unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? section b

Unit 3 What were you do ing when the UFO arrived? Section B

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Unit 3 What were you doing whe

n the UFO arrived?

Section B

What was each person doing when

the UFO took off?

eating ice cream

taking photos

riding a bike

talking with a policem


Lead in

shouting climbing

What were they doing when you saw them?



1. Match the sentences with the pictures.

1. ______ He’s scared.

2. ______ It’s climbing a tree.

3. ______ It’s jumping down.

4. ______ She’s shouting.







2a Listen. Check () the six things you hear in the chart.


1. saw a cat in a tree

2. called the newspaper

3. called the TV station

4. took a photo

5. said “Good boy!”

6. was too scared

7. called the police

8. rode his bicycle


a. the newspaper reporter d. the woman

b. the man e. John

c. the cat f. the police officer

2b Listen again. Write the letter of who did each thing in

the following chart.

Action Who Action Who

1. saw a cat in a tree 5. said “Good boy!”

2. called the newspaper 6. was too scared

3. called the TV station 7. called the police

4. took a photo 8. rode his bicycle







Talk about the people in activity 2a. Student A begins a

sentence with the word “while”. Student B completes the


A: While John was walking to school…

B: While John was walking to school, he

saw a cat in a tree.


Read the article. Then write answers to the questions.

1. What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?

2. Why couldn’t Linda see Davy?

3.Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him?

Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station.

Linda couldn’t see Davy because the station was


Davy was outside the station.


4. What happened while Linda was on the telephone?

5.What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him?

Davy met another dog outside the station.

Davy was jumping and running with another dog.

What does Linda love?

Where did they go?

What happened while Linda was buying a newspaper?

Then what did she do?

What happened while she was talking on the telephone?

What did Linda do while the police were coming?

What was it doing when Linda saw Davy finally?

Tell a story

One day a girl was going to the park at 11:00 in the

morning. She put her bike near the sea. She saw two

boys swimming in the sea. At 11:15, while she was

sitting, a thief took her bike away. A moment later, she

found her bike was lost. Then she called the police.

4a Use these pictures to write a story

Role play. Student A was in the park last Sunday.

Student B is a police officer. Talk about what was

happening at these times.

A: Where were you at

11:00 am last Sunday?

B: I was in the park.

A: What were you

doing there?

B: …

11:00 am

11:10 am

11:15 am

11:20 am

11:25 am


Fill in the blanks with the words given.

take off get out land shout shop

1. The girl was _________ when she saw a car accident.

2. I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to _________

of bed.

3. My flight to New York ________ from Beijing Internatio

nal Airport.

4. It was raining when the plane _________ in London.

5. Don’t ________! I can hear you.


get out

took off




Look at what He Yan did yesterday. Write what you were

doing at these times.

9:00—9:30 at the doctor’s

10:00—11:00 had English class

12:00—1:00 had lunch with her mother

2:00—3: 30 visited aunt in hospital

4:00—5:00 went shopping


While He Yan was at the doctor’s, I was going to the class.

While she was having English class, I was having a test.

While she was having lunch with her mother, I was

playing in the park.

While she was visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying

in the classroom.

While she was going shopping, I was going home.

1. walk climb jump down alien

2. bathroom bedroom newspaper kitchen

3. barber UFO cut hair barber shop

4. when scared while how long

Circle the words that don’t belong.3

1.He _____ his bicycle when the UFO took off.

A. was riding B. is riding C. has ridden D. rides

2.My mother was reading while my father ____the football

match on TV.

A. watches B. was watching

C. is watching D. watched

3.____the boy was walking to school ,he saw the cat in the


A. if B. because C. while D. when

单项选择 Practice

4. While I _____ on the phone, someone knocked at the doo


A. talk B. talking C. am talking D. was talking

5. What _____ while Mary was shopping in a mall?

A. happen B. happens

C. will happen D. happened


Write a short story happened on your way to school.

Fear always springs from ignorance.
