understanding information architecture

Understanding Information Architecture Doctrain East, October 2007 Joe Gelb President, Suite Solutions

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Presented at DocTrain East 2007 by Joe Gelb, Suite Solutions -- Designing, building and maintaining a coherent information architecture is critical to proper planning, creation, management and delivery of documentation and training content. This is especially true when your content is based on a modular or topic-based model such as DITA and SCORM or if you are migrating to such a model.But where to start? Terms such as taxonomy, semantics, and ontology can be intimidating, and recognized standards like RDF, OWL, Topic Maps (XTM) and SKOS seem so abstract. This pragmatic workshop will provide an overview of the standards and concepts, and a chance to use them hands-on to turn the abstract into tangible skills. We will demonstrate how a well-designed information architecture facilitates reuse and how the information model is integrally connected to conditional and multi-purpose publishing.We will introduce an innovative, comprehensive methodology for information modeling and content development called SOTA Solution Oriented Topic Architecture. SOTA does not aim to be yet another new standard, but rather a concrete methodology backed up with open-source and accessible tools for using existing standards. We will demonstrate ֖and practice—hands-on—how this powerful methodology can help you organize and express information, determine which content actually needs to be created or updated, and build documentation and training deliverables from your content based on the rules you define.This workshop is essential for successfully implementing topic models like DITA and SCORM, multi-purpose conditional publishing, and successfully facilitating content reuse.


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Understanding InformationArchitectureDoctrain East, October 2007

Joe GelbPresident, Suite Solutions

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Main Training Topics

Introductions: Who is this guy?What is information architecture?Why is it important?Introduction to key concepts and standardsMethodology for developing information architecture for techdocs and trainingLet’s try it

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Who is this guy?Background in Mechanical Engineering

CAD/CAMProduction process planning

CTO for a leading techdoc provider and technology vendor

Built and managed professional services groupResponsible for design, development and implementation of DB and publishing applications for tech and reference publications, including CMS

Left to form independent consulting and implementation group

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Main Training Topics

Introductions: Who is this guy?What is information architecture?Why is it important?Introduction to key concepts and standardsMethodology for developing information architecture for techdocs and trainingLet’s try it

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What is Information Architecture

The science of expressing a model or concept for information

Used for activities that require expressions of complex systems

Consists of:

Structural design of shared information environmentsOrganizing and labeling information to support usability and findability

From Wikipedia

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What is IA for us?

Method for organizing documentation and training resources – text, media – into an overarching knowledge modelThe knowledge model is created and maintained separate from the actual content – like creating a global indexAllows us to provide access to the information based on the model of the knowledge it containsSteve Newcombe

Simple level: Organization of content by hierarchy, relationshipsNext level: Organization of subjects, and relate content to those subjects

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Why it is it important for us?

Best practices for technical content development based on topic-oriented content architecture

Topic-oriented content = modular = component-based documentation

Instead of creating deliverables, we create discrete topics of information

Need better methodologies to plan, create, manage, localize, publish, deliver and find content


Sheer volume of individual resourcesAllows us to reap the benefits

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Topic-Based ContentTopics

Each topic answers a single questionOnly enough information to understand one concept, perform one procedure or provide one set of reference information


Assemble topics into deliverablesDefine relationships between topics

Standards being adopted


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Business Advantages of Topic-based Content

More efficient authoring

Reuse content in multiple deliverablesEasier to maintain contentTopic architecture and DTD promotes minimalization

Easier to customize deliverables:Conditionalization on the map level, topic level, and element level

Automated publishing

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Business Advantages of Topic-based Content

Reduce review time

Review topics as they are readySMEs focus on single topics instead of entire deliverablesReview topics once, even if they appear multiple times in multiple deliverables

Reduce localization costs

Only send new and updated topics for translationTranslate topics as they are ready: no need to wait for entire deliverable to be completed

Reduce time to market:Quicker authoring, review, translation, publishing

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Overview of DITA

Darwin Information Typing Architecture

OASIS standard

Open Source: DTDs, schemas, DITA-OT are free

Not just a DTD: an architecture for designing, authoring, managing and publishing content

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Overview of DITA

Facility for customization within the standard: specialization (thus Darwin)

Facilitates documentation minimalization with semantic tagging

Open Source Toolkit (DITA-OT) for producing outputs

Active user and development community: reaching critical mass

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DITA Facilitates ReuseAssemble topics into deliverables

Reference topic elements within other topics: conrefs (content references)

Conditionalize content within topics using conditional attributes

Filter content based on conditions to get multi-purpose outputs(conditional processing)

Manage links separately from the content using relationship tables

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DITA Maps: Assembling Topics into Deliverables

Assemble any number of topics into sequences for print or online delivery

Organize topics into a hierarchy

Based on context and position, not the topics themselves

Use sub-maps within maps

Allows you to create building blocksTopics can occur in more than one position in the same map

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DITA Maps: Assembling Topics into Deliverables

Can create different types of maps:

Solution-orientedHow products and procedures work together

Task-orientedHow to accomplish a specific goal

Feature-orientedWhat does a product or component do

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Where Does IA Fit Into This

Hierarchical and sequential organization of topics into deliverables:DITA Maps, SCORM manifests

Definition of relationships between topics:DITA relationship tables, related links

Overarching knowledge model:XTM, SKOS, DITA Taxonomy specialization

Helps organize creation and sharing of contentDetermines valid use of conditionalization in the content – topics and mapsAllows usage of standard tools for navigating and searching content: semantic web

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Main Training Topics

Introductions: Who is this guy?What is information architecture?Why is it important?Introduction to key concepts and standardsMethodology for developing information architecture for techdocs and trainingLet’s try it

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What is Semantic Web?Semantics: the study of meaning

Semantic technologies: help separate meaning from the documentation content itself based on open standards

Allows computers to interpret and process the meaning of a document

Semantic Web: framework that allows information to be identified and reused across application, organization and community boundaries

Meaning is represented using ontologies and provide reasoning through relationships, rules, logic and conditions expressed in the ontologies

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What’s an Ontology?Terms used to describe and represent an area of knowledge – subject matter

Model for the meaning of those termsVocabulary and the meaning of that vocabulary

For us, that means standardized index, glossary, conditional tags/conditional attribute values

Used by people, databases and applications to navigate, identify and share information in a specific domain (specific area of knowledge)

For us, that means better planning and content reuse on the authoring side and better delivery on the production side

- Dr. Leo Obrst, MITRE Information Semantics Group

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What are Semantic Technologies

Global naming schemes: URI (identifier)

Standard syntax to describe data and properties of the data: RDF

Standard way to describe relationships between data: Ontologies defined with:

OWL Web Ontology LanguageXML Topic Maps (XTM)SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organization System

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Spectrum of Ontology

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RDF: Resource Description Framework

Standard model for representing information

Standard syntax to describe and exchange data

Defines a graph of relations represented byobject-attribute-value triplesThat is: Object O has an attribute A with value V

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Sample RDF XML

Object type: Component

Object identifier: C89722A8-…-68F01FCD2ADE


TitleRelease datePart Number, Part Name

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RDF Graphical Representation

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OWL: Ontology Working Language

Describes relations between classes of information

Based on classes, individuals and properties

Class: a concept or subject in a domain; can be organized hierarchically

Individual: instance of a class

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OWL: Ontology Working Language

Properties:Object: relate individuals to other individualsDatatype: relate individuals to data values (numbers, strings, etc.)Functional: property takes only one value (e.g. age)Inverse Functional: Two individuals cannot have the same value (e.g. social security number)Symmetric: If A links to B, then infer thatB links to A (e.g. siblings)Transitive: If A links to B and B links to C, then infer that A links to C

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OWL: Ontology Working Language

“The Future of the Web is Semantic,” Naveen Balani, 18 Oct 2005

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Topic Maps (XTM)

Semantic knowledge model to express an ontology

ISO standard; can also be expressed as XML


Represents a subject or conceptCategorized by Type


Associations: relationships between topicsOccurrences: link between information resources and the subjects that they express something about

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Graphical Representation of a Topic Map

“The TAO of Topic Maps,” Steve Pepper

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SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System

Standard for modeling an ontology

Similar to Topic Maps, however it is expressed using RDF, the accepted syntax of expression for the semantic web

Thus, SKOS bridges the gap between traditional indexing and formal ontologies for the semantic web

Define subjects and if desired, organize them into a taxonomy (i.e. hierarchy)

Classify content to indicate its subject

DITA Taxonomy specialization allows you to maintain the ontology in DITA and transform it into SKOS RDF for processing and use with standard tools

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SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System

“Subject Classification with DITA and SKOS,” Hennum, Anderson and Bird, October 2005

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SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System

“Subject Classification with DITA and SKOS,” Hennum, Anderson and Bird, October 2005

Assembling a deliverable from the subject and content maps

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SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System

“Connecting the Dots: Relationship and Relevance with DITA Maps,” Hennum

RDF expression of a SKOS ontology

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Main Training Topics

Introductions: Who is this guy?What is information architecture?Why is it important?Introduction to key concepts and standardsMethodology for developing information architecture for techdocs and trainingLet’s try it

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Solution Oriented Content DevelopmentDevelop a High Level Information Architecture

Create a knowledge model of subjects encompassing:

All products, features, system componentsAll life-cycle stages

From that model, compile lists of content to be created to express the knowledge model

Compile content to form maps representing documentation deliverables

DITA MapsSCORM Manifests

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Examples of Subjects

DesignSell: Demos, Positioning, Related Products, Related Services, Strategy, Target MarketImplement: Initialize, Install, Configuration, TrainingUse: End Use, AdministerMaintain: Troubleshoot, Optimize, Service, Maintenance

Life Cycle

Servers: S1, S2, S3Endpoints: E1, E2, E3Peripherals: P1, P2, P3


Other Subject Types: Features, Tasks, Interfaces, Screens, Use Cases, User Roles, Legal Info

Assy1, Assy2, Assy3P101, P102, P103


Windows, Unix, Linux, MacintoshPlatformsSupported


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Subject Associations

Define relationships between subject types to help compile the full list of subjects to be documented

Solution System ComponentProduct Platform SupportedProduct FeatureFeature TaskTask InterfaceTask Life CycleTask User RoleProduct AssemblyAssembly Part

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Build Your Own OntologyList Solutions your company offersFor each Solution: list System ComponentsFor each Product:

Associate with System ComponentsAssociate with Platforms SupportedList Features

For each Feature:Associate with Platforms SupportedAssociate with User RolesList Tasks

For each Task:List ScreensAssociate with Life Cycle StageAssociate with User Roles

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Content Resources

Different types of content resources are used to express information about the subjects

DITA TaskDITA ReferenceDITA ConceptIllustrationDrawingFlashVideoPresentation

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Generate List of Content to be Created

Set rules: Topics needed to express each subject

Description, Supplier, Replacement Part, DiagramPart

Installation Task, Maintenance Task, List of PartsAssembly

List of buttons and fields (DITA Reference)Screen

Description, Use CaseFeature

Procedure (DITA Task), safety instructionTask

Overview (DITA Concept), Legal license / liability / warrantee


Create Content Topic:For Each:

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Author ContentFor each content instance, author knows the topic to be described and the characteristicsExample:Procedure: Configuring Server Ports (DITA Task)Characteristics:

Product: Server S1Task: Configure Server PortsUser Roles: Administrator, ImplementerInterface: AdminScreen: Port ConfigurationLife Cycle Stage: Installation, ConfigurationPlatform: Windows, Unix, Linux

Related Content:Screen element reference, Screen capture

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Generate DeliverablesSet rules for each type of deliverable to create maps

Product Overview, Legal ReferencesFor each interface associated with Admin, Implementer, Technician

For each screen, include screen referenceFor each Task associated with life cycle stage: Installation, Configuration, Administer, Troubleshoot

Include Procedures (DITA Task)

Admin Guide

Product Overview, Legal References, Installation and Configuration Procedures associated withUser Role=Implementer

Installation Guide


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Generate DeliverablesSet rules for each type of deliverable to create maps

Product Overview, Legal ReferencesGetting Started

For each Task associated with User Role: End User, Life Cycle: Installation, Configuration, include all procedures

FeaturesFor each Feature

Include Feature DescriptionFor each Task associated with Life Cycle: Use, User Role: End User include Procedure

User Guide


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Main Training Topics

Introductions: Who is this guy?What is information architecture?Why is it important?Introduction to key concepts and standardsMethodology for developing information architecture for techdocs and trainingLet’s try it

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Let’s Give it a Try

1. Create a list of subject types:Solutions, products, components, features, procedures …

2. What kinds of relationships are there between the different kinds of subjects?

3. Note the relationships between the different subjects

4. Compile your list of content to create

5. Develop rules for how to build a deliverable

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Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck ! ! !

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End of Understanding InformationArchitecture