unit 6: microorganisms and fungi chapter 20: protists

Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

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Page 1: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi

Chapter 20: Protists

Page 2: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

Key Concepts:

What are protists? What are the types of animal-like

protists? What are the types of plant-like

protists? What are the types of fungus-like


Page 3: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

A. The Kingdom Protista

1. Protists - any organism that is Eukaryotic; but not a plant, animal, or fungi.

2. Protists can be unicellular, multicellular, or colonial.

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3. Protists are either: a) heterotrophic (animal-like)b) autotrophic (plant-like)c) decomposers/parasites (fungus-like)

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B. Animal-Like Protists

1. Phylum Zooflagellates – a) Move using a flagella (whip-like tail)b) Can have one or two flagellac) Most reproduce asexuallyd) Absorb food through their cell-


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Page 7: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

2. Phylum Sarcodina – (sarodines)a) Move by pseudopodia (false feet)b) Usually live in waterc) Captures food by wrapping the

pseudopodium around it and ingesting it.

d) Example: Amoeba

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Page 9: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

3. Phylum Ciliophora (ciliates)a) Use cilia for feeding and movementb) Found in fresh and salt waterc) Free-living – don’t exist as parasitesd) Example: Paramecium

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Page 11: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

4. Phylum Sporozoaa) All members of this phyla are

PARASITESb) Life cycles involve more than one hostc) Examples: The Plasmodium

sporozoan causes malaria and is carried by the female Anopheles mosquito

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Section 20-2

Figure 20-7 The Life Cycle of Plasmodium

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C. Plant-Like Protists

1. Phylum Euglenophyta (euglenophytes)a) Move by 2 flagellasb) Have no cell wallc) Reproduce asexuallyd) Performs photosynthesis (make’s it’s own

food)e) Example: Euglena

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Page 15: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

2. Phylum Chrisophyta (chyrsophytes):a) Gold-colored chlorophyllb) Includes yellow-green algae and golden-

brown algae

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3. Phylum Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)a) Produce thin, delicate cell walls rich is

silicon – the main component of glassb) Sexually reproduce and asexually


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4. Phylum Pyrrophyta (dioflagellates)a) ½ are photosyntheticb) ½ are heterotrophicc) Have 2-flagellad) Reproduce asexuallye) Cause of red Tides

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Page 20: Unit 6: Microorganisms and Fungi Chapter 20: Protists

5. Phylum Rhodophyta: (red Algae)

a) Lives in deep water

b) Contains chlorophyll A

c) Multicellulard) Helps form coral


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6. Phylum Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)

a) Marine organismsb) Live in shallow

waterc) Most complex

algaed) Contains

Chlorophyll A and C

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6. Phylum Chlorophyta: (green algae)

a) Cell wallb) Chlorophyll A

and Bc) Found in fresh

and marine water

d) Single celled, multi celled, and colonial.

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C. Fungus – Like Protists

1. Phylum Acrasiomycota (cellular slime molds)

a) Free-living cellsb) Absorb nutrients

from dead/decaying matter

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2. Phylum Myxomycota (acellular slime molds)

a) Single cell with many nuclei

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3. Phylum Oomcota (water Mold)

a) Feed on dead or decaying matter,

b) Both sexual and asexual reproduction

c) Caused the Potato Famine of Ireland in 1846