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Unit 11 – Task 3 The purpose and resources required for analysing different levels of sports performance Talia Matharu

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Unit 11 – Task 3The purpose and resources

required for analysing different levels of sports performance

Talia Matharu

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Talent Identification

• Participation level – Talent identification can be used can be used to identify talent. For example, a scout can watch children or young adults at a lower level and pick out children that display talent that can be furthered to a higher level.

• Elite level – Talent identification can be used with an experienced coach to observe a performance and evaluate there findings. This process can be for gathering information about an opposing team or identifying new players.

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Monitoring current fitness levels• Participation level – At this level the fitness test will use fairly basic,

that use simple equipment which are used to identify an athletes fitness. The information gathered could build the bases of a training programme. An example of a test that may be used at this level is the 12 minute copper run, as it uses basic equipment and can be undertaken in a wide range of places, also the test is suited to foundation level as the athlete in particular can complete the test at their own pace; walking, jogging or running.

• At an elite level the fitness testing is far more complicated as there is more money available for better equipment and more highly trained professionals to carry out the tests. The fitness testing may be done to make sure the athletes level of fitness is adequate and also to make an appropriate training programme.

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Identifying strengths and areas for improvement

• Participation level – At this level coaches try to identify strengths and weaknesses of an athletes sporting ability. At participation level this can be done via observing training and matches, the feeding back to the players, so they can work on there weakness, or the coach can contribute to helping develop training programme to improve the technique they are weaker on.

• Elite level – At an elite level strengths and areas for improvement will be identified. This will help create a detailed programme focusing on areas they need to improve on to be more successful within there sport. Highly skilled coaches will be employed to observe players and gather this information.

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Performance assessment• Participation level – Performance assessment can be used to

assess athletes performance within a competitive situation and determine if they are affected by extrinsic factors. At participation level coaches can use observation to analysis performance assessment, then feed back to the player/team. Due to the level of performance, there will be a lack of money and equipment, so the analysis is more subjective to the coaches opinions on observation.

• Elite level – At this level performance assessment is used to determine if an athlete is easily distracted or has good selective attention, and to find strengths the have that may be useful in developing tactics. It can be applied to individuals or teams. Video analysis may be a method used by coaches.

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Recovery after injury

• Participation level - An athlete injured at participation level may take longer to recovery as it is likely there will be other factors like family and job that will come as priority to their sport, also they would most likely have to go the there GP, then wait for a referral to a physiotherapist which can take a long time.

• Elite level – Recovery after injury for an elite athlete will be a faster process due to them having private club doctors and physiotherapists on hand to aid the speediest recovery. Also the specialists would be able to work with the coaches to design a training programme which wouldn’t cause further damage to the injured area and would make sure they didn’t over train.

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Assessment of health

• Participation level – At participation level athletes may complete a PAR-Q to identify if they have any medical reason as to why they cannot partake in physical exercise, this should the be cleared by a doctor. Health status should be updated yearly or if a person returns to exercise after being inactive for a while.

• Elite level – at this level assessment of health could be a number of fitness tests combined with health screenings, to assure they are able to participate and will no cause injury or harm to themselves. Normally this assessment of health would be carried out after an injury has occurred or if a athlete has been transferred club or teams.

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Squad selection • Participation level – At participation level squad selection is

determined by ability of the players and availability; it is likely the matches are played on weekends and the athletes may have other commitments like family and work, so may not be able to attend on occasions. Squad selection is also a way of praising athletes that are doing well and helps others realise that they may be under performing.

• Elite level – Squad selection at an elite level is determined by several factors; attitude, performance, fitness and injury. This overall view at selecting a squad is beneficial as it is based on how hard the athletes work. Also teams may be chosen after a coach analysis's an opposing team and requires a specific player/s for a tactical advantage.

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Goal setting

• Participation level – Goal setting at this level players and the coach should set themselves individual goals and/or teams goals to give them something to work towards. These targets will also help show progression in the athlete.

• Elite level – At an elite level goal setting is used to increase motivation and help the athletes achieve higher goals within a set time. The goals set should be SMART and should be agreed between the athlete and coach.

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Fiscal resources

• Participation level – There is little money available at this level more technologically advance equipment, so most analysis will be done via coaches observations and feeding his findings and opinions back to the players.

• Elite level – There is a lot of money available at elite level, they will have advanced technologically equipment, computer software and video analysis that can help analysis specific movements, which means the performance analysis will be more accurate.

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• Participation level – The equipment used will be of a lower standard and less technologically advance because they would not have as much funding or money available as elite teams. This means the coaches may use equipment like clip board and stop watch to analysis drills and time races.

• Elite level – At an elite level the equipment is used to help analysis the performance of the athletes and carry out fitness and health testing. It will be of a higher standard due to having lots of funding, therefore money availed to use. This is beneficial to the athletes as the results from the test performed will be more reliable and accurate.

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• Participation level – Sports analysis is a time consuming process, at participation level it is likely this is not there main priority in life and they are other factors like families, friends and jobs. So the training programmes created to increase performance level would have to be fitted into the spare time in their lives.

• Elite level – At an elite level, like a footballer playing for a premier league club, football is their job, therefore they will be able to majority of there time to training and matches, also it gives coaches more time to be able to analysis any videos taken, in ordered to help improve performance.

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Facilities• Participation level – There is unlikely to be sports science

laboratory's available for participation level, but equipment like treadmills and rowing machines for leisure centres and public parks and ground may be used, for the analysis simple equipment as cones and stopwatches may be used and notational analysed conducted by the coach.

• Elite level – The facilities used for elite athletes are liking to be sports science laboratories like the ISEH (institute of Sports Exercise & health), in which performance assessments and health and fitness tests can be carried out. These laboratories will have scientific equipment designed specifically for the purpose of sports analysis, this allows results to be very accurate.

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• Participation level – At participation the human resources are often voluntary and encourage people from the community to get involved, they rely on family and friends to support them during matches, as at participation level they often do it for exercise and enjoyment.

• Elite level – The human resources at an elite level included skilled and qualified coaches to analysis and observe training and games. Also technicians that operate equipment and carry in the testing. Gaining feedback from people that are well skilled will aid performance.

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Scientific support and equipment

• Participation level – Scientific support and equipment is hard to come by at this level due to money and facilities available, therefore it is not beneficial to them. They use more simple equipment.

• Elite level – At an elite level scientific support and equipment is available and having access to this will aid in analysis performance using qualified support, this enables the athlete to focus on specific parts of their performance.