understanding deep time

What is Deep Time? www.spacetelescope.org http://palaeos.com/overview.html

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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Pangaea, dinosaur, extinction Paleozoic, Precambrian, Mesozoic, Cambrian, Cretaceous Period, four geological eras, fossil , Triassic Period, record of human history, rising human population , 7 billion people, Cyanobacteria


  • 1. What is Deep Time? www.spacetelescope.org http://palaeos.com/overview.html

2. How old is the Earth? The idea of time in such large quantities is more than we can imagine. Some scientists have developed theories about how the earth began, how old the earth may be, and when various things happened. They call such enormous amounts of time DEEP TIME 3. Horses resting Wind blowing Horses running Grass swaying 4. The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old.www.zmescience.com527 600 5. In the beginning the surface of Earth was hot, molten lava, and had no atmosphere. pearl1.lanl.gov300 300 education-portal.com300 170 6. An asteroid the size of Mars hit the Earth and gouged out a chunk that became our moon. www.dailygalaxy.com900 720 7. The 4 geological eras from the oldest to the most recent were: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic A mnemonic device to help Remember is PPMC Papa Poured a Mug of Coffee painintheclass.wordpress.com382 485 8. The Precambrian era lasted the longest. www.geo.msu.edu johnkevin.wikispaces.com350 243 9. Life first appeared in the Precambrian era. www2.estrellamountain.edu400 305 10. Cyanobacteria was the name of the first life form. 11. Because Cyanobacteria could photosynthesize, it made oxygen, and the atmosphere improved. en.wikipedia.org680 380 www.teachoceanscience.net800 520 12. About 400 million years ago (400 mya) plants began to evolve. palaeos.com300 200 13. The Paleozoic era is known as "the age of ancient life". www.readinganalysis.com640 410 14. Our fossil fuels come from the remains of ancient plants and animals. http://www.fossil.energy.gov/education/energylessons/coal/gen_howformed.html 15. Mountains formed in the Paleozoic era. www.nps.gov450 323 16. When Pangea formed, about 90% of all marine animals became extinct. www.texas-geology.com1080 957 17. During the Triassic period, the dinosaurs and mammals appeared. blogs.ucl.ac.uk989 742 18. Dinosaurs inhabited the Earth about 200 million years. Dinosaurs existed between 230 million years ago and 65 million years ago, but none of the known dinosaur species existed for this entire time period. www.ck12.org800 743 19. Dinosaurs have been extinct approximately 65 million years. www.universetoday.com320 240 theanimals.pics600 450 www.writework.com520 390 20. The Rocky Mountains formed during the Jurassic period. skywalker.cochise.edu576 271 21. The Cenozoic period arose about 65 million years ago. (65 mya) 480www.mlms.loganschools.org828 665 22. Melting ice from glaciers caused the Great Lakes to form. en.wikipedia.org750 545 23. Humans have recorded history for about 5000 years. news.discovery.com625 505 24. Fossils and radiometric dating are two pieces of evidence that add to the geological time scale. www2.estrellamountain.edu398 247 en.wikiversity.org400 256 25. Grandfather Mountain was formed about 750-550 million years ago. http://www.grandfather.com/about-grandfather-mountain/history-of-the-mountain/ 26. Dr. Stanley Riggs discovered that the NC Outer Banks were formed about 12,000 years ago, and have experienced many disappearances and reformations. www.learnnc.org754 498 27. The current human population on Earth is about 7 billion people. 28. The rise in human population is putting stress on Earth's resources. Earth has a finite amount of resources such as clean water. More people equal less resources. ecowatch.com500 350 29. www.sciencemediacentre.co.nz420 272 efergy.com1024 791 30. www.earthtimes.org765 574 goodrealfood.blogspot.com400 360 http://myuctv.tv/category/monthly-highlights/ 31. Thank you for viewing Kella Randolph, M.Ed.