unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc....

Unit 9

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Unit 9

Page 2: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s str

ength, time, money, etc.

DictationMilitary spending is a huge drain on the country’sresources.

Phrase a drain on sb./sth.

Page 3: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

2) pipes or channels used for carrying away water

TranslationWe had to call a plumber to unblock the drains.



Page 4: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

v. make sb./sth. weaker, poorer, etc.


The war drained the country of its resources.

Mike felt drained of energy.

Phrasedrain sb/sth. of sth. (L65)

Page 5: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Related InformationRelated Information

1. What is Brain Drain?

Brain Drain is defined by the encyclopedia( 百科全书 ) as the "departure of educated or professional peoplefrom one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions". The British Royal Society( 英国皇家学会 ) first coined

the expression Brain Drain to describe the outflow of

scientists and technologists to the United States and

Canada in the1950s and early 1960s.

Page 6: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Text Understanding

Part I (Para.1 - 3) A bill to keep the U.S. ________________ on top is now before Congress. Part II (Para.4 - 10) During the 1960s and 1970s, the cream of India left for ______________________________________. Part III (Para.11 - 19) How does Brain Drain ______ India?

high-tech industry

the lucrative shores of England and America


Page 7: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Part IPart I (Para.1(Para.1 -- 3)3)

Para.1- 2 American government wants to ________________________ to foreign students _________________________________________. Para. 3 To fill the need for _________________________.

give preferential treatmentwith advanced degrees in science and engineering

skilled technology workers

Page 8: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Part IIPart II ((Para.4Para.4 -- 10)10)

Para.4- 6 Though everything foreign was considered contaminated by __________, we must admit the benefit of ____________________.

Para.7- 8 Many students in our institute built with ________________________ now dream of going to America. Para.9- 10 Indian government did something to ______ foreign graduates, but ________________.

colonialismscience and technology

European and American aid

temptfew came back

Page 9: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Part IIIPart III ((Para. 11Para. 11 -- 19)19)

Para. 11- 12 Brain Drain let America develop fast in _____________________.

Para. 13- 16 We criticize Brain Drain, while we _____________ all the things from


Para. 17- 19 India is disintegrating, so we have to ______________________.

science and technology

think highly of

call for a “Brain Trust”

Page 10: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Questions AnsweringQuestions Answering

1. To the author, what is the purpose of the bill?1. To the author, what is the purpose of the bill?

Steal brains Steal brains from the third world.from the third world.


Page 11: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

2. What did Indian politicians do with “Brain 2. What did Indian politicians do with “Brain

Drain” during the 1960s and 1970s? And at Drain” during the 1960s and 1970s? And at

present? present?


waving the slogan waving the slogan

““Stop Brain Drain” .Stop Brain Drain” .

Abandon talk of Abandon talk of economic imperialism, economic imperialism, in favor of in favor of market economics.market economics.


Page 12: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

3. In India, what happened to Coca-Cola in the 3. In India, what happened to Coca-Cola in the

post-independence era and at present?post-independence era and at present?

Threw Coca-Cola out, Threw Coca-Cola out, made a new brand made a new brand “ “Thumbs Up”.Thumbs Up”.

““Thumbs Up” Thumbs Up”

a branch of Coca-Ca branch of Coca-Colaola


Page 13: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

4. How can India create a social structure need. How can India create a social structure need

ed in the next century, according to the author?ed in the next century, according to the author?

Train students in social thought as well as in Train students in social thought as well as in skills.skills.


Page 14: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Notes to the text




Page 15: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

1. During the 1960s and 1970s, politicians in my native country, India, used to wave the slogan “Stop Brain Drain”—a reference to the fact that the cream of India was leaving for the lucrative shores of England and

America. (L12)

ParaphraseDuring the 1960s and 1970s, politicians in my motherland, India, would protest by waving the slogan “Stop Brain Drain”, which referred to the fact that the most talented Indians had abandoned their own country to leave for such rich countries as England and America.

Translation在 20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代 , 我的祖国印度的政客们常常喊着“制止人才外流” 的口号 , 所指的是这样一个事实 : 印度的精英们正在离开印度 , 到能挣钱的国家—英国和美国去。


“the cream of sth.” means “the best part of sth.”( 精华 ,

精髓 ) 。陈述句 that … America 作 fact 的同位语从句。

Page 16: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

2. In that post-independence era, when everything foreign

was considered contaminated by colonialism, we talked

of cottage industries and economic imperialism. (L15)

ParaphraseIn the years after India’s independence, everything from other countries was thought to be marked by colonialism and we turned our attention to small national industries that could be conducted at home, hoping to be independent of those economic powers.


在独立后的时代里 , 当每一样舶来货都被认为含有殖民主义的毒素的时候 , 我们谈论的是家庭小工业和经济帝国主义。


非限制性定语从句 when … colonialism 修饰 “ era”,

过去分词短语 contaminated by colonialism 作主语 eve

rything foreign 的补足语。

Page 17: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

ParaphraseOur leaders saw likeness between their programs and the independence movement led by Nehru and Gandhi. Nehru and Gandhi received education at Eton and Oxford of England, absorbed western political thought, but later returned home to get India out of Britain’s control.

3. Our leaders saw parallels to the independence movement founded by people like Nehru and Gandhi who, after absorbing western political thought at institutions like Eton and Oxford, returned home to

serve their native land. (L30)

Translation我们的领导人看到了与诸如尼赫鲁和甘地这样的人所发起的独立运动类似的情况 : 他们在伊顿和牛津这样的学府里吸收了西方的政治思想后 , 就回来报效自己的祖国。

Structure过去分词短语 founded … Gandhi 作 movement 的定语 ,

而 who … land 定语从句修饰 Nehru and Gandhi 。

Page 18: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

4. Our leaders had failed to see that the emphasis on symbol manipulation at IIT left little room for social thought and much scope for the greedy outcomes of capital-driven business. (L34)

Translation我们的领导人没有看到 , 当印度技术学院在重视计算机编程的时候 , 几乎没有留下任何空间让学生们去关心社会 , 却给受资本驱使的企业的贪欲留下了极大的空间。


see 后接宾语从句 that…business, 其中的谓语动词 left 带两个宾语 little room…and much scope… 。

ParaphraseOur leaders did not realize how the emphasis on computer programming at IIT affected the rest of our development. We did not have much time to think about our responsibilities for society, but the chance to become rich and famous.

Page 19: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

Word UsingWord Using

1. prime (L21)

adj. 1) most important; chief; fundamental

2) of the best quality or kind






the prime minister

the prime motive

a fresh piece of prime beef

a prime example

Page 20: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

2. parallel (L31)

n. 1) person or event precisely similar

2) line that is parallel to another




The police officer saw a parallel between the two

murder cases.

Page 21: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

adj. having the same distance between each

other at every point; similar

Translation1) Parallel lines never meet.

2) My feelings in this matter are parallel to yours.


1) 平行线永不相交。2) 我在这件事上的感受和你很相似。

Page 22: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

3.. shift (L44)

v. (cause sth./sb. to) change or move from one position or direction to another

近形词gift lift drift swift


1) Help me to shift the sofa away from the fire.

2) The wind shifted to the east.

3) Media attention has shifted recently onto

environmental issues.

Page 23: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s

n. 1) change of place, nature, form, etc. 2) a period of time when a group of workers starts work as another group finishes


a sudden shift of economic policy

a gradual shift from the country to the town

work in shifts

work an eight-hour shift

on the night shift or the day shift

Page 24: Unit 9 drain (title) n. 1) anything that continuously uses up sb’s strength, time, money, etc. Dictation Military spending is a huge drain on the country’s


1.1. What should the Chinese government do What should the Chinese government do to stop the brain drain?to stop the brain drain?

2.What do you think of Job-hopping( 跳槽 )?

3. Finish all the exercises concerned. 4. Preview section B.

Choose one of the above-mentioned topics to prepare a presentation. You can use PPT to help.