understanding competency model

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  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model


  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    ,VP, Professional Development

    Responsible for IIBA Standards (BABOK Guide and Extensions)

    EEP Program

    IIBA Community Network

    Career Centre

    Delivering PD Opportunities to IIBA Members

    Past Experience Joined IIBA in 2003

    Led development of BABOK Guide

    12 years BA experience International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Product Manager and Chair of the

    Competency Model Committee , , .

    She is the Business Analysis Practice Leader

    Analysis Instructor at the University ofMinnesota. An ela hel s or anizationsassess and build BA communities,competencies and best practices.

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    IIBAHead of New Media

    Host of the IIBAWebinar Series

    w u

    Experienced Project BA, SME, COEManager, and Enterprise BA

    ,synthesis of BA practice and theory

    aug courses n ann ng, na ys s

    and Stakeholders International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Descri tion:

    Overview of the Competency Model

    Desired Outcomes: Discover the Competency Model

    Competency Model

    Ask Your Questions

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Welcome and Introduction 12:00

    Description, Desired Outcomes

    Mission, Vision and Goals

    y :

    Vision of the Model

    Overview of the Model

    Future Plans for the Model

    Q & A 12:40 International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model




    s on

    Business Analysis professionals

    Develop and maintain standards for

    the practice of business analysis andMissionfor the certification of its practitioners

    IIBA is an international not-for-profitprofessional association for

    International Institute of Business Analysisbusiness analysts.

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Create and develop awareness and

    recognition of the value and contribution ofthe role of the Business AnalysisProfessional Define the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge(BABOK)

    Publicly recognize qualified practitioners through aninternationally acknowledged certification program

    Provide forums for knowledge sharing Advance the practices of business analysis within

    Define a roadmap for professional growth and development International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Members First Helping business do

    Give what you can soyou can get what you Adaptability overnee

    Think globally, act

    s a y

    Transparency in ouroca y

    Chapters, our

    opera ons

    Progress over

    store ront to t e ocacommunity

    per ect onCollaboration

    Methodology Agnostic

    Win-Win International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    We will answer as many as we can.

    The webinar forum: http://j.mp/57JU4K After the webinar

    Question box

    Start your question with MIC or NO MIC Callers will be answered first

    Dont spend a lot of time explaining your question keep

    o - wor s Twitter

    nc u e e as ag e nar

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Competence is a standardized requirement for anindividual to properly perform a specific role. It

    Competency models describe theknowledge, skills, abilities and otherpersonal characteristics required for

    encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills

    and behavior utilized to improve performance. Moregenerally, competence is the state or quality ofbeing adequately or well qualified, having the ability

    and to perform that job effectively.For business analysis, the BABOK

    Guideaddresses the knowledge

    to perform a specific role.


    Competency on its own is not aguarantee of success in a role. Jobperformance can be influenced by

    Skills &

    ,intrinsic motivation, the workenvironment, or the practices andprocedures in place in an Behaviors


    .are still capable of failure.

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    A Global Industr Standard

    Aligned to BABOK

    Grow the Profession

    se n ustry esearc an xtens ve xper ence

    Behavioral Focus

    Robust view of BA effectiveness from perspective of BA,Mana er and the Or anization

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    IIBA Competency Model has

    Performance Competencies


    Competencies By KA withBehavioral Indicators

    Performance Com etencies Techniques


    mapped to UnderlyingCompetencies

    Performance Competencies

    mapped to Techniques

    Performance Competenciesmapped to Tasks

    International Institute of Business Analysis


  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Self AssessSelf Manage Career

    Give Peer Feedback

    Mentor Other BAs

    Managers of Business Analysts

    Manage BA PerformanceAssess BA Skills

    Assess Training NeedsMentor and Coach Team

    Organizations That Employ Business Analysts

    International Institute of Business Analysis


    Assess Role AlignmentEducate on BA Role

    Assess Training GapsRecruit/Interview/Select

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    FREE for Members

    $25 Non-Members

    Read only, Not for

    distribution, digital,

    or reproduction in

    whole or in part.

    More licensingoptions in progress,stay tuned!

    International Institute of Business Analysis


  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    BABOK Knowledge Area:

    Performance Competency:1.1.2 Evaluates project complexity, assumptions, constraints, and dependencies

    n ca ors

    Evaluates based on the bigpicture view of the project

    outside of just the IT domain,vendor domain, or ust the

    n er y ngCompetencies:

    Decision Making Learnin

    ec n ques:

    Decision Analysis

    BABOK KA Tasks:business unit domain

    Proactively gathersinformation from project teammembers

    Systems Thinking

    Business Principles andPractices

    Plan Business AnalysisApproach

    esets to t e g p cturewhen needed

    Organizational Knowledge Solution Knowledge

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    BA Self Assessment Template

    Additional Licensing OptionsMarch 2010

    Level of BAs Defined2010 Major 53 Performance Competencies Defined/Mapped

    for Levels & Specialties


    More Tools and Templates for BAs andManagers

    Career Planning

    Another 2010M r R l BA Goal Setting

    International Institute of Business Analysis

    eve opment ra n ng ans



    360 Feedback

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    www.theiiba.org | community.theiiba.org | [email protected]

    Product Manager and Chair,ompe ency o e omm ee

    [email protected]

    http://www.theiiba.orgProfessional DevelopmentBusiness Analysis Competency Model

    http://j.mp/bAE35N (direct link) International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Screen Side Chat ABC: Authors, Books and

    Tue Mar 2, 2010, 10:00-10:30AM EST Date: Starting March, 2010

    a een arre w scusscurrent IIBA activities. This

    is an opportunity for

    As IIBA makes hundredsof BA books available to

    members through Books

    directly to the CEO to betterunderstand the initiatives ofthe association.

    ,webinar series to interviewthose authors about theirwork.

    Register Now:http://j.mp/bKprYg

    Registration Soon!

    International Institute of Business Analysis

  • 8/2/2019 Understanding Competency Model



    Bein A BA Call In Advice Shows

    Your CareerLaura Brandenber

    Technical ExcellenceTom Karasmanis

    Career Center Product Manager

    Tue Mar 9, 2010, 12:00-1:00PM

    IIBA Chief Architect

    Tue Mar 30, 12:00-1:00PM EST

    Laura is the author of the eBookHow to Start a BA Careerand anactive blogger at Bridging-the-

    Tom is a very experienced BA,with 25 years experience workingin different roles at all levels

    ap.com. e s a so a prac c ngBA consultant.

    Register Now:

    nc u ng pro ec us nessanalysis, strategic work,managing teams of BAs.

    http://j.mp/9UFQmh Register Now:

    http://bit.ly/cLbKsQ International Institute of Business Analysis