unit test

UNIT TEST HUGHES 1. During the Korean War, what was the main reason that President Harry Truman dismissed General Douglas MacArthur as commander of the United States troops? 1 General MacArthur disobeyed President Truman by deciding to stop fighting the war. 2 Congress refused to appropriate any more money to support the war. 3 The United States had suffered many severe military losses. 4 President Truman believed that General MacArthur's conduct threatened the concept of civilian control over the military. 2. When President Dwight D. Eisenhower said "If you knock down the first row of dominoes, all the others will fall in quick order," he was expressing a view that led to 1 stronger support for United States involvement in Southeast Asia. 2 less restrictive immigration policies toward Africa and Latin America. 3 the end of colonialism in Africa. 4 stronger support for United States involvement in Southeast Asia. 3. Which of the following was the action JFK took to deal with the placement of missiles on Cuba 1. Arming Cuba 2. Naval Blockade 3. Financial Aid 4. Bay of Pigs 4. What was the final outcome concerning the Rosenberg's? 1. They were executed as traitors. 2. They defected to the Soviet Union 3. They were found innocent. 4. They were fired with General MacArthur. 5. The Korean War (1950–1953) marked the first time that 1. the United Nations used military force to oppose aggression. 2. American and Asian forces fought against each other. 3. a major disagreement between arose between the Soviet Union and the United States. 4. an atomic bomb was used in warfare. 5. Dr. Phil beat Oprah in the daytime ratings.

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1. During the Korean War, what was the main reason that President Harry Truman dismissed General Douglas MacArthur as commander of the United States troops?

1 General MacArthur disobeyed President Truman by deciding to stop fighting the war. 2 Congress refused to appropriate any more money to support the war. 3 The United States had suffered many severe military losses. 4 President Truman believed that General MacArthur's conduct threatened the concept of civilian control over the military.

2. When President Dwight D. Eisenhower said "If you knock down the first row of dominoes, all the others will fall in quick order," he was expressing a view that led to

1 stronger support for United States involvement in Southeast Asia. 2 less restrictive immigration policies toward Africa and Latin America. 3 the end of colonialism in Africa. 4  stronger support for United States involvement in Southeast Asia.

3. Which of the following was the action JFK took to deal with the placement of missiles on Cuba

1. Arming Cuba 2. Naval Blockade 3. Financial Aid 4. Bay of Pigs

4.  What was the final outcome concerning the Rosenberg's?1.  They were executed as traitors.         2.  They defected to the Soviet Union3.  They were found innocent.                4.  They were fired with General MacArthur.

5.  The Korean War (1950–1953) marked the first time that

1. the United Nations used military force to oppose aggression. 2. American and Asian forces fought against each other. 3. a major disagreement between arose between the Soviet Union and the United States. 4. an atomic bomb was used in warfare. 5.  Dr. Phil beat Oprah in the daytime ratings.

6.  Which event of the 1950s most likely led to the publication of this cartoon?


 1.  Russia put cosmonauts on the Moon.

 2.  The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.

 3.  The United States was defeated in the Vietnam War.

 4.  American students scored low on tests in math and science.

7. The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to provide Europe with

1. defensive military weapons.        2. economic aid.          

3. space technology         4. a political alliance.

8. NATO was formed to

1. supervise the government of West Germany.2. establish a trade market for Western Europe.3. provide collective security against Communist aggression.4. create a new world peacekeeping organization.

5. combat inner city gang warfare

9.  The circumstances surrounding the Red Scare after World War I and the blacklisting of certain actors and writers during the McCarthy Era show that

1. even in a society guided by constitutional rights, mass hysteria can effectively deny people due process of law.2. no matter what influenced the times, the United States has consistently applied the guarantees of the Bill of Rights.3. demands of minorities for racial equality have been increasingly ignored in the 20th century.4. the courts are rarely influenced by public fears and political events.

10.  A governmental action that was consistent with the Cold War mentality was the

 1.  establishment of loyalty reviews of government employees

 2.  reduction in military defense spending

 3.  elimination of the Central Intelligence Agency

 4.  adoption of the GI Bill of Rights 11.  In the 1950's, Senator Joseph McCarthy was most closely associated with issues related to


1. Communist infiltration and the denial of civil liberties.2. farm problems and taxation.3. military preparedness and foreign aid.4. collective bargaining and the rights of unions.

5. new dance crazes such as the "Twist" which led to loose morales amongst the youngin's.

12. A constitutional issue that was frequently raised about United States involvement in the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict was the

1. right to regulate commerce with foreign nations 2. use of deficit spending to finance wars 3. lack of a formal declaration of war by Congress

Supreme Court�s role in foreign policy decision-making

13.  A major long-term effect of the Vietnam War has been

 1.  an end to communist governments in Asia

 2.  a change in United States foreign policy from containment to imperialism

 3.  a reluctance to commit United States troops for extended military action abroad

 4.  a continued boycott of trade with Asia 14.  From the end of World War II until the 1980�s, the United States carried out its foreign policy mainly by

1. giving in to foreign demands 2. avoiding any situation that might involve the nation in a conflict 3. acting forcefully to obtain and control colonies 4. taking a variety of actions to prevent the spread of communism

15.  The Peace Corps was established by President John F. Kennedy in an effort to provide

1. support to developing nations of the world 2. job training for the unemployed 3. markets for consumer goods 4. teachers for inner-city areas

16.  President John F. Kennedy supported the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as an effort to

 1.  remove a communist dictator from power

 2.  stop the flow of illegal drugs to the United States

 3.  support Fidel Castro's efforts for reform

 4.  rescue hostages held by Cuban freedom fighters

17.  The United States experience in the Vietnam War supports the idea that the outcome of a w

 1.  is determined mainly by technological superiority

 2.  is dependent on using the greatest number of soldiers


 3.  is assured to countries dedicated to democratic ideals

 4.  can be strongly affected by public opinion 18.  Which of the following events would be classified as Detente'?

1. Berlin Airlift            

2. Bay of Pigs                  

3. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

4. S.A.L.T. (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)        

5. A Frenchman burping at a fancy dinner.


19.  Which event led directly to the end of the cold war?

 1.  reunification of Germany

 2.  formation of the European Union

 3.  breakup of the Soviet Union

 4.  creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

20.  The primary purpose of the War Powers Act (1973) is to

 1.  limit Presidential power to send troops into combat

 2.  allow for a quicker response to a military attack

 3.  assure adequate defense of the Western Hemisphere

 4.  stop the use of troops for nonmilitary purposes 21.  Truman's most important contribution to the civil rights movement wasdesegregating 

1.  American public schools

2. The Military

3. public housing

4. the nation's railroads

5. the Brooklyn Dodgers

22.  Which action designed to oppose a political or business policy is closest to the approach used by Martin Luther King, Jr.?

1  a union picketer assaulting a strikebreaker 2  a government employee resisting arrest for failure to pay income taxes


3   dissatisfied workers destroying machinery in their factory 4  a war protester accepting a jail term rather than registering for the draft

23.  An original purpose of affirmative action programs was to1.  increase educational and employment opportunities for women and minorities2.  reduce the Federal deficit by increasing government efficiency3. decrease social welfare costs by requiring recipients of public assistance to work4.  improve the Amrican economy by guaranteeing that employees will be highly skilled

24.  Under Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court was considered "activist" because of its

1. refusal to reconsider the issues of the Plessy v. Ferguson case 2. reluctance to overturn state laws 3. expansion of individual rights in criminal cases 4. insistence on restricting freedom of speech to spoken words 5. ritualistic warm up exercises the court would do before hearing a case.

25.  The decisions of the United States Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright, and Escobedo v. Illinois all advanced the

1. voting rights of minorities 2. guarantees of free speech and press 3. rights of accused persons 4. principle of separation of church and state 5. belief in magic.

26.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in an effort to correct

1. racial and gender discrimination 2. limitations on freedom of speech 3. unfair immigration quota 4. segregation in the armed forces

27.  The changes shown in the chart were most directly the result of the

1. enactment of voting-reform laws by these southern states 2. executive branch's resistance to protecting the civil rights of minorities

3. passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 4. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education


28.  In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to

1  protect civil rights marchers 2  help African Americans register to vote 3  enforce a Supreme Court decision to desegregate public schools 4  end race riots resulting from a bus boycott 5  clean up a mudslide.


The 14th amendment provides that no "state [shall] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." A direct result of this amendment was that

1. the process of amending the Constitution became slower and more complex 2. the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions 3. every citizen gained an absolute right to freedom of speech and assembly 4. the power of the Federal Government was sharply reduced

30.  The Supreme Court decisions in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) and United States v. Nixon (1974) reinforced the principle that the president of the United States

1. has unlimited use of the veto power 2. is not above the law

may not be convicted of a crime

3. is protected from unfair media criticism

31.  The Exclusionary Rule is a precedent that was created in

1   Plessey v Ferguson 2   Mapp v Ohio 3   Brown v Board of Ed. 4   Gideon v Wainwright 5  Marbury v Madison

32.  Which two amendments are critical components to Engle vs Vitale?1. 1st and 14th2. 5th and 10th3. 4th and 15th4. 1st and 5th5. 4th and 14th

33.  What type of speech is protected in Tinker v Des Moines?

1  hateful 2  speech that creates a clear and present danger 3  symbolic 4  religious 5  none


34.  In NY Times v US, the court expanded

1   press rights over governmental authority 2  individual rights over press rights 3  press rights over religious rights 4  presidential power over individual rights 5   suspects rights over police rights 6  oprahs rights over your rights

35.  A precedent is

1  in the bill of rights 2  found in the 14th amendment 3  a rule created by the court 4  when the police arrest you 5  like habeaus corpus

36.  Which part of the government is responsible for checking Supreme Court nominees?1. The Prez     2. The House of Reps    3. The Supreme Court4. The US Senate     5. The UN     6. Opah


The Great Society of Lyndon Johnson is most similar to which other Presidential program?

Select The Best Answer

Ronald Reagan's New Federalism George Bush's Thousand Points of Light Oprah's Angel Network Warren Harding's Return to Normalcy Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal

38.  The Camp David Accords were an  achievement for President Jimmy Carter as he negotiated a peace treaty between what two countries?1. THE US and Iran2. China and England3. Egypt and Israel4. Pakistan and India5. Narnia and Oz

39.Which initiative was part of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program?

1  federal insurance to back up bank. 2  increasing foreign aid to the Soviet Union 3 reducing federal aid to education 4 opposing civil rights legislation 5 providing medical care to the poor and



40.  President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs were similar to Progressive Era (1900) programs in that both

1  strictly enforced antitrust laws 2 focused on expanding civil rights for African Americans

3 used federal government power to improve social conditions

4 made urban renewal their primary concern

41.  The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan was an influential book in the 1960s because it

1 reinforced the importance of women’s traditional roles 2 helped strengthen family values 3 led directly to the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment 4 energized a new women’s rights movement

42.  Dorthea Dix is most closely associated with what reform?

1 mental health care 2 the right to vote 3 child labor 4 work safety standards

43.  A study of the women's movement in the United States would show that

1 wartime employment slowed progress toward gender equality. 2 the national government granted rights to women long before state governments did. 3 the gains made by women usually took considerable periods of time. 4 women received voting rights before African Americans did.


Which of the following is NOT part of the Great Society?

1 Medicare 2 Medicaid 3 Fair Housing laws

4 Food Stamp programs 5 Collective Bargaining rights

45.  Which issue was the focus of the Seneca Falls Convention?

1 equal pay 2 freedom to divorce 3 representation 4 property rights 5 freedom of speech


6 Oprah

46.  he Korean War (1950–1953) marked the first time that

1 major disagreement between arose between the Soviet Union and the United States. 2 an atomic bomb was used in warfare. 3 American and Asian forces fought against each other. 4 the United Nations used military force to oppose aggression. 5 man fought man

47.  The Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) organized which if the follow Civil Rights actions?1. black nationalism    2. sit-ins    3. bus boycotts    4. freedom rides

48.  NOW is a lobby group for which group?1. suspects    2. hispanics    3. african americans4. womyn      5. oprah

49.  Which amendment was passed directly after the Vietnam War to address the concerns of America's youth?1.  the 18th amendment     2. the 19th amendment3. the 22nd amendment      4. the 26th amendment5. the 87th amendment

50.  In Miranda versus Arizona the court1. forced the police to inform suspects of their rights2. forced courts to throw out bad evidence3. forced juries to be integrated by race4. forced schools to stop school prayer5. banned the death penalty

51.  The 1964 Civil Rights Act1. protected voting rights2. created affirmative action3. integrated public schools4. made discrimination in public places illegal

52.  Richard Nixon is most closely associated with which event?1. Iran Contra Scandal        2. Segregation3. watergate                     4. the Iran Hostage Crisis

53.  The 1960's law was meant to curb economic discrimination amongst related to gender?1. the civil rights acts of 1964       2. affirmative action3. equal pay act                            4. the voting rights act of 1965

54.  The 24th amendment banned this Jim Crow practice.1. segregation     2. literacy tests      3. lynching4. poll taxes        5. grandfather clauses

55.  Malcolm X is associated with1. The Nation of Islam        2. NAACP3. SNCC                            4. Black Panthers

56.  Which of the following events led directly to the Voting Rights Act of 1965?1. Selma Marches            2. Brown vs Board of Ed. case3. Death of Emmit Till      4. Greensboro Sit Ins

57.  The Warren Court1. expanded rights         2. impeached Nixon3. restricted rights          4. gave police more power

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58.  This 1950's President sent troops to Little Rock and Vietnam.1. Nixon     2. Dwight Eisenhower     3. JFK      4 LBJ

59.  The Berlin Wall was built as a result of1. YALTA   2. Berlin Blockade3. Korean War4. Marshal Plan5. Vietnam

60.  Where attention goes, energy1. flows   2. grows    3. shows    4.mows5.knows  6. tows       7. rows     8. oprah

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