unit guide for uniones divertidas fun blends

Scope and Sequence at a Glance Focus on consonant blends and on using characteristics as a comprehension and writing skill Genre • Fiction Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Constructing consonant blends with L and R Combining consonant blends with vowels to create new syllables and words Frequently Used Words Recognizing and using the words atrás, muy, demasiado, más, and tal vez Comprehension Skills and Strategies Categorizing characteristics Listening Skills Developing listening skills by hearing text read aloud Writing Imagining a new character and describing some of its characteristics Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas (Fun Blends) Copyright 2007 Riverdeep Interactive Learning. All rights reserved. Destination Reading Course I – Spanish OVERVIEW Focus on: • Instructional Terms: Genre Study – Fantasy • Instructional Terms: School Words – característica, personaje • Lesson with scripting in Spanish for Búho y Pájaro Azul (Owl and Bluebird) • List of thematically-related books written in Spanish ¡Ojo! – Things to keep in mind when teaching Spanish • Exploring language through regionalisms: búho, correa, pajita • Exploring language through cognates: uniones, ilustrado, visita, diferente, clase PREPARE TO TEACH Búho y Pájaro Azul (Owl and Bluebird) Synopsis: When Bluebird’s home is destroyed, she goes to live in Owl’s tree. But Bluebird is noisy during the day, when Owl is sleeping. And Owl is noisy at night, when Bluebird is sleeping. So the two friends find another tree for Bluebird, and they visit each other every evening. INSTRUCTIONAL TERMS Genre Study: Fantasy Fantasy is a kind of narrative that contains elements that are not realistic, such as magical powers, talking animals, fairies, and other-worldly creatures. Fantasy is often characterized by a departure from the accepted rules by which individuals perceive the world around them. It represents that which is impossible or unexplained, and outside the parameters of our known reality. It is the genre of make-believe. School Words: característica, personaje Ensure students are familiar with “school” words used in this unit. Name some characteristics. Say: alto, bajo, vegetariano, viejo. Éstos se llaman características. (tall, small, vegetarian, old. These are called characteristics.) Name a person that everyone knows. Say: Nombremos algunas características de esta persona. (Let’s say some of this person’s characteristics.) Write the word característica on the board. Ask students to demonstrate their understanding of característica by asking them to name some characteristics of a different person or character. To check that students have understood the term personaje, refer to a story that children know. Say: ____ y ____ son los personajes del cuento. ¿Quién puede decirme los personajes de otro cuento? (___ and ___ are the characters in this story. Who can tell me some characters from another story?)

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Page 1: Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas Fun Blends

Scope and Sequence at a Glance

Focus on consonant blends and on using characteristics as a comprehension and writing skill

Genre• Fiction

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics• Constructing consonant blends

with L and R• Combining consonant blends

with vowels to create new syllables and words

Frequently Used Words• Recognizing and using the words

atrás, muy, demasiado, más, and tal vez

Comprehension Skills and Strategies• Categorizing characteristics

Listening Skills• Developing listening skills by

hearing text read aloud

Writing• Imagining a new character

and describing some of its characteristics

Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas (Fun Blends)

Copyright 2007 Riverdeep Interactive Learning. All rights reserved.

Destination Reading Course I – Spanish

OVERVIEWFocus on:• Instructional Terms: Genre Study – Fantasy • Instructional Terms: School Words – característica, personaje• Lesson with scripting in Spanish for Búho y Pájaro Azul (OwlandBluebird)• List of thematically-related books written in Spanish• ¡Ojo! – Things to keep in mind when teaching Spanish• Exploring language through regionalisms: búho, correa, pajita• Exploring language through cognates: uniones, ilustrado, visita, diferente,



Búho y Pájaro Azul (OwlandBluebird)

Synopsis: When Bluebird’s home is destroyed, she goes to live in Owl’s tree. But Bluebird is noisy during the day, when Owl is sleeping. And Owl is noisy at night, when Bluebird is sleeping. So the two friends find another tree for Bluebird, and they visit each other every evening.


Genre Study: Fantasy

Fantasy is a kind of narrative that contains elements that are not realistic, such as magical powers, talking animals, fairies, and other-worldly creatures. Fantasy is often characterized by a departure from the accepted rules by which individuals perceive the world around them. It represents that which is impossible or unexplained, and outside the parameters of our known reality. It is the genre of make-believe.

School Words: característica, personaje

Ensure students are familiar with “school” words used in this unit. Name some characteristics. Say: alto, bajo, vegetariano, viejo. Éstos se llaman características. (tall, small, vegetarian, old. These are called characteristics.) Name a person that everyone knows. Say: nombremos algunas características de esta persona. (Let’s say some of this person’s characteristics.) Write the word característica on the board.

Ask students to demonstrate their understanding of característica by asking them to name some characteristics of a different person or character.

To check that students have understood the term personaje, refer to a story that children know. Say: ____ y ____ son los personajes del cuento. ¿Quién puede decirme los personajes de otro cuento? (___ and ___ are the characters in this story. Who can tell me some characters from another story?)

Page 2: Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas Fun Blends


If appropriate for your classroom, teach children the English version of these words.

• característica characteristic

• personaje character


Vocabulary Strategy: Context Sentences

Read the following sentences to children twice. Then ask them for the meaning of the target word. Write the vocabulary word on the board.


• Pájaro Azul caza insectos para comer. (Bluebird hunts for insects to eat.)

• Búho caza ratones para comer. (Owl hunts for mice to eat.)

• Pájaro Azul se cae de su rama y Búho va a rescatarlo. (Bluebird fell from her branch and Owl came to the rescue.)

• Yo me iba a caer por las escaleras y mi mamá me vino a rescatar. (I was going to fall down the stairs and mother came to rescue me.)

• Pájaro Azul trinaba durante el día. (Bluebird tweeted during the day.)

• Las aves trinan en las mañanas. (Birds sing in the mornings.)

• Los búhos ululan de noche. (Owls hoot at night.)

• El ulular de Búho despertaba a Pájaro Azul. (Owl’s hooting awakened Bluebird.)

If appropriate for your classroom, teach children the English versions of the words.

• cazar hunt • rescatar rescue

• trinar warble, sing, tweet • ulular hoot

Building Background

Start a conversation with children about bluebirds and owls to build their background knowledge about these birds. Have pictures of them to show students. Say: ¿Han visto alguna vez a un búho o a un pájaro azul de cerca o en alguna película? ¿Han escuchado el sonido que hacen el búho y el pájaro azul? (Have you ever seen an owl or a bluebird in person or in a movie? Have you heard the sounds that the owl and the bluebird make?) Ask volunteers to make the sound of a bluebird and an owl.

Comprehension Strategy/Skill: Categorizing Characteristics

Children learn to order and organize concepts and character traits by categorizing.

Book List

This is a list of books written in Spanish which talk about birds. Children will enjoy these books.

Aves de todo tipo by Bobbie Kalman. 2007. Crabtree Publishing Company. Focuses on facts about birds’ bodies and behavior in a way that will make this book a delight to read.

El jilguero dorado y otros cuentos para volar by Tito narosky. 2005. Editorial Albatros. Stories about birds.

El loro hablador y otros cuentos para volar by Tito narosky. 2005. Editorial Albatros. Stories about birds.

Copyright 2007 Riverdeep Interactive Learning. All rights reserved.

Unit 10: Uniones divertidas

Destination Reading Course I – Spanish

Page 3: Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas Fun Blends

Categorizing helps children to see and learn the connections between the written concept and the characters of a story more easily. Once children are able to categorize explicit traits and actions of literary characters, they will be able to infer implicit behaviors.

Set Purpose for Reading

Tell children: Ahora van a leer un cuento sobre dos amigos. mientras leen, traten de recordar cómo es cada uno de ellos. (Now you are going to read a story about two friends. As you read, try to remember what each of them is like.)


Have pairs of students read the story together. One student should pay attention to the things that Bluebird does. The other should pay attention to the things that Owl does. They should make sketches or take notes to help them remember.

Differentiated Instruction

Extra Support: Have students draw pictures of the two birds and compare them.Advanced Spanish Students: Pair an advanced student with an extra support or special needs student. Have the advanced student pose questions, like: ¿Qué ave tiene los ojos más grandes / la cabeza más pequeña / come insectos? (Which bird has bigger eyes/smaller head/eats insects?) Dual Language: Ask dual language students to label their drawings with the parts of the bird. (ojos, pico, garras, alas) (eyes, beak, claws, wings)


Ask students the following comprehension questions to check their understanding of the story.

1. ¿Cómo salvó Búho a Pájaro Azul? (HowdidOwlsaveBluebird?)

2. ¿En qué se parecen Búho y Pájaro Azul? ¿En qué se diferencian? (HowareOwlandBluebirdsimilar?Howaretheydifferent?)

3. ¿Qué problema tenían Búho y Pájaro Azul? ¿Cómo lo resolvieron? (WhatproblemdidOwlandBluebirdhave?Howdidtheysolveit?


y tú, ¿cómo dices...?


Tap into students’ diverse language backgrounds by commenting on the different word choices that are possible for words presented in this unit. Say to students: y en tu casa, ¿cómo dicen (o cómo le llaman) a…?

Unit 10: Uniones divertidas

¡OJO! (Watch out for . . .)

• In this unit, tl is mentioned as a blend. Spanish words with a tl blend are mostly words that originate from the Náhuatl language, and are Mexican place names, such as Tlaxcala, Mazatlán. Ask students for other words they may know with the tl blend.

• Some students might not be familiar with the word crisol, used in the activities with the cr blends. It means meltingpot.

Copyright 2007 Riverdeep Interactive Learning. All rights reserved.

Destination Reading Course I – Spanish

Page 4: Unit Guide for Uniones divertidas Fun Blends

• búho (owl) Also known as: mochuelo (Spain); tecolote (Mexico, Guatemala); lechuza (Mexico, Argentina)

• correa (leash) Also known as: cadena (Mexico)

• pajita (straw) Also known as: popote (Mexico); sorbete (Peru)

La misma raíz


Cognates, or words in English and Spanish that share the same origin, offer a natural scaffolding that children can use to “grow” their vocabulary in both languages. Help children see these links between the two languages by commenting on the words presented in this unit that are examples of cognates.

Display the words below and say to children: Hay palabras en esta unidad que son muy parecidas en inglés y en español. Vamos a estudiar algunas de ellas. (There are words in this unit that are very similar in English and in Spanish. Let’s study some of them now.)

• uniones (unions) • visita (visit) • clase (class)

• ilustrado (illustrated) • diferente (different)

Recite this riddle for children:

En silencio vuelo. (Silently I glide. De noche me desvelo. I can’t sleep at night. Ratones yo cazo Mice I hunt y ululando descanso. and hooting, I rest. ¿Quién soy? (el búho) Who am I?) (an owl)


Cooperative Learning: Characteristics

Draw a chart like the one below on the board. Say: En esta columna vamos a escribir cosas sobre Pájaro Azul. En esta columna vamos a escribir cosas sobre Búho. (In this column we are going to write things about Bluebird. In this column we are going to write things about Owl.) Ask students for characteristics of each bird and write them in the appropriate column. Encourage students by asking: ¿Cómo canta ____ ? ¿Cuándo duerme ____ ? ¿Cuándo vuela ____ ? ¿Qué come ____ ? (How does ___ sing? When does ___ sleep? When does ___ fly? What does ___ eat?)

Unit 10: Uniones divertidas

Copyright 2007 Riverdeep Interactive Learning. All rights reserved.

Destination Reading Course I – Spanish

Pájaro Azul BúhoTrinar UlularNoche Día

Día NocheInsectos Ratones