unaware music video script

UNAWARE MUSIC VIDEO SCRIPT “Soft are your hands on the weight of the world” Artist alone, centre of shot. Standing/singing. Hands in front of face. Art gallery setting Extreme close up of artist “Making your mark with a delicate touch, Pulling me in. Pulling me in.” Artist looks directly into camera Artist in art gallery Long shot of artist. “Pulling me in with a natural charm” Artist centre of the shot standing/singing. Artist looks directly into camera. Artist centre of art gallery Scene begins with long shot. Camera begins to slowly zoom in on artist “It’s not air that you’re breathing it’s the truth you inhale” Artist begins to walk over to picture frame. Art gallery setting Tracking shot following artist to picture “Stretching out, testing reaching like that, like that endless open rail” Artist looking directly into picture frame. Film of girl getting bad grades from teacher. Girl rips up papers and throws them. Art Gallery Over the shoulder shot of artist looking into picture frame. “It’s not air that you’re breathing it’s the truth you inhale” SETTING CAMERA ANGLE

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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Unaware Music Video Script


“Soft are your hands on the weight of the world”Artist alone, centre of shot. Standing/singing.Hands in front of face. Art gallery settingExtreme close up of artist

“Making your mark with a delicate touch, Pulling me in. Pulling me in.”Artist looks directly into cameraArtist in art gallery Long shot of artist. “Pulling me in with a natural charm” Artist centre of the shot standing/singing. Artist looks directly into camera.Artist centre of art galleryScene begins with long shot.Camera begins to slowly zoom in on artist

“It’s not air that you’re breathing it’s the truth you inhale”Artist begins to walk over to picture frame. Art gallery settingTracking shot following artist to picture

“Stretching out, testing reaching like that, like that endless open rail”Artist looking directly into picture frame. Film of girl getting bad grades from teacher. Girl rips up papers and throws them. Art GalleryOver the shoulder shot of artist looking into picture frame.

“It’s not air that you’re breathing it’s the truth you inhale”Artist begins to turn away from picture frame. Film still playing in frame. Artist looks into camera – singing.Art GalleryClose up of artist turning from picture and looking straight into camera singing. “You broke”Artist singing looking up at art/wall walking along roadBrick lane – somewhere with graffiti or artExtreme close up of artist/tracking shot of her walking along street/wall.

“You broke all there was to be broken”Artist singing looking at art wall. Artist walks along street looking directly into camera. Brick lane – somewhere with graffiti or artLong shot of artist walking.



Page 2: Unaware Music Video Script

“You’ve fallen down but ill be here watching over all you are”Location shotBattersea Park Panning shot of Battersea park bridge

“Mind is so clouded and covered in smoke”Artist singingParkExtreme close up, side angle.

“What isn’t mine is starting to chokeYou’re just a flag you’ll be flying too close” London Bus drives by.Any place with bus stopLong shot of bus

“Keep holding on but you’re wanting to be wild.And it’s true what they say, When you’re young and unaware”London bus advert playing video of girl having argument with parentsAnywhere with London busClose up of bus advert

“You broke, You broke all there was to be broken”Girl walking past advert/billboard – video of girl fighting with boyfriend playing as she walks pastLong shot of advert/billboard

“You’ve fallen down but I’ll be here watching over all you are”Artist singing looking at sunset.Park 1) Close up of artist 2) Location shot of sunset