unit 1 struggle for identity in modern literature

Unit 1 Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature

Upload: stuart-williams

Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Growing up Some of the wider reading novels focus on children growing up. Your family and the life you are born into are key factors in determining your sense of identity.


Unit 1 Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature Unit 1: Struggle for identity in modern literature Writers in the 20 th century responded to the massive social change by expressing themselves more personally, more shockingly and with ever-greater freedom. Growing up Some of the wider reading novels focus on children growing up. Your family and the life you are born into are key factors in determining your sense of identity. Begin your wider reading with one or both of these What are these books? I Know why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou. Autobiography Growing up in 1930s America Main theme: Overcoming societys prejudice What are these books Oranges are not the Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson. Autobiography (sort of!) Main theme: a girl grows up and escapes the religious control of her family. The attitudes of the Church vs being a lesbian. Odd narrative techniques lots of mini stories break up the main narrative. What do I have to do? 1. Read one of these head to the library for a copy or get your own. 2. Prepare a presentation to the group on: How the writer makes us feel for the main character in the novel. Your presentation should last 5-10 minutes.