uncertainty and confidence intervals statistical estimation methods, finse friday 10.9.2010,...

Uncertainty and Uncertainty and confidence intervals confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén

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Page 1: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén

Uncertainty andUncertainty andconfidence intervalsconfidence intervals

Statistical estimation methods, Finse

Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05

Andreas Lindén

Page 2: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén

OutlineOutline• Point estimates and uncertainty• Sampling distribution

– Standard error– Covariation between parameters

• Finding the VC-matrix for the parameter estimates– Analytical formulas– From the Hessian matrix– Bootstrapping

• The idea behind confidence intervals• General methods for constructing confidence intervals of parameters

– CI based on the central limit theorem– Profile likelihood CI– CI by bootstrapping

Page 3: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Point estimates and uncertaintyPoint estimates and uncertainty• The main output in any statistical model fitting are the

parameter estimates– Point estimates — one value for each parameter– The effect sizes– Answers the question “how much”

• Point estimates are of little use without any assessment of uncertainty– Standard error– Confidence intervals– p-values– Estimated sampling distribution– Bayesian credible intervals– Plotting Bayesian posterior distribution

Page 4: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Sampling distributionSampling distribution• The probability distribution of a parameter estimate

– Calculated from a sample– Variability due to sampling effects

• Typically depends on sample size or the number of degrees of freedom (df)

• Examples of common sampling distributions– Student’s t-distribution– F-distribution– χ²-distribution

Page 5: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Degrees of freedomDegrees of freedom



In a linear regression df = n – 2

Page 6: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Properties of the sampling distributionProperties of the sampling distribution

• The standard error (SE) of a parameter, is the estimated standard deviation of the sampling distribution– Square root of parameter variance

• Parameters are not necessarily unrelated– The sampling distribution of several parameters is multivariate– Example: regression slope and intercept

Page 7: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Linear regression – simulated dataLinear regression – simulated dataParam. a b σ²

True value 4.00 1.00 0.80

Estim. 1 4.29 0.96 0.70

Estim. 2 4.13 0.97 0.36

Estim. 3 3.86 0.98 0.83

Estim. 4 3.77 1.04 0.75

Estim. 5 3.63 1.06 0.63

Estim. 6 4.39 0.93 0.72

Estim. 7 3.80 0.98 0.91

Estim. 8 3.78 1.06 0.92

Estim. 9 3.74 1.07 0.69

Estim. 10 4.62 0.84 0.50

… … … …

Estim 100 3.54 1.06 0.71

Page 8: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Properties of the sampling distributionProperties of the sampling distribution

• The standard error (SE) of a parameter, is the estimated standard deviation of the sampling distribution– Square root of parameter variance

• Parameters are not necessarily unrelated– The sampling distribution of several parameters is multivariate– Example: regression slope and intercept

0.1531 -0.0273 0.0031

COV = -0.0273 0.0059 0.0002

0.0031 0.0002 0.0335

1.0000 -0.9085 0.0432

CORR = -0.9085 1.0000 0.0159

0.0432 0.0159 1.0000

Page 9: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Properties of the sampling distributionProperties of the sampling distribution

• The standard error (SE) of a parameter, is the estimated standard deviation of the sampling distribution– Square root of parameter variance

• Parameters are not necessarily unrelated– The sampling distribution of several parameters is multivariate– Example: regression slope and intercept

• Methods to obtain the VC-matrix (or standard errors) for a set of parameters– Analytical formulas– Bootstrap– The inverse of the Hessian matrix

Page 10: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Parameter variances analyticallyParameter variances analytically• For many common situations the SE and VC-matrix of a set of parameters

can be calculated with analytical formulas• Standard error of the sample mean

• Standard error of the estimated binomial probability

Page 11: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


BootstrapBootstrap• The bootstrap is a general and common resampling method• Used to simulate the sampling distribution• Information in the sample itself is used to mimic the original

sampling procedure– Non-parametric bootstrap — sampling with replacement – Parametric bootstrap — simulation based on parameter estimates

• The procedure is repeated B times (e.g. B = 1000)• To make inference from the bootstrapped estimates

– Sample standard deviation = bootstrap estimate of SE– Sample VC-matrix = bootstrap estimate of VC-matrix– Mean = difference between bootstrap mean and original estimate is

an estimate of bias

Page 12: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


VC-matrix from the HessianVC-matrix from the Hessian• The Hessian matrix (H)

– 2nd derivative of the (multivariate) negative log-likelihood at the ML-estimate

– Typically given as an output by software for numerical optimization

• The inverse of the Hessian is an estimate of the parameters’ variance-covariance matrix

Page 13: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


Confidence interval (CI)Confidence interval (CI)• An frequentistic interval estimate of one or several

parameters• A fraction α of all correctly produced CI:s will fail to include

the true parameter value– Trust your 95% CI and take the risk α = 0.05

• NB! Should not be confused with Bayesian credible intervals– CI:s should not be thought to contain the parameter with 95%

probability– The CI is based on the sampling distribution, not on an estimated

probability distribution for the parameter of interest

Page 14: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











Page 15: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


CI based on central limit theoremCI based on central limit theorem

• The sum/mean of many random values are approximately normally distributed– Actually t-distributed with df depending on

sample size and model complexity– Might matter with small sample size

• As a rule of thumb, an arbitrary parameter estimate ± 2*SE produce an approximate 95% confidence interval– With infinitely many observations ± 1.96*SE

Page 16: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


CI from profile likelihoodCI from profile likelihood• The profile deviance

– The change in −2*log-likelihood, in comparison to the ML-estimate

– Asymptotically χ²-distributed (assuming infinite sample size)

• Confidence intervals can be obtained as the range around the ML-estimate, for which the profile deviance is under a critical level– The 1 – α quantile from χ²-distribution– One-parameter -> df = 1 (e.g. 3.841 for α = 0.05)– k-dimensional profile deviance -> df = k

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95% CI from profile deviance95% CI from profile deviance


Parameter value

Fmin + 3.841


Page 18: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


2-D confidence regions2-D confidence regions

Parameter a

Parameter b

99% confidence region, deviance χ²df2 = 9.201

95% confidence region, deviance χ²df2 = 5.992

Page 19: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén


CI by bootstrappingCI by bootstrapping

• A 100*(1 – α)% CI for a parameter can be calculated from the sampling distribution– The α / 2 and 1 – α /2 quantiles (e.g. 0.025 and

0.975 with α = 0.05)

• In bootstrapping, simply use the sample quantiles of simulated values

Page 20: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén

ExercisesExercises• Data: The prevalence of an infectious disease in a human

population is investigated. The infection is recorded with 100% detection efficiency. In a sample of N = 80 humans X = 18 infections were found.

• Model: Assume that infection (x = 0 or 1) of a host individual is an independent Bernoulli trial with probability pi, such that the probability of infection is constant over all hosts.

• (This equals a logistic regression with an intercept only. Host specific explanatory variables, such as age, condition, etc. could be used to improve the model of pi closer.)

Page 21: Uncertainty and confidence intervals Statistical estimation methods, Finse Friday 10.9.2010, 12.45–14.05 Andreas Lindén

Do the following in R:Do the following in R:a) Calculate and plot the profile (log) likelihood of infection probability p

b) What is the maximum likelihood estimate of p (called p̂� )?

c) Construct 95% and 99% confidence intervals for p̂� based on the profile likelihood

d) Calculate the analytic SE for p̂�

e) Construct symmetric 95% confidence interval for p̂� based on the central limit theorem and the SE obtained in previous exercise

f) Simulate and plot the sampling distribution of p̂� by parametric bootstrapping (B = 10000)

g) Calculate the bootstrap SE of p̂�

h) Construct 95% confidence interval for p̂� based on the bootstrap