unit 2 english around the world. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle a bathroom or a...

Unit 2 English Around the World

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Page 1: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

Unit 2 English Around

the World

Page 2: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror


bath / bathtub





A bathroom or a toilet?


Page 3: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror



Mr Brown


a woman who owns and rents houses.

a shelf or a small room for storing clothes and other things

Page 4: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

The landlady asked Mr. Brown:1 __________________peg.2 __________________3_____________________________ stand.4______________ if he came back after midnight. 5_______________9 o’clock in the evening.6_____________ after 9’clock in the evening.7_______________________________________8__________________________9___________________________10____________________

to put his coat on a

to take off the shoes.to put the umbrella in the umbrella

to lock the doorto be quiet afternot to shower

not to smoke in the bathroom.to speak quietly on the phone.

to turn down the radio.to return the key of the front door.

on page 9



Page 5: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

A: Excuse me, Can you tell me , how do you say in English that I like this flower more than that one? Prettier?B: Oh, sorry. Could you repeat it? A: Can you tell me how to say in English that I like this flower more than that one? Prettier?B: Ha-Ha. You say prettier when you talk about girls. Just say more beautiful.A: What? Could you speak a bit slowly?B: Just say more beautiful.A: Oh, Yeah. I thought it was something like that.T: A and B, do you have a problem?B: It’s nothing. A asked me to tell her how to say more and most beautiful.

of speaking on page 9

Page 6: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

1. Listen to the tape and tick the things.( )English language ( )Touching( )Pronunciation ( )saying Hello

and Goodbye

( )Words ( )Trains( )Spelling ( )Buses( )Parties ( )Driving

on page 91

Page 7: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

2. True or false( ) 1 Terry has a problem with English


( ) 2 Terry sometimes doesn’t understand what English people are saying.

( ) 3 English people stand closer to each other than Americans.

( ) 4 In the States, touching is part of being friends with somebody.

( ) 5 In the USA and in Britain, people drive on the same side of the road.

Page 8: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

3 Write down the missing words.

1 ’s living in England, Terry?

2 A woman said she would me the next day.

3 What’s about that?

4 Well, we say “ I’ll you tomorrow.”

5 Now that sounds to me!

6 So I have to not to touch people when I’m in .

What it likering






Page 9: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

Tape scripts (material for listeningIt’s that woman. She drives me crazy. It all started right from the very first day , I would say from the very first evening when I set foot into the house. “Good evening, Mr. Brown ,could you please put your coat on a peg? – Oh no, not there, in the closet,please. Yes,thank you, and oh ,your shoes, could you please take them off? Thank you. And eh, your umbrella, yes, could you please put your umbrella in the umbrella stand? Oh no, not there,here! Please don’t forget. The key of the front door,here you are, and remember, if you come home after midnight,please lock the door. Good night! Oh Mr. Brown ,would you please be quiet after nine o’clock in the evening?”

Page 10: Unit 2 English Around the World. toilet bath / bathtub towel tap basin handle A bathroom or a toilet? mirror

And that was only the beginning . “ Mr.Brown, don’t shower after nine,” she shouted. She would walk past my door and say : “ Mr. Brown ,would you please remember not to smoke in the bathroom? Could you walk the dog, please? Will you turn down your radio, please? Please , Mr. Brown, could you speak quietly on the phone?” It was terrible. Oh, I couldn‘t have stayed there for another week, for sure. And then there was this letter. “Dear Mr. Brown,” it said, “ could you please return the key to the front door? And one more question. Can you help me find a new tenant (房客) for my flat?”
