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Azmi Bin Ayup Mechanical Department Politeknik Kota Bharu Km 24, Pangkal Kalong, 16450, Ketereh,Kota Bharu Kelantan Darul Naim. 09-7889641 ext.221 [email protected] BSc (Hons) In Mechatronic (UTM) M Ed. (UTM) Polytechnic Lecturer Zulkarnaen Bin Mohd Lajin Mechanical Department Politeknik Kota Bharu Km 24, Pangkal Kalong, 16450, Ketereh,Kota Bharu Kelantan Darul Naim. 09-7889641 ext.221 B.Sc (Hons) In Mechatronic (UTM) M Ed. (UTM) Polytechnic Lecturer

Telephone No. e-mail Qualifications Position

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EditorName Address Telephone No. e-mail Qualifications Position : : : : : :

What Do You Think Of This Module?Title of Module: _______________________ Students Name: _______________________ Module Code : ___________

Registration No. : ___________

Course: ____________________________________ Module Writers: ______________________________ Please use the following scale for your evaluation:4 3 2 1 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Instruction : Please on the space provided. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 How much do you agree with the following statements? A. FORMAT The pages are organized in an interesting manner. The font size makes it easy for me to read the module. The size and types of pictures and charts used are suitable for the input. The pictures and charts are easy to read and understand. The tables used are well-organised and easy to understand. The arrangement of the Input makes it easy for me to follow. All the instructions are displayed clearly. B. CONTENTS I understand all the objectives clearly. I understand the ideas conveyed. The ideas are presented in an interesting manner. All the instructions are easy to understand. I can carry out the instructions in this module. I can answer the questions in the activities easily. I can answer the questions in the self-assessment. The feedback section can help me identify my mistakes. The language used is easy to understand. The way the module is written makes it interesting to read. I can follow this module easily. Each unit helps me understand the topic better. I have become more interested in the subject after using this module. 1 SCALE 2 3 4





CURRICULUM GRIDThe curriculum grid of this module is based on the curriculum used by Malaysian polytechnics. Total Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 6 (1 H) 2 Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOPIC Introduction To Mechatronic Devices. Switch Relay Solenoid Electronic Control Devices Thyristors Rectifier And Chopper Sensor / Tranducer Telemetry And Data Acquisition Motor Controller 1 (1 H) 2 (1 H) 3 (1 H) 4 (1 H) 5 (1 H) 7 (1 H) 8 (1 H) 9 (1 H) 10 (1 H) 11 (1 H)


UNIT 1: 1.1 1.2

INTRODUCTION OF MECHATRONIC DEVICES Introduction of mechatronic. To explain the mechatronic devices.

UNIT 2: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 UNIT 3: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 UNIT 4: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 UNIT 5: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

SWITCH Basic function of switch. To understand the switch diagram. Types of structure and construction of switch. Types of switch. Principle operation of switch. RELAY Introduction to relay function. Application of relay. Specification of relay ( according to NEMA) Relay and switch logic circuit. Function of ladder-type diagram of relay. Drawing the schematic diagram and ladder-type diagram of relay. SOLENOIDS Introduction to solenoid function. Application of solenoid. Symbol of solenoid. Control circuit of solenoid. ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICES (PART 1). Power diode. Symbol of diode Characteristics of diode. Application of diode. Construction diagram of diode. Power Transistor Introduction to application of power transistor in industries. Sketching the construction diagram, characteristics of Ic/Vce with ON operating point, load line, latching point and sustaining voltage. Comparing the use of Power Transistor and Thyristor.

UNIT 6: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 UNIT 7: 7.1 7.2 7.3

ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICES (PART II ). Gate Controlled Switch (Gate-Turn- Off SCR). Introduction to GTO (Gate Turn- Off) in industries. Sketching the construction diagram, equivalent circuit and symbol for GTO. Comparing the GTO and thyristor. Programmable Unijunction Transistor (PUT). Sketching construction diagram, equivalent circuit and symbol of PUT. Comparing of PUT with basic Uni- junction Transistor (UJT). THYRISTOR . The element of di/dt, dv/dt and reverse recovery time for the ON and OFF thyristor method. Characteristics of thyristor gate. Sketching of VG/IG characteristics with characteristic upper limit and maximum permitted gate voltage. RECTIFIER AND CHOPPER . Introduction of uncontrolled rectifier, semi-controlled rectifier and controlled rectifier. Uncontrolled rectifier circuit. Semi-controlled rectifier. Controlled rectifier with partial wave with pure resistance load and induction load. Controlled rectifier with full wave using center transformer tapped and three phase bridge. Introduction to chopper function circuit. Commutator principles Types and basic operation of chopper function circuit. Sketching current and voltage wave. Definition of mark space ratio (time ratio control). Comparing stepup and step-down chopper down.

UNIT 8: 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11

UNIT 9: 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4

SENSOR / TRANDUCER. Classification of sensor types. Specifications of sensor. Function and principle of sensor operation. Advantages and disadvantages of types of sensors.

9.5 UNIT 10: 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 UNIT 11: 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4

Application of types of sensors. TELEMETRY AND DATA ACQUISITION. Structure of data collection system. Structure of telemetry system. Specifications and types of telemetry system. Amplitude telemetry with voltage and current telemetry. Frequency telemetry. Multiplexing system. MOTOR CONTROLLER. Basic operating system of stepper motor and servo motor. Functions of motor controller. Servo mechanism for synchronous motor Basic microprocessor for stepper motor.

MODULE GUIDELINES To achieve maximum benefits in using this module, students must follow the instructions carefully and complete all the activities.1.


This module is divided into 11 units. Each page is numbered according to the subject code, unit and page number. E3065/ UNIT 1 / 5

Subject Unit 1 3. 4.

Page Number 5

The general and specific objectives are given at the beginning of each unit. The activities in each unit are arranged in a sequential order and the following symbols are given:

OBJECTIVES The general and specific objectives for each learning topic are stated in this section.

INPUT This section introduces the subject matter that you are going to learn.

ACTIVITIES The activities in this section test your understanding of the subject matter. You have to complete this section by following the instructions carefully.

FEEDBACK Answers to the questions in the activity section are given here

SELF-ASSESSMENT Self-assessment evaluates your understanding of each unit.

FEEDBACK OF SELF-ASSESSMENT This section contains answers to the activities in the self-assessment. .

5. 6.

You have to follow the units in sequence. You may proceed to the next unit after successfully completing the unit and you are confident of your achievement.

GENERAL AIMS This module is prepared for students in the second semester who are following the Certificate/Diploma programmes in Malaysian Polytechnics. It aims to expose students to the basic of mechatronic devices in each unit and to lead them towards self-directed learning or with guidance from their lecturers.

PREREQUISITE SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE The prerequisite for this module is at least a pass in at the SPM level and a successful completion of Electrical Technology module E 1063.GENERAL OBJECTIVES

At the end of this module, students should be able to: 1 explain the mechatronic devices. 2. understand the switch diagram. 3. drawing the schematic diagram and ladder type diagram of relay. 4. list the mechatronic devices. 5. sketch the construction diagram of devices. 6. apply the mechatronic devices in mechatronic. 7. describe briefly the principle of operation of mechatronic devices.



REFERENCES 1. Areny,R.P and Webster J.G. Sensors and Signal Conditioning, John Wiley & Sons . Albert Paul Malvino (1967), Electronic Instrumentation Fundamentals; McGraw Hill Book Company.2.

Cooper W.D And Helfrick A.D. (1986), Electronic Instrumentation And Measurement Techniques; Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.3.

Kale O. K (1989). Litar Perindustrian Dan Pengeluaran Berautomatik;Saunders College Publishing.4.

Muhammad H. Rashid (1988), Power Electronic And Application; Prentice Hall, Inc. Second Edition.5.

Rexford K. B. (1987). Electrical Control For Machines; Delmar Publishers Inc.6.

Robert L. Boylestad (1972), Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory; 7 th Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc.7.

Sidney Platt (1971), Industrial Control Circuits ; John F. Rider Publisher.8.

Soloman, Sabrie (1994). Sensors And Control Systems In Manufacturing , London: McGraw-Hill .9.