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Understanding genetic association studies Peter Kamerman

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Understanding genetic association


Peter Kamerman



Genetic concepts:

- Underlying principals

- Genetic variants

- Linkage disequilibrium

- Population genetics and stratification

Study design:

- Types of studies

- Assessing a genetic association study

o Quality control

o Analysis and statistical power

What is the purpose of a genetic

association study?



Genetic variability

Genetic variability



Genetic variability

Environmental variability

Genetic variability

Environmental variability

Genetic contribution to extreme phenotypes

Rare, catastrophic monogenic mutations


Genetic contribution to extreme phenotypes

Genetic contribution to “non-extreme”


Complex phenotype = multigenic

Genetic variation forms the basis

of genetic epidemiology


Population-based Family-based

Genetic contribution to “non-extreme”


A few loci of moderate effect and

intermediate (5-20%) to high

(>20%) minor allele frequency,

each explaining several percent of

disease risk in a population

Gibson, 2012

Genetic contribution to “non-extreme”


Many common alleles of

intermediate (5-20%) to low (1-5%)

frequency with moderate to low

effect, respectively

(infinitesimal model)

Gibson, 2012; Park et al., 2011

Genetic contribution to “non-extreme”


A few rare alleles (<1%) with

moderate to high effects (GRR > 2)

(rare allele model)

Gibson, 2012

Allele frequency vs. effect size

Manolio et al., 2009

Genetic variants

Genetic variation

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

Human genome: ~3 billion base-pairs (haploid)

10-30 million SNPs in the human population

~0.1% variability in SNPs between unrelated individuals (~3 million SNPs)

Only 1-5% of SNPs are functional (causative) mutations

Non-synonymous SNP = missense or nonsense

Promotor region SNPs

The rest are non-functional mutations

Synonymous SNP = no amino acid change

Single nucleotide polymorphisms


Functional SNPs are rare

Single nucleotide polymorphisms


Functional SNPs are rare

...and are hard to identify

Single nucleotide polymorphisms


Non-functional SNPs are abundant

Single nucleotide polymorphisms


Non-functional SNPs are abundant

…but are they useful?

Single nucleotide polymorphisms

Linkage disequilibrium

Linkage disequilibrium

Non-random association between alleles at two or

more loci

Can use the location of one SNP to “TAG” the

presence of another or many other SNPs

Linkage disequilibrium

Linkage disequilibrium

locus A far

from locus M/N

locus B close

to locus M/N



Linkage disequilibrium

locus A far

from locus M/N

locus B close

to locus M/N


many generations

linkage equilibrium

with alleles at locus A

linkage disequilibrium

with B1 allele

at locus B


Linkage disequilibrium

r2=1 r2=0.9 r2=0.5 r2=0.1

Correlations decay with number of recombination events:

• Distance

• Population history

Slide courtesy of Chris Spencer, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) plots

Shows correlations between SNPs

Low LD (r2)

High LD (r2)

Haplotype block




Slide courtesy of Chris Spencer, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics

Population genetics


Population-based genetic variation

Tishkoff and Williams, 2002

Population-based genetic variation

Founder effect

Adapted from McVean et al., 2005






Africa (YRI)

Position on chromosome

White (CEU)

Asian (CHN)

Population-based genetic variation

GTP cyclohydrolase gene (GCH1) tagSNPs


• 25 SNPs MAF > 0.1

• 8 tagSNPs (r2 >0.8)

GTP cyclohydrolase gene (GCH1) tagSNPs


• 32 SNPs MAF > 0.1

• 19 tagSNPs (r2 >0.8)

Population-based genetic variation

High LD:


Low LD:


Palmer and Cardon, 2005

Population-based genetic variation

Palmer and Cardon, 2005

Population-based genetic variation

Palmer and Cardon, 2005

Population stratification

Slide courtesy of Dominic Kwiatkowski, Wellcome Sanger Institute

Population stratification

Discrete: Populations that are remotely related (e.g.,

Europeans, Africans and Asians).

Admixed: Admixed ancestry (e.g., African Americans, Cape

Coloureds) with different individuals having

different degrees of admixture.

Hierarchical: Both discrete and admixed population structures.

Hierarchical population structures may be seen in

studies that involve multi-ethnic cohorts.

Types of population structure

Population stratification

Primary methods for correcting for population structure

Self-reported ethnicity

Genomic control

Principal components analysis

Population stratification

Assessing for population structure

Q-Q plots

Price et al., 2010

Population stratification

Self-reported ethnicity

Teo et al., 2010

Population stratification

Genomic control

Apply a correction factor (λGC) to correct for the difference between observed

and expected Chi-square statistic.

Let down by:

• Not conservative enough when few markers used (↑false positives)

• Too conservative if many markers used (↑ false negatives)

• Cannot deal with large deviations

Price et al., 2010

Population stratification


PCA transforms a number of (possibly) correlated variables into a (smaller)

number of uncorrelated variables (principal components).

The PCA method identifies principal components that represent the

population structure based on genetic correlations among individuals.


• Need to prune regions with long-range high LD

• Need to remove related individuals

Teo et al., 2010

Study design

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Family-based vs. Population-based

Population-based designs

Cordell and Clayton, 2005

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Family-based designs

Cordell and Clayton, 2005

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Family-based vs. Population-based

Benefits of family-based

Protection against population substructure

Improved genotyping quality control

Allow estimates of parent-of-origin (imprinting) effects

Can assess whether an allele is inherited or de novo

Drawbacks of family-based designs

Difficult sample collection, especially for older onset traits (e.g., diabetes)

Less power than case-control studies

Requires more genotyping

Requires at least one parent to be heterozygote

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Candidate gene vs. Genome-wide

Hypothesis driven

Focuses on gene(s) identified through our

understanding of a disease

Efficient use of resources

Tailored marker selection


Scans the whole genome for possible

associations between polymorphisms and

disease of interest

Only assesses common genetic variants

Can be semi-tailored

Types of genetic studies for complex traits

Candidate gene vs. Genome-wide

Hypothesis driven

Focuses on gene(s) identified through our

understanding of a disease

Efficient use of resources

Tailored marker selection


Scans the whole genome for possible

associations between polymorphisms and

disease of interest

Only assesses common genetic variants

Can be semi-tailored

Assessing genetic association studies

Assessing genetic association studies

1. How appropriate was the choice of candidate genes/markers?

2. What quality control measures were used?

3. Was the analysis appropriate

Assessing genetic association studies

How appropriate was the choice of candidate genes/markers?

How well do we know the mechanisms of a disease - Evidence from animal models and in vitro studies

- Evidence from clinical studies

- Evidence from linkage studies

Markers selection - “Functional” polymorphisms

- Evidence from the literature of previous association

- TagSNP selection criteria (r2>0.8, appropriate population, MAF)

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

Lab QC - Assigning cases and controls to each plate

- Running duplicates (same plate and across plates)

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

Under HWE, alleles segregate randomly in the population, allowing expected

genotype frequencies to be calculated from allele frequencies:

Alleles: G and T

Genotypes: GG GT TT

Expected frequencies of genotypes: G2 2GT T2

Departures from HWE in control samples may be caused by the following:

1. Genotyping error. (calling heterozygotic individuals is challenging)

2. Population stratification

3. Selection, therefore assess HWE in controls only

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

What quality control measures were used?

QC per individual (GWAS) - Identification of discordant sex information

- Identification of poor DNA quality

- Identification of duplicated or related individuals

- Identification of individuals of divergent ancestry

QC per marker - Identification of SNPs with excessive missing genotypes

- Identification of SNPs showing significant deviation from Hardy-

Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)

- Identification of SNPs with different rates of missingness between

cases and controls

- Removal of markers with very low minor MAF

Anderson et al., 2010

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Basic analysis of bi-allelic markers (SNPs)

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

Genotypic model

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Allelic (multiplicative)

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

AA aA aa

A a

Cases 2a+c 2e+c

Controls 2b+d 2F+d

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Dominant model

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

AA aA+aa

Cases a c+e

Controls b d+f

AA aA aa

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Recessive model

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

AA+aA aa

Cases a+c e

Controls b+d F

AA aA aa

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Cochrane-Armitage test for trend

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

AA aA aa

AA aA aa

Cases a c e

Controls b d f

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Did they correct for multiple comparisons?

Type I error is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

The significance level (e.g., a ≤ 0.05) indicates the proportion of false positives that

an investigator is willing to tolerate in his or her study.

1 million comparisons at an a ≤ 0.05 50 000 false positives

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Did they correct for multiple comparisons?

Agreed upon significance threshold: GWAS 1.5*10-7

Bonferroni correction (a/n) and Sidak (1 − (1 −a)1/n): too conservative, and assume

SNPs are independent

False discover rate (FDR): control for the expected proportion of false positives

among SNPs declared significant, and assumes SNPs are independent

Permutation testing

Adapted from Tegeder et al., 2006

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Did they analyze individual markers or haplotypes?

Assessing genetic association studies

Was the analysis appropriate?

Did they correct for covariates?

And finally,

what are the three most important issues in

genetic association studies?


