unforgettable italian experience

MY MY UNFORGETTABLE UNFORGETTABLE ITALIAN EXPERIENCE ITALIAN EXPERIENCE My name`s Monika -in March,2011, me and my friends from Mszana Dolna, Poland were in Comenius meeting in Italy. These are the memories of this fabulous time!

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Page 1: Unforgettable italian experience


My name`s Monika -in March,2011, me and my friends from Mszana Dolna, Poland were in Comenius meeting in Italy. These are the memories of this fabulous time!

Page 2: Unforgettable italian experience

I met Sara nearly a year ago. It is true that at the beginning we knew each other by the Internet, but after arriving in Savoia in Italy, I saw how she was and how she lived. She was wearing a brown jacket and scarf, on her face were glasses, long hair she wrapped in a ponytail. She was as cute as at her pictures. She was writing to someone on the mobile when I saw her. She looked at me and smiled to me, I think we became friends true then... A moment later we went with Giusy, Zuzia, Rosalba and Michelle in the direction of the village. It was the evening, and maybe even the night, I did not remember exactly when we arrived at the station. At one point on a fairly steep hill the windows lights appeared. The first thought - houses like in Bethlehem crib. There were made from stone, and square. "It's Savoia!" said the choir of Italians. It was like a picture, or as if from another world. Stupid camera just broke down at such a moment ... Malice of inanimate objects.

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When Ms Rosalba drived me in her car to Sara’s house, I said “ bye “ to Zuzia, and I went to Sara. I was a little stressed. Her parents welcomed us with two of her siblings. Her mother wore glasses and had blond hair, dad had a little grey hair and a mustache. Maria was her older sister, and Luca was her younger brother. They had a beautiful house! Everything was original and in good taste.

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Sara's room was also very nice, but the best thing I have in my memory is the picture painted by Sara, or her sister, I do not remember, but I think that it was painted by Sara. It presented Savoia, exactly- the church tower. At school in Savoia there were a few images of the town in similar terms. The church is very beautiful and stands out from the lower houses, but it all fits together, is in the same style. This village is angelically beautiful!!!

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There was a moment when I was really scared. It was the first day, so around seven thirty in the morning we boarded a bus to school, together with other Italian students. We moved. I think that when Ms. Rosalba took us for the first time to Savoia we went by a different route, because I didn't feel that the car is going in the direction of the sharp turnings...when we went by bus during the daytime I saw that we were on the edge of some kind of an abyss ... It was better than in a rollercoaster!!!

It would be a sin not to say a word about the cooking of Sara's mum! Fantastic pasta and spaghetti were more familiar to me, but the other dishes I didn’t know too much and I regret, because they were delicious, wonderfull!!! . Congratulations, Ms. Salvatore . Thank you for everything.

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In Savoia, I made really great friends with Zuzia and Martyna because before we weren`t so closely... Since Comenius meeting in Italy and since our great adventures I, Zuzia and Martyna are the best friends. I think the reason for our earlier reluctance to each other was, that we earlier didn't know each other so well and didn't want to know, maybe.... If it wasn`t this trip to Italy our bonds would not be as tight and strong as they are now. One could say that we found the friendship spirit in Italy.

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In the evenings, we always talked together with Sara in her house and I used the Polish-Italian dictionary. Then I learned that "alba" means "dawn" and "rosa" - "pink". So Ms. Romaniello name translates to "Pink Dawn"( polish: “ Różowy Świt”). Pretty poetic!!!

In the school in Savoia we - me and Zuzia met all students from Sara's class. Very cool people! Upstairs there primary education classrooms, near the school was kindergarten where Luca attended!! There was also a cafeteria where we ate lunch sometimes.

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One evening we went to the night tour of Savoia. Zuzia, Giusy, Stefania, Rocchina, Ludovica and her sister Frederica went with us. Savoia is nice during the day but at night is like a dream ... There was a starry night and the sky was spotless clean. It a was spectacular view! Like in the film.

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I remember that day when we went to the monastery in Vietri. It was the first time I was in such a place and I knew that the monks behind the monastery had a garden or a park, and there were olive trees, vegetables and so on, but it impressed me much!!. There were lots of flowers, the whole sea ... How I like flowers! And yet there were lanes for walking and a chapel. What beautiful views!! And parents from Vietri and Savoia prepared a wonderful meal. Delicious!

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Now I am sitting by the window and the lovely, fluffy snow is falling!!! Unfortunately, Sara did not recognize Mszana Dolna in winter!!!

Thanks for reading ~~~ Monika