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  • 8/13/2019 Uncreated


    For all that was seen, it will be evident that the strategic way of life

    could only proceed from a type of extremely austere Culture. Effectively,

    the people of the Pact of Blood never stood out by any cultural value other

    than the ability to war. It is that those peoples, at first, behaved like true

    strangers on Earth: occupied the region on which they lived, maybe for

    centuries, but always thinking about leaving, always preparing for war,

    always suspicious of the reality of the world and demonstrating an essential

    hostility towards strange Gods. It should not be of surprise, thus, that they

    fabricated few utensils and even less sumptuary objects; nonetheless,

    although few, things were perfected enough as to remember they were

    constructors, possessing gifted artisans; to verify it was enough to observe

    the production of weapons, on which they always stood out: those were

    fabricated with continually rising quality and quantity, being proverbial the

    fear and respect caused by them on the people of the Cultural Pact who

    tasted the efficacy of their offensive power.

    The peoples of the Cultural Pact, contrarily to the occupantsof the

    earth, believed in the propertyof the soil, loved the world, and made Cult

    to the propitiatory Gods: their Cultures were always abundant in the

    production of utensils and similar sumptuary and ornamental articles.

    Between them it was accepted that the work on the earth was depreciatingfor men, although it was practiced by necessity: their bigger ability was, in

    turn, in trade, which served for them to disseminate their cultural objects

    and impose the Cult of their Gods. According to their beliefs, man has to

    resign to his luck and try and live as best as possible in this world: such

    was the Will of the Gods, that should not be challenged. And to satisfy this

    Will, the correct was to serve his representatives on Earth, the Priests and

    the Kings of the Cult: the Priests transmitted to the people the Voice of the

    Gods and begged the Gods for the luck of the people; they stopped the armof the Kings too fond of war and interceded for the people when the

    taxation became excessive; they were the authors of the law and frequently

    distributed the justice; what evils should not fall upon the people if the

    Priests were not there to appease the wrath of the Gods? Moreover,

    according to them it was not necessary to seek the Wisdom to progress

    culturally and achieve a high level of civilization: it was enough to seek the

    perfection of the knowledge, for example, it was enough to surpass the

    utilitarian value of an utensil and then to stylize it until converting it in anartistic or sumptuary object. The Wisdom was a feature of the Gods and

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    those were irritated when men invaded their domains: men should not

    know but acquire knowledge and perfect the known, until, on a limit of

    excellence of the thing, the same led to a knowledge of another thing which

    should also be improved, multiplying in this way the quantity and quality

    of the cultural objects, and evolving towards increasingly complex forms of

    Culture and Civilization. Thanks to the Priests, thus, who condemned the

    heresy of Wisdom but approved with enthusiasm the application of the

    knowledge in the production of objects that made mans life more pleasant,

    the civilizations of refined customs and exquisite luxuries contrasted

    notably with the austere way of life of the peoples of the Pact of Blood.

    At first this difference, which was logical, did not cause any effect on

    the peoples of the Pact of Blood, always suspicious of all that coulddebilitate their warlike way of life: a fall would be produced, the Wise

    Warriors prophesized, if it was allowed that the foreign cultures

    contaminated their customs. This certainty allowed them to resist during

    many centuries, while on the world the civilizations of the Cultural Pact

    grew and extended. Notwithstanding, with the flow of the centuries, and for

    numerous and various reasons, the peoples of the Pact of Blood ended up

    succumbing culturally before the peoples of the Cultural Pact. Without

    going into detail, it can be considered that two were the main causes of thisresult. By the part of the peoples of the Pact of Blood, a kind of collective

    fatiguethat unnerved the warrior will: something like the doze that tends to

    fill the sentinels after a long journey of vigilance; this fatigue, this doze,

    this volitional flabbiness, kept making them unarmed facing the Enemy. By

    the part of the peoples of the Cultural Pact, a diabolical Strategy, devised

    and outlined by the Priests, based on the exploitation of the Fatigue of War

    by means of the temptation of illusion: as such, the peoples of the Pact of

    Blood were tempted with the illusions of peace, with the illusion of thetruce, with the illusion of cultural progress, with the illusion of commodity,

    of pleasure, of luxury, of comfort, etc.; possibly the most effective weapon

    has been the temptation of the love of the beautiful priestesses, especially

    trained to awaken the sleeping passions of the Warrior Kings.

    With the temptation of Illusion, the Priests sough to arrange alliances

    of blood between the fighting peoples, to seal the peace treaties, with the

    consummation of marriages between members of the ruling nobility;

    naturally, as it was about pairings between individuals of the best lineage,

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    and of the same Race, frequently the degradation of Pure Blood did not

    occur. What, then, did the Priests seek with those unions? To culturally

    dominate the peoples of the Pact of Blood. They had it pretty clear that the

    Pure Blood, by itself, was not enough to keep the Wisdom if the spiritual

    will to be free in the Origin is lacking, a will that was debilitating itself by

    the Fatigue of War. The Wisdom would make the Spirit free in the Origin

    and more powerful than the Creator God; but in this world, where the Spirit

    is enchained to the animal man, the Cult to the Creator God would end up

    dominating the Wisdom, burying it under the mantle of terror and hate.

    Once submitted culturally, the Priests would have time to degrade the Pure

    Blood of the peoples of the Pact of Blood to fulfill their own Cultural Pact,

    meaning, to destroy the works of the white Atlanteans.

    In my people, Dr. Siegnagel, things happened this way. The Kings,

    tired of fighting and awaiting the return of the Liberating Gods, let

    themselves be tempted by the illusion of a peace that promised them

    multiple advantages: if they allied themselves with the peoples of the

    Cultural Pact they would accede to their advanced Culture, would share

    their refined customs, would enjoy the use of the most diverse cultural

    objects, would have better places to live, etc.; and the alliances would seal

    themselves with convenient marriages, unions that would leave untaintedthe dignity of the Kings and would not oblige them to give up, at first, the

    Wisdom for the Cult. They believe, naively, that they were arranging a sort

    of truce on which they would lose nothing and with which they would have

    much to gain: and this belief, this blindness, this madness, this

    incomprehensible fatigue, this doze, this spell, was the ruin of my people

    and the greatest foul to the Pact of Blood with the white Atlanteans, a Lack

    of Honor. Oh, what madness, to believe that on one hand could be reunited

    the Cult with the Wisdom! The result, the disaster I would say, was that thePriests crossed the walls and installed themselves among the Wise

    Warriors; there they intrigued until imposing their Cults and making them

    forget the Wisdom; and, finally, they plunged avidly to the task of

    retrieving the Stones of Venus, that they sent with alacrity to the White

    Brotherhood by messengers that travelled to faraway regions. Only very

    few Initiates had the Honor and Value of resisting such reprehensive

    deficiency and arranged the means to preserve the Stone of Venus and what

    was remembered of the Wisdom.

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    Among such Initiates, was one of my remote ancestors, who attached

    the Stone of Venus on the guard of an iron sword: that was a weapon of

    towering beauty and notable symbolism; in addition to sustaining the Stone

    of Venus, the cross guard folded upwards into two iron quillons which

    protected the grip and gave the set the form of an inverted trident; the grip,

    by its turn, was made of a bone as white as ivory, but spiraled, and it was

    affirmed with conviction that it belonged to the horn of the Barbel Unicorn,

    a mythical animal that represented the spiritual man; and the pommel,

    made of iron like the blade, possessed also a pair of elevated quillons, that

    formed a second inverted trident. On the Middle Ages, as it will be seen,

    other Initiates engraved on the blade the inscription honor et mortis.

    Very well, this Initiate established the law that that weapon should belong

    only to the Kings of the original lineage, to the descendants of the white

    Atlanteans. In vain were, in this case, the attempts made by generations of

    Priests to get rid of the Wise Sword, named this way by the people: as it

    will be seen, it was conserved while it could, and then, was it was no longer

    possible, it was maintained occult until the days of Lito de Tharsis, the

    ancestor that came to America in 1534.

    I repeat: the madness of reuniting in one sole lineage the Cult and the

    Wisdom caused a disaster upon the peoples of the Pact of Blood: theinterruption of the initiatory chain. Thus it occurred that in a given

    moment, when the Gods of the Cults imposed themselves, the Voice of the

    Pure Blood faded and the Initiates lost the possibility of listening to the

    Liberating Gods: the willto regress to the Origin had debilitated times ago

    and now they lacked orientation. Without the Voice, and without the

    orientation towards the Origin, there was no longer was Wisdom to

    transmit, and the Sign of Origin was not going to be seen in the Stone of

    Venus. The Initiates verified, readily, that something was cut between themand the Liberating Gods. And they understood, too late, that the future of

    the mission and of the Pact of Blood depended like never before on the

    struggle between the Cult and the Wisdom, but on a struggle that since then

    was not going to be worked out on the outside but on the inside, on the

    field of the blood. What did the Initiates do when verifying this irreversible

    reality, the darkness that fell upon the Spirit, to counteract it? Almost all

    proceeded the same way. Accepting the principle that all that exists in this

    world is only a crude imitation of the things of the Real World, and beforethe impossibility of locating the Origin and the Way towards the True

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    World, they opted to employ the last remains of Wisdom to project on the

    lineages of the most Pure Blood a family mission consisting in the

    unconscious comprehension, with the Sign of Origin, of an Archetype.

    The modesty of this objective has to be realized: the Old Initiates, the Wise

    Warriors, were capable of comprehending the serpent, with the Sign of

    Origin; and the serpent is a symbol that contains All of the archetypes

    created by the God of the Universe, a Symbol that was comprehended

    consciously with the uncreatedSign of Origin. Now the Initiates proposed,

    and there were no other options left, that a family worked blindly upon

    one created Archetype, endeavoring to make sure that the Symbol of

    Origin present in the blood understood it casually some day and revealed

    the Truth of the Uncreated Form.

    Summing up, Dr. Siegnagel, to some Lineages, through whose veins

    runs the Divine blood of the white Atlanteans, a familiar mission was

    assigned, an objective to be fulfilled with the passing of countless

    generations that would go on repeating perpetually a same drama,

    revolving around the same Archetype. Like the Alchemist stirs the lead, the

    members of the chosen family would tirelessly repeat the quests established

    by the ancestors, until one of them someday, turning a circle revolved a

    thousand times in other heavens, could fulfill the family mission, thuspurifying his astral blood. A transmutation therefore would be produced

    that would allow the reversing of the involution of the Kaly Yuga or Dark

    Age, regress to the Origin and once more acquire the Wisdom.

    It is obvious to point out that the family mission would be secret and

    nowadays it is unknown to the members of the Lineages descending from

    the white Atlanteans. The mission demanded the fulfillment of a specific

    plan whose contents did not necessarily relate to the goals and objectives of

    the cultural community to which the chosen Lineage belonged;

    incidentally, according to the Epoch, the plan may have resulted

    incomprehensible or simply shock against the cultural canons of the time.

    But none of this would matter because the mission was molded on the

    family blood, in the tree of the Lineage, and the descending branches

    would inevitably tend towards the plan, in an unconscious and superhuman

    effort to rise above the spiritual fall. Indeed, the specific plan described the

    Archetype which was to be comprehended in the blood, with the Symbol of

    Origin, to transcend it and arrive at the Uncreated Form. To some families,

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    for example, the perfection of a stone was entrusted, of a vegetable, of an

    animal, of a symbol, of a color, of a sound, of a particular organic

    function or an instinct, etc. The perfection of the given thing required

    penetration into its innermost essence until the touching of the

    metaphysical boundaries, meaning, until adjusting to the perfect form of

    the created Archetype: therefore, given that the created Archetype is only a

    mere copy of the Uncreated Form, it would be possible to orientateagain

    towards the Origin if the Archetype was comprehended with the Symbol of

    Origin found on the Pure Blood; and there was the Wisdom.

    The family mission did not end, thus, in the simple transcendent

    apprehension of the created Archetype, its spiritual re-creation was

    required instead. Starting from a quality existing on the world, the qualitywould be revolved upon itself one and another time, tirelessly, during eons,

    until the innermost essence was penetrated and its archetypal perfection

    was concretized: then, the quality would be re-created in the Spirit and

    comprehended with the Symbol of Origin. Only thusly the condition of

    Existence would be given to the Spirit, only thusly would the Spirit be

    something existing beyond the created: not by perceiving the illusion of the

    created but by recreating the perceived in the Spirit and comprehending it

    with the Uncreated. Upon fulfilling the family mission this way, the astralblood, not the hemoglobin, would be purified and enable a transmutation

    that is proper of Hyperborean Initiates or Wise Warriors, that transforms

    man in an immortal superman.

    On the course of this non-evolutionary way, the summoned ones, the

    ones called to fulfill the family mission, would be capable of magically

    creating several things. The Initiated in the Mystery of the Pure Blood

    obtain, for example, a magic wine, soma, haoma or amrita; after a

    millennial distillation of the given liquor, it is incorporated to the blood,

    recreated, like a transmuting nectar. The manipulation of sound enables

    one to reach a superior harmony, a music of the spheres; the Spirit,

    vibrating on a single note, om, recreates the ineffable essence of the logos,

    the Creating Verb. And both that nectar and this sound, or other similar

    archetypal forms, can be recreated in the Spirit and comprehended by the

    Symbol of Origin, comprehended by the Uncreated, opening thus the doors

    to the Origin and to Wisdom.

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    Your family, Dr. Siegnagel, was destined to produce an archetypal

    honey, the exquisite juice of the sweet. Since from remote times, your

    ancestors have worked all forms of sugar, from cultivation to refining; from

    the grossest molasses to the most excellent of honeys. One day the

    empirical handling was exhausted and a metaphysical sugar, meaning an

    Archetype, was incorporated to the astral blood of the family, giving start

    to a slow process of interior refinement that culminates on You. Today the

    metaphysical sugar has been adjusted to the archetypal perfection and the

    effort of thousands of ancestors has solidified in yourself: the sweetness

    sought is in your Heart. From you the last step of the transmutation is

    required, to recreatethis archetypal sugar in the Spirit, and comprehend it

    with the Symbol of Origin. But it is not I who should speak to you of this,

    because your ancestors will make themselves present one day, all of them

    together, and reclaim the fulfillment of the mission.