unit 3 ib history of europe - mcquaid 1 unit 3 napoleon bonaparte i

Unit 3 IB History of Europe - McQuaid 1 UNIT 3 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE I

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Unit 3 IB History of Europe - McQuaid




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La Marseillaise (1792)

Let us go, children of the fatherlandOur day of Glory has arrived.Against us stands tyranny,The bloody flag is raised,The bloody flag is raised.Do you hear in the countrysideThe roar of these savage soldiers They come right into our armsTo cut the throats of your sons,your country.

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La Marseillaise

To arms, citizens!Form up your battalions Let us march, Let us march!That their impure bloodShould water our fields

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La Marseillaise

Sacred love of the fatherlandGuide and support our vengeful arms.Liberty, beloved liberty,Fight with your defenders;Fight with your defenders.Under our flags, so that victoryWill rush to your manly strains;That your dying enemiesShould see your triumph and glory

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La Marseillaise

To arms, citizens!Form up your battalions Let us march, Let us march!That their impure bloodShould water our fields

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Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

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Napoleon’s Early Career

November, 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the Directory in a coup d’etat.

He was supported by the Bourgeoisie, the Commercial Classes, peasants, the Catholic Church and the Royalists.

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Middle Class or Bourgeoisie

They wanted equality of opportunity and abolition of the Three Estates system.

They were given the Civil Code of 1804.

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Commercial Classes

French Merchants were not happy since there was no place for their new concerns.

Napoleon promised them The Bank of France.

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This was the largest group but had the least political voice.

They gained both land and status under Napoleon.

Peasants also gained equality under the law.

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The Catholic Church and Royalists

The Concordat gave the Church protection.

Napoleon’s Civil Code granted freedom of religion.

Napoleon granted amnesty to 100 000 émigrés who had left France under the Convention.

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Napoleon the Military General

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Napoleon’s Military Strategy

Swift marches. No reliance on fortresses. Wait for a time when the

enemy divides to engage in combat.

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Napoleon’s Military Strategy

Confront the line too far from reinforcements.

Use mountains and rivers. Seize elevations for artillery.

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Napoleon’s Foreign Policies

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Major Foreign Policy Achievements

Napoleon wanted a Continental System with Paris as the “capital of the world.”

The Italian Campaign (1796-97). The Egyptian Campaign (1798-

1801). 1801, Napoleon defeated Austria

and acquired Italian and German territories.

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Major Foreign Policy Achievements

1805, Austria and Prussia were defeated at the Battle of Austerlitz.

1806, Napoleon established control of western Germany

1807, Napoleon redrew the map of Europe in the Treaties of Tilsit.

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Napoleonic Code

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Key Concepts

Freedom of speech, worship and enterprise.

Equality of all before the law. No recognition of privileges of

birth. Right of all to public trial by jury. Separation of church and state.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

It preserved the social aims of the Revolution.

It protected the interests of the rising middle class.

It guaranteed civil liberties. Women could not vote.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

In disputes over wages, the word of the employer wins.

Slavery was restored in the French colonies.

Working men’s associations remained banned.

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Domestic Policies

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Structural Changes

France was divided into prefectures.

Each prefect was appointed by Napoleon and had a complete delegation of power.

Prefects received instructions directly from Paris.

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Politics in Napoleonic France

Law of Hostages was repealed. Revolutionaries were recalled to

France. Every institution was

subservient to the army. In foreign lands he ended

feudalism and brought his Code.

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Economics in Napoleonic France

In 1800 The Bank of France was created.

Agriculture received protective tariffs, reliable financing and well-maintained transport.

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Economics in Napoleonic France

Public Works: Inland navigation, bridges, roads and museums.

Sidewalks, house numbers, water supply, sewers, a fire department, new markets and slaugher houses were established.

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Religion Under Napoleon

Christian Churches were reopened for worship.

In 1810 the Concordat with the Catholic Church was signed.

There was better treatment of Jews.

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Social Changes Under Napoleon

Penal Code of 1810. Primary school in every

commune. Lycees (high schools) were

established in every important town.

University of France.

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Social Changes

Education under Napoleon became the business of the state.

The Conscription Law of 1798. Secret Police. Public welfare was more

centralized. Health Care was greatly improved.

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Industry in Napoleonic France

Protective tariffs. The Continental Blockade. Loans on easy terms. New markets were opened as

Napoleon’s empire expanded.

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The Arts Napoleon brought art from Egypt. Paris became the cultural centre of

Europe. Looting made the Louvre a world art

centre. Built the Arc de Triomphe, the

façade of the Chamber of Deputies, the courtyard and Rivoili wing of the Louvre.

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Impact of Napoleon

Liberalism and Nationalism were stimulated throughout Europe.

Empire helps German and Italian unification.

Feudalism and serfdom were ended in the countries he conquered.

Napoleonic Code entered other nations.

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The Congress of Vienna

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Major Players at Vienna

Talleyrand slowed down proceedings and won France international acceptance.

Hardenburg looked for a Prussian dominated peace.

Castlereagh hoped each power, having obtained what was ‘essential to its own security’ would settle into peace.

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Major Players

Castlereagh became the arbiter of disputes over land and other issues.

Alexander I believed Russia had destroyed Napoleon.

Metternich believed in stability and the common interests of Europe.

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Main Concerns

Balance of power, containment of France and maintenance of peace.

Great Powers also attempted to satisfy their own national interests.

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Key Components of the Settlement

Louis XVIII is returned to the throne.

The Allies did not impose damaging reparations on France.

France was forced back to her 1792 borders.

Legitimate rulers were restored to power.

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Key Components of the Settlement

Germanic Federation was created. Nations which contributed to

Napoleon’s defeat gained territory. The Balance of Power. The Quadruple Alliance was formed. The Congress did not address the

issue of nationalism.

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Pros and Cons of Vienna

Peacemakers refrained from punishing France.

The African slave was liberated. The balance of power made it

difficult for one nation to dominate.

Peace existed in Europe until the Crimean War in 1853.

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Pros and Cons of Vienna

There was no League of Nations type structure.

Nothing was done regarding disarmament.

Nationalism was disregarded. The interests of kings took

precedence over the people.