unit 13 - lo 4 - pitch of both magazines

LO4 Planning and Pitching a Print Based Media Product

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Page 1: Unit 13 - LO 4 - Pitch of both magazines

LO4Planning and Pitching a

Print Based Media Product

Page 2: Unit 13 - LO 4 - Pitch of both magazines

Contents • A.I.R finished magazine – Front Cover + DPS• Mind map• Mood board• A.I.R summary of ideas• Summary of Ideas Continued• A.I.R proposal• A.I.R hand drawn drafts• Process quote• Production methods• Promotion – below the line• further development possibilities• Simpatico finished magazine – front cover + DPS• Mind map• Mood board• SIMPATICO summary of ideas• Summary of Ideas Continued• simpatico proposal• Simpatico hand drawn drafts• Process quote• Production methods• Promotion – below the line

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Alternative, indie and rock

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Mood board

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Mast head ideas + connotations

• A.I.R (alternative, Indie, rock)- I like this abbreviation of ‘AIR’ for my magazines masthead because it perfectly links in with the genre of indie, rock and alternative. This would suit my magazine because I am running along the same line as NME masthead and theme which has three letters as an abbreviation.

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• Content/Working Title/Genre/Style or Approach: My first proposal of a magazine design is ‘A.I.R.’ I think this magazine should be created because I wanted to stick to the same kind of theme and layout as NME magazine. I will do this by having an abbreviated masthead name and by using the same kind of layout of genre coverage with the genre of Indie, Rock, Alternative. My magazine will be full of pictures, articles, album reviews, gig reports and song lyrics. The magazine will also feature bands that are generally quite small and not mainstream like catfish and the bottlemen. Most will be signed to small record labels or perhaps not signed at all. To make my magazine stand out and to fit into my target audiences needs I will be using bold, bright colours that fit the genre and don’t allow the magazine to deviate away from being alternative yet simple. I will do this my making a statement via using block colourings of red, black, and white and using yellows and blues to highlight key points and information. The magazine will hopefully become a market leader and compete with these publications.

• To connect to my audience and provide for their needs and interests, I will make sure my magazine is bold and stands out to get my magazine into the best position to make it known. I will do this through the text styles and image/ page layouts, highlighting important information in a bright block colour. There will not be too much writing, but enough to sustain the audiences attention and answer the questions/ information queries + the unknown.

• Frequency: The cost of a standard NME magazine ranges between £2.20- £5.99, my magazine will cost £3.50 on a weekly release basis . I think this would be a relatively good price for my magazine as it offers basically everything NME or Kerrang does, just its not professionally published or as known to have a high price put on it, so my audience may not be as willing to pay out too much for something that’s new, not familiar.

• Style and approach: To create my magazine I will be using Adobe workshop CO5 software and Photoshop- for image manipulation , this is to ensure I get the highest quality standard and so that it looks professional as possible.

• Audience: The socio economic groups for my ,magazine are between A, B and C1 as they all have jobs so can spend their spare income on the magazine. Also because NME isn't an upper class kind of magazine and neither are the people featured in it, so stereotypically you would associate this kind of magazine in the A-B category.

Length: I will be creating 64 pages of my magazine, the front cover and double page spread. These will all be A 4 sized and 8.5 inches width and 11.2 inches height.

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NME is a music magazine which targets mainly men aged between17-30. It also appeals to people with an interest in new music and artist and/or people in a band, so with A.I.R magazine I want to have similar if not the same target audience and subjects buying and having an interest in my magazine as much as NME and other rival magazines such as Q and Kerrang.

Summary of ideas 1

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Summary of Ideas Continued

The similarities between NME magazine and my very own magazine (A.I.R) will not differ that much in design or format. I will be using similar font styles (bold and in capitals) because they are eye catching and stand out. This font style links into my chosen genre of indie, rock and alternative because it bold and out there which makes it stand out from the others and connotes its individuality.

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A.I.R socio economic groups.

The socio demographic groups for my, magazine are between C1 and E as they all have jobs so can spend their spare income on the magazine. Also because AIR isn't an upper class kind of magazine and neither are the people featured in it, so stereotypically you would associate this kind of magazine in the D-E category, this is partly because teenagers are categorised in these groups.

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Printing Quote

2618.80/1000= £2618826188 X 4=£104752

I got a quote for my magazine on a weekly basis of 1000 copies which will cost around £26188 to produce which on a monthly basis will cost me £10475 to produce nationwide.

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Budget Plan

• For the production of my magazine I need to think of all the costs I will need to pay out for. This includes computers and software, employers, editors and publishing. For my employees I will need editors and deputy editors. The lowest payment allowed is £15,000, but editors can earn up to £25,000 to £40,000 per year. To create my magazine I will be using MAC book pros by apple, I will need 12 of these for each employee, and this will cost me around £1100. This will sustain the process of my magazine including the software I will be using which is adobe suite creative cloud. For the amount of software needed on a yearly basis it will cost me around £2292 to sustain each computer.

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Production methods

• Computers• Software• Editors• Employers• Annual pay

• http://www.prospectus.co.uk/

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Promotion – below the line• For the advertisement of my magazine I will be using below the

line. I chose this method as a start up for my magazine as it’s cheaper than jumping straight into above the line especially as my magazine is new and will take a while for it to become popular and known to the public and specified audience.

• The below the line advertisement and promotions I will be using is posters, leaflets, local radio stations, local newspapers etc..

• If my magazine shows a good circulation and people like my magazine I will then upgrade to above the line promotion. Above the line includes print, online media, bill boards, television and cinema advertising. This is very expensive so I will have to use my profits wisely.

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further development possibilities

• Later issues- in the future I hope my magazine will prosper and be very successful. To ensure this happens and continues I will keep my magazine packed full of information targeted specifically towards my audience with updates on gigs and band information, plus general indie, rock, alternative music updates such as this years new popular bands and line ups for festivals such as Reading and V festival. I will hopefully start up a website and have an online monthly issue as well as weekly hard copies.

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Mood board

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Mast head ideas + connotations

• Simpatico- I chose this to be an option for the masthead and name of my magazine because it’s a catchy name which would be remembered, it also symbolises that the magazine is easy and chilled like the music specified, that everyone loves and wants to buy and read about.

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Mood Board Explanation

• My second mood board that supports my simpatico idea, is very similar to my fist idea of A.I.R. this is because the genre of my music and the original magazine I am copying, NME , is all very much the same, and has the same taste, target audience and design. notice there is a lot of grey, black and white. These colours are used a lot in this genre because it emphasizes the images and create an intense connection with the audience through emotion, making them interested. I am also a fan things stand out more.

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For both of my ideas of a magazine, A.I.R and Simpatico its crucial I meet the expectations of a well known, popular and professional magazine that already exists.

Katz - in NME magazine the audience learns information about the bands involved and written about inside that they may not know in every day to day business. They also learn what sort of people the band members can be and whop they really and their values, they may even get to ‘know’ them on a different and personal level because they may have the same issues as one another or the audience may look up to the people featured out of admiration.Maslow - NME magazine would come under the survivors and explores hierarchy. This is because when you buy an NME magazine you know full well that they will cover everything you need to know about the subject of the interview and who are featured in the magazine. I know this because in my addition of September the 6th 2014 ‘Interpol’ there is a whole double page spread on them and the quote ‘there was never a conversation about quitting’. NME magazine also comes under explorers because they are influenced by social change and this could attract explorers because they cover past, present and future music, allowing the audience of explorers to find out everything the need on specific bands and occasions upcoming.Hartley - the genre of NME magazine NME is indie/ rock/ alternative. the age range of the magazine is men around 17-30 and girls of an interest in the band members and alternative music.

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• Content/Working Title/Genre: My second proposal of a magazine idea is ‘Simpatico’ I think this is

would be a good choice of a design because much like my first idea with ‘A.I.R.’ I will have to some extent the same layout as NME, with a few differentiations and same genre- indie/rock/alternative, just different colour scheme and meaning to the masthead name. the meaning to my masthead ‘simpatico’ is because its easy and calm, everyone ‘gets along with it’ like the genres and topics/music involved. magazine will be full of pictures, articles, album reviews, gig reports and song lyrics. The publication will also feature bands that are generally quite small and not mainstream. Most will be signed to small record labels or perhaps not signed at all. The magazine will hopefully become a market leader and compete with these publications.

• Because both of my ideas are very similar they both have the same expectations and needs either through presentation or target audience. My targeted audience is mainly men aged between17-30. It also appeals to people with an interest in new music and artist and/or people in a band.

• Style or Approach/ frequency: The price of this magazine will slightly differ from my first idea, this is because I don’t think will look as higher quality due to the colour scheme, making it not look as professional or eye catching. I will be selling my ‘Simpatico’ magazine for £2.50 on a weekly release basis. I think this price is suitable for my magazine because it offers what any other magazine offers but maybe not as high quality, or as much attention to detail as ‘A.I.R.’ also people may not be so willing to pay out too much for something that’s new and not familiar. To create my magazine I will be using Adobe workshop CS5 software and Photoshop- for image manipulation , this is to ensure I get the highest quality standard and so that it looks professional as possible.

• Audience: The socio economic groups for my ,magazine are between A, B and C1 as they all have jobs so can spend their spare income on the magazine. Also because NME isn't an upper class kind of magazine and neither are the people featured in it, so stereotypically you would associate this kind of magazine in the A-B category.

Length: I will be creating 64 pages of my magazine, the front cover and double page spread. These will all be A 4 sized and 8.5 inches width and 11.2 inches height.

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Summary of Ideas Continued

The similarities between NME magazine and my very own magazine (simpatico) will not differ that much in design or format. I will be using similar font styles (bold and in capitals) because they are eye catching and stand out. This font style links into my chosen genre of indie, rock and alternative because it bold and out there which makes it stand out from the others and connotes its individuality.

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Simpatico socio economic groups.

The socio demographic groups for my, magazine are between C1 and E as they all have jobs so can spend their spare income on the magazine. Also because simpatico isn't an upper class kind of magazine and neither are the people featured in it, so stereotypically you would associate this kind of magazine in the D-E category, this is partly because teenagers are categorised in these groups.

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Print Quote

2618.80/1000= £2618826188 X 4=£104752

I got a quote for my magazine on a weekly basis of 1000 copies which will cost around £26188 to produce which on a monthly basis will cost me £10475 to produce nationwide.

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Budget Plan

• For the production of my magazine I need to think of all the costs I will need to pay out for. This includes computers and software, employers, editors and publishing. For my employees I will need editors and deputy editors. The lowest payment allowed is £15,000, but editors can earn up to £25,000 to £40,000 per year. To create my magazine I will be using MAC book pros by apple, I will need 12 of these for each employee, and this will cost me around £1100. This will sustain the process of my magazine including the software I will be using which is adobe suite creative cloud. For the amount of software needed on a yearly basis it will cost me around £2292 to sustain each computer.

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Promotion – below the line• For the advertisement of my magazine I will be using below the

line. I chose this method as a start up for my magazine as it’s cheaper than jumping straight into above the line especially as my magazine is new and will take a while for it to become popular and known to the public and specified audience.

• The below the line advertisement and promotions I will be using is posters, leaflets, local radio stations, local newspapers etc..

• If my magazine shows a good circulation and people like my magazine I will then upgrade to above the line promotion. Above the line includes print, online media, bill boards, television and cinema advertising. This is very expensive so I will have to use my profits wisely.

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Simpatico magazine

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Please provide me with Feedback as to how you think the pitch went.

Thank you for watching!

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Name: Keira HibbertCandidate Number: 2062Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Set Brief - Print

Project/Brief –

Music Magazine & Promotion

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 01: Analyzing Media Products and Audiences



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Result Analysis

Looking at my results fro my survey It seems the majority of people who answered my survey were female at 60%. This could be unfair resulting because I could of asked more females than males. This also shows that females could en dup being the dominant target audience for NME due to the band members and fan girling.

My second questions results show at tie popularity of 40% for both between Q Magazine and other magazines not specified, closely running up with 20% of the audience reading XXL. Resulting in NME and Kerrang having no percentage of readers to record. This shows me that because Q, Kerrang and NME are within the same genre type, that people only buy one because they are so similar.

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For my third question the majority of the people I asked said the listen to pop music leading at 60%. With a 20% tie between charts and indie, rock and alternative. This shows that because pop and charts music is popular at the moment doesn’t mean that it will within the next few years.

For my fourth question I asked ‘would you rather listen to music or watch TV? Surprisingly 60% of the people I asked said they would rather watch TV that listen to music, with 40 % of people listening to music more that they watch TV shows that they are passionate about their taste in music and have a genuine interest in the genre, maybe to help them escape day to day issues or to just relax.

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For my fifth question it shows that the people I asked don’t generally buy magazines and if they do its rarely or never. This shows that the previous data I have collected from the other questions are based on if they did buy magazines that’s the genre and topic they would look for.

For my six question it shows that the people I asked aren’t necessarily interested in the actual genre and the people and information involved and specified. I know this because with a tie of 40% between how interesting the magazine is and getting free stuff shows that the people I asked are only interested in whether it looks interesting or whether they get a free toy or poster. But 20% of the people I asked said that they buy a magazine because it features their favourite band/ music type.

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Judging by these results, it shows that everyone asked is interested in some way with the media, with 60% of the people I asked saying ‘yes’ and 40% of the people being indecisive.

In this last question I asked the audience whether they go to concerts or not to determine if they peruse their interest in music and their chosen genre. My results show that 40% of people saying they do go to concerts and 60% of the people I asked don’t.