unit 7: quiz #2

Unit 7: Quiz #2 Grade: «grade» Subject : Aquatic Science Date: «date»

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Unit 7: Quiz #2. Grade:. «grade». Aquatic Science. Subject:. «date». Date:. 1. Which of the following is the geological time that we are currently in:. A. Pleistocene. B. Oligocene. C. Pliocene. D. Holocene. 2. Which of the following demonstrates sexual dimorphism. A. B. D. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Unit 7: Quiz #2

Unit 7: Quiz #2


Subject:Aquatic Science


Page 2: Unit 7: Quiz #2

1 Which of the following is the geological time that we are currently in:

A Pleistocene

B Oligocene

C Pliocene

D Holocene

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2 Which of the following demonstrates sexual dimorphism



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3 Most genetic mutations

A are helpful to a species

B are harmful to a species

C have no effect on a species

D give most species super powers

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4 Homo sapiens have been on the planet for approximately:

A 5,000 years

B 106,000 years

C 1.8 million years

D 200 million years

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5 True or False: Life began in the Cambrian Period.



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6 The fossils of Tiktaalik roseae, a fish-like animal that crawled out of the water, is the transitional species between fish and modern tetrapods. This species existed in the __________ period.

A Cambrian

B Silurian

C Devonian

D Permian

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7 Which of the following organisms would likely be found during the Cambrian Period:

A a cuddlefish

B an octopus

C a brittle star

D a lamprey

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8 During which time period did modern humans evolve to become the most dominant species on the planet:

A Tertiary

B Quaternary

C Jurrassic

D Cretaceous

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9 During which of the following time periods did 96% of the current species die off:

A Permian

B Devonian

C Cambrian

D Quaternary

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10 The end of the __________ Period saw the end of the dinosaurs, ammonites, and many other species.

A Permian

B Triassic

C Jurassic

D Cretaceous

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11 During which time period did active predation begin:

A Silurian

B Devonian

C Ordovician

D Cambrian

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12 Radiometric dating involves the loss of which of the following from an atom:

A proton

B electron

C neurtron

D neutrino

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13 The ostracoderms (shell-skinned) were the first known vertebrates. They developed in which of the following periods:

A Cambrian

B Silurian

C Tertiary

D Ordovician

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14 During which time period did mammals radiate back to the water:

A Jurassic

B Cretaceous

C Tertiary

D Quaternary

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15 After a mass extinction the empty niches will eventually (1 to 10 million years) be filled by new species. This is called

A adaptive radiation

B homologous structures

C analogous structures

D repressive radiation

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16 ________ of all species that have every existed are now extinct

A 15%

B 55%

C 86%

D 99%

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17 The Silurian period is characterized by stability within the environment & the first appearance of which of the following:

A chordates

B vertebrates

C gnathostomes

D craniates

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18 Which of the following time periods involved the evolution of tetrapods & their invasion of the terrestrial environment:

A Devonian

B Silurian

C Carboniferous

D Triassic

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19 The Earth is approximately:

A 3.55 million years old (myo)

B 3.55 billion years old (byo)

C 4.57 million years old (myo)

D 4.57 billion years old (byo)

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20 Mammals & avians (birds) developed during which of the following periods:

A Triassic

B Jurassic

C Carboniferous

D Cretaceous

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21 Which of the following is not a type of mammal that developed during the Cretaceous Period:

A monotreme

B marsupial

C precocial

D placental

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