united states power squadrons® - usps.org february.pdfstyle roast beef with cheese and green ......

United States Power Squadrons ® Ventura Sail and Power Squadron Volume 61 February 2017 Number 2 Cdr Robyn Miller, AP Commanders Corner We had a record 32 attendees at our an- nual meeting on January 14 at the Chan- nel Islands Yacht Club. As always, their hospitality and facilities provided a great venue to close out this past year with re- ports on education, membership and a demonstration of the educational teach- ing aid for Rules of the Road that was purchased with the donations in memory of Hal Wilder. The 2017 nominees for the Executive Committee were approved by unanimous vote and I believe they will provide con- tinued leadership excellence in the many activities of the Ventura Sail and Power Squadron. The winners of the appetizer contest were Doug and Lil Robertson’s Italian style roast beef with cheese and green olives sandwiches for first place, Steve Johnston’s roast beef with blue cheese sliders on jalapeno bread with mayo and horseradish for second place, and Fran and Hank Chandler’s bacon wrapped dates with cream cheese came in third. This is my last article for the Helm as Commander and I look forward to future 2017 Helm articles from our incoming Executive Committee. Our newsletter editor, Sheri Green, has done a great job reminding us to submit our articles in a timely manner so that she can format them together prior to the end of the month so that we communicate squad- ron activities to the members in a timely manner. A big thank you to Sheri for making this newsletter the best! We won the 2016 Distinctive Communicator Award again. See logo on the last page.

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United States Power Squadrons®

Ventura Sail and Power Squadron

Volume 61 February 2017 Number 2

Cdr Robyn Miller, AP

Commander’s Corner

We had a record 32 attendees at our an-

nual meeting on January 14 at the Chan-

nel Islands Yacht Club. As always, their

hospitality and facilities provided a great

venue to close out this past year with re-

ports on education, membership and a

demonstration of the educational teach-

ing aid for Rules of the Road that was

purchased with the donations in memory

of Hal Wilder.

The 2017 nominees for the Executive

Committee were approved by unanimous

vote and I believe they will provide con-

tinued leadership excellence in the many

activities of the Ventura Sail and Power


The winners of the appetizer contest

were Doug and Lil Robertson’s Italian

style roast beef with cheese and green

olives sandwiches for first place, Steve

Johnston’s roast beef with blue cheese

sliders on jalapeno bread with mayo and

horseradish for second place, and Fran

and Hank Chandler’s bacon wrapped

dates with cream cheese came in third.

This is my last article for the Helm as

Commander and I look forward to future

2017 Helm articles from our incoming

Executive Committee. Our newsletter

editor, Sheri Green, has done a great job

reminding us to submit our articles in a

timely manner so that she can format

them together prior to the end of the

month so that we communicate squad-

ron activities to the members in a timely

manner. A big thank you to Sheri for

making this newsletter the best! We won

the 2016 Distinctive Communicator

Award again. See logo on the last page.

Lt/C Steve Johnston, P

Executive Officer

Hello everybody,

As others might note, this is my last ar-

ticle as the Executive Officer. Next

month I take over as Commander.

Thanks in advance for all your help and

concerns. Feel free to contact me about

any issues that need to be addressed.

We have started to build an education

plan and ABC starts Tuesday February 7

at Ventura Yacht Club.

At the annual meeting, I won second

place in the appetizer contest, with roast

beef and bleu cheese sliders. Here is the

link to the video recipe. I am doing this

as there are a lot of ingredients and

some technique involved. Give it a

try....my kids also love it and request it




I hope to see everyone on February 4 at

the Change of Watch Dinner!

February Birthdays

My thanks to Dan Cahn for again

supplying the birthday list.

2-Feb Brent Kerr

3-Feb Karl Torfi Esrason

8-Feb Robert J. Stine

11-Feb Patrick R. Worth

13-Feb Susan Reed Matthews

14-Feb Christine Stine

15-Feb Janet A. Lawson

Lt/C Doug Montgomery

Administrative Officer

This month I am writing on a subject that

no one wants to experience: having to

abandon a 185-ft anchor handling tug-

boat (this is the short version).

The vessel had just finished a shipyard

haul-out and was ready to go, after the

vessel had been inspected by regulatory

agencies - American Bureau of Shipping

and the U.S. Coast Guard. An inspection

of all systems was completed with no de-


The crew had been working on the finish-

ing touches. A field trip took place to the

life raft service center and the crew was

able to take a look as the raft was in-

spected and certified and returned to the


As we cleared the L.A. breakwater the

Mate and assistant were on watch. At

0015 I was awakened and told the vessel

was taking on water. I went to the engine

room where the engineer had two 80

horsepower pumps online but the water

continued to rise. I went to the bridge

where the mate was making the appro-

priate calls. I took one more look at the

engine room and told the engineers to

secure all hatches and come to the


With all crew accounted for, we contin-

ued to make preparations to abandon

ship. We felt that necessary as the en-

gine room was flooded in less than 10

minutes (this vessel had three E.M.D die-

sel Locomotive engines).

As we caught our breath on the port-

side bridge-wing the ship rolled to port,

the life raft was deployed and became

fouled and unusable. Lying with an 85

degree port list we had some big-time


Believe me we all ended up in the water

which was 540

with three to four foot

seas. I knew we would be picked up soon,

and it was not too long before the life-

guard was there and we all went in the


Needless to say the crew pulled together

as a team; each crew member had done

the drills i.e., man overboard, fire and

abandon ship. Situational awareness is

so important. Remember the “What If”

and how you would respond - think ahead

for alterative plans.

Captain Shinn, NOAA Shearwater Research Vessel

Cdr Robyn Miller asked Captain Shinn for his articles for the Helm. He is brother-in-law to

John Murray, one of our squadron members and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Terrence Shinn was born and raised in Ventura, CA. He completed the Merchant Marines

and followed his heart to the sea. His stories about his experiences on the water can keep

one spellbound. Terrence has been captaining vessels to the Channel Islands since 1974. He

currently holds an Unlimited USCG license while operating NOAA research vessels. He is the

acting captain aboard the Shearwater research vessel that lies in Santa Barbara Harbor.

Terrence is the proud owner of the Safari Spirit, a trawler in the Pacific Northwest, Safari

Star, a motor sailor in Ventura and the Safari Sprite, a sailboat in Ventura.

Time for some winter sailing?

Captain Shinn

Well it's starting to set in. The N.E. USA have put their boats away, except for the migratory

fleet that heads south to the Bahamas and Caribbean, much like our west coast fleet that

heads to Mexico and beyond after hurricane season. On the West Coast in winter, from Pt

Conception north to the Pacific Northwest, not too many recreational boaters plan ocean ex-

cursions. For those of us in Southern CA winter sailing can be some of the best ocean boat-

ing the US has to offer.

In between our winter storms our clear, sunny and often calm coast makes venturing out so

worthwhile. We have the islands to ourselves, the marine life is abundant and those pesky

summer NW'ly afternoon winds are not worth planning on. Yes I am talking in between win-

ter storms and not during strong Santa Ana events.

Weather and swell forecasting is so much better than it was 20, 10 even five years ago. That

doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared for unexpected conditions. But it does mean it's

worth the risk if you follow the forecasts and updates, and adjust your plans accordingly.

The last five plus years Southern CA has seen only a few strong winter storms annually. A

well defined winter storm usually comes down the coast from the North Pacific, has strong

southerly winds ahead of the front and lots of rain along with a sizable swell. Often by the

time they reach Pt. Conception, most their energy is gone.

This year most of us are hoping for a drought-bustin' winter but in between those storms

there have been some flat seas and sunshine, so take advantage of the nice days, clear air

and all the migrating marine mammals and birds off our Southern CA coast.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ventura Yacht Club

1755 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA

(elevator to the dining room is available)



Dinner Menu: Rosemary Baguettes, Homemade Vegetable Barley Soup, Salad

Bar, Roast Beef Carving Station, Chicken Florentine, Twice Baked Potatoes,

Green Bean Almandine, Cherry Cheesecake and/or Chocolate Cake

$36.00 Per Person (Tax & Tip Included) Cash Bar

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Please return your RSVP with

check made out to VSPS by Monday January 30, 2017

For your convenience, please use form below. Send RSVP and check to:

Debbie Braun-Lawson, 3639 E. Harbor Blvd. #109, Ventura, CA 93001.

This is NOT a pay at the door function. Questions? Email [email protected]

Send this form and your check to:

Debbie Braun-Lawson, 3639 E. Harbor Blvd. #109, Ventura, CA 93001

RSVP: VSPS Change of Watch Dinner and Ceremony for members and their guests.

NAMES: _______________________________________________________________________

Total Enclosed $____________

Hope you can join us for this special event. It’s an opportunity to

thank the outgoing officers and welcome the new 2017 Bridge.


Annual Business Meeting & Appetizer Contest

The 2017 Bridge Photos by Kerry Leiman

Shultz, Stein, Cahn, Londborg, Johnston, Braun-Lawson, Cloverdale, Morris

(More photos next month)

Winners of the Appetizer Contest



Doug & Lil Robertson



Steve Johnston



Fran & Hank Chandler

Italian style roast beef

with cheese and green

olives sandwiches

Roast beef with blue

cheese sliders on jalapeno

bread with mayo and


Bacon wrapped dates

with cream cheese.

The Annual Meeting at Channel Island Yacht Club

Lt/C Carolyn Cahn, S


Ventura Sail and Power Squadron

Executive Committee Meeting

Ventura Harbor, CA

January 9, 2017

Preliminary Minutes

Called to order at 1910.


1. Cdr Robyn Miller, P

2. Admin Officer Lt/C Doug Montgomery

3. Exe Officer Lt/C Steve Johnston, P

4. SEO Lt/C Pat Metheny, AP

5. Secretary Lt/C Carolyn Cahn, S

6. Treasurer Lt/C Kim Morris, S

7. Lt Dan Cahn, JN

8. 1st

Lt Debbie Braun-Lawson, AP

9. Chris Stine

10. Lorna Londborg, P

11. Lt Richard Cudworth, N

12. Dan Coverdale

13. P/C Gary Wolfe, N

A quorum was present.

Debbie Braun-Lawson led the Pledge of


Reports of Officers:

SEO Lt/C Pat Metheny, AP thanked eve-

ryone for their help over the past three

years. She announced that materials

have been ordered for the coming year

and the Education Plan for 2017 and

the report for 2016 has been prepared

and will be presented at the Annual

Meeting. Lt Richard Cudworth reported

that the syllabus for the ABC class has

been prepared and he is recruiting in-

structors and proctors for the course.

Treasurer Lt/C Kim Morris, S was ab-

sent. Cdr Robyn presented the financial

report. The squadron has $18,611.61

cash on hand.

Secretary Lt/C Carolyn Cahn, S provid-

ed minutes for last meeting and the

minutes were accepted.

Executive Officer Lt/C Steve Johnston, P

reported that the information for Hal

Wilder’s Last Horizon recognition has

been submitted to the Ensign.

Commander Robyn Miller, AP an-

nounced that the 2017 Vessel Safety

Check stickers have not yet been re-

ceived but are expected soon. She an-

nounced that there are openings on the

District 13 Council and urged members

to volunteer.

Ongoing Business/Activities/Classes

Dan Cahn presented the completed

Marine Teaching Aid project that was

created using the funds donated in

memory of P/C Hal Wilder. It can be

used to demonstrate navigation and

boating rules in several of our classes.

Steve Johnston will meet with Don and

Janet Shultz to catalog our historical


Merit mark recommendations were

discussed and will be submitted.

Lorna Londborg and Robyn Miller are

hosting our Annual Meeting to be held

14 January 2017 1200-1400 at CIYC.

Future Business/Activities/Classes

Robyn Miller led a discussion about op-

tions for the gift to Ventura Yacht Club

to thank them for the use of their facili-

ties for our classes. It was decided that

we would purchase another dock cart

not to exceed $500. Steve Johnston vol-

unteered to facilitate the purchase.

Robyn Miller announced that our Sales

Tax for 2016 is due 31 January. Gary

Wolfe will work with Kim Morris on fil-

ing the return.

District 13 Council meeting will be held

26 January 2017 in San Pedro.

Change of Watch will be held 4 Febru-

ary 2017 at the Ventura Yacht Club.

Debbie Braun-Lawson is hosting the

event. District 13 Commander Lad Phil-

lips has been asked to preside.

The District 13 Spring Conference

Cruise is scheduled for 19-23, March


Adjourned at 2000.

Don and Meloney Roy’s Facebook page.

They are about to depart on their winter cruise to Grenada.

If you’re interested follow them at:


2016 Bridge

(2017 after Change of Watch)


Cdr Robyn Miller, AP

(805) 501-3307

[email protected]

Executive Officer

Lt/C Steve Johnston, P

(805) 573-4429

[email protected]

Administrative Officer

Lt/C Doug Montgomery

(310) 629-3339

[email protected]


Lt/C Pat Metheny, AP

(805) 646-7675

[email protected]


Lt/C Kim Morris

(805) 320-1441

[email protected]


Lt/C Carolyn Cahn, S

(805) 482-9420

[email protected]

The Helm Editor

Lt. Sheri Green, JN

(661) 414-6915

[email protected]

Contacts for Local Mariners

24-Hour Emergency Telephone Numbers

US Coast Guard Search & Rescue(805)985-9822

Channel Islands Harbor Patrol (805)382-3000

Ventura Harbor Patrol. (805)642-8618

Port Hueneme…………………… (805)982-4571

Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol (805)564-5530

Harbormasters – Administrative

Channel Islands (805)382-6864

Channel Islands Harbor Patrol (805)382-3007

Ventura Port District (805)642-8538

Port Hueneme Public Affairs (805)982-4493

Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol (805)564-5520

National Weather Service

Oxnard .............................. (805)988-6610

Web site: http://www.nwsla.noaa.gov

Ventura Sail & Power Squadron

Lt. Sheridan Green, JN, Editor

1755 Spinnaker Drive

Ventura, CA 93001

Address Correction Requested

February 2017