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***Confidential Report*** Underground Privacy Secrets

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***Confidential Report***

Underground Privacy


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Underground Privacy Secrets


Underground Privacy Secrets

By Caleb Lee

©UGAR LLC 2013 and Beyond

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express

written, dated and signed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the view of the author

as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which

conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update

his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for

informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to

verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor

his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors,

inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are

unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is

needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be

sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal

advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern the topics

discussed herein in your city, country and state. Any reference to

any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

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Underground Privacy Secrets

Someone is watching you, right now.

Oh, they may not be able to see you; but they’re watching you just the same.

That someone has electronic eyes and ears and probably even an electronic brain.

It is gathering information on you and everyone else on this planet, sniffing the

airwaves and combing the ether world, seeking information on anyone and everyone.

If that electronic brain thinks there’s something fishy about what you are saying, it’ll

pass your conversation, e-mail or online post on to someone with a human brain to

check out.

That person will analyze your message, looking for nuance and trying to read your


What they infer out of your communications could lead to an investigation or having

your name put on one of many of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) lists

as a potential domestic terrorist or subversive.

Eric Snowden’s whistle blowing revelations about the work of the National Security

Agency’s (NSA) spying on American citizens has caught the country by storm.

While alternative news sources have known about the NSA’s Echelon system for

years, this was the first actual confession by a source that would know that it was

being used illegally against American citizens.

The Echelon system is designed to tap into every bit of electronic communication on

the planet; e-mail, text messages, telephone conversations and even social media

postings. It is constantly looking for a long list of keywords, many innocuous by

themselves, but thought to be dangerous when combined with other keywords; trying

to search out terrorists and others who would do our country harm. There’s only one

problem; they’re spying on honest law-abiding American citizens in the process.

What makes this really scary is how the government is currently defining the term

“terrorists.” It seems that it is now politically incorrect to say that Muslims who strap

explosives to their bodies or place bombs in busses are considered terrorists.

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Instead, our government is now calling conservatives, Christians, and pro-life people

terrorists, along with anyone else who doesn’t agree with Obama’s liberal agenda for


Apparently, if you aren’t one of the left-wing sheeple, you’re considered dangerous by

our government.

Our privacy has been lost in the name of national security.

Perhaps a better way of saying that is that national security is being used as an excuse

to steal our privacy. Not only our privacy either, but a whole host of other freedoms

which are guaranteed to us in the Constitution are being taken away from us in the

name of increasing our security.

It’s not just the NSA that is spying on us, many others are as well. Have you noticed

the increased number of security cameras and traffic cameras being installed all over

the place? You can’t drive to the store and back without someone knowing it.

Once again, this is being done to catch the dishonest amongst us. Police use those

recordings to catch all types of thieves and criminals. However, to do so, they have to

spy on all of us in the process. Who doesn’t occasionally make an error while driving?

Well, now they can catch you at it, even when there’s nobody to see you or be

affected by it.

The software behind these video systems are getting so sophisticated that they are

starting to recognize patterns of behavior that are common for criminals. Little

nuances like recognizing the difference in how people walk and stand can suddenly

make them a suspect of a crime that they have not yet committed. Before long, they’ll

probably start arresting people on the suspicion of “future crimes” purely based on

these programs’ interpretation of their actions.

There’s one more category of people that are constantly spying on us; that is online

businesses. Facebook, Google, eBay, Amazon and just about any major online retailer

is keeping close track of your purchases and the items you look at, so that they can

customize advertising to meet your interests.

Have you ever looked at an item on Amazon and then gone on Facebook? There’s a

good chance that you will find that same item advertised. Why? Because they’ve been

keeping track of what you click on, so that they could provide focused advertising.

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If you think about it, that’s scary. It means that not only is the government spying on

you, but everyone else is as well.

In a sense, we have to blame technology for this.

While cell phones and the Internet are great tools, they have made it extremely easy

for these other people to spy on us. Tracking a particular smart phone, so that you

know where the owner is has become a trivial exercise.

Likewise, reading supposedly confidential e-mail and tracking people’s browsing

habits doesn’t take a genius. Most of this technology is readily available on the open

market for companies to use and on the underground market for those that want to use

that information for more nefarious purposes.

We too have played a part in giving others access to our personal information.

Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites have made it extremely easy to let

friend and foe alike know what is going on in your life. You never know who is

reading your posts and tweets or what they are going to do with it.

So, what can you do about it?

While there is no 100% foolproof method of keeping the NSA from spying on you,

other than totally disconnecting and going off the grid, there is a lot you can do.

By taking a few simple precautions, you can do a lot to secure your personal

information from these spies.

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Closing the Door on Electronic Spying through Your Cell Phone

Don’t expect the government to close the door on this digital spying anytime soon.

Remember, they are depending upon it as much as criminals are.

If lawmakers pass bills limiting access to your information, it will reduce their ability

to spy on you as well.

The only one who is going to close the door on your electronic life is you.

You and I need to take control of our digital world and keep others from finding out

what we are doing.

The first step in closing the door is to become aware of what is happening. I’ve

already told you about the crowd of people who are following your every move

electronically. Realize that they are doing it and decide that you want to do something

about it.

One of the easiest ways for them to spy on you is through your smart phone.

As cellular phones have increased in capacity, that capacity has reduced the amount of

protection you have. Today, the NSA as well as others can track you through your

phone’s GPS, read your text messages and e-mail, download and upload files and

photos to your smartphone and even listen in on your conversations. This isn’t just the

government I’m talking about, just about anyone can do it.

The way that the NSA or others gain access to your cell phone is by sending a

program to it. This can be done remotely, without you even knowing it. Similar to a

RAT (Remote Access Trojan) on a computer, this piece of malware allows them to

control your phone from a distance.

Cell phones are easier to do this with because their programming is simpler and there

isn’t as much anti-malware security built into them.

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Few people bother putting anti-virus programs or anti-malware programs on their cell

phones. Those that do, don’t run the programs often enough to ensure that their

phones are clean.

The easiest solution to that is to get rid of the fancy phone.

Now, I know that might be hard to do, but once you do it, you’ll find that it really isn’t

all that bad. I use a simple cell phone that has minimal functions.

For the other functions that most people do on their smart phones, I have my iPad,

which isn’t set up to connect through any phone system.

That one step has closed the door to many who want to know what I am doing.

If you don’t feel that you can get rid of your smart phone, then there is another option.

Some manufacturers of cell phone accessories are starting to make cases for smart

phones that block radio waves. This prevents people from accessing your cell phone

while the phone is in the totally enclosed case.

Of course, you can’t use the phone while it is in there either; which means that your

friends will have to wait for you to take the phone out of the case for you to receive

their text messages.

Basically, we use cell phones for two types of communications: talking and texting.

For normal use, these are not encrypted and are not secure. Although your neighbor

can’t just listen in on your phone calls, anyone with the right equipment can.

There are some encryption programs for use with smart phones, but these encrypt the

phone call or text message after it gets to the cell phone company. Since all cell phone

companies record the key data about all communications over their networks, who

you call, when you call them and where you both are is recorded in the clear, allowing

the NSA access to that information.

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More Secure Talk and Text Communications

If you want to communicate securely, or at least more securely, then do so over the


While Internet communications are still monitored and recorded by the NSA, there are

a number of ways of encrypting them.

Please note that there is no such thing as a totally secure encryption system. The NSA

employs the world’s foremost code breakers and has the largest collection of

supercomputers in the world for them to use. They are in the business of reading

things that others don’t want them to read, especially our enemies around the world.

If they can break into the Kremlin’s secure communications, why would any of us

think that they can’t break our commercially available encryption programs?

I will have to say that the more robust the encryption system, the harder it is for the

NSA to break it. You can get a general idea of how robust it is by the number of “bits”

in the encryption key.

In other words, a 256 bit encryption is harder to break than a 128 bit one is. The type

of encryption makes a difference as well, but the number of bits is a quick reference.

The larger and more complicated the key, the more complicated the encryption

process and the more work it is to break it.

Since the NSA has so much encrypted communications to break, they will probably

not bother with yours, unless they have some reason to think that you are a subversive

or terrorist who is bent on destroying the United States.

While they are spying on U.S. citizens, their main focus is still in trying to spy on our

enemies worldwide.

Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) is a means of using the Internet as a telephone.

You are probably familiar with Skype or Google Voice. These free services offer

minimal encryption to their communications, mostly for the purpose of protecting you

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from hackers and criminals. At the same time, they make no claims about protecting

you from the prying ears of the NSA or other government agencies.

There are other options for VoIP communications, all of which are much more secure

than Skype and Google Voice.

While more secure, these services have the disadvantage that they require that people

at both ends of the conversation have compatible software. While that really is no

different than what Skype requires, these other packages aren’t anywhere near as

common as Skype is. Some of the services require buying the software package while

others are available for free.

Most of these software packages work over the Open Secure Telephony Network

(OSTN). To use them, you must sign up not only with the software provider for your

VoIP software, but also with ostel.co so that you can use the OSTN. Once you’ve

done that, you can download and sign up for the specific software service you will be


Just like there are encrypted VoIP services available, there are also secure chat and

text message services. Several of these exist for use with all of the common operating

systems, both on mobile devices and computers.

Like VoIP, you will need to install the application on your device and communicate

with others that are using the same application.

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Get Less Social

Social media is the worst enemy of your personal privacy.

By its very nature, social media invites you to share information about yourself and

your life.

The idea is that you can let your “friends” know what’s going on in your life, sharing

everything from where you are having a cup of coffee to your interests.

There are two big problems with social media.

The first of these is that you and I don’t know who is reading over our shoulder or

over the shoulder of our friends. You like an article you see and all your friends

immediately know it. If one of them likes it, then all their friends know that you and

they like it. That lets people snooping in on your life, like the NSA, know where your

interests are, what your political outlook is and even what your religious views are.

Let’s take that a step further. You’re excited about your upcoming vacation and let

your friends know where you are going. One of your friends is happy for you, so

“likes” your post. Once again, all their friends now have access to information about

your trip, including where you are going, when you are leaving and how long you are

going to be gone. If one of them supplements their income as a break-in artist, you’ve

just unwittingly given them their next target.

You aren’t the only one who is putting out information about yourself either.

Tagging people in photos has gone crazy. Originally, it was just a way of letting

people know that the picture is of you. Now, it’s a way of everyone else making sure

you see their picture. So, you might end up tagged in just about anything.

I have found myself tagged in advertisements, things I’m not at all interested in and

even soft porn pictures on Facebook. You don’t know who might tag you or what

reason they might have for doing so. No matter, as far as the NSA is concerned, it’s

more information for the file.

Facebook isn’t the only social media sight that opens your life up to the whole world,

although they are by far the most popular.

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Anytime you create a profile about yourself, you are giving away sensitive

information for free. That information can often be read by just about anyone who

wants to. LinkedIn intentionally leaves your profile open and available for anyone to

read, as it is intended to be a means of facilitating business networking.

Probably one of the worst things that social media does is tell everyone where you are,

all day long. Facebook, IOS and Google offer this “wonderful” service where it logs

your current location into social media, letting your friends know where you are

eating, what stores you are shopping in and everywhere else you go.

Of course, that is useful to any NSA spies that are trying to keep track of you as well.

The best way to avoid social media broadcasting your life to the world is to get rid of

it. While that might crimp your style a bit, it will protect your privacy.

You can always go back to the old ways of being social, like talking to people face to


Getting out of social media is difficult.

These companies don’t make it easy for you to unsubscribe once they’ve got your

name, as they consider any information that you post to be their property.

However, it is possible to remove yourself from their database, if you have the

patience to do so.

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What’s on Your Computer?

Your personal computer, tablet or other Internet device offers a wealth of information

to the snoops from the NSA.

They can tap into it, finding out a wealth of information about you.

By and large, Internet browsers are not secure from anything the NSA wants to know.

Both Google and Microsoft have been accused of being openly in bed with the

government, allowing the NSA full access to their data. This makes it very easy for

them to track who is visiting what website, finding out your interests.

Part of the problem is that both Google and Microsoft are tracking the history of

searches that you make and sites that you visit. This allows them to customize your

search experience. It is also the very same data that the NSA is tapping into, so that

they can tell what you are doing and what your interests are.

They can accomplish the same thing by tapping into your computer’s browser history.

This is easy to solve by deleting the history. However, you need to make a habit of

this, as once you delete it; it immediately starts collecting once again.

In addition to deleting your browser history, you add immensely to your privacy by

using a browser and search engine that doesn’t track your history. That eliminates the

database that the NSA is using to find this information. While that doesn’t fully stop

them, it does make it so that they have to go directly to your computer’s browser

history to find out anything about what you are doing online. If you’ve deleted that,

they’re at a dead end.

With the great concern about hacking, identity theft and the NSA, more and more

secure search engines and browsers are coming available. These are not the giants

offered by Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, but smaller applications offered by

companies that are more concerned with their customers than they are with profits.

You would be well advised to use them.

The other big source of information associated with your computer is your e-mail.

Today most e-mail is server based, rather than downloaded to your computer. That

makes those files very accessible to the NSA. How many e-mails do you have in your

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inbox? If you are like most people, you have thousands. We all tend to ignore e-mails

that don’t interest us, allowing them to collect in the inbox and save e-mails that are

important to us, so that we can find them later.

If you need to save e-mails, then download them to your computer and save them

there. While that isn’t totally secure from the prying eyes of the NSA, it’s much more

secure than leaving them in the cloud. Get rid of all that junk e-mail too. They can use

it to determine what your interests are. If you aren’t reading it, unsubscribe from the

service. If you are, then delete it after you read it.

Remember, it isn’t just what you say that shows your interests, but what you do and

what is said to you. These people are in the business of developing a profile of you

based upon whatever information they can find. That often means that they are

working based upon inference, rather than fact. That can be just as deadly for you.

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Is Offshoring Worth It?

Some people suggest getting an offshore e-mail account or hosting your blog offshore.

The idea behind that is that the NSA will have a harder time tracking you from

information that is hosted in another country, instead of what is here in the United


Let’s look at that ...

First of all, the NSA has been in the business of spying on people in other countries

much longer than they have been in the business of spying on U.S. citizens.

Originally, they were forbid by law to spy on Americans. While that prohibition has

been lost along the way, spying on you and I is a much more recent development than

spying on other countries.

The NSA captures every bit of electronic communications on a worldwide basis. That

totally negates any advantage of offshoring your communications. Besides, you still

have to use American communications to connect with your offshore e-mail account

or browser, which gives the NSA direct access into what you are doing.

The one thing that offshore e-mail services does do for you is to offer more barriers

for the NSA to get into your e-mail. Being a foreign government, they are not required

to cooperate with the NSA.

If you take advantage of the various offshore e-mail services which are offering fully

encrypted e-mail services, you will end up with much more secure communications.

Once again, the NSA is great a decrypting whatever is encrypted, but they don’t have

time to spend on every encrypted communication in the world.

By using an offshore secure encrypted e-mail account, you make yourself a less

inviting target, unless they have a specific reason to be looking at you.

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Passwords – Your First Line of Defense

Many people ignore the importance of passwords, seeing them as a nuisance, more

than as a help. Yet the humble password is your first line of defense for protecting

your information from electronic eavesdroppers.

While I’m fairly sure that the NSA can break into your accounts without it, it requires

much more work on their part.

When I say much more work, I really mean it.

Essentially, hacking a password is a multi-step process. The first step is to go through

the list of common passwords to see if the person who owns the account is using one

of those. That opens the vast majority of accounts, without any work whatsoever.

If that doesn’t work, the next step is to try passwords that are associated with the

person’s life; family members’ names, their pet, the city they were born in and other

such personal information. Many people use these types of passwords, so that they

don’t easily forget them. Unfortunately, it’s a trick known by hackers inside the

government and out. All they usually have to do is look at the social media sites to

find clues for that password.

For the few people who use totally random things for their password, the NSA is stuck

with using brute-force methods.

This consists of having their computers try all possible combinations of letters,

numbers and symbols, until they strike on the right one. While time consuming, it’s

much faster for a computer to do that, than it is for a person.

Of course, that computer time is highly valuable, so they don’t bother with the brute

force method unless they have good reason to do so. So, by using a “strong”

password, you greatly reduce the likelihood that they will even try.

The most common passwords for 2013 were:

1. password

2. 123456

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3. 12345678

4. abc123

5. qwerty

6. monkey

7. letmein

8. dragon

9. 111111

10. baseball

11. iloveyou

12. trustno1

13. 1234567

14. Sunshine

15. Master

16. 123123

17. welcome

18. shadow

19. ashley

20. football

21. jesus

22. michael

23. ninja

24. mustang

25. password1

As you can see, some of those are so obvious as to be meaningless as passwords.

Even so, these are the most common passwords in use, ranked in order of popularity.

Many of them have been on that list for several years, keeping more or less the same

popularity over time.

In order to keep the NSA and others out of your stuff, you need to develop what are

known as strong passwords.

To qualify as a strong password, a number of different elements are required within

the same password.

A few basic rules will help you make a strong password:

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Make sure that your passwords are at least eight characters long

Use a combination of upper and lower case letters; most programs now recognize

the difference

Use a combination of letters and numbers, but don’t use an obvious number like

your age or the year you were born

Add in a couple of symbols, such as – or * making sure that the symbols are

compatible with the website you are accessing.

Don’t use the same password for multiple websites, as once they break it, they can

try it out for your other accounts.

Change your password frequently. That way, if someone gains access, they won’t

have it for long.

The old school philosophy was to not write down your passwords. However, if you

follow those rules, you’re going to need to write them down. The problem with

writing them down comes if others find your written list.

So, just make sure that your list is somewhere that they can’t find them. The risk of

having that happen is much less than someone hacking your password.

There are several apps which store your password securely, making it so that you

don’t have to memorize all those passwords. Using one of them can make your life

much easier, while still making it hard for those that want to steal your information.

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Random Tips To Help You Disappear Or Protect Your Privacy ...

How Skip Tracers -- professional people hunters -- routinely break the law

to find almost anyone they want found (most times in just hours) because

they leave so many trails.

Skip Tracer: tracks people down and uncovers private info for a living. Most of the

time they do this by lying and finding out the information through the most unsecure

part of any organization -- the people.

They lie about being you -- What's my address again? Can you verify my recent

transactions? etc

It's not just customer service reps either. You friends and family are sources too.

Basically anyone that has any REAL info about you and where you are.

How an ex-skip tracer found Monica Lewinsky with just one phone call

(what went wrong--and how you can protect yourself from the same


A skip tracer was hired to find a woman (at that time he didn’t know who she was)

He hit the quick research online – and found a place he thought she might be staying.

When he did, he called and the house keeper answered the phone. He pretended to be a UPS worker and package needed delivery ...

At first the housekeeper wouldn’t reveal that the woman was at that address, but after

he threatened that the package would be returned if she wasn’t there to sign it -- the housekeeper who answered the phone said to deliver it for signature.

He asked what time she would be there – the house keeper told him after six.

After the skip tracer delivered that info to the person who had hired him, he saw that

night on the news that it was Monica Lewinsky – and why they were looking for her.

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The 3 places any person hired to hunt you down is guaranteed to look


1. motor vehicle search

2. credit report

3. criminal background check

The #1 rule you MUST follow before you ever post anything else online (if

you care about your privacy at all!)

Always think before you click "publish" or "submit" because even if you delete your

account or later try to change it -- what's been posted online is almost always there.

The "magic button" someone hunting you can press on their phone when

calling any of the services you do business with, that puts them just steps

away from discovering ALL your personal information!

This is the 0 button because it often gives you a liver operator. Who they then use social engineering to get the information they want.

The ONLY 2 things a professional person finder needs to find you (if he

has these -- it's almost certain you can't hide!)

This is Time and Money.

Basically if any "Real" info about you is still around .. he just needs enough time and money to chase you down.

That's why it's important to put out a lot of misinformation.

3 steps to guarantee you can disappear without a trace (miss just one and

you'll likely fail!)

Misinformation (confusing your real info and getting rid of it as much as possible)

Disinformation (putting NOT true info into the world)

Reformation (reforming your personal identity)

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The one website some skip tracers call “The promised land” because it

most likely has all your old information online – sometimes even

unpublished phone numbers (cell and landlines). It’s so comprehensive

some organizations already want it shut down!


Plus, the second website – that compiles all your public records and sells

that info for about $50 – the only 3 ways to get them to stop selling your



Only 3 ways to get them to stop selling your info:

#1: If you’re under court protection.

#2: If you can get a court order (if you’re being threatened, life is in danger, etc)

#3: You can opt out of its “people search” service. Go to www.intelius.com/privacy-faq.php#5 for more info

The ONLY way to protect your privacy on social media sites like Facebook

Take down all your photos and personal info FIRST, then also, don’t forget to get your friends to stop “tagging” you and sharing your name on their pages – on

whatever social media sites you’re on first.

Then, after all that, delete those accounts

How to almost create a “new identity” for yourself ... without ... breaking

any laws (this is the only way to lead anyone tracking you to a dead end

that’s 100% legal!)

It’s a process ...

First, you need to purposely create “mistakes” with all your information that is stored anywhere. Everyone you do business with:

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phone companies

cable companies


internet and satellite companies

stores you have accounts with






Basically anywhere that you’ve ever given your information to.

Then you call all of them up and tell them there is a mistake in your name for instance

first. Example if your name is John. M. Smith. then you’d call each company and give each one a different “correct name” such as:

Company 1 -- Jim M. smith

Company 2 – James M smith

Company 2 – John N. Smith

Company 3 – John M. Smitt

Company 4 – James M. Smitt


So that each company has a slight variation. You’re creating false trails.

Then a few days later, call each of the companies back and give them all a different

random PO Box number address (in different towns) in the same fashion ...

Lastly, places that collect your social security number (banks and utilities) you might

consider changing. It’s illegal to give the wrong social security number but this expert

says to consider it if your life is truly in danger and you need to disappear. You could call and change one digit somewhere in the last 4 digits of your social number.

Finally, when you’re done with changing your information – call up those accounts a few days later and cancel as many as can be canceled. Example:

Cancel credit cards – use prepaid cards or money orders

Cancel Netflix – go use cash or prepaid cards at those $1 rental DVD machines


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For services you can’t cancel (like your electric) just keep track and call them every

month to get your bill and pay over the phone with prepaid credit card or money order.

BIG TIP: write down all your “new identities” and which company they fit with

because you will need that information when contacting them later.

The point here is that you’re creating so many “false leads” for whoever is trying to

track you that they will run out of time or money before they find the “real you”.

How to use your ATM card on the run – to actually throw someone off

your trail (Takes about $100 and is a simple, almost foolproof way, to confuse your pursuers and lead them down dozens of dead end trails!)

While it’s dumb to take your ATM or credit card with you and use it while you’re on

the run, you can use these same drawbacks to help you create disinformation to

confuse and lead pursuers down dead-end trails.

An ex skip-tracer once needed to help an abused woman disappear. One of the things

they did (after getting rid of her personal info as you’ve been shown) is send her to a small town somewhere.

Then, they opened a bank account in another small town – nowhere near her. The skip

tracer then gave the ATM card for that account to one of his friends who travels all over the country for business with instructions to use the card for small amounts in

different cities.

Then if the records were ever pulled it would look like a confusing trail where the victim was traveling all over the country:

ATM $60 Houston, TX

ATM $10 Miami, FL

ATM $20 Cincinnati, OH

ATM $10 San Diego, CA


The victim was able to hide. And the point of something like this is that you’re giving

the person chasing you so many dead ends to follow that they either become frustrated and give up or spend so much time on each of them that they run out of Time and

Money to continue pursuing you.

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How to make completely ANONYMOUS purchases and transactions

starting today.

Go to Wal-Mart or wherever and buy prepaid credit cards today. Or gift cards. Pay in cash, load them up. Great to use for anonymous transactions (especially if you’re

buying anything to help you disappear because you don’t want to leave a trail).

Why you do NOT want to use a P.O. Box as an anonymous mailing


Use a private mailbox store instead like UPS. An ex skip tracer reported that he could

never call and con a private mailbox store into giving up customer info, but could easily get that info out of any deadbeat that tried to hide behind a PO Box.

How to use an unsecured, completely public WI-FI connection to actually

make your online surfing more anonymous!

Basically, the advice given is to buy a new computer that you’re going to use to

disappeer with and ONLY use that computer to connect to the internet at some public, unsecured WI-FI location.

Why? Because you don’t ever want that IP address associated with your name. Using

public WIFI will make you harder to track. Take precautions not to use your Credit Card or Social Security number on these unsecured connections of course.

How to easily setup a secret email account in less than 5-minutes that

completely VANISHES after just one hour

This is https://www.guerrillamail.com/.

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The Bottom Line ...

There are a lot of things you can do to at least make yourself “hard to hack or track”.

Many are common sense (like not posting your location everywhere you go using

something like Facebook) ...

... Others you’ll have to decide if it’s worth the effort and expense (like taking your

digital life “offshore”) ...

However, like always, the American Government has pretty much limitless amounts

of time, energy and money to go after someone if they want to ...

It’s a better chance they have the time to patiently hack your security measures if they

want you ...

They probably have the computer geniuses on staff to do it ... and ... they have plenty

of your tax dollars to do it.

So – like always – do your best to stay off the radar – and at the same time do your

best to not make yourself EASY to hack by the government or any other cyber thugs.

To help you in your journey, you’ll find a resources page next. Thank you for reading

this report.

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Please note: new products are being developed all the time. We have included these

here for your convenience; however they might not be the best ones available, as other

products may be released after our date of publication. Before selecting a product,

search for yourself to see what is available and check the reviews on any product you

are looking at buying.

Cell Phone Security Case



Secure VoIP Phone Calls

Open Secure Telephony Network (OSTN) – https://ostel.co/

Encrypted voice calls for Os X, Windows & Linux – Jitsi + Ostel - https://jitsi.org/

Encrypted voice calls for Android:

CsipSimple + Ostel -


RedPhone – Ostel -


Encrypted voice calls for iOS – Groundwire + Ostel -


Data Encryption

On your computer – TrueCrypt - http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads

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Offshore e-Mail

NeoMailBox - https://www.neomailbox.com/

Silent Circle - https://silentcircle.com/

Want More In-Depth Info?

If you would like more information on how to disappear (or just live a more private

life where you are) I highly recommend these two books for further study:

How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish

without a Trace and JJ Luna’s How to Be Invisible: Protect Your Home, Your

Children, Your Assets and Your Life.