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Page 1: unctionalF Analysis Oral Exam study notes Notes transcribed by … · 2015-09-30 · Abstract. These are some study notes that I made while studying for my oral exams on the topic

Functional Analysis Oral Exam study notes

Notes transcribed by Mihai Nica

Page 2: unctionalF Analysis Oral Exam study notes Notes transcribed by … · 2015-09-30 · Abstract. These are some study notes that I made while studying for my oral exams on the topic

Abstract. These are some study notes that I made while studying for myoral exams on the topic of Functional Analysis. I took these notes from partsof the textbooks A Course in Functional Analysis by John B. Conway [1],Functional Analysis by Peter Lax [2] and Methods of modern mathematicalphysics: Functional analysis by Michael Reed, Barry Simon[3] and also a verynice real life course taught by Sinan Gunturk in by Spring 2013 at Courant .Please be extremely caution with these notes: they are rough notes and wereoriginally only for me to help me study. They are not complete and likely haveerrors. I have made them available to help other students on their oral exams.

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Baire Category Theorem 5

The Hahn-Banach Theorem 8

Hilbert Spaces 123.1. Elementary Properties and Examples 123.2. Orthogonality 133.3. Riesz Representation Theorem 163.4. Orthonormal Sets of Vectors and Bases 173.5. Isomorphic Hilbert Spaces and the Fourier Transform 193.6. Direct Sum of Hilbert Spaces 20

Operators on Hilbert Spaces 214.7. Basic Stu 214.8. Adjoint of an Operator 224.9. Projections and Idempotents; Invariant and Reducing Subspaces 264.10. Compact Operators 274.11. The Diagonalization of Compact Self-Adjoint Operators 31

Banach Spaces 345.12. Elementary Properties and Examples 345.13. Linear Operators on a Normed Space 365.14. Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 375.15. Quotients and Products of Normed Spaces 385.16. Linear Functionals 385.17. The Hahn-Banach Theorem 405.18. An Application: Banach Limits 415.19. An Application: Runge's Theorem 415.20. An Application: Ordered Vector Spaces 425.21. The Dual of a Quotient Space and a Subspace 425.22. Reexive Spaces 425.23. The Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems 425.24. Complemented Subspaces of a Banach Space 445.25. The Principle of Uniform Boundedness 44

Locally Convex Spaces 466.26. Elementary Properties and Examples 466.27. Metrizable and Normable Locally Convex Spaces 476.28. Some Geometric Consequence of the Hahn-Banach Theorem 48

Weak Topologies 51


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7.29. Duality 517.30. The Dual of a Subspace and a Quotient Space 527.31. Alaoglu's Theorem 527.32. Reexivity Revisited 527.33. Separability and Metrizability 547.34. An Application: The Stone-Cech Compactication 547.35. The Krein-Milman Theorem 54

Fredholm Thoery of Integral Equations 55

Bounded Operators 609.36. Topolgies on Bounded operators 609.37. Adjoitns 619.38. The Spectrum 62

Facts about the spectrum of an operator 6510.39. The resolvent function is analytic and the spectrum is an open,

bounded, non-empty set. 6510.40. Subdividing the Spectrum 6610.41. The Spectral Theory of Compact Operator 68

Bibliography 70

Page 5: unctionalF Analysis Oral Exam study notes Notes transcribed by … · 2015-09-30 · Abstract. These are some study notes that I made while studying for my oral exams on the topic

Baire Category Theorem

These are based on in class notes and also from [1].

Definition. A set A in a metric space is called nowhere dense if the closureof A has empty interior. (A) = ∅.

Example. The rationals are NOT nowhere dense. A nite number of pointsis nowhere dense. Cantor sets are nowhere dense sets. Subsets of nowhere densesets are nowhere dense.

Remark. Finite unions of nowhere dense sets are still nowhere dense. ∪ni=1Ai


)= ∪ni=1Ai

= ∅.

Definition. A set A which can be written as a countable union of nowheredense sets is called 1st Category or Meagre. Sets which cannot be written this wayare called 2nd Category or Nonmeagre.

Example. The countable union of meagre sets is still meager. Any subset ofa meager set is still meager.

Lemma. Let X be a complete metrix space. If Un is a sequence of open densesets, then ∩nUn is also dense.

Proof. Skip for now.

Theorem. A complete metric space is always second catergory or non-meager.

Proof. Skip for now.

Important Consequences:


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Name Statement

Banach-SchauderOpen Mapping


Let X,Y be Banach spaces and let T ∈ B(X,Y ) be a bounded linear map.Suppose morevoer that T is onto. Then T is an open map.

Corr If T is a continuous linear bijection from X to Y then T−1 is continous too.

Corr If ‖·‖1 and ‖·‖2 are two norms on a space X, and there is an m so that‖·‖1 ≤ m ‖·‖2, then there exists M so that ‖·‖1 ≥M ‖·‖2

The Closed GraphTheorem

Let X,Y be Banach spaces and let T : X → Y be linear. LetΓ(T ) = (x, T (x)) : x ∈ X be the graph of T . Then T is continuous if and

only if Γ(T ) is closed.Banach-Steinhaus


Suppose X,Y are Banach spaces and (Tα)α∈Λ is a collection of boundedlinear maps. Let E = x ∈ X : supα∈Λ ‖Tαx‖ <∞. If E is 2nd category ornonmenager, then supα∈Λ ‖Tα‖ <∞. I.e. the T ′αs are uniformly bounded. By

the Baire category theorem, it is enough to show E = X.(Slightly Stronger

version)(Same setup as above) Let M = Ec = x ∈ X : supα ‖Tαx‖ =∞. Then

either M is empty or M is a dense Gδ set.

Theorem. (Banach-Steinhaus Uniform Boundedness Principle) Suppose X,Yare Banach spaces and (Tα)α∈Λ is a collection of bounded linear maps. Let E =x ∈ X : supα∈Λ ‖Tαx‖ <∞. If E = X is all of X then supα∈Λ ‖Tα‖ < ∞. I.e.the T ′αs are uniformly bounded.

Proof. Let En = x ∈ X : supα∈Λ ‖Tαx‖ ≤ n so that E = ∪nEn. Notice

also that En = ∩α ‖Tα(·)‖−1[0, n] is an intersection of closed sets (because x →

‖Tαx‖ is continuous), so En is closed. Since E is not 1st category, we know thatE cannot be written as a countable union of nowhere dense sets. Hence it must bethe case that at least one En is not nowhere dense. In other words, ∃n0 so thatEn06= ∅. Hence ∃x0, r so that Br(x0) ⊂ En0


For any x with ‖x‖ ≤ r now, notice that x0 + x ∈ Br(x0) ⊂ En0. Hence for

such x, we know by denition of En0that supα ‖Tα(x0 + x)‖ ≤ n0. Have then for

any ‖x‖ ≤ r:

supα‖Tαx‖ = sup

α‖Tα(x0 + x)− Tα(x0)‖

≤ supα

(‖Tα(x0 + x)‖+ ‖Tα(x0)‖)

≤ n0 + n0 = 2n0

So by scaling, we conclude that for any x with ‖x‖ ≤ 1 that supα ‖Tαx‖ ≤ 2n0

r .

Have nally then that supα ‖Tα‖ = supα sup‖x‖=1 ‖Tαx‖ ≤ 2n0

r <∞.

Theorem. (The slightly stronger version) (Same setup as Banach-Steinhaus)Let M = Ec = x ∈ X : supα ‖Tαx‖ <∞. Then either M is empty or M is adense Gδ set.

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Let Un = x ∈ X : supα ‖Tαx‖ > n so that M =⋂α Un. Notice that we can


Un =⋃α

x ∈ X : ‖Tαx‖ > n




since the map x → ‖Tαx‖ is continuous each set ‖Tα(·)‖−1(n,∞) is open and we

see from this that Un is a union of open sets. Since M =⋂α Un, we see that M is

a Gδ-set.Claim: Either M is empty or Un is dense set for every n ∈ N.Pf: It suces to show the following: if there is a single n0 for which Un0

is notdense, then M is empty. Suppose Un0 is not dense. Then, by denition of dense,

Un06= X. In other words this is Un0

c 6= ∅. Now, Un0is a closed set, so we know

that Un0

cis an open set. Hence, since this is a non-empty open set, we can nd

x0 ∈ X and r > 0 so that Br(x0) ⊂ Un0


Consider any x ∈ X with ‖x‖ ≤ r. Then x0 + x ∈ Br(x0) ⊂ Un0

c. Hence

x0 + x /∈ Un0. By denition of Un this means that supα ‖Tα(x0 + x)‖ ≤ n. Using

scaling and translation invariance, we have then that for any x with ‖x‖ ≤ 1 that:

supα‖Tαx‖ =




rsupα‖Tα(x0 + rx)− Tα(x0)‖

≤ 1


(‖Tα(x0 + rx)‖+ ‖Tα(x0 + 0)‖)

≤ 1

r(n0 + n0) since ‖rx‖ ≤ rand ‖0‖ ≤ r


rFinally then we see that the Tαare uniformly bounded,

supα‖Tα‖ = sup



≤ 2n0


This means that M is the empty set, because for every x ∈ X we have that‖Tαx‖ ≤ supα ‖Tα‖ ‖x‖ <∞ so x /∈M .

Combining the initial remarks and the claim we see that M is either emptyor otherwise we have that M = ∩nUn and every Un is dense. Since the countableintersection of open dense sets is dense (this was the main lemma in the pf of Baire'stheorem), in the latter case we see that M is a dense Gδ set, as desired.

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The Hahn-Banach Theorem

These are based on in class notes and also from [1].H-B = Hahn-Banach for the rest of this section.In all the statements the set up is:

(X, ‖·‖) ≡ A normed vector space over the eld FF ≡ The eld that Xis over. Will either be Ror CM ≡ A linear subspace of X

p ≡ A sub-linear functional p : X → R, i.e. psatises:p(x+ y) ≤ p(x) + p(y), p(ax) = ap(x) ∀a > 0.

q ≡ A semi-norm q : X → R, i.e. qsatises:q(x+ y) ≤ q(x) + q(y), q(λx) = |λ|q(x) ∀λ ∈ C.(Rmk: semi-norm is stricter than sub-linear functional)

`A ≡ A linear functional `A : A→ Fwhere Awill be some subspace of X

`A ≤ p ≡ Shorthhand for:`A(x) ≤ p(x) ∀x ∈ A`A ≤ q ≡ Shorthhand for:`A(x) ≤ q(x) ∀x ∈ A


`A ≡ ”`B extends `A", shorthand for " A ⊂ Band `A(x) = `B(x)∀x ∈ A”

Below is a table with all the dierent avours of the H-B theorem.


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Name F Hypothesis Conclusion Pf

Baby H-BThm

R `M ≤ p; x0 ∈ X −M . DeneM ⊕ x0R =

x+ λx0 : x ∈M,λ ∈ R


`M so that`M⊕x0R ≤ p

Can nd the correct `M⊕x0Ras long as we candene `M⊕x0R(x0) to be in some particularinterval. The fact `M ≤ p can be used toshow that this interval is non-empty.

Real H-BThm

R `M ≤ p ∃`Xext.

`M so that`X ≤ p

Zorn's Lemma is used with the partial

ordering ext.

. Every totally ordered set hasa maximal element by taking the union of allthe subspaces. By Zorn's Lemma, there is amaximal element. By the Baby H-B Thm,the maximal element cannot be a proper

subspace of X.

ComplexH-B Thm

C |`M | ≤ q ∃`Xext.

`M so that|`X | ≤ q

Use the Real H-B Thm to prove this one. Itsa pretty unenlightening proof involvingmanipulations with complex numbers.


F x0 ∈ X − ~0 ∃` ∈ X?s.t.‖`‖X? = 1,`(x0) = ‖x‖

Apply the H-B thm on the spaceM = λx0 : λ ∈ F with the functional

`M (λx0) := λ ‖x0‖ and seminorm q(x) = ‖x‖.The extension `X


`M is what we want.The ineq |`X | ≤ q gives that ‖`‖X? ≤ 1 bylinearity. The other inequality is clear by

pluggin in x0.

AnalyticH-B Thm

F `M ∈M? ∃`X ∈ X?, `Xext.

`Mwith ‖`X‖X? = ‖`M‖M?

Let q(x) = ‖`M‖M? ‖x‖ be the seminorm.Then apply H-B thm. The ineq |`X | ≤ qgives that ‖`X‖X? ≤ ‖`M‖M? by linearity.

The other ineq is clear since M ⊂ XProjectionH-B Thm

F x0 ∈ X − M such thatdist(x0,M) > 0

∃` ∈ X?s.t. `|M = 0 and`(x0) = 1 and

‖`‖X? = 1dist(x0,M)

Let M1 = M ⊕ x0F and dene`M1(x+ λx0) = λ.

‖`M1‖ = supx∈M,λ∈F|λ|



‖ xλ+x0‖= 1dist(x0,M)

Then use the Analytic H-B thm to extend to`X .

Theorem. (Baby H-B Thm) Suppose`M ≤ p and that x0 ∈ X −M . Dene

M ⊕ x0R = x+ λx0 : x ∈M,λ ∈ R. Then ∃`M⊕x0Rext.

`M so that `M⊕x0R ≤ p.

Proof. Suppose we found a value`(x0) that we liked a lot. Then we coulddene: `M⊕x0R(x+λx0) = `M (x) +λ`(x0) and we would have found the functional


`M we want! Of course, since we want `M⊕xR ≤ p, not just any valueof `(x0) will do. We need `(x0) to obey the following inequalities:

Claim 1: For a xed value `(x0), dene `M⊕x0R(x + λx0) = `M (x) + λ`(x0).Then:

`M⊕x0R ≤ p ⇐⇒ ∀x ∈M,`M (x) + `(x0) ≤ p(x+ x0) and`M (x)− `(x0) ≤ p(x− x0)

Pf: (⇒) Plug in x± x0 into `M⊕x0R ≤ p, get `M⊕x0R(x± x0) ≤ p(x± x0). Byusing the denition of `M⊕x0R on the LHS, we get the desired inequalities.

(⇐)Let x+λx0 ∈M ⊕x0R be arbitrary. There are two cases, one where λ > 0and one where λ ≤ 0. We handle both cases simultaneously by using the ±sign

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abusivly and writing λ = ±|λ|. Write:

`M⊕x0R(x+ λx0) = `M⊕x0R(x± |λ|x0)

= |λ|(`M⊕x0R


|λ|± x0

))= |λ|




)± ` (x0)

)by def'n of `M⊕x0R

≤ |λ|(p



)± p(x0)

)by the hypothesis inequalities

= p (x± |λ|x0) since pis a sublinear functional

= p(x+ λx0)

So indeed, `M⊕x0R ≤ p To show that a value of `(x0) exists which satises the inequalities from Claim

1, we need the following to hold for all x ∈M :

`M (x)− p(x− x0) ≤ `(x0) ≤ p(x+ x0)− `M (x)

It suces then to show that ∀x1, x2 ∈ M that `M (x1) − p(x1 − x0) ≤ p(x2 +x0) − `M (x2). Indeed, this is a consequence of `M ≤ p. Pluggin in x1 + x2 into`M ≤ p , we have:

`M (x1) + `M (x2) = `M (x1 + x2)

≤ p(x1 + x2)

= p ((x1 − x0) + (x0 + x2))

≤ p(x1 − x0) + p(x0 + x2)

Rearranging now gives the desired inequality.

Lemma. (Zorn's Lemma) A partial ordering on a set P is a relation ” ”that is reexive (a a), antisymetric (a b,b a =⇒ a = b), and transitive(a b, b c =⇒ a c). Suppose that every totally ordered subset (i.e. a set inwhich for every pair a, b either a b or b a), aαα∈Λ has an upper bound inP (i.e. an element a?,Λ ∈ P so that aα a?,Λfor all α ∈ Λ). Then P contains atleast one maximal element (i.e. an a? so that a a? for all a ∈ P ).

Remark. This is equivalent to the axiom of choice, but the proof is non-trivial!

Theorem. (Real H-B Theorem) Let X be a normed vector space over R, p asublinear functional on X, M a subspace, and `M : M → R a linear functional suchthat `M ≤ p (i.e.`M (x) ≤ p(x)∀x ∈M). Then ∃`X a linear functional that extends


`M (i.e. `M (x) = `X(x)∀x ∈M) and `X ≤ p (i.e.`X(x) ≤ p(x) ∀x ∈ X)

Proof. Let P =`A : A→ R : `A



be the space of all linear func-

tions which are dened on subspaces A of X. Then ”ext.

” is a partial ordering

on P (Rmk: one way to see this is to notice thatext.

is inclusion of the graphs, that is


`B i Graph (`A) ⊃ Graph (`B) where Graph(f) = (x, f(x)), x ∈ Domain (f).Moreover, every totally ordered subset has a maximum element in P . Namely, if`Aαα∈Λ is a totally ordered set, then dene A?,Λ = ∪α∈ΛAα and `A?,Λ(x) =`Aα(x) for x ∈ Aα. (This is well dened because `Aαα∈Λ is a totally ordered set).

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Now by the conclusion of Zorn's lemma, there is a maximal element `A? for allof P . Now we claim that A? = X. Indeed, if by contradiction, A? 6= X, then thereis at least one element x0 ∈ X − A?. But now by the Baby H-B Thm, we can getan extension `A?⊕x0R. But this contradicts the maximality of `A? in P ! So it mustbe that A? = X.

Theorem. (Complex H-B Theorem) Let X be a normed vector space over C,q a seminorm on X, M a subspace, and `M : M → C a linear functional such that|`M | ≤ q (i.e.|`M (x)| ≤ q(x) ∀x ∈ M). Then ∃`X a linear functional that extends


`M (i.e. `M (x) = `X(x)∀x ∈M) and |`X | ≤ q (i.e.|`X(x)| ≤ q(x) ∀x ∈ X)

Proof. (By manipulations using the Real H-B Thm) Let uM (x) = Re(`M (x))and v(x) = Im(`M (x)) so that `M = uM +ivM . uM and vM are seen to be R−linearfunctionals, because `M is R-linear. (`M is more than R−linear actually!) Since`M is actually C-linear, we have that:

vM (x) = Im (`M (x)) = Re(−i`M (x)) = Re(`M (ix)) = uM (ix)

So then `M (x) = uM (x)+iuM (ix) can be entirely reconstructed from uM . Now,q being a semi-norm, is also a sublinear map (which is a slightly looser condition),

and uM (x) ≤ |`M (x)| ≤ q(x). So applying the Real H-B Thm we get a uXext.


and uX ≤ q(x). Now let `X(x) = uX(x)+iuX(ix). One now veries that `Xext.

`M(our calculation early basically did this). Finally to check that |`X | ≤ q have:

|`X(x)| = eiθ`X(x) for some θ

= `X(eiθx)

= Re(`X(eiθx)) since the LHS is real

= uX(eiθx)

≤ q(eiθx) since |`X | ≤ q= |eiθ|q(x) = q(x) since qis a seminorm.

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Hilbert Spaces

These are notes from Chapter 1 of [1].

3.1. Elementary Properties and Examples

Definition. 1.1. Denition of a semi-inner product on a vector space X ;it is sesqui-linear (i.e its bilinear except for conjugation in the second slot), non-

negative denite (i.e. 〈x, x〉 ≥ 0) and Hermitian (〈x, y〉 = 〈y, x〉). An innerproduct is one that is also positive denite, 〈x, x〉 = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0.

Example. 1.2-1.3 L2(µ) on a measure space (X,Ω, µ).

Theorem. 1.4 (Cauchy-Schwarz Ineq) If 〈·, ·〉is a semi-inner product on Xthen:

|〈x, y〉|2 ≤ 〈x, x〉 〈y, y〉 = ‖x‖2 ‖y‖2

Proof. Use 0 ≤ 〈x− αy, x− αy〉 and put α = te−iθ where θ is such that〈x, y〉 = beiθ, and get a quadratic in t which has no real roots so its discriminet isnon-positive.

Corollary. (1.5) a) ‖x+ y‖ ≤ ‖x‖+‖y‖, b) ‖αx‖ = |α| ‖x‖ c) ‖x‖ = 0 ⇐⇒x = 0 for true inner products.

Proof. a) follows since:

‖x+ y‖2 = ‖x‖2 + 2Re 〈x, y〉+ ‖y‖2

≤ ‖x‖2 + 2 |〈x, y〉|+ ‖y‖2

≤ ‖x‖2 + 2 ‖x‖ ‖y‖+ ‖y‖2 by C.S.

. b), c) are straight from the denitions of ‖·‖2 = 〈·, ·〉 and the propoerties of(semi-)inner products

Definition. (1.6) A Hilbert space is an inner product space where the norm‖·‖ induced by the inner product yields a complete space (i.e. Cauchy sequencesconverge)

Example. (1.7) L2(µ) or `2(I) for any set I. To be complete in our presenta-tion, we would have to prove these are complete. To do this for `2(I), you observethat for any Cauchy sequence, the indivdual coordinates are Cauchy. Hence we areconverging coordinatwise to something. You then do some estimates to verifty thatthis coordinate-wise limit is in `2 and that the sequence actually converges to this,

In L2(µ) you can use the fact that if a sequence of function is Cauchy, thenyou can nd a subsequence where P

(∣∣fnk − fnk+1

∣∣ > 12k

)< 1

2kand so by Borel

Cantelli/facts about types of convergence, this subsequence is a.e. Cauchy andhence converges almost everywhere to something. Again, verify this a.e. limit is in


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L2 and that we in fact converge to it in L2. Finally, for Cauchy sequences, if onesubsequence converges, the whole sequence must coverge too.

This would be worth doing in full detail sometime....but I don't feel like it now.

Proposition. (1.9) (Roughly) The completion of an inner product space is aHilbert space: that is if X is an incomplete inner product space with inner product〈·, ·〉 , then if we let H be the comletion of X , then the inner product 〈·, ·〉 extendsto all of H in such a way to make H a Hilbert space.

I am going to skip some stu here.... mostly the proof that the BergmanSpace L2

a(G) the space of analytic functions on a subset G ⊂ C which are squareintegrable (with respect to area).

3.2. Orthogonality

Definition. (2.1) We say f ⊥ g (read as: orthogonal) if 〈f, g〉 = 0 and forsubsets A ⊥ B if f ⊥ g∀f ∈ A, g ∈ B .

Theorem. (2.2.) (Pythagoras). If f1, f2, . . . fn are pairwise orthogonal, then

‖f1 + . . .+ fn‖2 = ‖f1‖2 + . . .+ ‖fn‖2

Proof. Exapand out 〈f1 + . . .+ fn, f1 + . . .+ fn〉 and use fi ⊥ fj . (Or to seemore precisly: use induction)

Theorem. (2.3) (Parallelogram Law) If H is a Hilbert space, and f, g ∈ Hthen:

‖f + g‖2 + ‖f − g‖2 = 2(‖f‖2 + ‖g‖2

)Proof. Again, just write it as inner product and expand.

Remark. The converse is also true: if H is a normed space that has theparralelogram law, then in fact it is a Hilbert space with inner product dened by:〈f, g〉 = 1

4 ‖f + g‖2 − 14 ‖f − g‖


Remark. We will mostly be using this with:∥∥∥∥f + g




∥∥∥∥f − g2




(‖f‖2 + ‖g‖2

)3.2.1. Projections and Stu!

Definition. (2.4.) A set A is called convex if tx+ (1− t)y ∈ A for all x, y ∈ At ∈ (0, 1)

Theorem. (2.5.) If H is a Hilbert space, K a closed convex non-empty subsetof H and h ∈H , then there exists a unique point k0 ∈ K such that:

‖h− k0‖ = dist (h,K) := inf ‖h− k‖ : k ∈ K

Remark. If we knew that K was compact then the existence statement herewould just be the extreme value theorem. Unfortunately, we cant assume this; theunit ball is not even compact here!

Proof. WOLOG by translating, assume that h = 0. Take any sequence kn ∈K so that ‖kn‖ → d := dist (0,K) = inf ‖k‖ : k ∈ K. The Parrallelogram lawand the fact that K is convex will show us that actually kn is Cauchy.

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Have by parallelogram law:∥∥∥∥kn − km2




(‖kn‖2 + ‖km‖2

)−∥∥∥∥kn + km



SinceK is convex, we have that 12 (kn+km) ∈ K and consequently,

∥∥ 12 (kn + km)

∥∥2 ≥d2 since d is the inf of all points from K. Now, since ‖kn‖ → d, for any ε > 0 we

may choose N so large so that n > N =⇒ ‖kn‖2 < d2 + 14ε

2 and we see then thatfor any n,m > N that:∥∥∥∥kn − km2




(d2 +


4ε2 + d2 +


4ε2)− d2 =



And so we see that kn is a Cauchy sequence! Since K is closed and H iscomplete, we have a limit point k0 of the sequence kn. Continuity of ‖·‖ shows that‖k0‖ = limn→∞ ‖kn‖ = d by our choice!

To prove uniqueness we again use that K is convex . If k0and h0 ∈ K are twopoints that minizize ‖·‖, then by convexity 1

2 (k0 + h0) ∈ K too, and hence:

d ≤∥∥∥∥1

2(h0 + k0)

∥∥∥∥ ≤ 1

2(‖h0‖+ ‖k0‖) = d

So 12 (h0 + k0) is a minimizer too! But then by Parallleogram law we have:

d2 =

∥∥∥∥h0 + k0



= d2 −∥∥∥∥h0 − k0



Shows h0 = k0.

Theorem. (2.6.) If in addition to being closed and convex a set M is a closedlinear subset of H . Let h ∈H . Have:

‖h− f0‖ = dist (h,M ) ⇐⇒ h− f0 ⊥M

= inf ‖h− f‖ : f ∈M

Proof. (⇒) Suppose f0 ∈M and ‖h− f0‖ = dist (h,M ). Then f0 + f ∈Mfor all f ∈M and we have:

‖h− f0‖2 ≤ ‖h− (f + f0)‖2

= ‖h− f0‖2 − 2Re 〈h− f0, f〉+ ‖f‖2


2Re 〈h− f0, f〉 ≤ ‖f‖2

This holds for any f ∈ M . Now the LHS → 0 linearly in ‖f‖while the RHS → 0quadratically, so this can only work if the LHS is 0. To make this more precise:Let r, θ so that 〈h− f0, f〉 = reiθ and plug in g = teiθ into 2Re 〈h− f0, g〉 ≤ ‖g‖2to get 2tr ≤ t2

∥∥f2∥∥. This inequality can only hold for every t if r = 0!

(⇐) Suppose h− f0 ⊥M . Then for any f ∈M we have h− f0 ⊥ f − f0 thisgives:

‖h− f‖2 = ‖h− f0‖2 + ‖f − f0‖2 by Pythag

≥ ‖h− f0‖2

So indeed, f0 is the minimizer!!

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Definition. If A ⊂H then dene:

A⊥ = f ∈H : f ⊥ g∀g ∈ A

Remark. For any set A, the orthogonal space A⊥is always a closed linearsubspace of H .

Definition. The above theorems show that if M is a closed linear subspace ofH and h ∈H ,then there is a unique element f0 in M such that h− f0 ∈M⊥(itsthe same f0 that minimizes ‖h− f0‖). Dene P : H →M by Ph = f0

Theorem. (2.7) If M is a closed linear subspace of H and h ∈ H , denePh to be the unique point in M such that h− Ph ⊥M then:

a) P is a linear transformation.b) ‖Ph‖ ≤ ‖h‖c)P 2 = Pd) kerP = M⊥and ranP = M

Proof. By our previous theorems, we have two characterizations of Ph, rstlythat h − Ph ⊥M and secondly that ‖h− Ph‖ is minimal. Sometimes it is easierto use one characterization and sometimes it is easier to use another! (Actually Imostly used the rst one)

a) h1 − Ph1 ⊥ M and h2 − Ph2 ⊥ M , so by linearity of 〈·, ·〉 we know that(h1 + αh2) − (Ph1 + αPh2) ⊥ M . But P (h1 + αh2) is the unique element of Mwhich has (h1 + αh2) − P (h1 + αh2) ⊥M . so we conclude that (Ph1 + αPh2) =P (h1 + αh2)

b) ‖h‖2 = ‖h− Ph‖2 + ‖Ph‖2 by Pythagoras and the result follows.c) Ph−Ph = 0 so it is true that Ph−Ph ⊥M . Hence P (Ph) = Ph again by

the uniqueness.d) Any f ∈ kerP has f − 0 ⊥ M so f ∈ M⊥by denition. The reverse

inclusions follows by the uniqueness. ranP = M becauseOrt Pf = f for everyf ∈M and Pf ∈M is always true by def'n of P .

Definition. This P is claeed the orthogonal projection.

Definition. Write M ≤ H to mean that M is a closed linear subspace ofH .

Definition. We say Y is a linear manifold if it is a linear subspace which isnot nessisarily closed.

Corollary. (2.9) If M is a closed linear subspace of H then(M⊥)⊥ = M

Proof. By an easy exercise, if M is a linear subspace then we can writeI = PM + PM⊥ . Have that (M⊥)⊥ = ker(PM⊥) = ker(I − PM ) = M since(I − PM )f = 0 if and only if f ∈M (this last fact can be seen by pythagoras forexample)

Corollary. (2.10) If A ⊂ H is some subset, then (A⊥)⊥ = span Ais theclosed linear span of A in H .

Proof. span A is a closed linear subspace of H . Hence span A =(span A⊥

)⊥. But span(A) = A⊥by linearity of 〈·, ·〉. Indeed, 〈f, a〉 = 0∀a ∈

A ⇐⇒ 〈f, g〉 = 0∀g ∈ span(A).

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Corollary. (2.11) If Y is a linear manifold (i.e. a linear subspace which isnot nessisarily closed) then Y is dense in H if and only if Y ⊥ = 0.

Proof. Have Y = span Y since Y is a linear manifold, and so by previous

corollary,(Y ⊥

)⊥= span(Y ) = Y .

(⇐) If Y ⊥ = 0 then have Y =(Y ⊥

)⊥= 0⊥ = M

(⇒) Both sides are closed linear subspaces, so taking ⊥′ s and using that

M⊥⊥ = M for closed linear subsapces, we have that Y ⊥ = Y⊥

= M⊥ = 0

3.3. Riesz Representation Theorem

Proposition. (3.1) Let H be a Hilbert space and let L : H → F be a linearfunctional. The following are equivalent:

a) L is continuousb) L is continuous at 0.c) L is continuous at some point.d) There is a constant c > 0 such that |L(h)| ≤ c ‖h‖ for every h ∈H

Proof. It is clear that a =⇒ b =⇒ c and d =⇒ b. We will show thatc =⇒ a and that b =⇒ d.

(c =⇒ a) This is essentially because L is translation invariant because it islinear. Say L is continuous at some h0. To check that L is continuous, take anyconvergent sequence hn → h. Then hn − h + h0 → h0 so by continuity of L at h0

we have that L(hn − h + h0) → L(h0) using lineariyt of L and rearranging givesthe desired result.

(b =⇒ d) By continuity, L−1 (−1, 1) is an open set. Since this contains 0, wecan nd a ball Bδ(0) ⊂ L−1(−1, 1). In other words, ‖h‖ < δ =⇒ |L(h)| ≤ 1. Now

for arbitary h, scale h down by a factor of δ (‖h‖+ ε)−1

an apply this to get that

|L(h)| ≤ δ−1 (‖h‖+ ε)−1. Since this works for any ε > 0, we get the conlusion d)

with c = δ−1.

Definition. (3.2) Such a functional is called a bounded linear functional.and we dene its norm:

‖L‖ = sup |L(h)| : ‖h‖ ≤ 1

Theorem. (3.4.) The Riesz Representation TheoremIf L : H → F is a bounded linear functional, there there is a unique vector

h0 ∈H such that L(h) = 〈h, h0〉 for every h ∈H . Moreover, ‖L‖ = ‖h0‖

Remark. The proof uses the theory of orthogonal projections just developed!The vector h0 must be in kerL⊥ and indeed choosing the right vector from thisspace gives the result.

Proof. Let M = kerL. Because L is continuous, this is a closed linear sub-space of H . If L is identiacally 0 then the result is trivial, and otherwise we maynd a vector f0 /∈ M . By taking the orthogonal projection onto M⊥, we mayassume WOLOG that f0 ∈M⊥. By scaling f0 we may also assume WOLOG thatL(f0) = 1.

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The main observation is now that L (h− L(h)f0) = 0 for any h ∈ H . Henceh− L(h)f0 ∈M and so we have:

0 = 〈h− L(h)f0, f0〉=⇒ 〈h, f0〉 = L(h) ‖f0‖2

Let h0 = ‖f0‖−2f0 now seals the deal.

Uniquness follows because if L(h) = 〈h, h0〉 = 〈h, h′0〉 then h0 − h′

0 ⊥ H andso h0 − h′0 ∈H ⊥ = 0.

3.4. Orthonormal Sets of Vectors and Bases

Definition. (4.1) An orthonormal subset of a Hilbert space H is a subsetE having the properties that a) ‖e‖ = 1∀e ∈ E and b) if e1 6= e2 in E then e1 ⊥ e2.

A basis for H is a maximal orthonormal set. (i.e. it is an orthonormal setthat is not a subset of any other orthonormal set)

Definition. A Hamel basis is a maximal linearly independent set. Theseare dierent than orthonormal bases.

Proposition. (4.2.) If E is an orthonormal set in H , then there is a basisfor H that contains E .

Proof. This is an application of Zorn's lemma, just order the orthonormalsets by inclusion.

Example. (4.3) In H = L2C[0, 2π], the functions en(t) = (2π)−1/2 exp (int)

are an orthonormal set. We will see later that these are in fact a basis.

Proposition. (4.6) (Gram-Schmidt Orthonogonalization Process) If H is aHilbert space and hn : n ∈ N is a lineraly independent subset of H , thenthere is an orthonormal set en : n ∈ N such that for every n, the linear spaceof e1, . . . , enequals the linear span of h1, . . . , hn.

Proof. Its the same proof as the usual Gram-Schmidt process.

Proposition. (4.7) Let e1, . . . , en be an orthonormal set in H and let M =

span e1, . . . , en. If P is the orthogonal projection of H onto M , then:

Ph =


〈h, ek〉 ek

for all h ∈H .

Proof. Let Qh =∑nk=1 〈h, ek〉 ek and check that h−Qh ⊥ ej for each j.

Proposition. (4.8.) (Bessel's Inequality) If en : n ∈ N is an orthonormalset and h ∈H then:


|〈h, en〉|2 ≤ ‖h‖2

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Proof. For any xed n, let hn = h−∑nk=1 〈h, ek〉 ek = h−Pnh. By Pythago-


‖h‖2 = ‖hn‖2 +


〈h, ek〉 ek


= ‖hn‖2 +


|〈h, ek〉|2


|〈h, ek〉|2

Corollary. (4.9) If E is an orthonormal set in H and h ∈H then 〈h, e〉 6= 0for at most countably many e ∈ E

Proof. Look at the sets En =e ∈ E : |〈e, h〉| ≥ 1


, each is nite by Bessel's


Corollary. (4.10) If E is an orthonormal set (not nessisarily countable) andh ∈H then: ∑


|〈h, e〉|2 ≤ ‖h‖2

Proof. Restrict our attention to the e ∈ E : 〈h, e〉 6= 0 which is countableby the last corrolarty, and now it is just a straight up use of Bessel's ineq.

Remark. To make sense of sums over arbitary (possibly uncountable) sets,∑α∈I , order the subsets of I by inclusion, and then treat this as a net. We say the

sum converges if this net converges. This will end up being something like absoluteconvergence.

Lemma. (4.12) If E is an orthonormal set and h ∈H then:∑〈h, e〉 e, e ∈ E

Converges in H

Proof. Let e1, . . . be an enumeration of the elements from E for which 〈h, e〉 6=0. By Bessel's ineq,

∑|〈h, en〉|2 ≤ ‖h‖2 <∞.

Now, for any ε > 0 take N so large so that∑∞i=N |〈ei, h〉|

2 ≤ ε2 and let F0 =e1, . . . , eN Then for any F,G ⊂ all nite subsets of E dene hF , hGby

∑e∈F 〈h, e〉 e.

Notice that:

‖hF − hG‖2 =∑

|〈h, e〉|2 : e ∈ F∆G


|〈h, en〉|2 < ε2

So this net is a Cauchy net, which means it is convergent.

Theorem. (4.13) Let E be an orthonormal set in a Hilbert space H . Thefollowing are equivalent:

a) E is a orthonormal basis.b) h ⊥ E =⇒ h = 0

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c)spanE = Hd)h =

∑〈h, e〉 e : e ∈ E ∀h ∈H

e) 〈g, h〉 =∑〈g, e〉 〈e, h〉 : e ∈ E

f) h ∈H then ‖h‖2 =∑|〈h, e〉|2 : e ∈ E

(Parseval's Identity)

Proof. a) =⇒ b): If by contradiction there is a non-zero h ⊥ E , then addthis to the set to get a larger orthonormal set.

b) ⇐⇒ c): We showed that a subsapace is dense if and only if its perpendicularspace is trivial. (Cor 2.11) This is exactly that statement!

b) =⇒ d) : For any h, the vector h −∑〈h, e〉 e : e ∈ E is veried to be in

E⊥ and we get the desired result.d) =⇒ e): Write g, h as above. Use some care in the deniton of our convergent

nets to check that it is indeed true.e) =⇒ f) Put g = h to get it!f) =⇒ a) Suppose by contradiction that E is not a basis. Then nd an element

e /∈ E which is orthonormal to everything. This element will not satisfy Parseval'sIdentity because the LHS is 1 while the RHS is 0.

Proposition. (4.14) If H is a Hilbert space, any two bases have the samecardinality.

Proof. If they are nite, then the result is just that from linear algebra.Otherwise, create an injectionby, e → f ∈: 〈e, f〉 6= 0, this is a countable set, sothis shows that |E | ≤ |ℵ0| = ||. The other direction is the same.

Definition. (4.15) The cardinality of a basis is called the dimension of theHilbert space.

Proposition. (4.16) If H is an inntie dimensional Hilbert space, then His seperable if and only if dim H = ℵ0

Proof. I'm skipping this!

Remark. There is the stu on Hamel basis's here....that they are uncountableand so on, that I'm skipping.

3.5. Isomorphic Hilbert Spaces and the Fourier Transform

Definition. (5.1) We say that a map U : H → K is an isomorphism if itis a linear surjection that preserves the inner product:

〈Ug, Uh〉 = 〈g, h〉

Proposition. (5.2) If V : H → K is a linear isometry (i.e. ‖h− g‖ =‖V (h− g)‖), then V is actually preserves the inner product.

Proof. From the polar identity ‖h+ λg‖2 = ‖h‖2 + 2Reλ 〈h, g〉+‖g‖2 we canget that the inner products actually agree too.

Remark. An isometry need not be an isomorphism, because it might not bea surjection. Example: the shift operator from `2 → `2.

Theorem. (5.4) Two Hilbert spaces are isomorphic if and only if they havethe same dimension

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Proof. (⇒) If E is a basis, then it is easy to see that Ue : e ∈ E is a basistoo.

(⇐) Let E be any basis for a Hilbert space H . We will show that H isisomorphic to `2(E ) =

f : E → F :

∑e∈E f(e)2 <∞

. For any h ∈ H , dene

h : E → F by h(e) = 〈h, e〉. By Parseval's identity, h ∈ `2(E ) and ‖h‖ =∥∥∥h∥∥∥


The map U : H → `2(E ) by Uh = h is easily veried to be linear, and it is an

isometry by the observation we just made ‖h‖ =∥∥∥h∥∥∥

`2. Finally, we see that the

range of U is dense in `2(E ) because it contains all the indicators δe for e ∈ E .So indeed, this is an isomorphism.

Corollary. (5.5) All seperatble innite dimensional Hilbert spaces are iso-morphic.

3.5.1. Fourier Analysis on the Circle.

Remark. I did a pretty lazy job with this section.

Theorem. (5.6.) If f : ∂D → C is a continuous function, then there is asequence of polynomials pn(z, z) so that pn(z, z)→ f(z) uniformoly on ∂D

Remark. This can be seen by the Stone-Weirestrass theorem on the algebraof trigonometric functions

∑mk=−m αke


Theorem. (5.7) The set of functions en(t) = (2π)−1/2

exp (int) is an or-thonormal basis for L2[0, 2π].

Proof. We will show that the closure (under the uniform norm) of the func-tions en is the whole space L2[0, 2π]. This is exactly the last theorem....

Theorem. This basis gives rise to the map U : L2[0, 2π]→ `2(Z) by U : f → f

with f = 〈f, en〉 =´f(t)e−int. This map is a linear isometry.

3.6. Direct Sum of Hilbert Spaces

This section just tells you how to dene an inner product on the direct sum ofHilbert spaces,

〈h1 ⊕ k1, h2 ⊕ k2〉 := 〈h1, h2〉+ 〈k1, k2〉The main thing to be done here is to extend this to innite sums:

Proposition. (6.2) If H1, . . . are Hilbert spaces, let H =

(hn) : hn ∈Hn∀n∑‖hn‖2 <∞


then the inner product:

〈h, g〉H :=


〈hn, gn〉Hn

This inner product makes H a Hilbert space.This Hilbert space is denoted H = H1 ⊕H2 ⊕ . . .

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Operators on Hilbert Spaces

These are notes from Chapter 2 of [1].

4.7. Basic Stu

Proposition. (1.1) Let H and K be Hilbert spaces and A : H → K a lineartransformation. The following are equivalent:

a) A is continuousb) A is continuous at 0c) A is continuous at some pointd) There is a constant c > 0 such that ‖Ah‖ ≤ c ‖h‖ for all h

Proof. Similar to the proof for functionals we did earlier.

Definition. An operatorA : H → K is called bounded if‖A‖ := sup‖h‖=1 ‖Ah‖ <∞. The space of all bounded operators A : H → K is denoted B(H ,K ) .

Proposition. (1.2) a) ‖A+B‖ ≤ ‖A‖+ ‖B‖b) ‖αA‖ = |α| ‖A‖c) ‖AB‖ ≤ ‖A‖ ‖B‖

Proof. Follows your nose from the denition.

Proposition. (Schur Test) On `2(N), let αij := 〈Aei, ej〉. Suppose that ∃pi >0 and β,γ > 0 with: ∑


αijpi ≤ βpj∑j

αijpj ≤ γpi

Then ‖A‖2 ≤ βγ

Proof. Still working on this one!

Theorem. (1.5.) Let (X,Ω, µ) be a σ−nite measure space and put H =L2(X,Ω, µ) For φ ∈ L∞(µ) dene Mφ : L2(µ) → L2(µ) by Mφf = φf . ThenMφ ∈ B(L2(µ)) and ‖Mφ‖ = ‖φ‖∞ where ‖·‖∞ is the essential supremum normwith respect to the measure µ.

Proof. The fact that ‖Mφ‖ ≤ ‖φ‖∞ is clear since |φ| ≤ ‖φ‖∞a.e. . On theother hand for any ε > 0, we can nd a positive measure set so that |φ| > ‖φ‖∞− εand then take some L2 functions concentrated here to get the other inequality.


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Theorem. (1.6.) let (X,Ω, µ) be a positive measure space and suppose k :X ×X → F is a Ω × Ω measurable function for which there are constants c1 andc2 so that : ˆ

|k(x, y)| dµ(y) ≤ c1 for a.e. x

ˆ|k(x, y)| dµ(x) ≤ c2 for a.e. y

Then dene K : L2(µ)→ L2(µ) by:

(Kf)(x) =

ˆk(x, y)f(y)dµ(y)

Then K is a bounded linear operator with ‖K‖ ≤ (c1c2)1/2

Proof. The trick is to use Cauchy Schwaz:

|Kf(x)| ≤ˆ|k(x, y)| |f(y)| dµ(y)


ˆ|k(x, y)|1/2 |k(x, y)|1/2 |f(y)| dµ(y)

≤[ˆ|k(x, y)| dµ(y)

]1/2 [ˆ|k(x, y)| |f(y)|2 dµ(y)


≤ c1/21

[ˆ|k(x, y)| |f(y)|2 dµ(y)


And so now integrating over x now gives:ˆ|Kf(x)|2 dµ(x) ≤ c1

ˆ ˆ|k(x, y)| |f(y)|2 dµ(y)dµ(x)

= c1


(ˆ|k(x, y)| dµ(x)

)dµ(y) by Fubini-Tonnelli

≤ c1c2 ‖f‖2

4.8. Adjoint of an Operator

Remark. I made the executive descision to swithc from H to H as the symbolto be used for a Hilbert space.

Definition. (2.1) We say that u : H × K → F is sesquilinear if it is bilinearexcept for conjugation in the second component.

Example. For any bounded operator A, the form u(x, y) = 〈Ax, y〉 is asesquilinear form. This can be shown by the properties of the inner product.

Theorem. (2.2) If u : H×K → F is a bounded sesquilinear form with bound|u(h, k)| ≤M ‖h‖ ‖k‖ then there are unique operators A ∈ B(H,K), B ∈ B (K,H)so that:

u(h, k) = 〈Ah, k〉 = 〈h,Bk〉and ‖A‖ , ‖B‖ ≤M

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Proof. The idea is to use Riesz. For xed h, check that u(h, ·) is a linearfunctional on K (holds since u is given to be sesquilinear) Hence, by the Riesz

representation theorem, there is an element k (depending on h) so that u(h, ·) =〈·, k〉. Check by using the uniqueness and linearity that the map A : h → k is alinear map, and it is boudned because u is bounded. The same stu works to showB exists.

Definition. (2.4.) For a given A ∈ B(H,K), we can always nd a B ∈B (K,H) with 〈Ah, k〉 = 〈h,Bk〉. This matrix B is called the adjoint of A and isoften denoted A∗.

Proposition. If U ∈ B (H,K) then U is an isomorphism if and only if U isinvertible and U−1 = U∗

Proof. Suppose U is invertible. We have only to verify then that 〈Uf,Ug〉 =〈f, g〉 if and only if U−1 = U∗. Indeed, it is always true that 〈Uf,Ug〉 = 〈f, U∗Ug〉and then:

〈f, U∗Ug〉 = 〈f, g〉 ⇐⇒ 〈f, (Id− U∗U)g〉 = 0

⇐⇒ Range(Id− U∗U) ⊂ H⊥ = 0⇐⇒ U∗U = Id

Proposition. If A,B ∈ B(H) and α ∈ F then:a) (aA+B)

∗= aA∗ +B∗

b) (AB)∗

= B∗A∗

c) (A∗)∗

= Ad) If A is invertble in B(H) then A∗ is invertble with:

(A∗)−1 =(A−1

)∗Proof. Pretty standard exercise!

Proposition. If A ∈ B(H) then ‖A‖ = ‖A∗‖ = ‖A∗A‖1/2

Proof. Have for any h with ‖h‖ = 1 that:

‖Ah‖2 = 〈Ah,Ah〉= 〈A∗Ah, h〉≤ ‖A∗Ah‖ ‖h‖≤ ‖A∗A‖ ‖h‖ ‖h‖≤ ‖A∗‖ ‖A‖ · 1 · 1

Hence ‖A‖2 ≤ ‖A∗A‖ ≤ ‖A∗‖ ‖A‖. Canceling ‖A‖, we have ‖A‖ ≤ ‖A∗‖.The argument holds equally well the other way (or consdier that A∗∗ = A) and sowe have ‖A∗‖ ≤ ‖A‖. Hence we must actually have equality everywhere and thisproves the claim.

Example. Conway shows a few nice examples here, including the forward shifton `2(N) whose adjoint is the backwards shift.

Definition. (2.11) If A ∈ B(H) we say that A is hermitian or self-adjointif A∗ = A and we say that A is normal if AA∗ = A∗A

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Remark. If we think of ∗as being analogous to conjugation on the complexnumbers, then Hermitain operators are the analogous of the real numebrs. Normaloperators are the true analogous of arbitarty complex numbers, the analogy doesntreally make sense for non-normal operators.

Proposition. (2.12) A ∈ B(H) is Hermitian if and only if 〈Ah, h〉 ∈ R forall h ∈ H (This only works for C valued Hilbert spaces)

Proof. (⇒) 〈Ah, h〉 = 〈h,A∗h〉 = 〈h,Ah〉 = 〈Ah, h〉(⇐)Assume 〈Af, f〉 ∈ R for all f For h, g ∈ H and α ∈ C consider:

〈A(h+ αg), h+ αg〉 = 〈Ah, h〉+ α 〈Ah, g〉+ α 〈Ag, h〉+ |α|2 〈Ag, g〉The LHS and two terms on the RHS are R by hypothesis. Hence α 〈Ah, g〉 +

α 〈Ag, h〉 is real too, so it is equal to its complex conjugate. On the other hand:

α 〈Ah, g〉+ α 〈Ag, h〉 = α 〈g,Ah〉+ α 〈h,Ag〉= α 〈A∗g, h〉+ α 〈A∗h, g〉

If you put in α = 1 rst and then α = i , you get two linear equations andtwo unknowns that leads us to 〈Ag, h〉 = 〈A∗g, h〉. Since this holds for every g, h itmust be that A = A∗

Proposition. (2.13) If A = A∗ then:

‖A‖ = sup‖h‖=1

|〈Ah, h〉|

Proof. (my idea: The idea is to use the fact which is always true that ‖A‖ =sup‖h‖=1,‖g‖=1 |〈Ah, g〉|. (This comes from ‖x‖ = sup‖y‖=1 |〈x, y〉|). From this it

is clear that ‖A‖ ≥ sup‖h‖=1 |〈Ah, h〉|. To see the other inequality, do a change

of variable so that x = g+h2 , y = g−h

2 . (The main idea is to manipulate 〈Ah, g〉into 〈Ax, x〉 + 〈Ay, y〉 + 〈Ax, y〉 − 〈Ay, x〉, then use the Hermitain-ness to see the

two cross terms as conjugate conjugates, 〈Ax, y〉 = 〈Ay, x〉 since A = A∗.) By

the parralelogram law, 2 ‖x‖2 + 2 ‖y‖2 = ‖h‖2 + ‖g‖2 = 2. So ‖x‖2 = r2 and

‖y‖2 = 1− r2 for some 0 ≤ r ≤ 1. So we have:

‖A‖ = sup0<r<1



|〈Ax, x〉+ 〈Ay, y〉+ 2iIm 〈Ax, y〉|

Now, 〈Ax, x〉 ,〈Ay, y〉 are real while the other term is imaginary, so they splitup nicely. The fact that 〈Ax, x〉 and 〈Ay, y〉 are real is particularly nice! By scaling,when ‖x‖ = r we have sup‖x‖=r 〈Ax, x〉 = r2 sup‖z‖=1 〈Az, z〉 , which controls the

real part. ......)

The way Conway does it is to use A = A∗to get to:

4Re 〈Ah, g〉 = 〈A(h+ g), h+ g〉 − 〈A(h− g), h− g〉So if M = sup‖h‖=1 〈Ah, h〉 then have by scaling:

4Re 〈Ah, g〉 ≤ M ‖h+ g‖2 +M ‖h− g‖2

= 2M ‖h‖2 + 2M ‖g‖2 by parralelogram law

= 4M

By rotating g or h approproatly, this argument can be modied from the con-cluison Re 〈Ah, g〉 ≤M to |〈Ah, g〉| ≤M .

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Corollary. (2.14) If A = A∗and 〈Ah, h〉 = 0 for every h, then A = 0.

Remark. In a complex Hilbert space, 〈Ah, h〉 ∈ R for every h implies A = A∗,so this condition could be dropped from this corollary in the complex setting.

Proposition. (2.16) If A ∈ B(H) the following are equivalent:a) A is normalb) ‖Ah‖ = ‖A∗h‖ for all hIf we are working in C then this is also equivalent to:c) Th real and imaginary parts of A commute

Proof. Notice that:

‖Ah‖2 − ‖A∗h‖2 = 〈Ah,Ah〉 − 〈A∗h,A∗h〉= 〈(A∗A−AA∗)h, h〉

So the equivalence of a) and b) follows from the previous corollary.To check the last bit, let B = ReA and C = ImA so that A = B + iC,A∗ =

B − iC and then write out:

A∗A = B2 − iCB + iBC + C2

AA∗ = B2 + iCB −BC + C2

So that the two are equal if and only if BC = CB.

Proposition. (2.17) The following are equivalent:a) A is an isometryb) A∗A = Ic) 〈Ah,Ag〉 = 〈h, g〉 for all h, g ∈ H

Proof. a) ⇐⇒ c) was discussed earlier (basically because the inner productcan be written purely in terms of norms via the parallelogram law), and b) ⇐⇒ c)is clear because 〈Ah,Ag〉 = 〈h, g〉 ⇐⇒ 〈(A∗A− Id)h, g〉 = 0.

Proposition. (2.18) The following are equivalent:a) A∗A = AA∗ = Ib) A is unitary (That is: A is a surjective isometry)c) A is a normal isometry

Proof. a) =⇒ b): From the hypothesis a), we know that A is invertable andfrom the previous propsition it is an isometry. Hence it is a surjective isometry.

b) =⇒ c) By Prop 2.17, A∗A = I. When A is a surjective isometry, theinverse of A must also be a surjective isometry, so we have also from Prop 2.17 thatI =


)∗A−1. Now use (A∗)


)∗to manipulate this into I = (AA∗)


So then AA∗ = A∗A = I and A is normal.c) =⇒ a) By Prop 2.17, since A is an isometry, A∗A = I, since A is also normal

we have A∗A = AA∗ = I as desired.

Theorem. (2.19) If A ∈ B(H) then kerA = (ranA∗)⊥

Proof. If h ∈ kerA and g ∈ H then 〈h,A∗g〉 = 〈Ah, g〉 = 〈0, g〉 = 0. This

shows kerA ⊂ (ranA∗)⊥

If h ⊥ ranA∗ then 〈h,A∗g〉 = 0 for every g ∈ H and so 〈Ah, g〉 = 0 for every g,and hence Ah ∈ H⊥ = 0 . This shows ran A∗⊥ ⊂ kerA.

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4.9. Projections and Idempotents; Invariant and Reducing Subspaces

Definition. (3.1) An idempotent is a bounded linear operator E so thatE2 = E. A orthogonal projection is an idempotent P such that kerP =

(ranP )⊥. We actually use the word projection to refer only to orthogonal projec-


Example. An non-orthogonal projection is an idempotent, but it is not aproejction. For example, take an basis (not nessisarily orthonormal) for Rn, saye1, . . . , en then every vector v has a unique writting v =

∑αkek , and the map

P : v → αiei for some xed i is a projection but it is not an orthogonal projectionunless the basis is an orthogonal one. (In this case kerP = span e1, . . . , ei, . . . , enwhile (ranP )

⊥= span ei⊥ )

One thing to notice in this case is that ‖P‖ > 1. Take any vector v =∑αkek

so that ‖v‖2 < αk ‖ek‖ (indeed the existence of this follows by the cosine law ina Hilbert space), and the we will have that ‖Pv‖ = αk

Proposition. a) E is an idempotent ⇐⇒ I − E is an idempotentb) If E is an idempotent, ran(E) = ker(I − E) and kerE = ran(I − E) and

ran(E) is a closed linear subspaces of Hc) IfM = ranE and N = kerE thenM∩N = 0 and M +N = H

Proof. Check that I−E is idempotent by verifying that (I−E)2 = . . . = I−E.Then ran(E) = ker(I − E) since (I − E)h = 0 ⇐⇒ h = Eh ⇐⇒ h ∈ ranE(Notice h ∈ ranE =⇒ h = Eg =⇒ Eh = E2g = Eg = h) . Since ker(A) is aclosed linear subspace for any operator A, ran(E) = ker(I −E) shows that ran(E)is a closed linear subspace too.

Remark. In general the range of an operator is NOT a closed subapce. TheKernal of an operator always is. For example the diagonal operator from on `2(N)by Aen = 1

nen. (The range is dense in `2 but contins only sequences for which∑n 〈x, en〉 < ∞ for example

(1, 1

2 , . . .)/∈ ranA). Notice that this operator has a

point in its spectrum that is not an eigenvalue....maybe this is relevant?

Lemma. (Mini Lemma) If E is idempotent then:

h ∈ ranE ⇐⇒ h = Eh

Proof. (⇐) is clear. (⇒)If h = Eg for some g, then apply E to both sides toget Eh = E2g = Eg but Eg = h so this says Eh = Eg = h.

Proposition. (3.3.) Suppose E is an idempotent on H and E 6= 0, thefollowing are equivalent:

a) E is a projection (i.e. kerE = (ranE)⊥ is the denition)b) E is the orthogonal projection of H onto ranEc) ‖E‖ = 1d) E is hermitian, E = E∗

e) E is normal, EE∗ = E∗Ef) 〈Eh, h〉 ≥ 0 fora all h ∈ H

Proof. a) =⇒ b): Have h − Eh = (I − E)h ∈ kerE = (ranE)⊥. By theuniqueness of the orhogonal projection Eh is the orthogonal projection on ranE.(Recall: a projection is the unique operator so that h− PMh ∈ M⊥ for all h...seethm 2.7)

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b) =⇒ c): Follows from the fact that orthogonal projections have ‖PMh‖ ≤ ‖h‖with equality for h ∈M.

c) =⇒ a): Take any h ∈ (kerE)⊥, we know h − Eh ∈ kerE so we have

〈h, h− Eh〉 = 0 =⇒ ‖h‖2 = 〈Eh, h〉 for any h ∈ (kerE)⊥. On the other hand,

by C.S. we know |〈Eh, h〉| ≤ ‖Eh‖ ‖h‖ ≤ ‖E‖ ‖h‖2 = ‖h‖2 here, so we have an

equality sandwhich and we conclude that for any h ∈ (kerE)⊥that ‖Eh‖ = ‖h‖ =

〈Eh, h〉1/2.Now by the polarization identity, for any h ∈ kerE⊥have:

‖h− Eh‖2 = ‖h‖2 − 2Re 〈Eh, h〉+ ‖Eh‖2 = 0

Hence h ∈ (kerE)⊥

=⇒ h = Eh ⇐⇒ h ∈ ranE. This shows kerE⊥ ⊂ ranE.Conversely, if g ∈ ranE then write g = PkerEg + PkerE⊥g . Since g = Eg,

and E(PkerEg) = 0, have then g = Eg = 0 + E (PkerE⊥g). Since PkerE⊥g ∈kerE⊥ ⊂ ranE by the abover argument, we know E(PkerE⊥g) = PkerE⊥g, so wehave g = E(PkerE⊥g) = PkerE⊥g ∈ kerE⊥ .

.....I'm going to skip the rest of this proof and this section for now....The next bit basically has two denitions and a small result about them:

Definition. (3.5) Given a closed subspace M and its orthogonal space M⊥any operator A can be decomped as A = IAI = (PM + PM⊥)A (PM + PM⊥) =PMAPM + PMAPM⊥ + PM⊥APM + PM⊥APM⊥ := W +X + Y + Z. In matrix

form this is A =


]where the rst row/column represents M and the

second representsM⊥

Definition. (3.4. and Prop 3.7) We say thatM is invariant for A if AM⊂M. The following are equivalent:

a)M is invariant for A (i.e. AM⊂M)b) PMAPM = APMc) Y = 0 in the above

Definition. (3.4 and Prop 3.7) We say thatM is reducing for A if AM⊂Mand AM⊥ ⊂M⊥. The following are equivalent:

a)M reduces A (i.e. AM⊂M and AM⊥ ⊂M⊥ )b) PMA = APMc) X and Y are both 0 from the aboved)M is invariant for both A and A∗

Proof. Not too hard...just follow your nose mostly!

4.10. Compact Operators

Symbol Name Denition

B(H,K) Bounded Operators ‖T‖ <∞i.e. T (ball H) is boundedB0(H,K) Compact Operators T (ball H) is pre-compact (compact closure or totally bounded)B00 (H,K) Finite Rank Operators ran(T ) is nite dimensional

Proposition. (4.2) a)B0 ⊂ Bb) If Tn ∈ B0, T ∈ B and ‖Tn − T‖ → 0 then T ∈ B0

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c) If A ∈ B(H) and B ∈ B(K), then for T ∈ B0(H,K) we have TA,BT ∈B0(H,K)

Proof. a) is clear because precompact sets (totally bounded sets) are alwaysbounded

b) We verify directly that T (ball H) is totally bounded. For ε > 0 choose nso large so that ‖Tn − T‖ < ε/3 . Since Tn (ball H) is totally bounded there arevectors h1, . . . , hm so that Tnh1, . . . Tnhm form an ε/3 net for Tn (ballH). Hencefor any h with ‖h‖ ≤ 1, there is an hi with ‖Th− Thi‖ < ε

3 . Claim now thatTh1, . . . , Thn form an ε net for T (ballH) since:

‖Th− Thi‖ ≤ ‖Thi − Tnhi‖+ ‖Tnhi − Tnh‖+ ‖Tnh− Th‖≤ 2 ‖T − Tn‖+ ε/3

< ε

c) To see that TA ∈ B0 consider as follows. Since A is a bounded operator, cannd a ball so that A(ballH) ⊂ bigger ball H, but the TA(ballH) ⊂ T (bigger ball)is a subset of totally bounded set, and is hence totally bounded.

To see that BT ∈ B0 we notice that for any totally boudned set K, B (K)istotally bounded: get an ε net for B(K) by taking the image of an ε/ ‖K‖ net forK through the map B. Hence B(T (ballH)) is totally boudned by virtue of the factthat T (ballH) is totally bounded.

Theorem. (4.4.) The following are equivalent:a) T ∈ B(H,K) is compactb) T ∗ is compactc) There is a sequence Tn ∈ B00 of operators of nite rank so that ‖Tn − T‖ →


Proof. c) =⇒ a) is clear since every nite rank operator is compact (Insymbols:B00 ⊂ B0) and by the previous proposition, a limit (in the norm topology)of compact operators is compact.

a) =⇒ c) Since T (ballH) is pre-compact, it is separable (take a sequence of1n -nets). Therefore, ran(T ) =: L is a seperable subspace of K. Take e1, . . . abasis for L and let Pn be the orthogonal projection onto spanek : 1 ≤ k ≤ n.Put Tn = PnT and note that each Tnhas nite rank. To see that ‖Tn − T‖ → 0consider as follows.

Claim: If h ∈ H, then ‖Tnh− Th‖ → 0Pf: By denition of L, Th =: k ∈ L. Now, ‖Tnh− Th‖ = ‖Pnk − k‖ =∑

k>n |〈ek, k〉|2 → 0 by Parseval identity

Now, we will use the precompactness of T (ballH) to show that claim is enoughto have ‖Tn − T‖ → 0. Indeed, for any ε > 0 take an ε/3 net of T (ballH) call itTh1, . . . , Thm. Take n0 so large so that ‖Tnhi − Th‖ < ε/3 for every Thi in thechosen net (this follows by the lemma since there are nitely many of them to dealwith). Then for n ≥ n0 and any ‖h‖ ≤ 1 we nd the hj so that ‖Th− Thj‖ < ε/3and we have the following estimate:

‖Th− Tnh‖ ≤ ‖Th− Thj‖+ ‖Thj − Tnhj‖+ ‖Pn (Thj − Th)‖≤ 2 ‖Th− Thj‖+ ε/3 by choice of n0 and since P a projection

≤ 2ε/3 + ε/3 since Thj an ε/3 net

= ε

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This estimate holds for every ‖h‖ ≤ 1, so we conclude that ‖T − Tn‖ ≤ ε forn ≥ n0, and ‖T − Tn‖ → 0 as desired.

c) =⇒ b) For Tn ∈ B00, it is easily veried that T ∗n ∈ B00 ⊂ B0 too and‖T − Tn‖ = ‖T ∗ − T ∗n‖ → 0 so we see that T ∗is the limit (norm topology) ofcompact operators and is hence a compact operator.

b) =⇒ a) Can do this the sneaky way: b) is the same as a) for T ∗ so bya) =⇒ c), we have c) for the operator T ∗ and then by c) =⇒ b), we have b) forthe operator T ∗, which is really a) for the operator T as desired.

Remark. There is a slightly less roundabout proof of the fact that T compact=⇒ T ∗compact using the Bolazanno-Weirestrass characterization of sequences andthe Arzela-Ascoli theorem (By Riesz, K ≡ K∗so these are really functions)

Corollary. (4.5) If T ∈ B0 then ranT is separable and if en is a basis forranT and Pn is the projection onto the rst n basis elements, then ‖PnT − T‖ → 0

Proposition. (4.6) Let H be a separable Hilbert space with basis en. Supposethat αn is a sequence with M := sup |αn| < ∞. If A is the diagonal operator,Aen = αnen for all n, then A is a bounded linear operator with ‖A‖ ≤ M . (Thispart is easy, the real proposition is the next bit)

The operator A is compact if and only if αn → 0 as n→∞Proof. Take Pn to be the projection onto e1, . . . , en. Then An = A − APn

is diagonalizable with Aej = αjej for j > n and Aej = 0 for j ≤ n. Now, sinceAPn ∈ B00 (H) and ‖An‖ = sup |αj | : j > n then we know that ‖An‖ → 0 if andonly if αn → 0.

If αn → 0 we have that A − An are all nite rank and ‖(A−An)−A‖ =‖An‖ → 0 shows A is the limit (norm-top) of nite rank matrices, and is hencecompact.

Conversly, if A is compact, then the corollary shows that ‖A− PnA‖ → 0 so‖An‖ = ‖A− PnA‖ → 0 and consequently αn → 0

Proposition. (4.7) For k ∈ L2(X ×X,Ω×Ω, µ×µ), the integral operator Kdened by:

(Kf) (x) =

ˆk(x, y)f(y)dµ(y)

is a compact operator and ‖K‖ ≤ ‖k‖L2

The proof uses the following lemma:

Lemma. (4.8.) If ei is a basis for L2(X,Ω, µ) and:

φij(x, y) = ej(x)ei(y)

Then φij is an orthonormal set in L2(X×X,Ω×Ω, µ×µ) and 〈k, φij〉L2(X×X) =

〈Kej , ei〉L2(X)

Proof. (of Prop 4.7) By C.S. it is easy to check that ‖Kf‖2 ≤ ‖k‖2 ‖f‖2 andso K is bounded.

To do the compactness you let Kn = KPn + PnK − PnKPn where Pn is theorthogonal projection onto the rst n basis elements, and then check that this isnite rank operator. Then do a bit of work to show ‖Kn −K‖ → 0 (it will bebounded above by the tail of 〈Kej , ei〉 which is equal to the tail of 〈k, φij〉 and→ 0by Parseval.

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4.10.1. First look at eigenvalues for bounded operators on a Hilbertspace.

Definition. (4.9) If A ∈ B(H), a scalar α is called an eigenvalue of A ifker(A − αId) 6= 0. If h is a non-zero vector in ker(A − α) then h is called aneigenvector. The set of eigenvalues for A is denoted by σp(A)

Proposition. (4.13) If T ∈ B0 is a compact operator, and λ ∈ σp(T ) is aneigenvalue and λ 6= 0, then the eigenspace ker(T − λId) is nite dimensional.

Proof. Suppose by contradiction that ker (T − λId) has an innite orthonor-mal sequence en. Then, since T is compact, and en is a bounded sequence, there

is a subsequence Tenk which converges. But∥∥Tenk − Tenj∥∥2

= λ∥∥enk − enj∥∥2


2 |λ|2 > 0 cannot possibly be convergent! This contradiction shows that ker(T −λId) is nite dimensional.

Proposition. (4.14) If T is a compact operator on H and λ 6= 0 and inf ‖(T − λId)h‖ : ‖h‖ = 1 =0 then λ ∈ σp(T )

Remark. Later on in the book, we will give this type of thing a name. Theapproximate point spectrum is the set where there is a sequence of unit vectorswith limn→∞ ‖Txn − λxn‖ = 0 and we denote by σap the set of all such λ . Inthis language, this result says that compact operators don't have anything in σap−σp. In other words, for compact operators, every approximate eigenvalue is a trueeignevalue.

Proof. If ‖Txn − λxn‖ → 0, then by the compactness of T there is a conver-gent subsequence Txnk → y for some y. Then ‖Txn − λxn‖ → 0 =⇒ λxnk → y.Since ‖xnk‖ = 1 for all k, and λ 6= 0 this shows ‖y‖ = λ−1 6= 0. Now, by continuityof T we have also λTxnk → Ty. But since Txnk → y by def'n of y, and limits areunique, we have that λy = Ty in other words, y is an eigenvector!

Corollary. (4.15) If T is a compact operator on Hand λ 6= 0 with λ /∈ σp(T )

and λ /∈ σp(T ∗), then ran(T − λId) = H and (T − λ)−1 is a bounded operator onH.

Proof. Since λ /∈ σp(T ), the preceding proposition implies that there is someconstant c > 0 such that ‖(T − λ)h‖ ≥ c ‖h‖ for all h ∈ H. (This very muchrelies on the fact that T is compact!) This is the essentially estimate that makeseverything work.

We claim now that ran(T − λId) is closed. Indeed if (T − λ)hn → f for somef , then we have the estimate ‖hn − hm‖ ≤ c−1 ‖(T − λ)hn − (T − λ)hm‖, and sowe see that hn is Cauchy by virtue of the fact that (T − λ)hn is Cauchy. Hencehn → h for some h and we conclude that f = (T − λ)h ∈ ran(T − λId) after all.

Now, since the range is closed, we can use the identity kerA = (ranA∗)⊥willy-

nilly, and by the funny hypothesis on λ, we have that ran(T−λ) = [ker(T − λ)∗]⊥


Finally, to see that (T − λ)−1 is a bounded operator, one can work a little bitby hand with the operator ‖(T − λ)h‖ ≥ c ‖h‖, or we can just apply the boundedinverse theorem (T −λ is a bounded operator and is surjective since its range is allof H (just proven) and it has trivial kernal (since λ /∈ σp(T )))

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Remark. This is sometimes known as the Fredholm alternative for acompact self-adjonit operator.

Either: λ ∈ σp(A) is a true eigenvector of a nite dimensional hilber space ORT − λI is invertable.

Remark. It will be proven later that if λ /∈ σp(T ) then λ /∈ σp(T ∗) , so thispart of the hypothesis is not nessisary.

4.11. The Diagonalization of Compact Self-Adjoint Operators

The main result in this section is:


If T is a compact self-adjoint operator then T has only a countable number ofdistinct eigenvalues. If λ1, . . . are the distrinct nonzero eigenvalues and Pn is theprojection of H onto ker(T − λn) then PnPm = PmPn = 0 if n 6= m and each λn isreal and:

T =



Where the series convereges in the sense of the norm topology.

Here are some consequences of this theorem:

Corollary. (5.3) a) kerT = (spannranPn)⊥

= (ranT )⊥

b) Each Pn has nite rankc) ‖T‖ = sup |λn| : n ≥ 1 and λn → 0 as n→∞

Proof. a) Since Pn ⊥ Pm for n 6= m we have a Pythagoras type thing ‖Th‖2 =∑∞n=1 |λn|

2 ‖Pnh‖2 so Th = 0 ⇐⇒ Pnh = 0∀n and the result follows.b) Every eigenspace is nite dimensional for compact operators, so this is indeed

the case!c) Can verify that in the right basis, T is indeed diagonal with the λ's on

the diagonal so that ‖T‖ = sup |λn| : n ≥ 1 is clear (to do this you just have to

quotient down to ran(T ). Since T is diagonal here, the result follows by 4.6.

Corollary. (5.4) If T is a compact self-adjoint operator, then there is a

sequence µn of real numbers and an orthonormal basis en for (kerT )⊥such that for

all h,

Th =


µn 〈h, en〉 en

Corollary. If T is a compact self adjoint operator and kerT = 0 then His seperable.

Proposition. (5.6.) If A is a normal operator and λ ∈ F then ker(A− λ) =ker(A − λ)∗ and ker(A − λ) is a reducing subspace for A (i.e. A issplits up as anoperator on ker(A− λ) and another on ker(A− λ)⊥)

Proof. Since A is normal, so is A−λ. Hence ‖(A− λ)h‖ = ‖(A− λ)∗h‖ thusker(A−λ) = ker(A−λ)∗. If h ∈ ker(A−λ) then Ah = λh ∈ ker(A−λ) by linearitytoo. On the other hand A∗h = λh ∈ ker(A − λ)∗. Therefore, by the equivalentdention of reduces (Namely thatM is invariant for A and A∗, i.e.AM⊂M andA∗M⊂M) we have that ker(A− λ) reduces A.

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Remark. This proposition is important! The fact that ker(A − λ) reducesA means that we can recursivly work with the spaces ker(A − λ). To see in an

example why this is important, take a non-diagonalizable matrix, say

[1 10 1


The eigenspace ker(A− 1) is e1 and this DOES NOT reduce A here since there isa non-zero entry in the e1 − e2 corner of the matrix.

Proposition. (5.7.) If A is a normal operator and λ, µ are distint eigenvalues,then ker(A− λ) ⊥ ker(A− µ)

Proof. This is everyones favourite proof from linear algebra! Have that 〈Ah, g〉 =〈h,A∗g〉 =⇒ (λ− µ) 〈f, g〉 = 0 for every f, g ∈ ker(A− λ) and ker(A− µ)

Proposition. (5.8.) If A = A∗ and λ ∈ σp(A) is an eigenvalue, then λ is real

Proof. This is everyone's second favourite proof from linear algebra! λh =Ah = A∗h = λh

Lemma. (5.9) If A = A∗then either ±‖T‖ is an eigenvalue of T .

Proof. By Prop 2.13, ‖T‖ = sup 〈Th, h〉 : ‖h‖ = 1. Hence there is a se-quence hn so that |〈Thn, hn〉| → ‖T‖, by passing to a subsequence we can assumethat 〈Thn, hn〉 → λ where λ = ‖T‖ or = −‖T‖. (Here we are almost done....thisbasically says that λ is an approximate eigenvalue and we know that for compactoperators that approximate eigenvalues are all in fact actual eigenvalues.)

Consider now:

0 ≤ ‖(T − λ)hn‖2

= ‖Thn‖2 − 2λ 〈Thn, hn〉+ λ2

≤ 2λ2 − 2λ 〈Thn, hn〉 → 0

ANd hence λ is an approximate eigenvalue. Since T is a compact operator, by4.14 λ is in a true eigenvalue.

Remark. In general (for non-Hermitian matrices) this is NOT true. What you

can say is that ‖T‖ =√λmax(T ∗T ) , the largest SINGULAR value.

Proof. (OF THE MAIN SPECTRAL THEOREM) Take λ1 ∈ σp(T ) so thatλ1 = ‖T‖ and let E = ker(T − λ1) and P1 be the projection on E1. Let H2 = E⊥1 .By Lemma 5.6, E1 reduces T , and hence H2 reduces T as well. Let T2 = T |H2 thenwe verify that T2 is again a self-adjoint compact operator on H2.

Now we repeat this procedure on T2. Find λ2 so |λ2| = ‖T2‖, let E2 = ker(T2−λ2). Note that 0 6= E2 ⊂ ker(T −λ2). Now we can show that λ1 6= λ2 by the factthat λ1 = λ2 would contradict that E1 ⊥ E2.

Put P2 to to be the projection of H onto E2 and H3 = (E1 ⊕ E2)⊥. Note that

‖T2‖ ≤ ‖T‖ so that |λ2| ≤ |λ1|.Repeating this argument inductivly, we get:i) |λ1| ≥ |λ2| ≥ . . .ii) En = ker(T − λn) and |λn+1| =

∥∥∥T | (E⊥1 ⊕ . . .⊕ En)⊥∥∥∥By i) and the monotone convergence theorem for real numbers, we know there

is a limit so that |λn| → α. This limit is forced to be α = 0 because T is a compactoperator. Indeed, choose any sequence en ∈ En of norm 1 so that ‖Ten‖ = λn.Since T is compact, there is a convergent subsequence Tenk , since Tenk = λnkenk ⊥

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λnjenk = Tenj , the only way that this sequence can converge is if Tenk → 0 (i.e.

‖Tenk − Tenk‖2

= ‖Tenk‖2


= λ2nk

+ λ2nj ≥ 2α2 cannot be a Cauchy

sequence unless α = 0)

Finally, we claim that∥∥∥T −∑n

j=1 λjPj

∥∥∥ → 0. Indeed, T −∑nj=1 λjPj ≡ 0

on the space (E1 ⊕ . . .⊕ En) by denition, and T −∑nj=1 λjPj ≡ T on the space

(E1 ⊕ . . .⊕ En)⊥since the projections here are all orthogonal of each other. Hence∥∥∥T −∑n

j=1 λjPj

∥∥∥ =∥∥∥T | (E1 ⊕ . . .⊕ En)

⊥∥∥∥ = |λn+1| → 0 by the previous argument!

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Banach Spaces

These are notes from Chapter 3 of [1].

5.12. Elementary Properties and Examples

Definition. (1.1.) If X is a vector space over F, a seminorm is a functionp : X → [0,∞) having the property that:

a) p(x+ y) ≤ p(x) + p(y) for all x, y ∈ Xb) p(αx) = |α| p(x) for all α ∈ F and x ∈ XA norm has the additional property that:c) p(x) = 0 =⇒ x = 0When ‖·‖ is a norm, d(x, y) = ‖x− y‖ denes a metric on X .

Definition. (1.2.) A normed space is a pair (X , ‖·‖) where X is a vectorspace adn ‖·‖ is a norm. A Banach space is a normed space that is complete withrespect to the metric dened by the norm.

Proposition. (1.3.) If X is a normed space then:a) The function X × X → X by (x, y)→ x+ y is continuousb) The function F×X → X by (α, x)→ αx is continuous

Proof. a) If xn → x and yn → y then ‖(xn + yn)− (x+ y)‖ ≤ ‖xn − x‖ +‖yn − y‖ → 0.

b) If αn → α and xn → x then ‖αnxn − αx‖ ≤ ‖αnxn − αxn‖+‖αxn − αx‖ ≤|αn − α| supn ‖xn‖+ |α| ‖xn − x‖ → 0.

Lemma. If p and q are semi-norms on a vecotr space X , then we write p ≤ qto mean that p(x) ≤ q(x) for all x ∈ X . By the scaling property p(αx) = |α| p(x),and by continuity, the following are equivalent:

a) p(x) ≤ q(x) for all xb) q(x) < 1 =⇒ p(x) < 1c) q(x) ≤ 1 =⇒ p(x) ≤ 1d) q(x) < 1 =⇒ p(x) ≤ 1

Definition. We say that two norms ‖·‖1 and ‖·‖2 are equivalent if theydene the same topology on X . (i.e. all limits are the same, all open sets are thesame)

Proposition. (1.5.) If ‖·‖1 and ‖·‖2 are equivalent if and only if there arepositive constants c, C > 0 so that:

c ‖x‖1 ≤ ‖x‖2 ≤ C ‖x‖1For all x ∈ X .


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Proof. (⇒) To see that the two topologies are the same, we demonstrate abase of open sets at each point, each open set of which contains an open set fromthe other topology (the natural base to use for metric spaces is the set of ballscentered at a point) From the inequalities in the hypothesis, it is clear that:

x ∈ X : ‖x− x0‖1 ≤ ε/C ⊂ x ∈ X : ‖x− x0‖2 ≤ εx ∈ X : ‖x− x0‖2 ≤ cε ⊂ x ∈ X : ‖x− x0‖ ≤ ε/C

(⇐) Since x : ‖x‖1 < 1 is an open n'h'd containg 0, it must contain a ballx : ‖x‖2 < r ⊂ x : ‖x‖1 < 1. By the proceding lemma, we have that ‖x‖1 ≤r−1 ‖x‖2.

Example. (1.6.) Let X be any hausdor space, and let:

Cb(X) =

f : X → F : sup

x∈X|f(x)| <∞

With norm ‖f‖ = supx∈X |f(x)| and pointwise adition and scalare multiplica-

tion in the natural way. Then Cb(X) is a Banach space.

Proof. The only hard thing to check is that Cb(X) is complete.To do this notice that if fn is Cauchy in the uniform norm, then fn(x) is a

Cauchy sequence in F for each x ∈ X. Consequently, since F is complete, there is alimit, f(x) for each point x ∈ X. We claim now that fn → f in the uniform norm.This is an ε/3 argument. For any ε > 0 take N so large so that n,m > N =⇒‖fn − fm‖ < ε/3. Then for any x ∈ X consider as follows. Find an Mx dependingon x so that |fn(x)− f(x)| < ε/3 for all n ≥ Mx. WOLOG Mx > N and wehave that for n > N that |fn(x)− f(x)| ≤ |fMx(x)− f(x)| + |fMx(x)− fn(x)| <ε/3 + ε/3.

Proposition. (1.7.) If X is a locally compact space, then the space of contin-uous functions

C0(X) := f ∈ Cb(X) : ∀ε > 0, x ∈ X : |f(x)| ≥ ε is compact

Is a closed linear subsapce of Cb(X). Notice that C0(R) is the set of functionsthat tend to 0 at ±∞.

Example. (1.8.) The space Lp(X,Ω, µ) is a Banach space (this one is a bittrickier to prove....maybe I'll get to it in Bass)

Example. (1.10.) Let n ≥ 1 and let C(n)[0, 1] be the collection of func-tions f : [0, 1] → F such that f has n continuous derivatives. Dene ‖f‖ =sup0≤k≤n


∣∣f (k)(x)∣∣ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

. Then C(n)[0, 1] is a Banach space.

Example. (1.11.) Let 1 ≤ p <∞ and letWnp [0, 1] be the collection of functions

f : [0, 1] → Fsuch that f has n − 1 continuous derivatives, f (n−1) is absolutlycontinuous, and f (n) ∈ Lp[0, 1]. For f in Wn

p [0, 1] dene:

‖f‖ =


[ˆ 1


∣∣∣f (k)(x)∣∣∣p dx] 1




∥∥∥f (k)∥∥∥Lp

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Proposition. (1.12) If p is a semi-norm on X then |p(x)− p(y)| ≤ p(x− y)and if ‖·‖ is a norm then |‖x‖ − ‖y‖| ≤ ‖x− y‖

Proof. p(x) = p(x− y+ y) ≤ p(x− y) +p(y) then rearrange, and do the sametrick again with x and y interchanged.

5.13. Linear Operators on a Normed Space

Proposition. (2.1.) IF X and Y are normed spaces and A : X → Y is alinear map, the follwing are equivalent:

a) A ∈ B(X ,Y)b) A is continuous at 0c) A is continuous at some pointd) There is a positive constant c so that ‖Ax‖ ≤ c ‖x‖ for all x ∈ X

Proposition. ‖A‖ = sup ‖Ax‖ : ‖x‖ ≤ 1 is called the norm of A and B (X ,Y)is a Banach space with this norm as long as Y is a Banach space.

Proof. Suppose An is Cauchy. Then for any x ∈ X , Anx is a Cauchysequence in Y as we have ‖Anx−Amx‖ ≤ ‖An −Am‖ ‖x‖ → 0. Since Y iscomplete, there will be a limit Anx → Ax. We now claim that A is a linearoperator, since A(x + y) = lim (An(x+ y)) = limAnx + limAny = Ax + Ay(scalars are similar). Finally, we verify that A is bounded. By using the factthat An is Cauchy, take a subsequence nk so that


∥∥ < 12k, and then

write that Ax = limn→∞Anx = limj→∞∑jk=1

(Ank −Ank−1

)x so has ‖Ax‖ ≤∑∞


∥∥(Ank −Ank−1

)x∥∥ ≤∑∞k=1

∥∥Ank −Ank−1

∥∥ ‖x‖, which shows ‖A‖ <∑∞k=1

∥∥Ank −Ank−1

∥∥ <∞.

Example. (2.2) If (X,Ω, µ) is a σ−nite measure space and φ ∈ L∞(X,Ω, µ)dene Mφ : Lp → Lp by Mφf = φf for all f in Lp. Then Mφ ∈ B (Lp) and‖Mφ‖ = ‖φ‖∞

Example. (2.3.) (Genarlization of the integration kernals example) let (X,Ω, µ)be a positive measure space and suppose k : X × X → F is a Ω × Ω measurablefunction for which there are constants c1 and c2 so that :ˆ

|k(x, y)|dµ(y) ≤ c1 for a.e. x

ˆ|k(x, y)|dµ(x) ≤ c2 for a.e. y

Then dene K : Lp(µ)→ Lp(µ) by:

(Kf)(x) =

ˆk(x, y)f(y)dµ(y)

Then K is a bounded linear operator with ‖K‖ ≤ c1/q1 c1/p2 where p−1 +q−1 = 1

(Use Holder instead of Cauchy-Schwarz)

Example. (2.4.) If X,Y are compact spaces and τ : Y → X is a continuousmap, dene A : C(X) → C(Y ) by (Af)(y) = f(τ(y)) (i..e Af = f τ) thenA ∈ B(C(X), C(Y )) and ‖A‖ = 1.

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Proof. ‖A‖ = sup‖f‖C(X)=1 ‖Af‖C(Y ) = sup‖f‖C(X)=1 ‖f τ‖C(Y ) ≤ 1 since

‖f τ‖C(Y ) = supy∈Y |f(τ(y)| ≤ supx∈X |f(x)| = ‖f‖C(X). To see the other in-

equality, construct the right function f which is 1 on some part of the range of τ and≤ 1 elsewhere. (Such a function should exist by Ursohn-type lemma thinger)

5.14. Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces

In functional analysis, it is always good to see what signicance a concept hasfor nite dimensional spaces.

Theorem. (3.1.) If X is a nite dimensional space over F, then any twonorms on X are equivalent.

Proof. Fix a (Hamel) basis e1, . . . , ed for the space and dene∥∥∥∑d

i=1 xiei



max1≤i≤d |xi|. We will show that any other norm is equivalent to this norm.For any x write x =

∑j xjej and then have by triangle inequality that ‖x‖ ≤∑

j |xj | ‖ej‖ ≤ C ‖x‖∞ with C =∑j ‖ej‖. This argument shows moreover that the

‖·‖∞-topology is ner than the ‖·‖−topology. (Indeed, if a point x is an interiorpoint for a set S in the ‖·‖ topology, by scaling by size C, we see that it is an interiorpoint in the ‖·‖∞-topology too. (The releavent logic is ‖x‖∞ < r/C =⇒ ‖x‖ < r)This means that all the ‖·‖-open sets are also ‖·‖∞−open too. i.e. the ‖·‖∞-topology is ner than the ‖·‖−topology.)

Now, to see the reverse inclusion/inequality consider as follows. (The crucialidea is that ‖·‖∞ has a COMPACT unit ball) (Here is a Bolazanno-Weirestrasstype proof I found on math.stackexchange). Suppose by contradiction, that forall C > 0,∃x so that ‖x‖∞ ≥ c ‖x‖. Take c = n to get a seqeunce xn with‖xn‖∞ ≥ n ‖xn‖. By scaling, we can assume WOLOG that ‖xn‖∞ = 1 for all n,i.e. ‖xn‖ ≤ 1

n . But then ‖xn‖ → 0 shows that xn → 0 in the ‖·‖-topology. Onthe other hand, since the unit ball in ‖·‖∞ is compact, and ‖xn‖ = 1 for all n, wehave by Bolzanno-Weirestrass a convergence subsequence xnk → y with ‖y‖∞ = 1.Since ‖xnk − y‖ ≤ C ‖xnk − y‖∞ → 0 we have that xnk → y in ‖·‖ too. But this isa contradiction as y 6= 0!

Conways pf below:Look at the closed ‖·‖∞−ball B = x ∈ X : ‖x‖∞ ≤ 1. Since this is compact

in ‖·‖∞ (nite dimensional is used here!), and since the ‖·‖∞-topology is ner thanthe ‖·‖-topology, we know that B is compact in the ‖·‖−topology too (Think ofopen subcovers). Moreover, if we restrict our attention from the set X to the setB, the topologies agree there (I'm not sure why this is true...)

Now the set A = x ∈ X : ‖x‖∞ < 1 is a ‖·‖∞−open set and is ⊂ B, so it isrelativly open w.r.t. B in the ‖·‖∞ topology. Hence it is also relativly open in the‖·‖ topology. I.e. there is a ‖·‖-open set U so that U ∩ B = A. Since 0 ∈ U , andU is ,‖·‖−open, we nd an r > 0 so that x : ‖x‖ < r ⊂ U . This is saying:

‖x‖ < r and ‖x‖∞ ≤ 1 =⇒ ‖x‖∞ < 1

Claim: ‖x‖ < r implies that ‖x‖∞ < 1pf: For such an x, write x =

∑xjej . Let α = ‖x‖∞ so that ‖x/α‖∞ = 1 and

x/α ∈ B. Suppose by contradiction now that α ≥ 1 then ‖x/α‖ < r/α ≤ r andsince ‖x/α‖∞ = 1 ≤ 1 we have then by our choice of r that ‖x/α‖∞ < 1 which isa contradiction!

By Lemma 1.4. this shows the other inclusion.

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5.15. Quotients and Products of Normed Spaces

Let X be a normed space and letM be a linear manifold in X and let Q : X →X/M be the natural quotient map Qx = x +M. We want to make X/M into anormed space, so dene:

‖x+M‖ := inf ‖x− y‖ : y ∈M = dist (x,M)

This is always a semi-norm, and if M is a closed linear subspace then it is anorm.

Theorem. (4.2.) If M is a closed linear subspace of X then ‖x+M‖ =dist (x,M) is a norm and:

a) ‖Q(x)‖ ≤ ‖x‖ for all x ∈ X and hence Q is continuousb) If X is a Banach space then so is X/Mc) A subset W of X/M is open in X/M if and only if Q−1(W ) is open in Xd) If U is open in X then Q(U) is open in X/M.

Proof. I'm going to skip the proof for now.....I'm going to skip some other stu here too....

5.15.1. Products of Normed Spaces.

Definition. Suppose Xi:i ∈ I is a collection of normed spaces. Dene for1 ≤ p <∞: =& :

‖x‖⊕pXi :=




⊕pXi :=

x ∈


Xi : ‖x‖⊕pXi <∞

‖x‖⊕∞Xi := sup


⊕∞Xi :=

x ∈


Xi : ‖x‖⊕∞Xi <∞

⊕0Xi :=

x ∈


Xi : ‖x‖Xn → 0 as n→∞

(The last denition only makes sense when I = 1, 2, . . .. We give ⊕0Xi a

norm by treating it as a subspace of ⊕∞Xi) The next proposition tells us when thisis a Banach space and other things:

Proposition. (4.4.) Let Xi : i ∈ I be a collection of normed spaces.a) ⊕pXi is a normed space and the projections Pn : ⊕pXi → Xn is a continuous

linear map with ‖Pn(x)‖Xn ≤ ‖x‖⊕pXi .b) ⊕pXi is a Banach space if and only if each Xn is a Banach spacec) Each projection Pn is an open map of ⊕pXi onto Xn.

5.16. Linear Functionals

Definition. A hyperplane in X is a linear manifoldM in X so that dim(X/M) =1. A little more work gets us to:

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Proposition. (5.1.) a) A linear manifold in X is a hyperplane if and only ifit is the kernal of a non-zero linear functional. b) Two linear functionals have thesame kernal if and only if one is a non-zero multiple of the other.

Proof. a) If f : X → F is a linear functional and f 6= 0 then ker f is ahyperplane. In fact, f induces an isomorphism between X/ ker f and F. Conversely,if M is a hyperplane, let Q : X → X/M be the natural quotient map and letT : X/M→ Fbe an isomorphism Then f = T Q is a linear functional on X andker f =M.

b) If ker f = ker g then take any x0 with f(x0) = 1. g(x0) 6= 0 since x0 /∈ ker f =ker g We claim now that g(·) = g(x0)f(·). Indeed, x − f(x)x0 ∈ ker f = ker g forany x, and so g(x− f(x)x0) = 0 for any x. Linearity then gives the result.

Proposition. (5.2.) If X is a normed space and M is a hyperplane in X ,then eitherM is closed orM is dense.

Proof. The closure ofM is a linear manifold. SinceM⊂clM and dimX/M =1, either clM =M or clM = X .

We will give examples of both these in a second, but rst the characterizingtheorem is that:

Theorem. (5.3.) If X is a normed space and f : X → F is a linear functional,then f is continuous if and only if ker f is closed. (Otherwise, ker f is dense)

Proof. (⇒) If f is continuous, write ker f = f−1 (0) is the pre-image of aclosed set and is consequently closed.

(⇐) If ker f is closed, then the quotient map Q : X → X/ ker f is continuous.Let T : X/ ker f → F be an isomortphism and let g = T Q. Then g is continuous(its the composition of two continuous functions) and we know from prop 5.1 thatg = αf for some constant α.

Example. We now give examples whereM is closed and when it is dense. If wechoose X = c0 (sequence that tend to zero) with the sup norm, then f(α1, α2 . . .) =α1 is a continous linear functional and ker f = (αn) : α1 = 0 is closed.

To make a non-continous linear functional, consider as follows: Take the har-monic sequence x0 =

(1, 1

2 ,13 , . . .

)and then look at the set x0, e1, e2, . . . where

en(k) = δnk is the usual basis. This is an independent set. Now extend this to aHamel basis for all of c0 (recall a Hamel basis is one where every element is writtenas a nitie linear combination of basis elements) and dene f(α0x0 +

∑∞n=1 αnen +∑

βibi) = α0. Notice that en ∈ ker f for each n and so ker f is dense.

Definition. For a linear functional f we dene:

‖f‖ = sup |f(x)| : ‖x‖ ≤ 1As before, f is continuous if and only if ‖f‖ <∞. We dene:

X ∗ := f : X → F linear functionals : ‖f‖ <∞

Proposition. (5.4.) If X is a normed linear space then X ∗ is a Banach space.

Proof. (This essentially goes because X ∗ is basically the same as Cb(x : ‖x‖ < 1)and we know that Cb is a Banach space)

It is easy to check that this the norm ‖·‖ on functionals is a norm. To seethat it is complete, restrict our attention to the unit ball B = x ∈ X : ‖x‖ ≤ 1

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and dene ρ(f) : B → F by ρ(f)(x) = f(x) (i.e. ρ(f) is the restriction of thefunctional f to the closed ball B). Notice that ρ : X ∗ → Cb(B) is a linear isometry.We already know that Cb(B) is complete. Hence to show that X ∗ is complete, itsuces to show that ρ (X ∗) is a closed. Indeed, if fn ⊂ X ∗ and ρ(fn)→ g for some

g ∈ Cb(B). Dene f : X → F by f(x) = ‖x‖ g(‖x‖−1x) for ‖x‖ 6= 0 and f(0) = 0.

f is a continuous linear functional because g is bounded. We also see that ρ(f) = g,so the fact that ρ(fn)→ g and g = ρ(f) shows that ρ (X ∗) is closed.

Remark. Compare this to the theorem that for B (X ,F) 6= (0), we have thatB (X ,Y) is a Banach space if and only if Y is a Banach space.

Theorem. (5.5.) For (X,Ω, µ) a measure space and 1 < p < ∞ and q s.t.q−1 + p−1 = 1 we dene for g ∈ Lqthe map Fg : Lp → F by:

Fg(f) :=


THen Fg ∈ (Lp)∗and the map g → Fg is an isometric isomorphism of Lq onto


5.17. The Hahn-Banach Theorem

Definition. (6.1.) If X is a vector space, a sublinear functional is a functionq : X → R such that:

a) q(x+ y) ≤ q(x) + q(y) for all x, y ∈ Xb) q(αx) = αq(x) for x ∈ X and α ≥ 0

Theorem. (6.2.) Let X be a vector space over R and let q be sublinear func-tional on X . IfM is a linear manifold on X and f :M→ R is a linear functionalsuch that f(x) ≤ q(x) for all x ∈M then there exists a linear functional F : X → Rsuch that F |M = f and F (x) ≤ q(x) for all x ∈ X

Remark. The substance of the theorem is not that there exists an extension,but that there exists an extension that is still bounded by q. If one just wanted anextension, then you could just construct one by dening the functional on a Hamelbasis.

Corollary. (6.4.) (Complex H-B) If X is a vector space, let M be a linearmanifold in X and let p : X → [0,∞) be a seminorm. If f : M → F is a linearfunctional with |f(x)| ≤ p(x) for all x ∈ M then there is a linear functional F :X → F sucht ath F |M = f and |F (x)| ≤ p(x) for all x ∈ X

....I think I'm actually not going to type up the rest of this section because all of

the information is on the H-B note I made earlier, which is nicely organized. Theonly theorem I didn's have there that Conway does is this one:

Theorem. (6.13) If X is a normed space and M is a linear manifold in Xthen:

clM =⋂ker f : f ∈ X ∗ andM⊂ ker f

Proof. Let N be the name of the subspace on the right hand since. We showinclusions both ways.

For any f ∈ X ∗ and M ⊂ ker f , since f is continuous we know that ker f isclosed and hence clM⊂ ker f . Since this works for any such f then clM⊂ N .

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We show the other inclusion by contra positive. x0 /∈ clM. Then d =dist(x0,M) > 0. By the projection H-B theorem, we nd and f so that f(x0) = 1and f |M = 0 which shows x0 /∈ ker f ⊃ N .

Corollary. M is dense in X if and only if the bounded linear functional onX that annihilatesM is the zero functional.

5.18. An Application: Banach Limits

For x = (xn) ∈ c the set of sequences with a limit, the operator L(x) =limn→∞ xn is a linear functional with the folloing properties:

i) ‖L‖ = 1ii) L(x) = L(x′) where x′n = xn+1 is the shifted sequenceiii) x ≥ 0 =⇒ L(x) ≥ 0We will show that L extends to a linear operator on all of `∞ that still has

these properties.

Theorem. There is a linear operator L : `∞ → F so that:o) L(x) = limn→∞ xn for all x ∈ ci) ‖L‖ = 1ii) L(x) = L(x′) where x′n = xn+1 is the shifted sequenceiii) x ≥ 0 =⇒ L(x) ≥ 0

Proof. Let M = x− x′ : x ∈ `∞ and notice this a linear manifold. Let1 = (1, 1, 1, 1 . . .) and check that dist(1,M) = 1. By the projection H-B theorem,there exists an operator L so that L(M) = 0, L(1) = 1 and ‖L‖ = dist(1,M)−1 = 1.

To check that L agrees with limits, it suces to show that c0 ⊂ kerL. To seethis, take any sequence x ∈ c0 and let x(n) = x′...′ be the sequence shifted n times.Notice that x(n+1) − x ∈ M by writing it as a telescoping sum of x(j+1) − x(j).Hence L(x) = L(x(n)) ≤

∥∥x(n)∥∥→ 0 shows L(x) = 0.

To check that L is positive, suppose by contradiction there is a sequence x ≥ 0but L(x) < 0. WOLOG ‖x‖ = 1 and so 1 ≥ xn ≥ 0 for each n. Have then‖1− x‖∞ ≤ 1 and so L(1−x) ≤ 1 on the other hand L(1−x) = 1−L(x) > 1 sinceL(x) > 0, contradiction!

5.19. An Application: Runge's Theorem

Let C∞ denote the extended complex plane.

Theorem. (Runge's Theorem) Let K be a compact subset of C and let E be asubset of C∞\K that meets each connected component of C∞\K. If f is analyticin a n'h'd of K, then there are rational functions fn with poles only lying in E sothat fn → f uniformly on K

Proof. I'm skipping the details. The if we let R(K,E) be the closure of therational functions with poles only in E, then we want to show that f ∈ R(K,E)for each analytic f . By the geometric fact that clM = ∩ker ` for the right` ∈ X ∗ we just have to show that `(f) = 0 for every ` ∈ X ∗ for which ker ` ⊂R(K,E). By Riesz this is the condition that if µ is a measure on K with

´gdµ =

0∀g ∈ R(K,E) then´fdµ = 0. Having turned the problem into a statement about

integrals, the work is more manageable.

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Corollary. (8.5.) If K is compact and C\K is connected and if f is analyticin a n'h'd of K then there is a sequence of polynomilas that converge to f uniformlyon K.

5.20. An Application: Ordered Vector Spaces

I'm going to skip this section

5.21. The Dual of a Quotient Space and a Subspace

Definition. For a subspaceM≤ X deneM⊥ ≤ X ∗ byM⊥ = f ∈ X ∗ : f(M) = 0.

Theorem. (10.1.) IfM≤ X then the map ρ : X ∗/M⊥ →M∗ dened by:

ρ(f +M⊥

)= f |M is

an isometric isomorphism.

Theorem. If M ≤ X and Q : X → X/M is the quotient map, then ρ(f) =f Q denes an isometric isomorphism of (X/M)


5.22. Reexive Spaces

Definition. X ∗∗ = (X ∗)∗

Definition. For x ∈ X we dene x ∈ X ∗∗ by x(f) = f(x). This has ‖x‖X∗∗ =‖x‖X .

Definition. A space is called reexive if X ∗∗ = x : x ∈ X. i.e. X ∗∗ isisometrically isomorhpic to X by the · map.

Example. Lp is reexive, as (Lp)∗∗ = (Lq)∗

= Lp

Example. c0 is not reexive, as (c0)∗∗


= `∞.

5.23. The Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems

Proposition. (Added by Mihai) A linear map A : X → Y is an open map⇐⇒ A(Br(0)) has non-empty interior

Proof. This follows essentially by the translation invariance and scale simi-larity of the topology on a NVS. For any open set G, write G = ∪x∈GBrx(x) andthen let ry be the radius of the open ball containing so that Bry (0) ⊂ A (Brx(0)).Then by translation, we will have: Bry (A(x)) ⊂ A (Brx(x)) and then can showA(G) = ∪x∈GBry (A(x)) is an open set.

Theorem. (12.1) (The Open Mapping Theorem) If X and Y are Banach spacesand A : X → Y is a continuous linear surjection, then A(G) is open in Y wheneverG is open in X .

I.e. continuous linear surjective maps are open maps.

Proof. (Sketch) Let Br(x) denote the unit ball at x. The idea is to show that:i) 0 ∈ int clA (Br(0))This uses that Y = ∪nA(Bn(0)) by onto and then Baire to see that these

can't all be nowhere dense. This is the harder step.ii) cl


))⊂ A (Br(0))

This just uses the completeness of the space

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Combining these, we see that A(Br(0)) has non-empty interior (for 0 is aninterior point). The result then follows by the preceding proposition. Lets shoreup the details of i) below:

i) Since A is surjective, we know that Y = ∪nA (Bn(0)) and now by the Bairecategory theorem, since Y is a complete space and hence not meager, we know thatat least one set A (Bn(0)) has non-empty interior. Say G ⊂ A (Bn0

(0)) is open.Notice that since Bn0(0) is symmetric and convex, since A is linear, we know that

A (Bn0(0)) is symmetric and convex too. Hence 1

2G + 12 (−G) ⊂ A (Bn0

(0)). But

0 ∈ 12G + 1

2 (−G) and this is an open set, so we have then 0 ∈ 12G + 1

2 (−G) ⊂int cl A (Bn0(0)) as desired.

Remark. The Open Mapping Theorem depends very much on the completenessof the space Y ; both to use the Baire category theorem AND to see that cl



A (Br(0))

Theorem. (12.5.) (The Inverse Mapping Theorem) If X and Y are Banachspaces and A : X → Y is a bounded linear bijection then A−1 is bounded.

Proof. Because A is continuous, linear and surjective, it is an open map bythe Open Mapping theorem. This is exactly saying that A−1 is a continuous map(using the preimage of open sets are open criteria)

Theorem. (12.6.) (The Closed Graph Theorem) If X and Y are Banach spacesand A : X → Y is a linear transformation then:

A is continuos ⇐⇒ Γ(A) := (x,Ax) ∈ X ⊕1 Y : x ∈ X is a closed set

Remark. Γ(A) is called the graph of A, since A is linear it is easily veriedthat Γ(A) is a linear subspace of X ⊕1Y. Recall that the norm X ⊕1Y is ‖(x, y)‖ :=‖x‖+ ‖y‖.

Lemma. Γ(T ) is closed ⇐⇒ ( xn → x and T (xn)→ y =⇒ T (x) = y ) ⇐⇒( xn → 0 and T (xn)→ y =⇒ y = 0)

Proof. The second ⇐⇒ is just by linearity, so we prove the rst one only:( =⇒ ) If xn → x and T (xn) → y then (xn, T (xn)) → (x, y) since Γ(A) is

closed we have that (x, y) ∈ Γ(A) and so y = T (x) is forced.(⇐=) Suppose (xn, T (xn))→ (x, y) then we have xn → x and T (xn)→ y and

so T (x) = y by hypothesis. Hence (x, y) = (x, Tx) ∈ Γ(T ) and we see that Γ(T ) isclosed under limits.

Proof. (of closed graph theorem)( =⇒ ) If A is continuous then the condtion ( xn → x and A(xn) → y =⇒

A(x) = y ) follows by continuity of A and see that Γ(A) is closed by the lemma.(⇐=) Think of Γ(A) as a Banach space (it is a closed subspace of a Banach

space) and dene P : Γ(A) → X by (x, Tx) → x. It is easily veried that this isbounded and bijective. By the inverse mapping theorem, its inverse is continuous,i.e. ∃C so that C ‖x‖ = C ‖A(x, Tx)‖ ≥ C ‖(x, Tx)‖ = ‖x‖ + ‖Tx‖ =⇒ ‖Tx‖ ≤(C − 1) ‖x‖

(Basically, T is the inverse of the projection map (x, Tx)→ x. )

Remark. The strength of the closed graph theorem is as follows. To show Ais continuous you must:

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(Without closed graph theorem): If xn → 0 then must show Axn convergesAND Axn → 0

(With closed graph theorem): If xn → 0 you may assume that Axn → yconverges and have only to show that y = 0.

Example. If φ is a function so that fφ ∈ Lp for all f ∈ Lp, show that φ ∈ L∞

Proof. Let A : Lp → Lp by Af = φf . It is possible to verify that ‖A‖ = ‖φ‖is nite if and only if φ ∈ L∞. To check that A is continuous suppose that fn → 0in Lp. We may assume that φfn → g for some g and we have only to verify thatg = 0. Since fn → 0 in Lp we know that fn → 0 in probability, so there is asubsequence with fnk → 0 a.s. and we have g = limk φfnk = 0 a.s. so indeed g = 0.

Notice that without assuming there was such a g, we would be able to showthat there was a subsequence with φfnk → 0 but we would be unable to show thatφf → 0. (We could have used the subsequence-subsubsequence trick for convergencein probability to get around this)

Theorem. (Subsequence-Subsubsequence trick) Let X be a metric space. Thenxn → x if and only if for every subsequence xnk we have a sub-sub-sequence so thatxnkm → x

Proof. ( =⇒ ) is clear. (⇐=) Suppose by contradiciton xn 9 x. Then thereexists ε0 > 0 and a subsequnence nk so that d(xnk , x) > ε0 for all k. But this xnkhas no convergent sub-sub-sequence!

Definition. (12.8.) If X and Y are Banach spaces, an isomorphism of Xand Y is a linear bijection T : X → Y that is a homeomorphism (i.e. it has acontinuous inverse). By the inverse mapping theorem all continuous bijections areisomorphisms.

5.24. Complemented Subspaces of a Banach Space

I think I'm going to skip this section.

5.25. The Principle of Uniform Boundedness

Theorem. (14.1.) Principle of Uniform Boundednes (or PUB). If A ⊂ B (X ,Y)has the property that:

∀x ∈ X , sup ‖Ax‖ : A ∈ A <∞


sup ‖A‖ : A ∈ A <∞(i.e. If a collection of operators is bounded at each point, then it is uniformly


Proof. Let En = x ∈ X : supα∈Λ ‖Tαx‖ ≤ n so that E = ∪nEn. Notice

also that En = ∩α ‖Tα(·)‖−1[0, n] is an intersection of closed sets (because x →

‖Tαx‖ is continuous), so En is closed. Since E is not 1st category, we know thatE cannot be written as a countable union of nowhere dense sets. Hence it must bethe case that at least one En is not nowhere dense. In other words, ∃n0 so thatEn06= ∅. Hence ∃x0, r so that Br(x0) ⊂ En0


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For any x with ‖x‖ ≤ r now, notice that x0 + x ∈ Br(x0) ⊂ En0. Hence for

such x, we know by denition of En0 that supα ‖Tα(x0 + x)‖ ≤ n0. Have then forany ‖x‖ ≤ r:

supα‖Tαx‖ = sup

α‖Tα(x0 + x)− Tα(x0)‖

≤ supα

(‖Tα(x0 + x)‖+ ‖Tα(x0)‖)

≤ n0 + n0 = 2n0

So by scaling, we conclude that for any x with ‖x‖ ≤ 1 that supα ‖Tαx‖ ≤ 2n0

r .

Have nally then that supα ‖Tα‖ = supα sup‖x‖=1 ‖Tαx‖ ≤ 2n0

r <∞.

Corollary. (14.3.) If X is a normed space and A ⊂ X then A is a boundedset if and only if for every f in X ∗we have that sup |f(a)| : a ∈ A <∞

Proof. Consider X as a subset of X ∗∗ by theˆmap, then it is clear how toapply the PUB.

Corollary. (14.4) If X is a Banach space and A ⊂ X ∗ then A is bounded ifand only if for all x ∈ X we have sup |f(x)| : f ∈ A <∞

Proof. This is exactly the uniform boundedness principle with Y = F.

Theorem. (14.6.) The Banach Steinhaus Theorem. If X and Y are Banachspaces and An is a sequence in B(X ,Y) with the property that for every x ∈ Xthere exists y ∈ Y so that ‖Anx− y‖ → 0, then there is a an A ∈ B(X ,Y) suchthat ‖Anx−Ax‖ → 0 for every x ∈ X and sup ‖An‖ <∞

Proof. Let Ax = limnAnx be the pointwise limit we nd. Notice that for eachx we have ‖Anx‖ ≤ ‖Anx−Ax‖+‖Ax‖ → ‖Ax‖ so we see that for each x , ‖Anx‖is bounded. By the PUB, ‖An‖is uniformly bounded too. Now, to check that Ais bounded, write ‖Ax‖ ≤ ‖Ax−Anx‖+ ‖Anx‖ → 0 + ‖Anx‖ ≤ supn ‖An‖ ‖x‖ soindeed A is continuous too.

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Locally Convex Spaces

These are notes from Chapter 4 of [1].

Remark. I'm going to skip around here a bit....some of this stu is a bit weird

6.26. Elementary Properties and Examples

Definition. (1.1.) A topological vector space is a vector space with atopology so that addtion and scalar multiplication are continuous.

Definition. (1.2.) A locally convex space is a topological vector spacewhose topology is dened by a family of seminorms. That is: if p1, . . . , pn areseminorms (i.e. they are like norms by p(x) = 0 does not nessisarily mean x = 0)then the subbase of the n'hd's at a point x0 ∈ X of the topology are:

Uε1,...,εn;x0 =


x ∈ X : pj (x− x0) < εj

(i.e. a set U is open i for all x0 ∈ U there exists ε1, . . . , εn so that Uε1,...,εn;x0⊂


Remark. All the seminorms used to dene the topology above are automati-cally continuous since the for every x0 andε > 0, there is an open n'h'd U of x0 sothat |p1(x)− p1(x0)| < ε. (indeed, the n'h'd Uε,1,1,1,...;x0

does this)

Remark. I'm skipping a whole bunch of stu here.

Example. (1.5.) Let C(X) =continuous functions from X → F. For Kcompact, dene pK(f) = sup |f(x)| : x ∈ K. Then pK : K compact in X is afamily of seminorms that makes C(X) into a locally convex space.

Example. (1.6.) Let G be an open subset of C and let H(G) be the the setof all analytic functions on G. Dene the seminorms of example 1.5. on thesefunctions. It turns out that this is the topology of uniform convergence on compactsubsets!

Example. (1.7.) Let X be a normed space. For each x∗ ∈ X ∗dene px∗(x) =|x∗(x)| then px∗ is a semi-norm. If P = px∗ : x∗ ∈ X ∗, then P makes X into alocally convex space. The topology dened on X by these semi norms is called theweak topology and is often denoted by σ(X ,X ∗). This is a topology on X. Inthis topology all of the function x∗ are continuous.

Example. (1.8.) Let X be a normed space and for each x ∈ X , dene px :X ∗ → [0,∞) by px(x∗) = |x∗(x)|. This family of seminorms make s X∗ into atopology. This is called the weak*-topology It is a topology on X∗. It is oftendenoted σ (X ∗,X ).


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Definition. A set A is convex if whenever x, y ∈ A then the line segment[x, y] = tx+ (1− t)y : t ∈ (0, 1) ⊂ A

Proposition. a) A set A is convex if whenever x1, x2 . . . xn ∈ A and t1, t2 . . . , tn ∈[0, 1] with

∑ti = 1 has

∑tixi ∈ A

b) If Ai : i ∈ I are all convex, then⋂iAi is convex.

Proof. a) by induction, splitting it up into many pairs of points. b) [x, y] ∈ Aifor each i.

Definition. (1.10)The convex hull of a set A, denoted co(A) is the intere-section of all the convex sets that contain A. If X is a topological vector space,then the closed convex hull of A is the intersection of all closed convex subsetsof X that contain A; it is denoted by co(A)

Proposition. (1.11) If A is a convex set then:a) A is a convex setb) If a ∈ Aand b ∈ A then (a, b] ⊂ A

Proof. I'm skiping the proof!

Corollary. co(A) is the closure of co(A)

Definition. A set A ⊂ X is caleed balanced if αx ∈ A for all x ∈ A and|α| ≤ 1. A set A is absorbing if for each x ∈ X there is an ε > 0 so that tx ∈ Afor 0 ≤ t < ε. We say that a set A is absorbing at a if for each x ∈ X there thereis an ε > 0 so that a+ tx ∈ A for 0 ≤ t < ε.

Remark. The condition of being balanced at a is a bit like being an interiorpoint, because the condition is kind of like having a ball of radius ε around you,only that the radius can depend on the direction x that was chose. For this reason,sets which are absorbing at every point are not nessarily open.

Definition. For a non-empty convex set V , dene the Mikowski norm orGauge by:

pV (x) = inf t : t ≥ 0, x ∈ tV

Remark. For any set V the set x ∈ X : pV (x) < 1 is a balanced set whichis absorbing at each point.

Proposition. (1.14) If V is a non-empty convex set that is balanced andabsorbing at each point, then V = x ∈ X : pV (x) < 1 where pV is the Minkowskifunction.

Proof. x ∈ X : pV (x) < 1 ⊂ V is clear. Use the absorbing and balancedproperties to prove that V ⊂ x ∈ X : pV (x) < 1.

6.27. Metrizable and Normable Locally Convex Spaces

I'm going to skip the details of this section...the main result is that:

Proposition. (2.1.) A locally convex space is metrizable if and only if it isgiven by a countable family of seminorms and ∩∞n=1 x : pn(x) = 0 = 0. In thiscase the metric that works is:

d(x, y) =


2−npn(x− y)

1 + pn(x− y)

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Example. (2.2.) For the locally convex topology we put on C(X) before, itis metrizable i X =

⋃Kn whre each Kn is compact and if any compact K is

eventually a subset of some Kn.I'm going to skip the rest.

6.28. Some Geometric Consequence of the Hahn-Banach Theorem

Theorem. (3.1.) If X is a topological vector space and f : X → F is a linearfunctional then the following are equivalent:

a) f is continuousb) f is continuous at 0c) f is continuous at some pointd) ker f is closede) x→ |f(x)| is a continuous seminormAnd if X is the locally convex space that is dened by a family of seminors P,

then these are equivalent to:f) ∃p1, p2. . . . , pn in P and positive scalars α1, . . . , αn such that:

|f(x)| ≤n∑k=1

αkpk(x) ∀x ∈ X

Proposition. (3.2.) Let X be a topological vector space and suppose that Gis an open convex subset of X that contains the origin. If:

qG(x) = inf t : t ≥ 0 and x ∈ tG

then q is a non-negative continuos sublinear functional and G = x : q(x) < 1

Remark. This is slightly dierent than proposition 1.14 since that set wasbalanced and this set is not. The proof is similar to that of Prop 1.14.

Theorem. (3.3.) If X is a topological vector space and G is an open convexnon-empty subset of X that does not contain the origin, then there is a hyperplaneM such thatM∩G = ∅

Remark. Recall that a hyperplaneM so that X/M is one dimensional.

Proof. The minkowski functional from Proposition 3.2 is the sublinear func-tional that we will use the H-B theorem to get the result. Pick a point x0 ∈ G so thatH := G−x0 is an open convex set containing the origin and not containing x0. ByProp 3.2., then these facts say that H = x : q(x) < 1 and q(x0) ≥ 1. On spanx0dene f(αx0) = αq(x0) and so f ≤ q on spanx0 as f(αx0) = αq(x0) = q(αx0)for α > 0 and f(αx0) = αq(x0) ≤ 0 ≤ q(αx0) for α ≤ 0. Now extend f to all of Xby Hanh Banach.

Now, letM = ker f and we will show that this is the hyperplane we want. Forx ∈ G we have x0 − x ∈ H and so f(x0)− f(x) = f(x0 − x) ≤ q(x0 − x) < 1 =⇒f(x) > f(x0)− 1 = q(x0)− 1 ≥ 0. Which shows that f does not vanish anywhereon G.

(The proof for the complex case is simlar....I omit it thought)

Definition. An ane hyperplane is a set M so that for all x0 ∈ M, thesetM− x0 is a hyperplane. (it slike a translated hyperplane so that its allowed tonot go through 0)

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An ane closed subspace is a setM so that for all x0 ∈M, the setM−x0

is a closed subspace.

Remark. There is a great advantage inheret in a geometric discussion of realTVS's. Namely, if f : X → R is a nonzero continuos R−linear functional, thenthe hyperlane ker f disconnects the space. That is X/ ker f has two connectedcomponents. (This is left as an exercise)

Definition. (3.5.) Let X be a real topological vector space. A subset S of Xis called an open half space if there is a continuous linear functional f : X → Rsuch that S = x ∈ X : f(x) > α for some α. A subset S of X is called a closedhalf space if there is a continuous linear functional f : X → R such that S =x ∈ X : f(x) ≥ α for some α.

Definition. Two subsets A and B of X are said to be strictly separatedif they are contained in disjoint open half-spaces; they are separated if they arecontained in two closed half-spaces whose intersection is a closed ane hyperplane.

Proposition. (3.6.) Let X be real topological vector space.a) The closure of an open half-space is a closed half-space and the interior of a

closed half space is an open half spaceb) If A,B ⊂ X then A,B are strictly separated if and only if there is a contin-

uous linear functional f : X → R and a real scalar α so that f(a) > α ∀a ∈ A andf(b) < α ∀b ∈ B

c) If A,B ⊂ X then A,B are separated if and only if there is a continuouslinear functional f : X → R and a real scalar α so that f(a) ≥ α ∀a ∈ A andf(b) ≤ α ∀b ∈ B

Proof. a) is not hard keeping in mind that f is a continuous function.The (⇐=) direction of b) and c) is clear. Not sure about the other direc-

tion....maybe we could use the fact they are disjoint and then look at G = A − Band apply the theorem above to get the functional f ....this is essentially the ap-proach of the next theorem.

Theorem. (3.7.) If X is a real topological vector space and A and B aredisjoint convex sets with A open, then there is a continuous linear functional f :X → R and real scalar α such that f(a) < α for all a ∈ A and f(b) ≥ α for all bin B. If B is also open then A and B are strictly separated.

Proof. Let G = A − B and check that G is convex and does not contain 0.By the previous theorem we have a closed hyperplane so thatM∩G = ∅. Take thefunctional f so thatM = ker f and for this functional either f(x) > 0 for all x ∈ Gor f(x) < 0 for all x ∈ G. Suppose that f(x) > 0 for all x ∈ G (the other case issimilar) then f(a−b) > 0 for all a ∈ A and b ∈ B i.e. f(a) > f(b). Taking sups andinf's we get the desired result with sup f(b) : b ∈ B ≤ α ≤ inf f(a) : a ∈ A

Lemma. (3.8.) If X is a topological vector space, K is a compact subset of Xand V is an open subset of X sucht that K ⊂ V , then there is an open nhd U of 0such that K + U ⊂ V .

Theorem. (3.9.) Let X be a real locally convex space and let A and B be twodisjoint closed conves subsets of X . If B is compact, then A and B are strictlyseperated.

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Theorem. (3.13) If A and B are disjoint closed convex subsets of X , and ifB is compact, then there is a continuous functional f : X → C and α ∈ R and anε > 0 such that for all a ∈ A and b ∈ B we have:

Ref(a) ≤ α < α+ ε ≤ Ref(b)

Remark. I skipped a lot of theorems and some of the optional sections fromthis chapter.

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Weak Topologies

These are notes from Chapter 5 of [1].

7.29. Duality

Definition. For a locally convex space X , let X ∗ denote the space of allcontinuous linear functionals on X . This is a vector space. We use the notation〈x, x∗〉 := x∗(x) for x∗ ∈ X ∗ and x ∈ X . We will sometimes use 〈x∗, x〉 = x∗(x)too.

Definition. (1.1.) If X is a locally convex space, the weak topology on Xis the smallest topology so that all the functionals x∗ for x∗ ∈ X ∗ are continu-ous. Equivalently, it is dened by the family of seminorms px∗ : x∗ ∈ X ∗ wherepx∗(x) = |〈x, x∗〉|. This is denoted by wk or by σ (X ,X ∗)

The basic n'h'ds are sets of the form Ux∗1 ,...,x∗n;ε,x0 :=⋂nk=1 x ∈ X : |〈x− x0, x

∗k〉| < ε

and a set U is open if and only if for each x0 ∈ U there is a basic open n'h'dUx∗1 ,...,x∗n;ε,x0

⊂ U . Convergence of nets is characterized by convergence for eachlinear functional x∗, i..e xi → x0 ⇐⇒ 〈xi, x∗〉 → 〈x0, x

∗〉 for all x∗ ∈ X ∗.

Definition. The weak-star topology on X ∗ is the weakest topology so thateach functional 〈·, x〉 for x ∈ X is continuous. Equivalently, it is dened by thefamily of seminorms px : x ∈ X ∗ where px(x∗) = |〈x, x∗〉|. This is denoted bywk* or by σ (X ∗,X )

The basic n'h'ds are sets of the form Ux1,...,xn;ε,x∗0:=⋂nk=1 x∗ ∈ X : |〈x∗ − x∗0, xk〉| < ε

and a set U is open if and only if for each x∗0 ∈ U there is a basic open n'h'dUx1,...,xn;ε,x∗0

⊂ U . Convergence of nets is characterized by convergence by actionon each element x i..e x∗i → x∗0 ⇐⇒ 〈x∗i , x〉 → 〈x∗0, x〉 for all x ∈ X .

Remark. Notice that with these denitions there are two topologies on the setX , the norm topology and the weak topology. We will always use the word weakto refer to the weak topology. For example, if we say a set A is closed, that meansit is closed in the norm topology. If we wanted to say a set A was closed in theweak topology, we would say A is weak closed

Theorem. (1.4.) If X is a locally convex space and A is a convex subset of Xthen the closure of A is the same as the weak closure of A.

Proof. Since the weak topology is smaller than the norm topology (i.e. it isa coarser topology), it is clear that cl A ⊂ wk-cl A.

Conversely, if x ∈ X\cl A then by separation theorems, seperating x andclA, we know that there is an x∗ in X ∗ and an α in R and ε > 0 so that:

Re 〈a, x∗〉 ≤ α < α+ ε ≤ Re 〈x, x∗〉


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for all a ∈ cl A. Hence A ⊂ cl A ⊂ B := y ∈ X : Re 〈y, x∗〉 ≤ α. But theset B is a weak closed set, since x∗ is weak continuous. Thus wk-clA ⊂ B. Sincex /∈ B, x /∈ wk-clA. This shows cl Ac ⊂ wk-cl Ac , which is the other inclusion.

Corollary. (1.5.) A convex subset of X is closed if and only if it is weaklyclosed.

Remark. I skipped the stu on the polar and prepolar here....

One can reformulate ideas about the Principle of Unifrom boundedness in termsof weak and weak-star topologies.

Theorem. (1.10.) If X is a Banach space and Y is a normed space andA ⊂ B (X ,Y) is a collection such that for every x ∈ X we have Ax : A ∈ A ⊂ Yis weakly bounded in Y, then A is norm bounded in B (X ,Y).

7.30. The Dual of a Subspace and a Quotient Space

I'm going to skip the details here, but one of the main results is:

Theorem. (2.2.) Let X be a locally convex space and M be a closed linearsubspace of X . Let Q be the quotient map from Q : X → X/M.

Then the map f → f Q denes a linear bijection between (X/M)∗andM⊥ =

x∗ ∈ X ∗ : 〈x, x∗〉 = 0∀x ∈M. This bijection is continuous with respect to theweak star topology. If X is a normed space, then this bijection is an isometry.

7.31. Alaoglu's Theorem

Denote by ballX := x ∈ X : ‖x‖ ≤ 1.

Theorem. (3.1.) (Alaoglu's Theorem) If X is a normed space, then ballX ∗ =x∗ ∈ X ∗ : ‖x∗‖ ≤ 1 then ballX ∗ is weak-star compact.

Proof. Let D = α ∈ F : |α| ≤ 1 be the closed unit disk. Make a copy of thislabeled Dx for each x in ballX and look at the product space DΠ :=

∏x∈ballX Dx.

This is a compact set by Tychono's theorem, since each copy of D is compact.Dene τ : ballX ∗ → DΠ by:

τ(x∗)(x) = 〈x, x∗〉I.e. τ(x∗) is the elmento fo the product wpace D whose x coordinate is 〈x, x∗〉.We will show that τ is a homeomorphism from (ballX ∗,wk∗) onto the image

τ (ballX ∗) with the relative topolgogy induced by DΠ and that the range τ (ballX ∗)is closed, and hence compact. This will show that (ballX ∗,wk∗) is compact, sincehomeomorphism preserve compactness.

I'm going to skip the actual details here.

7.32. Reexivity Revisited

In chapter 3, we said that a Banach space X was dened to be reexive if thenatural embedding of X into its double dual X ∗∗ was surjective. Recall the mapˆ: X → X ∗∗ was given by x → x dened by 〈x∗, x〉 = 〈x, x〉, We showed that thismap was an isometry.

If we think of the space X ∗∗ as the dual space to X ∗, i.e. X ∗∗ = (X ∗)∗, then wehave a weak-star topology on X ∗∗; namely its the one characterized by continuityof things from X ∗. If we think of X ⊂ X ∗∗ (by theˆembedding), then the weak-star

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topology on X ∗∗ is exactly the same as the weak topology on X ; they are bothcharacterized by the continuity of things from X ∗. Being able to think of this inboth ways can be useful, for example if X = X ∗∗ is reexive, in some situationswe will be able to apply Alaoglu's theorem to the weak topology of X , since thistopology corresponds to the weak-star topology on X ∗∗. In the meantime, here aresome other results:

Proposition. (4.1) If X is a normed space, then ballX is σ(X ∗∗,X ∗) (i.e. theweak-star topology on X ∗∗ given by functionals form X ∗) dense in ballX ∗∗.

Shorter version: ballX is dense in ballX ∗∗ when X ∗∗ is equipped with the weak-start topology.

Proof. Let B be the closure of ballX in this topology so that apriori B ⊂ballX ∗∗ and we desire to show that actuually B = ballX ∗∗. Suppose by contra-diction that there is an x∗∗0 ∈ ballX ∗∗\B. Then use the Hanh-Banach theorem toseperate the point x0 from B to nd a sperating functional x∗ ∈ X ∗ such that:

Re (〈x, x∗〉) < α < α+ ε < Re (〈x∗, x∗∗0 〉) for all x ∈ BBy scaling the element x∗ chosen here, we may assume WOLOG that α = 1.

Have:Re (〈x, x∗〉) < 1 < 1 + ε < Re (〈x∗, x∗∗0 〉) for all x ∈ ballX

Re (〈x, x∗〉) < 1 shows that x∗ ∈ ballX . But this is a contradiction 1 + ε <Re (〈x∗, x∗∗0 〉) since x∗ ∈ ballX ∗ and x∗∗0 ∈ ballX ∗∗.

Theorem. (4.2.) If X is a Banach space, the following are equivalent:a) X is reexiveb) X ∗ is reexivec) The weak-star topology on X ∗ (characterized by action on X ) is the same as

the weak-topology on X ∗ (characterized by functions from X ∗∗)(Conway writes this as σ (X ∗,X ) = σ (X ∗,X ∗∗)d) ballX is weakly compact.

Remark. The most important thing to get out of this theorem is that X isreexive ⇐⇒ ballX is weakly compact.

Proof. I'm just going to prove that a) ⇐⇒ d).a) =⇒ d) is just Alaoglu's theorem, since the weak topology on X is the same

as the weak-star topology on X ∗∗ when X is reexive.d) =⇒ a) If ballX is wekaly compact, then it is weakly closed. We have then by

the preceding proposition that ballX = ballX = ballX ∗∗. Hence X is reexive!

Definition. We call a sequence xn in X weakly Cauchy sequence if forevery x∗ ∈ X ∗ we have that 〈xn, x∗〉 is a Cauchy sequence in F. Since F iscomplete, and Cauchy sequences are exactly the convergent sequences, you couldequally well say that 〈xn, x∗〉 is convergent.

Theorem. (4.4.) If X is reexive, then every weak Cauchy sequence convergesweakly. This is called being weakly sequentially compact.

Proof. Say xn is the weakly Cauchy sequence in question. Since 〈xn, x∗〉is Cauchy for each x∗, in particular 〈xn, x∗〉 is bounded for each xed x∗. Bythe principle of uniform boundedness, there is a constant M so that ‖xn‖ ≤ Mfor all n. (I.e. the operators 〈xn, ·〉 are bounded at each point x∗, by the PUB

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there must be a uniform bound. Since ‖〈xn, ·〉‖ = ‖xn‖ this means the xn arebounded.) Now, since X is reexive, the set x ∈ X : ‖x‖ ≤M is weakly compact.Since xn is a closed subset of this compact set, we know that there must be a

subsequence xn weakly converging to something, say xnkweak−−−→ x0. We know

already that 〈xn, x∗〉 exists for all x∗ (since its Cauchy) so it must be the case that〈x0, x

∗〉 = limk→∞ 〈xnk , x∗〉 = limn→∞ 〈xn, x∗〉for each x∗ and we conclude thatxn → x0 weakly.

Remark. Not all Banach spaces are weakly sequentially compact. For exam-ple, the space C[0, 1] with the uniform norm is not. (Remember: its not reexive,

so this is indeed a possibility!) In we take fn(t) :=

1 t = 0

0 t ≥ 1n

and linear in the

range [0, 1/n] then for any µ ∈ M [0, 1] = (C[0, 1])∗we will have

´fndµ → µ (0)

by the Monotone convergence theorem. Since this is convergent, we have by de-nition that fn is weakly Cauchy. However, fn does not converge uniformly to anycontinuous function in C[0, 1]!

7.33. Separability and Metrizability

I'm not going to go into too much depth for this section, here are some high-lights:

Theorem. (5.1.) If X is a Banach space, then ballX ∗ is weak-star metrizableif and only if X is seperable.

Proposition. (5.2.) If a sequence in `1 converges weakly it converges in norm.

Proof. The main idea is to use that(`1)∗

= `∞ and consequently by Thm5.1. we have that ball`∞ is weak-star metrizable. One such metrizing is d(φ, ψ) =∑j 2−j |φ(j)− ψ(j)|. From here you have to do some tricky stu with the Baire

category theorem to get the result.

7.34. An Application: The Stone-Cech Compactication


7.35. The Krein-Milman Theorem

Definition. (7.1.) An extreme point of a convex subset A is a point thatis never on the interior of a line segment from points in A: it can only be realizedas an endpoint. Let ext K be the set of extreme points.

Theorem. (7.4.) (The Krein-Milman Theorem) If K is a nonempty com-pact convex subset of a locally convex space X , then ext K is nonempty and K =co (ext K)

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Fredholm Thoery of Integral Equations

These are notes from Chapter 24 of [2].Suppose K(x, y) is a kernal on [0, 1]2, and f is a given function on [0, 1]. We

are interested in nding solutions u to the following system:

u(x) +

ˆ 1


K(x, y)u(y)dy = f(x)

To begin, lets look at a discretized version of the problem. Fix n and h = 1/n,let Kij = K(ih, jh), fi = f(ih) and uj = u(j). We now want to solve:

ui + h∑

Kijuj = fi

The left hand side is the operator, [δij + hKij ]ij which is an n × n matrix.

For this reason, we might be interested in the determinant det [δij + hKij ]. Thefollowing claim is an essential tool:

Proposition. Let Aij be an N ×N matrix. Have:

det [I + hAij ] = 1 + h∑i

Aii +h2




[Aii AijAji Ajj

]+ . . .

= 1 +







)Proof. Let us call D(h) := det [I + hAij ]. D(h) is a polynomial of degree at

most N in the variable h, D(h) =∑N

0 amhm, so it suces to nd the coecients

am. Using derivatives, we have that:

am =1






Label the columns of I + hAij as Cj(h) . Notice that each column Cj(h) hascomponents which are linear in h and also that Cj(0) = ej . Now, think of thedeterminant as being a linear function of all the columns. Since the derivative ismultilinear as a function of the columns Cj , we have the following dierentiationrule:


dhdet [C1(h), C2(h), . . . , CN (h)] =



[C1(h), . . . ,


dhCk(h), . . . , CN (h)

](Here a derivative d

dhCi is the vector that we get by taking component-wisederivatives. A skeptical reader could prove this result from the denition of thederivative and using induction, along with the usual add and subtract trick thatcomes up in this type of derivative argument. Hint: Induction hypothesis for l ≤ N


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is that: lim∆→01∆ (det [C1(h+ ∆), , . . . , Cl(h+ ∆), Cl+1(h), . . . , CN (h)]− det [C1(h), . . . , CN (h)]) =∑l

k=1 det[C1(h), . . . , d

dhCk(h), . . . , CN (h)])

Using this rule repeatedly, gives that:(d


)mdet [C1(h), C2(h), . . . , CN (h)] =



[C1(h), . . . ,


dhCk1(h), . . .


dhCkm , . . . CN (h)

]In our case, since every component Ci(h) is a linear function of h, taking two

derivatives of any column Ck would give a zero-column, and then the determinantfrom that term would vanish leaving no contribution. For this reason, we only needto consider ki all distinct. In our eort to evaluate am now, we evalute the aboveat h = 0. For columns with no derivative we have Ck(0) = ek, and for columns witha derivative we have that d

dhCk(0) = A·k is the column from A. Hence we have:

m!am =∑


det [e1, . . . , A·k1, . . . A·km , . . . , eN ]





If we sort the indeces ki so that k1 < . . . < km then we pick up a factor of m!which exactly cancels out the m! on the LHS. Plugging back into D(h) =


completes the result.

Definition. We dene the shorthand:


(x1 x2 . . . xky1 y2 . . . yk

):= det (K(xi, yj))i,j 1 ≤ i, j ≤ k

The formal limit as n → ∞ of the nite sum D(h) := det [I + hAij ] as h = 1n

is the innite series:

D = limn→∞








ˆ ˆ. . .


(x1 x2 . . . xkx1 x2 . . . xk

)dx1dx2 . . . dxk

This innite sum is called the Fredholmf determinant of the operator I+K

i.e. the operator u(x)→ u(x) +´ 1

0K(x, y)u(y)dy.

Lemma. This series converges.

Proof. We use Hadamdards inequality |det (C1, . . . , Ck)| ≤∏‖Ci‖. In our

case, since |K(x, y)| ≤ M is bounded, so the length of each column vector in the

matrix K(xi, xi) is ≤ M√k . Hence by Hadamard, we have

∣∣∣K(x1 x2 ...xkx1 x2 ...xk

)∣∣∣ ≤Mkkk/2. Hence the k-th term in the seris is ≤Mkkk/2/k! by Stirling's formula thisis ≤ (Me)kk−k/2 which is summable. Hence the thing is absolutly convergent.

One can get a better estimate on the sum if the kernal K is Holder continuousby doing some column operations which don't eect the determinant.

Let us turn our attention back to the linear system [δij + hKij ]ij ui = fi now.

We want to invert this system. The elements of the inverse matrix can be repre-sented by Cramers rule as the determinants of the minor of size 1 less than the

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order of the system. If you do this, and then pass to the limit n → ∞ as we didbefore, you get the operator:

R(x, y) := K(x, y) +


(x x1

y x1

)dx1 + . . .





ˆ. . .


(x x1 . . . xky x1 . . . xk

)dx1 . . . dxk

This sum converges uniformly by the same reasoning as before.

Proposition. R(x, y) +´K(x, z)R(z, y)dz −DK(x, y) = 0

Proof. Expand the determinant K(x x1 ...xky x1 ...xk

)along the rst row to get:


(x x1 . . . xky x1 . . . xk

)= K(x, y)K

(x1 . . . xkx1 ... xk



(−1)kK(x, xj)K

(x1, x2, xk

y, x1, . . . xj , . . . xk

)Where xj is the absentee hat indicating that xj is not there. We now claim that

terms appearing in the sum all integrate to the same thing when you do integrateover dx1, . . .dxk. This is seen by doing row and column swaps to make them alllook the same. Have:ˆ. . .

ˆ(−1)kK(x, xj)K

(x1, x2, xk

y, x1, . . . xj , . . . xk

)dx1 . . . dxk =

ˆ. . .

ˆ(−1)kK(x, z)K

(w, x2, . . . , z, . . . xk

y, w, x2 . . . xj−1, xj+1, . . . xk

)dw . . .dz . . .dxk (relabel z = xj , w = x1)


ˆ. . .

ˆ(−1)k(−1)1K(x, z)K

(z, x2, . . . w . . . xk

y, w, . . . xj−1, xj+1, . . . xk

)dw . . .dz . . .dxk (1 row swap to swithc z with w)


ˆ. . .

ˆ(−1)k(−1)1(−1)k−2K(x, z)K

(z, x2, . . . w . . . xk

y, x2 . . . xj−1, w, xj+1, . . . xk

)dw . . .dz . . .dxk(k − 2 column swaps to rearrange the row)

If we relabel z = x1now and w = xk then we see these rae all equal! Conse-quently:

ˆ. . .


(x x1 . . . xky x1 . . . xk

)dx1 . . . dxk =

ˆ. . .

ˆ K(x, y)K

(x1 . . . xkx1 ... xk



(−1)kK(x, xj)K

(x1, x2, xk

y, x1, . . . xj , . . . xk

) dx1, . . .dxk

= K(x, y)

(ˆ. . .


(x1 . . . xkx1 ... xk

)dx1, . . .dxk

)− k

(ˆ. . .

ˆK(x, x1)K

(x1, x2, xk

y, x2, . . . , . . . xk

)dx1, . . .dxk

)If we divide by k! and sum this up now, the LHS becomes R(x, y); the rst

term on the RHS has a common factor of K(x, y) and the integrals sum to D; bybringin in the k

k! = 1(k−1)! we recognize that we have R(x1, y) appearing. Hence


R(x, y) = K(x, y)D −ˆK(x, x1)R(x1, y)dx1

As desired.

Definition. Use the notation K to be the operator of integration against thekernal K, namely:

(Ku) (x) =

ˆK(x, y)u(y)dy

The equation we are trying to solve is:

(I + K)u = f

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Notice that:(I + K) (I + H) = I + L

where L is the operator with the kernal:

L(x, y) = K(x, y) +H(x, y) +

ˆH(x, z)K(z, y)dz

Theorem. If K is a continuous kernal with D 6= 0. Then the operator I + Kis invertable with inverse I−D−1R.

Proof. We have from the proposition that:

R + KR−DK = 0

R + RK−DK = 0

Since D is assumed to be non-zero this can be rewritten as:

(I + K)(I−D−1R

)= I(


(I + K) = I

The next way to get more information is to instead look atD(λ) =∑



´. . .´K(x1,...xkx1,...,xk

)dx1 . . . dxk

(so that ourD before wasD(1)) This is what you get if you look at the kernal λK in-

stead of the K. Similarly dene R(x, ylλ) =∑



´. . .´K(x x1,...xky x1...xk

)dx1 . . . dxk.

By the estiamtes we had before, you can see that these are entire analytic func-tions of λ (it is a power series and the estimates we had before show us that

lim sup |Ck|1/k ≤ lim sup∣∣(Me)kk−k/2

∣∣1/k = 0 so it has an innite radius of conver-gence.)

Theorem. If K is a continuous kernal such that D = 0 then the operator I+Khas a non-trivial null space and is hence not invertible.

Proof. For xed y, let r(·) = R(·, y). Then the factR(x, y)+´K(x, z)R(z, y)dz+

DK(x, y) = R(x, y) +´K(x, z)R(z, y)dz = 0 when we plug in this xed value of y


r(x) +

ˆK(x, z)r(z)dz = 0

i.e. r(x) is in the null space of I + K. If r(x) is not identically 0, then we aredone. The following arguments show that it is not possible that r(x) ≡ 0 for everychoice of y

Lemma.´R(x, x;λ)dx = λ d


Proof. Just write out the power series.

Proposition. It is impossible for R(x, y) ≡ 0 for all x, y.

Proof. Suppose by contradiciton taht R(x, y) = 0 for all x, y. Then it musthave a zero of ∞ order at every point. If D = 0 then D(λ) has a zero at λ = 1.Since D(·) is an analytic function, this is a zero of some nite order m. But then´R(x, x;λ)dx = λ d

dλD(λ) shows the zeros of R are of nite order. Contradiction!

Theorem. The complex number κ is an eigenvalue of the integral operator Kif and only if λ = − 1

κ is a zero of D(λ)

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Proof. By the above theorems, we had that an operator I+K if invertable ifD 6= 0 and has non-trivial nullspace if D = 0. This is saying that 1 is an eigenvalufof K if and only if D = 0. By applying this to the oeprator I + λK we get theresult we want, keeping in mind the deniton of D(λ).

Theorem. If κ1, κ2, . . . are the eigenvalues of the integral operator K whosekernal K(x, y) is Holder continuous in x or y with Holder exponent > 1

2 then:ˆK(x, x)dx =


D =∏

(1 + κj)

And the series and the product converge absolutely.

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Bounded Operators

These are notes from Chapter 6 of [3].

9.36. Topolgies on Bounded operators

Here are three dierent topologies on L (X,Y ) the space of bounded linearoperators from a Banach space X to a Banach space Y .

Name N'h'd basis at origin Continuous Functions Net characterization, Tn → T i:

Norm (akaUniform)

Br(0) = S : ‖S‖ < r(its a Banach space)

‖Tn − T‖ → 0

Tnx→ Tx unif for all ‖x‖ ≤ 1


Ax1,...,xn,ε(0) := S : ‖Sxi‖Y < ε Ex(T ) : L (X,Y )→ Y

Ex(T ) := T (x)

Tnx→ Tx for all x


A `1,...`nx1,...,xn

,ε(0) := S : `j (Sxi) < ε

xi ⊂ X, `j ⊂ Y ∗Ex,`(T ) : L (X,Y )→ C

Ex,`(T ) := `(Tx)

`(Tnx)→ `(Tx)∀x ∈ X, ` ∈ Y ∗

Proposition. Weak is weaker than strong which is weaker than norm

Proof. We will show that convergeging in norm implies converging stronglywhich implies converging weakly. Indeed, the ineqaulies:

‖Tnx− Tx‖ ≤ ‖Tn − T‖ ‖x‖

Gives the rst one, and:

|`(Tnx)− `(Tx)| ≤ ‖`‖ ‖Tnx− Tx‖

Gives the second one.

Example. Here are examples for `2 that show the dierent types:i) Tnx = 1

nx has Tn → 0 in the norm topology

ii) Sn (ξ1, ξ2, . . .) =

0, 0, . . . 0︸ ︷︷ ︸n

, ξn+1, ξn+2, . . .

has ‖Sn‖ = 1 so Sn 9 0 in

the norm topology, but we do have for any xed x that ‖Snx‖ → 0 meaning thatSn → 0 in the strong operator topology.

iii) Sn (ξ1, ξ2, . . .) =

0, 0, . . . 0︸ ︷︷ ︸n

, ξ1, ξ2, . . .

this has ‖Snx‖ = ‖x‖ for every x,

so Sn 9 0 in the strong topology. However for any ei we have 〈ei, Snx〉 = 0 forn > i so we can check that Sn → 0 in the weak operator topology.

Remark. Operators on `2 can be thought of as innite × intinite matriceswith entires 〈Tei, ej〉.


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9.37. ADJOITNS 61

Converging Tn → T in the norm topology means something like that∑i,j |〈Tei, ej〉|

2 →0 (Indeed, we roughly have,

‖Tnx‖2 =


|〈Tnx, ei〉|2



|xj |2 |〈Tnej , ei〉|2

So this condition is denetly sucient. Puttoing x so that |xj |2 = 1k j ≤ k and

0 otheriwise....I'm spending too much time on this so I'll stop now)

Convering Tns−→ 0 means that Tnx→ 0 for each x. It is nessasary and sucient

that ‖Tnei‖2 =∑j |〈Tnei, ej〉|

2 → 0 for each ei since any x is approximated by∑mn=1 xnen.

Convering Tnw−→ 0 means that each |〈Tnei, ej〉| → 0.

Theorem. (6.1.) Let L (H ) denote the bounded operators on a Hilbert spaceH . Let Tn be a sequence of bounded operators and suppose that 〈Tnx, y〉 convergesas n→∞ for each x, y ∈H . Then there exists a T ∈ L (H ))such that Tn

w−→ T .

Proof. We rst claim that for each x, supn ‖Tnx‖ < ∞. Indeed, for each ywe know that supn |〈Tnx, y〉| <∞ so thinking of 〈Tnx, ·〉 as an operator on H , wesee that this family is pointwise bounded. By the uniform boundedness principle,it is uniformly bounded. Since the norm of this operator is ‖Tnx‖ this is exactlysaying that supn ‖Tnx‖ <∞.

Now again by the uniform boundedness principle, it must be that supn ‖Tn‖ <∞

Dene now B(x, y) = limn 〈Tnx, y〉. This is a sesquilinear form, and it isbounded since |B(x, y)| ≤ ‖x‖ ‖y‖ supn ‖Tn‖. By the Riez theorem for Hilbertspaces then, B(x, y) arises as a a bounded linear operator.

9.37. Adjoitns

Definition. Let X,Y be Banach spaces and T a bounded linear operator fromX to Y . The Banach space adjoint of T ′ : Y ∗ → X∗ is dened by:

(T ′`) (x) := ` (Tx)

Theorem. The map T → T ′ is an isometric isomorphism of L(X,Y ) intoL (Y ∗, X∗)

Proof. The fact that it is an isometry comes from using the charaterization‖x‖ = sup‖`‖≤1 |`(x)| (This is a consequence of Hanh-Banach). Have:

‖T‖L(X,Y ) = sup‖x‖≤1


= sup‖x‖≤1



= sup‖`‖≤1


|(T ′`) (x)|

)= ‖T ′‖L(Y ∗,X∗)

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We are mostly interested in the case where T is a bounded linear transformationof a Hilber space H to itself. In a Hilbert space, we know that H∗ ≡ H by the Riesztheorem, so we may think of T ∗ : H → H. T ∗satises 〈x, Ty〉 = 〈T ∗x, y〉.

Theorem. Here are some properties of the adjoint:i) T → T ∗is conjugate liear.ii) (TS)∗ = S∗T ∗

iii) (T ∗)∗ = T

iv) If T has a bounded inverse T−1, then T ∗has a bounded inverse and (T ∗)−1


)∗e) The map T → T ∗is continuous in the weak and uniform operator topologies,

but is only continuous in the strong operator topology if H is nite dimensional.f) ‖TT ∗‖ = ‖T‖2

Proof. i)-iv) are routine.

The fact 〈x, Ty〉 = 〈T ∗x, y〉 shows that if Tnw−→ T then 〈x, Tny〉 → 〈x, Ty〉 ⇐⇒

〈T ∗nx, y〉 → 〈T ∗x, y〉 so indeed T ∗nw−→ T ∗ and we see that the map T → T ∗ re-

spects weak limits. The same holds in the uniform topology: if Tn → T here then‖Tn − T‖ → 0 and since ‖T ∗‖ = ‖T‖, we get that ‖T ∗n − T ∗‖ → 0 too. The shiftoperator Wn that shifts by n places converges weakly, but not strongly to 0. How-ever, W ∗n = Vn eats the rst n componets, and this DOES converge strongly to 0.So ∗ does not repect this convergence.

f) follows since ‖TT ∗‖ ≤ ‖T‖ ‖T ∗‖ = ‖T‖2 and conversly we have:

‖T ∗T‖ ≥ sup‖x‖=1

〈x, T ∗Tx〉 = sup‖x‖=1

‖Tx‖2 = ‖T‖2

Definition. A boudned operator T on a Hilbert space is called self adjointif T = T ∗

An important class of these are the orthogonal projections:

Definition. If P ∈ L (H) and P 2 = P , then P is called a projection. If inaddition, P = P ∗ then P is called an orthogonal projection.

Notice that the range of a projection is always a closed subspace on which Pacts like the identity. If in addition P is orthogonal, then P acts like the zero

operator on (ranP )⊥

(Indeed: for x ∈ (ranP )⊥

we have 〈Px, y〉 = 〈x, Py〉 = 0

for any y since x ∈ (ranP )⊥is perpendicular to any Py). If x = y + z with

y ∈ ranP and z ∈ (ranP )⊥

is the decomposition guarenteed by the projectiontheorem, then Px = y. P is called the orthogonal projection onto the subsapceranP . Thus the projection theorem sets up a one to one correspondence betweenorthogonal projections and closed subspaces. Since orthogonal projections arisemore frequently than non-orthogonal ones, we normally use the word projection tomean orthogonal ones only.

9.38. The Spectrum

Recall that for a linear operator T on CN , the eigenvalues of T are the complexnumbers λ such that the deteriminant of λI − T is equal to zero. The set of suchλ is called the spectrum of T . If λ is not an eigenvalue, then λI − T has an inversesince det (λI − T ) 6= 0. In innite dimensions this is more complicated because it

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is possible that λI − T is invertable but not bounded invertable and other weirdthings can happen. The spectrum is very important in understanding the operatorsthemselves.

Definition. Let T ∈ L(X) a complex number λ is said to be in the resolvent

set ρ(T ) of T if λI −T is a bijection with a bounded inverse. Rλ(T ) = (λI − T )−1

is called the resolvent of T at λ. If λ /∈ ρ(T ) then λ is said to be in the spectrumσ(T ) of T .

In other words, σ(T ) is the set of all λ so that either λI−T is not a bijection orwhere it does not have a bounded inverse. The inverse mapping theorem, however,guarentees that if λI − T is a continuous bijection then it automatically has abounded inverse.

Definition. Let T ∈ L(X)a) If there is some x 6= 0 so that Tx = λx then x ∈ ker (λI − T ) and so λ must

be in the spectrum of T . In this case we call x an eigenvector and we call λaneigenvalue. The set of all eigenvalues is called the point spectrum of T .

b) If λ ∈ σ(T ) but ker(λI−T ) is trivial, then it must be the case that ran(λI−T )is not dense in H. (Otherwise we would have that λI − T is invertable). In thiscase we call the set of such λ the residual spectrum.

To study the spcectrum we rst develop a theory of functions C → H. (The

example to keep in mind is the resolvent, Rλ = (λI − T )−1.) Since we have a norm

on H, we can devolp the theory in much the same way as the theory of complexfunction f : C→ C.

We say that such a function is strongly analtic at some point z0 ∈ C if


h exists in H. As in the case of complex valued functions, everystrongly analytic function has a norm-convergent taylor series.

A function is called weakly analytic if for every linear operator ` we have` (x(·)) is an analytic function in C.

It is a fact that every weakly analytic function is strongly analytic (I am skip-ping the proof).

Theorem. Let X be a Banach space and suppose T ∈ L(X). Then the resol-vent set ρ(T ) is an open subset of C and Rλ(T ) is an analytic L(X)-valued functionon each component of D. For any λ, µ ∈ ρ(T ), Rλ(T ) and Rµ(T ) commute with:

Rλ(T )−Rµ(T ) = (µ− λ)Rµ(T )Rλ(T )

Proof. Ommited for now...you basically just manipulate the power series in-volved.

This is called the rst resolvent formula.

Corollary. For any T , the spectrum of T is not empty.

Proof. We can write:

Rλ(T ) =1


(I +




)n)So as λ → ∞ we have ‖Rλ‖ → 0. If σ(T ) were empty, then Rλwould be an

entire function of λ and then by the Loiville theorem since Rλ is bounded, we wouldget Rλ = 0 which is a contradiction. Hence σ(T ) is not empty.

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The series above is called the Neumann series for Rλ(T ). We also see thatσ(T ) is contained in a disc of radius ‖T‖ since otherwise the above series is conver-gent.

Theorem. limn→∞ ‖Tn‖1/n = r(T ) = supλ∈σ(T ) |λ|

Proof. The idea is to prove that the radius of convergence of the Laurent seriesfor Rλ about λ =∞ is exactly r(T )−1 (Look at the Neumann series). Indeed, theradius of convergence cannot be smaller than r(T )−1 since Rλis analytic on ρ(T )and λ|λ > r(T ) ⊂ ρ(T ). On the other hand, the radius of convergence (about∞) is no more than r(T )−1, for it was it would include a point λ ∈ σ(T ) which isimpossible since we know that Rλ is divergent there.

Corollary. For a Hilbert space r(T ) = supλ∈σ(T ) |λ| = ‖T‖.

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Facts about the spectrum of an operator

Definition. Let A ∈ B(X ) be a bounded linear operator on a Banach space X .The specrum of an operator σ(A) is dened to be the set σ(A) = λ ∈ C : λI −A does not have a boudned linear inverse.The set ρ(A) = C\σ(A) = λ ∈ C : Iλ−A IS invertable is called the resolvent set.The operator Rλ(A) = (λI −A)

−1is called the resolvent function.

Remark. Notice that if λI −A is a bijection, then if λI −A is invertable, theinverse is automatically continuous by the inverse mapping theorem. This meansthat the question of being in the spectrum or not comes down to whether or notλI −A is bijective.

10.39. The resolvent function is analytic and the spectrum is an open,bounded, non-empty set.

Theorem. (The rst resolvent formula). Let X be a Banach space andsuppose T ∈ L(X). Then the resolvent set ρ(T ) is an open subset of C and Rλ(T )is an analytic L(X)-valued function on each component of D. For any λ, µ ∈ ρ(T ),Rλ(T ) and Rµ(T ) commute with:

Rλ(T )−Rµ(T ) = (µ− λ)Rµ(T )Rλ(T )

Actually the following is more useful:

Rλ(T ) = Rλ0(T )

[I +


(λ0 − λ)nRλ0

(T )n

]Proof. Check by manipulating power series that:

Rλ(T ) =1

λ− T


(λ− λ0) + (λ0 − T )


λ0 − T


(λ− λ0) (λ0 − T )−1

+ 1


= Rλ0(T )

(I +


(−1)k (λ− λ0)k

(λ0 − T )−k


= Rλ0(T )

[I +


(λ0 − λ)nRλ0

(T )n

]Notice that the radius of convergence of the power series on the RHS is |λ0 − λ| ≤1

‖Rλ0(T )‖ . This shows that ρ(T ) is open and thatRλ(T ) is an analytic function of

λ (Since it has a power series expansion around each point.)


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Corollary. The resolvent set is an open set. The spectrum σ(A) is hence aclosed set.

Proposition. The spectrum of a bounded linear operator A is always non-empty.

Proof. The resolvent function R(λ) = (λI −A)−1

is a meromorphic functionwith singularities only at σ(A) (You have to come up with a theory of functionsf : C → B(X ) but this is exactly analaogous to the theory of holomorphic func-tions...think of B(X ) as a so called Banach Algebra) .

Suppose by contradiction σ(A) where empty. Then R(λ) would be an entire

function. But ‖R(λ)‖ =∥∥∥(I − λA)

−1∥∥∥ =

∥∥∥ 1λ

(I + A

λ + A2

λ2 + . . .)∥∥∥ ≤ 1





λ−‖A‖ → 0 as λ → ∞. Hence ‖R(λ)‖ is a bounded entire function. But then by

Louivelle's theorem, it must be a constant. Since ‖R(λ)‖ → 0 it must be thatR(λ) ≡ 0 which is a contradiction!

Definition. The spectral radius of an operator is:

r(A) := supλ∈σ(A)


Theorem. limn→∞ ‖An‖1/n = supλ∈σ(A) |λ|Proof. The idea is to prove that the radius of convergence of the Laurent series

for Rλ about λ =∞ is exactly r(T )−1 (Look at the Neumann series). Indeed, theradius of convergence cannot be smaller than r(T )−1 since Rλis analytic on ρ(T )and λ|λ > r(T ) ⊂ ρ(T ). On the other hand, the radius of convergence (about∞) is no more than r(T )−1, for it was it would include a point λ ∈ σ(T ) which isimpossible since we know that Rλ is divergent there.

Corollary. σ(A) is a bounded set.

10.40. Subdividing the Spectrum

One can subdivide the spectrum in a few way...I'm going to do it like this:

(1) The point spectrum (denoted σp(T )) is the set of true eigenvalues forwhich there is a non-zero eigenvector x so that Tx = λx (In this caseker(λI − T ) ⊃ x and λI − T is not injective.

(2) The approximate point spectrum (denoted σap(T )) is the set ofpoints so that ∃xn of norm 1 so that Txn − λxn → 0. In this case itis possible that ker(λI − T ) = ∅ but the ‖λI − T‖ is not bounded frombelow, i.e. for all c we can nd x so that ‖(λI − T )x‖ < c ‖x‖ (See thesection on the approximate point spectrum).

(3) The residual spectrum is the set where λI−T is injective (ker(λI−T ) =(0)) but λI −T does not have dense range. (i.e. λI −T is not surjective).If a point is in σap(A)\σp(A) i.e. it is in the approximate point spectrumbut not an eigenvalue, then it is in the residual spectrum.

10.40.1. The Approximate Point Spectrum.

Proposition. The following are equivalent:a) λ /∈ σap(A)b) ker(A− λI) = (0) and ran(A− λI) is closedc) There is a constant c > 0 such that ‖(A− λI)x‖ ≥ c ‖x‖ for all x

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Proof. a) =⇒ c): Suppose by contradiction. Then plug in c = 1n to get a

sequence xn such that ‖(A− λI)xn‖ ≤ 1n ‖xn‖. Normalizing xn to be norm 1 then

gives the result.c) =⇒ a) Suppose by contradiction λ ∈ σap(A). Then the sequence xn of norm

1 (A− λI)xn → 0 will contradiction the hypothesis c).c) =⇒ b): If by contradiction x ∈ ker(A − λI) then x would contradict

the hypothesis c). If yn ∈ ran(A − λI) and yn → y then nd xn so yn =(A − λI)xn. But then c ‖xn‖ ≤ ‖(A− λI)xn‖ = ‖yn‖. Moreover, c ‖xn − xm‖ ≤‖(A− λI) (xn − xm)‖ = ‖yn − ym‖ so xn is Cauchy since yn is. Hence there is alimit xn → x and so yn = (A− λI)xn → (A− λI)x ∈ ran(A− λI) as desired.

b) =⇒ c): Let Y = ran(A−λI) since this is closed this is a legitimates subspaceof X . The map A−λI : X → Y is a bijection since ker(A−λI) = (0). By the inversemapping theorem, there is an inverse B : Y → X . Have then ‖B(A− λI)x‖ =

‖x‖ =⇒ ‖B‖ ‖(A− λI)x‖ ≥ ‖x‖ so c) holds with c = ‖B‖−1.

Corollary. Negating each statement gives that the following are equivalent:a) λ ∈ σap(A)b) Either ker(A − λ) 6= (0) (i.e. λ is a true eigenvalue) OR ker(A − λ) is not

closedc) For all c > 0, there exists x such that ‖(A− λI)x‖ < c ‖x‖ (i.e. A is not

bounded from below)

Proposition. σ(A) ⊂ σap(A)

Remark. Since σ(A) is a closed set, ∂σ(A) ⊂ σ(A) so the trick is to provethat they are approximate eigenvalues.

Proof. Let λ ∈ σ(A) and let ρn ⊂ C\σ(A) = ρ(A) such that ρn → λ.

Claim: There is a subsequence nk so that∥∥∥Rρnk (A)

∥∥∥ =∥∥(A− ρnk)−1

∥∥ → ∞as n→∞

Pf: Suppose by contradiction that ‖Rρn(A)‖ ≤M is bounded. But then by therst resolvent formula we can deneRλ(T ) byRρn0

(T )[I +

∑∞n=1 (ρn0

− λ)nRρn0

(T )n]

will converge as long as |ρn0 − λ| < 1M . This contradicts that λ is not in the resol-

vent set!Since the sequence ρn was not chosen in any particular way, we now relabel so

that ρn is the subsequence above with∥∥(A− ρnI)−1


Now take xn of norm 1 so that αn =∥∥(A− ρn)−1xn

∥∥ > ∥∥(A− ρn)−1∥∥− n−1.

By the claim, αn →∞. Put yn = α−1n (A− ρn)xn so that ‖yn‖ = 1 and check that

this sequence shows that λ is an approximate eigenvalue.(Another way to do this is see that if we choose ρ so that |ρ− λ| is small and

y so that norm (A − ρ)−1y is large compared to norm y, then we will have forx = (A− ρ)−1y that:

‖(A− λI)x‖ ≤ ‖(A− ρI)x‖+ |λ− ρ| ‖x‖= ‖y‖+ |λ− ρ| ‖x‖

≤ 1


∥∥∥(A− ρ)−1y∥∥∥+ |λ− ρ| ‖x‖


M‖x‖+ |λ− ρ| ‖x‖

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And we can make M arbitarily large and |λ− ρ| arbitarily small by the claim.We then see that λ ∈ σap since A− λI is not bounded from below

Proposition. Points λ ∈ σ(A) which are poles of A correspond to eigenvaluesi.e. λ ∈ σp(A).

10.41. The Spectral Theory of Compact Operator

Recall the following facts about compact operators:

Proposition. In the setting of bounded operators on a hilbert space: A iscompact if and only if there is a sequence of nite rank operators An so that‖An −A‖ → 0.

(The next few results are in the framework of a Hilbert space)

Proposition. For A a compact operator, and λ ∈ σp(T ) and λ 6= 0, theeigenspace ker(T − λI) is ntie dimensional.

Proof. Suppose not. Then there is an innite orthonormal sequence xn inker(T − λI). Since T is compact, there is a subsequence so that Tenk converges.

But this is impossible since∥∥∥Tenk − Tenj ∥∥∥2

= λ2∥∥enk − enj∥∥2

= 2λ2 > 0.

Proposition. Suppose T is compact. If λ 6= 0 and λ ∈ σap(T ) is an approx-imate eigenvalue, then λ ∈ σp(T ) is a true eigenvalue. eigenvalues i.e σap(T ) =σp(T ).

Proof. We will show that if hn are unit vectors so that ‖(T − λI)hn‖ → 0 thenthere exists h so that ‖(T − λI)h‖ = 0. Since T is compact, Thn has a convergentsubsequence, say Thn → g. We claim now that λhn → g indeed, ‖λhn − g‖ =‖(T − λI)hn − (Thn − g)‖ ≤ ‖(T − λI)hn‖ + ‖Thn − g‖ → 0 + 0. Since λ 6= 0 wehave (T − λI)


= limn→∞ (T − λI)hn = 0 so 1λg is an eigenvector for T .

Corollary. If T is a compact operator on H and λ 6= 0 and λ /∈ σp(T ) thenran(T − λ) = X and (T − λI)−1 is a bounded operator on X .

Proof. By the preceding proposition, λ is not an approximate eigenvalue, i.e.λ /∈ σap(T ). Hence T − λI is bounded from below, i.e. there is a constant c suchthat ‖(T − λI)x‖ ≥ c ‖x‖ and ran(T − λI) is closed...... we do some more workto show that actually ran(T − λI) is all of X and the inverse is then bounded by∥∥(T − λI)−1

∥∥ ≤ c−1.

These lead to the following Spectral Theorem for Compact operators:

Theorem. (Riesz) If dimX =∞ and A ∈ B0(X ) is a compact operator, thenonly of the following possibilities occur:

a) σ(A) = 0b) σ(A) = 0, λ1, . . . , λn where each eigenspace is nite dimensional.c) σ(A) = 0, λ1, . . . where each eigenspace is nite dimensional and 0 is the

ONLY limit point of the set λk i.e λk → 0 as k →∞.

Here is another way to state it:\

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Theorem. For a compact operator A:i) Every nonzero λ ∈ σ(A) is an eigenvalue of A.ii) For all nonzero λ ∈ σ(A), there exist m such that ker(λI −A)m = ker(λI −

A)m+1 and this subspace is nite dimensional.iii) The eigenvalues can only accumulate at 0. If the dimension of ran(A) is

not nite, then σ(A) must contain 0.iv) σ(A) is countable.v) Every nonzero λ ∈ σ(A) is a pole of the resolvent function Rλ(A)

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[1] J.B. Comway. A Course in Functional Analysis. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. SpringerNew York, 1994.

[2] P.D. Lax. Functional analysis. Pure and applied mathematics. Wiley, 2002.[3] M. Reed and B. Simon. Methods of modern mathematical physics: Functional analysis. Meth-

ods of Modern Mathematical Physics. Academic Press, 1972.