united states government chpt 4

US Government Chapter 4 The Legislative Branch

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Post on 19-May-2015




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  • 1. The Legislative Branch

2. The Federal Government 3. The Congress The Lawmakers Senate 100 SenatorsHouse of Representatives435 RepresenativesCongress is called the legislative branch of the government. The legislative branch was mentioned in Article I of the Constitution. Congress is made up of two groups 1. The Senate, and 2. The House of Representatives 4. Leader of the Senate I call on members to speak and to introduce questions for a vote. I cannot debate or vote unless there is a tie. Joe Biden The vice president tends to be busy and is present only for the very important debates. When he is not around, there is the president pro tempore to fill in his duties. Pro tempore is Latin for temporary. 5. Who Can Be a Senator? 1. Must be at least 30 years old, 2. Must live in U.S. for at least nine years, 3. Must be a resident of the state they represent. They have a six-year term.Barbara Boxer has been Californias senator since 1993. We vote for our senators every 6 years.DemocratSenator Dianne Feinstein has been Californias Senator since 1992.Democrat 6. To be a representative, you must:Be 25 or olderBe a U.S. citizen For seven yearsCalifornia currently has 53 U.S. representatives. They serve a two year term in office and then they would need to be reelected. 435 totalBe a resident of the state and district you live in 7. South Lake Tahoes RepresentativeRepublican representative, of the 4th Congressional district.There are 435 districts throughout the U.S. There are 53 in California. Each districts has a representative.The average population per district is 710,767 people. 8. RepublicanThe leader of the House of Representatives is known as the Speaker of the House. The Speaker is elected by the majority party members to serve for two years. The speaker 1. leads sessions, 2. decides who may speak, 3. calls for votes, 4. places members of the House on committees, and 5. makes sure everyone is following the rules. 9. Review of and1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Name the two parts of Congress What are the requirements to be a senator? What are the requirements to be a representative? Briefly explain what a district is or what is means. Name two elected officials mentioned in this presentation and what their role is. 10. Make laws Collect taxes Maintain the armed forces Regulate trade Punish certain crimes Suggest amendments Check on the other branches (Executive and Judicial). Can accuse or impeach a public official if they have committed a crime Tell other senators and representatives about new bills that will be voted on. Work closely with Speaker of the House and leader of the Senate to manage debates and committee business. 11. How Laws are Made A bill is an idea for a new law or a change in an old law. The idea can come from citizens who write their senators or representatives with a suggestion! The president, senators, and representative can also suggest ideas for bills. Please spend a few minutes writing an idea you would like a Congress person to consider. It could be anything from improving road conditions, public school equipment, job opportunities, or crime prevention. Name a representative or senator you would send it to. 12. Bill introduced in Senate or House Sent to committeeBill introduced Bill dropped or approved If approved, bill sent to subcommiteeBill at committee3rd Bill dropped or approved If approved, bill sent back to committeeBill at subcommittee4th Bill dropped or approved If approved, bill back on Senate or House calendarBill at committee again5th Bill debated in House or Senate If approved, sent to other house If both approve, sent to presidentBill at Senate or House6thPresident signs bill into law or vetoes billBill with President1stLAWBill at Congress 13. Joint committees 14. 1. A__________committee works on a bill that must be changed before it can go to the president. A. standing B. subcommittee C. conference D. presidential 2. A committee can approve a bill and give it to the __________ or House to consider and vote on. A. people B. Population C. Senate D. President 3. What are the three main branches of the federal government? Which branch is Congress? 4. Describe three steps a bill must take before it becomes a law.5. The leader of the House of Representatives is the _______of the House. 6. Why might the president use a pocket veto? (this is an opinion question)