unhrc chair letter-sized - united nations … · unar 2017 united nations human rights council...

UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council Committee Overview Civilian Casualties Caused by Landmines in Yemen Ageism in the Workplace Persecution of Illegal Immigrants and Unauthorized Refugees Malian Refugee Crisis Committee Description The United Nations Human Rights Council will be run Harvard-Style, so no pre-written resolutions are permitted. In addition, the chairs highly recommend every delegate prepare at least one position paper for a topic – delegates may attend and participate without position papers, but at least one is required to qualify for an award. The primary purpose of the United Nations Human Rights Council is to promote and protect basic human rights across the globe. Therefore delegates should center any actions, ideas, and resolutions around defending human rights, and eliminating human rights abuses. All delegates are required to arrive at the conference with an effective understanding of the four issues being discussed, and where their respective countries stand on each issue. Chairs Mac Chasman [email protected] Olivia Ager [email protected] Hello Delegates, I'm Olivia Ager. This will be my second time chairing. I am a sophomore at Brighton High School and have been participating in Model Un for the past 4 years. When I am not doing MUN, I am at Golisano Children's Hospital volunteering or playing basketball. I cannot wait to meet you all and for some intense debate, feel free to contact me with any worries or questions. Good luck with your research! My name is Macey Chasman, and this is my third year in Model UN and my first time chairing. I am a junior at Pittsford-Mendon, where participate in Mock Trial, MUN, and the school's political debate club. I also serve as President of the school's Military History club, and treasurer of Mendon's Virtual Enterprise program. If you have any questions or concerns, shoot me an email and I’ll help out in any way I can. Good luck and see you in committee!

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  UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council

UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council

Committee Overview Civilian Casualties Caused by Landmines in Yemen

Ageism in the Workplace Persecution of Illegal Immigrants and Unauthorized Refugees

Malian Refugee Crisis

Committee Description The United Nations Human Rights Council will be run Harvard-Style, so no pre-written resolutions are permitted. In addition, the chairs highly recommend every delegate prepare at least one position paper for a topic – delegates may attend and participate without position papers, but at least one is required to qualify for an award. The primary purpose of the United Nations Human Rights Council is to promote and protect basic human rights across the globe. Therefore delegates should center any actions, ideas, and resolutions around defending human rights, and eliminating human rights abuses. All delegates are required to arrive at the conference with an effective understanding of the four issues being discussed, and where their respective countries stand on each issue.


Mac Chasman [email protected]

Olivia Ager [email protected]

Hello Delegates, I'm Olivia Ager. This will be my second time chairing. I am a sophomore at Brighton High School and have been participating in Model Un for the past 4 years. When I am not doing MUN, I am at Golisano Children's Hospital volunteering or playing basketball. I cannot wait to meet you all and for some intense debate, feel free to contact me with any worries or questions. Good luck with your research!

My name is Macey Chasman, and this is my third year in Model UN and my first time chairing. I am a junior at Pittsford-Mendon, where participate in Mock Trial, MUN, and the school's political debate club. I also serve as President of the school's Military History club, and treasurer of Mendon's Virtual Enterprise program. If you have any questions or concerns, shoot me an email and I’ll help out in any way I can. Good luck and see you in committee!

  UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic One: Civilian Casualties Caused by Landmines in Yemen Beginning in 2015, the Yemeni Civil War between the Houthis, the Hadi government, and several smaller factions, has caused widespread destruction and massive civilian casualties. In recent months, a major source of civilian casualties has been anti-personnel mines utilized mainly by the Houthi rebels. Yemen is one of the 161 nations to sign the international Mine Ban Treaty, which prevents the use of anti-personnel mines, as they indiscriminately kill any who set them off. In direct disregard of this international agreement, rebel forces have been observed laying mines in several of Yemen’s

largest cities. The use of these nonselective and hidden explosives has resulted in many innocent lives lost, and has added to the immense strife faced by civilians caught between the warring factions. In addition, a recent report by Doctors Without Borders has stated that the majority of landmine casualties so far have been children. The negative implications of these atrocities also extends to survivors of mine blasts, who are often left crippled or disabled in a region where such immobility and disfigurement cannot be effectively treated. This is in no way an easy problem to solve or curtail, as Yemen remains a war zone, and mine clearing can prove extremely dangerous without the proper equipment. Any UN actions aimed at aiding Yemeni civilians will have to stay within the bounds of respecting Yemen’s national sovereignty, and will be faced with the complicated military situation surrounding the nation. Nonetheless, it is the duty of the UNHRC to protect the basic rights of all people, including the right to life which is blatantly threatened by the continued use of anti-personnel mines in Yemen. How can the UN aid those already affected or injured by landmines and the war in Yemen? To what extent can the UN get involved without infringing on the national sovereignty of the Yemeni government? How can activated anti-personnel mines be safely removed from the field?


HRW: https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/09/08/yemen-houthi-landmines-claim-civilian-victims

ICBI: http://www.icbl.org/en-gb/news-and-events/news/2015/use-of-landmines-by-houthis-in-


The Monitor: http://www.the-monitor.org/en-gb/reports/2016/yemen/mine-ban-policy.aspx

Al Arabiya: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/09/08/Houthi-use-of-landmines-


  UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic Two: Ageism in the Workplace Discrimination against older workers by businesses and coworkers has become a rising theme across much of the developed world. Many firms have been observed deliberately avoiding hiring, or keeping, aging workers; and in the workplace elders often suffer from negative stigmas and stereotypes. This is also an issue that needs to be prevented for developing nations. Reasons for this discrimination vary from business to business, however observers have noted several of the most prevalent, including stereotypes that older workers are less effective with technology, demand higher pay, and are not as productive, as well as the belief that businesses will not receive as much of a return on their investments from aging workers who may retire or stop working earlier than younger workers. Additionally, similar prejudices to those mentioned above often manifest within the sphere of employee interactions. Younger workers and managers may adopt common negative stigmas about their elder coworkers, leading to poor employee-to-employee relations, as well as blatant discrimination based upon age. This epidemic of ageism has lead to the unfair and unwarranted treatment of countless aging workers. In many developed and near-developed nations, these senior citizens make up a sizable portion of the population, as well as a large minority of the workforce. Discrimination based on age has deprived numerous elders of steady jobs, income, and basic respect. Ageism is a systemic issue woven into the assumptions and stigmas of many societies, and as such presents a challenging obstacle to the UNHRC's goal of promoting and preserving human rights in all circumstances across the globe. Delegates may want to keep the ideas of national sovereignty and business rights in mind. How can the UN combat ageism without infringing on the national sovereignty of member states? What are some of the values and positive effects on businesses and societies of senior workers being employed and fairly treated?


Encyclopedia of Social Work: http://socialwork.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.001.0001/acrefore-9780199975839-e-844 Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-employment-discrimination-age-idUSKCN0SD1Z720151019 WHO: http://www.who.int/ageing/features/workplace-ageism/en/

  UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic Three: Persecution of Illegal Immigrants and Unauthorized Refugees As of 2016, there are roughly 11 million illegal immigrants residing in the USA, and an even greater volume of Syrian and North African refugees seeking asylum in Europe. This massive influx of undocumented peoples has generated a large amount of anti-illegal rhetoric for both developing and developed nations, l. Leading to unfair persecutions and abuse. In Eastern Europe, nations such as Hungary have refused entry to all refugees, and the Hungarian government has authorized its police and military to use any force necessary to repel migrants. Additionally, in the USA, the newly elected President Donald Trump supports the forced deportation of illegal immigrants from the country, and continues to degrade illegal immigrants with negative and malign rhetoric. The intense and degrading diction used by many anti-illegal leaders continues to dehumanize and vilify these millions of undocumented people. This, combined with far-right support for anti-migrant government actions, has put the basic human rights of illegal immigrants in great danger. Many experts worry that this continued verbal persecution and degradation will directly lead leads directly to inhumane treatment of illegals, violence between immigrants and natives (as can be observed in many of the recent terror attacks plaguing Europe perpetrated by refugees and immigrants), and the disappearance of any respect for their basic human rights. Regardless of their status as illegal aliens or unauthorized refugees, and with respect to the sovereignty of member-states, it is the duty of the UNHRC to protect and promote the basic rights of these people. Any action by the UN around this issue will have to respect the right to national sovereignty ensured by the UN to all member-states, as well as the massive amount of negative and hateful rhetoric traded between the different sides of this issue, which can be observed even in the highest levels of some nation’s governments. Questions to Consider: How can the UN promote fair treatment of illegal immigrants and unauthorized migrants without infringing on the sovereignty of member-states? What are some ways the UNHRC can promote objective discussions on how to handle illegal migrants that are not plagued by xenophobia and exaggerated rhetoric? How should the UN address and combat hate crimes committed by either side of the issue?


HRW: https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/09/16/hungarys-war-refugees Citylab: http://www.citylab.com/work/2015/12/2015-year-anti-immigration-trump/421893/ Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/09/17/far-right-hungarian-mayor-makes-absurd-anti-refugee-action-video/?utm_term=.3beea3a0336e

  UNAR 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council


Topic Four: Malian Refugee Crisis

Mali has been subjected to interethnic discrimination and banditry in recent years. The Northern region of Mali continues to face conflicts stemming from multiple groups, including the political government, radical Islamists, and the military - all vying for power. The intense conflict has displaced over 135,000 persons, and 2,000 in October 2016 alone. 2015 brought peace accords in an attempt to end the uprising, which has been occurring for 4 years. However, the deal has not been effective; and the harsh reality is, the peace deal appears to have worsened the conflict by allowing for the further growth of radical Islamist groups such as Mali’s chapter of Boko Haram. In order to escape the barrage of shootings, the combat between different factions, and the attacks of Boko Haram, people are fleeing their homes. Often they seek refuge in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mauritania. Refugee camps like Mbera Camp, Mauritiana, which is currently housing 42,000 of the refugees, provide the basic human rights established by UNHRC. However, there is an increasing demand for water, food, and shelter. Additionally, an astounding amount of the people suffer from malnutrition, lack proper medical attention, and endure high infection rates. Camps such as Mbera are in desperate need of doctors, supplies, and food. The refugees coming to these camps have nowhere else to go, and are relying on organizations such as the UNHRC to provide them with the basic supplies and support needed to survive. To combat this rising threat to fundamental human rights, the UN will have to overcome the large costs of providing materials and care to many thousands of displaced people. Questions to Consider: How can the UN utilize unaffiliated NGO’s to help end the Malian Refugee Crisis? What are some ways the UN can help to return or relocate people sitting idle in refugee camps? What are some ways in which the UNHRC and the UN can realistically finance the massive amount of aid needed by these refugees?


UNHCR: http://www.unhcr.org/uk/news/latest/2016/11/582043509/despite-mali-


European Commission:


Middle East Eye: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/mali-sahel-mauritania-
