
Sequential circuit • the output of a combinational circuit depends solely upon the input - no memory. • In order to build sophisticated digital logic circuits we need circuits that have memory whose output depends upon both the input of the circuit and its previous state • It is possible to produce circuits with memory using the digital logic gates with the concept of feedback.

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Materials on sequential circuit


Sequential circuit theoutputofacombinationalcircuitdependssolelyuponthe input - no memory. Inordertobuildsophisticateddigitallogiccircuitsweneed circuits that have memory whose output depends upon both the input of the circuit and its previous state It is possible to produce circuits with memory using the digital logic gates with the concept of feedback. Latches and flip-flopsGatesarethebuildingblocksofcombinatorial circuits,latchesandflip-flopsarethebuilding blocks of sequential circuits.Gateshadtobebuiltdirectlyfromtransistors- latches can be built from gates, and flip-flops can be built from latches.Bothlatchesandflip-flopsarecircuitelements whoseoutputdependsnotonlyonthecurrent inputs, but also on previous inputs and outputs.The difference between a latch and a flip-flop is that a latch does not have aclock signal, whereas a flip-flop always does.LatchesHow can we make a circuit out of gates that is not combinatorial? The answer is feed-back, which means that we create loops in the circuit diagramsIf such feed-back is positive then the circuit tends to have stable states, and if it is negative the circuit will tend to oscillateR !atch using "#"$ gateThe circuit shown below is a basic "#"$ latch. The inputs are %% and %R% for %et% and %Reset% respectively. Operation:&ase '( If )*', R)*+, it will reset the R)) latch ,*+ and ,)*'&ase -( If )*+, R)*', it will set the R)) latch ,*' and ,)*+&ase .( If )*R)*', the latch will remain in previous state&ase /( If )*R)*+, the latch is unpredictableInput OutputStateR' S' Q Q'0 0 1 1 Indeterminate0 1 0 1 Reset1 0 1 0 Set1 1 NC NC No ChaneR !atch using "0R gate The circuit shown below is a basic "0R latch. The inputs are %% and %R% for %et% and %Reset% respectively. Input OutputStateR S Q Q'0 0 NC NC No Chane0 1 1 0 Set1 0 0 1 Reset1 1! !IndeterminateOperation:&ase '( If *', R*+, it will set the R latch ,*' and ,)*+&ase -( If *+, R*', it will reset the R latch ,*+ and ,)*'&ase .( If *R*', the latch is unpredictable&ase /( If *R*+ "o &hange in the latch1lip-flops!atchisanasynchronuscircuit2changeininputis transmitted to the output , and ,)0perationofthelatchcanbemodifiedbyacontrol input called &lock or clock pulse&lockwithlatchiscalledflip-flopworkingasa synchronous versionBinarystoragedevice2storesbinarybit2-stable states 3IG3 4 !05&hangetheoperationofthecircuitdependingonthe state of one or more 1lip flopsTypes of Flip-FlopsFlip-Flopscanbeclassifed accordingtothenumberofinputs theypossessandthemannerin whichtheyafectthebinarystateof the fip-fop. ! type "lip-fop or et # !esetT type "lip-fop or Triggered #Toggle$ type "lip-fop or $ata # $elay%& type "lip-fopSR Flip-fop - (Set / Reset)Basic ymbol of the &locked R 1lip flop ig given in figure '!ogic diagram 6figure -7 reviews that it consists of basic "0R !atch circuit and - #"$ gates at the input.&lock * + ----#"$ gate * + ----circuit remains in same state&lock * ' ----Input from #"$ gate reaches R !atch 5orks as basic R !atchCase 1: R*+ and *+0utput of #"$ gate * +If ,*' and ,)*+ 0utput of 'st "0R gate *' and -nd gate *+3ence No chane stateCase ": R*' and *+0utput of 'st #"$ gate * ' and -nd *+0utput of 'st "0R gate *+ and -nd gate *'3ence Reset state Case #: R*+ and *'0utput of 'st #"$ gate * + and -nd *'0utput of 'st "0R gate *' and -nd gate *+3ence Set stateCase $: R*' and *'0utput of both #"$ gate * '0utput of both "0R gate *+3ence Indeterminate state$ "lip-"lop11 whose output follows it data input when the clock is The $ flip-flop is a modification of the clocked R flip-flop. The $ input goes directly into theinput and the complement of the $ input goes to the R input.If $*', the flip-flop is switched to the set state 6unless it was already set7. If it is +, the flip-flop switches to the Reset state%& "lip-"lop '%ack &ilby(indeterminate state of the ! type is defned 'refned( in the %& typeToggle) alternate between opposite binary states with each applied clock pulseInputs % and & beha*e like inputsand ! to set and clear the fip-fop '% - set and & - clear(+hen logic , inputs are applied to both % and & simultaneously- the fip-fop switches to its complement state- ie.- if ./,- it switches to ./0 and *ice *ersa. Case 1: 8*9*+ Both #"$ gates are disbled &: 2 no effect 3ence No chane state Case ": 8*+ and 9*' 'st #"$ gate is disabled i.e., *+ and R*' 3ence Reset state Case #: 8*' and 9*+ -nd #"$ gate is disabled i.e., *' and R*+ 3ence Set state Case $: 8*9*' possible to et;Reset ,*3igh -nd #"$ gate is Reset and vice-versa 3ence %ole &Opposite' state T "lip-"lopT flip-flop is obtained from the 89 type if both inputs are tied together 6i.e 8*9 always7&:*+Both #"$ gate * + "o change tate&:*'< T*+< Both #"$ gate * $isable "o change tate&:*'< T*'< Both #"$ gate depend on previous output 4 finally toggles