unit 5 component values


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Kinal, Technical Center

I n d e XI n d e XLooking for and interpreting specificinformation related to electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Expressing abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Expressing disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Differentiating facts from opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


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A brief history of ElectronicsA brief history of Electronics

“Electronics has different meanings to different people and in different countries.

Hence, let me define the term in the sense that it is used here:

“Electronics is the science and the technology of the passage of charged particles in

a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor”. Please note that particle motion

confined within a metal only is not considered electronics.

Before electronic engineering came into existence electrical engineering

already flourished. Electrical engineering is the field which deals with devices that

depend solely on the electrons in metals; for example a generator, a motor, a light

bulb or a telephone. The principal benefactors of these devices are the wire

telephone or telegraph companies and the power industries.

Both electronics and electrical engineering owe their existence to the pioneering

work in electricity and magnetism of scientific giants such as Coulomb, Ampere,

Ohm, Gauss, Faraday, Henry, and Maxwell in about 1865, put together the

researches of the others into a consistent theory of electromagnetism, now called

Maxwell’s equations.

Here is a historical example of theory being ahead of experiment for although

Maxwell’s theory predicted that electromagnetic waves, it was not until 23 years

later (in 1888) that Hertz produced such radiation, using a spark-gap oscillator. In

1896 Marconi succeeded in transmitting Hertzian waves and detecting them at a

distance of about 2 miles. Wireless telegraphy had its feeble origin in this


This history is divided into 2 periods of time, referred to simply as the past and

present. By past is meant the era of the tube-the vacuum tube or the gas tube.

The present starts with the invention of the transistors in 1948. Also included is a

section speculating briefly on the future.

The PastThe Past

The beginning of the electronics came in 1895 when H. A. Lorentz postulated the

existence of discrete chargers called electrons. Two years later J. J. Thompson found

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these electrons experimentally. In the same year (1897) Braun built what was

probably the first electron tube, essentially a primitive cathode-ray tube.

Discovery of Vacuum TubesDiscovery of Vacuum Tubes

It was not until the start of the 20th

century that electronics began to take

technological shape. In 1904 Fleming

invented the diode which he called a

valve. It consisted of a heated wire which

emitted electrons separated a short

distance from a plate in a vacuum.

For a positive voltage applied to the

plate electrons were collected, whereas for a negative potential the current was

reduced to zero. This valve was used as a detector for wireless signals. Two years

later, Pickard tried a silicon crystal with a cat`s whisker (a pointed wire pressed into

silicon) as a detector. This was the first semiconductor diode. This device was very

unreliable, was soon abandoned, and semiconductor electronics died a premature

death in 1906.

The most important milestone in this early history

of electronics came in the same year (1906) when De

Forest put a third electrode (a grid) into the Fleming

valve, and thus invented the triode tube which he called

an audion. A small change in grid voltage resulted in a

large plate-voltage change. Hence, the audion was the

first amplifier. It took about five years to improve the

vacuum in the audion and to add an efficient oxide-

coated cathode in order to obtain a reliable electronic

device. Thus the age of practical electronics began in

about 1911.

Radio and TelevisionRadio and Television

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The first application of electronics was to radio and simultaneously with the birth

of electronics, the IRE (the institute of Radio Engineers) was founded in the United

States in 1912.

In the period from 1936 to 1960 the new devices were closely spaced electrodes

(for a high-bandwidth product), miniature glass tubes, and, toward the end of the

period, color television tubes.

Major Armstrong in 1933 invented frequency modulation. About five years later

the first FM receiver was available. Electronic black and white television began in

about 1930 and commercial color television began around 1950, and many new

functions had to be performed.

This is an old model of a radio device.

This is one of the modern models of TV devices.

Electronic IndustriesElectronic Industries

This can fit into one or more of the following four principal groups, which shall be

called the four C´s:

Components, Communications, Control and Computation. The “Components”

companies up to this time were those which came onto existence to supply the

various types of tubes just described and others referred to later as well as the

passive-circuit elements, such as resistors, capacitors, coils, transformers and


“Communications” refers to the industry built up around AM and FM radio, hi-fi

systems, and black and white as well as color TV receivers and transmitters.

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“Control” was making itself evident in what was then referred to as “industrial

electronics”. Industrial electronics may be defined as “the use of electronic devices

in the control and operation of machines in industry (other than in communication

and computation)”.

The devices for industrial electronics were gaseous diodes and triodes

(thyratrons), pool-cathode devices, such as the Mercury arc rectifier, and high-

voltage and high-power tubes. The circuits for this period were power rectifiers,

high-voltage rectifiers, power amplifiers, high-voltage transmitting circuits, induction

and dielectric heating, power inverters (from dc to ac), measurements, motor

control, and the control of industrial processes. The “Computer” had barely made

its appearance at this time and, hence, this industry is discussed in detail in the


Well, now write on your own words the answer for the following questions:

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1.- What is Electronics ? ______________________________________________



2.- What was the first application of electronics ? ________________________



3.- Write the four C`s of Electronic industries: __________________________



4.- What may be the definitions for Industrial electronics ? ________________




5.- What is a vacuum tube? _________________________________________



6.- What is de difference between electronics and electricity? ________________




7.- Who invented frequency modulation? _______________________________



The PresentThe Present

The Integrated CircuitThe Integrated Circuit

Shortly after joining Texas Instruments in

1958 Kilby conceived the monolithic idea, that

is, the concept of building an entire circuit out

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of germanium or silicon. He used the bulk semiconductor to form a resistor, and he

also fabricated a diffused-layer resistor.

He built a capacitor by using an oxide layer on silicon, and he also thought of the

p-n junction capacitor. To demonstrate the feasibility of his concept, he built a

phase-shift oscillator and then a multi vibrator using these resistors, capacitors, and

a transistor, all made from germanium with thermally bonded gold connecting wires.

However, in the patent application, he indicated that laying down conducting

material could interconnect components. This

way, in 1959 the solid circuit, later called the

integrated circuit was born.

Semiconductor MemoriesSemiconductor Memories

A number of transistor configurations have

been devised for storing digital data. These are called random access memories

(RAMs), and Intel and Fairchild sold the first RAMs commercially in 1970. These

early RAM´s stored approximately 1,000 binary bits of information. By 1973 16,000-

bit memories were introduced by Intel and Mostek, and 65,000-bit RAMs are

expected to be commercially available in 1979.

The Computer IndustryThe Computer Industry

The most dramatic outgrowth of the

microelectronic revolution, however,

was the creation of an entirely new

industry “the computer industry”.

There has been a great deal of interest

in computing machines for over 300

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years. For example, in 1633 Schickhard in Germany described a mechanical

computer to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. About the same

time Pascal, 1642 and Leibnitz, 1671, also had similar ideas. But the first really

serious effort to build a mechanical calculator was made about 200 years later

(1833) by Babbage, a mathematics professor in England. However, the technology

simply was not available to convert his ideas into a practicable machine. The first

calculator was electromechanical, not electronic, and IBM engineers built it in 1930.

IN 1970 IBM introduced the 370 systems, which included the first semiconductor

memories. In the present time, electronics has experienced a great development

and, microelectronics has allowed the invention of compact devices that, no matter

its size, people can store a lot of information there.

New devices contain compact accessories, this situation is very convenient for

people because this way they can take those devices anywhere and work,

communicate or store a great deal of data no matter where they are due to the

short size of such devices as for example: Lap tops, cell phones, digital cameras,

USB flash memories, etc.

In the present time, engineers have invented many devices for different uses.

1. - Write the name of 5 electronic devices created for domestic use.

a) _________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________

e) _________________________________________________________

2. - Write the name of 5 electronic devices created for industrial use.

a) _________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________

e) _________________________________________________________

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3. - Write the name of 5 electronic devices created for military use.

a) _________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________

e) _________________________________________________________

4. - Write the name of 5 electronic devices created to use in the space.

a) _________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________

Taking a look at Electronics FieldTaking a look at Electronics Field

In the electronics field you will find that there are many common concepts which

every body recognizes without any problem, but…. the question is people able to

give a definition about those common concepts? … How about you? … are you able

to define common concepts ? Well, let’s check out some of them:

Pulse code: Pulse code: It’s a code in which groups of pulses are used to represent

information. Morse code is an example of this.

FuseFuse: : It’s a protection device.

Ground: Ground: It’s a low resistance connection to the earth, or to a big conductor body

like the chassis of a vehicle or electronic equipment.

Conductivity: Conductivity: It’s the property of some objects to transport an electrical current.

Clock: Clock: It’s a device that marks hours, minutes and seconds.

Binary counter: Binary counter: It’s a circuit producing one output pulse by every two input pulses.

If input pulses are irregular the circuit is usually considered a counter, otherwise it’s

considered a frequency divisor.

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Interface: Interface: It’s a separation between two devices with different functions, or

between systems in which data are expressed in different way.

Capacitor: Capacitor: It’s a component that fundamentally consists of two plates or electrodes

separated by dielectric material. It’s used because of its capability of electrical

charge storage.

Transformer: Transformer: It’s a very common electronic device used to change the tension of

an alternating power, to adapt impedances, to isolate when a physical connection to

the net is not required.

Semiconductors: Semiconductors: The physical characteristics, which allow us to distinguish among

an insulator, a semiconductor, and a metal, are discussed. The current in a metal is

due to the flow of negative charges (electrons), whereas the current in a

semiconductor results from the movement of both electrons and positive charges

(holes). A semiconductor may be doped with impurity atoms so hat the current is

due predominantly either to electrons or to holes.

The junction transistor:The junction transistor:

A junction transistor consists of a silicon (or germanium) crystal in which a layer

of n-type silicon is sandwiched between two layers of p-type silicon. Alternative, a

transistor may consist of a layer of p-type between two layers of n-type material.

Integrated Circuit: Integrated Circuit: An integrated circuit consists of a single-crystal chip of silicon,

typically 50 by 50 mils in cross section, containing both active and passive elements

and their interconnections. The same processes used to fabricate individual

transistors and diodes produce such circuits.

LED (light emitting diode): LED (light emitting diode): It’s a p-n joint that emits visible radiation.

Proto board:Proto board: It’s a surface where projects can be elaborated.

Clockwise:Clockwise: It indicates that you must follow the same direction as the clock hands.

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Counter clockwise: Counter clockwise: It indicates that you must follow the opposite direction as the

clock hands.

Electron:Electron: It’s the particle of the atom negatively charged and principle of the


Electricity:Electricity: It’s the flow of electrons in a conductor material. This definition is not

related to electronics at all but it is important that you have it in mind.

Now it’s your turn. Ask to any electronics student, investigate in a book or

dictionary and give the definition for the following concepts.

1. - Logic gates: (Puerta Lógica)Logic gates are the building blocks of

digital circuits.  Combinations of logic gates form circuits designed

with specific tasks in mind.  For example, logic gates are

combined to form circuits to add binary numbers (adders), set and

reset bits of memory (flip flops), multiplex multiple inputs, etc.

2. - Strobe: 1  n muestreo  m 2  vt muestrear  address strobe   n muestreo de direcciones  m 

3. - Timer: Temporizador

 n 1 a device for measuring, recording, or indicating time 2 a switch or regulator that causes a mechanism to operate at a specific time or at predeter-

mined intervals 3 a person or thing that times 

4. - ASCII:  n acronym for American standard code for information interchange: a computer code for representing alphanumeric characters 

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5. - Full-adder:

6. - Open collector:______________________________________________



7. - Full-subs tractor: ______________________________________________




8. - Clock up: ____________________________________________________


9. - Clock down: ____________________________________________________


10. - Integer / real: _________________________________________


11. - Half-subs tractor: ______________________________________________



12. - Half-adder: ____________________________________________________




Everything people do, it’s

because of their abilities, it means,

everyone is able to do something,

some people are able to do more

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than one thing and It’s really amazing the fact that there have been people with

great abilities. An example of these people is the antique Greek philosophers. They

managed various sciences such as mathematics, physics, arts, and architecture.

Other people can practice many sports. People can have two types of abilities.

Natural abilitiesNatural abilities

Everyone is born with a range of abilities unique to him or her. It’s fair to say that

these abilities are essentially hard-wired. They mature during infancy and can be

measured in most individuals after the age of fourteen.

One example of an innate ability is manifested when an individual is confronted

with a number of seemingly unrelated objects or facts and is asked to organize them

into their unifying relationship. We call this ability Classification. Individuals who

score high in this ability are good at solving new problems and like change and

challenge. Persons who score low will find that they work best when their tasks are

well defined and organized.

It’s very important to define all the abilities to determine the patterns or

“clusters” into which each person’s abilities fall. Armed with this knowledge, the

individual is able to avoid stress and achieve satisfaction in his every day activities.

Acquired abilitiesAcquired abilities

You can acquire abilities by studying and training with a defined program, but if

you acquire abilities according to your natural abilities, this might provide better

results in your new acquired ability. One example of an acquired ability is to realize

the basic arithmetic operations; you develop your abstract and logical abilities. As

shown in the picture


programmers have

acquired the ability

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of designing different programs such as a “website”, an “interesting game”, “Pedro”

and so on.

In the other hand, pronouncing a speech is an ability that you can get by

developing your verbal ability. It’s easier and more convenient to acquire abilities

according to your natural abilities, this way you will be a better professional, a

better athlete, a better soccer player, a better architect, a better engineer and so


Acquired abilities can be also gotten when you study a technical career as for

example: mechanics, electronics, electricity, paint, etc. or when you practice some

sport as for example surfing, skiing, rugby, etc.

Now, read the following expression: “a leader is born” or “a leader is done” what

do you think? Give your opinion, if you give the correct answer, you have given a

step analysis skill, otherwise you must read a bit more.

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It’s very important to identify natural abilities to acquire other abilities. Now, find

out 5 natural abilities and 5 acquired abilities and write them in the blanks.

Natural Abilities

1) _______________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________

4) _______________________________________________

5) _______________________________________________

Acquired Abilities

1) _______________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________

4) _______________________________________________

5) _______________________________________________

Now, find out 3 natural abilities, 3 acquired abilities and 3 disabilities you

have. Use to express your abilities, the expressions: “I can” or “I’m able to”. Use to

express your disabilities, the expressions “I can’t” or “I’m not able to”.

a) Natural Abilities______________________________________________________________



b) Acquired Abilities




c) Disabilities

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DIFFERENTIATING FACTS FROM OPINIONS You reader, are not only expected to read for pleasure and entertainment, but to

gather information for your own writing projects. Distinguishing between fact and

opinion is an analytical reading skill.

This analytical reading skill will help you to recognize an author’s opinion and

separate it from facts. By recognizing facts and opinions, you will be able to form

and support your own opinions on controversial issues.

Can you tell me what an opinion is? Ask your partner to give examples of

statements that are opinions that do not use the words, “I think.” For example,

“Everyone knows that California is the best place to live.”

How do we know that all people feel that California is the best place to live? We

could find people who would argue that statement.

Let’s now discuss how facts are

different from opinions.

Opinions can be argued, facts


Facts can be proved, “The

state of California is located in

the United States.” As you use

your critical thinking skills, you

will start to see that facts and

opinions are not always a black

and white issue, especially when

a particular point of view is not

an accepted fact.

Can you tell me what a fact

is? Ask your partner to give

examples of statements that are

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facts. How do you differentiate between fact and opinion in the society? Make sure

you understand that you are able to explain why you feel a statement is an opinion

or a fact. In order to differentiate between facts from opinions, always remember


A fact is something that matters with independency of your will, for example:

“the year has 365 days”, or “in summer days are longer than nights”, or “sunset

takes place at the end of the afternoon”; you cannot change these situations, you

can only prove them.

Instead, an opinion is a commentary about any situation; it means that an

opinion is what you think about situations or facts. Opinions usually are expressed

with the words “I think . . .” “I guess . . .” or something so. Actually, there are as

much opinions as people in this world (or maybe much more); even people can

express lots of opinions about exactly the same subject.

But, even though there are many similar opinions about a specific subject, it does

not mean that opinion will become a fact, this situation is called a “general truth”. A

general truth will never change a fact, it will only modify people behavior for some

weeks, months or even some years (such as fashions), for example: “In summer,

many people travel to Caribbean islands”, or “adults use to watch TV at night”, or

“Surfing is very exiting”, or “the best TV programs are transmitted in the morning”.

In concern to these general opinions, there are thousands people who share the

same idea, but there are also thousands people who do not share that idea; this is

exactly the reason that marks the difference between a fact and an opinion.

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Next you will find several expressions; your mission is to figure out which is an

opinion and which is a fact. To complete this task successfully, you have to analyze

every expression, decide if it is an opinion, a fact or a general truth.

You will be able to ask your partner, you family or if you find this task a bit

difficult, ask to your teacher. Underline the word you consider is correct option.

1, - Water becomes a gas when it starts boiling.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

2, - People sleep at night.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

3, - Guatemala is a very nice country.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

4, - Matter states are: liquid, solid and gas.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

5, - North Pole is very cold.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

6. - North Pole is a nice place to meet.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

7. - The moon orbits the earth.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

8. - Electrons spin around the nucleus.

a) Opinion b) fact c) general truth

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