unit 2.12

Programming and Development Tools Web Programming UNIT 2.12 Web Programming Style Sheets OBJECTIVES This unit helps you to use Cascading Style Sheets in your Web pages. At the end of this unit, you will be able to List the advantages of using Style Sheets. Add External Style Sheet to your Web pages. Add Internal Style Sheet to your Web pages. Add Inline Style Sheet to your Web pages. Benchmark standard Design Web pages with uniformity using Style Sheets. Style Sheets 2.12-1

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Programming and Development Tools Web Programming



Web Programming Style Sheets


This unit helps you to use Cascading Style Sheets in your Web pages.

At the end of this unit, you will be able to

List the advantages of using Style Sheets. Add External Style Sheet to your Web pages. Add Internal Style Sheet to your Web pages. Add Inline Style Sheet to your Web pages.

Benchmark standard

Design Web pages with uniformity using Style Sheets.

Style Sheets 2.12-1

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Programming and Development Tools Web Programming

Let us Revise!

1. List the controls that can be added to a form.

2. State the difference between text field and text area.

3. Mention the use of Action and Method attributes of <FORM> tag.

4. State the difference between radio button and check box.

5. Which tag is used to add drop-down list box to a form.

Introduction Do you want to change the default values of the attributes of a tag? You can change it to your need using CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. The tags in HTML have their own function by default. These tags can be enhanced by using Style Sheet. A Style Sheet contains a set of instructions that modifies the values of the attributes of a tag. For example, the tag <H1> displays the text in black colour. The colour of the text can be changed for <H1> tag using Style Sheets.

The advantages of using Style Sheets are:

An attribute’s value of a tag can be specified once and the tag can be used anywhere in the file without specifying the attribute again and again. It is like changing the default value of an attribute.

If you want to modify any attribute, it is enough if you change the value in the Style where it is defined instead of changing the values wherever the tag is used.


CSS, Style Sheet and Cascading Style Sheet all mean the same.

Styles can be defined in 3 ways using:

External Style Sheets, Internal Style Sheets and Inline Style Sheet

2.12.1 External Style Sheets In the External Style Sheets, the tags that are necessary to create styles are saved in a file with extension .css. This file is linked to the HTML file by using

Style Sheets 2.12-2

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the <LINK> tag in the HTML file. The <LINK> tag has HREF attribute to which the URL of the style sheet file (.css) is assigned. The <LINK> tag is placed inside the <HEAD> tag.


The following example illustrates the use of External Style Sheets in a Webpage. Open the HTML file Ext_CSS.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Ext_CSS.html file is given below: <HTML>



<link REL="StyleSheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="Style1.css">


<BODY><FONT Size=5>

<H1> WORLD POPULATION : 2003 </H1>

The first five most populous countries are: <BR>


<LI> China

<LI> India

<LI> United States

<LI> Indonesia

<LI> Brazil


<TABLE Cellspacing=0 Align="Center">

<TR Bgcolor="Darkgreen" Height="40"> <TH Width="20%"> S.No.<TH Width="40%">Country<TH Width="40%"> Population</TR>

<TR> <TD>1 <TD>China <TD>1,286,975,468 </TR>

<TR> <TD>2 <TD>India <TD>1,049,700,118 </TR>

<TR> <TD>3 <TD>United States<TD>290,342,554 </TR>

<TR> <TD>4 <TD>Indonesia <TD>234,893,453 </TR>

<TR> <TD>5 <TD>Brazil <TD>182,032,604 <TR>




Style Sheets 2.12-3

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Code Sample 2.12.1 The Web page shown in Figure 2.12.1 is displayed in the browser window.

Figure 2.12.1: A Web Page Using External Style Sheet

In the code shown in Code Sample 2.12.1, the tag <link Rel="StyleSheet" Type="text/css" Href="Style1.css"> creates a link to the Style1.css file. The following are the tags specified in Style1.css file:

H1 {Text-Align:Center;color:Firebrick}

BODY {Background:LightYellow}

TABLE{Border:outset 5pt;Background-Image:URL("Picture2.jpg");Width:60%;Color:yellow;Font-size=20}

TD {Text-Align: Center; Height: 40}

OL {Color:Firebrick}

Code Sample 2.12.2 The following is the syntax used to modify the attributes of a tag:

Tag_Name {Attribute1: Value; Attribute2: Value; …………..}

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It is clear from the Code Sample 2.12.2 that <H1>, <BODY>, <TABLE>, <TD> and <OL> are the tags that are modified. The following are the changes made:

The Color attribute is set to Firebrick and the text is centered for <H1> tag.

The Background Color is set to Lightyellow for the <BODY> tag.

The border width is set to 5, Picture2.jpg is set as the background image, table width is set to 60% of the width of the browser window, the colour of the text is set to Yellow and the size of the text is set to 20 for the <TABLE> tag.

The Height of a cell is set to 40 and the text is centered for <TD> tag.

The colour is set to Firebrick for <OL> tag.

When these modified tags are used in your HTML file, the tags take the values of the attributes mentioned in the .css file unless the attributes are specified. For example, the heading of the Web page shown in Figure 2.12.1 is centered instead of left alignment.

External Style Sheet is also called as Linked Style Sheet Self-Check Exercise 2.12.1


Say true or false: 1. In External Style Sheets, styles are defined in a separate file with extension .ccs. 2. The 3 ways of defining styles are using External Style Sheets, Internal Style Sheets

and Inline Styles. 3. The <LINK> tag is placed inside the <HEAD> tag. Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 1: Open D12_1.html in Internet Explorer. The following code will be present in D12_1.html. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> WELCOME TO ZAI SUPER MARKET </TITLE> <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="TEXT/CSS"




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No.3 Plaza Dhamas, &nbsp; Sri Hartamaas <BR> Kuala Lumpur <BR><BR> </H1> </HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TH WIDTH=10%>S.NO </TH> <TH WIDTH=50%> PRODUCT NAME</TH> <TH WIDTH=20%>QTY</TH> <TH WIDTH=15%> PRICE </TH> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">101 </TD> <TD> Coke</TD> <TD> 250 ML</TD> <TD> 1.70 RM</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">102 </TD> <TD> Pepsi</TD> <TD> 250 ML</TD> <TD> 1.50 RM</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">102 </TD> <TD>Sprit</TD> <TD> 250 ML</TD> <TD> 1.50 RM</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">102 </TD> <TD> 100 Plus</TD> <TD> 250 ML</TD> <TD> 1.00 RM</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">102 </TD> <TD> Milo </TD> <TD> 150 ML</TD> <TD> 1.30 RM</TD> </TR> <TR>

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<TD ALIGN="CENTER">102 </TD> <TD> Lychee </TD> <TD> 150 ML</TD> <TD> 1.20 RM</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> 1. Locate the tag which is used to call the external style sheet file into html file. 2. Identify the attribute which is used to define the relationship between the linked file and

the HTML file. 3. Name the attribute which is used to specify the type of the file. Lab Exercise 2: Open D12_1.HTML in Notepad. 1. View the source code in the Notepad. 2. Change the background and text colour as shown in the following Figure 2.12.2.

Figure 2.12.2: Welcome to ZAI Super Market

Lab Exercise 3: Create an external style sheet and display the output as given in the following

Figure 2.12.3.

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Figure 2.12.3: Wonders of the World

2.12.2 Internal Style Sheets In the Internal Style Sheets, the tags that are necessary to create styles are placed inside the <STYLE> tag. The <STYLE> tag is placed inside the <HEAD> tag of the HTML file.


Internal Style Sheets are also called as Embedded Style Sheets. Hands-On!

The following example illustrates the use of Internal Style Sheets in a Webpage. Open the HTML file Int_CSS.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Int_CSS.html file is given below: <HTML>



Style Sheets 2.12-8

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<STYLE Type="text/css">

H1 {Text-Align:Center;color:Firebrick}

BODY {Background:LightYellow}

TABLE{Border:outset 5pt; Background-Image:URL("Picture2.jpg"); Width:60%;Color:yellow;Font-size=20}

TD {Text-Align:Center;Height:40}

OL {Color:Firebrick}



<BODY><FONT Size=5>

<H1> WORLD POPULATION : 2003 </H1>

The first five most populous countries are: <BR>


<LI> China

<LI> India

<LI> United States

<LI> Indonesia

<LI> Brazil


<TABLE Cellspacing=0 Align="Center">

<TR Bgcolor="Darkgreen" Height="40"> <TH Width="20%"> S.No.<TH Width="40%">Country<TH Width="40%"> Population</TR>

<TR> <TD>1 <TD>China <TD>1,286,975,468 </TR>

<TR> <TD>2 <TD>India <TD>1,049,700,118 </TR>

<TR> <TD>3 <TD>United States<TD>290,342,554 </TR>

<TR> <TD>4 <TD>Indonesia <TD>234,893,453 </TR>

<TR> <TD>5 <TD>Brazil <TD>182,032,604 <TR>





Code Sample 2.12.3 The same Web page shown in Figure 2.12.1 is displayed in the browser window.

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In External Style Sheets, you created a file with extension .css. This file contains all the tags that were used to define the styles. In Internal Style Sheet, all the tags that are required to define the styles are placed inside the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags which in turn is placed inside the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. The difference between External Style Sheet and Internal Style Sheet is that the former can be used by any HTML file whereas the latter can be used only by the HTML file where it is defined.


No separate file is created for defining styles in Internal Style Sheets. 2.12.3 Inline Style Sheets In the Inline Styles, the styles are inserted directly into the tags by assigning styles to the Style attribute of respective tags.


The following example illustrates the use of Inline Styles in a Webpage. Open the HTML file Inl_CSS.html in Internet Explorer. The code in Inl_CSS.html file is given below: <HTML>




<BODY Style=Background:LightYellow><FONT Size=5>

<H1 Style="Text-Align:Center;color:Firebrick"> WORLD POPULATION : 2003 </H1>

The first five most populous countries are: <BR>

<OL Style="Color:Firebrick">

<LI> China

<LI> India

<LI> United States

<LI> Indonesia

<LI> Brazil


<TABLE Align="Center" Cellspacing="0" Style="Border:outset 5pt;

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Width:60%;Color:yellow;Font-size=20; Background:URL(Picture2.jpg)">

<TR Bgcolor="Darkgreen" Height="40">

<TH Width="20%"> S.No.

<TH Width="40%">Country

<TH Width="40%"> Population



<TD Style="Text-Align:Center;Height:40">1





<TD Style="Text-Align:Center;Height:40">2





<TD Style="Text-Align:Center;Height:40">3

<TD>United States




<TD Style="Text-Align:Center;Height:40">4





<TD Style="Text-Align:Center;Height:40">5







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Code Sample 2.12.3 The same Web page shown in Figure 2.12.1 is displayed in the browser window.

For example, the following code in Code Sample 2.12.3, sets the background colour of the Web page to Light yellow using Inline Styles.

<BODY Style=Background:LightYellow>

Here, the background of the Web page is set to Lightyellow by assigning the value to the Style attribute of the <BODY> tag.

Order of Precedence If more than one type of Style Sheet is specified in a HTML file, the browser follows an order to select the Style Sheet to be used. The following is the order of precedence followed by a browser:

1. Inline Style Sheet

2. Internal or Embedded Style Sheet

3. External or Linked Style Sheet

4. Default style used by the browser (If the Style is not specified).

If all the 3 Style Sheets are specified, the Internal Style Sheet adopts the styles mentioned in the External Style Sheet that are not mentioned in the Internal Style Sheet. The Inline Style Sheet adopts the styles mentioned in the Internal Style Sheet that are not mentioned in the Inline Style Sheet. Hence, it is called as Cascading Style Sheet.

Lab Exercise Lab Exercise 4: Create an external style sheet and display the output as given in the following

Figure 2.12.4.

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Figure 2.12.4: A Web Page Using External Style Sheet Self-Check Exercise 2.12.2

Fill in the blanks: 1. The tags that are required to define the styles using Internal Style Sheet are placed

inside the _____ and _____ tags. 2. ______ attribute is used to specify Inline Styles. 3. ______ Style Sheet has the highest priority.

Activity 2.12.1

1. Create a Web page that explains Cascading Style Sheets as shown in Figure 2.12.5.

2. Save the HTML file as Activity2.12.1.html.

3. The content of the same page is continued in Figure 2.12.6.

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Figure 2.12.5: A Web page Explaining CSS

Figure 2.12.6: Continuation of Web page shown in Figure 2.12.5

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page as shown in Figure 2.12.7 whose continuation is given

the HTML file as Index.html in C:\HTML folder.

Figure 2.12.7: A Web page Containing Links

As explained earlier, the Web pages created in the Activities of all the units from 3 to 12 will lead to the creation of a Web Site. The Web pages in all the Activities should be linked together. Do the following to create the home page for this Web site.

1. Create a Web in Figure 2.12.8. The files to be linked and their location are given in Table 2.12.1.

2. Save

Activity 2.12.2

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Figure 2.12.8: Continuation of Web page shown in Figure 2.12.7

Activity 2.12.3

The home page shown in Figure 2.12.9 contains two vertical frames. Load the file Index.html located at C:\HTML folder in the left frame and Activity3.html located at C:\HTML\Unit 7\Activity folder in the right frame. When a link in the left frame is clicked, the corresponding page should be opened in the right frame. The link, the file to be linked and its location is given in Table 2.12.1.

Link in the left frame

File to be linked Location

About the Internet Activity3.html C:\HTML\Unit 7\Activity

Basics of HTML Activity5.html C:\HTML\Unit 3\Activity

Adding Headings Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 3\Activity

Inserting Line Breaks and Paragraphs

Activity2.html C:\HTML\Unit 3\Activity

Drawing Horizontal Rule

Activity3.html C:\HTML\Unit 3\Activity

Scrolling the Text Activity4.html C:\HTML\Unit 3\Activity

Making the Text Bold, Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 4\Activity

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Italic and Underlined

Changing the Size of the Text

Activity2.html C:\HTML\Unit 4\Activity

Positioning and Striking the Text

Activity3.html C:\HTML\Unit 4\Activity

Ordered List Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 5\Activity

Unordered List Activity2.html C:\HTML\Unit 5\Activity

Definition List Activity3.html C:\HTML\Unit 5\Activity

Adding Hyperlinks Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 6\Activity

Inserting Images Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 7\Activity

Inserting Music, Movie and Animation

Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 8\Activity

Adding Tables Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 9\Activity

Creating Frames Activity6.html C:\HTML\Unit 10\Activity

Adding Forms and Controls

Activity2.html C:\HTML\Unit 11\Activity

Cascading Style Sheets

Activity1.html C:\HTML\Unit 12\Activity

Table 2.12.1: Details of files to be linked 1. Create a Web page shown in Figure 2.12.9. Save the HTML file as Main.html in C:\HTML folder.

2. Save the HTML file as Main.html in C:\HTML folder.

3. All the Web pages of a Web site should have the same appearance. So create an external style sheet file Style.css in C:\HTML folder. The commands in Style.css is shown below:

H1 {Text-Align:Center;Color:Firebrick}

H2 {color:Firebrick}

H3 {color:Firebrick}

BODY {Background:Lightyellow;Font-Size:14pt}

FONT {Font-Size:14pt}

4. Add the following code inside the <HEAD> tag in all the activity files created.

<LINK Rel="Stylesheet" Href="C:\HTML\Style.css">

5. Open the Main.html folder in Internet Explorer and browse the Web site created.

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Figure 2.12.9: Home page

Technical Terminologies

External Style Sheet - A Style Sheet placed in an external file with extension .css

Internal Style Sheet - A Style Sheet placed internally in the same HTML file.

Inline Style Sheet - Styles defined inside the tag using Style attribute. Cascading Style Sheet - The Style Sheet having higher precedence

adopts the styles mentioned in a Style Sheet of lower precedence. This is called as Cascading Style Sheet.

Summary In this unit, you learnt that

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. The 3 types of Style Sheets are Internal Style Sheet, External Style

Sheet and Inline Style Sheet. In the External Style Sheets, the tags that are necessary to create

styles are saved in a file with extension .css. In the Internal Style Sheets, the tags that are necessary to create

styles are placed inside the <STYLE> tag.

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In the Inline Styles, the values that are necessary to create styles are assigned to the Style attribute of respective tags.


of using Style Sheets.

hat modifies the


Inline styles hold the highest priority among the Style Sheets.

I. Answer the following questions


1. List any 2 advantages

2. Name the three Style Sheets.

3. Create a .css file to create an External Style Sheet tattributes of <TABLE> tag.

4. Write the <STYLE> tag to convert the External Style Sheet mentioned in 3rd question to Internal Style

5. Write the <TABLE> tag to convert the Internal Style Sheet mentioned in 4th question to Inline Style Sheet.

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Criterion Referenced Test Instruction: Students must evaluate themselves to attain the list of

competencies to be achieved. Name: Subject: Programming and Development Tools Unit: Style Sheets Please tick [ √ ] the appropriate box when you have achieved the respective competency. Date Style Sheets C1 C2 C3


Competency codes: C1 = Create a Web page using External Style Sheet. C2 = Create a Web page using Internal Style Sheet. C3 = Create a Web page using Inline Style Sheet.

Style Sheets 2.12-20