and feel it in your inspiration and vision. You have to build inspiration on a daily basis, to be in the present moment, to know what you're being led and guided to do in this moment. Flavor it, smell it, feel it, visualize it. This opens your consciousness to receive it. What is being inspired today by the vision? What is producing itself in that unlimited possibility of manifesting in the physical realm? The vision and inspiration is the seed: it has to be watered, nurtured and taken action in the present moment. The seed has all the intelligence in it to manifest in the physical plane. We're doing our part by nurturing it. We're co-creators. We're not working hard to get somewhere, overwhelmed, and forcing the outcome. The inspiration is leading and guiding to a specific action in the present moment. If we're in the present moment we're observing where it's unfolding to assist it to

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the next step in its nurturing process in wisdom: using discernment, gathering information, and problem solving in the present moment. You're not worried about the "How" part as you take the action; you just take action in the present moment. It's action in its unfoldment. Idea into action. You're not attached to how it unfolds. As you take action you will get the "Ah Ha's" for the next step. Who you're BEing in this process makes all the difference. Heal the BEing.Goals: depends where it comes from. If it's to satisfy an ego desire to cover up an identity deficiency, then there will be attachment to results, forcing, working hard to get somewhere, finite possibility, strategizing, linear plan, rigid, fear of the unknown, confusion. With a finite, rigid goal you're not going to follow your intuition. You're closed from the Divine.

Trying vs. Conviction:Trying is one type of consciousness, and often those of us who try are not successful. But there’s another type of consciousness – one of conviction. That’s when trying is not an option.

Overcoming challenges requires a commitment to never give up. Success comes from seeing what we want to change or accomplish, and deciding that until we cross that finish line, there can be no turning back.

Those who merely try, usually don’t really want to make it happen. They just want to feel a little bit better about themselves. Making it happen means making a transformation in our consciousness to actually care about something or someone more than we do our own comforts. At the end of the day, whatever challenge we are facing, we have to choose if we’re going to be someone who tries, or someone who makes it happen.

Co-Creation and Resisting What Is:One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”  This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in our understanding.Our time is at hand! This is our moment! The key is that we need to face these challenges and co-create new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.

Detachment of Results:Ridding ourselves of concern as to the outcome of our work. This unconcern about results is by no means indifference. Neither is it a vague, dreamy feeling that “all will be well”. One must be specific, knowing what is intended, and fully resolved to bring about definite results. The thing to avoid is anxiety about the outcome. The secret of right work is to

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have no attachment to results.To be anxious about the future, to be concerned about results, is to make mental images of failure. He who does this concentrates on a mental pattern of what he does not want - consciously. Often, sad to say, this anxiety is a subconscious determination to fail. More persons fail because they really hope to than is generally understood. Their will to fail is based on a subconscious fear that they lack the power to carry out their projects through.Hence to cure that fear is essential; and the cure is easily affected by seeing, first of all, that every one of us has at his disposal a power perfectly adequate to accomplish whatever we intend to do, and whatever we are able to image clearly and definitely. When we grasp this truth, subconscious fears are dissipated, and with them goes the hidden will to fail.To this end, begin to think now of everything as being a manifestation of Spirit.

Co-creation and Symbiosis.

Co-creation is the introduction of creative energy, or negative entropy.

Law of Form follows Function(related to the Principle of Vibration) & Sacred Geometry

Shapes determine purpose. Form and function are interrelated.There are three scales that we deal with: The human scale, the microscopic atomic level, and the macroscopic cosmic level. At each level we have a different experience of the vibration.In addition, we have shapes of knots, braids, tangles (one degree of freedom), surfaces (two degrees of freedom), manifolds (greater than 2 degrees of freedom).Examples of knots, and braids are molecular structures such as DNA. Examples of surfaces are the platonic solids.See the work of Frank Chester for some interesting examples:http://frankchester.com/the-heart/Also, the art of origami (taking one continuous sheet of paper and shaping it with folds and creases) is one art with math, art and nature all come together to create some beautiful structures. Talk about abundance: You can create beautiful figures out of just a sheet of paper with this incredible art form.See also point source diagrams to see how in 2-D different point sources create different patterns.Voronoi diagrams are also interesting tool to use for understanding patterns in nature based on different point influences together in a plane. Voronoi diagrams help explain the complex patterns in leaf veins, dragonfly wing veins, caking in mud, locating point sources of the spread of disease, determining virtual boundaries of the influence of different service centers / stores in population areas, etc. Wherever you have a series of point sources you have regions of influences and boundaries, and these boundaries create interesting patterns.

The Square / Cube Law: This is related to the area (square) and volume (cube) of a body. The square / cube law applies to anything that is dependent on surface area and volume. For example, strength is proportional to the perpendicular

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cross-sectional area of an object. The weight of the object is proportional to its volume. So you will always see a square / cube law in the design of structures in nature. In other words, scale does matter in physics; magnification is not a symmetry of nature. In nature there is an absolute measure of size; it's the size of an atom, and the size of an atom is based on Quantum Mechanics Pauli Exclusion Principle. For example, you could not scale an ant to 1,000,000 times its size. It would die instantly since its strength would scale by 1x10^12, but it's weight would scale by 1x10^18. So it's 1x10^6 times more heavy than it is strong. Another example is in heat transfer. The heat loss is proportional to its area and the heat storage is proportional to its volume. So a small child will lose more heat than an adult at the same temperature. Another example is rate of chemical reaction, or rate of combustion is proportional to the exposed surface area. The greater the surface area the faster the chemical reaction. So if you have a lump of coal it will burn based on its exposed surface area at a slow rate. If you take the same lump of coal and make it into fine dust it will explode very easily.

Currie's Symmetry Principle: The Curie symmetry principle (Curie, 1894) is the causality relation between the symmetry of the cause and that of the effect. Symmetric causes must have symmetric effects. You can't have an asymmetric effect from a symmetric cause. The principle is composed of three parts:

● If certain causes yield the known effects, the symmetry elements of the causes should be contained in the generated effects.

● If the known effects manifest certain dissymmetry (absence of symmetry elements), this latter should be contained in the causes which have generated those effects.

● The converse to these two previous propositions is not true, at least in practical: i.e., the effects may have higher symmetry than the causes which generate these effects.

● Symmetry of the whole system with the symmetry of its parts.

The principle is always correct in the phenomena dominated by linear process in practice and therefore a powerful constraint for predicting an unavailable physical condition with perfect symmetry, e.g. in crystallography. On the other hand, several nonlinear phenomena are observed to break the Curie principle.

Crystalography: The study of the structure and properties of crystal solids. Crystal solids are made of atoms arranged in a regular spacial order and symmetry. In three dimensions of space only certain symmetries are possible, and therefore certain crystal shapes are impossible. For example, a 5-sided crystal cannot exist since there is no regular 5 sided solid. The outside shape of the crystal will reflect its underlying atomic lattice structure.

Nether's Law: A symmetry in nature leads to a conservation law.

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Quasicrystals:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuasicrystalQuasi-crystals represent a newly discovered state of matterMost crystals in nature, such as those in sugar, salt or diamonds, are symmetrical and all have the same orientation throughout the entire crystal. Quasicrystals represent a new state of matter that was not expected to be found, with some properties of crystals and others of non-crystalline matter, such as glass.With five-fold symmetry, once thought to be impossible, they were first observed in 1984 in an aluminum-manganese alloy (Al6Mn). Since then, quasicrystals have been found in other substances.Quasi-crystals fill space with five-fold symmetry based on phi.Penrose tiles allow a two-dimensional area to be filled in five-fold symmetry, using two shapes based on phi. It was thought that filling a three-dimensional space in five-fold symmetry was impossible, but the answer was again found in phi.Where the solution in 2D required two shapes, this can be accomplished in 3D with just one shape. The shape has six sides, each one a diamond whose diagonals are in the ratio of phi.

Feminine Principle The Knowingness of who we really are, and the self love component. Over the portals of ancient temples was the motto "KNOW THYSELF". For the same reason it is written: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God", and "The kingdom of God is within you." Therefore know thyself and all else that you require will be added unto you.We are made in the image and similitude of God. We are a replica of God. The Divine Blueprint. We are the microcosm of God. The feminine principle is all about knowing who we are and loving who we are unconditionally. When we know who we are truly, we naturally love ourselves. When our BElief systems are in alignment with Truth, we naturally love ourselves.As Divine creations we have been given the gift of understanding the Universal Principles, the perfected patterns of Divine creation. We have been given all we need to clothe and nurture our physical selves. Our role and mission in return is to observe and learn the U.P.s, and use these perfected patterns of creation (the U.P.s) to co-create new and unique patterns of Light and Life. This is how we give to the Universe and grow and expand exponentially in an upward spiral the consciousness of the Universe.

Clockwise vortation. Implosion, radiation, Yin.Heir to all, Abundance, Mother, Earth, Nurturing, Worthy to Receive, Open to Receiving ALL Experiences (+ or -), Pure in Heart. I take power and dominion over my Universe (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).Female energy gives life while male energy orders and arranges things after the life is given. The female is the Divine Inspiration, idea, seed. Feminine energy supports all people to being open and receptive to the diversity of life, appreciating and accepting the unique contribution that every person, group or belief can give to the whole.

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It is receptive; it is open to receive; being still and listening for Spirit amongst all the noise; it is magnetic and attractive; patient; compressive, inward. It is radiant; it gives of itself. Flow.In order to create or be creative we must use our female energy, being receptive and attracting to ourselves whatever is needed or desired.Being open to receiving means you are open to receiving both the positive and negative experiences of life in complete neutrality. In order to receive you must be worthy to receive. What blocks our opening to receive is our judgment of the situation or person. When we release the judgment and allow ourselves to receive we then accept the lessons and abundance from the Universe. So no matter the situation open your heart to receive without judgment and with gratitude and joy.Fear, doubt, anxiety and disbelief all serve to repel abundance from us and close us from receiving. Faith, love and gratitude for the gifts of our lives keep energy and abundance flowing. The more we trust in our well being, the more it will be realized.Transformation of personality demands that the personality have a yin state and attitude. This is a receptive state based on trust, true belief and an open heart.In the 3-D paradigm of duality and separation over many years of feeling pain and suffering from missing the mark, humanity closed their hearts, and therefore, closed themselves from receiving. This is why we have a lack of the feminine principle in our current society. Without the feminine humanity cannot receive the power of the male principle, and therefore must resort to the illusion of power in a disconnected state.Characteristics of the Female Principle include:

● in electricity is the cathode pole or negative pole of electricity. Cathode coming from the Greek root meaning "descent; the path of generation, etc."

● subjective mind, sub-conscious mind, involuntary mind, passive mind

Male Principle The macrocosm of the Universal Principles in action. Counter clockwise vortation. Explosion, gravitation, Yang (see pg 16 of 'In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation').Divine Mind, Innate Intelligence, the operation of the universal processes and laws.Responsive, Driven, Action Oriented, Initiator•Universal Principles•Divine Mind & Intelligence•Idea into Action•Truth•Discernment•Problem Solving•Missing the Mark = Learning Opportunities•Limits & Boundaries•Macrocosm•Pure in Thought

● Anode or positive pole● objective mind, conscious mind, voluntary mind, active

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mind● Reason (not to be confused with rationalization which

gives reasons for why we are victims of our conditions)● Insight / Vision● Imagination / Invention● Action / Practical Application● Chaos into Order● System● Order● Dominion Over Conditions● War

Natural Law - Macro / ImpersonalReason & Invention (creative imagination) - Micro / Personal

Reason and Insight are always contrary to the mass opinion - they invariably stir up conflict

Higher vision based on accurate observation of the actual situation on the physical plane. Looking beyond surface appearances to the core of the principle in operation.

Law of Neutrality(related to Non-Judgment)

The integration of Male and Female polarities to create neutrality and allow energy to flow. Expanding consciousness to include more, the Universal: opening your heart to feel all. This openness allows you to receive guidance from Spirit, which requires us to surrender the limited perspective of the Ego: the ego is not in control. Integrating the extremes: bringing the polarities together to find the Oneness.Creation comes about from the ecstasy of union of Male and Female. The female is the inspiration, idea. The male is the Universal Principles which bring the idea into manifestation in physical form.I Am (feminine - micro) the I Am (masculine - macro). I am the totality of everything that was, is and will be. I am God.Turning negative to positive doesn't create neutrality.  This is not a universal principle; it is only when we bring the two together and take the charge off of emotions that we can then neutralize.Nothing is good or Bad, and everything has characteristics, prices, and consequences.I think the best image to represent neutrality is the Torus. There's in implosion (female) and explosion (male) as the torus spirals inward and outward. The co-creative process.

Neutrality is a dynamic equilibrium where energy is flowing continuously to balance the tensions and gaps. As opposed to a static equilibrium, which is perfection and death.

Description of being in a neutral state: Release all pre-conceived notions of what you "see" is the problem. Release the answer; leave the answer to God for the highest and best for ALL concerned. Remember, it's not you doing it; it's God working through you.It is only when we are neutral can we truly learn what true Compassion is.  The definition of compassion is I LOVE AND ACCEPT YOU WHERE YOU ARE; YOU ARE PERFECT ; I NO LONGER NEED TO RESCUE OR SAVE YOU; I TRUST THE UNIVERSE FOR THE DIRECTION IN YOUR LIFE FOR I AM NOT THE SAVIOR FOR IT SAYS PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF.

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Law of Neutrality also relates to connecting the thread from the Source to the end result and validating as Truth each step in the process. That way the end result is 'connected' to the Source, and the energy is flowing. For example, when taking data from the source of 'truth', transforming it, and displaying it in another system, each step of that process needs to be validated in order to ensure it is displaying the 'truth'. Otherwise, there is a disconnect which creates chaos and disorder.

Applications:The connections and transformations must be validated from the Source to the end result so that energy is flowing and creating. Any break in the process that is not based on 'truth' will create a disconnect and further chaos and disorder.Use communications/words that are neutral (universal) when communicating with others. Do this so as you do not alienate others and keep your emotions out of the communication. It also keeps you in infinite possibilities and is inclusive of all others.Verify all assumptions before making decisions.Ask lots of questions (who, what, where, why, how, when) to understand fully first, rather than give opinions or judgments. Don't express your opinion or recommendations until there's an opening to receive by the other person. That way there is no 'me vs. you' and wasting energy to try to convince someone to see our point of view.

The Truth About the Self(The pattern on the trestleboard)

0.  All the power that ever was and will be is here now.1.  I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.2.  Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.3.  Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.4.  From the exhaustless riches of it Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.5.  I recognize the manifestation of the undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.6.  In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the divine expression.7.  Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.8.  I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.9.  In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the Foundation of Eternal Being.10.  The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

PHI, the Golden Mean, 1.618..., Fibonacci series as it shows up in nature so much. How is PHI a result of Universal Law? Why does PHI show up so much in nature?


The Simplicity behind the Complexity

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In many ways science has complicated the Universe by looking at the Universe from a mathematician perspective. Essentially, modeling natural phenomena with equations to predict the future, but understanding nothing of the underlying natural phenomena that leads to the unfoldment. So instead of trying to understand the underlying Universal Principles, science attempts to model nature with equations and then applies fudge factors to get closer and closer to the real phenomena. This all complicates the reality since it uses a construct that is not natural.

Difference Between Faith and BeliefBelief is a belief system based on conditioning and past experience.

Faith on the other hand is an understanding that Universal Principles are always in operation, and that the Universe is perfect exactly where it is. Not my will, but Thy Will. It's not about me. I am merely the conduit through which Universe expresses itself. Even though it may not appear to be real in physical reality, Faith is the knowingness that Universal Principles govern the physical reality and the unfoldment of physical reality is governed by Universal Law. Faith is belief in Universal Law. Faith is when we go beyond our internal programming and conditioning. In other words, we run up against something that we have no previous experience with. This is where Faith is required.

The Universe As a Whole and Complete System (from Sunil Thakur)CMBR shows that information about all points of universe exists at all points simultaneously. This is what makes the universe a hologram. We may probably require a small correction in the above statement because nature entertains communication only between the systems. One of the most important features of a system is that it has an internal communication mechanism in place that allows the system to function as one unit. When sun moves in the Milky Way galaxy, all its constituent sub-systems like earth move with it at the same velocity irrespective of their distance from the sun; similarly, all the stars in a galaxy move at the same velocity as the galaxy itself irrespective of the distance separating the stars from each other. Apparently, the force that carries the constituents of a system along is communicated instantly and without the loss of the magnitude of force to all the constituents of the system. Therefore, we may say that information about all systems in the universe exists as a potentiality in every system. However, because any given system in the universe manifests information in a specific range only therefore it cannot manifest all the information that is available to it.

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