unit 18 evaluation

UNIT 18: EVALUATION Stanley Gulliford

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UNIT 18: EVALUATIONStanley Gulliford

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Zephyr Advertising

We chose the name “zephyr” as it implies our business will go smoothly. It’s a unique name and not easily forgettable. In the logo there is an image of a phoenix as the slogan is “regenerating ideas” and this is what a phoenix is known to do. It also adds a certain elegance and mystery to our company. If I was to do it again I would have chosen different colours, maybe even a background colour to make the logo stand out more

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Quantic FreshThis is our product “Quantic Fresh” These words present our water bottle to be clean and professionally made. The Main Japanese symbol in the middle means water while the slogan on the side says in Japanese “cleanse your mind” (as this is our slogan)This is to celebrate where its from, Mt.Hotaka in Japan. This is also why we chose to go with an oriental theme throughout our advertising. The slogan also suggests that the water and its nutrients will help your mind with both relaxation and concentration. If we were to make the product again I would make it clear to the audience what the Japanese symbols stand for as we would sell it here in the UK

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Team Zephyr

Our team worked well together, this was due to us being able to work well as a team and all doing the same amount of work with no one slacking behind. This was great as we made decisions and executed them quickly and efficiently. Our first group member was Rory Giddings, Rory acted in the advert as a ninja, he also filmed a vast amount of the advert which was mainly done well, he also produced many print adverts for us and put in a lot of effort into the pitch PowerPoint. The next member of our team is Elishia Selby, Elishia also filmed a lot of the advert with her scenes being very well done as their was no shaking of the camera and good camera angles. She also made her own TV advert which was done very well and it was difficult to chose between the two adverts made. She also did extremely well in the pitch, delivering our message confidently and answering questions well. Andrew Goldman was also in our group. Andy filmed some scenes in the advert which were done well but was mainly in the advert as a ninja and did extremely well, he brought humour to our over the top advert. He also made the marketing campaign which I feel was done to a professional standard and was presented well in the pitch by him. The final member in our team was me. I acted as the final ninja but I feel I could have done better and been more over the top like the two others. However I did edit the majority of the advert which I feel went very well, the special effects, music (which matches up to the scenes) and transition between scenes went very well and I am proud of it.

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Print Advert

The print advert produced was done extremely well. It looks professional, mysterious and is very artistic. It clearly shows where are water is from with the oriental theme running throughout the advert and also shows that our water is from the mountains in Japan. However I do feel the slogan “cleanse your mind” could have been put in a more “oriental” or interesting font to make it stand out even more than it already does with its bright colours that our made obvious by the contrasting dark colours in the background

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Group Pitch

Our Pitch went very well, we distributed the information we needed to convey equally so all four of us had the same amount to say. I feel we all talked clearly and confidently with little hesitation. However when one question was asked to me in the presentation “How do you obtain your water” I was unable to answer as I did not have this information as I had not been told, however another member in my team, Rory, answered it excellently but if we did it again I would want to prepare ourselves for questions that might be possibly asked.

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Overall I think our group performed excellently: The company name, the oriental theme for our water bottle, the adverts, the pitch, they all went very well. The company name made us seem unique and professional and the name “Quantic Fresh” promoted our product to be clean and different. Our print advert targeted older people well as they showed that the nutrients in the water would help them relax and feel good while our TV advert would work well at attracting a younger generation to the product as it shows the water giving the monk the ability to fight three ninjas. The Pitch was delivered clearly and confidently and we were able to answer all questions given. However if we were to do it again there are a few things I would like to improve. While I like our company logo and water bottle I believe the colours used went bold enough and didn’t stand out, next time I would use more bright and attractive colours. Also in our TV advert some shots are shaking and so not clear, next time I would use a tripod to film the still shots to add a bit more professionalism to the advert. Also I wish I could act out my scene again as it was rushed and I don think it was done to the best possible standard. Finally in the pitch I would want to prepare myself for possible questions so I can make not only myself but my team look smart and professional