unit 22 environmental protection lesson 1 global warming periodii grammar

Unit 22 Environmental Protection Lesson 1 Global Warming PeriodII Grammar

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Unit 22 Environmental Protection

Lesson 1 Global Warming

PeriodII Grammar

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In this lesson, we’ll be able to

1. understand the structure of reporting .

2. practise using reporting verbs to report short dialogues.

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• Structure 1

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A terrible earthquake happened at 2:00 this afternoon in Sichun.

Did you watch the 7:00 news?

No. What happened?

It was reported that a terrible earthquake had happened in Sichun.

Lead in

The girl is reporting what the woman said in the news.

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I am paid too little!

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Did you hear what Mr Li said?

No. What did he say?

He complained that he was paid too little.

The young man is reporting what the other man said on the phone.

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It was reported that a terrible earthquake had happened in Sichun.

He complained that he was paid too little.

These are reporting ( 转述 ).Have you found the similarity of the two sentences? … reported that… … complained that…

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2 Gases pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere 2 Gases pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere have been speeding up the process of globahave been speeding up the process of global warming.l warming.

1.Scientists have1.Scientists have reported that reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate.

to claim thatto claim that

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5 Global warming will cause dramatic climate changes including more frequent floods , heat waves, and droughts.

3 Global warming could be one of the biggest 3 Global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st cenenvironmental problems facing the 21st century.tury.

to believe thatto believe that

to insist thatto insist that

4 Global warming is mostly due to human acti4 Global warming is mostly due to human activities.vities.

to warn thatto warn that

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Use the verb in brackets to report the following sentences.

Practice 1

1.Julia: The wave seemed to crash our car.


2. Roddy: I really want to a director. (admitted)

3. Juddy: I acted in my first hollywood film.


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Practice 1

1.Julia: The wave seems to crash our car. (said)

2. Roddy: I really want to be a director.(admitted)

3. Juddy:

Julia said that the wave seemed to crash their car.

Roddy admitted that he really wanted to be a director.

I’m the best student in this school !I’m the best student in this school !

Juddy boasted that he/she is the best student in Juddy boasted that he/she is the best student in that school.that school.

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Summary 1 Verb+that: 动词 +that ( 即: that 引导的宾语从

句 )


admit, agree, believe, claim, complain, declare, explain, insist, suggest, warn, remind, boast….

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•Structure 2

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You’d better go to the presentation

Practice 2

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What Miss Sun talk to you?

She suggested going to the presentation.

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Use the verb in brackets to report the following sentences.

Practice 2

1.Lily: We’d better go for a walk. (suggested)

2.Susan: I didn’t cheat at examinations.(denied)

3. Rose: Shall we have a cup of tea? (Suggested)Shall we have a cup of tea? (Suggested)

Lily suggested going for a walk.

Susan denied cheating at examinations.

Rose suggested having/that we should have Rose suggested having/that we should have a cup of tea.a cup of tea.

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Summary 2 Verb+“-ing” form: 动词 + 动词“ -ing” 形


suggest, deny, admit….

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• Structure 3

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please do not proceed beyond rail

Did you hear what the policeman said ?

No. What did he say?

He warned you not to proceed beyond rail.

Practice 3

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Match the sentences with appropriate reporting verbs from the list. Then write the reported sentences.

forbid , invite,order1. Why don’t you drop in tonight?

2. Stand up immediately!2. Stand up immediately!

3. You can’t use your dictionaries during the t3. You can’t use your dictionaries during the test.est.

He /She/They invited me to drop in tonight.He /She/They invited me to drop in tonight.

He /She/They ordered me to stand up immediately.He /She/They ordered me to stand up immediately.

He /She/They forbade us to use our dictionaries duringHe /She/They forbade us to use our dictionaries duringthe test.the test.

Practice 3

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Summary 3 Verb+Sb. to do sth. 动词 + 不定式短语


advise, order, invite, forbid, ask, tell warn ….

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DialoguesReport the dialogues using the reporting verbs given.

agree, complain, suggest, insist

Bill: I’m so fed up with washing-up. Why

can’t we buy a dishwasher?

Claire: OK, but the washing-up will still be

your job!

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Bill complained that he was fed up with washing-up and suggested buying a dishwasher. Claire agreed but insisted that the washing-up would still be his job.

Sample for Dialogue 1

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Dialogue 2advise, wonder, admit, explain

Tina: Why do you always wear black?

Jill: I think it suits me, but it’s true, perhaps

it’s a bit dull.

Tina: If I were you, I’d wear brighter colours.

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Dialogue 3refuse, beg, warn, offer

David: Please, please help me revise for my

biology test!

Chris: Sorry, I can’t help you today, but I can

tomorrow. Just don’t expect me to

know everthing!

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Keys to dialogues 2&32. Tina wondered why Jill always wore black. Jill explained that she thought it suited her but she admitted that it might look a bit dull. Tina advised her not wear brighter colours.

3. David begged Chris to help him revise for his biology test. Chris refused to do it that day but offered to help him the following day. He warned David not to expect him to know everything.

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Use the following verbs to report the two dialogues. (Ex 9 on P7)

a) admit ,advise,promise ,warnTom: I don’t think you should play the game today,John.

John: You’re right.I’m still a little bit ill, but I promise I won’t overdo it.

Tom advised John not to play the game today.Tom advised John not to play the game today.

John admitted that Tom was right because he wasJohn admitted that Tom was right because he was a little bit ill. He promised not to overdo it.a little bit ill. He promised not to overdo it.


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Tom: Be careful.If you yun around too much in this weather you may get another attack of the “flu”.

Tom warned John to be careful because if he Tom warned John to be careful because if he ran aound too much in the weather he might ran aound too much in the weather he might get another attack of the flu.get another attack of the flu.

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b) accuse , beg, complain,deny, explain,refuse

Daughter:Mum,please, will you buy me this

CD? I’ve always wanted it .

Mother: Sarah ,you know I can’t afford it.

Why do you always ask me to buy

you expensive things?

Sarah begged her mother to buy her the CD Sarah begged her mother to buy her the CD because she always wanted it.because she always wanted it.

Her mother refused and explained that she couldn’tHer mother refused and explained that she couldn’tafford it. She complained that her daughter was always afford it. She complained that her daughter was always asking her to buy her expensive thingsasking her to buy her expensive things

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The daughter denied this. She accused her mother of never buying her the things she wanted but only the things her mother liked.

Daughter: That’s not ture. You just never Daughter: That’s not ture. You just never buy me things that I want ,only buy me things that I want ,only those that you like!those that you like!

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Ex 1 , 2 On P52

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转述结构中,用连词 that 引导宾语从句时,从句中的人称 , 时态 , 指示代词 , 时间状语 , 地点状语等相应变化 .


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转述前 转述后一般现在时 一般过去时

现在进行时 过去进行时一般过去时 过去完成时

现在完成时 过去完成时一般将来时 过去将来时

The teacher said, “ The sun is bigger than the earth.”

The teacher said that the sun is bigger than the earth.

注 : 直接引语若是客观真理 , 变为间接引语时 , 时态不变 .

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直接引语 间接引语指示代词

地点状语 方向性动词

this, that, these those

now, then, today that day

this week that week

yesterday the day before

last week the week before

four days ago four days before

the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next day

next month the next month

here there

come, go,bring take

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Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

She asked, “Have you seen the film?”She asked, “Have you seen the film?”

She asked me whether\if I had seen the film.

He asked, “Are you a doctor, John?”

He asked John if\whether he was a doctor.

She asked us, “Where are you going to get off?”She asked us, “Where are you going to get off?”

She asked us where we were going to get off.

He asked them, “Who gave you a talk yesterday?”

He asked them who had given them a talk the day before.

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直接引语是一般疑问句 , 变为间接引语时 , 用连词 if 或 whether 连接。

直接引语是特殊疑问句 , 变为间接引语时 , 仍用原来的疑问词作连词来引导。

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解题步骤 : 1. 陈述句 :“I don’t like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.Sarah said to her friends that I don’t like


said didn’tshe

Sarah said to her friends that she didn’t like computers.

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2. 一般疑问句 :

Is it easy to improve the condition of the soil?

( They asked him )

They asked him if

It is easy to improve the condition of the soil.

it is easy to improve the condition of the soil.

asked is was

They asked him if it was easy to improve the condition of the soil.

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3. 特殊疑问句:When do you harvest the wheat ?

( They asked him )

They asked him When

you harvest the wheat

you harvest the wheat.


They asked him when he harvested the wheat.