unit 3. anything goes?

Unit 3 Revolutions and relativism

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Unit 3. Anything goes? [Philosophy of Science]


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Unit 3 Revolutions and


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So far:

• Logical positivism and confirmation• Critical rationalism (Popper) and falsification• Today: sociology of science

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• In the sixties and seventies of the last century a new generation of philosophers of science emerged. – Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) – Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)– Imre Lakatos (1922-1974)

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Thomas Kuhn

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• Popper was describing the way science ought to work (normative)

• Thomas Kuhn was interested in the way science actually works (descriptive)

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• Popper and the logical positivist made a rational reconstruction

• They focus on the reasons not the causes for scientific behavior.

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Take a game of chess

• The rules of the game are internal to the game

• Your motives four playing a game of chess are however external

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Conceptual frameworks

• Facts do not really speak for themselves• Facts are part of a conceptual framework• Kuhn calls such a conceptual framework a


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The pre-paradigmatic


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The pre-paradigmatic period

• The pre-paradigmatic period is the period before there is a paradigm.

• There is confusion among ‘scientists’ because they do not share a common paradigm.

• Scientist think differently about what facts are and what are important problems.

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The pre-paradigmatic

periodnormal science

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Normal science as puzzle solving

• Normal science begins when a scientist comes up with a new and interesting view, a model.

• After a paradigm is established, researchers can agree on the problems and facts.

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• If an anomaly occurs it is not the problem of the paradigm but of the scientist.

• Ad hoc adjustments• No falsification: Scientist are dogmatic

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The pre-paradigmatic


normal sciencecrisis

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• If to much anomalies occur there is a crises• Confusion returns, and the old paradigm starts

to crumble.• Two solutions:

1. The issues are resolved2. A new paradigm is found, revolution.

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The pre-paradigmatic


normal science



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• New (young) scientist come up with a fresh idea.

• A paradigmatic shift occurs (Gestalt-switch), a change of worldview.

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Paradigms are incommensurable

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• Think of three examples you consider paradigm shifts

• These examples could about science, society, or your own life

• Present it in front of the group

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• why does science progress?• how does it progress?• and what is the nature of its progress?

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• Kuhn doesn’t see a uniform ‘progression’ of science.

• If there is a uniform progression then only within a paradigm.

• He questions the rationality of science

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The Copernican revolution

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• Geocentrism, the Aristotelian worldview• Copernicus and the heliocentric worldview• Galileo Galilei and proof• As an effect of the Copernican revolution man

ceased to be the center of the universe

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The inquisition forced Galileo to renounce his findings

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Paul Feyerabend

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The enemy of science

• Feyerabend thought Kuhn was killing creativity with normal science

• There is no such thing as rational scientific progress, not even within a paradigm.

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Back to Galileo

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• Against empirical evidence• Challenging observation rather than following it. • Galileo not only changed his worldview, but also

the way to measure it

If the earth moves why do things fall in a straight line?

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Other observers tested Galileo’s telescope and did not see the same

His telescopic observations differ from normal observations

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the sketches he made of the moon do not really resemble the moon at all.

Even worse, Galileo’s observations weren’t accurate

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• Galileo and Copernicus worked contra-inductive.

• If we followed empirical research, then we would still be stuck with the Aristotelian view.

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Inquisition and modern science

• Feyerabend compares modern science with the inquisition

• The inquisition only tried to defend the prevalent worldview

• He compares this with creationism

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• Galileo succeeded despite, not thanks to rationality and induction.

• What really happened? • Creativity and social factors, public relations

so to say• What to do: go against the rules, whenever


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Theoretical anarchism

Anything goes

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Imre Lakatos

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• Lakatos considered Kuhn’s idea’s as destructive

• He wanted to save the rationality of science• He proposes: research programs• He wanted back to Poppers rationality of


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Research programs

• A research program is like a paradigm.• The difference is that their can be more than

one at the same time.• Every program has a hardcore and a protective


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Adjusting Popper

• Falsification forbids all ad hoc adjustment• Lakatos calls this naïve falsification• He suggest that the research programs should

get the time to develop• Rationality in the long run

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Global Warming

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Practical example: Global warming

• Is science being driven by social motives?• If so: isn’t that unscientific?• Is this a bad thing?• Is there room for alternatives?• Should governments act upon the global

warming hypothesis?• Give your own opinion on this debate