underground etf profit blueprint - amazon s3 · underground etf profit blueprint introducing...

Underground ETF Profit Blueprint SPECIAL NOTE: We are on the verge of an unprecedented explosion of potential trading a group of funds that have largely remained ignored by the “mainstream” since their inception. I’m talking about Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of ETFs, because when you’re done with this report, here’s what you’ll learn: How select groups of traders have been quietly padding their portfolios with ETF profits for over a decade, and how you can, too. How you can get an unfair head start using specialized ETF strategies before the “mainstream” catches on. Don’t worry, it’s entirely legal. How to double your profit potential with half the effort by harnessing a special kind of ETF designed to pad your portfolio when the market tanks. How to finally let your IRA siphon profit potential out of bear runs. This littleknown technique essentially lets your IRA flex its muscles for the first time ever as you trade it almost like a regular brokerage account. …and a TON more. The bottom line is that no matter what you trade stocks, forex, futures, options you are leaving a ton of profit potential on the table if you aren’t including a solid ETF strategy in your trading “toolkit”. My goal with this report is to give you a clear blueprint to make you deadly knowledgeable about ETFs so you’re wellprepared to pounce on as much ETF profit potential as you can handle. What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses that you’d have to pay for. This is a HUGE report. Take your time to read it all. Good Trading, Bill Poulos Copyright © Profits Run, Inc. Page 1 of 57

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

SPECIAL NOTE: We are on the verge of an unprecedented explosion of potential trading a group of funds that have largely remained ignored by the “mainstream” since their inception. I’m talking about Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of ETFs, because when you’re done with this report, here’s what you’ll learn:

� How select groups of traders have been quietly padding their portfolios with ETF profits for over a decade, and how you can, too.

� How you can get an unfair head start using specialized ETF strategies before the “mainstream” catches on. Don’t worry, it’s entirely legal.

� How to double your profit potential with half the effort by harnessing a special kind of ETF designed to pad your portfolio when the market tanks.

� How to finally let your IRA siphon profit potential out of bear runs. This little‐known technique essentially lets your IRA flex its muscles for the first time ever as you trade it almost like a regular brokerage account.

� …and a TON more.

The bottom line is that no matter what you trade – stocks, forex, futures, options – you are leaving a ton of profit potential on the table if you aren’t including a solid ETF strategy in your trading “toolkit”. My goal with this report is to give you a clear blueprint to make you deadly knowledgeable about ETFs so you’re well‐prepared to pounce on as much ETF profit potential as you can handle.

What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses that you’d have to pay for. This is a HUGE report. Take your time to read it all.

Good Trading,

Bill Poulos

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

PLEASE PRINT THIS REPORT NOW!Please take a few seconds and print this entire report right now. Here’s why:

� When you print this report out, the chances that you’ll actually read it and learn something new about trading the ETF markets will increase dramatically. I have a collection of digital reports on my computer, and the only ones I’ve read all the way through are the ones I’ve printed out.

� When you print this report out, you can read it anywhere in your house (or on the road, for that matter). I love my family, but my home office is smack dab in the middle of the house, so it’s a high traffic area. Sometimes the only way I can get a solid chunk of time to read something I find online is if I print it out and take it somewhere else in the house.

� There is an activity in this report that requires you to answer some questions. The impact of this activity will be much greater if you actually get out a pencil or pen and actually write on this report. I highly recommend you spend some quality time completing this activity. Your future could depend on it.

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

Disclaimer: Stock, forex, futures, and options trading is not appropriate for everyone. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the information in this special report will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. Revision 01‐20080314.

Free Distribution Rights: As long as this report remains unchanged and in Adobe Reader (PDF) format, you have my permission to give away copies of it for free.

In This Report

On The Verge Of The ETF Explosion ........................................................................5

What is the advantage of trading ETFs as opposed to the trading some of the

With the technical analysis approach to trading ETFs, how long do I stay in a

Which is a better trading approach with ETFs: fundamental or technical analysis?

What is an ETF?.....................................................................................................10

Are ETFs only traded on U.S. stock exchanges? ....................................................12

securities in the ETF directly?................................................................................13

What brokers are suitable for ETF trading? ..........................................................13

Where can I find a list of all ETFs?.........................................................................14

Do ETFs pay dividends? .........................................................................................14

Do ETFs have taxable distributions like mutual funds? .........................................15

Are ETFs only suitable for people with big accounts? ...........................................15

How do I know which ETFs to buy?.......................................................................16

position? ...............................................................................................................17


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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

Can you day trade ETFs? .......................................................................................20

What is the best risk management strategy?........................................................21


How do I manage my account from a portfolio standpoint with ETF swing trading?

Are all ETFs appropriate for trading? ....................................................................23

Can I trade ETFs inside an IRA? .............................................................................25

Can you elaborate on the various types of ETFs available?...................................25

Can I apply stock swing trading methods to swing trading ETFs? .........................27

Can I trade options with ETFs? ..............................................................................30

Can you elaborate on trading ETF options and what is the best ETF options

strategy? ...............................................................................................................31

Why Are You Interested In Supercharging Your Portfolio? ...................................34

ETF Survey Summary.............................................................................................37

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

On The Verge of the ETF Explosion

Dear Trader,

We are on the verge of an “explosion” in the markets that you may never see again in your lifetime. For over a decade, select groups of seemingly “stealth” traders have been quietly padding their portfolios with profits pulled directly out of specialized types of trading funds. Now, to be clear, these funds haven’t intentionally been kept secret, nor do you need special access or accredited investor status to trade them. However, these funds have remained pretty much treated as a “curiosity” by the “mainstream” investing and trading communities.

But that’s all changing, and it’s still not too late to get your share of the “goodies” and add a new “profit pipeline” to your portfolio.

The information in this report has the potential to dramatically increase the profits you add to your trading portfolio, and it really does have the potential to change your life. That’s not hype, because the potential is real. It’s up to you to make it happen, and with this “blueprint” I want to show you the quickest path to joining this somewhat “insiders” club of quiet traders who’ve been enjoying these funds for years.

Now, I don’t think the traders already “in the know” are going to be too happy about the fact that I’m sharing this knowledge. After all, if you had a technique that you might call a “portfolio supercharger”, would you want others to know about it? I didn’t think so!

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

But I’m not concerned with what others think. It’s often been said that if you’re not ruffling a few feathers, you’re probably not doing a good job. And I’m pretty good at ruffling feathers, especially those belonging to the “big shots” in the mainstream investment world. You know the type… the smug “gurus” who look good on TV or have an entertaining shtick, but don’t ever speak in clear language or give step‐by‐step techniques that regular people like you and I can understand or use.

Well, since I began trading way back in 1974, I’ve been on a personal mission to make trading as profitable and as simple as possible, even if it goes against convention or “what’s popular”. And since I started teaching people from all over the world how to trade back in 2001, my suspicions that folks wanted clear and simple trading ideas have been confirmed many thousands of times over.

One final word before I dive into what I feel is the best and quickest way to unplug profit potential from these amazing funds… I might come across as a little harsh in this report, but I’m a plain‐speaking person and I don’t believe in sugar‐coating anything or misleading you with

false hopes. I just don’t think that’s fair, especially when it comes to your hard‐earned money. There are plenty of swindlers out there doing that already. So you’ll get the bare facts from me, like ‘em or not, so you’re empowered to take action and make positive decisions on how to succeed in the markets.

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

Introducing Exchange Traded Funds

So, the funds that I’m talking about here are called Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs. These funds have been hailed as a godsend by traders that truly “get it” and understand all their tremendous advantages. (And you’ll be among those traders, too, after you read this report.)

If you’re already familiar with ETFs you might be scratching your head and wondering what the big deal is. Well, in my research into ETFs over the years, I made a few astonishing discoveries that I’ll share with you a little later. But the short answer is that: Most traders that are familiar with ETFs don’t have a clue how to truly maximize their profit potential, and have been trying to trade them the absolute wrong way.

You’ll see what I mean as I peel back the layers of ETFs and give you the solid, factual insights you’ll need to succeed in these the markets the same way those “underground” traders have been doing it for years… right under the noses of the “mainstream” trading community.

Three Years of Begging & Pleading

For at least three years now, my students and readers have been begging and pleading with me to show them a good way to trade ETFs and work them into their overall portfolio. There’s something peculiar about the ETF markets, which you’ll learn here shortly – my readers noticed it, too, and that’s one of the reasons they were looking for my help.

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

During my ETF research, I found that more and more traders are beginning to “see the light” about the advantages and tremendous profit potential trading these funds. I even stumbled upon a few good trading ideas.

However, I noticed there was essentially a vacuum of good trading methods designed specifically for ETFs. And even those that I did find were mostly incomplete, leaving you to figure out the rest on your own. How frustrating!

As I began to piece together the true “behind the scenes” story of the ETF puzzle, I decided that instead of answering my readers’ questions one at a time, I needed to put together a comprehensive report that told the truth about the best ways to pull profits out of the ETF markets.

But to make sure I didn’t leave out any major concerns or questions, I sent an official survey to about 100,000 traders and asked them one question:

What’s your #1 question about trading ETFs?

I’ve used this simple survey technique in the past and it’s really helped me dig out the core concerns most of my readers have about any topic.

Terror & Excitement

This time was no different. I got deluged with questions and felt a tinge of terror for a second as I wondered what I had gotten myself into. There was no way I could answer all those questions, I thought. But things simmered down when I

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realized that they quickly fell into categories and a core set of common questions emerged.

If you’ve read my special reports I’ve published in the past about stocks and forex, then you know what’s coming next…

The top questions I got synced up almost perfectly with the research and testing I’d been immersed in. So I was super excited because I knew I could help all my readers out, and almost immediately.

But it goes a step farther… I only surveyed about 100,000 traders… but there are millions of traders that I can’t reach, so that’s why I decided that whatever kind of report I put together to help out my readers, I’d also let them give it away for FREE to anyone else they knew who might benefit from it.

So that brings us the report you’re looking at now, the Underground ETF Profit Blueprint. It is my sincere hope that this finds its way into the homes of as many traders as possible that are ready to make a positive, profitable addition to their trading portfolios.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

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Underground ETF Profit Blueprint

What is an ETF?

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund.

ETFs are a very exciting and fast‐growing segment of the investment industry and appear destined to replace mutual funds as the preferred vehicle for fund investing. They have been available since the early 90’s but are now growing at a geometric rate as more and more investors and traders become aware of the profit potential awaiting them with ETFs.

An ETF is a fund comprised of a group of stocks, bonds, or other investment vehicles similar to a mutual fund. However, unlike a mutual fund, ETFs trade like stocks allowing a trader to buy and sell during normal exchange trading hours. (See Figure 1, below, for a daily bar chart of a typical ETF using Trade Navigator charting software.) That means you can have immediate access to your funds upon selling an ETF position during normal market hours anytime you want. In addition, ETFs are generally more cost and tax efficient than mutual funds.

Figure 1 – EEM: iShares MSCI Emerging Index Fund

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However, when trading ETFs, there is a commission cost the same as you would have when trading stocks. There are no minimum buy requirements or holding period requirements common to many mutual funds. In fact you can buy as little as 1 share of an ETF as you would buy 1 share of a stock. And so ETFs are an excellent trading vehicle whereas mutual funds are not.

So that means you can get the diversification that a fund has to offer with giving up the ability to trade in and out of the fund. This is a big deal, because you can virtually eliminate stock specific risk by trading a basket of stocks within the fund so that if one stock in the fund suddenly drops in price, the negative impact on a position you may have in the fund would be far less than if you had owned a position in the shares of that particular stock.

There are many different types of funds available, in fact in the United States alone there are now over 600 funds currently, and more are being added each day.

ETFs include stock sector, country, currency, commodity, bond or other investment objective related funds. In addition, there are funds that have only short positions and are sometimes referred to as “short” funds, or “short ETFs”, which will increase in price as the short positions they hold go down in price.

Some funds are leveraged funds, meaning that when the stocks in their funds go up by say 5%, the fund could go up by 10% and short funds whose stocks go down in price by say 5%, could go down 10%.

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ETFs are also a growing investment vehicle in international stock markets as well. A prospectus on each ETF is available and information on the individual holdings of an ETF can be found on Yahoo Finance and other financial related websites.

However, not all ETFs are suitable for trading as many are thinly traded or too volatile to be considered good swing trading vehicles.

ETFs in the U.S. are created and maintained by sponsor companies subject to the approval and regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Are ETFs only traded on U.S. stock exchanges?

No, not at all. ETFs are also traded on stock exchanges around the world, such as the London, Toronto, and Australian stock exchanges. These exchanges are approving new ETFs at a rapid pace as they follow a similar growth curve as in the US.

In addition to the major exchanges mentioned above, ETFs are also available in the following markets:

� India � Sweden � Finland � Singapore � Hong Kong � South Korea � Japan � Turkey

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What is the advantage of trading ETFs as opposed to the trading some of the

securities in the ETF directly?

Simply put, it is diversification. Let’s say you feel that oil and gas stocks are a good buy, but are concerned about buying just one or two companies that could face an unexpected downturn in price due to some specific company related problem. By buying an oil and gas related ETF instead you dramatically minimize the stock specific risk because you are buying a basket of stocks not just one or two.

Another example, let’s say you feel that the US dollar will continue to weaken against the Euro, you could buy an ETF fund that holds Euro denominated assets instead of buying a forex

or futures position.

What brokers are suitable for ETF trading?

Most if not all online or discount brokers (regulated by their country’s regulatory body) that are suitable for stock trading are also suitable for ETF trading. The broker treats them both the same, since ETFs trade just like stocks. It is a good idea to use one of these brokers to minimize transaction costs (commissions) when trading ETFs.

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Where can I find a list of all ETFs?

Most good stock charting software packages also include an ETF list as well as, of course, the price charts for each of the listed ETFs. See Figure 2, below, for an example. Also, financial newspapers are a good source as well as many online services.

Figure 2 – TeleChart ETF List

Do ETFs pay dividends?

As a general rule, yes. When the companies owned by the ETF pay dividends, the ETF shareholders are entitled to those dividends. However, ETFs pay out those dividends according to different schedules. Some pay when one of their company holdings pays, others pay quarterly, others according to various schedules.

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Do ETFs have taxable distributions like mutual funds?

Some ETFs, on occasion, do have capital gains distributions but only for extenuating circumstances. As a rule most ETFs do not make capital gains distributions because they do not have to sell stocks in the fund to redeem shares. So, essentially, the tax implications of trading ETFs are the same as for trading stocks.

Are ETFs only suitable for people with big accounts?

In practice, you can buy as little as 1 share of an ETF so there is no minimum account size per se required to trade ETFs, unlike the case for many mutual funds. However each individual must assess their own financial circumstances.

A common circumstance is that many beginning traders want to learn how to trade, but have limited cash for trading. The advice I always give is to learn how to trade first, learn and master a good trading method, practice it over and over again with paper trading. You will then own the method for life. That is a big deal that gives you an edge in the markets that most others don't have. Then when the cash becomes available, you will be ready.

People with IRAs or other investment accounts may want to follow a strategy of allocating a portion of their account to ETF trading to have the potential of supercharging the returns on the total account. And others may elect to trade the entire account. Again, each individual must assess their own financial circumstances.

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How do I know which ETFs to buy?

Like you do with stocks, you have at least a couple of broad choices to choose from. One is you determine what to buy with fundamental analysis. And the other is with technical analysis. And a third would be a combination of the two.

With fundamental analysis you are trying to analyze economic factors, financial performance, competitive strengths and weaknesses, growth rates, threats to the business, and so on of the units (stocks, bonds, etc) held by the fund. And from that analysis select the best funds to buy. Another fundamental strategy is to switch in and out of different ETFs on a rotational basis to those that appear to be the leaders at any point in time.

Most fundamental approaches to investing in ETFs include a buy and hold kind of strategy where you are always 100% invested. One of the big problems with this approach is a long portfolio of ETFs will get hammered in a bear market and

take possibly years to recover to the initial investment level, no different than would be the case for individual stock or bond trading.

With technical analysis you are trying to analyze the action of the ETF share prices using trendlines, support and resistance levels, moving averages, and countless other price related indicators to determine good trading opportunities. Technical analysis is based on the belief that all fundamentals are already comprehended in the price of the shares and so an analysis of price is all that is required to make trading decisions.

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Most technical analysis approaches involve trading in and out of ETFs for a relatively short time frame rather than always being in the market fully invested, thus having the potential to stay in cash or be predominantly short in a bear market. The challenge for technical analysts is to develop an edge when trading the markets with common technical indicators but using uncommon trading tactics.

With the technical analysis approach to tradingETFs, how long do I stay in a position?

I believe the best approach to trading ETFs is with swing trading. Swing trading is a commonly used term to describe any method of trading whose trade duration lasts from a few days to a few weeks using daily charts. Position trading, on the other hand, is any method of trading whose trade duration lasts from weeks to months. The next category would be investing, which is typically viewed as being in a position for months to years.

Swing trading gets its name from putting on trades that attempt to capture swing moves typical of a bull market from a swing low (when the market corrects down after a sustained rally and then begins to go up once again) to a new swing high which would mark the end of the new rally. Or in a bear market, where the market makes a swing high (when the market rallies up after a sustained move down and then begins to go down once again) to a new swing low which would mark the end of the new leg down.

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Here is an example of swing trades that could have been made with good trading methods with USO – United States Oil Fund ETF. This has been plotted using Advanced GET charting software (Figure 3).

Figure 3 – Swing Trading Examples

There are many methods available that can be classified as swing trading methods. Some are good and some are not.

I believe that swing trading with the right methods is the best way to trade ETFs for a few reasons.

1. I believe that the trader has the opportunity to achieve the greatest gain for the time invested, meaning that only end of day data is considered in making trading decisions and consequently it is not necessary to sit in front of a computer all day long during market hours.

2. With swing trading you have the opportunity to use your account dollars more efficiently. For example, if it were possible to gain 10% in one trade lasting for 3 weeks, and then redeploying those same funds in the next

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trade opportunity, wouldn’t that be better than tying up those same funds for a 1 year trade that yielded 10%?

3. I believe you can use much tighter stops than is possible for methods aimed at longer trade durations.

Which is a better trading approach with ETFs: fundamental or technical analysis?

That is a matter of opinion. I believe technical analysis combined with risk and portfolio management rules applied to swing trading strategies is superior to a fundamental analysis approach that is always in the market. Furthermore, fundamental analysis of ETFs can be exhausting and after spending several hours on one ETF you may still not be able to come to any conclusion on whether or not it represents a good trading opportunity.

With good swing trading methods, on the other hand, you have the potential to profit in a matter of a few days to a few weeks by being very selective and waiting for only the best of the best trading opportunities and then when they occur be prepared to act.

This approach can be particularly powerful if your trading methods are so precise that you can then harness the power of good charting software ETF scanning capability. Here’s how it works. Your trading methods must be defined in such a way so that they can be easily programmed into any good charting software

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scanning program. Once done, all it takes is the push of a button each day after the markets close and voila, only those few ETFs that meet the trading method setup conditions appear out of the over 600 currently traded in the US.

The same goes for ETFs traded on exchanges around the world. Some days, there will be no selections and that is OK, because with this approach you only want the best of the best trade opportunities. Now compare that to slaving over the task of doing fundamental analysis on ETF after ETF with no clear way to convert all of that analysis into action. There’s no comparison.

And best of all with this approach you are only in the market when the opportunities occur and when they do not you are in cash out of harms way.

Can you day trade ETFs?

Yes, but I don’t recommend it.

Day trading requires a great deal of time staring at a computer during market hours where the trader tries to scalp the market for a few dollars by trading in and out of positions in minutes or hours at the most. Transaction costs are high and the success rate of day traders in general is low. Day trading in my opinion is simply not worth the effort given the highly risky nature of day trading and the time required and limited potential for reward.

It’s often been said that if you can’t make money trading after the market closes, you’ll almost certainly not make any money day trading.

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What is the best risk management strategy?

As is the case with all trading, it is very important to have a simple but powerful risk management strategy. Not all trades will be profitable, that is the nature of trading, and so you must have a strategy to exit each and every trade you enter into before you enter into the trade. Furthermore, while there are several complex approaches to risk management (such as optimal‐f), I believe simple is

better because if you understand your risk management strategy, you will be far more inclined to follow it without exception. That is why I have adopted the simple but powerful strategy of risking no more than 2% of the trading account size per trade.

For example, if you had an account size of $20,000, you would not risk more than $400 on the next trade. Risk here means the amount you would lose if the trade goes against you. So that if you lost 3 in a row, your account would still be in fairly good shape at around $18,824 and if you won 3 in a row with a reward to risk ratio of 3 to 1, your account would be in great shape at around $23,820.

This is a great discipline to follow because when you have a losing trade, you would automatically risk fewer dollars on the next trade and only risk more dollars following a profitable trade. This is the reverse of what emotionally driven traders usually do.

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How do I manage my account from a portfolio standpoint with ETF swing trading?

Here again, simple is better. I believe a great way to do this is by dividing your tradeable account by 10 into 10 separate increments. So with that same $20,000 account you would have 10 increments of $2,000 apiece. When your swing trading method identifies a high potential trade opportunity, you would then buy $2,000 worth of that ETF, provided however that you would not be risking more than 2% of your tradeable account size on that trade. And with this approach, you will find that most of the time you would be risking less than 2%. And when a second trade opportunity develops, you would then buy $2,000 worth of that ETF and so on up to a maximum of 10 positions.

Now, here is the great thing about this strategy. When the ETF markets are trending, offering good trading opportunities as defined by your trading method, you will have most of your account if not all invested in up to 10 ETF trades at the same time. And when the markets are choppy and/or not offering good trading opportunities, you will have only a few positions on or none at all at the same time.

So with this approach you should be in the markets when the opportunities are present and in the safety of cash when they are not. Your level of invested funds as a percent of your tradeable account will go up and down according to the opportunities available. This is an excellent way to aim at avoiding bear markets (or even profit from them), and at the same time avoiding choppy markets as well those that are just too risky to trade.

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Are all ETFs appropriate for trading?

This is a very important question and one that is not easily answered by most traders. But I have found a simple yet very powerful way to discriminate among ETFs to screen for only those that offer the best swing trading opportunities.

For a better idea of what I’m talking about, look at Figure 4. This is a chart of BMV – Claymore BIR Leaders Mid‐Cap Value ETF, plotted using Telechart charting software. This ETF is very thinly traded and not suitable for swing trading.

Figure 4 – Thinly traded ETF example

Figure 5, on the other hand, EWW – iShares MSC / Mexico Index Fund ETF, is heavily traded with an acceptable volatility level that is suitable for swing trading.

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Figure 5 – Heavily traded ETF example

So here’s my simple yet effective criteria for determining the best ETFs to swing trade.

� First, I use a volume filter that simply requires that an ETF have an average trading volume over the past 50 trading days that is greater than 300,000 shares per day (for US exchange traded ETFs and lower volume filters for other country exchange traded ETFs). This filter will rule out those ETFs that are too thinly traded to expect good order execution.

� Second, I use a volatility filter that is somewhat complex but easy to program into most good charting software search capability. Here it is:

o Volatility Filter: (Highest high of the past 30 days – Lowest low of the past 10 days) / Close < 0.15.

This filter will rule out those ETFs that are too volatile too trade because to do so would require taking on too much risk that is out of proportion to the potential reward.

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These two filters will find the ETFs that are most suitable for trading, which is about 20% of all ETFs available. These filters alone will greatly increase your chances of success as they rule out ETFs that are simply more risky to trade and not worth the effort.

Can I trade ETFs inside an IRA?

Yes, again because ETFs trade like stocks, they can be traded within an IRA as well and even some 401Ks.

Another advantage of trading ETFs in an IRA is that you can also buy “short” ETFs which could be a great way to hedge your overall portfolio against market downtrends or outright bear markets.

This is a very significant advantage as IRAs are not allowed to actually short stocks or ETFs or anything else for that matter. And again you have the advantage of diversification through the various types of ETFs offered without the higher fee structure and trading limitations of mutual funds.

Can you elaborate on the various types of ETFs available?

Following is a partial listing of ETFs by category to give you an idea of the variety available:

Commodity ETFs

� IAU ‐ iShares COMEX Gold Trust ETF � SLV ‐ iShares Silver Trust ETF � DGL ‐ PowerShares DB Gold Fund ETF � DBP ‐ PowerShares DB Precious Metals Fund ETF � GCC ‐ GreenHaven Continuous Commodity Index � GSG ‐ iShares GSCI Commodity‐Indexed Trust ETF

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� DBC ‐ PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund ETF � DBA ‐ PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund ETF � USO ‐ United States Oil Fund, LP ETF � UNG ‐ United States Natural Gas Fund, LP ETF � MOO ‐ Van Eck Market Vectors Agribusiness ETF

Currency ETFs

� DBV – PowerShares DB G 10 Currency Harvest Fund � UDN – PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund � UUP – PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund � FXE – Currency Shares Euro Trust ETF

US Stock Index ETFs

� SPY – SPDRs S&P 500 Trust Series ETF � DIA ‐ Diamonds Trust Series ETF � QQQQ – PowerShares QQQ Trust Series ETF

Small Cap ETFs

� GWX – SPDR S&P International Small Cap ETF � JSC – SPDR Russell/Normura Small Cap Japan ETF � DSV – SPDR D J Wilshire Small Cap Value ETF � DSG – SPDR D J Wilshire Small Cap Growth ETF

Sector ETFs

� VHT – Vanguard Health Care ETF � IYE – iShares Dow Jones US Energy Sector Index Fund ETF � IYR – iShares Dow Jones US Real Estate Index Fund ETF � PBE – PowerShares Dynamic Biotech Portfolio ETF � PJB – PowerShares Dynamic Banking Portfolio ETF � XES – SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ETF

Bond ETFs

� TIP – iShares Lehman TIPS Bond Fund ETF � AGG – iShares Lehman Aggregate Bond Fund ETF � BSV – Vanguard Short Term Bond ETF

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� MBB – iShares Lehman MBS Fixed‐Rate Bond ETF

International ETFs

� EWW – iShares MSCI Mexico Index Fund ETF � EWY – iShares MSCI South Korea Index Fund ETF � FXI – iShares FTSE/Xinua China 25 Index Fund ETF � ADRU – BLDRS Europe 100 ADR Index Fund ETF � GMF – SPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific ETF � GML – SPDR S&P Emerging Latin America ETF

Leveraged and Short ETFs

� SKF – ProShares UltraShort Financials ETF � RWM – ProShares Short Russell 2000 ETF � RXD – ProShares UltraShort Healthcare ETF � MYY – ProShares Short MidCap400 ETF

Can I apply stock swing trading methods to swing trading ETFs?

Yes and no.

While ETFs trade like stocks during normal exchange hours, the price behavior of ETFs is different as the price is determined by a group of stocks, bonds, etc. trading in unison and so the volatility levels and price patterns and just the general day to day ebb and flow of these ETF markets can be different in their price behavior than the individual equities that make them up.

For example, Figure 6 is a price chart of SKF – ProShares UltraShort Financials ETF where the price goes up when the financial stocks go down in price.

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Figure 6 – SKF ‐ ProShares UltraShort Financials ETF

Figure 7 is a price chart of C – Citigroup. Notice how the price of C has been trending down for months in a fairly deliberate manner whereas the ‘short’ fund SKF has been trending up as you would expect, but in a more erratic manner. Clearly, the price behaviors of SKF and C are different.

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Figure 7 – C ‐ Citigroup

Also, with ETFs, you have the added challenge of finding which sector or country or currency or commodity related ETFs are offering the best trading opportunities at any point in time. And for those reasons it is far better to apply trading methods that are specifically designed for ETFs.

And I don’t want to have to analyze or review the over 600 ETFs currently available to decide which ones offer the best opportunities, so I prefer to follow ETF trading methods that are powerful but easily programmable into good charting software scanning programs that can then tell me at the push of a button, with very selective precision, those ETFs offering the best opportunity.

Also, I believe it is better to be more conservative when trading ETFs than with individual stocks. After all, trading ETFs should be a more conservative kind of trading as you are already enjoying a level of diversification by trading a basket of stocks as opposed to an individual stock.

With stocks, there are almost always trading opportunities every day in the markets. And often times that is the case with ETFs as well, but with ETFs, I

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prefer to be even more selective than I am with stocks and wait for only the best of the best opportunities.

Can I trade options with ETFs?

Yes, since ETFs trade like stocks, there are also tradeable options on many ETFs. In my opinion, an option trader needs at least two things to trade options successfully. One is getting an appropriate education on options and the other is applying that knowledge to a good trading method. By so doing you have the “option” of trading options in lieu of the underlying security when your trading method signals a buying opportunity.

For example, if an ETF is selling at $40 a share, there may be an option available on that ETF that you could buy at, say, $8 a share. So if your trading method signaled a buy at $40 and you wanted to buy 100 shares at $40 that would be an investment of $4,000.

But instead, you could elect to buy 1 call option (the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying ETF at a strike price) which controls 100 shares of the ETF for $8 or a total investment of $800, thereby controlling 100 shares of the ETF with a much smaller investment.

But a strong word of caution here: Just because less money is required to enter into the option position does not mean that you should risk more on this trade than you would have had you bought the underlying ETF instead. You must follow good risk management principles in either case.

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Can you elaborate on trading ETF options andwhat is the best ETF options strategy?

This depends on the strategy of your trading method. For swing trading, I believe the best strategy is to use in‐the‐money call options. Following is an overview of option trading and trading with in‐the‐money call options.

Options present the opportunity for greatly increased leverage, but also increased risk if you do not use them properly. On the other hand, if used properly, options (vs. positions in the underlying security such as an ETF) can actually reduce the risk in a trade while at the same time maintain the leverage on the upside.

There are many things to know about options. There are the basic mechanics on how options work and then there are the various risk factors inherent in options. Those risk factors are measured by what is referred to as “the greeks.” The greeks include delta, gamma, theta, and vega; each measuring a different aspect of risk. You need to understand each of these risk factors before trading options as well as the risk curve for each option strategy that you use. Having said that, here are a few basics and one strategy (of the many available) that I believe is a simple, but effective use of options. That is simply buying in‐the‐money call options.

A call option is the right to buy the underlying security at a specified price (called the strike price) by a specified time (the expiration date). If the underlying security is trading below the strike price, the call option is said to be out‐of‐the money. If the underlying security is trading above the strike price, the call option is said to be in‐the‐money. And if the underlying security is trading at the strike

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price, the call or put option is said to be at‐the‐money. A put option on the other hand, is the right to sell the underlying security at a specified price by a specified time.

The price of an option has two components, intrinsic value and extrinsic or time value. One of the key attributes of an option to understand is volatility and its impact on the option price. The higher the implied volatility, the higher the extrinsic value will be and the higher will be the option price.

For example, if the ETF for a May 40 call option was trading at $45 in January, the option could be priced at $8, that would be $5 of intrinsic value ($45 ETF price ‐$40 option strike price) and $3 of extrinsic or time value. As expiration date approaches, the time value will “decay” down to zero at expiration. So when you own options with extrinsic value, you are fighting time.

Here’s a graph of the risk curve for the Nov 75 call option for a stock (but the same principle applies to ETF options) to further illustrate this point, compliments of Value Line. The vertical axis is the profit & loss of the option position (if the option was bought for $10.40 on 9/10/01) versus the horizontal axis which is the stock price. There are three curves plotted. The blue curve shows the impact on profit & loss at different stock prices as of 9/10/01. The pink curve shows the same thing but as of 10/14/01 and is lower than the blue curve due to time decay. And finally the brown curve also shows the same thing but at option expiration on 11/17/01 and is lower still as time decay has now driven the extrinsic value down to zero.

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A simple swing trading options strategy

Now here’s a simple strategy to use when swing trading. Instead of buying the ETF, buy a 1 or 2 strike in‐the‐money call option with at least 60 days until expiration. Most of the price of this option will be made up of intrinsic value and therefore almost move dollar‐for‐dollar as the stock price moves. In so doing, you will have minimized the effect of time decay and own an option that will mimic the movement of the stock with much less capital tied up.

There is one caveat: the option should have an open interest of greater than 500 to assure liquidity, allowing easy entry and exit with reasonable spreads and a decent fill. And for swing trading, this is what you want; an easy way to buy the option and an easy way to sell the option when the trade has concluded.

The foregoing example is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute a thorough education on options. But I wanted to give an example of one strategy that you can employ after receiving the proper education. I believe options can be very rewarding with the proper education.

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Why Are You Interested InSupercharging Your Portfolio?

As you’re digesting and assimilating all the information in this report, I want you to think about the underlying, core reasons why you’re actually interested in supercharging your portfolio, whether it’s with ETFs or other trading vehicles. For most traders, it’s because you want to improve or change something that’s not working for you.

So, to help you out, please take a few minutes and complete this short activity that I learned from Stephen Pierce a few years ago. I originally shared this in a special Forex report I released last year, but I got so much

positive feedback I thought it was important to include it here again.

I think you’ll find that it will help you clarify where you are, where you want to go, and what it’s going to take to get there. If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend you print this entire report out so you can actually write on it and fill in your answers to these questions. I’ve found by doing it that way, this exercise will be much more effective for you.

(By the way, if you’re an analytical person like I am, you might find this activity a little weird or uncomfortable – I know I did! But trust me, it forces you to think about what you really want in life, and the first time I did this activity, it was very profound for me. So if you’re feeling a little resistance, go ahead and smash through it and commit to taking the first step to creating the future you want RIGHT NOW.)

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1. What is your ultimate dream? This can be anything you want (for example, retiring early, traveling the world, sending your kids to college, starting your own charity, etc). Describe as if you already have and are currently experiencing it right now (for example, “I retired at age 40 and am currently on a world travel tour with my wife. So far, we’ve visited Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and have 8 more cities to visit this year.”)

2. What does your dream look like? Describe it in as much detail as possible. (Continuing with the example above, “My wife and I are healthy and happy as we effortlessly travel first class from country to country. A private limousine picks us up at each airport we land at whisks us off to the next 5‐star hotel.”)

3. What does your dream feel like? Again, use as much detail as you can. (For example, “It feels so good to be free and to be close to my family. The stress and strain I used to wake up with when I struggled to make ends meet is now gone. I feel totally relaxed and in control for the first time in my life.”)

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4. Write down 5 compelling reasons why you MUST transform this dream into reality. (For example, “My kids are getting older, and I MUST spend more free time with them before they grow up and move away.”)

1) ___________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________

4) ___________________________________________________________

5) ___________________________________________________________

5. Finally, write down 5 things that MUST CHANGE in order for you to achieve your dream. (For example, “I MUST dedicate at least 20 minutes every day to studying successful ETF mentors”, or “I MUST find a good trading method I can rely on so I can have confidence in placing trades”.)

1) ___________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________

4) ___________________________________________________________

5) ___________________________________________________________

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Now, save these pages and keep them somewhere where they can be reviewed every day. Even though I did this a few years ago, I still keep my answers next to my trading computer. It inspires me to stay focused and on target, and I hope this helps you do the same.

ETF Survey Summary

It was a lot of fun going through all the questions I got from conducting this survey on ETF trading. We all think we have unique problems and questions, but every time I do a survey I’m reminded that we’re not so different after all.

Remember to go back and re‐read these questions and answers at least a few times. Something that you missed the first time through will undoubtedly jump out at you in subsequent readings.

Also remember that the ETF markets are not magical or mysterious. They’re just markets. Period. And you can potentially pull profits out of the ETF markets just like with any other market. So with a good ETF trading method in hand, you should be well positioned to add ETF trading to your own personal trading “toolkit”.

I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to send me their top questions. In doing so, you helped a lot of traders who will read this report. And I hope you got at least one useful nugget of information about ETF trading. Remember, you are not alone in your quest to successfully trade the markets – as always, I am here to help you.

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“ETF Profit Driver” Release Date: Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Finally, my groundbreaking “ETF Profit Driver” home study course is almost ready for its official release on Tuesday, April 1st, 2008. This breakthrough course all about supercharging your portfolio with ETFs in less than 20 minutes a day will be released at 11am Eastern (New York time) on that Tuesday.

I am extremely proud of this product. It’s a complete, step‐by‐step guide that’s essentially the culmination of everything I’ve learned about how select groups of “underground” traders have been exploiting the ETF markets to their advantage for years. But instead of showing you how to trade just one method, the ETF Profit Driver reveals four complete methods that work together, synergistically, to dramatically increase your ability to potentially pull more profit out of these markets.

I Made 3 Shocking ETF Discoveries

First, I have a little confession to make. I’m a little crazy when it comes to trading.Well, I call it passion, because I really do LOVE TRADING, but my family members

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call it crazy. Whatever you call it, the fact remains that I’m always scientifically testing and tweaking new trading ideas, even though I already have a solid stable of methods and techniques. It’s just something I enjoy, and the good news is that you get to benefit from this passion, without having to spend endless hours analyzing charts. Some of my students like to think of me as their own personal trading “R&D Department”.

Now, because of my position in the trading education community, I am approached quite frequently by other traders, systems developers, companies, you name it. Many of them send me evaluation copies of their programs and methods to get my professional feedback and opinion. Some of the material I receive is quite good, but honestly, most of it is incomplete. The reason I tell you this is to impress upon you the amount of trading material I have in my personal library – I have a TON, and I believe I’ve seen just about every type of program on the market.

In reviewing all this material and in examining all the questions I’ve been receiving from my readers and students about ETFs, I made three key discoveries that were shocking to me.

The first discovery is twofold; one, ETF price behavior is NOT like stock price behavior, and two, most traders make the grave error of trying to trade ETFs with stock trading methods. Think about that for a minute… if stock trading methods are designed around stock market price behavior, and if ETF price behavior is not like stock market price behavior, then how effective do you think trading ETFs with a stock market trading method would be? Exactly. Not so hot.

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In fact, this is one of the reasons I believe ETFs have taken so long to gain momentum. I think too many mis‐guided traders who are just looking for a “quick fix” and who try to force a stock trading method on the ETF markets come to the false conclusion that they can’t profit from ETFs.

Bzzzzzzzz! Wrong!

From my research, I’ve found that ETF price behavior actually is more like the price behavior of indexes. And it was this observation that allowed me to develop the four cornerstone methods that are part of my ETF Profit Driver course.

The next discovery I made is that ETF price behavior makes it much more difficult to make profitable short trades than is the case with stocks.

At first, this was frustrating to me, but then I had a mini‐revelation. I realized that was OK, and in fact it opened up two new opportunities.

One, I realized I could use ‘short ETFs’ to capture profits in a bear run. Remember, these are ETFs whose stocks hold short positions, and all you need to do as an ETF trader is to buy the ‘short ETF’.

Two, this feature totally eliminates the need for you to learn a separate set of short trading methods. So what this means is that you get to double the amount of trading opportunities because there are ETFs suitable for bull and bear runs, but you also get to cut your learning curve in half because you just need to focus on mastering one “long” ETF trading method.

I think that’s so cool, and it’s one of the unique advantages to trading ETFs that you won’t find with other trading vehicles.

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Just a word of caution here… some traders might not understand the importance of what I just said, and they might insist on banging their head against their trading computer to come up with a viable short trading method for ETFs where they actually short the ETF (versus buying the ‘short ETF’). This kind of attitude is pure stubbornness, and you want to be careful you don’t fall into this trap. When you learn to embrace the unique behavior of the ETF markets, then you can “speak their language” and really begin to enjoy some nice trading experiences. Insisting on shorting ETFs “just because” you can do it with stocks is kind of like going to Italy and insisting on speaking English. You can do it, but you’ll have a much easier time working with the “native language”.

Finally, the third discovery is that ETFs are quite possibly the best trading vehicle to supercharge your IRA.

Most IRAs don’t let you short any investment vehicle, like stocks or mutual funds. This puts some big “shackles” around your profit potential because when the market heads south, there’s often a ton of money to be made… but only if you can somehow get on board a short position with controlled risk.

Because of the special ‘short ETF’, you can actually buy these ETFs with your IRA, but you essentially own a long position in a fund that is invested in short positions. I LOVE THIS! And you should, too.

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What this does is effectively double the trading muscle of your IRA because now, finally, you can use it to siphon potential profits out of bear runs; or, at a minimum hedge your long positions.

This is such a powerful concept that I almost named my course the ‘IRA Profit Driver’.

But it gets even better…

Less Than 20 Minutes A Day

There seems to be this romantic notion in some traders’ minds of becoming a “day trader”. They picture themselves sitting down in front of their trading computer with a cup of hot coffee, preparing to do battle all day long, and successfully plundering the markets, tick by tick, until their coffers are full with the spoils of the day’s adventure.

Say what?! If you’ve ever tried doing that, and you’ve figured out how to maintain enough energy while at the same time figured out how to not completely alienate your family (or your wife) then you should be bottling your secret and selling it!

Here’s what a typical day trading schedule might look like:

9:30am – Analyze markets 10:00am – Place trade 10:15am – Place a trailing stop 10:25am – Exit trade and look for more setups 10:30am – No setups, keep looking 10:35am – No setups, keep looking 10:40am – Setup found, place another trade 10:45am – Stopped‐out for a loss . .etc, etc, etc. . 12:30pm – Try to take a lunch break while watching the market with one eye so you don’t miss any setups 1:00pm – (more of the same) . .etc, etc, etc.

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. 4:00pm – Make sure you’ve exited all your trades 4:05pm ‐ Collapse

Honestly, day trading is not for me, and many of my readers have come to the same conclusion. Now, I’m not saying you can’t do very well day trading (I can even recommend some good day trading methods); however, I’d rather be doing the other things I love… like spending time with my family, visiting my grandkids, playing golf, traveling, whatever. Anything besides staring bleary‐eyed at charts

for hours a day.

So here’s where it gets even better… day trading is not necessary, and, in fact, I believe you can do far better in the markets using daily charts with a few minutes of analysis after the market closes.

And once you master all four of the methods I show you in the ETF Profit Driver course, your trading day can look like this:

7:00pm – Check short list of ETFs that meet strict search criteria 7:05pm – Apply the 4 ETF Profit Driver methods to this list to see which ETFs you should place trades on 7:15pm – Place your trades 7:20pm – Done

That all took about 20 minutes, and when you really get to know the methods, you can consistently apply the ETF Profit Driver in less than 20 minutes a day. How slick is that?

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Does all of these make sense? It’s really a BIG DEAL! Make sure you go back and read the preceding few pages if you’re still a little unclear on the profit potential we’re discussing here. What it all boils down to is this…

I’ve found a way to show you exactly, step‐by‐step, how to quickly identify the absolute best ETFs that are about to make a major market move. And by using the power of the ‘short ETF’, you’re prepared to take profits and control risk no matter which way the market moves – UP or DOWN. And here’s the kicker – I don’t just show you how to do this one way…

… I give you four complete methods, all based on my time‐tested principles, that allow you to identify as many profitable trading opportunities as possible.

And every method is a tight integration of the 4 main components that are a requirement of any good trading method: setup conditions, entry rules, initial stop rules, and exit strategy rules.

And for those who are options savvy, you can further leverage these methods with my simple in‐the‐money swing trading options strategy, which I described earlier in this report.

But whether you trade options or not, I show you how to use my Optimal Profit Exit Strategy in exact detail in the course, so you will always know how to protect your positions on the downside and at the same time be prepared to take profits out of your trades as quickly as possible.

And that’s why I decided to name my course the ETF Profit Driver – because I show you how to drive profits out of the ETF markets and into your portfolio with my four methods that you can use individually or together – synergistically – to maximize your profit‐taking and minimize your risk.

So the bottom line is this – no matter what happens in the ETF markets, with the ETF Profit Driver you will always know exactly what to do every time you place a trade. No exceptions. No matter the outcome. It’s that simple.

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Become Your Own ETF Selection Service

Let me share something with you that’s sure to “irk” some of the “gurus” out there. Here it is ‐many of them rope you into paying a monthly fee for their “clandestine” list of “picks” that have been chosen by some mysterious, proprietary technique.

Even if these picks end up making you money (most of the time they don’t), you’re forever chained to this “lifeline” and you’re not learning how to become a trader. You’re learning how to be a sheep and how to dutifully follow your master’s commands.

What happens if your “lifeline” goes out of business? You’re dead in the water.

I can’t stand this. That’s why with the ETF Profit Driver, I teach YOU how to come up with the ETFs to trade. I give you all the technical formulas. I give you the “keys to the kingdom”. Then, you’re forever free from relying on me or anyone else, and you still have everything you need to maximize your profit potential in the markets!

Now, as a convenience, I’ll likely offer a monthly service that will help you save time by giving you the daily ETF selections. However, this will be entirely optional.

My attitude has always been, “I want to teach you to become ‘your own guru’, so that you’re empowered to make all your trading decisions yourself.”

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And by giving you all the tools and formulas to make these decisions with the ETF Profit Driver, I’m also giving you everything you need to pretty much become your own ETF selection service.

I Finally Escaped Greg’s Dungeon

Those of you who’ve been following my teachings and methods over the years know about my son and partner, Greg. He makes everything look good for you and makes sure all my methods are complete. He also has a lot of experience with multimedia, so he’s been instrumental in helping me get all the course content recorded professionally and quickly, so I can get it into your hands as soon as possible.

After developing several trading courses over the years, Greg has the development process down pretty well. In the past, I recorded all the content in Greg’s professional $20,000 recording studio. He’s also a musician and that’s why he had it built 7 years ago in the basement of his home.

Now, it truly is a nice studio; however, it’s still in his basement. And it’s dark. So I like to tease him about that and joke about recording in his dungeon. I guess musicians like that for creative reasons, but I kind of prefer a brighter environment.

That’s why I was thrilled this time to be able to record the entire ETF Profit Driver course in my own, brand new combination office and recording studio. You see, we just moved into a new, larger office, and Greg set me up with the same recording technology he uses in his dungeon, I mean, studio.

In fact, here’s a picture he took during the recording sessions:

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Figure 8 – Bill Poulos recording the ETF Profit Driver

This was also the first time I didn’t have a crazy travel schedule that coincided with the development of this course, so we were all able to focus on it and get it done fairly quickly. But you don’t really know how it’s going to look until you hold the final product in your hands.

So after a week of editing and then another week waiting for the first prototype to come back from the printers, I finally got to hold the final version in my hands.

Forgive me if I sound a little hokey, but it’s beautiful. It rivals my other top‐quality trading courses, and it’s still of higher quality than any other trading course I’ve seen published by other traders. Everything about this course is the best I have ever seen (and I’m not just saying that because this is my course). The lucky few individuals who have already been through the course have given me the same feedback.

I’m constantly “raising the bar” in order to provide the best quality trading information to my readers and students, and I firmly believe the ETF Profit Driver is by far the most extensive ETF trading course I have ever seen. I know that might seem like a brazen comment to make, but here are the facts. I’ve been trading the markets since 1974, so I believe I’ve seen nearly everything out there. Also, I’ve been developing trading courses since 2001, and I’ve spent close

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to $100,000 of my own money researching, developing, and producing my courses to make sure they’re absolutely the highest quality on the market. So based on everything I’ve seen, I can’t think of any other course that compares to the ETF Profit Driver.

Many traders are going to be totally blown away when they learn the contents of this course. And not only that, the ETF trading education market is about to get turned on its ear. This course is going to raise the bar so high that I personally think other sub‐standard courses will need to be completely overhauled and re‐done if they hope to compete with the quality, content, and effectiveness of the ETF Profit Driver.

Top 4 Questions About The ETF Profit Driver

Ever since word leaked out that I was developing this course, four questions keep coming up from my students and readers, and I wanted to address them here.

The first question is, “How is this course different from other ETF courses out there?”

Here’s the answer: First, I wasn’t able to find a lot of ETF courses on the market. This will likely change once the ETF “explosion” happens; but from what I’ve seen so far, the ETF Profit Driver is different from all the other ETF courses that I’ve seen because it:

1. Drastically compresses the amount of time you need to spend actually trading (less than 20 minutes a night).

2. It is a complete trading method, including dedicated sections on risk management and portfolio management, as well a special section for

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beginners that teaches ETF and technical trading basics.

3. It gives you not one, but four complete, step‐by‐step methods that let you jump on the big ETF market moves in order to maximize your profit potential.

The next question I get is, “Do I need your course if I already am successful with another ETF trading method.” This is a fair question.

The answer is: It really depends on you. If you’re already successfully trading ETFs, then this course may not be for you. However, if you’re like me (and most of my readers) and want to learn how to spend as little time as possible trading while maximizing your profit potential with 4 separate but complementary trading methods designed specifically for the ETF markets, then the ETF Profit Driver may be right for you.

The third question I get a lot is, “How is the ETF Profit Driver different from your other courses?”

The answer: It’s the only course I’ve developed that’s designed specifically for ETF markets. And

because of the unique nature of ETF price data, you really need a dedicated ETF course to truly maximize your profit potential in these markets. And, in fact, as I discussed previously, if you try to “force feed” a stock trading method on ETFs, you are doing so at your own peril.

Finally, the last question I’m asked is, “If I’m already trading stocks, options, futures, or forex, why do I need to trade ETFs?” Great question.

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Here’s the answer: It all depends on your own personal situation, your own personal goals, and your own personal trading style. For example, if you mainly trade with your IRA, then the ETF Profit Driver may be the best option for you because of the flexibility and “muscle” it adds to your IRA, especially when it comes to bear runs. But regardless of what you’re currently trading, I’ve always condoned creating your own personal trading “toolkit” based a collection of trading methods you can use again and again, for the rest of your life, and even pass on to your family and children.

The bottom line is this – the more good methods you have, the more trading opportunities will be available to you, which ultimately translates into more profit potential. Using a language analogy again, if you only speak English, you don’t need to learn Italian or Spanish. You can get along just fine speaking English. However, if you learn Italian and Spanish, now your experience and opportunity just got a lot richer, because you can enjoy cultures that may have been closed off to you before.

And, of course, multiple trading methods let you diversify your trading portfolio, which is a great way to further manage risk. So that’s why I look at the ETF Profit Driver as a great way to supercharge your trading portfolio, whether it’s a regular brokerage account or an IRA.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am all about seeking the truth and discovering trading tactics that WORK. I just don’t care about the opinions or ideas of other so‐called “gurus”. I only care about results. And this is the exact

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reason I created my ETF Profit Driver course. So I can teach honest, hard‐working traders (just like you) more strategies, tactics, and trading philosophies I have worked so hard to discover over the past 30+ years that can potentially improve their trading results and bottom line. Period.

Here’s What’s Inside the Big White Box

The ETF Profit Driver contains seven (7) CD‐ROMs of hands‐on, step‐by‐step “video screen capture” tutorials that will let you discover the exact strategies and tactics that will help you find those lower risk / higher profit potential ETFs where a major swing move appears imminent. And I teach you how to potentially profit

no matter which way the markets move. I also include six “trading blueprints” that summarize each of the four ETF Profit Driver methods so you have a handy, “at‐a‐glance” summary you can keep right next to your trading computer so you always know exactly what to do – every time you place a trade.

There’s also a 229‐page full‐color reference guide with all the charts used in the CD‐ROMs. My students really love these reference guides because it’s very easy to flip to any page to get a quick refresher on the concepts you learn on the CD‐ROMs. Also, in order make sure you get off on the right foot, I

include a 12‐page Quick Start Guide that answers the most common questions about how to study and learn most effectively with the ETF Profit Driver.

I’m also working on a few surprises, too. I really want to make sure the ETF Profit Driver is the “final word” on ETF trading and something you’ll be proud to include as a permanent addition to your trading library.

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Why Am I Doing This?

Some of my readers ask me, “Bill, why do you spend so much time helping us out?” Good question, indeed. I do spend an awful lot of time answering questions from not only my students, but subscribers to my free email reports, too. Here’s the deal – as I said before, I really do love trading. No kidding around. I’m what you might call a “trading nerd”. Those that know me should not be surprised, however, because I was trained as an engineer and I have a master’s degree in finance.

And in case you were wondering, it’s not just about the money. Sure, I’m running a business, but honestly, I don’t need the money from my trading education business to survive. I have a solid pension from 36 years as an automotive executive, IRAs and 401(k)s that pay me every year, and I also have another completely separate automotive consulting business that requires very little of my time, but earns me more than most people make working a full time job. So if you pull my trading business completely out of the picture, my family and I are very comfortable. We are truly blessed.

That’s why with my trading business I decided to pay my employees very well, and I decided to pack as much value as possible into all my products. I also believe in giving back and donating to my favorite charitable organizations. So I think I’m really lucky and in a unique position because I don’t need to put myself through any unnecessary financial stress, which gives me the luxury of taking my time to really help out my students.

I’ve lived an amazing life so far, and at my age it feels so good to be able to help so many people out from around the world. I think this is my true calling in life,

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and I’m really glad I’m able to be able to mentor and coach so many traders so that they, too, have the real potential to achieve the freedom they’re looking for.

Can You Do It, Too?

A question I get asked a lot is, “I’m not sure if I have what it takes to be successful with your trading course. Can I achieve the same results and be as successful as your other students are?” This is a natural concern and a fair question…

…and here’s the answer: You don’t need to have a master’s degree in finance like I do, nor do you need to have over 30 years of experience riding the emotional roller coasters of the markets. All you really need is the desire and drive to want to supercharge your portfolio, and then the ability to “pull the trigger”, stay disciplined, and take action on what you’ve learned.

Can you do it alone? Maybe, it certainly is possible. But the question then becomes, “How long will it take you, and how much money will the market suck out of your trading account before you figure it out?” I know. I’ve been there.

But I also know for a fact that even if you only learn and apply just one of the four methods I expose to you in the ETF Profit Driver course that you’ll be trading with 100% confidence from day one and you’ll also be using time‐tested trading principles that 90% of all ETF traders don’t even know about.

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Brand New Online Video For You to Watch

I just put up a brand new, never‐before‐seen video that you can watch online RIGHT NOW. It’s 10 minutes and 50 seconds long, and it teaches you exactly how I narrow down the list of 600+ ETFs to find the ones that offer the lowest risk and highest probability, putting the risk/reward mix dramatically in our favor.

Go to this web page right now to watch this brand new video.


On the web page that contains the new video, you’ll notice a form below it that asks for your name and email.

I’m using this build a “Fast Movers List” for the release of the ETF Profit Driver. Don’t worry; you don’t need to submit your name to watch the video. However, if you have any interest in securing a copy of the ETF Profit Driver, I urge you to just go to the page and submit the form RIGHT NOW.

Why? For 2 specific reasons.

1. I am limiting the release of the ETF Profit Driver to only 450 copies because I want to make sure that I am able to support the ETF Profit Driver students. I don’t believe it’s fair to sell 5,000 copies of this course when I know in my heart that there’s no way I could support that many students right now.

2. I am also limiting the initial release to only 7 days. After 7 days, I will remove the order page, even if I have not sold all 450 copies. Why? Because I don’t want to worry about shipping out more copies of the ETF Profit Driver every day. I don’t want to spend time answering ordering questions. I would rather put my energy into making sure all my students that acted and purchased their own copy of the course during the first week understand the materials and have all of their questions answered in a timely manner. This way, we can proceed forward almost as a virtual “class”.

So it’s either 450 copies or 7 days ‐ whichever comes first. If I have copies of the ETF Profit Driver left over after the first 7 days, I will not sell these until I am

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certain that the first “charter group” of students is successfully getting the support they need and things are running smoothly and flawlessly.

If you don’t get your copy during the first 7 days, I can’t guarantee when the ETF Profit Driver will be available again. It may be 4 weeks, it may be 4 months… it could be a year. All I know is that if you don’t reserve your copy during the first 7 days, you WILL have to wait to get your copy, and maybe a long time. Here is exactly what you’ll see on the order page after the first 7 days are up:

So if you have ANY interest in picking up your own copy of the ETF Profit Driver when it’s released, you really need to join the “Fast Movers List”. The traders on this list (based on first‐come, first‐served) will have their courses shipped first.

I will even email the Fast Movers List a special order link that will be activated ONE FULL HOUR before the official launch time – this will let them grab their copy of the course at 11am Eastern on Tuesday, April 1st. One hour might not seem like a lot to you, but I’ve seen other courses sell out very quickly in the past,

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so one hour may be that extra time you need to guarantee you receive your own copy of the ETF Profit Driver.

Success Stories from My Students!

As I mentioned before, I’ve been teaching traders just like you how to trade the markets since 2001. My students come from all walks of life, and from all over the world. Young or old, novice or expert, I enjoy teaching them all, and look forward to helping you become “your own guru”, too, so that you are empowered to make all your trading decisions yourself, without having to rely on someone else ever again.

Here are just a few of their kind words. And I’m willing to bet that you’ll be sending me your success story, too, after a few weeks with the ETF Profit Driver.

"I'm an old trader and have learned over the years to beone of the 10% who makes money, and I can unequivocallystate that you know how to teach the hardest thing in allof trading ... Making Money!"

-Dr. John Shepard, Ft. Collins, Colorado*

"I can't believe there's someone out there who's so down-to-earth and accessible to the student trader. I look forward to every new example chart you send out."

-Corky Sinclair, Novato, California*

“I love learning from people who keep things simple andconcise. Being a college graduate and having a dentaldegree, over the years I have seen great teachers. You arethe best. Again thank you.”

-John Supczenski, DDS*

“Bill, I have been trading on too many parameters and havebeen confused. But thanks to your e-mails, trading hasbecome much easier and profitable. Thanks & regards.”

-Arun Mewawalla, India*

"In 18 years of trading, yours is the only method I havefound which answers all my questions and has continualbackup and an ongoing interest in my progress. I haveabsolutely no doubt that with the same commitment and

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expertise your new venture will be as good if not better.The very best of luck."

-Alan Simpson, Kilmacolm, Scotland

“Money management and trading discipline were my biggestfailures until I came across your easy to digestinformation. I sincerely appreciate your excellent teachingcourses that have enabled me to begin profiting.”

-Dave Harding, Anchorage, Alaska*

*No representation is being made that these results can or will be obtained in the future, or that losses were not incurred subsequent to the date on which the testimonial was provided. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading forex, futures, stocks, and options. Only risk capital should be used.

Finally, I’m so convinced that you’ll benefit from my new course, I’m going to have a money‐back guarantee on the priority enrollment form when it’s released to the public on Tuesday, April 1st, 2008.

Well, that’s about it for this report, my Underground ETF Profit Blueprint. I really hope you’ve found some value in this report that will help you in your trading. Don’t forget to watch the free video that reveals how to find the absolute best ETFs to trade. And don’t forget to join the “Fast Movers List”. Here’s the web page again where you can see the video:


Good Trading,

Bill Poulos

P.S. You can track the progress of the ETF Profit Driver release and make comments on the information in this report by visiting the ETF Profit Driver news site at www.etfprofitdriver.com/news.

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