understanding the twitter rule

http://www.flickr.com/photos/thecampbells/5042764163/ Understanding the Twitter Rule: Using Twitter Effectively for Your Nonprofit Organization Presented by Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0

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Less broadcasting, more engagement! This presentation includes best practices and NGO examples of Twitter profiles, understanding who sees your @ messages, Twitter tools, examples of engaging practices by nonprofits, understanding Twitter influence, and theories of engagement.


Page 1: Understanding the Twitter Rule


Understanding the Twitter Rule:

Using Twitter Effectively for Your

Nonprofit Organization

Presented by Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0

Page 2: Understanding the Twitter Rule

About the Presenter

“It’s all about the strategy”

Debra Askanase, MBAFormer executive director, program manager, community organizer. Social media strategy consultant.

Currently Community Engagement Manager at FirstGiving.com.

Presents and blogs about the intersection of technology, social media, and NGOs.

Blog and speaking: www.communityorganizer20.com

Twitter: @askdebra

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Social media and engagementTheories of engagementUnderstanding @tweets

The Twitter RuleTwitter avatars

Engaging PracticesTwitter Influence


Today’s Agenda

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The Social Media Funnel

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Effects of Nonprofit Social Media Efforts

Opportunity to learn about new issues – 85%Another way to support a favorite cause – 80%Used some form of online media to support a

cause – 60%Advocate for a cause (forward messages)- 36%Personal behavior change – 34%Purchasing cause-related products – 23%

Source: 2009 Cone Consumer New Media Study: http://www.coneinc.com/content2615

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Using Social Media to Meet Nonprofit Goals http://idealware.org/sm_survey/

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Using Social Media to Meet Nonprofit Goals http://idealware.org/sm_survey/

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Engagement Theory


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Participation Inequality** Increase engagement to break the rule

Source: Jakob Nielsen http://www.useit.com/alertbox/participation_inequality.html

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Ladder of Engagement

Happy BystandersSpreadersDonorsEvangelistsInstigators

The Networked Nonprofit by Allison Fine and Beth Kanter (p.68)


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Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thecampbells/5042764163/

Mastering the tweet


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All @biztechday’s followers will see this tweet

plus@sue_anne only and @biztechday only see it

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Only people who follow BOTH @sue_anne and @MSchechter

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All of @GautamGhosh’s followers, plus @sue_anne and @askdebra and @mashable

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1:7 broadcasting to engaging

Minimal Broadcasting,

Focus on Engaging

The Twitter Rule

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Be a real human, in front or behind the avatar

Create real relationships

Give more than you talk about yourself

Think about with whom you want to talk

Know what you want to talk about

*Bonus: customize your twitter background!http://mashable.com/2010/10/06/new-twitter-background-customize/

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Appeals to those who want to feel most up-to-date, in the know. Want to connect to real people and be part of a tribe.

Twitter Participants and Features

@messages, DM, hashtagsTiny URL, personal touch, Twitter #chats, tag, twitpics, lists, petitions, oneforty.com (apps)



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In Front of Or Behind the Avatar?

Who will be tweeting?

For what organization?

How will you mash them up?

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You = Your Organization

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Your Organization = You

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Your Organization Includes You

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Your Organization Only

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Real interactions: personal engagementValue-added contentParticipate in Twitter Chats RTs, h/t, tweet others’ contentBe yourself, not the brandAsk questions (crowdsourcing)Create listsShout-outs such as #FF, #WW (Woof Wednesday), #charitytuesdayOffer congratulations and encouragement

Engaging Practices

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Always give credit!It’s ok to barge into conversations

Introduce yourself in a Twitter chatThank people constantly

Be yourself, not the brandIt’s ok to ask questions (encouraged)

Do not RT something w/o reading it firstDo not tweet as if you found the article first

…if you did not

Twitter Etiquette

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Remember 1:7 broadcasting to engaging

Find new stakeholdersTwitter chatsAdd VALUE

Crowdsource Research


Using Twitter

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Ideas that will add Value!

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Awesome Participatory Practices


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What is more personal than the Twitter Kids tweeting?


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Screen shot taken on 10/10/10 early in the day.

More info: http://dianascimone.typepad.com/diana_scimone/

Born2fly.org Twitterthon 2010

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Tweetsgiving 2009

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Twitter Insights: @ and @’s network

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Twitter Insights: @ and @’s network

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Twitter Insights: @ and @’s network

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Twitter Tools (Resources)

Influence and usage metrics: Twitalyzer.comSchedule tweets, track @mentions, autofollow: socialoomph.com/User Interfaces: TweetDeck.com, hootsuite.com, cotweet.comFinding tweets older than 10 days: http://snapbird.org/Lists: wefollow.com , twellow.com, listorious.comNonprofit twitter list: http://twitterpacks.pbworks.com/Non-Profits (a wiki)Researching when people tweet, who they talk to: http://xefer.com/twitter/Following twitter chats in real time: http://tweetchat.com/Schedule and list of all twitter chats: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=ruaz3GZveOsoXUOOt86B3AQ#gid=0Notifies you when your website/blog is tweeted w/o mentioning you: http://backtweets.com/Twitter search: twazzup.com, search.twitter.comPosting photos: twitpic.comTwitter applications: oneforty.comTwitter petitions: actly.com

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Debra Askanase, Community Engagement ManagerFirstGiving.com

debra@communityorganizer20.comwww.communityorganizer20.comTwitter: @askdebraskype: askdebra