unit 11 and 12

UNIT 11 and 12: UNIT 11 and 12: the accident and the accident and the witness the witness Verb Tenses: Present, Past, Future Present perfect Which Ordinal Numbers Pronombres relativos Schaw Diptongos --

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UNIT 11 and 12: UNIT 11 and 12: the accident and the accident and

the witnessthe witness

Verb Tenses: Present, Past, FuturePresent perfect

WhichOrdinal Numbers

Pronombres relativos



• The origins of the game of cricket are lost in the mists of time. There is a reference in the household accounts of Edward I in 1300 of a game like cricket being played in Kent. It seems clear that the English game originated in the sheep- rearing country of the South East, where the short grass of the pastures made it possible to bowl a ball of wool or rags at a target, which was usually the wicket-gate of the sheep pasture, which was defended with a bat in the form of a shepherd’s crooked staff. By the 17th century the game was quite popular as a rough rural pastime, but in the following century the leisure classes took up the sport particularly in Sussex, Kent and London. We know that an organized match was held in London in 1730. By the middle of the 18th century cricket was being played at every level of society, from village greens to wealthy estates. However the game lacked a coherent set of rules

Elije la opción correcta

• There’s ….. In the house. I can hear people talking– A) nobody b) nothing c) someone d) something

• Mary uses …. Cream on ther face– A) many b) every c) lots of d) much of

• Chris told …. His story– A) we b) to us c) ____ d) us

• Did you close the door?– A) I think so b) I think yes c) I think I closed d) I think

that yes• She’s the woman . . . Brother I met yesterday

– A) which b) who c) whose d) who’s

I have playedYou have playedHe hashas playedWe have playedYou have playedThey have played


El pretérito perfecto, se forma con el presente del verbo 'to have' a modo de auxiliar y el participio pasivo del verbo que se conjuga según

la siguiente construcción:

to have + participio del verbo a

Yo he jugadoTú has jugadoÉl ha jugadoNosotros hemos jugadoVosotros habéis jugadoEllos han jugado

La forma interrogativaforma interrogativa, se obtiene anteponiendo el auxiliar al sujeto.

Have you played? / ¿Has jugado?En la forma negativaforma negativa se coloca 'not' después del auxiliar:

He has not played / Él no ha jugado

La forma interrogativa-negativa tiene la construcción auxiliar + not + sujeto

Haven't you played? / ¿No has jugado?

Ejemplo:- I can’t go to school because it has snowed

this week I have seen him this week.this month I have seen him this month.this summer I have seen him this summer.this year I have seen him this year.

just I have just seen him.lately Have you seen him lately?recently I have recently seen him. I have seen him recently.

Experience - "recent" specified time in the past

Experience - "recent" time in the past >

My name is Baker. I’m ringing to report a traffic accident just outside my house in 44, Valley Road. A man has been knocked off his bike and he is unconscious.

There has been a car accident

What has happened?

A man has been knocked off his motorbike and he is unconscious. I saw it all. I was sitting

in the garden reading

I’ll ring for an ambulante and for the Police too.


Which service, please?Which one do you prefer?

Which is your favourite sports car, Porsche or


Los Numerales Ordinales:


1º, 2º, y 3º: first, second,third4º-th........: fourth, fifth, sixth twentieth,thirtieth....

Usos: fechas, capítulos, nombres de soberanos, fracciones,

Locuciones con half: half an hour / an hour and a half

Half past ten Half a mile

Revision: Futuro y Primer tipo condicionales:

FUTUROI’ll ring an ambulance

The police are going to send an ambulance

The police are coming soon

IfIf it doesn’t rain, we will have to drink coke instead of water

-If I study this evening, I´ll go to the cinema later.

PROPOSICION PRINCIPALwill+ verboImperativoCan/must

CONDICiONIF + present simple

If you don't study, you won't pass the FCE exam.(Si no estudias, no aprobarás el examen de First Certificate) >> ;-(

En estas oraciones condicionales generalmente podemos utilizar unless (a menos que) en lugar de la estructura if... not (si... no). Observa:

Unless you study, you won't pass the exam.(A menos que estudies, no aprobarás el examen de First Certificate)(= If you don't study, you won't pass the exam)(= Si no estudias, no aprobarás el examen)


• An old woman was reading a newspaper on a street corner. She quickly turned the pages. Obviously she was looking for something. It surely wasn´t the entertainment guide which is always on the back page. At the traffic lights she crossed the street. Suddenly there was a sound of brakes and she was knocked down onto the ground where she remained motionless. Somebody else said: “I’ll ring for an ambulance and for the police too.” So, he went to ring for the police and the policeman said to him: “I’ll come immediately and I will send an ambulance. Do not attempt to move the injured woman. The ambulance and the policeman arrived nearly at the same time. The poor old woman wasn´t dead but she was badly injured. She was taken to hospital where she was immediately operated on. She had to stay in hospital for three weeks and nearly two months in a wheelchair. Fortunately she had a good family who took care of her with kind devotion

/ei/ /...u/ /ai/ /au/ /oi/ /i.../ /e.../ o.../ /u..../pay go my now noise real fair door sure

dinner computer, custard, open, assistant, .........




When/ where




Relative clauses with who/whichwho: when we talk about peoplewhich: when we talk about thingswhose: instead of his/her or their

We also use that for who/which.

Reflexive pronouns


He carries the buckets himself.yourselves


They help each other.

each other

The girl who has got off the bus is Paul’s girlfriend The man whom we met at the library is my tutor

He is a professor whose advice is always welcomeThe gentleman to whom we spoke last night has gone to

Australia Tell me what you really want